Urologiia. 2002 Sep-Oct; (5): 4-5.
[Prospects for preoperative low-intensity laser therapy in preventing postoperative thrombohemorrhagic complications in adenomectomy]
The authors analyse the results of preoperative preoperation of 143 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Conventional preoperative preparation (antibiotics, uroantiseptics and phytotherapy) was used in combination with intravascular laser irradiation of blood (group 1, 30 patients), local laser therapy (transurethral and transrectal) (group 2, 27 patients), variation of laser methods (group 3, 28 patients) and alone (61 patients, group 4). Such preoperative preparation was aimed at prophylaxis of thrombohemorrhagic complications after adenomectomy. The efficiency of the treatment was assessed by hemostasis parameters. It was found that conventional antiinflammatory therapy had a weak effect on hemostasis, the greatest positive effects being achieved with combined laser preoperative preparation. Hyperfibrinogenemia, thrombinemia and activation of XII + a-dependent finrinolysis were stopped in patients of group 3. Because of less number of postoperative hemorrhages, hemotransfusions and transfusions of blood preparations were used less frequently, red cell parameters improved, exacerbations of chronic pyelonephritis occurred less often.
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