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Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
March 2025

Bibliography — Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) — 2002

Hamamelitannin from Hamamelis virginiana inhibits the tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF)-induced endothelial cell death in vitro.
Volatile isoprenoid constituents of fruits, vegetables and herbs cumulatively suppress the proliferation of murine B16 melanoma and human HL-60 leukemia cells.
Flavanols and procyanidins of cocoa and chocolate inhibit growth and polyamine biosynthesis of human colonic cancer cells.
Biological effect of Opuntia ficus indica (L.) Mill. (Cactaceae) waste matter. Note I: diuretic activity.
Evaluation of hepatoprotective potential of jigrine post-treatment against thioacetamide induced hepatic damage.
Yucatec Mayan medicinal plants: evaluation based on indigenous uses.
Anti-diarrhoeal evaluation of some medicinal plants used by Zulu traditional healers.
The evaluation of forty-three plant species for in vitro antimycobacterial activities; isolation of active constituents from Psoralea corylifolia and Sanguinaria canadensis.
Flavonoids from Emblica officinalis and Mangifera indica-effectiveness for dyslipidemia.
Evaluation of anti-hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic effect of Trigonella foenum-graecum Linn, Ocimum sanctum Linn and Pterocarpus marsupium Linn in normal and alloxanized diabetic rats.
The pharmacological screening of Pentanisia prunelloides and the isolation of the antibacterial compound palmitic acid.
Some herbal remedies from Manzini region of Swaziland.
Prebiotic treatment of experimental colitis with germinated barley foodstuff: a comparison with probiotic or antibiotic treatment.
Association between use of complementary/alternative medicine and health-related behaviors among health fair participants.
Obovatols, new chitin synthase 2 inhibitors of Saccharomyces cerevisiae from Magnolia obovata.
Phytotherapy in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Morphological and biological predictors for treatment outcome of transurethral microwave thermotherapy.
Urinary tract infection in individuals with spinal cord lesion.
Acupuncture for the treatment of cocaine addiction: a randomized controlled trial.
Suggested guidelines for articles about botanical dietary supplements.
Caring for children of other faiths.
Reevaluating the efficacy of naturopathic ear drops.
The effect of Ipomoea batatas (Caiapo) on glucose metabolism and serum cholesterol in patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomized study.
The risk-benefit profile of commonly used herbal therapies: Ginkgo, St. John's Wort, Ginseng, Echinacea, Saw Palmetto, and Kava.
Phytoestrogens and menopause. Published evidence supports a role for phytoestrogens in menopause.
Does acupuncture have additional value to standard poststroke motor rehabilitation?
The influence of perceived well-being and reported symptoms on health care utilization: a population-based study.
Should systematic reviews include non-randomized and uncontrolled studies? The case of acupuncture for chronic headache.
Statistical comments on a re-analysis of a previous meta-analysis of homeopathic RCTs.
(-)Epigallocatechin-3-gallate inhibits leukocyte elastase: potential of the phyto-factor in hindering inflammation, emphysema, and invasion.
Studies on the constituents of a Brazilian folk infusion. Isolation and structure elucidation of new triterpene saponins from Ilex amara leaves.
Magnolol attenuates VCAM-1 expression in vitro in TNF-alpha-treated human aortic endothelial cells and in vivo in the aorta of cholesterol-fed rabbits.
The future of medicine.
'Biopiracy' issue stops research.
Biochemical study on the effects of some Egyptian herbs in alloxan-induced diabetic rats.
Cancer chemopreventive and tumoricidal properties of saffron (Crocus sativus L.).
Catechins and their oligomers linked by C4 --> C8 bonds are major cacao polyphenols and protect low-density lipoprotein from oxidation in vitro.
Integrating complementary therapy into care.
Assessing cognitive function in clinical trials: latest developments and future directions.
Liver protein synthesis in physiology and in disease states.
Complementary and alternative medicine for pain management in rheumatic disease.
A single-blind trial of reflexology for irritable bowel syndrome.
Mechanisms of tolerance induced by PG490-88 in a bone marrow transplantation model.
Should my clients include plant stanol/sterol esters into their diets to help lower cholesterol?
Complementary and alternative medicine. The importance of doctor-patient communication.
Energy medicine for the internist.
Dietary supplements.
Herbal medicine.
Traditional Chinese medicine.
Manual and manipulation techniques for rheumatic disease.
Surgery, coagulation, and complementary medicine.
Reimbursement of complementary and alternative medicine in the context of the future of healthcare.
Integration and reimbursement of complementary and alternative medicine by managed care and insurance providers: 2000 update and cohort analysis.
Alternative treatments for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: does evidence support their use?
Effects of homeopathic intervention on medication consumption in atopic and allergic disorders.
Effect of electroacupuncture on the stress-induced changes in brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in rat hippocampus.
Phytoestrogens and menopause. Pharmacological attributes of plant based drugs should be discussed widely.
Randomised controlled trial of butterbur and cetirizine for treating seasonal allergic rhinitis.
Safety of acupuncture. Studies of safety must look at communication and organisational issues.
Decreased plasma levels of amitriptyline and its metabolites on comedication with an extract from St. John's wort ( Hypericum perforatum ).
Legal issues in complementary and integrative medicine. A guide for the clinician.
Spinal manipulation: its safety is uncertain.
CMPA warns doctors of risks associated with prescribing marijuana.
Inhibitory effect of a Korean traditional medicine, Honghwain-Jahage (water extracts of Carthamus tinctorius L. seed and Hominis placenta) on interleukin-1-mediated bone resorption.
Further evaluation of Rwandan medicinal plant extracts for their antimicrobial and antiviral activities.
In vitro antimicrobial activity of extracts and isolated constituents of Rubus ulmifolius.
Ethnobotanical and antimicrobial investigation on some species of Terminalia and Combretum (Combretaceae) growing in Tanzania.
Antinociceptive effect of the aqueous extract of Balbisia calycina.
Antioxidant and photoprotective activity of a crude extract of Culcitium reflexum H.B.K. leaves and their major flavonoids.
Antinociceptive and anti-rheumatoidal effects of Kalopanax pictus extract and its saponin components in experimental animals.
Antiviral Chinese medicinal herbs against respiratory syncytial virus.
Correlation between chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oils of some aromatic medicinal plants growing in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Berberis crataegina DC. root exhibits potent anti-inflammatory, analgesic and febrifuge effects in mice and rats.
Wound healing effects of Heliotropium indicum, Plumbago zeylanicum and Acalypha indica in rats.
Anti-inflammatory and cicatrizing activity of Echinacea pallida Nutt. root extract.
Indigenous knowledge system for treatment of trypanosomiasis in Kaduna state of Nigeria.
Response to reader comments re: Castiglia P. (2001). Shaken baby syndrome. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 15, 78-80.
Integrative medicine and systemic outcomes research: issues in the emergence of a new model for primary health care.
Influence of the severity of cognitive impairment on the effect of the Gnkgo biloba extract EGb 761 in Alzheimer's disease.
Biodiversity and new drugs.
Patients using chiropractors in North America: who are they, and why are they in chiropractic care?
A review of plant species used to treat conjunctivitis.
Effect of kava and valerian on human physiological and psychological responses to mental stress assessed under laboratory conditions.
Promising hypotensive effect of hawthorn extract: a randomized double-blind pilot study of mild, essential hypertension.
Triterpenes from Agarista mexicana as potential antidiabetic agents.
Inhibition of P. falciparum by steroids isolated from Solanum nudum.
The antiulcer activity of Garcinia cambogia extract against indomethacin-induced gastric ulcer in rats.
Effect of the antiulcer polysaccharide fraction from Bupleurum falcatum L. on the healing of gastric ulcer induced by acetic acid in rats.
Bilateral pneumothorax after acupuncture.
The herbal medicine Shosaiko-to exerts different modulating effects on lung local immune responses among mouse strains.
Evaluation of the anxiolytic-like effects of Cecropia glazioui Sneth in mice.
Behavioural pharmacology of polygalasaponins indicates potential antipsychotic efficacy.
Effects of acute and chronic treatment with Hypericum perforatum L. (LI 160) on different anxiety-related responses in rats.
Adverse reactions associated with echinacea: the Australian experience.
Adverse reactions to complementary and alternative medicine: ragweed's cousin, the coneflower (echinacea), is "a problem more than a sneeze".
A systematic review of nonpharmacological and nonsurgical therapies for gastroesophageal reflux in infants.
Antipyretic effects of acupuncture on the lipopolysaccharide-induced fever and expression of interleukin-6 and interleukin-1 beta mRNAs in the hypothalamus of rats.
Validity of reported energy expenditure and energy and protein intakes in Swedish adolescent vegans and omnivores.
The prevalence and pattern of complementary and alternative medicine use in individuals with diabetes.
Teaching Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (EBCAM); Changing behaviours in the face of reticence: A cross-over trial.
US military veterans' perceptions of the conventional medical care system and their use of complementary and alternative medicine.
Electroacupuncture prophylaxis of postoperative nausea and vomiting following pediatric tonsillectomy with or without adenoidectomy.
Transcutaneous electrical stimulation of an auricular acupuncture point decreases anesthetic requirement.
St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum)--is it safe during breastfeeding?
Health-seeking behavior of Karachi women with reproductive tract infections.
Hepatoprotective activity of Achyrocline satureioides(Lam) D. C.
Safety of acupuncture. Incident reporting and feedback may reduce risks.
Insurance coverage, medical conditions, and visits to alternative medicine providers: results of a national survey.
Suicide attempt after use of herbal diet pill.
Plasma homocysteine levels in Taiwanese vegetarians are higher than those of omnivores.
Vegetarian diet alternated with conventional low-protein diet for patients with chronic renal failure.
Use of indigenous and indigenised medicines to enhance personal well-being: a South African case study.
"Tooth worms", poverty tattoos and dental care conflicts in Northeast Brazil.
Cancer chemopreventive effects of constituents of Caesalpinia ferrea and related compounds.
Marijuana: a decade and a half later, still a crude drug with underappreciated toxicity.
"Dosis solum facit venenum" also for herbal products
Acute hepatitis after use of a herbal preparation with greater celandine (Chelidonium majus)
Chiropractic: a profession at the crossroads of mainstream and alternative medicine.
Sahaja yoga in the management of moderate to severe asthma: a randomised controlled trial.
Relaxation therapies for asthma: a systematic review.
Planting the seeds of innovation.
Alternative medicine networks: build or buy?
Partitioning of polychlorinated biphenyls and hexachlorobenzene into human faeces.
Biopiracy: distrust widens the rich-poor divide.
The role of pharmacognosy in modern medicine.
Long-term outcome after treatment of temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis with exercise and manual therapy.
An analysis of 10218 ulcerative colitis cases in China.
Acupuncture enhances cell proliferation in dentate gyrus of maternally-separated rats.
Rates of unconventional medical therapy use in patients with prostate cancer: standard history versus directed questions.
Mentor-driven cardiovascular risk-reduction program makes a strong case for prevention.
More on terrorism.
Evaluation of the use of complementary and alternative medicine in the largest United States-Mexico border city.
Usage of supplemental alternative medicine by community-based patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Are there legal issues of concern for nurses when patients use complimentary and alternative medicine?
Methyl psilalate: a new antimicrobial metabolite from Psila boliviensis.
Aromatherapy for health professionals.
Exploration of "alternative" and "natural" drugs in dermatology.
Herbal therapy in dermatology.
Opening the doors of perception: complementary approaches to dermatologic disease.
Acupuncture to treat nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial.
Survey of folk beliefs about induction of labor.
Use of alternatives to estrogen for treatment of menopause.
Changed skin blood perfusion in the fingertip following acupuncture needle introduction as evaluated by laser Doppler perfusion imaging.
Bilateral pneumothorax in a young woman after acupuncture
Nurse practitioners and traditional healers: an alliance of mutual respect in the art and science of health practices.
The sharp end of medical practice: the use of acupuncture in obstetrics and gynaecology.
Garlic supplements can impede HIV medication.
Unique immunomodulation by electro-acupuncture in humans possibly via stimulation of the autonomic nervous system.
Effects of electroacupuncture on the mechanical allodynia in the rat model of neuropathic pain.
Ethnobotanical literature survey of medicinal plants in the Dominican Republic used for women's health conditions.
Evaluation of the efficacy of the crude extract of Aloe secundiflora in chickens experimentally infected with Newcastle disease virus.
Hepatoprotective activity of two plants belonging to the Apiaceae and the Euphorbiaceae family.
Efficacy of crude extract of Aloe secundiflora against Salmonella gallinarum in experimentally infected free-range chickens in Tanzania.
Protective effects of Polygalae root in experimental TNBS-induced colitis in mice.
Vasodilator activity of crude methanolic extract of Gentiana kokiana Perr. et Song. (Gentianaceae).
Principles of root bark of Hippocratea excelsa (Hippocrataceae) with gastroprotective activity.
Complementary and alternative medicine: what is it all about?
Consumption of soy and phytoestrogens--is there a place for dietary guidelines?
Soy and phytoestrogens consumption and health policy hesitation or certitude
Medical marijuana. Advocates file suit to seek new vote in District of Columbia.
History of pain and pain treatment
CAM providers' messages to conventional medicine: a qualitative study.
Credentialing of practitioners of botanical medicine.
Commentary: alternative medicine: is it a reflection of the continued emergence of the biopsychosocial paradigm?
Academic physicians and complementary and alternative medicine: an institutional survey.
Testicular toxicity of rinbacin in rats.
Studies on cancer chemoprevention by traditional folk medicines XXIV. Inhibitory effect of a coumarin derivative, 7-isopentenyloxycoumarin, against tumor-promotion.
Antipruritic effect of Cnidii Monnieri Fructus (fruits of Cnidium monnieri CUSSON).
Regulatory effects of deoxycholic acid, a component of the anti-inflammatory traditional Chinese medicine Niuhuang, on human leukocyte response to chemoattractants.
A succulent cure to end obesity.
Efficacy of turmeric on blood sugar and polyol pathway in diabetic albino rats.
Use of complementary and alternative medicine among women with gynecologic cancers.
The role of complementary and alternative therapies in women's mental health.
Liquid chromatographic/mass spectrometric determination of biologically active alkaloids in extracts of Peschiera fuschiaefolia.
AIDS herbal therapy.
Antiviral activity of seven iridoids, three saikosaponins and one phenylpropanoid glycoside extracted from Bupleurum rigidum and Scrophularia scorodonia.
Composition and antifungal activity of the essential oil of Solidago chilensis.
New lycopodium alkaloids from Huperzia serrata.
Complementary and alternative medicine: how safe is it?
Antioxidant activity of anti-inflammatory plant extracts.
Comparison of the total antioxidant content of 30 widely used medicinal plants of New Mexico.
Antioxidant effects of herbal therapies used by patients with inflammatory bowel disease: an in vitro study.
Dried plums improve indices of bone formation in postmenopausal women.
Delay in obtaining conventional healthcare by female internal medicine patients who use herbal therapies.
Meridians in acupuncture and infrared imaging.
Ageratum conyzoides L. (Asteraceae).
Antitrypanosomal effect of the aqueous extract of Brassica oleracea.
A new pyrrole alkaloid from seeds of Castanea sativa.
Diuretic, laxative and toxicity studies of Cocculus hirsutus aerial parts.
Organogenesis and terpenoid synthesis in Mentha arvensis.
Constituents of Gnetum montanum.
Antidiarrhoeal activity of Strychnos potatorum seed extract in rats.
Inhibitory action of kaurenoic acid from Viguiera robusta (Asteraceae) on phenylephrine-induced rat carotid contraction.
Lotusine G: a new cyclopeptide alkaloid from Zizyphus lotus.
Medicinal plants popularly used in the Brazilian Tropical Atlantic Forest.
Antimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity of Aerva lanata.
A novel acylated flavonol glycoside from Morina nepalensis var. alba.
A new eudesmane derivative from Onopordon ambiguum.
Cacao in traditional Central American medicine
Complementary medicine use in children and young adults with inflammatory bowel disease.
Studies on single-cell adhesion probability between lymphocytes and endothelial cells with micropipette technique.
Herbal medicine use in parturients.
Proteins from Mucuna pruriens and enzymes from Echis carinatus venom: characterization and cross-reactions.
Laser acupuncture in children and adolescents with exercise induced asthma.
Intracranial dural arteriovenous fistulas: analysis of 60 patients.
Modulating effects of oatmeal extracts in the sodium lauryl sulfate skin irritancy model.
Anti-inflammatory efficacy of topical preparations with 10% hamamelis distillate in a UV erythema test.
The doctor's garden.
Medical acupuncture in the twenty-first century.
Homeopathy: the other medicine.
An alternative view of complementary and alternative medicine.
Categories of complementary and alternative medicine.
More provinces protecting MDs who practise alternative medicine.
Health care services for lesbian and bisexual women: some Canadian data.
An evaluation of Superthumb and the Kneeshaw device as manual therapy tools.
Pygeum africanum for benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Interventions for preventing and treating pelvic and back pain in pregnancy.
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and acupuncture for primary dysmenorrhoea.
Horse chestnut seed extract for chronic venous insufficiency.
Acupuncture for lateral elbow pain.
Alternative treatments in reproductive medicine: much ado about nothing. "The fact that millions of people do not master arithmetic does not prove that two times two is anything else than four": W.F. Hermans.
Lectin-related use of mistletoe: an experimental form of treatment with preclinically demonstrated potential risks
Use of herbal medicines in ambulatory surgical patients.
Randomised controlled trials for homoeopathy.
Use of ultramolecular potencies of allergen to treat asthmatic people allergic to house dust mite: double blind randomised controlled clinical trial.
Acupuncture: theory, efficacy, and practice.
Effects of a water-soluble extract of maitake mushroom on circulating glucose/insulin concentrations in KK mice.
Herbs, menopause, and dialysis.
Prevalence of the use of complementary and alternative medicine for glaucoma.
The role of complementary and alternative medicine in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Estrogenic activity of herbs commonly used as remedies for menopausal symptoms.
Complementary practitioners' views of treatment for inflammatory bowel disease.
Comments on "Line patterns in the mosaic electric properties of human skin--a cross-correlation study".
Mechanism of action of Tripterygium Wilfordii polyglycoside on experimental endometriosis.
Herbal remedy-associated acute renal failure secondary to Cape aloes.
Complementary and alternative medicine use among health plan members. A cross-sectional survey.
Determination of arsenic in homeopathic drugs by bromide volatilization-inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry.
Simultaneous determination of furanocoumarins in infusions and decoctions from "Carapiá" (dorstenia species) by high-performance liquid chromatography.
Toxic heavy metals and undeclared drugs in Asian herbal medicines.
Magic and natural products features in Lapp traditional medicine
What kind of evidence is it that Evidence-Based Medicine advocates want health care providers and consumers to pay attention to?
Antiatherosclerotic effects of licorice extract supplementation on hypercholesterolemic patients: increased resistance of LDL to atherogenic modifications, reduced plasma lipid levels, and decreased systolic blood pressure.
The main trends in a complex program of rehabilitation of children with oncological diseases
Phytopharmaceuticals in general practice. Proven aids of the practitioner
Drug interactions caused by phytopharmaceuticals. Don't underestimate herbs!
Leaf extracts of Carlowrightia cordifolia induce macrophage nitric oxide production.
Conceptual models for implementing biopsychosocial theory in clinical practice.
A survey to examine attitudes and patterns of practice of physiotherapists who perform cervical spine manipulation.
The response of posteroanterior lumbar stiffness to repeated loading.
Scapular position: the validity of skin surface palpation.
Effectiveness of manipulative physiotherapy for the treatment of a neurogenic cervicobrachial pain syndrome: a single case study -- experimental design.
Manual examination of accessory movements--seeking R1.
Mulligan's mobilization with movement for the thumb: a single case report using magnetic resonance imaging to evaluate the positional fault hypothesis.
Bibliography. Cartilage, Articular.
Efficacy of the transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for the treatment of chronic low back pain: a meta-analysis.
Quality of life and cost of care of back pain patients in Finnish general practice.
An interdisciplinary therapeutic approach for dealing with patients attributing chronic fatigue and functional memory disorders to environmental poisoning--a pilot study.
Herbal product use among anticoagulation clinic patients.
Effect of butanol fraction of Panax ginseng head on gastric lesion and ulcer.
Effects of Opuntia ficus-indica var. Saboten stem on gastric damages in rats.
Epidermis proliferative effect of the Panax ginseng ginsenoside Rb2.
A combination of systematic review and clinicians' beliefs in interventions for subacromial pain.
Fatty acid composition and egg components of specialty eggs.
Postoperative nausea and vomiting--can it be eliminated?
Absolute stereostructure of potent alpha-glucosidase inhibitor, Salacinol, with unique thiosugar sulfonium sulfate inner salt structure from Salacia reticulata.
Acupuncture in chronic epicondylitis: a randomized controlled trial.
Effect of neck pain on verticality perception: a cohort study.
Hawthorn: pharmacology and therapeutic uses.
A healthy diet rich in carotenoids is effective in maintaining normal blood carotenoid levels during the daily use of plant sterol-enriched spreads.
St John's Wort supplements endanger the success of organ transplantation.
Chinese herbal nephropathy.
Acupuncture and sham acupuncture reduce muscle pain in myofascial pain patients.
The effect of acupuncture or electro-acupuncture on circulatory parameters
Complementary and alternative veterinary medicine and gastrointestinal disease.
Complementary and alternative medicine for neurologic disorders.
Alternative medicine: musculoskeletal system.
Alternative medicine and behavior.
Herbal medicine: potential for intoxication and interactions with conventional drugs.
Oculomotor nerve palsy treated with acupuncture.
Homeopathy deserves more of this journal's attention.
'State of Center,' international research top agenda of 10th NACCAM meeting. National Advisory Council for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Directions for research in complementary medicine and bioterrorism.
Complementary medicine treatment of uterine fibroids: a pilot study.
Complementary and alternative medicine use among colorectal cancer patients in Alberta, Canada.
An integral approach to medicine.
Maca: from traditional food crop to energy and libido stimulant.
Acupuncture in the twenty-first century.
Description and validation of a noninvasive placebo acupuncture procedure.
Issues in planning a placebo-controlled trial of manual methods: results of a pilot study.
Homeopathy and infectious disease: controversies raised by the recent foot-and-mouth disease and anthrax outbreaks.
The effect of immunization with killed tumor cells, with/without feeding of Echinacea purpurea in an erythroleukemic mouse model.
Methodological changes in the evaluation of complementary and alternative medicine: issues raised by Sherman et al. and Hawk et al.
Effects of a very low-fat, vegan diet in subjects with rheumatoid arthritis.
Standards for Reporting Interventions in Controlled Trials of Acupuncture: the STRICTA recommendations.
Homeopathic physician with his vials of medications.
Surveys of complementary and alternative medicine: Part V. Use of alternative and complementary therapies for psychiatric and neurologic diseases.
Characteristics of soy bread users and their beliefs about soy products.
Herbal medicines for sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.
Ethnophysiology and herbal treatments of intestinal worms in Dominica, West Indies.
Is there a BOLD response of the visual cortex on stimulation of the vision-related acupoint GB 37?
Use of Arnica to relieve pain after carpal-tunnel release surgery.
Image in clinical medicine. Hypercarotenemia.
Effects of herbal preparation Equiguard on hormone-responsive and hormone-refractory prostate carcinoma cells: mechanistic studies.
Effects of Panax ginseng on quality of life.
Chinese medicines for slimming still cause health problems.
Motion palpation findings and self-reported low back pain in a population-based study sample.
Effectiveness of a selected bedding system on quality of sleep, low back pain, shoulder pain, and spine stiffness.
Further reliability analysis of the Harrison radiographic line-drawing methods: crossed ICCs for lateral posterior tangents and modified Risser-Ferguson method on AP views.
Long-term effectiveness of bone-setting, light exercise therapy, and physiotherapy for prolonged back pain: a randomized controlled trial.
The minimum energy hypothesis: a unified model of fixation resolution.
Incidence of foot rotation, pelvic crest unleveling, and supine leg length alignment asymmetry and their relationship to self-reported back pain.
Alternative therapies for type 2 diabetes.
Effective treatment of seborrheic dermatitis using a low dose, oral homeopathic medication consisting of potassium bromide, sodium bromide, nickel sulfate, and sodium chloride in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
Should physicians support the medical use of marijuana? Yes: it can be effective when all else fails. Point.
Should physicians support the medical use of marijuana? No: evidence of its safety and efficacy is weak. Counterpoint.
Second Prize: The effectiveness of physical modalities among patients with low back pain randomized to chiropractic care: findings from the UCLA low back pain study.
Third Prize: Chiropractic and the national health care system: a basis for partnership in the UK.
The effects of augmented sensory feedback precision on the acquisition and retention of a simulated chiropractic task.
Differential compliance instrument in the treatment of infantile colic: a report of two cases.
Chiropractic care of a patient with temporomandibular disorder and atlas subluxation.
Maverick medicine.
Towards a sociology of CAM and nursing.
Establishment of a nurse-run acupuncture treatment for hayfever. By Mary Anne Cochrane [corrected].
Exploring attitudes toward, and knowledge of, homeopathy and CAM through focus groups.
Ephedra/ephedrine: cardiovascular and CNS effects.
Low back pain.
Liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation/mass spectrometry: a rapid and selective method for the quantitative determination of ginkgolides and bilobalide in ginkgo leaf extracts and phytopharmaceuticals.
Complementary therapies for asthma.
Understanding St. John's wort.
Perceptions and practices of self-defined current vegetarian, former vegetarian, and nonvegetarian women.
Prevalence of nonvitamin, nonmineral supplement usage among university students.
Oral administration of persimmon leaf extract ameliorates skin symptoms and transepidermal water loss in atopic dermatitis model mice, NC/Nga.
Altered cytokeratin expression during chemoprevention of experimental hamster buccal pouch carcinogenesis by garlic.
Plasma anti-oxidants and rheumatoid arthritis
Ricin--from a Bulgarian umbrella to an optional treatment of cancer
Alternative medicine and cancer patients in less developed countries.
The safety and efficacy of subcutaneous birch pollen immunotherapy - a one-year, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
Long-term efficacy of preseasonal grass pollen immunotherapy in children.
Garlic and its active metabolite allicin produce endothelium- and nitric oxide-dependent relaxation in rat pulmonary arteries.
Opioid signalling in the rat rostral ventrolateral medulla.
Determining hyperforin and hypericin content in eight brands of St. John's wort.
Renal interstitial fibrosis and urotelial carcinomas after ingestion of a Chinese herb (Aristolochia fangchi)
Acupuncture therapy for persistent hiccups.
New phenolic constituents from Smilax bracteata.
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use by older adults: a comparison of self-report and physician chart documentation.
Phytotherapy. Advise your patients
Herbal remedies: are they safe and effective?
Introducing esogetic colorpuncture: a wholistic system of acu-light therapy for body, mind & soul.
Herbal and nonherbal supplements in medical-psychiatric patient populations.
Assessing the quality of reports of randomized trials in pediatric complementary and alternative medicine.
Assessing the quality of reports of systematic reviews in pediatric complementary and alternative medicine.
Mechanisms involved in the progression of androgen-independent prostate cancers: it is not only the cancer cell's fault.
Complication of acupuncture in a patient with Behçet's disease.
Stroke following chiropractic manipulation. Report of 3 cases and review of the literature.
Cytotoxic activity of sesquiterpenoids from Atractylodes ovata on leukemia cell lines.
The clinical effects of saline and aloe vera rinses on periodontal surgical sites.
Chiropractic for midwives. An introduction.
Tackling birth trauma with cranio-sacral therapy.
Korean hand acupressure reduces postoperative nausea and vomiting after gynecological laparoscopic surgery.
Herbal safety.
The safety of herbal preparations.
Proposed resolution concerning therapeutic marijuana.
Acupuncture and other alternative therapies in rheumatoid arthritis.
Acupuncture for xerostomia: clinical update.
Poisoning in Zimbabwe: a survey of eight major referral hospitals.
Analysis of menthol in three traditional Chinese medicinal herbs and their compound formulation by GC-MS.
Clinical trial of willow bark extract. We have by no means compared apples and pears
Emergencies in the practice. Acute lumbago: diagnosis and therapy
A randomized placebo controlled trial of Inolter (herbal product) in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Benefits, adverse effects and drug interactions of herbal therapies with cardiovascular effects.
Relatively alcohol-resistant mycobacteria are emerging pathogens in patients receiving acupuncture treatment.
Frequency of mutations conferring resistance to nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors in human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected patients in Korea.
Tacrolimus-induced nephrotoxicity unmasked by induction of the CYP3A4 system with St John's wort.
Oregon physician under scrutiny for approving medical marijuana.
Use of alternative pharmacotherapy in management of cardiovascular diseases.
Use of alternative medicine by patients in a rural family practice clinic.
Radioprotection by a herbal preparation of Hippophae rhamnoides, RH-3, against whole body lethal irradiation in mice.
Antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic effects of Phyllanthus amarus.
Recent findings of green tea extract AR25 (Exolise) and its activity for the treatment of obesity.
Comparison of antioxidative capacities and inhibitory effects on cholesterol biosynthesis of quercetin and potential metabolites.
Cyclooxygenase enzyme inhibitory compounds with antioxidant activities from Piper methysticum (kava kava) roots.
Estrogenic and cholinergic properties of the methanol extract of Ruellia praetermissa Sceinf. ex. Lindau (Acanthaceae) in female rats.
Complement modulating activity of Rwandan medicinal plants.
Antiviral activity of Rwandan medicinal plants against human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1).
Effect of Trichodesma indicum extract on cough reflex induced by sulphur dioxide in mice.
Safety and efficacy of ephedra and ephedrine for enhancement of athletic performance, thermogenesis and the treatment of obesity.
Stevioside induces antihyperglycaemic, insulinotropic and glucagonostatic effects in vivo: studies in the diabetic Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rats.
Study of apoptosis in human liver cancers.
Regulating effect of Chinese herbal medicine on the peritoneal lymphatic stomata in enhancing ascites absorption of experimental hepatofibrotic mice.
Anesthesiology in People's Republic of China in the year 2001
Salvia lavandulaefolia essential oil inhibits cholinesterase in vivo.
Diagnosis, characterisation and evaluation of treatment response of frostbite using pertechnetate scintigraphy: a prospective study.
Pharmaco-toxicological study of Kageneckia oblonga, Rosaceae.
Single-use acupuncture needles: scanning electron-microscopy of needle-tips.
Effect of acupuncture on knee function in advanced osteoarthritis of the knee: a prospective, non-randomised controlled study.
Management of myofascial trigger point pain.
Standards for reporting interventions in controlled trials of acupuncture: The STRICTA recommendations.STandards for Reporting Interventions in Controlled Trails of Acupuncture.
Moxibustion in breech version--a descriptive review.
An audit of 500 acupuncture patients in general practice.
An audit of the effectiveness of acupuncture on musculoskeletal pain in primary health care.
Acupuncture for carpal tunnel syndrome.
Replacing myth and prejudice with scientific facts about complementary and alternative medicine.
Evaluation of the clinical efficacy and safety of grapeseed extract in the treatment of fall seasonal allergic rhinitis: a pilot study.
Natural products used for diabetes.
Use of herbal products for diabetes by Latinos.
Use of complementary/alternative therapies among children in primary care pediatrics.
Adolescents' use of complementary and alternative medicine.
Use and referral patterns for 22 complementary and alternative medical therapies by members of the American College of Rheumatology: results of a national survey.
Lactobacillus therapy for acute infectious diarrhea in children: a meta-analysis.
Reduction in the incidence of alveolar osteitis in patients treated with the SaliCept patch, containing Acemannan hydrogel.
Development and validation of hydroxy ethyl starch kits for instant use in gastroesophageal reflux and gastric motility studies.
Roles of entopeduncular nucleus in acupuncture analgesia and caudate-putamen nucleus stimulation-induced analgesia
Antinociceptive activity of the natural piperidine alkaloid hydrochlorides from Syphocampylus verticellatus.
Acupuncture treatment of chronic low-back pain -- a randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled trial with 9-month follow-up.
A large randomized placebo controlled study of auricular acupuncture for alcohol dependence.
Alternative medicine and The Arthritis Foundation.
Ethnobiology of the Nilgiri hills, India.
Synthesis of plumbagin derivatives and their inhibitory activities against Ehrlich ascites carcinoma in vivo and Leishmania donovani Promastigotes in vitro.
Polysaccharides isolated from Echinacea purpurea herba cell cultures to counteract undesired effects of chemotherapy--a pilot study.
Brine shrimp lethality assay of Bacopa monnieri.
Comparative study of Venostasin and Pycnogenol in chronic venous insufficiency.
Vasodilating properties of extracts from the leaves of Musanga cecropioides (R. Brown).
Pharmacological properties of the methanol extract from Mentha suaveolens Ehrh.
Recuperative effect of Semecarpus anacardium linn. nut milk extract on carbohydrate metabolizing enzymes in experimental mammary carcinoma-bearing rats.
Effect of Perilla frutescens on nitric oxide production and DNA synthesis in cultured murine vascular smooth muscle cells.
Effects of extract from Angelica keiskei and its component, cynaroside, on the hepatic bromobenzene-metabolizing enzyme system in rats.
Effects of black tea extract on carbon tetrachloride-induced lipid peroxidation in liver, kidneys, and testes of rats.
Antioxidant properties of silybin glycosides.
Inhibition of tumour growth and inflammation by consumption of tea.
Preventive effect of the Taiwan folk medicine Ixeris laevigata var. oldhami on alpha-naphthyl-isothiocyanate and carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver injury in rats.
The in vitro antioxidative activity of some traditional Zulu medicinal plants.
Inhibitory effects of quinones on RNase H activity associated with HIV-1 reverse transcriptase.
Influence of silymarin and its flavonolignans on doxorubicin-iron induced lipid peroxidation in rat heart microsomes and mitochondria in comparison with quercetin.
Analgesic and antipyretic effects of Myrica salicifolia (Myricaceae).
Antiinflammatory property of the leaves of Gongronema latifolium.
Extrahepatic biliary obstruction: can silymarin protect liver function?
Cytotoxic activity of amooranin and its derivatives.
Antiinflammatory activity of rotenoids from Clitoria fairchildiana.
Causal organism of flacherie in the silkworm Antheraea assama Ww: isolation, characterization and its inhibition by garlic extract.
Vitamin C is one of the lipolytic substances in green tea.
Bioactivity studies on Cassia alata Linn. leaf extracts.
The antipyretic activity of some Moroccan medicinal plants.
The Academy of Medicine worries about spreading use of cannabis
The effect of feeding sulla (Hedysarum coronarium) or lucerne (Medicago sativa) on lamb parasite burdens and development of immunity to gastrointestinal nematodes.
Can homeopaths detect homeopathic medicines by dowsing? A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
What's the point of rigorous research on complementary/alternative medicine?
Synergistic in vitro antimalarial activity of plant extracts used as traditional herbal remedies in Mali.
Heavy metals in traditional Indian remedies.
The use of traditional and Western medicine among Korean American elderly.
Influence of acupuncture on the pregnancy rate in patients who undergo assisted reproduction therapy.
Acute toxicity of adjuvant doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide for early breast cancer -- a retrospective review of Chinese patients and comparison with an historic Western series.
Complementary/alternative therapies for reducing hot flashes in prostate cancer patients: reevaluating the existing indirect data from studies of breast cancer and postmenopausal women.
Basal cell carcinoma of the earlobe after auricular acupuncture.
Mineral content of culinary and medicinal plants cultivated by Hmong refugees living in Sacramento, California.
Enhanced survival and regeneration of axotomized retinal ganglion cells by a mixture of herbal extracts.
Acupuncture for the treatment of cocaine addiction.
Acupuncture for the treatment of cocaine addiction.
Acupuncture for the treatment of cocaine addiction.
Acupuncture for the treatment of cocaine addiction.
Acupuncture for the treatment of cocaine addiction.
Chiropractors' attitudes to, and perceptions of, the impact of continuing professional education on clinical practice.
Complication of cesarean section: pregnancy on the cicatrix of a previous cesarean section.
Management of cerebral ischemia due to Takayasu's arteritis.
Breast cancer: factors influencing the therapeutic itinerary of patients in a medical oncology unit in Bamako (Mali)
Echinacea for prevention and treatment of upper respiratory infections.
Influence of the leaf extract of Mentha arvensis Linn. (mint) on the survival of mice exposed to different doses of gamma radiation.
C.A.M. Complementary & alternative medicine. JCAHO includes CAM therapy.
Complementary medicine--again.
Diterpenes from Sideritis trojana.
Efficacy of combined herbal drug therapy in hypertension
Use of homeopathic remedies in the treatment of ulcer
Treatment of local hyperkinesis
Correction of the gastric and duodenal motility by laser puncture in pancreatobiliary diseases
Neurologists warn about link between chiropractic, stroke.
The growing acceptance of complementary and alternative medicine.
Clarifying chiropractic manipulation risks.
Shift happens: complementary and alternative medicine for rheumatologists.
Immunosuppressant effect of IDS 30, a stinging nettle leaf extract, on myeloid dendritic cells in vitro.
Randomized double blind trial of an extract from the pentacyclic alkaloid-chemotype of uncaria tomentosa for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
Herbal medicinal products during pregnancy: are they safe?
The curious case of Kava.
Basis of art phonetics in biomedical engineering
Vitamin profile of cooked foods: how healthy is the practice of ready-to-eat foods?
Use of non-crop food vascular plants in Montseny biosphere reserve (Catalonia, Iberian Peninsula).
Problems and potentials of complementary and alternative medicine.
Internal carotid aneurysm presenting as hypoglossal and glossopharyngeal nerve palsy.
Stealth triamcinolone acetonide in a phytocosmetic cream.
Hypomania induced by herbal and pharmaceutical psychotropic medicines following mild traumatic brain injury.
Health professions students' perceptions of interprofessional relationships.
Potential physician malpractice liability associated with complementary and integrative medical therapies.
US panel calls for more support of alternative medicine.
Effect of oral Tadenan treatment on rabbit bladder structure and function after partial outlet obstruction.
Effect of oral Kohki tea on bladder dysfunction induced by severe partial outlet obstruction.
Pien Chueh, the Chinese god of medicine.
Use of unconventional medicine in Italy: a nation-wide survey.
Neurobiological mechanisms of acupuncture analgesia
Investigations on the effect of acupuncture on affective and sensory components of pain in patients with different stages of chronic pain
Electric stimulation acupuncture in peripheral neuropathic pain syndromes. Clinical pilot study on analgesic effectiveness
Acupuncture in the treatment of locomotive disorders - status of research and situation regarding clinical application
Acupuncture for back pain: meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials and an update with data from the most recent studies
Pain control in German pediatric oncology. An inventory
The influence of vegetative status of patients with neurological signs of cervical osteochondrosis on manual therapy efficacy
By the way, doctor. Your article about anxiety in the March 2002 issue neglected to mention the herb kava as a treatment for anxiety. I've been using it, and I thought its effectiveness for anxiety was widely accepted. Why did you omit it?
Systematic review of psychological therapies for cancer patients: overview and recommendations for future research.
Studies on the synthesis and opioid agonistic activities of mitragynine-related indole alkaloids: discovery of opioid agonists structurally different from other opioid ligands.
Tetramethylpyrazine attenuates spinal cord ischemic injury due to aortic cross-clamping in rabbits.
Herbal remedies: drug-herb interactions.
Regulating natural health products.
Chalcones from Chinese liquorice inhibit proliferation of T cells and production of cytokines.
The natural plant product tryptanthrin ameliorates dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis in mice.
Plant-induced toxic and allergic dermatitis (phytodermatitis)
Delayed emergence and St. John's wort.
Suggesting an alternative to the term "double-blind".
A complementary alternative medicine (CAM) medical school curriculum.
Distinguishing complementary medicine from alternative medicine.
Evidence of connective tissue involvement in acupuncture.
Conflicting results on ginkgo research.
Analgesia. Acupuncture makes a point of pain relief.
A social approach to the validation of traditional veterinary remedies--the Anthra project.
Socio-cultural aspects of leprosy among the Masalit and Hawsa tribes in the Sudan.
Is chiropractic an effective treatment in infantile colic?
Acupuncture-associated arthritis in a joint with an orthopaedic implant.
Cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive component of cannabis and its synthetic dimethylheptyl homolog suppress nausea in an experimental model with rats.
Focused review: myofascial pain.
Ma Huang, from dietary supplement to abuse
Use of herbs in women diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
Effects of young barley leaf extract and antioxidative vitamins on LDL oxidation and free radical scavenging activities in type 2 diabetes.
Herb quiz. Test your knowledge of over-the-counter herbal supplements.
Traditional use of proven drugs. The importance of botanical antirheumatics
Treatment of infantile morbid night crying by acupuncture at Zhongchong point in 100 cases.
Effect of acupuncture on the auditory evoked brain stem potential in Parkinson's disease.
Experience in acupuncture treatment of dizziness and vertigo--a report of 3 cases.
Effects of electro-acupuncture on immune function after chemotherapy in 28 cases.
Treatment for injury of superior clunEal nerves by triple puncture needling with massage.
Clinical application of blood-letting therapy.
Acupuncture treatment for 34 cases of uremic cutaneous pruritus.
Acupuncture treatment for 34 cases of epiphora with dysfunction of lacrimal duct.
Thirty-six cases of infantile proctoptosis treated by extremely shallow puncture.
New exploration of needling manipulations at point Tianzong.
Treatment of cough and dyspnea due to acute bronchitis by plaster for cough and dyspnea--a report of 735 cases.
Effect of acupuncture on free radicals in rats with early experimental spinal cord injury.
The present state and perspective in treatment of primary osteoporosis by acupuncture and moxibustion.
How to differentiate and treat Bi-syndrome by acupuncture and moxibustion?
The effect of acupuncture on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women.
Treatment of hyperlipidemia.
Preliminary study on antifertility activity of Calotropis procera roots in female rats.
Investigations on the antinociceptive activity of crude extracts from Croton cajucara leaves in mice.
OPLC and AMD, recent techniques of planar chromatography: their interest for separation and characterization of extractive and synthetic compounds.
New neolignans from Talauma ovata.
In vitro tests to evaluate potential biological activity in natural substances.
Antimicrobial activity of pyrrolizidine alkaloids from Heliotropium subulatum.
Hypoglycemic activity of Abutilon indicum leaf extracts in rats.
Antimicrobial and phytochemical studies of Swertia corymbosa.
Antibacterial activity of Terminalia pallida.
Antimicrobial activity of Eupatorium ayapana.
Alkaloids from Senecio aquaticus.
A new flavonol from leaves of Eugenia jambolana.
Glucosinolates from Cardaria draba.
Current therapeutic strategies for hyperhidrosis: a review.
Use of complementary therapies by patients with IBD may indicate psychosocial distress.
Lifelong vegetarianism and risk of breast cancer: a population-based case-control study among South Asian migrant women living in England.
Chiropractors support Canterbury nurses.
Hypotensive effect of long-acting garlic tablets allicor (a double-blind placebo-controlled trial)
Adolescent vegetarians: how well do their dietary patterns meet the healthy people 2010 objectives?
Adolescent vegetarians: how well do their dietary patterns meet the healthy people 2010 objectives?
Diabetes and alternative medicine: diabetic patients experiences with Ayur-Ved, "clinical ecology" and "cellular nutrition" methods
Management of childhood diseases in the Byzantine period: I -- analgesia.
Amelioration of carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic fibrosis in rats by treatment with salvia miltiorrhiza and taurine
Effect of five triterpenoid compounds isolated from leaves of Diospyros kaki on stimulus-induced superoxide generation and tyrosyl phosphorylation in human polymorphonuclear leukocytes.
White House report on alternative medicine draws criticism.
Tests of three herbal therapies yield disappointing results.
Safety of homeopathic products.
Modified food guide pyramid for lactovegetarians and vegans.
Alternative medicine--boom or bust?
Absence of tumor growth stimulation in a panel of 16 human tumor cell lines by mistletoe extracts in vitro.
Hepatitis associated with Chinese herbs.
Complementary health care practices: what is homeopathy?
Are there legal issues of concern for nurses when patients use complimentary and alternative medicine?
Growth performance of affluent Indian children is similar to that in developed countries.
Effect of some hypoglycemic herbs on the activity of phase I and II drug-metabolizing enzymes in alloxan-induced diabetic rats.
Medical management of asthma and folk medicine in a Hispanic community.
Exclusions and limitations in children's behavioral health care coverage.
The medicalization of the human condition.
The Bournemouth Questionnaire: a short-form comprehensive outcome measure. II. Psychometric properties in neck pain patients.
The effect of chiropractic manipulation on salivary cortisol levels.
Chiropractic patients in Denmark: a short description of basic characteristics.
The diet-induced proinflammatory state: a cause of chronic pain and other degenerative diseases?
Intermittent cervical traction for cervical radiculopathy caused by large-volume herniated disks.
The role of the institution in developing the next generation chiropractor: clinician and researcher.
Rating specific chiropractic technique procedures for common low back conditions.
The use and role of sport chiropractors in the national football league: a short report.
Aromatherapy. Introduction into a maternity service.
Inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor expression and production by triptolide.
Induction of differentiation in human hepatocarcinoma cells by isoverbascoside.
Prevention of epilepsy
An April Fool's Day commentary. What a difference a scale makes!
Effects of Allergina on the treatment of otitis media with effusions.
Wheat grass juice in the treatment of active distal ulcerative colitis: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial.
Effects of ginseng ingestion on growth hormone, testosterone, cortisol, and insulin-like growth factor 1 responses to acute resistance exercise.
The importance of pharmacological synergy in psychoactive herbal medicines.
Update of ACR guidelines for osteoarthritis: role of the coxibs.
Chronic shoulder pain in stroke. Are we missing the acupoint?
Conservative treatment options for carpal tunnel syndrome: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials.
Evaluation of the hypoglycemic and anti-oxidant activities of Morinda officinalis in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.
A systematic review of the safety of kava extract in the treatment of anxiety.
Lavender oil as a treatment for agitated behaviour in severe dementia: a placebo controlled study.
The CAM movement and the integration of quality health care: the case of chiropractic.
Profulla Kumar Sen: his contributions to cardiovascular surgery.
Effects of Kangen-karyu on coagulation system and platelet aggregation in mice.
Medicinal plants in the healing of dry socket in rats: microbiological and microscopic analysis.
Anti-ulcerogenic and analgesic activities of the leaves of Wilbrandia ebracteata in mice.
Antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory and acute toxicity effects of Zhumeria majdae extracts in mice and rats.
Structure-antiemetic-activity of some diarylheptanoids and their analogues.
Alpha-glucosidase inhibition from a Chinese medical herb (Ramulus mori) in normal and diabetic rats and mice.
Effect of Withania somnifera glycowithanolides on a rat model of tardive dyskinesia.
Efficacy and safety of a phytoestrogen preparation derived from Glycine max (L.) Merr in climacteric symptomatology: a multicentric, open, prospective and non-randomized trial.
Effects of Choto-san on hemorheological factors and vascular function in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats.
The evaluation of the radioprotective effect of Triphala (an ayurvedic rejuvenating drug) in the mice exposed to gamma-radiation.
A review of the French maritime pine bark extract (Pycnogenol), a herbal medication with a diverse clinical pharmacology.
Apoptosis of a human non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell line, PLA-801, induced by acutiaporberine, a novel bisalkaloid derived from Thalictrum acutifolium (Hand.-Mazz.) Boivin.
Herbs with alleged medical effect
Scutellaria baicalensis inhibits liver fibrosis induced by bile duct ligation or carbon tetrachloride in rats.
Gastroprotective activity of oleanolic acid derivatives on experimentally induced gastric lesions in rats and mice.
Cardiac effects of salvia miltiorrhiza/dalbergia odorifera mixture, an intravenously applicable Chinese medicine widely used for patients with ischemic heart disease in China.
Neuropsychiatric aspects of HIV disease progression: impact of traditional herbs on adult patients in Zimbabwe.
Can valerian improve the sleep of insomniacs after benzodiazepine withdrawal?
Assessing the risks of cervical manipulation for neck pain.
Assessing the risks of cervical manipulation for neck pain.
CD30-positive T-cell-rich pseudolymphoma induced by gold acupuncture.
Management of viral hepatitis C.
People's perception of malaria in Mbarara, Uganda.
The provision of modern medical services to a nomadic population: a review of medical services to the Bedouins of southern Sinai during Israeli rule 1967-1982.
Defining alternative medicine.
Addressing use of herbal medicine in the primary care setting.
Severe neurotoxicity following arsenic therapy for acute promyelocytic leukemia: potentiation by thiamine deficiency.
Mortality in British vegetarians.
The cognitive contexts of beliefs about the healthiness of meat.
Chemopreventive and adjuvant therapeutic potential of pomegranate (Punica granatum) for human breast cancer.
Herbal medications should undergo rigorous evaluation.
Washington court upholds medical marijuana conviction.
Quacks: fakers and charlatans in medicine.
Deconstructing paternalism--what serves the patient best?
Introducing evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: answering the challenge.
Interpreting conflicting findings from clinical trials of auricular acupuncture for cocaine addiction: does treatment context influence outcome?
Treatment seeking and experience with complementary/alternative medicine: a continuum of choice.
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of botanically derived inhibitors of 5-alpha-reductase in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia.
Toxicity study of an antidipsotropic Chinese herbal mixture in rats: NPI-028.
The Fugelli tactic.
Teaching evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: 1. A learning structure for clinical decision changes.
Ginkgo biloba for the prevention of severe acute mountain sickness (AMS) starting one day before rapid ascent.
Acupuncture for asthma: fact or fiction?
Short-term acupuncture therapy is of no benefit in patients with moderate persistent asthma.
Treatment of chronic bronchitis with ivy leaf special extract--multicenter post-marketing surveillance study in 1,350 patients
A non-randomised pilot study to compare complementary and conventional treatments of acute sinusitis.
An example on the value of non-randomisation in clinical trials in complementary medicine.
Socio-demographic and medical characteristics of advanced cancer patients using conventional or complementary medicine.
Antioxidant properties of Thonningianin A, isolated from the African medicinal herb, Thonningia sanguinea.
Anti-diabetic activity of alcoholic extract of Aerva lanata (L.) Juss. ex Schultes in rats.
Hypoglycaemic effect of the lyophilised aqueous extract of Ajuga iva in normal and streptozotocin diabetic rats.
Reconstructed materia medica of the Medieval and Ottoman al-Sham.
Anti-inflammatory, analgesic activity and acute toxicity of Glaucium grandiflorum extract.
Anthelmintic activity of preparations derived from Myrsine africana and Rapanea melanophloeos against the nematode parasite, Haemonchus contortus, of sheep.
Leishmanicidal activity of two canthin-6-one alkaloids, two major constituents of Zanthoxylum chiloperone var. angustifolium.
Effect of Cassia auriculata Linn. on serum glucose level, glucose utilization by isolated rat hemidiaphragm.
Hypericum triquetrifolium Turra. Extract exhibits antiinflammatory activity in the rat.
Why do cranberries reduce incidence of urinary tract infections?
St. John's wort and depression: efficacy, safety and tolerability-an update.
Hypericum perforatum versus fluoxetine in the treatment of mild to moderate depression.
The effect of linarin on LPS-induced cytokine production and nitric oxide inhibition in murine macrophages cell line RAW264.7.
Cortex mori extract induces cancer cell apoptosis through inhibition of microtubule assembly.
Integration of ethnobotany and phytochemistry. dream or reality?
Non-stress test changes during acupuncture plus moxibustion on BL67 point in breech presentation.
Antilymphoproliferative activity of ethanolic extract of Boerhaavia diffusa roots.
The effect of Phyllanthus niruri on urinary inhibitors of calcium oxalate crystallization and other factors associated with renal stone formation.
In vivo-induction of antibodies to mistletoe lectin-1 and viscotoxin by exposure to aqueous mistletoe extracts: a randomised double-blinded placebo controlled phase I study in healthy individuals.
Vertebral artery dissection and stroke following neck manipulation by Native American healer.
Effect of vegetarian diet on homocysteine levels.
Protection of cornea against proteolytic damage. Experimental study of procyanidolic oligomers (PCO) on bovine cornea
Acupressure and acustimulation bands for control of nausea: a brief review.
Overview of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy with an emphasis on vitamins and ginger.
Are cranberry juice or cranberry products effective in the prevention or management of urinary tract infection?
Antioxidant properties of natural compounds used in popular medicine for gastric ulcers.
Frequency dependence of impedances at the acupuncture point Quze (PC3).
The legalization of Cannabis for medical use.
Selected herbal hazards.
Cytokines induce inflammation and cartilage degradation. Oral TNF-alpha blocker against arthrosis
Intellectual decline: normal or already pathological. Implementing IGeL dementia diagnosis!
Complementary medicine--again.
Complementary medicine--final.
Effect of milk thistle on the pharmacokinetics of indinavir in healthy volunteers.
The association of St. John's wort with elevated thyroid-stimulating hormone.
Commentary on auricular acupuncture for cocaine abuse.
Commentary on Anderson: turf protection or interprofessional cooperation?
Possible hepatotoxicity from Copaltra, an herbal medicine.
Herbal medicinal products.
Huang Yizhou's study on Nei jing (Inner Canon)
Risks associated with spinal manipulation.
Auriculotherapy stimulation for neuro-rehabilitation.
Herbal hepatotoxicity.
Intangible principles of good research in complementary and alternative medicine.
NCCAM reaches out to scientists and general public. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
The White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy: final report and next steps.
Complementary and alternative medicine in outcomes research.
Translating a nonlinear systems theory model for homeopathy into empirical tests.
Biofeedback interventions for gastrointestinal conditions: a systematic review.
The Internet as a research tool in complementary and alternative medicine: a pilot study.
Phytotherapeutic drugs
Risks associated with herbal medicinal products.
Health risks over the Internet: advice offered by "medical herbalists" to a pregnant woman.
Herbal drugs: luxury or basic therapy in federal insurance practice?
Pain management with herbal antirheumatic drugs
Clinical development of phytopharmaceuticals
Farmers' choice of medical treatment of mastitis in Danish dairy herds based on qualitative research interviews.
Acupuncture beyond the endorphin concept?
Efficacy of continuation treatment with hypericum perforatum in depression.
The efficacy of acupuncture for osteoarthritis.
Physical therapy for animals from people trained as human physiotherapists.
The efficacy of homeopathic treatment of bovine mastitis.
Native Hawaiian traditional healing: culturally based interventions for social work practice.
Manual therapy, physical therapy, or continued care by a general practitioner for patients with neck pain. A randomized, controlled trial.
Summaries for patients. Manual therapy, physical therapy, or care by primary care doctors for patients with neck pain.
Panax ginseng: a systematic review of adverse effects and drug interactions.
Physicians want education about complementary and alternative medicine to enhance communication with their patients.
Antitumour and anticarcinogenic activity of Phyllanthus amarus extract.
Antimalarial activity of medicinal plants used in traditional medicine in S. Tomé and Príncipe islands.
Medical ethnobotany of the tribals of Sonaghati of Sonbhadra district, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Evaluation of the antinflammatory and analgesic activity of Sideritis canariensis var. pannosa in mice.
Pharmacological effects of Eugenia uniflora (Myrtaceae) aqueous crude extract on rat's heart.
Pseudo-akuammigine, an alkaloid from Picralima nitida seeds, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic actions in rats.
Medicinal plants of India with anti-diabetic potential.
Cardiovascular effects of Urtica dioica L. (Urticaceae) roots extracts: in vitro and in vivo pharmacological studies.
Gastroprotective activity of the diterpene solidagenone and its derivatives on experimentally induced gastric lesions in mice.
Hypoglycemic effect of Equisetum myriochaetum aerial parts on type 2 diabetic patients.
Some effects of Salvia aegyptiaca L. on the central nervous system in mice.
Cancer chemopreventive effects of a Brazilian folk medicine, Juca, on in vivo two-stage skin carcinogenesis.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids. Is there a role in postmenopausal osteoporosis prevention?
Utilization of complementary and alternative medicine by United States adults: results from the 1999 national health interview survey.
Evaluation of transforaminal ligaments by magnetic resonance imaging.
Practice-based randomized controlled-comparison clinical trial of chiropractic adjustments and brief massage treatment at sites of subluxation in subjects with essential hypertension: pilot study.
Health information and promotion in chiropractic clinics.
Missed cervical spine fracture-dislocations: the importance of clinical and radiographic assessment.
The use of information technology to teach differential diagnosis to chiropractic students.
Chiropractic care of a patient with vertebral subluxations and unsuccessful surgery of the cervical spine.
Chiropractic and pilates therapy for the treatment of adult scoliosis.
Participation of contrasting changes in IL-10 and IL-12 production in the reduction of Th1-predominance by Hachimi-jio-gan in autoimmune MRL/MP-lpr/lpr mice.
The role of phytotherapy in treating lower urinary tract symptoms and benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Future drugs for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
The association of cholecystokinin-A receptor expression with the responsiveness of electroacupuncture analgesic effects in rat.
Acupuncture. A useful complement of anesthesia?
Use of natural remedies and dietary supplements increased dramatically during the 1980s and the 1990s
"No onion without a fire". The onion hangs on in both the art and the medicine--neither its medical or symbolic power have been lost during the course of centuries
Antitumour effect of abrin on transplanted tumours in mice.
Toxicity and adverse effects of herbal complementary therapy.
An open, pilot study to evaluate the potential benefits of coenzyme Q10 combined with Ginkgo biloba extract in fibromyalgia syndrome.
Effect of tanakan on psychophysiological status of patients with asthenic disorders
Hepatoprotective effect of plant preparations
Impact of vitamin B-12 deficiency during lactation on maternal and infant health.
Effect of acerola cherry extract on cell proliferation and activation of ras signal pathway at the promotion stage of lung tumorigenesis in mice.
Investigation into the suitability and accessibility of catering practices to inpatients from minority ethnic groups in Brent.
Homoeopathy and its concern for purity: the Dutch case in the early-twentieth century.
Treating seasonal allergic rhinitis. Well designed experiments should have been used.
Herbal remedies. Concerns from the medical community.
Medical marijuana action alert.
Chiropractor accused of quackery has license reinstated.
Moving toward a plant-based diet: are iron and zinc at risk?
Pharmacy through the ages. Hypericum perforatum.
Pharmacy through the ages. Aspirin: past, present, and future.
Effectiveness of cannabis in treatment of somatomorphic pain
The water-soluble fraction of bee venom produces antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects on rheumatoid arthritis in rats.
Antidiabetic effects of Panax ginseng berry extract and the identification of an effective component.
Sulforaphane inhibits extracellular, intracellular, and antibiotic-resistant strains of Helicobacter pylori and prevents benzo[a]pyrene-induced stomach tumors.
Treating seasonal allergic rhinitis. Trial does not show that there is no difference between butterbur and cetirizine.
Green tea extract protects against early alcohol-induced liver injury in rats.
Metabolism of constituents in Huangqin-Tang, a prescription in traditional Chinese medicine, by human intestinal flora.
The use of CAM by women suffering from nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.
The frictional properties at the thoracic skin-fascia interface: implications in spine manipulation.
New phenylethanoid glycosides from Veronica pectinata var. glandulosa and their free radical scavenging activities.
Effects of dietary powdered green tea and theanine on tumor growth and endogenous hyperlipidemia in hepatoma-bearing rats.
Antimicrobial activity of perilla seed polyphenols against oral pathogenic bacteria.
The isolation, identification and determination of dehydrotumulosic acid in Poria cocos.
Non-prescription complementary treatments used by rheumatoid arthritis patients attending a community-based rheumatology practice.
Assessing patients' preferences for characteristics associated with homeopathic and conventional treatment of asthma: a conjoint analysis study.
Drug-induced urticaria and angioedema: pathomechanisms and frequencies in a developing country and in developed countries.
Value of ethnopharmacology in the field of medicinal plants
Complementary and alternative drug therapy in arthritis.
Apparent adverse outcome of acupuncture.
Efficacy and safety of crataegus extract WS 1442 in comparison with placebo in patients with chronic stable New York Heart Association class-III heart failure.
Modulatory effect of Cyclea peltata Lam. on stone formation induced by ethylene glycol treatment in rats.
Efficacy and safety of a Butcher's broom preparation (Ruscus aculeatus L. extract) compared to placebo in patients suffering from chronic venous insufficiency.
What Malaysian women believe about Viagra: a qualitative inquiry.
Manipulation of the cervical spine: a systematic review of case reports of serious adverse events, 1995-2001.
Arterial dissections after cervical manipulation.
Metamizole use by Latino immigrants: a common and potentially harmful home remedy.
Drug-induced acute tubulointerstitial nephritis: a case with elevated urinary cadmium.
With alpha blockers, finasteride and nettle root against benign prostatic hyperplasia. Which patients are helped by conservative therapy?
Needles for mother and child
Usage of complementary medicine among children.
Correlations of alternative medicine, health status and health care in Hungary
Uncritically about alternative medicine
Building unity.
The influence of local capsaicin treatment on small nerve fibre function and neurovascular control in symptomatic diabetic neuropathy.
Scientific bases of acupuncture analgesia.
Neuroimmunal regulation of electroacupuncture (EA) on the traumatic rats.
Effect of electroacupuncture on the expression of interlukin-1beta mRNA after transient focal cerebral ischemia.
The neuroprotective effects of electroacupuncture on focal cerebral ischemia in monkey.
Generalized anxiety and depression in primary care: prevalence, recognition, and management.
The placebo effect in alternative medicine: can the performance of a healing ritual have clinical significance?
Effect of mitragynine, derived from Thai folk medicine, on gastric acid secretion through opioid receptor in anesthetized rats.
Modulation of neuroendocrine--immune signaling by L-deprenyl and L-desmethyldeprenyl in aging and mammary cancer.
Acupuncture in hypertension.
Novel approaches for the treatment of food allergy.
Effect of the acupoints ST-36 (Zusanli) and SP-6 (Sanyinjiao) on intestinal myoelectric activity of Wistar rats.
Field population-based blocking treatment of esophageal epithelia dysplasia.
Effects of Yigan Decoction on proliferation and apoptosis of hepatic stellate cells.
Salvia miltiorrhiza monomer IH764-3 induces hepatic stellate cell apoptosis via caspase-3 activation.
Re: Herbal medicines.
Comparison of outcome measures during treatment with the proprietary Harpagophytum extract doloteffin in patients with pain in the lower back, knee or hip.
Effect of Seihai-to, a Kampo medicine, in relapsing aspiration pneumonia--an open-label pilot study.
Studies on the psychopharmacological activities of Rumex nepalensis Spreng. root extract in rats and mice.
Antidepressant activity of standardized extract of Bacopa monniera in experimental models of depression in rats.
Anticonvulsant activity of the leaf essential oil of Laurus nobilis against pentylenetetrazole- and maximal electroshock-induced seizures.
Anticonvulsant activity of aqueous extract of Leonotis leonurus.
Piperine modulates permeability characteristics of intestine by inducing alterations in membrane dynamics: influence on brush border membrane fluidity, ultrastructure and enzyme kinetics.
Protective effect of green tea against lipid peroxidation in the rat liver, blood serum and the brain.
Free radical scavenging action of the medicinal herb Limonium wrightii from the Okinawa islands.
The anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of a crude extract of Petiveria alliacea L. (Phytolaccaceae).
Bioactivity of alkamides isolated from Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench.
Ginseng berry reduces blood glucose and body weight in db/db mice.
Formulation of an effective mosquito-repellent topical product from lemongrass oil.
Effects of intrinsic fluorescence and quenching on fluorescence-based screening of natural products.
The homeopathic approach to symptom control in the cancer patient: a prospective observational study.
Integration of acupuncture into the oncology clinic.
Effects of acupuncture to the sacral segment on the bladder activity and electroencephalogram.
Crinum L. (Amaryllidaceae).
Ethnopharmacy of the ethnic Albanians (Arbëreshë) of northern Basilicata, Italy.
Antibacterial activity of Hygrophila stricta and Peperomia pellucida.
Antibacterial, antifungal activities of Barringtonia asiatica.
Antifungal activity of the volatile oil of Eucalyptus citriodora.
Organic carbonate from Calotropis procera leaves.
Arteminin, a new coumarin from Artemisia apiacea.
Ginkgo biloba L.
Chemopreventive effects of emodin and cassiamin B in mouse skin carcinogenesis.
Comparison of superficial and deep acupuncture in the treatment of lumbar myofascial pain: a double-blind randomized controlled study.
Treatments for chronic pain associated with spinal cord injuries: many are tried, few are helpful.
Impact of tofu or tofu + orange juice on hematological indices of lacto-ovo vegetarian females.
Three new hydroxylated serratidine alkaloids from Huperzia serrata.
Compliance testing of medical diagnostic x-ray equipment: three years' experience at a major teaching hospital in Western Australia.
Inhibitory effects of lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus, Stapf) extract on the early phase of hepatocarcinogenesis after initiation with diethylnitrosamine in male Fischer 344 rats.
Suppression of 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine-induced DNA damage in rat colon after grapefruit juice intake.
Isoliquiritigenin suppresses pulmonary metastasis of mouse renal cell carcinoma.
Traditional medicine gets healthy recognition.
Evaluation of an unconventional treatment modality with mistletoe lectin to prevent recurrence of superficial bladder cancer: a randomized phase II trial.
Analytical accuracy and reliability of commonly used nutritional supplements in prostate disease.
An extract from the bark of Aspidosperma quebracho blanco binds to human penile alpha-adrenoceptors.
Cytokine polymorphisms in men with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome: association with diagnosis and treatment response.
Alternative tests in the diagnosis of food allergies
Purified phytoestrogens in postmenopausal bone health: is there a role for genistein?
Changes in cerebral near infrared spectroscopy parameters during manual acupuncture needle stimulation
The efficacy of Ginkgo special extract EGb 761 in patients with tinnitus.
Release of beta-endorphin from adrenal gland to lower plasma glucose by the electroacupuncture at Zhongwan acupoint in rats.
Vegetarian diets of breastfeeding women in the light of dietary recommendations
St John's wort or sertraline? Randomized controlled trial in primary care.
Comparison of normal delivery care in the hospital and traditional care systems
Cannabis: old medicine with new promise for neurological disorders.
Antithrombotic effect of onion in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat.
Complementary medicine, acupuncture, and pneumothorax.
A randomised clinical trial comparing the efficacy of a herbal preparation STW 5 with the prokinetic drug cisapride in patients with dysmotility type of functional dyspepsia.
Antioxidant Mexidol premedication of patients with periodontitis during antihomotoxic therapy
The need for medical evidence when using herbs.
Alternative views essential.
On the management of hyperemesis gravidarum.
Spinal surgery and severe vitamin D deficiency.
Effect of commercial ethanol propolis extract on the in vitro growth of Candida albicans collected from HIV-seropositive and HIV-seronegative Brazilian patients with oral candidiasis.
Foods and health promotion: the case for cranberry.
Fighting infectious diseases with inhibitors of microbial adhesion to host tissues.
Cranberry proanthocyanidins and the maintenance of urinary tract health.
Inhibition of Helicobacter pylori adhesion to human gastric mucus by a high-molecular-weight constituent of cranberry juice.
Cranberry flavonoids, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular health.
Salivary microbiota levels in relation to periodontal status, experience of caries and miswak use in Sudanese adults.
Use of complementary/integrative nutritional therapies during cancer treatment: implications in clinical practice.
Emerging role of complementary medicine in valvular surgery.
French adolescent attitudes towards informal care for physical and emotional or relational problems.
Ethnoveterinary medical practice for ruminants in the subhumid zone of northern Nigeria.
Variations of pain in the treatment of one classical acupuncture-point versus one point of Yamamoto's new scalp acupuncture
St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum L.). A plant with relevance for dermatology
Wound management with coconut oil in Indonesian folk medicine
Clinical aromatherapy and AIDS.
The role of complementary techniques in managing musculoskeletal pain in performance horses.
Nontraditional approaches to pain management.
GC-MS of Crinum latifolium L. alkaloids.
Antiplasmodial activities of sesquiterpene lactones from Eupatorium semialatum.
Interaction of folk medicinal plant extracts with human alpha2-adrenoceptor subtypes.
Activity of drugs from traditional Chinese medicine toward sensitive and MDR1- or MRP1-overexpressing multidrug-resistant human CCRF-CEM leukemia cells.
Effectiveness of complementary and self-help treatments for depression.
Iatrogenic vertebral artery pseudoaneurysm: US, CT and MRI findings.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of Rosmarinus officinalis (Lamiaceae) in the alleviation of carbon tetrachloride-induced acute hepatotoxicity in the rat.
Anti-diabetic activity of medicinal plants and its relationship with their antioxidant property.
Ethnopharmacology of liakra: traditional weedy vegetables of the Arbëreshë of the Vulture area in southern Italy.
The antianaphylactic effects of Crinum glaucum aqueous extract.
Anti-diabetic activity of Bauhinia forficata decoction in streptozotocin-diabetic rats.
Effect of chronic treatment with Enicostemma littorale in non-insulin-dependent diabetic (NIDDM) rats.
Antinociceptive and smooth muscle contracting activities of the methanolic extract of Cassia tora leaf.
Protection against radiation induced damage to spermatogenesis by Podophyllum hexandrum.
Hypoglycaemic effect of Clausena anisata (Willd) Hook methanolic root extract in rats.
Suppression of alcohol-cessation-oriented hyper-anxiety by the benzoflavone moiety of Passiflora incarnata Linneaus in mice.
Antipruritic and antinociceptive effects of Chenopodium album L in mice.
Antimicrobial studies on three species of Hypericum from the Canary Islands.
A review of medical and allied health learners' satisfaction with their training in women's health.
Is alternative medicine alternative science?
Preventive effect of fermented brown rice and rice bran against colon carcinogenesis in male F344 rats.
Botulinum toxin in migraine. Acupuncture is cheaper
Regulatory effect of cytokine production in asthma patients by SOOJI CHIM (Koryo Hand Acupuncture Therapy).
Modulation by Acanthospermum australe extracts of the tumor induced hematopoietic changes in mice.
Effect of acupuncture in the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis: a randomized controlled clinical trial.
A controlled trial on acupuncture for chronic neck pain.
Computer automated prediction of potential therapeutic and toxicity protein targets of bioactive compounds from Chinese medicinal plants.
Rasayanas: evidence for the concept of prevention of diseases.
Misuse of randomization: a review of Chinese randomized trials of herbal medicines for chronic hepatitis B.
Magnets on ears helped diabetics.
Hypothalamic effects of millimeter wave irradiation depend on location of exposed acupuncture zones in unanesthetized rabbits.
Effectiveness of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment for lymphedema following intrapelvic lymph node dissection: a preliminary report.
Does Deqi (needle sensation) exist?
The effects of long-term herbal treatment for pediatric AIDS.
The effect of whole bee venom on arthritis.
Senescence, sleep, and circadian rhythms.
Prevalence and treatment of menopausal symptoms among breast cancer survivors.
Complementary and alternative medicine.
Computer-based quantification of traditional chinese-, ear- and Korean hand acupuncture: needle-induced changes of regional cerebral blood flow velocity.
Complementary/alternative medicine in dermatology: evidence-assessed efficacy of two diseases and two treatments.
Cutaneous drug reaction case reports: from the world literature.
Adult lead poisoning from a herbal medicine.
St. John's Wort for depression. 900 mg per day should an effective dose
Phytotherapy of chronic dermatitis and pruritus of dogs with a topical preparation containing tea tree oil (Bogaskin).
Natural toxins in inter- and intraspecies interaction of human being (elements of ethnotoxinology)
Quality control in drugs--an international function
Pharmaceutical therapy in midwifery practice: a culturally competent approach.
Auricular acupuncture in prison psychiatric units: a pilot study.
Three different pathways for human LDL oxidation are inhibited in vitro by water extracts of the medicinal herb Achyrocline satureoides.
Nocturnal enuresis.
Palpation of the upper thoracic spine: an observer reliability study.
Expectations of chiropractic treatment: what are the expectations of new patients consulting a chiropractor, and do chiropractors and patients have similar expectations?
A simplified conceptual model of the human cervical spine for evaluating force transmission in upright static posture.
Comparison of tibial nerve H-reflex excitability after cervical and lumbar spine manipulation.
Pathologic fracture of metacarpal enchondroma: case study and differential diagnosis.
Mechanical force spinal manipulation increases trunk muscle strength assessed by electromyography: a comparative clinical trial.
Unsubstantiated claims in patient brochures from the largest state, provincial, and national chiropractic associations and research agencies.
Rapid progression of acute sciatica to cauda equina syndrome.
Bone-protecting effect of safflower seeds in ovariectomized rats.
Assessment of variations in heart rate and in daily monitorings of arterial blood pressure in patients with circulatory encephalopathy
Fever and chills following intravenous administration of NeyTumorin--an unconventional xenogenous derived peptides extract
Diagnosis and principles of complex therapy of sarcoidosis
Attitudes toward vaccination: a survey of Canadian chiropractic students.
Chiropractic students' attitudes about vaccination: a cause for concern?
April the cruellest month for Canada's chiropractors.
Effect of Cassia auriculata leaf extract on lipids in rats with alcoholic liver injury.
Criticisms of veterinary homeopathic practice and research.
Difficulties in training human chiropractors and physiotherapists to practice safely on animals.
Nurse practitioner knowledge of complementary alternative health care: foundation for practice.
Comparison of a phytotherapeutic agent (Permixon) with an alpha-blocker (Tamsulosin) in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: a 1-year randomized international study.
Oxygen, oxidants, and antioxidants in wound healing: an emerging paradigm.
Pseudoaneurysm of the popliteal artery: a rare sequela of acupuncture.
Are the channels too small in transmyocardial laser revascularization?
Odontogenic myxomas in the Hong Kong Chinese: clinico-radiological presentation and systematic review.
Serum interleukin-6 level is a useful marker in evaluating therapeutic effects of levamisole and Chinese medicinal herbs on patients with oral lichen planus.
Acupuncture for smoking cessation.
Massage for low back pain.
Kava extract for treating anxiety.
Diabetes. Complementary and alternative care.
Recommendations for herbal supplements and the perioperative patient.
Asthma management: Part 1: An overview of the problem and current trends.
Herbal medicine of Wisconsin Indians.
The effect of auricular acupuncture on psychophysiological measures of cocaine craving.
Local perceptions of the mental health effects of the Uganda acquired immunodeficiency syndrome epidemic.
Paeoniae Radix, a traditional Chinese medicine, and CYP2C9 activity.
Use of alternative therapies by patients undergoing surgery for nonmelanoma skin cancer.
Alternative medications for benign prostatic hyperplasia available on the Internet: a review of the evidence for their use.
Dietary intake and nutritional status of young vegans and omnivores in Sweden.
Plant foods have a complete amino acid composition.
Acupuncture--a complementary treatment in general practice
WHO launches program to assist alternative medicines.
Effects of non-esterified stanols in a liquid emulsion on cholesterol absorption and synthesis in hypercholesterolemic men.
Hyperhomocysteinemia, and low intakes of folic acid and vitamin B12 in urban North India.
Influence of aromatherapy on medication administration to residential-care residents with dementia and behavioral challenges.
Human 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 5 is inhibited by dietary flavonoids.
History as a tool in identifying "new" old drugs.
Allopathic and complementary alternatives to hormone replacement therapy.
Lost in the methodology (final). XXXIX. The ultimate truth
Rheumatologists value alternative medicine.
Maryland man, Virginia physician sentenced for illegally marketing aloe vera 'treatments'.
Study shows St. John's wort ineffective for major depression.
Origins and application of bark cloth in upper extremity splinting.
Herbal products and serious side effects: a case of ginseng-induced manic episode.
Efficacy of Terminalia arjuna in chronic stable angina: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study comparing Terminalia arjuna with isosorbide mononitrate.
Traditional Chinese medicine: a brief outline.
A 3D structure database of components from Chinese traditional medicinal herbs.
Effect of Mederma on hypertrophic scarring in the rabbit ear model.
The use of alternative medicine in the treatment of hepatitis C.
Treating somatic dysfunctions in the pathogenesis of vibration disease
Possible genotoxic activity of extracts of Bryonia alba roots on human lymphocytes and transformed cells.
Prostate cancer and the food supplement, PC-SPES. Minireview.
Acupuncture in the treatment of menopause-related symptoms in women taking tamoxifen.
Hormesis: changing view of the dose-response, a personal account of the history and current status.
Electro-acupuncture at the Zusanli, Yanglingquan, and Kunlun points does not reduce anesthetic requirement.
A new highly reliable instrument for the assessment of pre- and postoperative gynecological pain.
Nature and nurture in vitamin B12 deficiency.
Herbal medicines for neurological diseases.
Osteopathic manipulative treatment in conjunction with medication relieves pain associated with fibromyalgia syndrome: results of a randomized clinical pilot project.
Research on complementary medicine.
Research on complementary medicine.
Bilateral pneumothorax in a young woman after acupuncture
Chronic effects of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) on human memory.
Treatment of child and adolescent obesity: reports from pediatricians, pediatric nurse practitioners, and registered dietitians.
Antiulcerogenic activity of some sesquiterpene lactones isolated from Artemisia annua.
Apoptosis of human highly metastatic lung cancer cell line 95-D induced by acutiaporberine, a novel bisalkaloid derived from Thalictrum acutifolium.
Cytotoxic anthraquinone derivatives from Picramnia antidesma.
Phagnalon rupestre as a source of compounds active on contact hypersensitivity.
A new diterpene from Tanaecium jaroba.
Effects of the ethanol extract of Cichorium intybus on the immunotoxicity by ethanol in mice.
Iron and vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia in a vegetarian: a diagnostic approach by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and radioimmunoassay.
Way for improving the quality of life of elderly oncology patients
Onion and a mixture of vegetables, salads, and herbs affect bone resorption in the rat by a mechanism independent of their base excess.
Salacia reticulata and its polyphenolic constituents with lipase inhibitory and lipolytic activities have mild antiobesity effects in rats.
Herbal diuretics revisited: from "wise women" to William Withering.
Use of natural substances in the treatment of renal stones and other urinary disorders in the medieval Levant.
Carpal tunnel syndrome pain treated with low-level laser and microamperes transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation: A controlled study.
Complementary and alternative medicine in the undergraduate curriculum.
Acupuncture increases cell proliferation and neuropeptide Y expression in dentate gyrus of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging detects activation of the visual association cortex during laser acupuncture of the foot in humans.
Randomised controlled trials for homoeopathy. Providers have much to gain from homoeopathy being accepted.
Antiplatelet effects of herbal products.
The extraction of imperialine and imperialine-3 beta-glucoside from Fritillaria pallidiflora Schrenk and quantitative determination by HPLC-evaporative light scattering detection.
The effect of Gu-Sui-Bu (Drynaria fortunei J. Sm) on bone cell activities.
Use of alternative therapies in menopause.
Herbal antitussives.
Antihyperglycaemic and anti-oxidant properties of Anoectochilus formosanus in diabetic rats.
Use of alternative therapies for menopause symptoms: results of a population-based survey.
The efficacy of a mind-body-spirit group for women with breast cancer: a randomized controlled trial.
From former missionaries to current bridge-builders. New thinking in the traces of missionary health care
Getting to the root of it. A profile of blue cohosh.
Randomised controlled trials for homoeopathy. Studies comparing homoeopathy and placebo are unhelpful.
Randomised controlled trials for homoeopathy. Language is being distorted.
Randomised controlled trials for homoeopathy. Study is in effect trying to compare apples with oranges.
Randomised controlled trials for homoeopathy. When is useful improvement a waste of time? Double positive paradox of negative trials.
Prevention and control of periodontal diseases in developing and industrialized nations.
PC-SPES: phytotherapy for prostate cancer.
Re: Does acupuncture have additional value to standard poststroke motor rehabilitation?
Treatment of post-herpetic neuralgia with colorpuncture
Inhibitory effects of potassium channel blockers on tetramethylpyrazine-induced relaxation of rat aortic strip in vitro.
Toothache tales: Part 1.
Efficacy of galstena in liver damage induced by antitubercular agents
Prevalence of complementary medicine in urologic practice. A review of recent studies with emphasis on use among prostate cancer patients.
Dietary supplements and other alternative medicines for erectile dysfunction. What do I tell my patients?
The placebo effect and randomized trials: analysis of conventional medicine.
The placebo effect and randomized trials: analysis of alternative medicine.
Chemoprevention of bladder cancer.
Herbal medications in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
Green tea and prostate cancer.
Homeopathy: what is it and is it of value in the care of patients with cancer?
Homoeopathy: inaccuracies, misunderstandings and half-truths in allopathic doses.
Survey on the use of complementary and alternative medicine among patients with headache syndromes.
Survey on the use of complementary and alternative medicine among patients with headache syndromes.
Garlic induces apoptosis during 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-induced hamster buccal pouch carcinogenesis.
Lack of modification of rat hepatocarcinogenesis by fernane-type triterpenoids, isolated from a Euphorbia genus.
Independent effect of vitamin B12 deficiency on hematological status in older Chinese vegetarian women.
Herbs for HIV infection.
Hyperhomocysteinemia and cobalamin deficiency in young Asian Indians in the United States.
Biological activities of lavender essential oil.
Effects of Melilotus officinalis on acute inflammation.
Cytotoxic flavonoids from the stem bark of Lonchocarpus aff. fluvialis.
Antioxidant activity of the methanol fraction of Pluchea indica root extract.
Preventative effects of the flowers of Inula britannica on autoimmune diabetes in C57BL/KsJ mice induced by multiple low doses of streptozotocin.
Investigation on the hypoglycaemic effects of extracts of four Mexican medicinal plants in normal and alloxan-diabetic mice.
Anticonvulsant and sedative effects of Salvadora persica L. stem extracts.
Communication between physicians and cancer patients about complementary and alternative medicine: exploring patients' perspectives.
Impact of topical oils on the skin barrier: possible implications for neonatal health in developing countries.
Characteristics of electroacupuncture-induced analgesia in mice: variation with strain, frequency, intensity and opioid involvement.
Medical validity in Eastern and Western traditions.
Hua Tuo, the Chinese god of surgery.
Medical merge. Alternative medicine case study.
Alternative treatment for Anacanthorus penilabiatus (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) infection in cultivated pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus (Osteichthyes: Characidae) in Brazil and its haematological effects.
Iron bioavailability in Thai diets.
Treatment of asthma patients with herbal medicine TJ-96: a randomized controlled trial.
National pharmaceutical policy in Colombia and social security reform: access and rational use of medicines
Constituents of Clerodendrum bungei.
Callus cultures of Annona squamosa for the production of annonaceous acetogenins.
New thiophenes from Echinops grijisii.
Cytotoxic macrocyclic trichothecenes from the mycelia of Calcarisporium arbuscula Preuss.
A cinnamide derivative from Solanum verbascifolium L.
The active constituents from Gualou-xiebai-baijiu-tang part I: active saponins.
A novel steroid from Tylophora atrofolliculata Metc.
A new monoterpene from the bark of Eucommia ulmoides.
Crassicaulisine, a new sulphonoglycolipid from the red alga Chondria crassicaulis Harv.
A new ergostanol saponin from Dioscorea deltoidea Wall var. orbiculata.
A new compound from Geum rivale L.
Asparosides A and B, two new steroidal saponins from Asparagus meioclados.
Three new phlegmariurine B type lycopodium alkaloids from Huperzia serrata.
Acupuncture treatment during labour--a randomised controlled trial.
Evaluation of a method to experimentally induce colic in horses and the effects of acupuncture applied at the Guan-yuan-shu (similar to BL-21) acupoint.
Fish-rich diet, leptin, and body mass.
Complementary and alternative medicine: what is its role?
Antiseptic effect of a topical dermatological formulation that contains Hamamelis distillate and urea.
Blood and tissue eosinophilia, mistletoe lectin antibodies and quality of life in a breast cancer patient undergoing intratumoral and subcutaneous mistletoe therapy
Nondrug interventions in hypertension prevention and control.
Long-term study with kava special extract. Anxiety symptoms decrease over time
Development of therapeutics: opportunities within complementary and alternative medicine.
Effect of valerian, Valeriana edulis, on sleep difficulties in children with intellectual deficits: randomised trial.
Incidence and clinical features of liver injury related to Kampo (Japanese herbal) medicine in 2,496 cases between 1979 and 1999: problems of the lymphocyte transformation test as a diagnostic method.
Induction of apoptosis in a human erythroleukemic cell line K562 by tylophora alkaloids involves release of cytochrome c and activation of caspase 3.
Effects of veratrine and paeoniflorin on isolated mouse vas deferens.
Antioxidant property of Celastrus paniculatus willd.: a possible mechanism in enhancing cognition.
Antioxidant, cyclooxygenase and topoisomerase inhibitory compounds from Apium graveolens Linn. seeds.
The fruiting body and its caterpillar host of Cordyceps sinensis show close resemblance in main constituents and anti-oxidation activity.
Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities of cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa and Uncaria guianensis) are independent of their alkaloid content.
Daidzein, coumestrol and zearalenone affect lipogenesis and lipolysis in rat adipocytes.
Extract of Ocimum canum lowers blood glucose and facilitates insulin release by isolated pancreatic beta-islet cells.
Herbal medicinal products during pregnancy?
Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities of triterpenoids from Strobilanthes callosus nees.
Alternative medicine in allergies - prevalence, patterns of use, and costs.
A randomized trial to evaluate effectiveness and cost effectiveness of naturopathic cranberry products as prophylaxis against urinary tract infection in women.
Diets enriched in foods with high antioxidant activity reverse age-induced decreases in cerebellar beta-adrenergic function and increases in proinflammatory cytokines.
Bleeding complications precipitated by unrecognized Gingko biloba use after liver transplantation.
Assessment of iodine intake in vegans: weighed dietary record vs duplicate portion technique.
Legal issues in alternative health care.
Identification of a gene associated with astragalus and angelica's renal protective effects by silver staining mRNA differential display.
Molecular effects of the herbal compound PC-SPES: identification of activity pathways in prostate carcinoma.
Requirements for quality of approved plant medicines
From medicinal plant to phytotherapeutic drug
Adverse effects and interactions of phytotherapeutic drugs
Interactions of phytotherapeutic drugs, foods and drinks with medicines
Phytotherapy in cardiovascular medicine
Phytotherapeutic drugs in psychiatry
Phytotherapeutic drugs in gastroenterology and hepatology
Use of the plant hepatoprotector Galstena tuberculostatics-induced hepatic lesions: experimental and clinical study
Efficiency of the use of peppermint (Mentha piperita L) essential oil inhalations in the combined multi-drug therapy for pulmonary tuberculosis
Clinical study on the treatment of male immune infertility with sheng jing zhong zi tang.
Study on cytokines IL-2, IL-6, IL-10 in patients of chronic allergic rhinitis treated with acupuncture.
A variant maneuver of acupuncture in treating cervical spondylopathy.
Point injection for treating nephritic colic.
Fifty-six cases of acne treated by auricular needle-embedding.
Acupuncture treatment of superficial pain by subcutaneous needling.
Clinical application of the point yongquan.
TCM treatment of fundus hemorrhage due to obstruction of retinal vein.
Cupping therapy for 103 cases of high fever due to infection of the upper respiratory tract.
Examples of clinical application of fengchi.
Clinical experience in application of the acupoint futu.
Effects of electroacupuncture at weiwanxiashu and zusanli points on blood glucose and plasma pancreatic glucagon contents in diabetic rabbits.
Advances in TCM symptomatology of rheumatoid arthritis.
Application of healthy-side needling to treatment of apoplectic hemiplegia.
Acupuncture treatment of hiccup.
How to treat cervical spondylopathy with acupuncture?
A comparison between the Chinese and European patients in acupuncture treatment.
Long-term effect of TCM decoctions in treatment of nephrotic syndrome.
A clinical and experimental study on the protective effects of jiangzhi tongmai fang on endothelial injury.
Clinical observation on the therapeutic effects of zhongyan-2 recipe in treating 29 HIV-infected and AIDS patients.
Application of bu zhong yi qi tang according to TCM differentiation of syndromes.
Effects of elevated ultraviolet-B radiation on native and cultivated plants of southern Africa.
Genes 'n' greens: the future of oral medicine?
Onion juice (Allium cepa L.), a new topical treatment for alopecia areata.
Influence of a vegetarian diet versus a diet with fishmeal on bone in growing pigs.
Brief case reports of medically supervised, water-only fasting associated with remission of autoimmune disease.
Study ethics, patients' rights highlight 11th NACCAM meeting. National Advisory Council for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Tribulations and trials: acupuncture study designs affect outcome.
Acustimulation wristbands for the relief of chemotherapy-induced nausea.
Complementary and alternative medical treatment of breast cancer: a survey of licensed North American naturopathic physicians.
Thomas Rau, MD: biological medicine and the dynamics of regulation. Interview by Bonnie Horrigan.
Traditional use of sakau (kava) in Pohnpei: lessons for integrative medicine.
Development of a Chinese herbal medicine toxicology database.
Medicinal herb Erycibe henri Prain ("Ting Kung Teng") resulting in acute cholinergic syndrome.
Green tea as a potent antioxidant in alcohol intoxication.
Botanical medicines for anxiety: do they have a place?
Medicinal plants of the Popoluca, México: organoleptic properties as indigenous selection criteria.
Glucose lowering effect of aqueous extract of Enicostemma littorale Blume in diabetes: a possible mechanism of action.
Tranquilizing, antihistaminic and purgative activity of Nyctanthes arbor tristis leaf extract.
Inhibition of cancer cell growth by crude extract and the phenolics of Terminalia chebula retz. fruit.
Anticancer and antithrombin activity of Russian plants.
Antidiabetic and hypolipidemic activity of Helicteres isora in animal models.
Hypoglycaemic effect of Rubus fructicosis L. and Globularia alypum L. in normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.
Cancer prevention and therapy with kiwifruit in Chinese folklore medicine: a study of kiwifruit extracts.
Antioxidant and antihepatotoxic activities of Phellinus rimosus (Berk) Pilat.
Gastroprotective effect of fenugreek seeds (Trigonella foenum graecum) on experimental gastric ulcer in rats.
In vitro antiplasmodial activity of extracts of Alchornea cordifolia and identification of an active constituent: ellagic acid.
Salvia miltiorrhiza inhibits biliary obstruction-induced hepatocyte apoptosis by cytoplasmic sequestration of p53.
Lifestyle-related characteristics of young low-meat consumers and omnivores in Sweden and Norway.
Home management of febrile convulsion in an African population: a comparison of urban and rural mothers' knowledge attitude and practice.
A placebo-controlled study of Kava kava in generalized anxiety disorder.
Complications from folk remedies at the emergency department.
Staying on the ethical high ground with complementary and alternative medicine.
Massage and aromatherapy massage: nursing art and science.
Frontier fields of plant chemical ecology in the 21st century
Experience in using acupuncture in children with opisthorchiasis
Use of glycyrrhiza extract in restoring local nonspecific defense of the lungs in patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis
Electro-acupuncture stimulation to muscle afferents in anesthetized rats modulates the blood flow to the knee joint through autonomic reflexes and nitric oxide.
Pharmacological properties of traditional medicines (XXVII). Interaction between Ephedra Herb and Gypsum under hyperthermal conditions in rats.
In vitro antioxidant potentials of traditional Chinese medicine, Shengmai San and their relation to in vivo protective effect on cerebral oxidative damage in rats.
St John's wort and depression.
St John's wort and depression.
St John's wort and depression.
St John's wort and depression.
St John's wort and depression.
St John's wort and depression.
Nutrition Society Medal lecture. The role of the skeleton in acid-base homeostasis.
Therapeutic regimen in Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome
Rehabilitation of burn victims. A difficult path back to normality
Comparative study with prokinetic agents. Dyspepsia can be managed with phytotherapy
Cimicifuga racemosa: a systematic review of its clinical efficacy.
Drug studies. Why placebo is so often omitted
Pitfalls in polytherapy. 10 important interactions to remember
Psychiatric patients' experiences in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), and in religious support--a pilot study.
Serenoa repens for benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Artichoke leaf extract for treating hypercholesterolaemia.
Acupuncture and electroacupuncture for the treatment of RA.
Herbs and the heart.
Management of childhood diseases during the Byzantine period: III-- respiratory diseases of childhood.
Healing with flower essences.
Complex use of plant preparations for increase of fighting efficiency of military personnel
Should we all be vegetarians? Would we be healthier? Would the planet? The risks and benefits of a meat-free life.
Challenges and opportunities confronting the botanical dietary supplement industry.
"Primary care in the next decade".
Antifibrotic properties of botanicals in chronic liver disease.
Aromatherapy as a safe and effective treatment for the management of agitation in severe dementia: the results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with Melissa.
Alternative treatments for depression: empirical support and relevance to women.
Treatment of superficial mycoses with Ocimum gratissimum.
The conceptual structure of hwa-byung in middle-aged Korean women.
Phytotherapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Phytotherapy and other alternative forms of care for the patient with prostatitis.
Hospitals get alternative. Acupuncture, massage, and even herbs pop up in mainstream medical settings.
Acupuncture in diseases of the locomotor system. Status of research and clinical applications
Ischemic colitis associated with herbal product use in a young woman.
Protective effect of colored rice over white rice on Fenton reaction-based renal lipid peroxidation in rats.
Are manipulative therapy approaches the same?
Cervical SNAGs: a biomechanical analysis.
Forebrain-mediated sensitization of central pain pathways: 'non-specific' pain and a new image for MT.
Responses to a clinical test of mechanical provocation of nerve tissue in whiplash associated disorder.
A randomized clinical trial of manual therapy for cervico-brachial pain syndrome -- a pilot study.
Acute locked thoracic spine: treatment with a modified SNAG.
Inter-examiner and intra-examiner agreement for assessing sacro-iliac anatomical landmarks using palpation and observation: pilot study.
Alternative treatments in reproductive medicine: much ado about nothing. Acupuncture-a method of treatment in reproductive medicine: lack of evidence of an effect does not equal evidence of the lack of an effect.
Hyperemesis gravidarum.
P6 acupoint injections are as effective as droperidol in controlling early postoperative nausea and vomiting in children.
Characterization and comparative evaluation of a novel PAI-1 inhibitor.
A profile of military veterans in the southwestern United States who use complementary and alternative medicine: implications for integrated care.
Copper in legumes may lower heart disease risk.
Perceptions about menopause and health practises among women in northeast Thailand.
Study of the patterns of alternative therapy by the elderly.
Efficacy of St. John's wort extract WS 5570 in major depression: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
A vegan diet changes the intestinal flora.
"Spontaneous" cervical arterial dissection.
General practice study with nettle extract. Arthrosis patient need fewer non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Complementary therapy use in HIV/AIDS.
Re: Herbal medicines.
Varieties of healing.
Pharmacokinetic interactions between herbal remedies and medicinal drugs.
Homeopathy ineffective for asthma.
Traditional Chinese medicine (tongue acupuncture) in children with drooling problems.
The nature and utility of the phytoestrogens: a review of the evidence.
Isoflavones from red clover (Promensil) significantly reduce menopausal hot flush symptoms compared with placebo.
In vitro activity of Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil against dermatophytes and other filamentous fungi.
SPICE--new method for the treatment of cardiac insufficiency?
Overview of phytopharmaceuticals for therapy of dementia. Quality and activity of Gingko biloba extract
Good and not good studies. New therapeutic studies on antidementia agents
Use of modulators of airways inflammation in patients with CF.
Transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation potentiates analgesic effect of morphine.
Urinary excretion and metabolism of arbutin after oral administration of Arctostaphylos uvae ursi extract as film-coated tablets and aqueous solution in healthy humans.
Oral flower essences for ADHD.
Herbal medicine and the transplant patient.
My friend the witch doctor.
Cellular pharmacology studies of shikonin derivatives.
Brain neurotransmitter receptor binding and nootropic studies on Indian Hypericum perforatum Linn.
Effect of methanol extract from flower petals of Tagetes patula L. on acute and chronic inflammation model.
The effect of Momordica charantia and Mucuna pruriens in experimental diabetes and their effect on key metabolic enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism.
Comparative study of two Ginkgo biloba extracts on the phagocytic activity and DTH response of healthy mice.
Protective effect of acorus calamus against acrylamide induced neurotoxicity.
Sedative and anticonvulsant activities of goodyerin, a flavonol glycoside from Goodyera schlechtendaliana.
Analgesic and antiinflammatory properties of Sideritis lotsyi var. Mascaensis.
Morphologic and morphometric analyses of acetic acid-induced colitis in rats after treatment with enemas from Myracrodruon urundeuva Fr. All. (Aroeira do Sertão).
Hypocholesterolaemic effect of the oleoresin of Capsicum annum L. in gerbils (Meriones hurrianae Jerdon).
Protective effect of a plant formula on ethanol-induced gastric lesions in rats.
Spasmolytic activity of Toddalia asiatica Var. floribunda.
Effect of freeze dried extract of Olea europaea on the pituitary-thyroid axis in rats.
Ispaghula husk.
"Three systems together" programme of University of Science and Technology, Chittagong.
A new prebiotic from germinated barley for nutraceutical treatment of ulcerative colitis.
Evidence-based complementary medicine: rigor, relevance, and the swampy lowlands.
Integrating qualitative methods in randomized controlled trials: the experience of the Oregon Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Kava tonga.
Integrating patient preferences in clinical trials: a pilot study of acupuncture versus midazolam for gastroscopy.
Assessing efficacy of complementary medicine: adding qualitative research methods to the "Gold Standard".
Comparative anxiolytic activity profile of various preparations of Passiflora incarnata linneaus: a comment on medicinal plants' standardization.
Acupuncture modulation of capsaicin-induced inflammation: effect of intraperitoneal and local administration of naloxone in rats. A blinded controlled study.
Attitudes of patients undergoing surgery toward alternative medical treatment.
Teaching evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: 2. A conceptual approach to causation-part 1.
Teaching evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: 2. A conceptual approach to causation-part 2.
Spirostanol saponins from the rhizomes of Tacca chantrieri and their cytotoxic activity.
Complications of Bothrops, Porthidium, and Bothriechis snakebites in Colombia. A clinical and epidemiological study of 39 cases attended in a university hospital.
Antitussive activity of the methanol extract of Passiflora incarnata leaves.
Oleanane glycosides from the leaves of Diploclisia glaucescens.
Antifungal activity of fruit pulp extract from Bromelia pinguin.
Antibacterial activity of Syzygium cumini and Syzygium travancoricum leaf essential oils.
Antinociceptive activity of Wrightia tinctoria bark.
Antimicrobial activity of some Sri Lankan Rubiaceae and Meliaceae.
Molluscicidal activity against Biomphalaria glabrata of Brazilian Cerrado medicinal plants.
Isolation of antibacterial fatty acids from Schotia brachypetala.
Antimicrobial diterpenes from the stem bark of Mitrephora celebica.
Antibacterial activity of the essential oil from Aristolochia indica.
Additional pregnane glycoside from Baseonema acuminatum.
Phenolic constituents from the leaves of the carnivorous plant Nepenthes gracilis.
A herbal medicine used in the treatment of addiction mimics the action of amphetamine on in vitro rat striatal dopamine release.
Contact dermatitis to botanical extracts.
Thought field therapy and trauma recovery.
Positive integration of drugs and herbs.
Treatment of erectile dysfunction with Chinese herbal medicine
Psycogenic ED--medical treatment
Kampo preparations for prostatic hyperplasia: usefulness of Saireito for nocturia
A raw vegetarian diet for patients with fibromyalgia.
The muscle twitch in myofascial pain relief: effects of acupuncture and other needling methods.
Aromatherapy massage: its use in a ward setting.
Mobilization with movement as an adjunct intervention in a patient with complicated de Quervain's tenosynovitis: a case report.
Coumarin glycoside from Cissus sicyoides.
Antioxidant capacity of abietanes from Sphacele salviae.
Effects of cacao liquor proanthocyanidins on PhIP-induced mutagenesis in vitro, and in vivo mammary and pancreatic tumorigenesis in female Sprague-Dawley rats.
Enhancement of radiotherapy by oleandrin is a caspase-3 dependent process.
Antiulcerogenic effect of methanolic extract of Emblica officinalis: an experimental study.
Lipid lowering activity of Phyllanthus niruri in hyperlipemic rats.
Pharmacokinetic interactions between warfarin and kangen-karyu, a Chinese traditional herbal medicine, and their synergistic action.
Antiulcer activity of Sapindus saponaria L. in the rat.
Pharmacologic treatments of dementia.
Do cranberries aid in the treatment of urinary tract infections?
Antiproliferative and proapoptotic activities of triptolide (PG490), a natural product entering clinical trials, on primary cultures of human prostatic epithelial cells.
Herbal medicine (kami-shoyo-san) in the treatment of premenstrual dysphoric disorder.
Effects of a traditional herbal supplement on anxiety in patients with generalized anxiety disorder.
Herbal therapies update: implications for the clinical nurse specialist.
Neuroprotection by methanol extract of Uncaria rhynchophylla against global cerebral ischemia in rats.
Effect of jianpiyiwei capsule on gastric precancerous lesions in rats.
Clinical observation of salvianolic acid B in treatment of liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis B.
Managing patients with local anesthetic complications using alternative methods.
Effects of PC-SPES on proliferation and expression of AR/PSA in androgen-responsive LNCaP cells are independent of estradiol.
In vitro effects of fucans on MDA-MB231 tumor cell adhesion and invasion.
3-year results of docetaxel-based sequential and combination regimens in the adjuvant therapy of node-positive breast cancer: a pilot study.
A severe case of multiple metal poisoning in a child treated with a traditional medicine.
The ingestion of inorganic nitrate increases gastric S-nitrosothiol levels and inhibits platelet function in humans.
Heart rate changes in response to mild mechanical irritation of the high cervical spinal cord region in infants.
Hepatitis B and C virus prevalence in a rural area of South Korea: the role of acupuncture.
The association between Viadent use and oral leukoplakia--results of a matched case-control study.
Treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy with prostaplant
Nicotine dependence and motivation for smoking cessation in patients of a cardiologic-pneumologic department
Treatment of chronic pain with spinal cord stimulation versus alternative therapies: cost-effectiveness analysis.
Re: systematic review of spinal manipulation.
Alternative medicine. NIH trial to test chelation therapy.
Developing skilled performance of lumbar spine manipulation.
Forces applied during manual therapy to patients with low back pain.
Vertebral arteries and cervical rotation: modeling and magnetic resonance angiography studies.
The effect of talocrural joint manipulation on range of motion at the ankle.
Evaluating the quality of clinical practice guidelines.
The Webster Technique: a chiropractic technique with obstetric implications.
Pharmaceutical importance of Allium sativum L. 3. Antibacterial effects on Helicobacter pylori
Determinants of the age at natural menopause
Alternative therapies.
Cannabis for chronic pain: case series and implications for clinicians.
Acupuncture: a physician's primer, Part I.
Simultaneous determination of berberine in rat blood, liver and bile using microdialysis coupled to high-performance liquid chromatography.
Identification and determination of geniposide contained in Gardenia jasminoides and in two preparations of mixed traditional Chinese medicines.
Evaluation of carcinogenic/co-carcinogenic activity of chikusaku-eki, a bamboo charcoal by-product used as a folk remedy, in BALB/c 3T3 cells.
PCR-based sensitive detection of medicinal fungi Hericium species from ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences.
Effects of 5 different diets on urinary risk factors for calcium oxalate kidney stone formation: evidence of different renal handling mechanisms in different race groups.
The role of complementary medicine in the treatment of incurable diseases
Acupuncture for cancer patients: why not?
The use of alternative medicine by multiple sclerosis patients
Some evidence for the use of doctrine of signatures in the land of Israel and its environs during the Middle Ages
Mediastinal lipomatosis and exogenous steroids.
Effect of orally administered Hochu-ekki-to, a Japanese herbal medicine, on contact hypersensitivity caused by repeated application of antigen.
Anti-inflammatory activity of an extract of Petasites hybridus in allergic rhinitis.
Education and training of complementary therapists: the role of higher education.
Herbal medicine in pregnancy.
The future of reflexology.
The House Of Lords Select Committee for Science and Technology. Their report on complementary and alternative medicine and its implications for reflexology. . .
Climacteric: concept, consequence and care.
Antioxidant activities of phenolic, proanthocyanidin, and flavonoid components in extracts of Cassia fistula.
Comparison of a phytotherapeutic agent (Permixon) with an alpha-blocker (Tamsulosin) in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: a 1-year randomized international study
The peri-operative implications of herbal medicines.
Adulteration of Chinese herbal medicines with synthetic drugs: a systematic review.
Efficacy of a soy rich diet in preventing postmenopausal osteoporosis: the Menfis randomized trial.
Nonpharmacologic management of osteoarthritis.
Supplementing antiretroviral therapy.
Hepatic veno-occlusive disease as a result of a traditional remedy: confirmation of toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids as the cause, using an in vitro technique.
C-fos gene expression induced in cells in specific hypothalamic structures by noxious mechanical stimulation and its [correction of it's] modification by exposure of the skin to extremely high frequency irradiation.
Nodular vasculitis associated with chronic hepatitis C.
Importance of N-terminal residues in plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 on its antibody induced latency transition.
Topical anti-inflammatory activity of extracts and compounds from Thymus broussonettii.
Herbs for benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Effect of ceramic-impregnated "thermoflow" gloves on patients with Raynaud's syndrome: randomized, placebo-controlled study.
Effect of protein source on resistive-training-induced changes in body composition and muscle size in older men.
Flatulence, meteorism, fullness. Plant cocktail calms the irritated stomach
Gloves and aloe vera.
Chronic suppurative otitis media in indigenous populations: the Australian aborigine.
The divine cork oak
The escalating cost and prevalence of alternative medicine.
Inhibition of mouse skin tumor promotion by anti-inflammatory diarylheptanoids derived from Alpinia oxyphylla Miquel (Zingiberaceae).
Neuronal specificity of acupuncture response: a fMRI study with electroacupuncture.
Dissociation, childhood trauma, and ataque de nervios among Puerto Rican psychiatric outpatients.
Inhibitory effects of Korean medicinal plants and camelliatannin H from Camellia japonica on human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease.
The acetone soluble fraction from bark extract of Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart.) coville inhibits gastric acid secretion and experimental gastric ulceration in rats.
Jasmine absolute (Jasminum grandiflora L.) and its mode of action on guinea-pig ileum in vitro.
In vitro anti-hepatoma activity of fifteen natural medicines from Canada.
Anxiolytic and anticonvulsive activity of Sesbania grandiflora leaves in experimental animals.
Hypolipidaemic activity of seaweed from Karachi coast.
Effect of Angelica sinensis on the proliferation of human bone cells.
Interaction of herbal drugs with digoxin.
Hwangryun-Hae-Dok-tang (Huanglian-Jie-Du-Tang) extract and its constituents reduce ischemia-reperfusion brain injury and neutrophil infiltration in rats.
Stevens' cure: a secret remedy.
The safety of homeopathic products.
Ischemic stroke secondary to vertebral and cartid artery dissection following chiropractic manipulation of the cervical spine.
Whole grains, two drinks a day may help repel type 2 diabetes.
A review of the use of topical analgesics for myofascial pain.
Pain treatment with acupuncture for patients with fibromyalgia.
Policosanol safely down-regulates HMG-CoA reductase - potential as a component of the Esselstyn regimen.
Kushta(s): unique herbo-mineral preparations used in South Asian traditional medicine.
PC-SPES--a lesson for future dietary supplement research.
Complementary and alternative medicine use and fibromyalgia.
Targeting of the photocytotoxic compound AlPcS4 to Hela cells by transferrin conjugated PEG-liposomes.
Acupuncture therapy for the symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia: solutions to an ageing problem.
Hypericum perforatum extract in treatment of mild to moderate depression. Clinical and pharmacological aspects
An evaluation of the quality of herbal product information provided by health food store retailers and pharmacists in a Canadian city.
A comparative study in rodents of standardized extracts of Bacopa monniera and Ginkgo biloba: anticholinesterase and cognitive enhancing activities.
Effects of Ba-Wei-Die-Huang-Wan on the cholinergic function and protein expression of M2 muscarinic receptor of the urinary bladder in diabetic rats.
Sex differences in the citrus lemon essential oil-induced increase of hippocampal acetylcholine release in rats exposed to a persistent painful stimulation.
Inhibition of amyloid-beta aggregation and caspase-3 activation by the Ginkgo biloba extract EGb761.
Barriers to expanding primary care roles for chiropractors: The role of chiropractic as primary care gatekeeper.
Can patient reactions to the first chiropractic treatment predict early favorable treatment outcome in persistent low back pain?
The effect of Trager therapy on the level of evoked stretch responses in patients with Parkinson's disease and rigidity.
Immediate changes in the quadriceps femoris angle after insertion of an orthotic device.
The kinematics of motion palpation and its effect on the reliability for cervical spine rotation.
Prevention and complementary medicine in aging
Treatment of migraine.
Systematic review of randomized trials for the treatment of oral leukoplakia.
Treatment of experimental heterophyiasis with two plant extracts, areca nut and pumpkin seed.
Moments in surgical history: Andrew Jackson Howe (1825-1892) and eclectic surgery.
Paeoniae Radix, a Chinese herbal extract, inhibit hepatoma cells growth by inducing apoptosis in a p53 independent pathway.
Patients' self-treatment with alternative treatment before presenting to the ED.
A survey of acupuncture treatments in general practice.
Acupuncture for back pain in a patient with Forestier's disease (diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis/DISH).
Infected compartment syndrome after acupuncture.
Galactorrhoea following acupuncture.
The acupuncture murders.
The origins of acupuncture.
Effects of electroacupuncture on intraoperative and postoperative analgesic requirement.
No effect of chinese acupuncture on isocapnic hyperventilation with cold air in asthmatics, measured with impulse oscillometry.
An uncontrolled pilot study of HT7 for 'stress'.
Superficial versus deep dry needling.
Acupuncture mechanisms for clinically relevant long-term effects--reconsideration and a hypothesis.
Menstrual madness: women's health and well-being in urban Burma.
Hepatoprotective effects of Arctium lappa Linne on liver injuries induced by chronic ethanol consumption and potentiated by carbon tetrachloride.
Systematic review of randomized controlled trials of nonpharmacological interventions for fibromyalgia.
Oral administration of freshly expressed juice of Echinacea purpurea herbs fail to stimulate the nonspecific immune response in healthy young men: results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study.
Food phytosterol ester efficiency on the plasma lipid reduction in moderate hypercholesterolemic subjects
Depression: St. John's wort is only effective after 2 to 3 weeks. Initial phase can be bridged with baldrian
An investigation of the health beliefs and motivations of complementary medicine clients.
Hepatoprotective effects of 18beta-glycyrrhetinic acid on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury: inhibition of cytochrome P450 2E1 expression.
Hypolipidemic effect of Cuminum cyminum L. on alloxan-induced diabetic rats.
Use of complementary and alternative medicine for symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Massage for low-back pain: a systematic review within the framework of the Cochrane Collaboration Back Review Group.
Reliability and validity of lumbosacral spine radiograph reading by chiropractors, chiropractic radiologists, and medical radiologists.
Bioactive constituents of the seeds of Brucea javanica.
Polyneuropathies. Treatment using physical factors
References to some homoeopathic research.
Accurate citation of published work is necessary in this profession.
Therapeutic efficacy of Stephania tetrandra S. Moore for treatment of neovascularization of retinal capillary (retinopathy) in diabetes--in vitro study.
Immunological studies of Revitonil, a phytopharmaceutical containing Echinacea purpurea and Glycyrrhiza glabra root extract.
Preliminary evaluation of anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activity of S. lappa, A. speciosa and A. aspera.
The anti-allergic effects of Crinum glaucum aqueous extract.
E/S/C/O/P--the European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy.
Ocular hypotension induced by electroacupuncture.
Antibacterial effect of Kampo herbal formulation Hochu-ekki-to (Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi-Tang) on Helicobacter pylori infection in mice.
Incidence of herb-induced aconitine poisoning in Hong Kong: impact of publicity measures to promote awareness among the herbalists and the public.
How does your garden grow? Herbal remedíes EMS may encounter.
Antimicrobial, echinococcidial and immunostimulating properties of the drug Cheblin-SK-1
Treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy: present situation and future prospects
Studies on the antilithic effect of Rotula aquatica lour in male Wistar rats.
Randomized, controlled trial of phytoestrogen in the prophylactic treatment of menstrual migraine.
Risk perception and new age beliefs.
Management of childhood diseases during the Byzantine period: VI - ocular diseases.
Fruitful meeting between the Pope and Montagnier.
The Efficacy of homeopathy in the treatment of chronic low back pain compared to standardized physiotherapy
Vegetarian diet in treating elderly patients with ischemic heart disease (clinico-hemodynamic, biochemical, and hemorheological effects)
Pharmacological properties od steroid glycosides from Ruscus ponticus
About homeopathy. 1930
Flow cytometric testing of immunological effects of a phytomedicinal combination (equimun) and its compounds on bovine leucocytes.
The challenge of educating physicians about complementary and alternative medicine.
Integrative medical education: development and implementation of a comprehensive curriculum at the University of Arizona.
Complementary and alternative medicine and the need for evidence-based criticism.
The teaching of complementary and alternative medicine in U.S. medical schools: a survey of course directors.
Aspects of MMR. Survey shows that some homoeopaths and chiropractors advise against MMR.
St John's wort as treatment for depression.
Effects of American ginseng berry extract on blood glucose levels in ob/ob mice.
Effects of bitter melon (Momordica charantia l.) or ginger rhizome (Zingiber offifinale rosc) on spontaneous mammary tumorigenesis in SHN mice.
Effect of the aqueous extract of xiao-ban-xia-tang on gastric emptying in mice.
Effect of ninjin-youei-to on Th1/Th2 type cytokine production in different mouse strains.
Anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective activity of peh-hue-juwa-chi-cao in male rats.
Ameliorative effect of Silene aprica on liver injuries induced by carbon tetrachloride and acetaminophen.
Cytoprotection by propolis ethanol extract of acute absolute ethanol-induced gastric mucosal lesions.
The effect of Chinese medicine on bone cell activities.
Chinese medicine induces neurite outgrowth in PC12 mutant cells incapable of differentiation.
Effects of Inula Britannica on the production of antibodies and cytokines and on T cell differentiation in C57BL/6 mice immunized by ovalbumin.
Extract from the leaves of Toona sinensis roemor exerts potent antiproliferative effect on human lung cancer cells.
Effects of garlic components diallyl sulfide and diallyl disulfide on arylamine N-acetyltransferase activity and 2-aminofluorene-DNA adducts in human promyelocytic leukemia cells.
The improvement of luteal insufficiency in fecund women by tokishakuyakusan treatment.
Antioxidant and anticonvulsant effect of a modified formula of chaihu-longu-muli-tang.
Effects of kakkon-to and sairei-to on aqueous flare elevation after complicated cataract surgery.
The efficacy of herbal medicine (kampo) in reducing the adverse effects of IFN-beta in chronic hepatitis C.
The physiological mechanisms of 2 Hz electroacupuncture: a study using blink and H reflex.
Acupuncture stimulation of the vision-related acupoint (Bl-67) increases c-Fos expression in the visual cortex of binocularly deprived rat pups.
The effect of acupuncture on the coronary arteries as evaluated by coronary angiography: a preliminary report.
Aquapuncture therapy of repeat breeding in dairy cattle.
What's in a name? A systematic review of the nomenclature of Chinese medical formulae.
Antiulcerogenic activity of four extracts obtained from the bark wood of Quassia amara L. (Simaroubaceae).
Antipruritic and antiinflammatory effects of aqueous extract from Si-Wu-Tang.
Pharmacological evaluation of Shokyo and Kankyo (1).
Luteolin as an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic constituent of Perilla frutescens.
Antidiabetic activity of Lyophyllum decastes in genetically type 2 diabetic mice.
Activity-guided fractionation of green tea extract with antiproliferative activity against human stomach cancer cells.
Antitumor-promoting constituents from Dioscorea bulbifera L. in JB6 mouse epidermal cells.
Antioxidant effect of Phaseolus vulgaris in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.
Alternative medicine: a mirror image for scientific medicine.
The efficacy and safety of Tanacetum parthenium (feverfew) in migraine prophylaxis--a double-blind, multicentre, randomized placebo-controlled dose-response study.
Nocturnal enuresis.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Extinction and diversity in alternative medicine.
Acupuncture: the search for biologic evidence with functional magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography techniques.
A pilot study of functional magnetic resonance imaging of the brain during manual and electroacupuncture stimulation of acupuncture point (LI-4 Hegu) in normal subjects reveals differential brain activation between methods.
Assessment of beliefs in the effectiveness of acupuncture for treatment of psychiatric symptoms.
Complementary medicine in Israel.
Gerimax ginseng regulates both humoral and cellular immunity during chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infection.
Types of alternative medicine used by patients with breast, colon, or prostate cancer: predictors, motives, and costs.
Teaching evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: 3. Asking the questions and identifying the information.
Introducing integrative East-West medicine to medical students and residents.
Homeopath & patient--a dyad of harmony?
Complementary/alternative medicine in chronic illness as informed self-care decision making.
Lipophilic fraction of Panax ginseng induces neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells and promotes neuronal survival of rat cortical neurons by protein kinase C dependent manner.
Mistletoe extracts standardised in terms of mistletoe lectins (ML I) in oncology: current state of clinical research.
Chronic epicondylitis: effects of real and sham acupuncture treatment: a randomised controlled patient- and examiner-blinded long-term trial.
Short-term therapeutic fasting in the treatment of chronic pain and fatigue syndromes--well-being and side effects with and without mineral supplements
The scientific effectiveness of identification of a therapeutically active ingredient of high potencies
Micronesian massage and massage oils: ancient practice and contemporary medical therapy.
Complementary and alternative medical treatment of breast cancer: a survey of licensed North American naturopathic physicians.
Greening healthcare: practicing as if the natural environment really mattered.
Leech therapy for symptomatic treatment of knee osteoarthritis: results and implications of a pilot study.
Ginger syrup as an antiemetic in early pregnancy.
Childhood lead poisoning associated with tamarind candy and folk remedies--California, 1999-2000.
Chiropractic and medical care costs of low back care: results from a practice-based observational study.
Advanced glycation end products and nutrition.
Structure-function relationship exists for ginsenosides in reducing cell proliferation and inducing apoptosis in the human leukemia (THP-1) cell line.
Cocoa extract protects against early alcohol-induced liver injury in the rat.
The effect of different diets on urine composition and the risk of calcium oxalate crystallisation in healthy subjects.
Ethnomedical knowledge of plants used by Kunabi Tribe of Karnataka in India.
Structure of a novel diterpenoid ester, fritillahupehin from bulbs of Fritillaria hupehensis Hsiao and K.C. Hsia.
Tannin composition of barbatimão species.
The genus Hypericum--a valuable resource of anti-Staphylococcal leads.
Effect of extract of medicinal plants on the labeling of blood elements with Technetium-99m and on the morphology of red blood cells: I--a study with Paullinia cupana.
Stilbenes from Sphaerophysa salsula.
Iristectorone K, a novel monocyclic triterpene ester from Iris germanica rhizomes growing in Turkey.
Saponins from Styrax officinalis.
Antibacterial and antifungal activities of Dracontomelon dao.
Antibacterial, antifungal activity of Harpullia petiolaris.
Antimicrobial and antifungal activity of crude extracts and isolated saponins from Astragalus verrucosus.
Antinociceptive and antidiarrhoeal activity of Zanthoxylum rhetsa.
Antimicrobial activity of Bridelia ferruginea leaves extracts.
In vitro antiviral activity of thirty-six plants from La Réunion Island.
Hyperglycemic effect of leaves of Mimosa pudica Linn.
Isolation and structural elucidation of 3,4',5,7-tetraacetyl quercetin from Adina cordifolia (Karam ki Gaach).
Roraimine: a bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloid from Cissampelos sympodialis roots.
PC-SPES inhibits colon cancer growth in vitro and in vivo.
Complementary and alternative medicine use among women with breast cancer.
Safety issues in using complementary and alternative medicine.
A longitudinal women's health curriculum: a multi-method, multiperspective needs assessment.
Cytochrome P450 phenotypic ratios for predicting herb-drug interactions in humans.
Ischemic stroke in a user of thermadrene: a case study in alternative medicine.
Acute retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal abscesses in children.
Compliance with appointments and medications in a pediatric neurology clinic at a University Hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Withania somnifera root extract prevents DMBA-induced squamous cell carcinoma of skin in Swiss albino mice.
The effect of the herbal medicine dai-kenchu-to on post-operative ileus.
Immediate effects of dry needling and acupuncture at distant points in chronic neck pain: results of a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled crossover trial.
Sensory stimulation (TENS): effects of parameter manipulation on mechanical pain thresholds in healthy human subjects.
Rocaglamide derivatives are potent inhibitors of NF-kappa B activation in T-cells.
Dietary supplement use for pediatric infections.
Action of Rubus coreanus extract on systemic and local anaphylaxis.
Antiinflammatory investigation of some species of Mikania.
Keishi-bukuryo-gan preserves the endothelium dependent relaxation of thoracic aorta in cholesterol-fed rabbit by limiting superoxide generation.
Antidiarrhoeal activity of seed extract of Albizzia lebbeck Benth.
Bioactive phenolic derivatives from Acaena splendens methanol extract.
Treatment of melasma with Pycnogenol.
A comparative study of different crude extracts of Ocimum sanctum on noise stress.
Nutritional determinants of homocysteinemia
The role of Abraham Lincoln in securing a charter for a homeopathic medical college.
Traditional healers, still part of the community health systems in the Andes.
Photochemoprevention by botanical antioxidants.
Emblica cascading antioxidant: a novel natural skin care ingredient.
Predicting chemotherapy response to paclitaxel-based therapy in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (stage IIIb or IV) with a higher T stage (> T2). Technetium-99m methoxyisobutylisonitrile chest single photon emission computed tomography and P-glycoprotein express ion.
Communication between animal cells and the plant foods they ingest: phyto-zooidal dependencies and signaling (Review).
The effects of aromatherapy on pruritus in patients undergoing hemodialysis.
Use of phytoestrogens in menopause.
Complementary therapy use in persons with HIV/AIDS.
Gastric cytoprotective anti-ulcer effects of the leaf methanol extract of Ocimum suave (Lamiaceae) in rats.
Ethnopharmacological survey of medicinal plants used for the treatment of diabetes mellitus, hypertension and cardiac diseases in the south-east region of Morocco (Tafilalet).
Evaluation of the anticonvulsant activity of the seed acetone extract of Ferula gummosa Boiss. against seizures induced by pentylenetetrazole and electroconvulsive shock in mice.
Hypoglycemic and antihyperglycemic activity of Murraya koenigii leaves in diabetic rats.
Anti-inflammatory activity and lipid peroxidation inhibition of iridoid lamiide isolated from Bouchea fluminensis (Vell.) Mold. (Verbenaceae).
Ethnopharmacological survey of traditional drugs sold in the Kingdom of Jordan.
Phytochemical and pharmacological studies on Sideritis taurica Stephan ex Wild.
Evaluation of the hypoglycemic effect of Cucurbita ficifolia Bouché (Cucurbitaceae) in different experimental models.
Pharmacological evidence favouring the folkloric use of Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst in the relief of pain and fever.
Antioxidant activity in medicinal plants associated with the symptoms of diabetes mellitus used by the indigenous peoples of the North American boreal forest.
Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity of folklore: Mallotus peltatus leaf extract.
Selected herbal dietary supplements used to manage climacteric (menopausal-type) symptoms.
Hypoglycemic effect of an extract from Aronia melanocarpa leaves
Marrying modern health practices and technology with traditional practices: issues for the African continent.
Anthelmintic efficacy of Flemingia vestita: genistein-induced effect on the activity of nitric oxide synthase and nitric oxide in the trematode parasite, Fasciolopsis buski.
Reburial ceremonies for health and healing after state terror in Zimbabwe.
Conselho: psychological healing in displaced communities in Angola.
Complementary and alternative therapies in occupational health. Part One.
Willow bark extract--effects and effectiveness. Status of current knowledge regarding pharmacology, toxicology and clinical aspects
Pharmacologic and clinical studies using Cimicifuga racemosa in climacteric complaints
Effectiveness of Vitex agnus-castus preparations
Boswellic acids (components of frankincense) as the active principle in treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases
Acid oligosaccharides as the active principle of aqueous carrot extracts for prevention and therapy of gastrointestinal infections
Piper methysticum (kava) under discussion: observations on quality, effectiveness and safety
Degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system--overview of current clinical studies of Devil's Claw (Harpagophyti radix)
Pharmacodynamic effects and clinical effectiveness of a combination of herbal substances comprised of Cone Flower, Wild Indigo and White Cedar
Atypical depression and related illnesses--neurobiological principles for their treatment with Hypericum extract
Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata L.)--a reliable herbal sedative
New knowledge regarding the effect and effectiveness of Echinacea purpurea extracts
The status of herbal antilipemic agents
Value of Ginkgo biloba in treatment of Alzheimer dementia
Ginkgo extract in impaired vision--treatment with special extract EGb 761 of impaired vision due to dry senile macular degeneration
Pharmaco-economic evaluation of Ginkgo special extract EGb 761 for dementias in Austria
Pharmacokinetics of carvone and menthol after administration of peppermint oil and caraway oil containing enteric formulation
Assessment of the quality of reference books on botanical dietary supplements.
Comparison of the effectiveness between manual acupuncture and electro-acupuncture on patients with tennis elbow.
Acupuncture stimulation inhibits somato-renal sympathetic A- and C-reflexes in anesthetized rats.
Effect of melatonin and electroacupuncture (EA) on NK cell activity, interleukin-2 production and POMC-derived peptides in traumatic rats.
Camptothecins: a review of their chemotherapeutic potential.
Systematic review: herbal medicinal products for non-ulcer dyspepsia.
Changing from a mixed to self-selected vegetarian diet--influence on blood lipids.
Assessment of the ability of the antioxidant cocktail-derived from fermentation of plants with effective microorganisms (EM-X) to modulate oxidative damage in the kidney and liver of rats in vivo: studies upon the profile of poly- and mono-unsaturated fatty acids.
Progression rate of Chinese herb nephropathy: impact of Aristolochia fangchi ingested dose.
Evidence-based decisions about herbal products for treating mental disorders.
Studies show potential anticariogenic effects of tea.
Western medicine in the Eastern mind: a need for integration.
cDNA microarray analysis of the differential gene expression in the neuropathic pain and electroacupuncture treatment models.
Dietary supplementation with bean extract improves lipid profile in overweight and obese subjects.
UnCAMventional treatment. Do complementary/alternative medicines have a place in your facility?
Fuzzy sets applications for cancer risk assessment.
Homeopathic induction. Beyond cimicifuga and caulophyllum.
This is my truth, tell me yours.
Individualized homeopathic therapy for male infertility.
Oscillatory effects in a homeopathic clinical trial: an explanation using complexity theory, and implications for clinical practice.
Selection of potencies by medical and non-medical homeopaths: a survey.
Plant names in homeopathy: an annotated checklist of currently accepted names in common use.
A new database on basic research in homeopathy.
The brown spider Loxosceles laeta: source of the remedy Tarentula cubensis?
Prescribing on a single rubric.
Traps for young players: when the well selected remedy fails to act.
Debate: homeopathy and chronic headache.
Debate: homeopathy and chronic headache.
Favorable impact of a vegan diet with exercise on hemorheology: implications for control of diabetic neuropathy.
Physical research in dynamized systems.
Use of complimentary and alternative medicine by breast cancer patients: prevalence, patterns and communication with physicians.
Characteristics of licensed acupuncturists, chiropractors, massage therapists, and naturopathic physicians.
Possible leukopenia associated with long-term use of echinacea.
Acupuncture and endocarditis.
Acupuncture and endocarditis.
Four new sesquiterpenoid derivatives from the heartwood of Mansonia gagei.
Capsicum plaster at the korean hand acupuncture point reduces postoperative nausea and vomiting after abdominal hysterectomy.
Urine nandrolone metabolites: false positive doping test?
Beneficial effects of soy phytoestrogen intake in postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes.
Use of alternative therapies among HIV-infected patients at an urban tertiary care center.
Traditional Use and Current Status of Phytotherapy in Pediatrics.
Immunosuppressive activity of the Chinese medicinal plant Tripterygium wilfordii. III. Suppression of graft-versus-host disease in murine allogeneic bone marrow transplantation by the PG27 extract.
Will aromatherapy be a useful treatment strategy for people with multiple sclerosis who experience pain?
Vitexagnus-castus essential oil and menopausal balance: a self-care survey.
What is acupuncture?
Alternative medicine and the perimenopause an evidence-based review.
Effect of rice starch as a bath additive on the barrier function of healthy but SLS-damaged skin and skin of atopic patients.
Discovery of cancer preventive agents from natural products: from plants to prevention.
An acute clinical trial evaluating the cardiovascular effects of an herbal ephedra-caffeine weight loss product in healthy overweight adults.
A review of complementary and alternative medicine use for treating chronic facial pain.
By the way, doctor. I have had a bad back for years and finally started seeing a chiropractor. She's proposed a series of "spinal manipulation" sessions. A friend has had them and says they worked great. But I'm nervous about it.
What is the role of complementary and alternative medicine in public health?
Diversity, the individual, and proof of efficacy: complementary and alternative medicine in medical education.
Complementary or alternative? Stronger vs weaker integration policies.
A public health agenda for traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine.
Exploring acupuncture: ancient ideas, modern techniques.
Prevalence of complementary and alternative medicine use: state-specific estimates from the 2001 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.
Chiropractic care: attempting a risk-benefit analysis.
Do attitudes toward and beliefs about complementary medicine affect treatment outcomes?
Complementary and alternative medicine use among men with prostate cancer in 4 ethnic populations.
Acupuncture treatment in the prevention of uncomplicated recurrent lower urinary tract infections in adult women.
Use of complementary and alternative medicine among family practice patients in south Texas.
Complementary and alternative medicine use in Canada and the United States.
Chinese herbal medicine and interferon in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B: a meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials.
Comparing the satisfaction of low back pain patients randomized to receive medical or chiropractic care: results from the UCLA low-back pain study.
A randomized trial of chiropractic manipulation and mobilization for patients with neck pain: clinical outcomes from the UCLA neck-pain study.
Auricular acupuncture, education, and smoking cessation: a randomized, sham-controlled trial.
Use of complementary and alternative medicine among persons with diabetes mellitus: results of a national survey.
Health status of people using complementary and alternative medical practitioner services in 4 English counties.
Acupuncture outcomes, expectations, patient-provider relationship, and the placebo effect: implications for health promotion.
Acupuncture for postoperative nausea and vomiting prophylaxis: where's the point?
Prevention of taurolithocholate-induced hepatic bile canalicular distortions by HPLC-characterized extracts of artichoke (Cynara scolymus) leaves.
Antiviral activity of characterized extracts from echinacea spp. (Heliantheae: Asteraceae) against herpes simplex virus (HSV-I).
Anti-inflammatory sesquiterpene lactones from Lourteigia ballotaefolia.
Effects of chronic chrysin treatment in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
A new anti-oedematogenic nor-pregnane derivative isolated from Mandevilla illustris.
Nutrition and cardiovascular prevention: myths and realities
Histological comparison of nasal polyposis in black African, Chinese and Caucasian patients.
The use of complementary medical therapies in the management of myofascial pain disorders.
Use of complementary and alternative medicine in patients with liver disease.
Chemical characterization of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) found in local accessions and used in traditional medicines in Iran.
Herbal medicines--harmless or harmful?
Group B Streptococcus endogenous endophthalmitis : case reports and review of the literature.
Treatment of Hypertension with Alternative Therapies (THAT) Study: a randomized clinical trial.
Two US practitioners' experience of using essential oils for wound care.
Believe it or not--silver still poisons!
Use of complementary therapy by adolescents with asthma.
Aqueous extract from rhizoma notopterygii reduces contact sensitivity by inhibiting lymphocyte migration via down-regulating metalloproteinase activity.
Second thoughts about kava.
Blood donation!
Herbal medicines--evidence and drug interactions in clinical practice
Acupuncture: Piercing and tattooing. Chirurgia minor!
NEJM study detailing the causative link between ephedra-containing supplements and adverse cardiovascular and neurovascular.
In vitro and in vivo studies on the bioactivity of a ginger (Zingiber officinale) extract towards adult schistosomes and their egg production.
The effect of celery and parsley juices on pharmacodynamic activity of drugs involving cytochrome P450 in their metabolism.
What accounts for the appeal of complementary/alternative medicine, and what makes complementary/ alternative medicine "alternative"?
Tropane alkaloids in pharmaceutical and phytochemical analysis.
The local mechanism of acupuncture.
Effects of Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) on cerebral thrombosis and blood pressure in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Acupuncture in the management of pain in labor.
A traditional Chinese herbal medicine, banxia houpo tang, improves cough reflex of patients with aspiration pneumonia.
Stability of the constituents of Calendula, milk-thistle and passionflower tinctures by LC-DAD and LC-MS.
Anxiolytic-like effects of kava-kava in the elevated plus maze test--a comparison with diazepam.
Manual therapy produces greater relief of neck pain than physiotherapy or general practitioner care.
Alterations of lipid profile in plasma and liver of diabetic rats: effect of hypoglycemic herbs.
Phytoecdysteroids effects on mammalians, isolation and analysis.
Daphnane-type diterpene orthoesters and their biological activities.
Diet therapy in hyperuricemia and gout: warnings about meat and alcohol
Taking ginger for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.
The case for cases: publishing high-quality case reports in Homeopathy.
A study of the inter-observer reliability of paper case analysis.
Homeopathy and health related Quality of Life: a survey in six European countries.
The starting point: pathography.
Vitalism, complexity and the concept of spin.
Homeopathy in survivors of childhood sexual abuse.
Homeopathic treatment of chronic headache: a critique.
Response to Vithoulkas: homeopathic fantasies about science, a meta-critique.
The need for the correct sequence of remedies.
Two cases of pulmonary TB treated with homeopathy.
Nux vomica and animal experiments.
Who's that talking?
Homeopathy in dementia and agitation.
Provings and magic.
Homeopathic pathogenetic trials and the constitutional type questionnaire.
Reinventing vitalism.
Homeopathic constitutional type questionnaire correlates of conventional psychological and physical health scales: individual difference characteristics of young adults.
Homeopathic treatment of hot flushes: a pilot study.
Alcohol concentration in the preparation of mother tinctures of vegetable origin. The example of Holarrhena antidysenterica.
Homeopathic effect: a network perspective.
Learning experiences--what works for postgraduates.
Homeopathic treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: three case studies using Jan Scholten's methodology.
Cutaneous analgesia, hemodynamic and respiratory effects, and beta-endorphin concentration in spinal fluid and plasma of horses after acupuncture and electroacupuncture.
Hypertension and blood pressure among meat eaters, fish eaters, vegetarians and vegans in EPIC-Oxford.
Reflections on the musculoskeletal therapists' multifaceted role and influences on treatment outcomes.
Achilles tendinopathy.
Manual therapy for mechanical neck disorders: a systematic review.
The effect of soft tissue deloading tape on thoracic spine pressure pain thresholds in asymptomatic subjects.
Does taping influence electromyographic muscle activity in the scapular rotators in healthy shoulders?
Thoracic pain in a collegiate runner.
Clinical decision-making--when science is uncertain.
Clinical decision-making--when science is uncertain.
History of the endocrine effects of licorice.
C.A.M. Complementary & Alternative Medicine. More CAM available to patients.
Musculoskeletal systems.
The Mulligan concept: its application in the management of spinal conditions.
Dermal wound healing properties of redox-active grape seed proanthocyanidins.
Modulation of antigen-specific immune responses by the oral administration of a traditional medicine, bo-yang-hwan-o-tang.
Anti-allergic effects of Sanguisorba officinalis on animal models of allergic reactions.
Thalamic neuron theory: meridians=DNA. The genetic and embryological basis of traditional Chinese medicine including acupuncture.
Treatment of stroke with "five-center needling": clinical observation of 78 cases.
Evaluating complementary medicine: methodological challenges of randomised controlled trials.
Critical role of allyl groups and disulfide chain in induction of Pi class glutathione transferase in mouse tissues in vivo by diallyl disulfide, a naturally occurring chemopreventive agent in garlic.
Oral administration of the citrus coumarin, isopimpinellin, blocks DNA adduct formation and skin tumor initiation by 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene in SENCAR mice.
Tangeretin induces cell-cycle G1 arrest through inhibiting cyclin-dependent kinases 2 and 4 activities as well as elevating Cdk inhibitors p21 and p27 in human colorectal carcinoma cells.
Pseudoaneurysm of the abdominal aorta caused by acupuncture therapy.
Gastroprotective effect of Neem (Azadirachta indica) bark extract: possible involvement of H(+)-K(+)-ATPase inhibition and scavenging of hydroxyl radical.
Effects of acupuncture on the 5-hydroxytryptamine synthesis and tryptophan hydroxylase expression in the dorsal raphe of exercised rats.
Current status and future direction of Chinese herbal medicine.
Herbal medicine: culture resistance humbles TCM practise in the West.
Herbal medicine: the dangers of drug interaction.
Acupuncture for gastrointestinal disorders: myth or magic.
Cannabis therapy
Effects of Chinese Jianpi herbs on cell apoptosis and related gene expression in human gastric cancer grafted onto nude mice.
Metabolic effects and drug interactions provoked by certain vegetables: grapefruit, St. John's wort and garlic
Pharmacologic agents for weight reduction.
Effects of rehabilitation on neurohumoral regulation of the lower esophageal sphincter in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease
Inhibition of growth, enterotoxin production, and spore formation of Clostridium perfringens by extracts of medicinal plants.
A rigid body model of the dynamic posteroanterior motion response of the human lumbar spine.
Views on radiography use for patients with acute low back pain among chiropractors in an Ontario community.
Differences between the cutaneous two-point discrimination thresholds of chiropractic students at different stages in a 5-year course.
The effectiveness of physical modalities among patients with low back pain randomized to chiropractic care: findings from the UCLA low back pain study.
Chronic pediatric asthma and chiropractic spinal manipulation: a prospective clinical series and randomized clinical pilot study.
Clinical considerations in the chiropractic management of the patient with Marfan syndrome.
Chronic low back pain: a study of the effects of manipulation under anesthesia.
Hyperhomocysteinemia: a potential risk factor for cervical artery dissection following chiropractic manipulation of the cervical spine.
A reply to the comments on complementary and alternative medicine use and fibromyalgia.
Comment on alternative medicine and The Arthritis Foundation.
New medications show promise for migraine sufferers.
Therapeutic potential of kava in the treatment of anxiety disorders.
The effectiveness of spinal manipulation for the treatment of headache disorders: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials.
Anthelmintic activity of essential oil of Ocimum gratissimum Linn. and eugenol against Haemonchus contortus.
Therapeutic action of meliacine, a plant-derived antiviral, on HSV-induced ocular disease in mice.
Complementary herbal and alternative drugs in clinical practice.
Concept of quality of life, results of studies of 13,000 subjects
Inhibition of methylnitrosourea (MNU) induced oxidative stress and carcinogenesis by orally administered bee honey and Nigella grains in Sprague Dawely rats.
Hypolipidemic activity of Acorus calamus L. in rats.
Antioxidative and radical scavenging effects of olive cake extract.
Activity of Hypericum brasiliense and Hypericum cordatum on the central nervous system in rodents.
Oestrogenicity and effect on hepatic metabolism of the aqueous extract of the leaf mixture of Aloe buettneri, Dicliptera verticillata, Hibiscus macranthus and Justicia insularis.
Antioxidant activity of methanolic extract of Hypericum triquetrifolium Turra aerial part.
Pimarane diterpene from Viguiera arenaria (Asteraceae) inhibit rat carotid contraction.
Organ-to-organ and seasonal variation in alkaloids from Crinum macowanii.
Wound healing activity and systemic effects of Vernonia scorpioides extract in guinea pig.
Diptoindonesin A, a new C-glucoside of epsilon-viniferin from Shorea seminis (Dipterocarpaceae).
Brine shrimp lethality bioassay of selected Indian medicinal plants.
Composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Hypericum coris.
Antimicrobial activity of Solidago virgaurea L. from in vitro cultures.
Preliminary evaluation of Kielmeyera coriacea leaves extract on the central nervous system.
Molluscicidal and radical scavenging activity of quinones from the root bark of Caryopteris x clandonensis.
Antimicrobial activity of Hymenodictyon parvifolium.
Antibacterial compounds from the flowers of Alangium salviifolium.
Antibacterial activity of Borreria verticillata roots.
Antibacterial and antioxidant activities of Artemisia annua essential oil.
Antimicrobial activity of licorice flavonoids against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
Antimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity of Carthamus lanatus.
A new coumarin glucoside ester from Cichorium intybus.
Constituents from Piper marginatum fruits.
A new dicaffeoylquinic acid butyl ester from Isertia pittieri.
Autonomy attitudes in the treatment compliance of a cohort of subjects with continuous psychotropic drug administration
Constraints under organic farming on French sheepmeat production: a legal and economic point of view with an emphasis on farming systems and veterinary aspects.
Managing helminths of ruminants in organic farming.
Eighth Oxford Conference organised by the Oxford International Biomedical Centre (OIBC) 8th-12th April 2002.
Dysmenorrhea, endometriosis and premenstrual syndrome
Official opinion of the Advisory group for veterinarians NVD stops the legal home remedies in zoos: animals are now better protected against home remedies than people!
Hyperhomocysteinemia: a new risk factor for degenerative diseases.
Management of postoperative nausea and vomiting in children.
Treatment of childhood eczema.
The assessment and management of chronic pain in children.
Acupuncture in the prophylactic treatment of migraine without aura: a comparison with flunarizine.
Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation: root cultures as a source of alkaloids.
Inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitors of Chinese herbs III. Rheum palmatum.
Inhibitory activity of tryptanthrin on prostaglandin and leukotriene synthesis.
Intermedeol isolated from the leaves of Ligularia fischeri var. spiciformis induces the differentiation of human acute promyeocytic leukemia HL-60 Cells.
Synergistic induction of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3)- and all-trans-retinoic acid-induced differentiation of HL-60 leukemia cells by yomogin, a sesquiterpene lactone from Artemisia princeps.
Mechanisms of relaxant action of a pyranocoumarin from Peucedanum japonicum in isolated rat thoracic aorta.
Effect of oral application of an immunomodulating plant extract on Influenza virus type A infection in mice.
Effects of puerarin on scopolamine-, mecamylamine-, p-chloroamphetamine- and dizocilpine-induced inhibitory avoidance performance impairment in rats.
A newly-detected reductase from Rauvolfia closes a gap in the biosynthesis of the antiarrhythmic alkaloid ajmaline.
In vitro plant regeneration from leaf-derived callus of Cimicifuga racemosa.
An isorhapontigenin tetramer and a novel stilbene dimer from Gnetum hainanense.
Cytotoxic ent-kaurane diterpenoids from Isodon sculponeata.
Rapid and non-destructive determination of the echinacoside content in Echinacea roots by ATR-IR and NIR spectroscopy.
Triterpenes and phytosterols as human leucocyte elastase inhibitors.
Hepatoprotective and free radical scavenging activities of prenylflavonoids, coumarin, and stilbene from Morus alba.
Isolation and identification of 6-methylapigenin, a competitive ligand for the brain GABA(A) receptors, from Valeriana wallichii.
Component of Zingiber officinale that improves the enhancement of small intestinal transport.
Sessiline, a new nitrogenous compound from the fruits of Acanthopanax sessiliflorus.
Composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Achillea multifida.
Xanthones and secoiridoids from hairy root cultures of Centaurium erythraea and C. pulchellum.
ent-Kaurane diterpenoids from the leaves of Isodon xerophilus.
The guaiol color reaction.
Novel cognitive improving and neuroprotective activities of Polygala tenuifolia Willdenow extract, BT-11.
Respiratory and allergic diseases: from upper respiratory tract infections to asthma.
Osteoarthritis: supplements and other alternative modalities.
Diabetes mellitus and obesity.
Gynecology: select topics.
Cardiovascular disease.
Anxiety, depression, and insomnia.
HIV: effectiveness of complementary and alternative medicine.
Cancer: current research in alternative therapies.
Enhanced expression of phospho-Akt by electro-acupuncture in normal rat brain.
Sensory stimulation (acupuncture) for the treatment of idiopathic anterior knee pain.
Mindfulness meditation in the control of severe headache.
Traditional Chinese herbal medicine and anaesthesia.
Cases of neurological symptoms associated with star anise consumption used as a carminative
Convulsive status secondary to star anise poisoning in a neonate
Preoperative use of herbal medicines: a patient survey.
Probiotic bacterium prevents cytokine-induced apoptosis in intestinal epithelial cells.
A visit with the revered dukuns of Indonesia.
Physical exercise, use of Plantago ovata and aspirin, and reduced risk of colon cancer.
Come over the house for a bite.
A double-blind crossover study evaluating the efficacy of korean red ginseng in patients with erectile dysfunction: a preliminary report.
A randomized trial of medical care with and without physical therapy and chiropractic care with and without physical modalities for patients with low back pain: 6-month follow-up outcomes from the UCLA low back pain study.
"The quack does not strive for truth, he only desires gold": on the discussion between scientific medicine and popular medicine in Germany as illustrated by hypnosis and magnetic therapy
Evodia rutaecarpa protects against circulation failure and organ dysfunction in endotoxaemic rats through modulating nitric oxide release.
Potential of Origanum compactum as a cercaricide in Morocco.
The relationship between areca nut usage and heart rate in lactating Bangladeshis.
The numerical response: rate of increase and food limitation in herbivores and predators.
Acupressure technique to control gag reflex during maxillary impression procedures.
Bioprospectors turn their gaze to Canada.
The energy within.
A study of the sexual art of having intercourse with several young virgins in traditional Chinese medicine
A revaluation of the late Dr. Noriyuki Sugihara in Korea
The early botanical medical movement as a reflection of life, liberty, and literacy in Jacksonian America.
Anti-allodynic action of the tormentic acid, a triterpene isolated from plant, against neuropathic and inflammatory persistent pain in mice.
Molecular characterization of antibiotic resistance in clinical Salmonella typhi isolated in Ghana.
Suppressive effects of rosmarinic acid on mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis in rats.
Spontaneous hyphema caused by Ginkgo biloba extract
Useful plants of dermatology. VI. The mayapple (Podophyllum).
Brusatol-mediated induction of leukemic cell differentiation and G(1) arrest is associated with down-regulation of c-myc.
Complementary and alternative therapies in occupational health. Part II--Specific therapies.
Saw palmetto for BPH symptoms.
Prof. Ye Chuanhui's experience in treating nephritic proteinuria.
Sixty-seven cases of abnormal movement of the cardiac apex treated with bu xin tang.
Treatment of rheumatic arthritis with Jiang Chen pian in 114 cases.
The anatomical physiology and clinical application of the points huiyang and zhonglushu.
Experience in acupuncture treatment of occipital neuralgia.
Differential acupuncture treatment of hyperplasia of mammary glands.
Observation on the therapeutic effects of acupuncture for 60 cases of simple obesity.
Clinical observation on scalp acupuncture treatment in 50 cases of headache.
Scalp and body acupuncture for treatment of senile insomnia--a report of 83 cases.
Acupuncture treatment for 57 cases of hiccup.
Cervical spondylopathy involving the vertebral arteries treated by body-acupuncture combined with scalp-acupuncture in 72 cases.
Ischemic apoplexy-induced sequelae treated by penetrating puncture with long needles.
Acupuncture and moxibustion for treating ectopic endometrium.
Effects of acupressure and ibuprofen on the severity of primary dysmenorrhea.
Treatment of retinal vein obstruction with acupuncture and Chinese medicinal herbs.
Clinical experience in application of the point zhaohai.
Combined use of the points shenmai and zhaohai for treatment of craniofacial diseases.
Clinical application of the point baihui.
Hemostatic herbs.
Circumcision in boys: time for doctors to reconsider.
Prospects for preoperative low-intensity laser therapy in preventing postoperative thrombohemorrhagic complications in adenomectomy
St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) and kindling epilepsy in rabbit.
Central nervous system activity of Leucas inflata Benth. in mice.
Gastroprotective effects of 'Amla' Emblica officinalis on in vivo test models in rats.
Effect of essential oil obtained from Croton cajucara Benth. on gastric ulcer healing and protective factors of the gastric mucosa.
Immunomodulating properties of Argentine plants with ethnomedicinal use.
Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of aqueous extract of Arachis hypogaea in normal and alloxan-induced diabetic rats.
The hypoglycemic effect of Phyllanthus sellowianus fractions in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice.
Investigations of the thymomimetic activity of a selected phytopharmaceutical preparation--Reumaherb tablets by flow cytometry.
Petasins in the treatment of allergic diseases: results of preclinical and clinical studies.
The anti-inflammatory sesquiterpene lactone parthenolide suppresses CD95-mediated activation-induced-cell-death in T-cells.
A placebo-controlled, double-blind trial of Ginkgo biloba for antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction.
The basis and development of homeopathy. Holistic oriented diagnosis and therapy forms
Treatment of malaria in Ethiopian folk medicine.
Determination of naringin in rat blood, brain, liver, and bile using microdialysis and its interaction with cyclosporin a, a p-glycoprotein modulator.
Effect of cogent db, a herbal drug, on plasma insulin and hepatic enzymes of glucose metabolism in experimental diabetes.
Acupuncture analgesia in a new rat model of ankle sprain pain.
The effect of high and low frequency electroacupuncture in pain after lower abdominal surgery.
Excitatory amino acid receptor antagonists and electroacupuncture synergetically inhibit carrageenan-induced behavioral hyperalgesia and spinal fos expression in rats.
Does acupuncture improve the orthopedic management of chronic low back pain--a randomized, blinded, controlled trial with 3 months follow up.
International efforts spotlight traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine.
Ethnic differences in use of complementary and alternative medicine at midlife: longitudinal results from SWAN participants.
Efficacy of alcohol-based and alcohol-free melaleuca oral solution for the treatment of fluconazole-refractory oropharyngeal candidiasis in patients with AIDS.
Introduction to therapy of hepatitis C.
The use and safety of non-allopathic Indian medicines.
Prevention of chronic alcohol and nicotine-induced azospermia, sterility and decreased libido, by a novel tri-substituted benzoflavone moiety from Passiflora incarnata Linneaus in healthy male rats.
Perceptions of philosophic and practice differences between US osteopathic physicians and their allopathic counterparts.
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder: is there an economic burden of illness?
Nonpharmacological means of pain relief for labor and delivery.
Tribes query motives of knowledge databases.
Using acupuncture to treat premenstrual syndrome.
Horner's syndrome in dissection of the carotid artery after chiropractic manipulation
Onions--a global benefit to health.
Effects of tanshinone I isolated from Salvia miltiorrhiza bunge on arachidonic acid metabolism and in vivo inflammatory responses.
Anxiolytic and antiemetic activity of Zingiber officinale.
Effects of Gentiana lutea ssp. symphyandra on the central nervous system in mice.
Effect of silybin and its congeners on human liver microsomal cytochrome P450 activities.
Antistress effects of bacosides of Bacopa monnieri: modulation of Hsp70 expression, superoxide dismutase and cytochrome P450 activity in rat brain.
Antimalarial activity of extracts and alkaloids isolated from six plants used in traditional medicine in Mali and Sao Tome.
Effect of valepotriates (valerian extract) in generalized anxiety disorder: a randomized placebo-controlled pilot study.
Antimutagenic effects of black tea (World Blend) and its two active polyphenols theaflavins and thearubigins in Salmonella assays.
Hypoglycaemic activity of Scopariadulcis L. extract in alloxan induced hyperglycaemic rats.
Relaxant activity of raspberry (Rubus idaeus) leaf extract in guinea-pig ileum in vitro.
Studies on the antiinflammatory activity of Betula alnoides bark.
Screening of eight alkaloids and ten flavonoids isolated from four species of the genus Boronia (Rutaceae) for antimicrobial activities against seventeen clinical microbial strains.
Effect of Artemisia santonicum L. on blood glucose in normal and alloxan-induced diabetic rabbits.
Effects of black radish root (Raphanus sativus L. var niger) on the colon mucosa in rats fed a fat rich diet.
Studies on essential oils: part 10; antibacterial activity of volatile oils of some spices.
Antitubercular constituents from the hexane fraction of Morinda citrifolia Linn. (Rubiaceae).
Evaluation of antipyretic potential of Leucas lavandulaefolia (Labiatae) aerial part extract.
Potential antiamoebic property of the roots of Piper longum Linn.
Antimicrobial potential of two different Hypericum species available in India.
Psychopharmacological profiles of Leucas Lavandulaefolia Rees.
Anti-stress and anti-fatigue effect of fermented rice bran.
The interaction of cigarette smoking and antioxidants. Part I: diet and carotenoids.
Rhodiola rosea. Monograph.
Retrospective study of adverse events in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with second-line drugs.
Protective effects of Ginkgo biloba extract on rats during cerebral ischemia/reperfusion.
Three out of four Germans have used complementary or natural remedies.
Stevens' cure for tuberculosis.
Stevens' cure for tuberculosis.
Does acupuncture improve motor recovery after stroke? A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Comparative efficacy of acustimulation (ReliefBand) versus ondansetron (Zofran) in combination with droperidol for preventing nausea and vomiting.
A historical study of coffee in Japanese and Asian countries: focusing the medicinal uses in Asian traditional medicines
Herbal medicine causing likely strychnine poisoning.
Efficacy of acupuncture in asthma: systematic review and meta-analysis of published data from 11 randomised controlled trials.
Barriers in the management of asthma and attitudes towards complementary medicine.
Acupuncture in pain medicine: an integrated approach to the management of refractory pain.
Comparative double-blind randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial of a herbal eye drop formulation (Qatoor Ramad) of Unani medicine in conjunctivitis.
Intestinal anti-spasmodic effect of a phytodrug of Psidium guajava folia in the treatment of acute diarrheic disease.
Influence of aqueous extract of Agaricus blazei on rat liver toxicity induced by different doses of diethylnitrosamine.
Acute effect of Bauhinia forficata on serum glucose levels in normal and alloxan-induced diabetic rats.
Medicinal plants used by Luo mothers and children in Bondo district, Kenya.
Hypoglycemic effects of Potentilla fulgens L in normal and alloxan-induced diabetic mice.
Anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory and hepato-protective effects of Ligustrum robustum.
Screening seeds of Scottish plants for antibacterial activity.
Immunomodulatory functions of extracts from the Chinese medicinal fungus Cordyceps cicadae.
CNS inhibitory effects of barakol, a constituent of Cassia siamia Lamk.
Study on cardiac contractility of cycloeucalenol and cycloeucalenone isolated from Tinospora crispa.
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors from Cuscuta japonica Choisy.
Anti-diabetic activity of green tea polyphenols and their role in reducing oxidative stress in experimental diabetes.
Compositions and the in vitro antimicrobial activities of the essential oils of Achillea setacea and Achillea teretifolia (Compositae).
Inhibition of cytokine production by the traditional oriental medicine, 'Gamcho-Sasim-Tang' in mitogen-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells from Adamantiades-Behçet's patients.
Antimicrobial activity of some plants used for the treatment of livestock disease in the Eastern Cape, South Africa.
Evaluation of hepatoprotective effect of Pistacia lentiscus, Phillyrea latifolia and Nicotiana glauca.
Neuropharmacological screening of Diospyros mespiliformis in mice.
Diuretic and urolithiatic activities of the aqueous extract of the fruit of Randia echinocarpa on rats.
Phenolic antibacterials from Piper betle in the prevention of halitosis.
Evaluation of natural products on inhibition of inducible cyclooxygenase (COX-2) and nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in cultured mouse macrophage cells.
Antidepressant activity of aqueous extracts of Curcuma longa in mice.
Safety concerns about kava not unique.
Blockade of gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors does not modify the inhibiton of ethanol intake induced by Hypericum perforatum in rats.
Use of complementary and alternative therapies by patients self-reporting arthritis or rheumatism: results from a nationwide canadian survey.
Ethnic diets in a Western world.
Role of auriculotherapy in smoking cessation. Personal experience
Easing through menopause without HRT.
Vegetarian lifestyle and monitoring of vitamin B-12 status.
Effect of five flavonoid compounds isolated from leaves of Diospyros kaki on stimulus-induced superoxide generation and tyrosyl phosphorylation of proteins in human neutrophils.
Evaluation of inpatient naturopathic treatment--the Blankenstein model. Part II: Effective strength and health status of patients over the course of time
Efficacy of tea blends in the treatment of dyspeptic disorders--an application observation
The effects of Cardiodoron on cardio-respiratory coordination--a literature review
Cerebral vascular effects of non-invasive laserneedles measured by transorbital and transtemporal Doppler sonography.
Primary prevention: phytoprevention and chemoprevention of colorectal cancer.
Review on water eco-environment in vegetation restoration in Loess Plateau
A primer of complementary and alternative medicine and its relevance in the treatment of mental health problems.
Chin Junso--founder of the medical lineage Uirou
Management of status epilepticus.
Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum) supplementation associated with reduced skin test lesional area in horses with Culicoides hypersensitivity.
Use of alternative therapies by people living with HIV/AIDS in Australia.
Effect of Sinpo-Tang on the mast cell-mediated anaphylactic reactions.
What is a suitable dosage of physical therapy treatment?
Clinical practice guideline on the use of manipulation or mobilization in the treatment of adults with mechanical neck disorders.
The use and reported effects of mobilization with movement techniques in low back pain management; a cross-sectional descriptive survey of physiotherapists in Britain.
Effects of the herbal extract PC-SPES on microtubule dynamics and paclitaxel-mediated prostate tumor growth inhibition.
Allium vegetables and risk of prostate cancer: a population-based study.
Grape seed extract induces apoptotic death of human prostate carcinoma DU145 cells via caspases activation accompanied by dissipation of mitochondrial membrane potential and cytochrome c release.
Redox-regulated mechanism may account for zerumbone's ability to suppress cancer-cell proliferation.
Effect of Sho-saiko-to extract on hepatic inflammation and fibrosis in dimethylnitrosamine induced liver injury rats.
Studies on interactions between traditional herbal and western medicines. V. effects of Sho-saiko-to (Xiao-Cai-hu-Tang) on the pharmacokinetics of carbamazepine in rats.
Cancer patients' experiences and evaluations of aromatherapy massage in palliative care.
Healing with homeopathy. An introduction to basic tenets.
Clinical aromatherapy. Therapeutic uses for essential oils.
The effect of miswak and tooth brush filaments end-surface texture on enamel. A SEM pilot study.
Family practitioners' knowledge and attitudes towards various fields of non-conventional medicine
Non-cholinergic strategies for treating and preventing Alzheimer's disease.
Spontaneous cerebellar haemorrhage associated with Ginkgo biloba ingestion
Whiplash associated disorders: a review of the literature to guide patient information and advice.
Prevention and management of prostate cancer using PC-SPES: a scientific perspective.
Reviews of acupuncture for chronic neck pain: pitfalls in conducting systematic reviews.
Effectiveness of devil's claw for osteoarthritis.
Complementary and alternative medicine in asthma--safety, effectiveness and costs.
Complementary and alternative medicine in asthma: do they work?
Evaluation of the immunomodulatory activity of Aronia in combination with apple pectin in patients with breast cancer undergoing postoperative radiation therapy.
Alternative medicine is not always a worse alternative
A natural product from India that lowers blood cholesterol
The new politics of pot.
Is pot good for you?
Medical marijuana. Congress must decide marijuana ballot initiative in D.C.
Preliminary study on protecting effect of two kinds of Chinese medical herbs on changes of three physiology systems in suspended rats
Homeopathy: its history and epistemological foundations
Send in your cases, or the lost art of the concise case report.
Does a homeopathic ultramolecular dilution of Thyroidinum 30cH affect the rate of body weight reduction in fasting patients? A randomised placebo-controlled double-blind clinical trial.
Is there scientific evidence that suppression of acute diseases in childhood induce chronic diseases in the future?
Potentized Mercuric chloride and Mercuric iodide enhance alpha-amylase activity in vitro.
On the physical basis of succussion.
A survey of the use of over-the-counter homeopathic medicines purchased in health stores in central Manchester.
Improving homeopathic prescribing by applying epidemiological techniques: the role of likelihood ratio.
Patient-practitioner-remedy (PPR) entanglement. Part 1: a qualitative, non-local metaphor for homeopathy based on quantum theory.
Molluscum contagiosum: a case series.
20 years ago British Homoeopathic Journal, October 1982.
International drug regulators discuss homeopathy.
Homeopathy and quantum vacuum.
Snuff synergy: preparation, use and pharmacology of yopo and Banisteriopsis caapi among the Piaroa of southern Venezuela.
An alternative method to enhance vagal activities and suppress sympathetic activities in humans.
Acute hepatitis induced by traditional Chinese herbs used in the treatment of psoriasis.
Sensitization to saw palmetto and minoxidil in separate topical extemporaneous treatments for androgenetic alopecia.
The mechanisms and effects of panax notoginside and methylprednisolone in a rat model of pulmonary fibrosis
Evaluation of the antiedematogenic activity of artemetin isolated from Cordia curassavica DC.
Drug-herb interactions: unexpected suppression of free Danshen concentrations by salicylate.
Medicated prunes.
Anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity caused by Cistanche deserticola in rodents.
Leaf methanol extract of Bidens pilosa prevents and attenuates the hypertension induced by high-fructose diet in Wistar rats.
Healing potential of Datura alba on burn wounds in albino rats.
Study on the increment of the production of gastric mucus in rats treated with Opuntia ficus indica (L.) Mill. cladodes.
In vivo gastroprotective effects of five Turkish folk remedies against ethanol-induced lesions.
Ethnopharmacological survey of medicinal herbs in Israel, the Golan Heights and the West Bank region.
The new world of medicine: prospecting for health.
Implications of self-administered St. John's wort for depression symptom management.
Phytotherapy of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Current evidence-based evaluation
Pattern of use of complementary/alternative medicine (CAM) in epileptic patients in a tertiary care hospital in India.
Milk thistle for the treatment of liver disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Misinformation on plant proteins.
Cutaneous electrical stimulation of acupuncture points may enhance gastric myoelectrical regularity.
Studies on the antiplasmodial properties of some South African medicinal plants used as antimalarial remedies in Zulu folk medicine.
What do general practitioners expect from internal medicine? Results of postal survey
Prevention and health promotion
US government cannot revoke licences of doctors who recommend marijuana.
Opinions of imams about family planning and their use of methods in Kayseri, Turkey.
Effect of flaxseed supplementation on prostatic carcinoma in transgenic mice.
Reproduction of scalp acupuncture therapy on strokes in the model rats, spontaneous hypertensive rats-stroke prone (SHR-SP).
Different modes of manual acupuncture stimulation differentially modulate cerebral blood flow velocity, arterial blood pressure and heart rate in human subjects.
Molecular analysis on the chemopreventive properties of resveratrol, a plant polyphenol microcomponent.
A novel therapeutic approach for hematological malignancies based on cellular differentiation and apoptosis.
In vitro effects of ginkgolide B combined with cyclosporin A on T-lymphocyte activation and IL-5 expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from asthmatic subjects.
Effect of creatine supplementation and a lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet on muscle creatine concentration.
Frequency of use of complementary and alternative medicine in women with breast cancer.
Reunion Island, between modern care and Creole tradition
The associations of diet with serum insulin-like growth factor I and its main binding proteins in 292 women meat-eaters, vegetarians, and vegans.
Tomato-based products may lower risk of prostate cancer.
PA education in an evolving health care system.
Studies on hypoglycemic activity of Mexican medicinal plants.
Preliminary chronic toxicological study of aqueous extract of Phoradendron tomentosum.
The importance of empathy in the enablement of patients attending the Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital.
Complementary and alternative medicine for menopausal symptoms: a review of randomized, controlled trials.
Complementary medicine in dermatology.
Substance use among American Indians and Alaska natives: incorporating culture in an "indigenist" stress-coping paradigm.
The effects of side-posture positioning and spinal adjusting on the lumbar Z joints: a randomized controlled trial with sixty-four subjects.
Treatment of Alzheimer's disease
Garlic therapy. Loose labels.
Treatment of xerostomia: a systematic review of therapeutic trials.
Oral manifestations of drug therapy.
Alternative medicine's new losers and winners. Herbs raise fresh concerns as researchers test safety and effectiveness of popular remedies.
The effect of auricular acupuncture on anaesthesia with desflurane.
Rhabdomyolysis due to red yeast rice (Monascus purpureus) in a renal transplant recipient.
Beneficial effects of tea catechins on diet-induced obesity: stimulation of lipid catabolism in the liver.
Traditional medicine and food supplements in rheumatic diseases.
Supplemental income: new center to study herbs.
Separation of C-glycoside flavonoids from Aleurites moluccana using chitin and full N-acetylated chitin.
Research centers' progress, concept proposals reviewed at 12th NACCAM meeting.
Preparing complementary and alternative practitioners to teach learners in conventional health professions.
Pediatric faculty development in integrative medicine.
Effects of an anthroposophical remedy on cardiorespiratory regulation.
Medicaid reimbursement for alternative therapies.
Acupuncture treatment for osteoarthritic pain and inflammation of the knee.
Current update of hormonal and psychotropic drug treatment of premenstrual dysphoric disorder.
Attitudes and use of complementary medicine in men with prostate cancer.
Aspects of diagnosis and treatment of the facial nerve neuropathy
Use of physical factors in the complex therapy of patients with diabetic angio- and polyneuropathies of the lower extremities
UK: the current state of regulation of complementary and alternative medicine.
Regulation of complementary/alternative medicine: a Canadian perspective.
Regulation of complementary medicine practitioners in Australia: Chinese medicine as a case example.
First year medical students' perceptions and use of complementary and alternative medicine.
The Cavendish Centre for integrated cancer care: assessment of patients' needs and responses.
Use of traditional medicine in Mongolia: a survey.
Complementary medicine and the scientific method: mainstreaming proven "alternative" therapies.
Use of aromatherapy with hospice patients to decrease pain, anxiety, and depression and to promote an increased sense of well-being.
Combined physiotherapy and education is efficacious for chronic low back pain.
Manual therapy techniques for the cervical spine require special skills. (Comment on Refshauge et al, Australian Journal of Physiotherapy 48: 171-179).
Plants and human health in the twenty-first century.
Polysulfide derivatives from Ferula foetida.
Yaretol, a norditerpenoid from Azorella madreporica.
Cytotoxic diarylheptanoids from the roots of Juglans mandshurica.
Use of alternative and complementary medicine in menopause.
Complementary and alternative medicine in neurology: hype, hope and hazards.
Three-dimensionality of contact forces during clinical manual examination and treatment: a new measuring system.
Chromium-induced toxic hepatitis.
The use of some immunomodulators and non-antibiotic drugs in a prophylaxis and treatment of mastitis.
Independent nurses. A federal register of complementary medicine practitioners?
Rhodiola rosea extract for prophylaxis of ischemic cerebral circulation disorder
The meaning response and the ethics of avoiding placebos.
Placebo controls in randomized trials of acupuncture.
The right to die.
Convulsive syncope associated with acupuncture.
General and oral characteristics in Rett syndrome.
Botanical medicines for the treatment of cancer: rationale, overview of current data, and methodological considerations for phase I and II trials.
Creating student awareness to improve cultural competence: creating the critical incident.
Beneficial role of dietary phytoestrogens in obesity and diabetes.
Unesterified plant sterols and stanols lower LDL-cholesterol concentrations equivalently in hypercholesterolemic persons.
Diagnosis and management of depression in primary care: a clinical update and review.
In vivo antioxidant action of a lignan-enriched extract of Schisandra fruit and an anthraquinone-containing extract of Polygonum root in comparison with schisandrin B and emodin.
Antioxidant, free radical scavenging and anti-inflammatory effects of aloesin derivatives in Aloe vera.
Physiological responses to a natural antioxidant flavonoid mixture, silymarin, in BALB/c mice: II. alterations in thymic differentiation correlate with changes in c-myc gene expression.
Tubuloside B from Cistanche salsa rescues the PC12 neuronal cells from 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion-induced apoptosis and oxidative stress.
Ginsenosides inhibit EGF-induced proliferation of renal proximal tubule cells via decrease of c-fos and c-jun gene expression in vitro.
Garcinone E, a xanthone derivative, has potent cytotoxic effect against hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines.
Cytotoxic amides from Piper sintenense.
Cycloartane and oleanane saponins from egyptian astragalus spp. as modulators of lymphocyte proliferation.
Polyphenols from the heartwood of Cercidiphyllum japonicum and their effects on proliferation of mouse hair epithelial cells.
Stimulatory effect of puerarin on alpha1A-adrenoceptor to increase glucose uptake into cultured C2C12 cells of mice.
Relaxant effects of butylidenephthalide in isolated dog blood vessels.
Camptothecin accumulation and variations in camptotheca.
Pughiinin A, a sesquiterpene from the fungus Kionochaeta pughii BCC 3878.
Antioxidative 7-oxodehydropodocarpane-type trinorditerpenes from the bark of Taiwania cryptomerioides.
Pananotin, a potent antifungal protein from roots of the traditional chinese medicinal herb Panax notoginseng.
Identification and determination of ecdysones and flavonoids in Serratula strangulata by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography.
HIV gp41 binding phenolic components from Fraxinus sieboldiana var. angustata.
Tumor necrosis factor-producing activity of wogonin in RAW 264.7 murine macrophage cell line.
Differential activation of protein kinase C isoforms by euxanthone, revealed by an in vivo yeast phenotypic assay.
Cytotoxic aporphine alkaloids from Cassytha filiformis.
Antinociceptive and gastroprotective effects of diterpenes from the flower buds of Egletes viscosa.
Tracheospasmolytic activity of viteosin-A and vitexicarpin isolated from vitex trifolia.
Mechanisms involved in the vasodilator effect of curine in rat resistance arteries.
5-hydroxyramulosin, a new natural product produced by Phoma tropica, a marine-derived fungus isolated from the alga Fucus spiralis.
International & transcultural holistic health care experience: Bahamas.
Protective effect of total isoflavones from Pueraria lobata on secondary osteoporosis induced by dexamethasone in rats
The effects of tablet tongmaijiangzhi on hyperlipidemia and nitric oxide of patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
WHO global strategy on traditional and alternative medicine.
Atropine-induced gastric dysrhythmia is not normalized by electroacupuncture.
Herbal and nonherbal alternative medicine use in Northwest Ohio.
Tea tree oil reduces histamine-induced skin inflammation.
Folk yoghurt kills Helicobacter pylori.
Knowledge of, attitudes toward, and experience of complementary and alternative medicine in Western medicine- and oriental medicine-trained physicians in Korea.
Chiropractic health care in health professional shortage areas in the United States.
The effect of herbal remedies on the production of human inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines.
Anti-herpes simplex virus effect of an aqueous extract of propolis.
"Scientifying" herbal medicine.
Hemlock is natural, too.
Childrearing practices and child health among the Hmong in Australia: implications for health services.
Differential relations between cognition and 15N isotopic content of hair in elderly people with dementia and controls.
Role of hyperforin in the antidepressant-like activity of Hypericum perforatum extracts.
An in vitro study of inhibitory activity of gossypol, a cottonseed extract, in human carcinoma cell lines.
Chemopreventive effect of Vitis vinifera extract on 12-O-tetradecanoyl-13-phorbol acetate-induced cutaneous oxidative stress and tumor promotion in murine skin.
Bilobalide and neuroprotection.
Approaching the problem of bioequivalence of herbal medicinal products.
The influence of long-term Aloe vera ingestion on age-related disease in male Fischer 344 rats.
Antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of Hypericum sp. on brine shrimps and human cancer cell lines.
Composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Ballota pseudodictamnus L. Bentham.
Antibacterial and antifungal activity of essential oils of Mentha suaveolens.
Effects of raw garlic on physical performance and learning behaviour in rats.
Investigation on the wound healing activity of oleo-resin from Copaifera langsdorffi in rats.
Evaluation of the central properties of several Hypericum species from the Canary Islands.
Antihyperglycaemic effect and acute toxicity of Securigera Securidaca L. seed extracts in mice.
The kinetics of reversal of pre-sickled erythrocytes by the aqueous extract of Cajanus cajan seeds.
Screening of some indigenous Qatari medicinal plants for antimicrobial activity.
Inhibitory effect of chlorophyllin on the frequency of micronuclei induced by sodium nitrite in mice.
The effects of chard (Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla) extract on the kidney tissue, serum urea and creatinine levels of diabetic rats.
Antibacterial effect of Melia azedarach flowers on rabbits.
Hypolipidaemic activity of methanol extract of Aleurites moluccana.
Antioxidant activity of polyphenols from Hypericum triquetrifolium Turra.
Antioxidant properties of Indian medicinal plants.
Prevention of experimental diabetic cataract by Indian Ayurvedic plant extracts.
Inhibitory effect against polymerase and ribonuclease activities of HIV-reverse transcriptase of the aqueous leaf extract of Terminalia triflora.
Potent suppressive activity of fresh and dried peels from Satsuma mandarin Citrus unshiu (Marcorv.) on hydroperoxide generation from oxidized linoleic acid.
Radioprotection of Swiss albino mouse by Centella asiatica extract.
Relationship between platelet phospholipid FA and mean platelet volume in healthy men.
Kinetics of venom and antivenom serum and clinical parameters and treatment efficacy in Bothrops alternatus envenomed dogs.
Effect of ethanolic extract of Embelia ribes on dyslipidemia in diabetic rats.
On-line identification of the antifungal constituents of Erythrina vogelii by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry, ultraviolet absorbance detection and nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry combined with liquid chromatographic micro-fractionation.
Advising patients who seek complementary and alternative medical therapies for cancer.
Localized argyria 20-years after embedding of acupuncture needles.
The impact of vegetarianism on some haematological parameters.
Animal research, non-vegetarianism, and the moral status of animals--understanding the impasse of the animal rights problem.
Epidemiology of herbal drugs use in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Separation and identification of Taxifolin 3-O-glucoside isomers from Chamaecyparis obtusa (Cupressaceae).
Vagal tone as an indicator of treatment response in major depression.
Efficacy of Terminalia arjuna in chronic stable angina.
Finding health in folklore, herbs and supplements: the good, the bad & the ugly. Part I--The good.
Estimation of action of lactoovovegetarian and vegan diets on blood level of atherogenic lipoproteins in healthy people
Characteristics of visits to licensed acupuncturists, chiropractors, massage therapists, and naturopathic physicians.
Asthma exacerbation associated with glucosamine-chondroitin supplement.
Ischemic colitis and herbal treatment.
Culture and complementary therapies.
Working in partnership to develop evidence-based practice within the massage profession.
Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy: safety and efficacy of self-administered complementary therapies.
The role of alternative medicine in treating postnatal depression.
Evaluating the prevalence, content and readability of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) web pages on the internet.
A Phase III study on the efficacy of topical aloe vera gel on irradiated breast tissue.
Aromatherapy: mythical, magical, or medicinal?
Cardiovascular pharmacological effects of bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloid derivatives.
Protective effects of trilinolein extracted from panax notoginseng against cardiovascular disease.
Increase of insulin sensitivity in diabetic rats received die-huang-wan, a herbal mixture used in Chinese traditional medicine.
Vertebral arteries and cervical movement: Doppler ultrasound velocimetry for screening before manipulation.
Carotid artery blood flow during premanipulative testing.
A compilation of chiropractic and complementary/alternative medicine (CAM) data from public-use national surveys: report on a health-services research resource for the chiropractic and CAM scientific community.
Contents for chiropractors' athletic event emergency bags.
Stroke after chiropractic manipulation as a result of extracranial postero-inferior cerebellar artery dissection.
Relationship of acupuncture points and meridians to connective tissue planes.
Antineoplastic activity of Solidago virgaurea on prostatic tumor cells in an SCID mouse model.
Induction of tumor necrosis factor production and antitumor effect by cabbage extract.
Anorexia nervosa: a multifactorial disease of nutritional origin?
Guidelines outline strategies to reduce post-operative nausea and vomiting.
Vegetarian option for biotech drugs could cut BSE risk.
Fitsari 'dan Duniya. An African (Hausa) praise song about vesicovaginal fistulas.
Sensory stimulation in dementia.
Lectin compared to mistletoe use: experimental therapy form with preclinically verified risk potential
Physical activity can influence the course of early arthritis. Both strength training and aerobic exercise provide pain relief and functional improvement
Mexican Americans' explanatory model of type 2 diabetes.
Complementary and alternative medicine: 24-hour technical support needed?
An overview of acupuncture medicine.
The National Cancer Institute's perspective and agenda for promoting awareness and research on alternative therapies for cancer.
Bioactive polysaccharides from traditional Chinese medicine herbs as anticancer adjuvants.
Anticancer activity of Scutellaria baicalensis and its potential mechanism.
An assessment of the ayurvedic concept of cancer and a new paradigm of anticancer treatment in Ayurveda.
Bridging the gap in complementary and alternative medicine research: manualization as a means of promoting standardization and flexibility of treatment in clinical trials of acupuncture.
A study of the relative precision of acupoint location methods.
Determinants of the degree of complementary and alternative medicine use among patients with cancer.
Teaching evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: 4. Appraising the evidence for papers on therapy.
Use of the Cochrane electronic library in complementary and alternative medicine courses in medical schools: is the giant lost in cyberspace?
Screening of some plants used in the Brazilian folk medicine for the treatment of infectious diseases.
Herbal is not synonymous with safe.
Current concepts in the pharmacotherapy of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Dietary factors in the prevention and treatment of nonmelanoma skin cancer and melanoma.
Effect of Lepidium meyenii (MACA) on sexual desire and its absent relationship with serum testosterone levels in adult healthy men.
Herbal medication: potential for adverse interactions with analgesic drugs.
Curry ingredient protects skin against radiation.
The use of papaya on pressure ulcers.
Ginkgo biloba: a smart drug? A systematic review of controlled trials of the cognitive effects of ginkgo biloba extracts in healthy people.
Recall of the herbal anxiolytic kava. Underestimation of its value or overestimation of its risks?
Depression therapy in family practice. To limit to fewer substances
Urinary tract infections cranberry juice, underwear, and probiotics in the 21st century.
Traditional medicine and reproductive health in Africa.
Role of acupuncture in the treatment of female infertility.
Role of environmental estrogens in the deterioration of male factor fertility.
P6 acupressure may relieve nausea and vomiting after gynecological surgery: an effectiveness study in 410 women.
A case of mania induced by hypericum.
Long-term high-frequency electro-acupuncture stimulation prevents neuronal degeneration and up-regulates BDNF mRNA in the substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area following medial forebrain bundle axotomy.
Acupuncture has no immediate treatment effect on the neutrophil respiratory burst: a randomized single-blinded two-period crossover study.
A novel treatment for patients with Alzheimer's disease and with vascular dementia.
Broad therapeutic benefits in patients with probable vascular dementia or Alzheimer's disease with cerebrovascular disease treated with galantamine.
Herbal factors in the treatment of autoimmunity-related habitual abortion.
Doctors of chiropractic: current scope of practice.
Recalcitrant chronic low back and leg pain--a new theory and different approach to management.
Understanding sacroiliac joint movement as a guide to the management of a patient with unilateral low back pain.
The Course Approval Board of the Manipulation Association of Chartered Physiotherapists.
Accruing large numbers of patients in primary care trials by retrospective recruitment methods.
An exploratory qualitative study to investigate how patients evaluate complementary and conventional medicine.
Pregnancy outcome following women's participation in a randomised controlled trial of acupuncture to treat nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy.
Popularity of complementary and alternative medicine in Japan: a telephone survey.
Survey of the use of complementary and alternative medicine among Turkish cancer patients.
Complementary cancer care in Southampton: a survey of staff and patients.
Digitalis: from folklore remedy to valuable drug.
Vegetable and fruit consumption in the EPIC cohorts from 10 European countries.
Consumption of soy products among European consumers of a health-conscious diet.
Dietary and lifestyle characteristics of meat-eaters, fish-eaters, vegetarians and vegans.
Meat consumption in Europe--results from the EPIC study.
The effect of diet on serum insulin-like growth-factor-I and its main binding proteins.
Appeals court sides with HIV coalition in medical marijuana case.
Improving male mating competitiveness and survival in the field for medfly, Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) SIT programs.
St. John's wort and oral contraceptives: reasons for concern?
Treatment of the common cold with unrefined echinacea. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
Credentialing complementary and alternative medical providers.
Echinacea for the common cold: can alternative medicine be evidence-based medicine?.
Summaries for patients. Treatment of colds with a capsule form of the herb echinacea.
An anthroposophic lifestyle and intestinal microflora in infancy.
Ginkgo is not a smart pill.
Homeopathy or isopathy?
Complementary medicine in pediatrics: a review of acupuncture, homeopathy, massage, and chiropractic therapies.
Clinical Practice Guidelines. Therapeutic education of the adult and adolescent asthmatic patient. June 2001
The enslaved healers of eighteenth-century Saint Domingue.
Infected left atrial myxoma.
Camphor-Crataegus berry extract combination dose-dependently reduces tilt induced fall in blood pressure in orthostatic hypotension.
A double blind, placebo-controlled study of Andrographis paniculata fixed combination Kan Jang in the treatment of acute upper respiratory tract infections including sinusitis.
Evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of Alstonia macrophylla Wall ex A. DC. leaf extract.
Topical anti-inflammatory activity of Bauhinia tarapotensis leaves.
Effect of Phaseolus vulgaris on circulatory antioxidants and lipids in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes.
Effect of cholesterol in bile on cholecystokinin receptor in the gallbladder
Blood pressure lowering effect of an olive leaf extract (Olea europaea) in L-NAME induced hypertension in rats.
Managing benign prostate disease.
Effect of roots aqueous extract of Delphinium denudatum on morphine-induced tolerance in mice.
Protective effect of rutin on paracetamol- and CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in rodents.
Efficacy of Rhizophora mangle aqueous bark extract in the healing of open surgical wounds.
Inhibition of Trypanosoma cruzi growth by medical plant extracts.
Antioxidant effects of Gongronema latifolium in hepatocytes of rat models of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.
Hypoglycaemic activity of Alpinia galanga rhizome and its extracts in rabbits.
Effects of sea buckthorn (Hippophaë rhamnoides L.) seed and pulp oils on experimental models of gastric ulcer in rats.
Studies on anti-diarrhoeal activity of Ficus hispida. Leaf extract in rats.
Antiproliferative effects of Ceratonia siliqua L. on mouse hepatocellular carcinoma cell line.
Antinociceptive activity of Clausena excavata leaves.
Antinociceptive activity of Polygonum hydropiper.
Analgesic activity of Enhydra fluctuans.
Tumour inhibitory activity of chicory root extract against Ehrlich ascites carcinoma in mice.
Over-the-counter sleeping pills: a survey of use in Hong Kong and a review of their constituents.
Herbal medicines--what's in the bottle?
Herbal remedies.
Botanical medicines--the need for new regulations.
A systematic review of systematic reviews of homeopathy.
Morbidity mortality paradox of 1st generation Greek Australians.
Treatment of monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis by acupuncture: A preliminary study.
Larvicidal effects of mineral turpentine, low aromatic white spirits, aqueous extracts of Cassia alata, and aqueous extracts, ethanolic extracts and essential oil of betel leaf (Piper betle) on Chrysomya megacephala.
Working as a healing practitioner and a general practitioner.
Emerging problems of medical ethics in Russia: medical practice and research
Malaysian cultural differences in knowledge, attitudes and practices related to erectile dysfunction: focus group discussions.
Inhibition of cytochrome P450 3A4 by extracts and kavalactones of Piper methysticum (Kava-Kava).
Inhibition of VHR dual-specificity protein tyrosine phosphatase activity by flavonoids isolated from Scutellaria baicalensis: structure-activity relationships.
Dihydroisotanshinone I protects against menadione-induced toxicity in a primary culture of rat hepatocytes.
Diayangambin exerts immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory effects in vitro and in vivo.
The effect of Alkanna tinctoria Tausch on burn wound healing in rabbits.
The prevalence of recalled low back pain during and after pregnancy: a South Australian population survey.
Patterns of vitamin, mineral and herbal supplement use prior to and during pregnancy.
Bread enriched with microencapsulated tuna oil increases plasma docosahexaenoic acid and total omega-3 fatty acids in humans.
Several apparent errors surfaced on reading the article in the June 2002 issue of Alternative Medicine Review by Kodama et al. entitled "Can maitake MD-fraction aid cancer patients"?
Isatis tinctoria. Monograph.
Global view on functional foods: Asian perspectives.
Functional foods: Latin American perspectives.
Functional foods and health: a US perspective.
Scientific basis of biomarkers and benefits of functional foods for reduction of disease risk: cancer.
Biomarkers of bone health appropriate for evaluating functional foods designed to reduce risk of osteoporosis.
Antihypertensive, vasodilator and antioxidant effects of a vinifera grape skin extract.
Beyond hope?
Hepatoprotective activity of Moringa oleifera on antitubercular drug-induced liver damage in rats.
Propolis, an old remedy used in modern medicine.
Analytical methods for quality control of propolis.
Antioxidant activity of propolis: role of caffeic acid phenethyl ester and galangin.
The role of the phenethyl ester of caffeic acid (CAPE) in the inhibition of rat lung cyclooxygenase activity by propolis.
Effect of a propolis extract and caffeic acid phenethyl ester on formation of aberrant crypt foci and tumors in the rat colon.
In vitro permeation through porcine buccal mucosa of caffeic acid phenetyl ester (CAPE) from a topical mucoadhesive gel containing propolis.
Phytochemical compounds involved in the anti-inflammatory effect of propolis extract.
Induction of apoptosis in low to moderate-grade human prostate carcinoma by red clover-derived dietary isoflavones.
Traditional medical cures along the Yukon.
Aromatherapy: therapeutic applications of plant essential oils.
Recommendations by health organizations for pulse consumption.
Anxiolytic and sedative effects of extracts and essential oil from Citrus aurantium L.
Evaluation of hepatoprotective activity of Ginkgo biloba in rats.
Culture, anthropology, and the return of "complementary medicine".
The growing interest of biomedicine in complementary and alternative medicine: a critical perspective.
Kenneth Maryboy. Answering the dreams, wishes, + needs of Native Americans.
Silica induced early fibrogenic reaction in lung of mice ameliorated by Nyctanthes arbortristis extract.
Therapy of hyperhomocysteinemia with vitamin B12
Osteoarthritis. Options for arthritis pain.
Learning from China.
Back pain. Beyond the backache.
Ginkgo on your mind? It may ease dementia, but nothing's definite.
For the littlest patients.
Anxiety and depression. Natural mood remedies.
Complementary medicine seminar for medical undergraduates at the University of the West Indies, Mona.
Acetylcodeine as a urinary marker to differentiate the use of street heroin and pharmaceutical heroin.
Systematic review of conservative interventions for subacute low back pain.
Brosimacutins A-I, nine new flavonoids from Brosimum acutifolium.
Interventional therapy combining Seed of Job's-stears with lipiodol for hepatoma-bearing rats
Toxicity of the Chinese herb mu tong (Aristolochia manshuriensis). What history tells us.
How natural are 'natural herbal remedies'? A Saudi perspective.
Alternative medicine use in a community hospital.
Effect of prickly pear (Opuntia robusta) on glucose- and lipid-metabolism in non-diabetics with hyperlipidemia--a pilot study.
Use of complementary alternative medicine in patients admitted to internal medicine wards.
Addressing mental health in Afghanistan.
The sharp end of medical practice: the use of acupuncture in obstetrics and gynaecology.
The sharp end of medical practice: the use of acupuncture in obstetrics and gynecology.
Herbal medicinal products during pregnancy: are they safe?
A phase I study on the feasibility and acceptability of an acupuncture/hypnosis intervention for chronic pediatric pain.
Developing a pharmacovigilance system in the Philippines, a country of diverse culture and strong traditional medicine background.
Renal interstitial fibrosis and urothelial carcinoma associated with the use of a Chinese herb (Aristolochia fangchi).
Ginkgo biloba-induced frequent ventricular arrhythmia.
Correction of lipid metabolism in rabbits with experimental cholelithiasis
Ethnoveterinary medicine: an aspect of the history of veterinary medicine.
Medicinal herbs: a potential source of toxic metal exposure for man and animals in India.
Traditional medicine poisoning in Zimbabwe: clinical presentation and management in adults.
Inhibition of TNF-alpha induced cell death in human umbilical vein endothelial cells and Jurkat cells by protocatechuic acid.
Detecting concentration differences in aromatic oils.
Inhibitory effect of mast cell-mediated acute and chronic allergic reactions by Dodutang.
Long-term administration of Sopungsungi-won (SP) prevents diabetic nephropathy in Zucker diabetic fatty rats.
Sopungsungi-won (SP) prevents the onset of hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia in Zucker diabetic fatty rats.
Folk remedies still in use: a case of soft palate and uvular oedema due to Ecbalium elaterium.
Effects of chard (Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla) extract on oxidative injury in the aorta and heart of streptozotocin-diabetic rats.
Beneficial effects of chrysin and benzoflavone on virility in 2-year-old male rats.
Foxglove poisoning.
Patterns and perceptions of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) among leukaemia patients visiting haematology clinic of a north Indian tertiary care hospital.
Chronic facial pain.
Validating a new non-penetrating sham acupuncture device: two randomised controlled trials.
Randomised controlled trial comparing the effectiveness of electroacupuncture and TENS for low back pain: a preliminary study for a pragmatic trial.
Acupuncture for tennis elbow: an E-mail consensus study to define a standardised treatment in a GPs' surgery.
Neurogenic pruritus: an unrecognised problem? A retrospective case series of treatment by acupuncture.
Acupuncture treatment of pain dysfunction syndrome after dental extraction.
Acupuncture used in the management of pain due to arthropathy in a patient with haemophilia.
A preliminary pilot survey on head lice, pediculosis in Sharkia Governorate and treatment of lice with natural plant extracts.
Eucalyptus globulus (camphor oil) in the treatment of human demodicidosis.
Anthelminthic efficacy of traditional herbs on Ascaris lumbricoides.
Efficacy of azithromycin, praziquantel and mirazid in treatment of cryptosporidiosis in school children.
Acupuncture: evidence for its use in chronic low back pain.
Detective work in convent libraries
21st century rural nursing: Navajo Traditional and Western medicine.
Prosecution of Mélanie Hahnemann in 1847 at the court of Paris: illegal practise of pharmacy and medicine
An experimental study of the inhibitory effects of Tripterygium extract (LLZ) on hypertrophic scar - derived fibroblasts
Migration-specific expertising in the spheres of tension between medicine, law, psychology and politics -- report on an interdisciplinary meeting of experts
Complementary and alternative medicine: opportunities and challenges for cancer management and research.
Complementary and alternative medicine research: a National Cancer Institute perspective.
Use of the best case series to evaluate complementary and alternative therapies for cancer: a systematic review.
Complementary and alternative therapies in prostate cancer.
Mistletoe and cancer: controversies and perspectives.
Informed consent in complementary and alternative medicine: current status and future needs.
Use of complementary veterinary medicine in the geriatric horse.
Pruritic dermatoses: overview of etiology and therapy.
Complementary and alternative medicine herbal therapies for atopic disorders.
Efficacy, routine effectiveness, and safety of horsechestnut seed extract in the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials and large observational studies.
Seasonal accumulation of anthraquinones in leaves of cultivated Cassia podocarpa Guill et Perr.
Manual therapy for asthma.
Chelation therapy for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
Ginkgo biloba for cognitive impairment and dementia.
Warning issued about morning sickness remedy.
Herbal products: what's in the bottle? ...and does it really work?
Hufeland (1762-1836) and homeopathy
Phytotherapy in chronic prostatitis.
Labour induction with alternative drugs?
Complementary medicine in urology - a different approach.
An overview of holistic medicine and complementary and alternative medicine for the prevention and treatment of BPH, prostatitis, and prostate cancer.
Botanical medicines for the urinary tract.
The role of acupuncture in the treatment of urologic conditions.
Harnessing the anticancer power of plants.
Will I live a longer, healthier life if I radically reduce my calorie intake?
Effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of pain from osteoarthritis of the knee
Acupuncture inhibits sympathetic activation during mental stress in advanced heart failure patients.
WHO launches the first global strategy on traditional and alternative medicine.
Complementary and alternative medicine use by surgical patients.
Herbal remedies for asthma treatment: between myth and reality.
The role of control over microcirculation in millimetric wave therapy of acute destructive pancreatitis
Importance of biologically active components and plants in the prevention of complications of diabetes mellitus
Development of "Saules" tincture technology
Analysis of flavonoids in the flowers and leaves of Monarda didyma L.
In vitro response of mitochondrial succinate oxidase system to epinephrine in human blood lymphocytes from health individuals and patients with neurocirculatory dystonia.
For parents. Planning a vegetarian diet.
Phytogenic drugs in chronic liver diseases. Can mother nature really help here?
Effective "home remedies" in orthostatic hypotension. A glass of water before getting up and a brick under the bed
Finding health in folklore, herbs and supplements: the good, the bad & the ugly. Part II-- The ugly.
Gas chromatography: an investigative tool in multiple allergies to essential oils.
Changes in peripheral lymphocytes count in unconscious patients treated at home with Japanese herbal medicines (Hozai)
Arnica montana gel in osteoarthritis of the knee: an open, multicenter clinical trial.
Establishment of comprehensive fingerprint database of traditional Chinese herbs
Determination of aconitine alkaloids in a pesticide--0.25% aconitine alkaloids mixed with emulsion by high performance liquid chromatography
Study of the acupuncture effect on monoamine transmitters in rabbit plasma and brain tissue by high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection
The dark side of complementary and alternative medicine.
The effect of safflower seed extract on periodontal healing of 1-wall intrabony defects in beagle dogs.
Sterols and sterolins: new drugs for the immune system?
Aronic oil application for the treatment of wounds and ulcers in surgical practice
Botanicals in cancer chemoprevention.
Major phenolic compounds in olive oil: metabolism and health effects.
Technology and analysis of Ginkgo tincture
Tauiwi general practitioners talk about Maori health: interpretative repertoires.
Antiproliferative activity of Chinese medicinal herbs on breast cancer cells in vitro.
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) and curcumin inhibit the growth of Helicobacter pylori, a group 1 carcinogen.
Role of tumor-associated macrophage in malignant tumors: should the location of the infiltrated macrophages be taken into account during evaluation?
Cauliflower ears--a comment
Effectivity of phytotherapeutic agent prostavit for the treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia
The circle of the soul: the role of spirituality in health care.
Efficiency of immune reflex diagnosis in the evaluation of some immunologic parameters in subjects with intestinal parasitic invasion
Herbal therapy, conventional drugs and quality control.
Serious adverse effects between herbal remedies and conventional drugs taken simultaneously.
Integrating Western medicine and Traditional Chinese medicine in GP surgeries and the community: a review of the two pilot schemes.
Black cohosh: an alternative therapy for menopause?
Abstracts of the 10th International Congress of Medical Acupuncture and Related Techniques (ICMART). Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 4-6 May 2002.
Antimicrobial and antiviral activities of polyphenolics from Cocos nucifera Linn. (Palmae) husk fiber extract.
Homeopathic principles not followed.
Not classical homeopathy.
A poor test of homeopathy.
Studies of homeopathic treatments need to involve both homeopaths and allopaths.
Study defies the most basic tenets of homeopathy.
Complementary Medicine--subtle materialism? Or: the question of consciousness.
Some knowledge to the art of medicine: a short view over two alternative methods in Iceland
Herbal formulations as pharmacotherapeutic agents.
Effect of Ruta graveolens L. and Euphorbia peplus L. anti-inflammatory extracts on nutritional status of rats and the safety of their use.
Prevention of HCl-ethanol induced gastric mucosal injury in rats by Garcinia cambogia extract and its possible mechanism of action.
Herbs commonly used by women: an evidence-based review.
Herbal remedies traditionally used against malaria in Ghana: bioassay-guided fractionation of Microglossa pyrifolia (Asteraceae).
Cannabis, status in 2001-2002
Randomized clinical trials on the effects of dietary fat and carbohydrate on plasma lipoproteins and cardiovascular disease.
Vectorial angle method for evaluating the similarity between two chromatographic fingerprints of Chinese herb
Cross-cultural differences in GPs' attitudes towards complementary and alternative medicine: a survey comparing regions of the UK and Germany.
Changes in public awareness of, attitudes to, and use of complementary therapy in North East Scotland: surveys in 1993 and 1999.
Effects of electro-acupuncture on psychological distress in postmenopausal women.
Complementary medicine in primary care: time to decide. Royal Society of Medicine, London 27th March 2002.
Effectiveness of auricular therapy on sleep promotion in the elderly.
Effects of red ginseng upon postoperative immunity and survival in patients with stage III gastric cancer.
Effect of berberine on regression of pressure-overload induced cardiac hypertrophy in rats.
The in vitro inhibitory effects of crude extracts of traditional Chinese herbs on 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase on Vero cells.
A hospital-based study on the use of alternative medicine in patients with chronic liver and gastrointestinal diseases.
Anti-diabetic and anti-obese effects of ginseng berry extract: comparison between intraperitoneal and oral administrations.
Valerian as a sleeping aid?
Magic numbers--magic and risk as explanation of disease and death
Drugs and herbal remedies that affect blood clotting.
Iron and vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia in a vegetarian.
Herbal preparations have both effects and side effects. Widespread usage dictates knowledge among physicians
Diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis
Clinical observation on treatment of rheumatoid arthritis by combined therapy with methotrexate, sulfasalazine and Chinese herbal medicine
Clinical observation on treatment of ankylosing spondylitis with huatan zhuyu jiedu decoction
Clinical randomized double-blinded study on treatment of vascular dementia by jiannao yizhi granule
Clinical and experimental study on treatment of migraine with shutianning granule
Clinical observation on effect of yishen jiedu recipe in retarding the course of chronic renal failure
Effect of jianpi wenshen decoction on serum gastrin, plasma motilin and somatostatin in patients of diabetic diarrhea
Clinical and experimental study on effect of jietongyin lotion in treating vulvovaginitis in young girls
Effect of Chinese drugs mixture on immune function of patients with extremely severe burn
Clinical observation on effect of kesuning granule in treating acute onset of chronic bronchitis
Therapeutic effect of xinfeng capsule in treating adjuvant arthritis in rats and its effect on fas, fasL and bcl-2 expression in synovial membrane
Effect of Salvia miltiorrhiza on neuropeptide Y1-36 and calcitonin gene-related peptide in neonatal rats with hypoxia-ischemic brain injury
Experimental study on effect of sini decoction on myocardial endothelin in myocardial ischemic rats
Effect of astragalus-angelica mixture on osteopontin expression in rats with chronic nephrosclerosis
Effect of kanglaite injection combined with Chinese drug therapy according to syndrome differentiation on quality of life and immune function in patients with advanced lung cancer
Clinical observation on auxiliary effect of xiaochuan paste in preventing repeated respiratory infection in child
Clinical observation on effect of qirong runchang oral liquid in treating constipation after stroke
Progression of study on promoting ovulation by Chinese herbal medicine
Regional variation in Latino descriptions of susto.
Clinical curative effect of dengzhanhua injection on acute cerebral infarction: a report of 100 cases
Further study on the indexes of auxiliary laboratory diagnosis in the syndrome of hyperactivity of liver-yang
Efficacy evaluation of an oil-in-water emulsion (Dermoflan) in atopic dermatitis.
Interstitial and granulomatous drug reaction presenting as erythema nodosum-like lesions.
Effect of acupuncture on dynamics of changes in lipid peroxidation and activity of antioxidant system in rats with gastroduodenal ulcer
Local treatment of purulent wounds with kukumazim
Treatment of patients with invasive bladder cancer
Use of tanakan in disturbances of memory and attention in the elderly
IFN-gamma induction by SCG, 1,3-beta-D-glucan from Sparassis crispa, in DBA/2 mice in vitro.
Apoptotic morphological changes and TUNEL of human gastric cancer cell SGC-7901 induced by aining
Study on seedling inducement from seed of Anoectochilus roxburghii
Herbalogical study on Plantago asiatica L.
Superfine comminution technology and its application in the processing of Chinese traditional medicine
New trends in myofascial pain syndrome.
Zafirlukast-induced acute hepatitis.
Patterns of use and patients' attitudes toward complementary medications: a survey of adult general medicine patients at a major Canadian teaching hospital.
Retrospection on the 25 years of persisting integrated medicine by studying of rhubarb as a breakthrough
Consideration for the study of basic theory of TCM
Assessment on effect of treatment for childhood hyperkinetic syndrome by combined therapy of yizhi mixture and ritalin
Clinical study on treatment of children attention deficit hyperactivity disorder by jiangqian granule
Clinical observation on treatment of gastrointestinal dysfunction by fu'an liquid for retention enema in children with critical illness
Effect of rhubarb on inflammatory cytokines and complements in patients with systemic inflammation reaction syndrome and its significance
Effect of folium ginkgo extract on the erythrocyte immunity function and serum lipid peroxide in asphyxia neonate
Study on relationship of clinical effect of xuefu zhuyu concentrated pill and serum pharmacological anti-platelet activating effect in vitro
Study on effect of jiangya tongmai recipe on vascular activating substances in patients of hypertension with left ventricular hypertrophy
Effect of shengmai injection on hemodynamics in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy
Effect of electro-acupuncture on calcium content in neurocytes of focal cerebral ischemia
Analysis of clinical effect of lifu paste in treating patients of long-term dialysis complicated with cutaneous pruritis
Clinical observation on treatment of climacteric hyperthyroidism with integrated medicine
Clinical observation on treatment of chronic hepatitis B by large dose of ribonucleic acid plus Salviae injection
Studies on molecular mechanism of TCM in preventing and treating hepatopathy
Anti-liver fibrosis with integrative Chinese and Western medicine
Clinical study on treatment of liver fibrosis in patients of hepatitis B by kangxian baogan decoction
Clinical observation on effect of shenle capsule in treating mesangial proliferating glomerulonephritis
Clinical study on effect of Astragalus injection on left ventricular remodeling and left ventricular function in patients with acute myocardial infarction
Preliminary exploration on effect of yiqi wenyang huoxue lishui treatment on neuroendocrine system in patients with congestive heart failure
Clinical study on effect and therapeutical mechanism of composite Salvia injection on acute cerebral infarction
Effect of si' an capsule combined enalapril on hypertensive trough/peak ratio and circadian rhythm of blood pressure in patients with essential hypertension
Study on abnormality and regulation of T-lymphocyte subsets in peripheral blood of rheumatoid arthritis patients
Study on preventive effect of jiangu granule on osteoporosis in ovariectomized rats
Comparative study on effect of recipe for activating blood circulation and replenishing Qi on left ventricular remodeling in rats with left heart failure after myocardial infarction
Effect of compound Salvia pill combined with propanolol on liver fibrosis and portal hypertension
Clinical observation on effect of heze oral liquid in treating children simple obesity
Juanbi mixture in treating 100 cases of rheumatoid arthritis patients
Study on singly Chinese herbal drugs in intervention of visceral fibrosis
Decreasing the rate of premature delivery with phytotherapy--results from general practice
The days followed veteran traditional doctors for clinical study
Study on effect of Cordyceps sinensis and artemisinin in preventing recurrence of lupus nephritis
Clinical observation on effect of yiqi yangyin principle on corticosteroid withdrawal in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus at remission stage
Clinical effect of Tripterygiitotorum combined with prednisone and its effect on serum IL-6 level in treating patients with myasthenia gravis
Clinical observation on treatment of postpartum hemorrhage by xuesaitong soft capsule
Clinical observation of ruangan suopi tablet in treating chronic hepatitis B caused liver cirrhosis
The intervention effects of Angelica sinensis, Salvia miltiorrhiza and ligustrazine on peritoneal macrophages during peritoneal dialysis
Effect of shengji huayu recipe and its disassembled formulae on type I and III collagen synthesis in wound healing fibroblasts
Protective effect of hydrophilic Salvia monomer on liver ischemia/reperfusion injury induced by pro-inflammatory cytokines
Clinical observation on large dosage of shenfu injection in supplementary treating liver cirrhosis complicated with esophageal varix rupture bleeding
Clinical observation on gianlietong suppository in treating chronic prostatitis
Controlled observation on electro-acupuncture combined with clomipramine in treating obsession
Prevention and treatment of prostatitis
Progress of study on effect of Chinese materia medica on angiogenesis
Study on the mechanism of Chinese herbal medicine in treating diabetic nephritis
To accumulate experiences widely for reaching the goal through tortuous ways
Clinical observation on effect of zhenqi zhuanyin decoction combined with intrauterine insemination in treating spleen-kidney deficiency type patients of sterility with positive anti-sperm antibody
Effect of xiaoyu tablet on blood flow parameters and morphology of carotid artery in atherosclerotic patients
Effect of wuzi yanzong Pill on mitochondrial DNA deletion and respiratory chain enzyme complex activity in peripheral leukocyte of aged male with kidney deficiency syndrome
Influence of combined therapy of guben yiliu III, moxibustion and chemotherapy on immune function and blood coagulation mechanism in patients with mid-late stage malignant tumor
Influence of needling at yin-yang meridian points on cerebral glucose metabolism
Clinical study on effect of yufeng capsule on premonitory symptoms of apoplexy
Observation on effect of danxiaoling in supplementary treatment of intrahepatic cholestasis in pregnancy
Experimental study on liver protective effect of Artemisia rupestris extract
Effect of electro-acupuncture on pathology, water content in brain tissue and neurologic function defect scoring in rat model of idiopathic cerebral hemorrhage
Observation on short-term effects of haizhu gigan capsule in treating chronic hepatitis B
Comparative clinical observation on effects of shensu injection and vitamin C in treating acute viral myocarditis
Clinical observation on treatment of diabetes mellitus type 2 by medication with both Chinese and Western drugs
Progression of study in ovulation promotion of TCM
Effect of gandou tablet I on neurological electrophysiology in patients of hepatolenticular degeneration
Clinical and experimental study on jiangzhi tiaoya granule in treating essential hypertension and protecting function of vascular endothelium
Effect of bushen huayu composite on secretion of lymphocytic interleukin-2 and interleukin-2 receptor expression in the aged
Study on effect of Salvia injection in treating primary nephrotic syndrome and on endothelin and serum interleukin-2 receptor in children
Clinical observation on colquhounia root tablet in treating lipid metabolism disturbance secondary to nephrotic syndrome
Clinical and experimental study on treatment of acute cerebral infarction by zhongfeng no. II oral liquid
Effect of bushen yanggan recipe on nigrostriatal function in parkinsonian model rats after long-term levodopa treatment
Systematic evaluation of random controlled trial on treatment of chronic hepatitis B by Chinese herbal medicine
Observation on effects of qige tongye decoction combined with chemotherapy in treating esophageal carcinoma
Progression of study on treatment of acute myocardial infarction with thrombolysis therapy of integrated tradition Chinese and Western medicine
Clinical pain management techniques for cats.
Antepartum care in the twenty-first century.
The concept of illness and kidney diseases in Nahuatl medicine. Synthesis of Mesoamerican pre-Columbian medicine
Bromelain reduces mild acute knee pain and improves well-being in a dose-dependent fashion in an open study of otherwise healthy adults.
Choleretic activity and biliary elimination of lipids and bile acids induced by an artichoke leaf extract in rats.
Artichoke leaf extract reduces mild dyspepsia in an open study.
Potentiation by saiboku-to of diazepam-induced decreases in hippocampal and striatal acetylcholine release in rats.
Central effects of citral, myrcene and limonene, constituents of essential oil chemotypes from Lippia alba (Mill.) n.e. Brown.
Cardiovascular effects of the essential oil of Mentha x villosa in DOCA-salt-hypertensive rats.
Anti-inflammatory activity of linalool and linalyl acetate constituents of essential oils.
Evaluation of antipyretic activity of leaf extracts of Mallotus peltatus (Geist) Muell. arg. var acuminatus: a folk medicine.
Evaluation of anti-pyretic potential of Ficus racemosa bark.
Effect of isorhapontigenin on respiratory burst of rat neutrophils.
Evaluation of anti-diarrheal activity of Cleome viscosa L. extract in rats.
Development of a paw paw herbal shampoo for the removal of head lice.
Pharmacological activities of crude acetone extract and purified constituents of Salvia moorcraftiana Wall.
Tribulosin and beta-sitosterol-D-glucoside, the anthelmintic principles of Tribulus terrestris.
A preliminary RAPD-PCR analysis of Cimicifuga species and other botanicals used for women's health.
Ocimum sanctum aqueous leaf extract provides protection against mercury induced toxicity in Swiss albino mice.
Revisiting my course in learning traditional Chinese medicine
Measurement for peri-menopausal stage
Clinical study on relationship between memory quotient, estrogen and Chinese nourishing kidney herbs in perimenopausal women
Efficacy observation in treating patients with postmenopausal coronary heart disease by bushen peiyuan principle
Effect of hejie decoction on T-cell receptor V beta 7 gene expression in patients of chronic hepatitis B
Observation on effect of yugan granule in treating patients of chronic hepatitis B with basic core promoter mutant hepatitis B virus
Clinical observation on dusuqing in treating senile bacterial pneumonia
Study on influence of acupunctural signal on energy metabolism of human brain by positron emission tomography
Comparative study of electro-acupuncture and maprotiline in treating depression
Clinical study on effect of Astragalus in efficacy enhancing and toxicity reducing of chemotherapy in patients of malignant tumor
Study on preventive effect of buyang huanwu decoction on cardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by hypoxia-reoxygenation in rats
Effects of electroacupuncture on laminin expression after spinal cord injury in rats
Experimental study on effect of jiangya maijing liquid on spontaneous hypertension rats fed with high lipid diet
Effect of lugu Ganoderma lucidum on low-density lipoprotein oxidation and monocyte adhesion to endothelium
Clinical observation on the anti-liver fibrosis treatment by diammonion glycyrrhizinate injection combined with saliva
Observation on clinical, treatment of cervical erosion with combined therapy of baqfukang foaming agent and tissue freezing by microwave
Clinical observation of congestive heart failure treated by integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine
Comparative study on treatment of severe hepatitis by Western medicine and by TCM
Thought on TMC study of pregnant hypertension syndrome
The characteristics and application of Chinese preparation for emergent aid of angina pectoris
Minutes of the first session of national conference on andropathy
Rehabilitation of children and adolescents with diabetes mellitus in sanatoria for children with parents
A survey on psychiatric patients' use of non-medical alternative practitioners: incidence, methods, estimation, and satisfaction.
Attitudes to the contribution of placebo in acupuncture--a survey.
The placebo response and effect of time in a trial of acupuncture to treat nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy.
Relief of chronic neck and shoulder pain by manual acupuncture to tender points--a sham-controlled randomized trial.
Complementary and alternative groups contemplate the need for effectiveness, safety and cost-effectiveness research.
Cerebrovascular and renal actions of bilobil and its effect on the metal ligand homeostasis (clinico-experimental study
Hepatoprotective properties of liquid extract of Rhodiola rosea
The effect of acupuncture on the acute withdrawal symptoms from rapid opiate detoxification.
Antioxidant and hypolipidaemic activity of a herbal formulation--liposem.
Ginkgo biloba for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease: a review of the literature.
Cardiovascular benefits of garlic (Allium sativum L).
Herbal interactions with cardiovascular drugs.
Fecal microbial diversity in a strict vegetarian as determined by molecular analysis and cultivation.
Validation of traditional claim of Tulsi, Ocimum sanctum Linn. as a medicinal plant.
Effect of acupuncture on the expression of NT3 in the process of spinal plasticity
Mary "Mother" Bickerdyke.
Comparative study of tissue cultured dendrobium protocorm with natural Dendrobium candidum on immunological function
"Alternative" medicine and science--like fire and water?
Investigation on the antibacterial properties of garlic (Allium sativum) on pneumonia causing bacteria.
Estimation of humoral activity of Eleutherococcus senticosus.
Antiinflammatory screening of the medicinal plant Gynura procumbens.
Pancreatic and intestinal enzyme activities in rats in response to balanced and unbalanced plant diets.
The dark side of complementary and alternative medicine.
Herbal medicines and severe adverse effects: uvular angioedema caused by Echballium elaterium
Antihyperglycaemic effect of Casearia esculenta root extracts in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.
Herbal supplements. Any relevancy to dental practice?
Enhancing the effectiveness of chemotherapy for pulmonary tuberculosis by phytotherapy in patients with different genetic markers
Acupuncture: the best of the rest.
Effect of partial replacement of visible fat by ghee (clarified butter) on serum lipid profile.
The effect of acupuncture on the temperature of the ocular surface in conjunctivitis sicca measured by non-contact thermography: preliminary results.
Great revolutionary leaders of alternative medicine: a fascinating journey back in time.
The biofield hypothesis: its biophysical basis and role in medicine.
Acupuncture and bronchial asthma: a long-term randomized study of the effects of real versus sham acupuncture compared to controls in patients with bronchial asthma.
Beyond randomization.
Outcome measurement in complementary and alternative medicine: unpicking the effects.
Protective effects of Rasayanas on cyclophosphamide- and radiation-induced damage.
Flavonoid and botanical approaches to prostate health.
Effects of a lectin- and a viscotoxin-rich mistletoe preparation on clinical and hematologic parameters: a placebo-controlled evaluation in healthy subjects.
Teaching evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: 5. Interpreting the results of a study on therapy and applying them to a patient.
Closing comment: Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: is it a viable concept?
Paradigms of health and disease: a framework for classifying and understanding complementary and alternative medicine.
Blending the boundaries: steps toward an integration of complementary and alternative medicine into mainstream practice.
Ethical dimensions in the borderland between conventional and complementary/alternative medicine.
Don't underestimate the power of culture.
Iberogast: a modern phytotherapeutic combined herbal drug for the treatment of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (dyspepsia, irritable bowel syndrome)--from phytomedicine to "evidence based phytotherapy." A systematic review
Diagnosis of appendicitis with particular consideration of the acupuncture point Lanwei--a prospective study
Comparative investigation of the antimicrobial activity of PADMA 28 and selected European herbal drugs.
Availability of research results on traditional chinese pharmacotherapy.
Re: L�dtke R, et al.: An example on the value of non-randomisation in clinical trials in complementary medicine. Forsch Komplementärmed Klass Naturheilkd 2002;9:105-109
New findings in acupuncture therapy
Summary of systematic revisions of the efficacy of smoking cessation therapy
Commentary on terminology and therapeutic principles: challenges in classifying complementary and alternative medicine practices.
Drugs with Iberis amara as a modern phytotherapy to treat chronic functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
Goldenhar's syndrome: case report.
Use of Tanakan (EGb 761) in ophthalmology
Nutrition of pregnant and puerperal patients in other cultures: 4 women and the special power of soup
Antibacterial effect of Zingiber officinale and Garcinia kola on respiratory tract pathogens.
First studies of etnoiatry in Moldavia
Alternative and natural science therapy forms: incompatible contrast
Molecular, cellular and medical aspects of the action of nutraceuticals and small molecules therapeutics: from chemoprevention to new drug development.
Effect of D-003, a mixture of high molecular weight primary acids from sugar cane wax, on CL4C-induced liver acute injury in rats.
Seijo-bofu-to, Jumi-haidoku-to and Toki-shakuyaku-san suppress rashes and incidental symptoms in acne patients.
Amelioration of experimental diabetic neuropathy and gastropathy in rats following oral administration of plant (Eugenia jambolana, Mucuna pruriens and Tinospora cordifolia) extracts.
Studies with black tea and its constituents on leukemic cells and cell lines.
Effect of Withania somnifera on cell mediated immune responses in mice.
Making medicine indigenous: homeopathy in South India.
Increased neuronal nitric oxide synthase expression in the gracile nucleus of brainstem following electroacupuncture given between cutaneous hindlimb acupuncture points BL 64 & BL 65 in rats.
Is acupuncture an useful tool for pain-treatment in ophthalmology?
Differential expression of age-related genes in the cerebrum of senescence-accelerated mouse (SAMP10) and analysis of acupuncture interference using DD-PCR technique.
Effect of electroacupuncture and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation at Hegu (LI.4) acupuncture point on the cutaneous reflex.
Herbal medicine in Kenya: evidence of safety and efficacy.
Prophylactic effect of multi-herbal extract 'Agbo-Iba' on malaria induced in mice.
Soy product consumption in 10 European countries: the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study.
Diversity of dietary patterns observed in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) project.
Effect of natural and synthetic antioxidants in a mouse model of chronic fatigue syndrome.
Science of acupuncture and moxibustion in Si bu yi dian (rGyud - bzhi)
Investigation on folk medicine and health care of She ethnic group in Zhejiang province
Textual research on Shi Kan and Shi zai zhi fang (Shi Zaizhi's Prescriptions)
Xu Ren's Zhen jiu jing yan fang (Experiential recipe on acupuncture and moxibustion) and its spread
Observation on and naming to plague in folk people and medical practitioners of modern China
Chinese traditional medicine and pharmacy
Alternative medicine recommendations to patients with type 2 diabetes visiting health product shops and pharmacies.
On the lifestyle of the aged from the view point of holistic medicine
Protective effects of the BuOH fraction from mustard leaf in a renal ischemia-reperfusion model.
Effect of various doses of palm vitamin E and tocopherol on aspirin-induced gastric lesions in rats.
Influence of acupuncture on idiopathic male infertility in assisted reproductive technology.
Effect of bizhongxiao decoction on the expression of VEGF in the synovial membrane of C II-induced rheumatoid arthritis in rats
A darker shade of green: medical botany, homeopathy, and cultural politics in interwar Germany.
Acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid (AKBA) is cytotoxic for meningioma cells and inhibits phosphorylation of the extracellular-signal regulated kinase 1 and 2.
The lipidosterolic extract of Serenoa repens in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: a comparison of two dosage regimens.
Long-term clinical and biologic effects of the lipidosterolic extract of Serenoa repens in patients with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Supply of veterinary medicinal products to an emerging farming community in the North West Province of South Africa.
Bioenergetic activity of bioactive spots in patients with chronic iron-deficiency anemia depending on the degree of its severity
Phytoconcentrates "dzherelo" and "lizorm" in therapy of autoimmune thyroiditis
Popular medicine versus university medicine during the reign of João V of Portugal (1706-1750)
Artemesinins for severe malaria in Africa?
On an unknown edition of the Reprobación de supersticiones by the master Pedro Ciruelo
The effect of ingestion of egg on serum lipid profile in healthy young free-living subjects.
Some traditional herbal medicines, some mycotoxins, naphthalene and styrene.
In Process Citation
The inter-tester reliability of a clinical measurement used to determine the medial-lateral orientation of the patella.
Effect of Cassia auriculata flowers on blood sugar levels, serum and tissue lipids in streptozotocin diabetic rats.
Careful with herbal medicines!
The use of Ginkgo biloba in Raynaud's disease: a double-blind placebo-controlled trial.
Hepatitis C: risk factors
White, but not Red, Ginseng Inhibits Progression of Intestinal Carcinogenesis in Rats.
Vitamin B(12) and Folate Status in Head and Neck Cancer.
Disastrous results of indigenous methods of rabies prevention in developing countries.
Systems analysis of X-ray films of the vertebral column
The meaning of the sixth edition of "Organon der Heilkunst"
Is input on Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) necessary in our medical curriculum? A perspective from a survey on medical practitioners.
Botanical drugs: a future for herbal medicines.
A study on the rehabilitation of cognitive function and short-term memory in patients with Alzheimer's disease using transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.
Attitudes regarding the delivery of formal and informal care: comparison of French and Chilean adolescents
New Zealand resident Tongan peoples' health and illness beliefs and utilisation of the health care system.
Agricultural diversity and traditional knowledge as insurance against natural disasters. 1979.
Integrating complementary and alternative medicine: fresh challenges for RECs.
Reduction of distress associated with paediatric bone marrow transplant: complementary health promotion interventions.
Every day use of phytotherapy in a rural population
The changes of some chemical components in banxiaxiexintang decoction of different combinations
Two flavone glycosides from Chinese traditional medicine Amomum villosum
Effect of components of dang-gui-bu-xue decoction on hematopenia
Summarization of the clinical and laboratory study on the rhubarb in treating chronic renal failure
Effects of the zhikuofang on the inflammation and cytostatics of the airway model of bronchiectasis
Effects of epimedium total flavonoids phytosomes on preventing and treating bone-loss of ovariectomized rats
Chemical and pharmacological advances of the study on zushima
Studies on the anti-inflammation effect of the TCM prescription of a combination of monkshood root with peony root
Conservation of endangered species resources of Tibetan medicine in China
A study on chemical constituents in the herb of Mentha spicata
Studies on chemical constituents in the leaf of Ligustrum delavayanum
The effects of acarbose and Rumex patientia on liver ultrastructure in streptozotocin-induced diabetic (type II) rats.
Application of pattern recognition to quality assessment of the traditional Chinese medicine
Negotiating with Dharma Pinnu: towards a social history of smallpox in colonial Orissa.
Date palm kernel extract exhibits antiaging properties and significantly reduces skin wrinkles.
History of homeopathy in Hungary 1820-1990
Homeopathy and the menopause.
Herbal medicine in COPD: tradition or revolution?
Ginseng improves pulmonary functions and exercise capacity in patients with COPD.
Contributions to the terminology of Hungarian Folk Dermatology
Intelligence enhancement of radix Rehmanniae praeparata and some comments on its research
The antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effect of ethylacetate extracts from Bang-Poong (Radix ledebouriellae) on the Freund's adjuvant-induced arthritis in rats.
Pharmaceuticals issue brief: medical marijuana: year end report-2002.
A forty-year study on hypertension
Kinetic model for extraction process of Chinese traditional medicine
Learning about acupuncture.
A rapid method for the identification of untreated Chinese herbs by FT-Raman spectrometry
Applications of phosphorimetry in pharmaceutical analysis
Determination of eliminating ratio of Chinese traditional medicine for hydroxyl radical by fluorescent spectrophotometry
In situ thin layer chromatography-fourier transform-surface-enhanced Raman spectrum study on ingredients of berberine
Determination of trace sulfur and mercury in the Chinese traditional medicine
Personification of disease in folk culture
Snake venom as therapeutic agents: from toxin to drug development.
The homeopathic patient in 20th century Britain.
Charles-Gaspard Peschier (1782-1853), a pioneer of homeopathic medicine in Franco-phone areas
Homoeopathy, a contentious issue: clinical experiments to support homeopathy in the military and in the Berlin Charité, 1820-1840
Should I become a vegetarian?

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