Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
March 2025

Bibliography — Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) — 1998

Throwing stones
The effects of pain and its management on mother and fetus.
Helicobacter pylori infection, garlic intake and precancerous lesions in a Chinese population at low risk of gastric cancer.
Unreliability of IgE/IgG4 antibody testing as a diagnostic tool in food intolerance.
A single-blind, placebo-controlled trial of a simple acupuncture treatment in the cessation of smoking.
A chiropractic service arrangement for musculoskeletal complaints in industry: a pilot study.
Acupuncture and Vojta therapy in infantile cerebral palsy--a comparison of the effects
Acupuncture: an information therapy?
Acupuncture therapy with TENS in chronic pain at the Neurologic Pain-Acupuncture Ambulatory Care Clinic of the Vienna Lainz Hospital
Acupuncture and ganglionic local opioid analgesia in trigeminal neuralgia
Protective effect of acupuncture on allergen provoked rhinitis
Acupuncture in prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting
Blepharospasm and acupuncture--initial results of a treatment trial
Towards a risk-benefit evaluation of placebos.
Chemoprevention of DMBA-induced transplacental and translactational carcinogenesis in mice by oil from mustard seeds (Brassica spp.).
Inhibition of xanthine oxidase by Puerto Rican plant extracts.
Complete remission of a diffuse pontine glioma.
Quackery in dentistry. Past and present.
Problems with herbal remedies in anticoagulated home care patients.
Jamu Gendong, a kind of traditional medicine in Indonesia: the microbial contamination of its raw materials and endproduct.
Herbal health.
Cryopuncture in the treatment of stage-II essential hypertension in middle-aged and elderly subjects
Acupuncture in the treatment of a posttraumatic pain syndrome
Caucasian epos as a source of studies of folk medicine
A comprehensive approach to health preservation
Antinociceptive effect in mice of a hydroalcoholic extract of Neurolaena lobata (L.) R. Br. and its organic fractions.
The psychologizing of Chinese healing practices in the United States.
Epidemics and colonial medicine in West Africa
Determinants for choice of medical management in the Bas-Rhin
Effects of the extract of Spirostachys venenifera Pax on the immune response in mice.
Treatment of bronchial asthma by the Su-Jok therapy method
The use of antihomotoxic therapy in dentistry
Women's choice between indigenous and Western contraception in urban Mozambique.
Aromatherapy positively affects mood, EEG patterns of alertness and math computations.
Careseeking for illness in young infants in an urban slum in India.
Radio and the commodification of natural medicine in Ecuador.
The history and application of homeopathy and today's patients.
The wise women--living models for emancipatory care
Re: Essential oils and 'aromatherapy' their modern role in healing.
Homeopathic therapy of chronic prostatitis in participants of the Chernobyl AES accident clean-up
Atypical case of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in a young adult.
Brain fag symptoms in rural South African secondary school pupils.
Experience in the use of eucalymine in acute inflammatory ENT diseases in children
Prevention of E.N.T. diseases.
Traditional healing among Alaska Natives.
Traditional healing and allopathic medicine: issues at the interface.
The illness known as "twisted mouth" among the Nêhinaw (Cree).
The therapeutic potential of Aloe Vera in tumor-bearing rats.
Alternative medicine and "conventional" medicine--overview.
Alternative and complementary medicine.
Liver-protective activities of aucubin derived from traditional oriental medicine.
Traditional medicine in Nigeria and modern obstetric practice: need for cooperation.
The building blocks of a complementary medicine program.
Chiropractic: the new benefit staple.
Treating back pain without breaking the bank.
Complementary medicine: mainstream health care accommodates alternative therapies, wellness, and holistic health.
Catching the wave of the future: hospital and physician-sponsored complementary medicine clinics.
Tapping the potential of alternative medicine.
Alternative healing comes to traditional medicine.
HMO chiropractic referrals: a nurse triage approach.
Ginger: history and use.
Therapeutic efficacy and safety of Cimicifuga racemosa for gynecologic disorders.
Measuring the quality of chiropractic alternative care in a managed care environment.
Alternative medicine in Slovenia: some social-medical views.
A new gatekeeper for back pain.
Finding the right alternative medicine practitioners.
Health plans, providers struggle with quality in alternative medicine.
Hard choices: the use of Western vs. Chinese traditional medicine by the Chinese homebound elderly, New York City. A community health survey.
Food labeling: health claims; garlic, reduction of serum cholesterol, and the risk of cardiovascular disease in adults--FDA. Interim final rule.
The effect of holism on the health care system.
Alternative medicine: a big unknown under capitation.
Modernisation of the system of traditional Korean medicine (1876-1990).
Offer complementary medicine to draw boomers.
1998 construction design survey.
The emergence of alternative medicine.
Open to alternatives.
Healthcare issues on the ballot. Initiatives deal with medical marijuana, doc-assisted suicide.
Ethics of alternative medicine: the unconventional has its place.
Using the old with the new.
Looking at the alternatives.
Health plans, providers embracing alternative medicine.
Voters back pot rights. Medicinal use of marijuana approved in four states.
Complementary therapies on the NHS: current practice, future developments (Part I).
Analgesic effect of subcutaneous administration of oxygen-ozone. A blind study in the rat on the modulation of the capsaicin-induced edema.
Estimation of the amount of telomere molecules in different human age groups and the telomere increasing effect of acupuncture and shiatsu on St.36, using synthesized basic units of the human telomere molecules as reference control substances for the bi-digital O-ring test resonance phenomenon.
Alternative medicine--how safe is it?
Complementary and alternative techniques and systems in long-term care facilities.
Acupuncture in smoking cessation.
Value of mistletoe therapy in carcinoma patients
The results of using different forms of a Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) in the combined treatment of patients with circulatory encephalopathy
The use of acupuncture reflex therapy in the combined treatment of osteoarthrosis patients
Charges of unethical conduct made by the Camden County Medical Society against Samuel D. Gross, M.D. and Joseph Pancoast, M.D.
Iodine intake and iodine deficiency in vegans as assessed by the duplicate-portion technique and urinary iodine excretion.
Chiropractors' use of X-rays.
Sudden onset vomiting and vertigo following chiropractic neck manipulation.
How Chinese scientists discovered qinghaosu (artemisinin) and developed its derivatives? What are the future perspectives?
Nurse to acupuncturist: a personal transition.
Perceived causes of eclampsia in four ethnic groups in Borno State, Nigeria.
Ayurvedic drug aggravating seizures: the legal implications.
Prevalence of anemia among urban school children of Punjab.
Complementary and alternative medicines for Alzheimer's disease.
Randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial of homoeopathic 'proving' for Belladonna C30.
Principles of using homoeopathy and its role in wound care.
The scientific, quasi-scientific and popular literature on the use of St. John's Wort in the treatment of depression.
On trial: women healers.
Methodology puts science behind capping chiropractic care.
Traditional pharmacology and medicine in Africa. Ethnopharmacological themes in sub-Saharan art objects and utensils.
Homeopathy again: a questionable meta-analysis.
Acupuncture: what the experts think now.
All-vegetarian cafeterias & catering pose unique challenges for hospitals.
Ginkgo biloba (EGb 761) in the treatment of equilibrium disorders.
Alternative medicine as a carve-out in managed care.
Alternative medicine's potent attraction for boomers and seniors.
On the outside moving in: will the alternative medicine integration movement shape U.S. healthcare?
The revolution in medical education: complementary medicine joins the curriculum.
Life with the new roommate: alternative medicine moves in with conventional medicine.
Pow-wowing: the Pennsylvania Dutch way to heal.
Comparison of solid and liquid forms of homeopathic remedies for tonsillitis.
Complementary and alternative medicine. The daunting challenge.
Complementary and alternative medicine. Integrative medicine: business risks and opportunities.
Complementary and alternative medicine. Considering the alternatives.
Antiinflammatory activity of Muktashukti bhasma.
The 8th Annual Congress of Japan Bi-Digital O-Ring Test Medical Society. Tokyo, Japan, July 19-20, 1998. Abstracts.
14th Annual International Symposium on Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics. New York City, New York, USA. October 22-25, 1998. Abstracts.
Alternative medicine: old ideas with new interests?
Efficacy of intraperitoneal amino acid (IPAA) dialysate in an Asian vegetarian patient with chronic hypoalbuminaemia.
Complementary medicine and midwifery practice.
Acupuncture and Chinese herbs for the treatment of a dermatological problem.
A clinical trial of the effect of aromatherapy on motivational behaviour in a dementia care setting using a single subject design.
Aromatherapy in practice: creative nursing care--Daw House Hospice.
Preliminary report of xenogenic bone graft for sixty-five cases
Experimental study on the effect of Chinese traditional medicine "bone growth fluid" in the change of trace elements in bone lengthening area
Clinical observation on therapeutic effect of acupuncture at zusanli for leukopenia.
120 cases of pseudobulbar paralysis treated by needling lianquan and chize.
Acupuncture treatment of migraine in Germany.
Effects of acupuncture at fengchi point (GB 20) on cerebral blood flow.
A brief introduction to Dr. Shao Jingming's experience in acupuncture.
Illustrative cases treated by the application of the extra point sishencong.
Study on acupuncture and moxibustion therapy for female urethral syndrome.
Effects of electroacupuncture at neiguan on myocardial microcirculation in rabbits with acute myocardial ischemia.
A study on visual evoked potential to show the relationship between the eyes and the twelve regular channels.
Treatment of angina pectoris with medicinal plaster fixed at acupoints--a report of 54 cases.
Dr. Li Zhonghe's experience in acupuncture treatment.
Clinical observation on 219 cases of arm-numbness treated by acupuncture at the experiential point biling.
Illustrations of acute severe cases treated with acupuncture.
Clinical observations on forty cases of paralysis agitans treated by acupuncture.
Clinical observation on 25 cases of hormone dependent bronchial asthma treated by acupuncture.
Clinical study on acupuncture treatment of stomach carcinoma pain.
Effects of different manipulations of acupuncture on electrical activity of stomach in humans.
A clinical observation on coronary heart disease treated by otopuncture at heart otopoint.
Treatment of juvenile ametropia by auricular-plaster therapy combined with plum-blossom needle tapping--a report of 200 cases.
Radix Salviae miltiorrhizae protects rat hippocampal neuron in culture from anoxic damage.
Effects of acupuncture on immune response related to opioid-like peptides.
Diabetes mellitus treated by massage.
When should you investigate in back pain?
Traditional medicine in Belize. The original primary health care.
Use of soursop and sweetsop juice in the management of diarrhoea in children.
Acupuncture treatment of hysteric aphonia--a report of 27 cases.
60 cases of shoulder-arm syndrome treated by electroacupuncture at Bingfeng (SI 12).
300 cases of menopausal syndrome treated by acupuncture.
Application of acupuncture and moxibustion for keeping shape.
Selection of acupoints by Doppler sound spectrogram for treatment of insufficient blood supply of cerebral basilar artery.
Experience in the point-selection for electro-acupuncture.
A clinical investigation on massage for prevention and treatment of recurrent respiratory tract infection in children.
Treatment of tennis elbow by acupuncture and moxibustion.
Literature research on point injection with Chinese Angelica liquor.
Clinical observation on acupuncture treatment of uroschesis.
Observation on frequency spectrum of electrogastrogram (EGG) in acupuncture treatment of functional dyspepsia.
23 cases of chronic nonspecific ulcerative colitis treated by acupuncture and moxibustion.
Clinical observation on the therapeutic effects of wrist-ankle acupuncture in treatment of pain of various origins.
106 cases of non-suppurative costal chondritis treated by acupuncture at xuanzhong point.
32 cases of tennis elbow treated by the three-needle therapy on the elbow.
Acupuncture treatment of phantom limb pain--a report of 9 cases.
Clinical observation on treatment of 83 cases of posthemiplegic omalgia.
Treatment of 40 cases of hydroceles with massage at qichong (St 30).
Effects of electroacupuncture and twirling reinforcing-reducing manipulations on volume of microcirculatory blood flow in cerebral pia mater.
On the indications of acupuncture and moxibustion.
The role of the professional nurse in the application of natural medicine techniques
Prevention of crib-biting: a review.
A mother who opposes immunisation.
Disinfectant/antiparasitic activities of Jatropha curcas.
Phytochemical and microscopic evaluation of cultivated Datura innoxia miller.
Clinical efficacy of an herbal toothpaste.
An in vivo comparison of the antimicrobial activities of three mouthrinses.
An in vitro investigation of the antimicrobial activity of an herbal mouthrinse.
The ability of an herbal mouthrinse to reduce gingival bleeding.
Alternative medicine use in the United States.
Herbal treatments.
Mortality in vegetarians and non-vegetarians: a collaborative analysis of 8300 deaths among 76,000 men and women in five prospective studies.
Chemoprevention--a novel approach in dietetics.
Patient finds success combining traditional and complementary therapies.
Office of Alternative Medicine supports research to evaluate effectiveness, safety, and cost of alternative and complementary treatments.
Medical acupuncture.
Natural tranquilizers?
Herbal preparations: advanced practice nurses' role.
The debate on medical marijuana.
Continuous cycler therapy, manual peritoneal dialysis therapy, and peritonitis.
Therapeutic landscapes of the Jola, The Gambia, West Africa.
Gendered health policies and a women's movement: the Gypsy case.
Nineteenth century Canada: indigenous place of dis-ease.
Antiviral and antibacterial actions of bingduqing granules in vitro
The effect of electroacupuncture stimulation an neurotrophic substance in cat spinal dorsal horn
Electrical stimulation therapy in the treatment of cigarette smoking.
Time-tested botanical remedies for modern periodontal therapy.
Knowledge beliefs and practices regarding iodine deficiency disorders among the tribals in Car Nicobar.
Epidemiological study of dental caries.
Use of alternative therapies by nursing teachers
Validation with biological markers for food intake of a dietary assessment method used by Swedish women with three different dietary preferences.
Threats to chronically ill adolescents. Challenges for physicians as we approach the next millennium.
Pain management and the role of pain clinics in Malaysia--is there a place for alternative medicine in pain clinics?
Traditional birth attendants in South Africa: professional midwives' beliefs and myths.
A changing future. Alternative medicine and reimbursement trends.
Effect of gynostemma pentaphyllum mak on carcinomatous conversions of golden hamster cheek pouches induced by dimethylbenzanthracene: a histological study.
Acupuncture: a scientific review and clinical applications.
Effect of intrathecal injection of dopamine receptor agonists/antagonists on pain and acupuncture analgesia in rats
Effect of orphanin FQ on acupuncture analgesia and noxious stimulation in the periaqueductal gray
The effect of herbal medicine including astragalus membranaceus (fisch) bge, codonpsis pilosula and glycyrrhiza uralensis fisch on airway responsiveness
Determination of 10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid (10-HDA) in Chinese traditional medicine preparations by high performance liquid chromatography
Clinical investigation on treatment of integrated traditional and Western medicine in hyperthyroidism with leukocytopenia induced by sulfourea drugs
Ambulatory monitoring of blood pressure in the evaluation of efficacy of acupuncture therapy of hypertension
WebWatch. General Internet Resources.
WebWatch. Government Resources.
WebWatch. AIDS Web sites.
Web Watch. Alternative and complementary therapies.
WebWatch. Newsgroups, chat rooms, and news services.
Complementary and alternative medicine: exploring options and making decisions.
Anxiety and HIV infection.
Stimulating your appetite.
Herbs for HIV.
Medical marijuana: time to contact your U.S. representative.
Medical marijuana: largest provider closed, some alternatives available.
Medical marijuana study in San Francisco: pays $1000, 25 days in hospital.
Should I take vitamins?...Yes.
AIDS diarrhea: phase III trial recruiting in over 30 U.S. sites.
Essiac for cancer?
Cannabis and cannabidiol: interview with Robert Gorter, M.D. Interview by Fred Gardner.
Complementary therapy.
Traditional healing in a modern epidemic.
House votes 310-93 to reject marijuana as medicine.
Record AIDS funding from outgoing Congress.
Pain medications and recovery.
Buyer beware.
Inositol hexaphosphate, a natural substance found in whole kernel corn and brown rice, activates natural killer cell function - inhibits cancer.
Essential oils of peppermint, orange or lemongrass kill most strains of fungal and bacterial infections.
Clinical study on tripterygium wilfordii complex ester tablet in treating rheumatoid arthritis
The world needs integrated medicine
Clinical application of combined acupuncture-drug anesthesia in cerebral functional area operation
Spinal segment distribution of neural innervation related to houhai acupoint and compared with zusanli and dazhui acupoints in domestic chicken
Effects of electroacupuncture on the expression of estrogen receptor protein and mRNA in rat brain
Difficulties in the surgery of lower wisdom teeth in dental offices in Ivory Coast
Physical therapy and other conservative means to treat head and neck pain
My recognition on integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine
Clinical study on effect of Chinese herbal medicine combined with hemodialysis in treating uremia
Clinical and experimental study on using Cassia angustifolia extract as enema after abdominal operation
Effects of subcutaneous injection with different doses of ginseng on the rat model of chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia
Study on relationship between ovulation inducing effect of drug-acupuncture and endometrial contents of estradiol receptor and progesterone receptor
Origin of nitric oxide synthase positive nerve fibers at zusanli area in rats
Study on effect of acupoint sticker of TTS-ST93-1 in treating motion sickness
Observation of clinical effect of acupuncture on vascular dementia and its influence on superoxide dismutase, lipid peroxide and nitric oxide
Relationship between endothelin-1 and ischemic brain damage after subarachnoid hemorrhage and protective effect of Ginkgo biloba extract
Angiographic observation of immediate effect of electric pulse stimulation at Zhiyang point on coronary artery
Treatment of simple obesity in children with photo-acupuncture
Progress in the treatment of hypertension-induced left ventricular hypertrophy with Chinese traditional medicine
Specific soft tissue mobilization in the management of soft tissue dysfunction.
Insufficient lumbopelvic stability: a clinical, anatomical and biomechanical approach to 'a-specific' low back pain.
Effect of position on the posteroanterior stiffness of the lumbar spine.
Reliability of the OSI CA 6000 Spine Motion Analyzer with a new skin fixation system when used on the thoracic spine.
Comparison of two passive mobilizing techniques following Colles' fracture: a multi-element design.
Mobilizing the nervous system in cervical cord compression.
Design and implementation of a vegetarian food system for a closed chamber test.
Maintaining Vegetarian Diets Personal Factors, Social Networks and Environmental Resources.
Textual research on herb youba
Anatomy of Aconitum finetianum Hand.-Mazz.
Experimental studies on anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and diuretic effects of several species of tongcao and xiao-tongcao
Clinical effect of tianma-cuzhi granules on senile vascular dementia
Effect of turmeric volatile oil on the respiratory tract
Influence of huanglian used in combination with huangqin and gancao on the erythrocytic osmotic fragilitas of experimental glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in rats
Isolation and identification of Triterpenoid compounds in the fruits of Chaenomeles lagenaria (Loisel.) Koidz.
Mechanism of Canscora lucidissima xanthones against arrhythmia induced by myocardial ischemia-reperfusion in rats
Effect of guizhi fuling pills on the changes of Ca2+ and amino acids in rats with cerebral ischemia and reperfusion
Effects of processing on toxicity and pharmacological action of flos Genkwa
Protective effect of Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bge. and Hedysarum polybotrys Hand.-Mazz. on experimental model of cerebral ischemia in rats
Just before Nature: The purposes of science and the purposes of popularization in some english popular science journals of the 1860s.
Divine sex, happy marriage, regenerated nation: Marie Stopes's marital manual Married Love and the making of a best-seller, 1918-1955.
America's first medical breakthrough: how popular excitement about a French rabies cure in 1885 raised new expectations for medical progress.
Medical writing in transition: between ars and vulgus.
Homeopathic journals of the United States.
Mary Ellen Umberger, D.C.: an oral history.
The American Council of Women Chiropractors from 1935 to 1960.
Dr. Millie Cleveland: chiropractic achiever.
The resurrection of the B.J. Palmer Clinic research: a personal view.
Ted L. Shrader, D.C., F.I.C.C.: a gentle force for improvement in chiropractic. 1998 Lee-Homewood Chiropractic Heritage Award recipient.
Jailed chiropractors: those who blazed the trail.
Pacific States Chiropractic College: the legacy of George Emmet Anderson, D.C.
Physical puritanism and religious dissent: the case of John Young (1820-1904), Sunderland chemist and druggist and Methodist lay preacher.
Possible efficacy of a Creek folk medicine through skin absorption: an object lesson in ethnopharmacology.
Textual research on Pang Anshi's case record of acupuncture treatment for difficult labor.
The rauwolfia story: ancient herbal medicine - 20th century tranquilliser - 21st century reject?
Sylvester Graham: partly right, mostly for the wrong reasons.
The yew tree (taxus baccata) in mythology and medicine.
Popularizing American psychotherapy: the Emmanuel Movement, 1906-1910.
Public visions of genetics. [Review of: Dijck, JV. Imagenation: popular images of genetics. Macmillan, 1998. Mawer, S. Mendel's dwarf. Doubleday, 1997
The history of herbs at the New York Academy of Medicine Library.
'It begins with the goose and ends with the goose': medical, legal, and lay understandings of imbecility in Ingram v Wyatt, 1824-1832.
"If I don't get my vitamins...anything can happen": nutrition in twentieth-century popular culture.
The holey spine: a summary of the history of scientific investigation of the intervertebral foramina.
Victor Coxon, member, B.J.'s Black Tie Club at Palmer, 1936-1941.
Michael A. Giammarino, D.C., D.A.C.B.R.: student, teacher, leader.
D.D. Palmer: the origins of the Palmer School and the itinerant schoolman, 1897-1913.
C.D. Greenall, D.C. and the 1907 California Medical Practice Act.
James F. McGinnis, D.C., N.D., C.P. (1873-1947): spinographer, educator, marketer and bloodless surgeon.
"The man who made Peekskill famous": Dr. C.R. Johnston--first blind chiropractor.
A 36" circumference tumor in the left quadriceps femoris muscle: a recollection.
Not Available
The drug "Hindiba".
The insane in Turkish oral tradition
Unification of Oriental and Western medicine with study on Oriental and Western medicine
On the traditional surgery of Choson period (II)
The homeopathy or the myth of pure experience
The national biography - a comprehensive research project
From mystical panacea to medical specialization: acupuncture as portrayed by the written press
Ethnology versus the issues of medicine as the "area" of research penetrations
Old plants and medicines used by Anabaptists-Mennonits in the days of old
The attitude of the New Guinea natives towards illnesses
Homeopathy and the clergy: the portrait of a relationship
Malay identity and the Islamising of Homepathy in Malaysia
Not Available
Cannabis and its effects on health
A study on the clinical curative effect by acupuncture for myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome
The orthogonal design study on tumor-inhibition and cancer-block role of Chinese medicinal 1023 co.
The effect of Vit. B12 injection into acupoints in the treatment of verruca plana
Bioavailability of fluoride in humans from commonly consumed diets in India.
Nutrition and health issues in the general Hong Kong population.
Consumer acceptance of vegetarian sweet potato products intended for space missions.
Sweet potato in a vegetarian menu plan for NASA's Advanced Life Support Program.
Effects of tripterygium wilfordii polyglyco - sidium on intraocular inflammatory reaction after intraocular lens implantation
Study on fugu medicated therapeutic prescription
Protective effects of Ginkgo biloba extract on focal cerebral ischemia and thrombogenesis of carotid artery in rats
Comparison of the cytotoxicity of five constituents from Pteris semipinnata L. in vitro and the analysis of their structure-activity relationships
The chemical constituents of Goniothalamus howii Merr
NPO votes for more research on medicinal use of marijuana.
Investigation on resources and commodities of Chinese medicinal herbs of Jili
Studies on flavones of Epimedium bevicorum Maxim.
Analysis of constituents of essential oil from Anemone altaica Fisch. ex C. A. Mey.
In sickness or in health: TDR's partners. 8. Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI).
The further studies on the pharmacological actions of Bupleurum smithii var. parvifolium
The experiment research of ginger detoxification to Rhizoma Pinelliae
Study of anti-tumor action and influence on immune function of Allium stativum
Experimental study on the effect of abstinence with herbal preparation qingjunyin
Effects of hairy root huangqi on hemopoietic function
Identification of crude drugs from genus Leonurus
Effect of radix Achyranthis bidentatae on memory and endurance
Effects of Curcuma phaeocaulis on learning and memory and lipid peroxide in mice
Study on chemical components of Momordica charantia
Effects of artemisia capillaris on blood glucose and lipid in mice
The connotation investigation of "female-male" in Chinese traditional medicine nomenclature
The effects of jianpizengmian granule on tumor growth and immune function
Elecampane and Job's disease.
Seeking a healthy baby: Hispanic women's views of pregnancy and prenatal care.
Effect of tea extracts, polyphenols, and epigallocatechin gallate on azoxymethane-induced colon cancer.
Phantom limb: from medical knowledge to folk wisdom and back.
Australian alternatives.
Medical management of migraine-related dizziness and vertigo.
Evidence presented to consensus panel on acupuncture's efficacy.
Single-case causality assessment as a basis for clinical judgment.
The effect of acupuncture on nonallergic rhinitis: a controlled pilot study.
Alternative medicine: an attractive nuisance.
Cancer patients use of nonproven therapy: a 5-year follow-up study.
Finding a good chiropractor.
Thumbs down on acupuncture.
What do sequential behavioral patterns suggest about the medical decision-making process?: modeling home case management of acute illnesses in a rural Cameroonian village.
Chromium picolinate supplementation for diabetes mellitus.
Let's abolish the Office of Alternative Medicine of the National Institutes of Health.
Marijuana for intractable hiccups.
Treatment of stress and urge incontinence in women
Urinary, plasma, and erythrocyte carnitine concentrations during transition to a lactoovovegetarian diet with vitamin B-6 depletion and repletion in young adult women.
When healing is more than simply clowning around.
The drive for professionalization in acupuncture: a preliminary view from the San Francisco Bay area.
Antibacterial constituents of the Nepalese medicinal herb, Centipeda minima.
Alternative therapies for nausea and vomiting of pregnancy.
Natural products: show me the data.
Responsiveness of pain scales: a comparison of three pain intensity measures in chiropractic patients.
Research productivity of chiropractic college faculty.
A pilot study of the purchase of manipulation services for acute low back pain in the United Kingdom.
Measurement of soft tissue strain in response to consecutively increased compressive and distractive loads on a friction-based test bed.
Triplex ultrasound of vertebral artery flow during cervical rotation.
Wall perimetry in chiropractic.
Structural rehabilitation of the spine and posture: rationale for treatment beyond the resolution of symptoms.
Management of cervical disc herniation with upper cervical chiropractic care.
Torque: misuse of a misused term.
A normal sagittal spinal configuration: a desirable clinical outcome.
Acupuncture can cause vascular injury
Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) for the therapy of liver disease.
Antidiabetic principles of natural medicines. II. Aldose reductase and alpha-glucosidase inhibitors from Brazilian natural medicine, the leaves of Myrcia multiflora DC. (Myrtaceae): structures of myrciacitrins I and II and myrciaphenones A and B.
Aromotherapy: an ancient modality.
Do patients regard alternative medicine in HIV as curative?
Nutrition and diet-related problems.
Quantitative determination of salidroside and specnuezhenide in the fruits of Ligustrum lucidum Ait by high performance liquid chromatography.
Advising patients who seek alternative medicine.
Advising patients who seek alternative medicine.
Advising patients who seek alternative medicine.
Advising patients who seek alternative medicine.
Phytotherapy--treatment without side effects?
Osteomalacia secondary to celiac disease, primary hyperparathyroidism, and Graves' disease.
The effect of garlic on hypercholesterolemia in renal transplant patients.
Sedative, stimulant, and other subjective effects of marijuana: relationships to smoking techniques.
Contraception and culture: the use of yuyos in Paraguay.
Traditional aboriginal birthing issues.
Bone mineral density in Chinese elderly female vegetarians, vegans, lacto-vegetarians and omnivores.
New findings of the correlation between acupoints and corresponding brain cortices using functional MRI.
Legalize use of marijuana for medical purposes, MDs and patients plead.
Supplemental medicine--homeopathy and the healing arts
Significantly increased complication risks with mass circumcisions.
Localized cold urticaria associated with immunotherapy.
Phytoestrogens in soy-based infant foods: concentrations, daily intake, and possible biological effects.
Trilinolein inhibits the adhesion of neutrophils to endothelial cells.
Repetitive strain injury in computer keyboard users: pathomechanics and treatment principles in individual and group intervention.
The effects of acupuncture, electroneedling and transcutaneous electrical stimulation therapies on peripheral haemodynamic functioning.
Homeopathy: another tool in the bag.
Alternative medicine and the conventional practitioner.
Complementary medicine in the surgical wards.
Zinc absorption, mineral balance, and blood lipids in women consuming controlled lactoovovegetarian and omnivorous diets for 8 wk.
Pharmacological screening of different Juniperus oxycedrus L. extracts.
Enhanced proliferation of fibroblasts and endothelial cells treated with an extract of the leaves of Chromolaena odorata (Eupolin), an herbal remedy for treating wounds.
"Holistic" medicine.
Sensibility testing in patients with a lumbosacral radicular syndrome.
Effects of Sl nerve-root lengthening on tibial nerve F-wave latency in healthy subjects.
Three-dimensional spinal coupling mechanics: Part I. A review of the literature.
Treatment of cervical disc protrusions via instrumental chiropractic adjustment.
Animal models: new cholesterol raising and lowering nutrients.
Folk remedies and child abuse: a review with emphasis on caida de mollera and its relationship to shaken baby syndrome.
South Africa: a physician's view.
Allergic contact dermatitis from krameria triandra extract.
Stimulation of interleukin-8 production by acidic polysaccharides from the root of Panax ginseng.
Intensive training, physiotherapy, or manipulation for patients with chronic neck pain. A prospective, single-blinded, randomized clinical trial.
Antiatherosclerotic effect of Lipotab Forte in cholesterol-fed rabbits.
Effects of a phytopreparation from Helleborus niger on immunocompetent cells in vitro.
Effects of Pteleopsis suberosa extracts on experimental gastric ulcers and Helicobacter pylori growth.
Cytotoxic activity of selected plants used as antitumorals in Mexican traditional medicine.
The anti-stress activity of a gem-containing Unani formulation against diverse stressors.
One man's "torment...".
In response to Dr. Chotkowski's letter.
Herbal medicines in Hawaii from tradition to convention.
Hemodynamic effects of eight-day octreotide and propranolol administration in portal hypertensive rats.
Our strength for tomorrow: valuing our children. Part 7: Aboriginal children. Report of the CFPC's Task Force on Child Health.
Role of Lipistat in protection against isoproterenol induced myocardial necrosis in rats: a biochemical and histopathological study.
Increase of vitamin E content in LDL and reduction of atherosclerosis in cholesterol-fed rabbits by a water-soluble antioxidant-rich fraction of Salvia miltiorrhiza.
Garlic: can it keep your blood vessels young?
Vegetarian diet pyramid.
Orthodontics as a spectator sport: does bystander liability attach? [corrected
The case of the lawyer's lugubrious language: dysarthria plus primary progressive aphasia or dysarthria plus dementia?
4-Hydroxyisoleucine: a novel amino acid potentiator of insulin secretion.
Use of Native American healers among Native American patients in an urban Native American health center.
Acupuncture--how effective is it really?
The risks of complementary therapy methods
Yohimbine in therapy of erectile dysfunction
Case report from general practice. When "complementary" is forgotten. Hypokalemia as a differential diagnostic puzzle
Setting up the herbal formulary system for an alternative medicine clinic.
Studies on use of homeopathy in animals.
Alkamides from Phyllanthus fraternus.
The clinical characteristics of possession disorder among 20 Chinese patients in the Hebei province of China.
Traditional healers and pulmonary tuberculosis in Malawi.
The clinical use of aromatherapy in the reduction of stress.
Herbal medicine takes root in Germany.
Urinary 3-methylhistidine excretion: association with total body skeletal muscle mass by computerized axial tomography.
Analysis of traditional Chinese anticancer drugs by capillary electrophoresis.
Nursing abroad--culture clubbed.
How effective is spa treatment? A systematic review of randomized studies
Harmless herbs? A review of the recent literature.
Therapeutic uses for cocaine: a historical review.
Alternatives in the diagnosis and treatment of food allergies.
Effects of Sho-saiko-to on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of tolbutamide in rats.
Identification of a functional epitope in plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, not localized in the reactive center loop.
To diagnose and treat sinusitis. 8th Congress of the Society for Phytotherapy. Symposium: "Phytotherapy in Sinusitis". Wurzburg 27 November 1997
Vertebroneurology and manual therapy
What to do when your back is in pain.
Cancer chemopreventive and therapeutic activities of red ginseng.
Efficacy of acupuncture.
Modulation of the cellular and humoral immune responses of tumor patients by mistletoe therapy.
Beneficial effects of tetramethylpyrazine, an active constituent of Chinese herbs, on rats with endotoxemia.
Complementary medicine. Chinese acupuncture gets nod from the west.
Reversal of reflex-induced myocardial ischemia by median nerve stimulation: a feline model of electroacupuncture.
Parents' management of ARI in the Region of Marrakech.
Use of herbal medicines among consultation-liaison populations. A review of current information regarding risks, interactions, and efficacy.
Sympathetic nerve activity after acupuncture in humans.
Identification of a pill for eye-diseases from traditional Chinese medicine.
Self medication by the adolescent
The herbal medicine boom: understanding what patients are taking.
Petasites hybridus: a tool for interdisciplinary research in phytotherapy.
Peritemporomandibular abscess as a complication of acupuncture: a case report.
Anticarcinogenic effects of shikaron, a preparation of eight Chinese herbs in mice treated with a carcinogen, N-butyl-N'-butanolnitrosoamine.
Pneumothorax following acupuncture is a generally recognized complication seen by many emergency physicians.
Solanum lyratum inhibits anaphylactic reaction and suppresses the expression of L-histidine decarboxylase mRNA.
USP moves forward in providing information on botanical products.
Employer-sponsored health insurance for chiropractic services.
Profound neonatal congestive heart failure caused by maternal consumption of blue cohosh herbal medication.
Information on alternative medicine: a collection management issue.
An accurate method for the measurement of blood loss during dental procedures.
A randomised trial of calcium alginate swabs to control blood loss in 3-5-year-old children.
Comparative effects of chromium, vanadium and gymnema sylvestre on sugar-induced blood pressure elevations in SHR.
Cervical spinal epidural abscess following acupuncture: successful treatment with antibiotics.
Do certain countries produce only positive results? A systematic review of controlled trials.
The truth and nothing but the truth: objectivity in alternative and orthodox biomedicine?
Tobacco as a psychiatric remedy.
Chinese medicine users in the United States. Part I: Utilization, satisfaction, medical plurality.
Effect of acupuncture stimulation of the auricular sympathetic point on evoked sudomotor response.
Can biological activity be maintained at ultra-high dilution? An overview of homeopathy, evidence, and Bayesian philosophy.
Diagnosing and treating sinusitis. 8th Congress of the Association for Phytotherapy. Symposium: "Phytotherapy in Sinusitis". W�rzburg, 27 November 1997
Natural products and diabetes treatment.
A tribute to Tama.
Nutriceutical review of St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) for the treatment of depression.
Acupuncture utilization in Taiwan.
Alternative medicine: readers have their say.
Alternative medicine: readers have their say.
Alternative medicine: readers have their say.
Alternative medicine: readers have their say.
Unconventional therapies for cancer: 1. Essiac. The Task Force on Alternative Therapies of the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative.
Flaws in critical appraisal.
Protecting patients against "quackery".
St. John's wort.
Tuberculosis patients and practitioners in private clinics in India.
A comparative evaluation of the effect of an extremely high-frequency electromagnetic field on cerebral hemodynamics in hypertension patients exposed in different reflexogenic areas
Microzonal physiotherapy of the neck and face area
The influence of traditional religion on fertility regulation among the Kassena-Nankana of northern Ghana.
Postpartum contraceptive use in Bangladesh: understanding users' perspectives.
Should you take St. John's Wort?
Uncooked, lactobacilli-rich, vegan food and rheumatoid arthritis.
Epidemiology, etiology, diagnostic evaluation, and treatment of low back pain.
Vertebral artery flow and spinal manipulation: a randomized, controlled and observer-blinded study.
Development of a practice-based research program.
The effects of high and low loading forces on measured values of lumbar stiffness.
The use of Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) as a predictor for success or failure on part I of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Test.
Raymond L. Nimmo and the evolution of trigger point therapy, 1929-1986.
Chiropractic utilization of lumbar magnetic resonance imaging: how accurate are we compared with other specialties?
Three-dimensional spinal coupling mechanics: Part II. Implications for chiropractic theories and practice.
Treatment of symptomatic lumbar disc herniation using activator methods chiropractic technique.
Management of a patient with calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease and meniscal tear of the knee: a case report.
Quantitative, qualitative and emergent approaches to chiropractic research: a philosophical background.
Normal response to large posteroanterior lumbar loads--a case study approach.
An interactive model of chiropractic practice: reconstructing clinical reality.
X-ray of trunk rotation.
The good use of medicinal plants
Long-term effects of a change from a mixed diet to a lacto-vegetarian diet on human urinary and faecal mutagenic activity.
Monoclonal antibody-based immunoassays for the specific quantitation of rat PAI-1 antigen and activity in biological samples.
Haemodynamic effects of chronic octreotide and tetrandrine administration in portal hypertensive rats.
Therapeutic landscapes in holistic medicine.
Teenage vegetarianism: prevalence, social and cognitive contexts.
Attitudes towards meat-eating in vegetarian and non-vegetarian teenage girls in England--an ethnographic approach.
Traditional birthing.
Clinical applications of N-acetylcysteine.
Crataegus oxycantha. Common name: hawthorne.
The nutritional health of New Zealand vegetarian and non-vegetarian Seventh-day Adventists: selected vitamin, mineral and lipid levels.
Studies on the constituents of Calliandra anomala (Kunth) Macbr. IV. Structure analysis by HPLC retention time and FAB-MS spectrum.
Unconventional therapies for cancer: 2. Green tea. The Task Force on Alternative Therapies of the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative.
The right man syndrome: skepticism and alternative medicine.
An overview of medical acupuncture.
A review of mind-body therapies in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. Part 1: Implications for the elderly.
Complementary therapies and the medical profession: a study of medical students' attitudes.
Incidence of premenstrual syndrome and remedy usage: a national probability sample study.
Heterotheca inuloides: anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
Screening of Australian medicinal plants for antiviral activity.
Accessible knowledge about the effectiveness of homoeopathic therapy.
Complementary and alternative medicine practices in women with breast cancer.
Broccoli sprouts in cancer prevention.
Complementary medicine.
Effects of acupuncture on the oxygenation of cerebral tissue.
Use of chiropractic services from 1985 through 1991 in the United States and Canada.
Preferences of old and young Navaho Indians for Western and indigenous health care providers: an exploratory study.
Comment on H.-D. Hentschel: On the development of the "natural healing" concept and R. Hakimi: Natural healing versus alternative medicine--attempt at a differentiation
Homeopathy article induces debate.
Homeopathy article induces debate.
Rational phytotherapy: news in the therapy of acute and chronic sinusitis
Cutaneous nodular reaction to oral mercury.
The herbal medicine sho-saiko-to inhibits the growth of malignant melanoma cells by upregulating Fas-mediated apoptosis and arresting cell cycle through downregulation of cyclin dependent kinases.
Modulation of cerebral cortex in acupuncture stimulation: a study using sympathetic skin response and somatosensory evoked potentials.
Comparison of substance P concentration in acupuncture points in different tissues in dogs.
Topography of low skin resistance points (LSRP) in rats.
Liu-wei-dihuang: a study by pulse analysis.
Consumer literature on alternative medicine: addressing consumer confusion.
Outbreak of hepatitis B associated with autohaemotherapy: update.
Traditional medicine to DNA vaccines: the advance of medical research in West Africa.
Lessons from Albania.
The effect of aqueous extracts from Inonotus obliquus on the mitotic index and enzyme activities.
Practitioner self-confidence and patient outcomes in acute low back pain.
Effects of physical activity and acupuncture on calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactivity in different parts of the rat brain and in cerebrospinal fluid, serum and urine.
Ethnopharmacology of Mexican asteraceae (Compositae).
Acupuncture for the treatment of chronic painful peripheral diabetic neuropathy: a long-term study.
Alternative medicine: underevaluated or ineffective?
The effects of qi-gong and acupuncture on human cerebral evoked potentials and electroencephalogram.
Unconventional therapies for cancer: 3. Iscador. Task Force on Alternative Therapies of the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative.
Auricular acupuncture as an adjunctive treatment for cocaine addiction. A pilot study.
Retroperitoneal hematoma due to rupture of a pseudoaneurysm caused by acupuncture therapy.
Acupuncture complication or unskilled professional practice?
Acupuncture in stroke
Can acupuncture prevent cystitis in women?
Vascular complication involving the conus medullaris or cauda equina after vertebral manipulation for an L4-L5 disk herniation.
Subsidising Australian pseudoscience: is iridology complementary medicine or witch doctoring?
Herbal supplements. Is saw palmetto good for the prostate?
Living in two worlds: Native American women and prenatal care.
Dangers of the intake of psoralens and subsequent UV exposure producing significant burns.
Antimalarial and cytotoxic potential of four quassinoids from Hannoa chlorantha and Hannoa klaineana, and their structure-activity relationships.
Acupuncture worth trying in severe tinnitus
Mediterranean epidemiological evidence on tomatoes and the prevention of digestive-tract cancers.
Tomatoes, lycopene, and prostate cancer.
Evaluation of the evidence on the role of tomato products in disease prevention.
Why patients use alternative medicine: results of a national study.
Modulation of orphanin FQ or electroacupuncture (EA) on immune function of traumatic rats.
Acupuncture for pain relief during childbirth.
A study of referral patterns among Queensland general medical practitioners to chiropractors, osteopaths, physiotherapists and others.
Evaluation of orthopedic testing of the low back for nonspecific lower back pain.
A cervical manikin procedure for chiropractic skills development.
Exposure margin in skeletal radiography and its effect on tube tilt compensation.
Reliability of spinal displacement analysis of plain X-rays: a review of commonly accepted facts and fallacies with implications for chiropractic education and technique.
Dysafferentation: a novel term to describe the neuropathophysiological effects of joint complex dysfunction. A look at likely mechanisms of symptom generation.
Posterior limbus fractures: five case reports and a review of selected published cases.
Manipulative therapy in lower back pain with leg pain and neurological deficit.
Changes in brain function after manipulation of the cervical spine.
Changes in brain function after manipulation of the cervical spine.
Changes in brain function after manipulation of the cervical spine.
Changes in brain function after manipulation of the cervical spine.
Changes in brain function after manipulation of the cervical spine.
How real is the subluxation?
The effectiveness of chiropractic management of fibromyalgia patients.
Cryptolepis sanguinolenta: an ethnobotanical approach to drug discovery and the isolation of a potentially useful new antihyperglycaemic agent.
Over-the-counter psychotropics: a review of melatonin, St John's wort, valerian, and kava-kava.
What is the Office of Alternative Medicine and what does it do?
The motivation to use complementary medicine healing methods. Study of a general internal medicine and orthopedic patient sample
Utilization of folk/family remedies by community-residing African American elders.
Alternative medicine and wound healing.
Oral treatment of erectile dysfunction: from herbal remedies to designer drugs.
Marijuana as a medicine.
Does ginkgo help delay dementia?
Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture. How do patients who consult family physicians use these therapies?
Acupuncture in the prophylaxis of recurrent lower urinary tract infection in adult women.
Effects of acupuncture on foveation characteristics in congenital nystagmus.
Native phytotherapy among the Raute tribes of Dadeldhura district, Nepal.
Immunocontraceptive activity guided fractionation and characterization of active constituents of neem (Azadirachta indica) seed extracts.
Ethnomedical information and in vitro screening for angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition of plants utilized as traditional medicines in Gujarat, Rajasthan and Kerala (India).
Antimicrobial activity of 20 plants used in folkloric medicine in the Palestinian area.
The health food movement.
NIH issues consensus statement on acupuncture.
Complementary medicine in the hospital.
Delay in presentation and start of treatment in leprosy patients: a case-control study of disabled and non-disabled patients in three different settings in Ethiopia.
The use of complementary/alternative medicine for the treatment of asthma in the United States.
The need to decriminalise cannabis.
Chiropractors' use of X-rays.
Intrathecal baclofen and homeopathy for the treatment of painful muscle spasms associated with malignant spinal cord compression.
Piercing the pain.
The effectiveness of acupuncture in treating acute dental pain: a systematic review.
Niaziminin, a thiocarbamate from the leaves of Moringa oleifera, holds a strict structural requirement for inhibition of tumor-promoter-induced Epstein-Barr virus activation.
Determinants of delayed diagnosis of HIV infection in France, 1993-1995.
Carob bean juice: a powerful adjunct to oral rehydration solution treatment in diarrhoea.
Stereochemistry and putative origins of flavanones found in post-administration urine of the traditional Chinese remedies shosaiko-to and daisaiko-to.
Time to analyze the attitude towards alternative medicine. The patient must be allowed to look for safety ian comfort in more than one place
A new study of patients with cancer in Umeå alternative medicine is no alternative
Facial nerve neuritis--the anatomicophysiological basis of acupuncture treatment
Low body mass index in non-meat eaters: the possible roles of animal fat, dietary fibre and alcohol.
The efficacy of manipulation therapy in low back pain: no definitive answers from systematic reviews of the literature and clinical guidelines
Complementary medicine use by patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
Complementary medicine use by patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
Garlic powder and plasma lipids and lipoproteins: a multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled trial.
The use of alternative health care by a family practice population.
Alternative medicine and the family physician.
A patient's guide to choosing unconventional therapies.
Traditional healers in southern Africa.
A holistic approach to pressure area care.
Birth of hope.
Short-term impact of a lactovegetarian diet on adrenocortical activity and adrenal androgens.
Traditional remedies and the "test of time".
Panax ginseng prevents apoptosis in hair follicles and accelerates recovery of hair medullary cells in irradiated mice.
Comparative efficacy of conservative medical and chiropractic treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome: a randomized clinical trail.
The reliability of measuring active and passive cervical range of motion: an observer-blinded and randomized repeated-measures design.
Informed consent: an Australian case study.
Carpal tunnel syndrome: conservative and nonconservative treatment. A chiropractic physician's perspective.
A conservative approach for a patient with traumatically induced urinary incontinence.
Shifts in approaches to continuing professional development: implications for the chiropractic profession.
Side effects of chiropractic treatment: a prospective study.
Movements of vertebrae during manipulative thrusts to unembalmed human cadavers.
Objectified selves: an analysis of medicines in Andean sacrificial healing.
Home care and prevention.
Science, nature, and tradition: the mass-marketing of natural medicine in urban Ecuador.
Caida de mollera among children of Mexican migrant workers: implications for the study of folk illnesses.
The development of the Office of Alternative Medicine in the National Institutes of Health, 1991-1996.
Can physics and physical chemistry explain the workings of homeopathy? A clinician's view.
The basic concepts of alternative medicine and their impact on our views of health.
Methodological and ethical issues in clinical trials of acupuncture.
Chinese medicine users in the United States. Part II: Preferred aspects of care.
Influence of socioeconomic and cultural factors on racial differences in late-stage presentation of breast cancer.
A comparison of two methods for adaptive interim analyses in clinical trials.
Chromium in a series of Portuguese plants used in the herbal treatment of diabetes.
Ascorbic acid in the prevention and treatment of cancer.
Dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), a non-toxic, water-soluble treatment for heavy metal toxicity.
The way to rational phytotherapy--a trip with impediments
Nothing new under the sun
Meal frequency and coffee intake in colon cancer.
"Beer potomania" in non-beer drinkers: effect of low dietary solute intake.
Homeopathic and primary care doctors: how they see each other and how they see their patients: results of a qualitative investigation
Combining herbal supplements with prescription drugs.
Cholesterol & atherosclerosis: a controversy resolved.
Effect of a garlic oil preparation on serum lipoproteins and cholesterol metabolism: a randomized controlled trial.
Dry eye treatment with acupuncture. A prospective, randomized, double-masked study.
Phylogenetic analysis of Atractylodes plants based on chloroplast trnK sequence.
Can adults adequately convert alpha-linolenic acid (18:3n-3) to eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3)?
Therapeutic application of organ electrodermal diagnostics for pain.
The evolution of human medicines control from a national to an international perspective.
Effects of a standardized mistletoe preparation on metastatic B16 melanoma colonization in murine lungs.
The use of complementary therapies by breast cancer patients attending conventional treatment.
Treating stingray wounds with onions.
Herbals and homeopathic remedies as formulary items?
Beyond benzodiazepines: alternative pharmacologic agents for the treatment of insomnia.
Rejecting the facts.
Keeping an open mind.
Alternative treatments for menopausal symptoms. Systematic review of scientific and lay literature.
Initial experience of McMaster SmokeStop. Smoking Cessation Clinic at McMaster Family Practice Unit.
Opsoclonus-myoclonus associated with traditional medicine ingestion: case report.
How could alternative therapies affect your practice?
Is vegetarianism a precipitating factor for gallstones in cirrhotics?
When a hepatologist develops hepatitis!
The liver in traditional Chinese medicine.
Avenues of discovery in bioprospecting.
Anthropologic research and understanding pediatric visceral leishmaniasis in Tunisia
The use of laser puncture in the combined treatment of peptic ulcer patients
Different standards for reporting ADRs to herbal remedies and conventional OTC medicines: face-to-face interviews with 515 users of herbal remedies.
Hepatitis C.
Herbal insurance. Does an allium a day keep the doctor away?
Peripheral beta-endorphin in rheumatoid arthritis.
Complementary therapy and cardiac surgery.
Observations on ethnoveterinary medicines in Trinidad and Tobago.
Hong Kong male subfertility links to mercury in human hair and fish.
Electroacupuncture: mechanisms and clinical application.
Comparison of a vegetable-based (soya) and an animal-based low-protein diet in predialysis chronic renal failure patients.
Atlas rotation following a blow on the neck.
What determines the choice of health care treatment in the town of Contonou (Benin)?
Phytotherapy. 3: Use in diseases of the respiratory tract
Phytotherapy. 2: Use in cardiovascular diseases (and dementia)
Yohimbine for erectile dysfunction: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials.
A review of the effectiveness of Cimicifuga racemosa (black cohosh) for the symptoms of menopause.
Women as caregivers.
Antimicrobial compounds detected in Bocconia arborea extracts by a direct bioautographic method.
Female genital mutilation. American Academy of Pediatrics. Committee on Bioethics.
Alternative care. Patient choices for adjunct therapies within a cancer center.
Meta-analysis of homoeopathy trials.
Meta-analysis of homoeopathy trials.
Meta-analysis of homoeopathy trials.
Meta-analysis of homoeopathy trials.
Meta-analysis of homoeopathy trials.
Meta-analysis of homoeopathy trials.
Meta-analysis of homoeopathy trials.
Meta-analysis of homoeopathy trials.
On being a ginseng connoisseur.
Congruence between decisions to initiate chiropractic spinal manipulation for low back pain and appropriateness criteria in North America.
Taraxacum officinale restores inhibition of nitric oxide production by cadmium in mouse peritoneal macrophages.
Low and high frequency electroacupuncture at Hoku elicits a distinct mechanism to activate sympathetic nervous system in anesthetized rats.
Medical marijuana.
Debate regarding homeopathic medicine continues.
Viewpoint on vaccination guidelines and alternative modalities.
Kava: an herbal sedative.
Polypharmacy is not an example of scientific-based medicine, either.
Collaborators in care: the New England Center for Integrative Health blends naturopathy and conventional medicine.
The use of complementary medicine for healthy aging.
On the blessings of acupuncture
Pain threshold responses to two different modes of sensory stimulation in patients with orofacial muscular pain: psychologic considerations.
Treatment-seeking patterns of facial pain patients: many possibilities, limited satisfaction.
Ethnoveterinary medicines used for ruminants in Trinidad and Tobago.
Magical thinking and epilepsy in traditional indigenous medicine
Medicinal use of marijuana. Is the debate a smoke screen for movement toward legalization?
Therapy of articular and periarticular pain with local anesthetics (neural therapy of Huneke). Long and short term results
Effect of eggplant on plasma lipid levels, lipidic peroxidation and reversion of endothelial dysfunction in experimental hypercholesterolemia
The magic bullets are blanks. Purported shortcuts to improving the aging mind.
Caring and healing in the 21st century.
Homoeopathy: past, present and future.
Management of osteoarthritis in older adults.
A review of the plants of the genus Phyllanthus: their chemistry, pharmacology, and therapeutic potential.
Spinal bone mineral density in premenopausal vegetarian and nonvegetarian women: cross-sectional and prospective comparisons.
The treatment of infants and young children suffering respiratory tract infection and diarrhoeal disease in a rural community in Southeast Indonesia.
Chiropractic for low back pain. We don't know whether it does more good than harm.
Health care delivery systems, managed care, and the changing practice of medicine.
Phototoxic contact dermatitis from 5-methoxypsoralen in aromatherapy oil.
Validation of questionnaire-based response criteria of treatment efficacy in the fibromyalgia syndrome.
Aromatherapy: is it for real?
Ma-huang strikes again: ephedrine nephrolithiasis.
The effect of acupuncture in the treatment of patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome. A controlled study.
Is a vegetarian diet adequate for children.
Human bodily health.
A therapeutic trial of acupuncture in neurogenic bladder of spinal cord injured patients--a preliminary report.
The use of dietary fiber as natural enterosorbents in diseases of the hepatobiliary system
The use of acupuncture reflexotherapy in the combined treatment of patients with chronic gouty polyarthritis
Maternal practices in infantile diarrheic disease and oral rehydration therapy
A multicenter survey of amalgam fillings and subjective complaints in non-selected patients in the dental practice.
Vascular hyporeactivity persists despite increased contractility after long-term administration of isosorbide dinitrate in portal hypertensive rats.
Peppermint oil for irritable bowel syndrome: a critical review and metaanalysis.
Pain treatment of fibromyalgia by acupuncture.
Western allopathic vs alternative medicine.
The effect of electrical acupuncture-stimulation therapy using thermography and plasma endothelin (ET-1) levels in patients with progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS).
Low-back pain.
Women's use of complementary and alternative therapies in reproductive health care.
"Alternative" therapy methods in functional disorders of the gastrointestinal system
Herbal medicine: show me the proof!
The dangers of using herbs. What your patients need to know.
Beware "St. John's Wort," potential herbal danger.
To believe or not to believe. That is the key in homeopathy
Treatment of neurovegetative menopausal symptoms with a phytotherapeutic agent
Reflections on complementary medicine in domestic animal practice
Preparing for surgery with complementary medicine.
Complementary therapy and infertility: an Icelandic perspective.
Empowering women: homoeopathy in midwifery practice.
Complementary therapy: aromatherapy with massage for geriatric and hospice care--a call for an holistic approach.
Stimulation of auricular acupuncture points in weight loss.
Herbal medicine.
Guidelines for the nonpharmacologic management of migraine in clinical practice. Canadian Headache Society.
Doctors' attitudes to acupuncture--a Norwegian study.
Exercise for female osteoporosis. A systematic review of randomised clinical trials.
Complementary medicine in dentistry.
The use of acupuncture in dentistry: a review of the scientific validity of published papers.
The case study as a scientific method for researching alternative therapies.
Use of and satisfaction with homeopathy in a patient population.
Animal tested materials.
"A bunch of the boys were whooping it up". Echinacea for what ails ya.
Argyria after short-contact acupuncture.
Factorial trial of three interventions to reduce the progression of precancerous gastric lesions in Shandong, China: design issues and initial data.
Suppression of immunoglobulin E-mediated anaphylactic reaction by Hwanglyun-Haedok-Tang water extract.
Anticonvulsant effects of Magnolia grandiflora L. in the rat.
Effects of Erkang, a modified formulation of Chinese folk medicine Shi-Quan-Da-Bu-Tang, on mice.
Antiinflammatory and antioxidant activity of plants used in traditional medicine in Ecuador.
Efficacy and safety of oral immunotherapy in respiratory allergy to Parietaria judaica pollen. A double-blind study.
Immunotherapy with sublingual birch pollen extract. A short-term double-blind placebo study.
Observational medicine in 19th century Iran
Hypoglycaemic activity of Syzigium cumini seeds: effect on lipid peroxidation in alloxan diabetic rats.
A survey of traditional medicinal plants from the Callejón de Huaylas, Department of Ancash, Perú.
Antiamoebic and phytochemical screening of some Congolese medicinal plants.
Chemical and pharmacological examination of antinociceptive constituents of Wedelia paludosa.
Accessing alternative medicine information on-line.
Statistic pitfalls or how should we interprete numbers in the evaluation of a new treatment
Portal hypotensive effects of DL-028 and prazosin on portal hypertensive rats.
Use of alternative treatment in pediatric oncology.
Influence of acupuncture on duration of labor.
Marijuana at the millennium: medical and social implications.
Review of the American Medical Association Council on Scientific Affairs report on medical marijuana.
Medicinal marijuana: a comprehensive review.
Proposition 215: a dilemma.
Addiction medicine perspective on the medicalization of marijuana.
Medical marijuana: tribulations and trials.
The use of cannabis as a mood stabilizer in bipolar disorder: anecdotal evidence and the need for clinical research.
Providing medical marijuana: the importance of cannabis clubs.
Garlic pills don't lower cholesterol.
Effects of drug therapy on serum lipids and plasma hemostasis in aged patients with ischemic heart disease on different diets
Slipping through sky holes: Yurok body imagery in northern California.
Research notes on social order and subjectivity: individuals' experience of susto and fallen fontanelle in a rural community in central Mexico.
Subtypes of ataques de nervios: the influence of coexisting psychiatric diagnosis.
Acupuncture: does it have a place in military general practice?
St. John's wort: an alternative therapy in treating depression.
A differentiated approach to laser puncture in facial neuritis by using the methods of acupuncture diagnosis
Laser puncture in the combined treatment of stenocardia with concomitant chronic cholecystitis
The effect of laser puncture and electropuncture on the indices of intragastric pH-metry in patients with gastroesophageal reflux
Chest pain and breathlessness after acupuncture--again.
Cannabis for migraine treatment: the once and future prescription? An historical and scientific review.
Comment on Ernst and White, PAIN, 71 (1997) 123-126.
A polydiagnostic approach to the differences in the symptoms of schizophrenia in different cultural and ethnic populations.
"Complementary medicine"
Not all chiropractors misuse diagnostic ultrasonography.
Visual impact of using traditional medicine on the injured eye in Africa.
Antioxidant status in vegetarians and nonvegetarians in Bratislava region (Slovakia).
Influence of acupuncture on maternal serum levels of interleukin-8, prostaglandin F2alpha, and beta-endorphin: a matched pair study.
Double-blind, placebo-controlled evaluation of sublingual immunotherapy with standardized olive pollen extract in pediatric patients with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and mild asthma due to olive pollen sensitization.
Garlic prevents hypoxic pulmonary hypertension in rats.
Enthusiasts can not be entrusted with research on homeopathy
Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in plasma and erythrocyte membrane lipids of children with phenylketonuria after controlled linoleic acid intake.
Phytotherapy. 5: Gastrointestinal tract (2)
Homeopathic anamnesis
Western medicine opens the door to alternative medicine.
Green tea regulates cell cycle progression in oral leukoplakia.
Rational complementary medicine
Investigation of variation of the production of biological and chemical compounds of Hyssopus officinalis L.
Bioassay-guided isolation of a diastereoisomer of kolavenol from Entada abyssinica active on Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense.
Oral anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcerogenic activities of a hydroalcoholic extract and partitioned fractions of Turnera ulmifolia (Turneraceae).
Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of Sambucus ebulus rhizome extract in rats.
Phytotherapy. 1. Use in diseases of the locomotor system
How safe are herbs?
Homeopathic vs conventional treatment of vertigo: a randomized double-blind controlled clinical study.
The prevalence of complementary/alternative medicine in cancer: a systematic review.
Acupuncture in the management of chronic pain.
Plasma selenium concentrations in a Sikh population in Sydney, Australia.
Alternative dental products.
Use of alternative therapies by rehabilitation outpatients.
The role of the endogenous opioid system in the pathogenesis of anxiety disorders.
The role of the endogenous opioid system in the effects of acupuncture on mood, behavior, learning, and memory.
Effect of traditional Chinese acupuncture on severe tinnitus: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical investigation with open therapeutic control.
Herbal healers.
The evil was to be shot off with a cannon
Perceptions of caretakers of pre-school children on acute respiratory infection (ARI) in a rural district in Ghana.
Modulation of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 by Triton X-100--identification of two consecutive conformational transitions.
Suppressive effects of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook f., a traditional Chinese medicine, on collagen arthritis in mice.
Interleukin-2 dependent selective activation of porcine gamma delta T lymphocytes by an extract from the leaves of Acanthospermum hispidum.
Is St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) an effective antidepressant?
Introducing a placebo needle into acupuncture research.
Patients' use of complementary medicine.
Local somatothermal stimulation inhibits the motility of sphincter of Oddi in cats, rabbits and humans through nitrergic neural release of nitric oxide.
The influence of sensory stimulation (acupuncture) on the release of neuropeptides in the saliva of healthy subjects.
Interstitial renal fibrosis in a young woman: association with a Chinese preparation given for irregular menses.
Primary care physicians and complementary-alternative medicine: training, attitudes, and practice patterns.
Comparative efficacy of pyrethrum marc with albendazole against sheep gastrointestinal nematodes.
The efficacy of manual therapy in cardiac and abdominal spinal syndromes
An investigation of the actions of the essential oils of Manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) and Kanuka (Kunzea ericoides), Myrtaceae on guinea-pig smooth muscle.
Nepetalactone: a new opioid analgesic from Nepeta caesarea Boiss.
Use of alternative medicine in oncology patients
Treatment of disequilibrium and nausea in the SRI discontinuation syndrome.
Introduction. Landscapes of health in the Andes.
Hungry earth and vengeful stars: soul loss and identity in the Peruvian Andes.
Environment, vulnerability, and gender in Andean ethnomedicine.
Assessing variation in health status in the Andes: a biocultural model.
Medicinal herb use and the renal patient.
Product update.
The role of complementary medicine in European and Asian patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
Traditional medicine and practices in burn care: need for newer scientific perspectives.
Aromatherapy a complementary therapy
Natural variation of cervical range of motion: a one-way repeated-measures design.
Chiropractic radiologists: a survey of demographics, abilities, educational attitudes and practice trends.
Spinal manipulation in China.
Strong and weak measures of efficacy: a comparison of chiropractic with biomedicine in the management of back pain.
Chiropractic management of a patient with subluxations, low back pain and epileptic seizures.
Spina bifida occulta mimicking a destructive lesion.
Nonspecific intervention in chiropractic care.
Magnetic resonance imaging and clinical follow-up: study of 27 patients receiving chiropractic care for cervical and lumbar disc herniations.
Most commonly used methods of detecting spinal subluxation and the preferred term for its description: a survey of chiropractic in Victoria, Australia.
The effectiveness of chiropractic management of fibromyalgia patients: a pilot study.
The effects of spinal manipulation on the intensity of emotional arousal in phobic subjects exposed to threat stimulus: a randomized, controlled, double-blind clinical trial.
The effects of spinal manipulation on the intensity of emotional arousal in phobic subjects exposed to threat stimulus: a randomized, controlled, double-blind clinical trial.
Brown-Séquard syndrome of the cervical spinal cord after chiropractic manipulation.
Same Pit, Different Vipers.
Interest in alternative medicine by first year medical students at the John A. Burns School of Medicine.
Homeopathic treatment for sequelae of meningococcal septicemia.
Courses involving complementary and alternative medicine at US medical schools.
Current and projected workforce of nonphysician clinicians.
Prophylactic effect of Korean mistletoe (Viscum album coloratum) extract on tumor metastasis is mediated by enhancement of NK cell activity.
A commentary on Newman's theory of health as expanding consciousness.
Speaking of illness: issues of first generation Canadian women--implications for patient education and counseling.
Antitumour and radioprotective action of Podophyllum hexandrum.
Medical therapy and quality of life.
Tamsulosin: real life clinical experience in 19,365 patients.
Our opinion on "Medicine among the indians". Bulletin editorial Medical Association of Puerto Rico--October 1904
Garlic oil: no impact on lipids.
Acupuncture in Australian general practice: practitioner characteristics.
Direct cost of rheumatoid arthritis during the first six years: a cost-of-illness study.
Patterns and determinants of multiple provider use in patients with acute low back pain.
Teaching residents about complementary and alternative medicine in the United States.
Powerful placebo: the dark side of the randomised controlled trial.
Protective effect of oral administration of a traditional medicine, Juzen-Taiho-To, and its components on lethal Candida albicans infection in immunosuppressed mice.
Investigation of polysaccharides of Echinops species. Medicinal plant polysaccharides I
Homeopathic and psychiatric perspectives on grief.
Clinical outcome research in complementary and alternative medicine: an overview of experimental design and analysis.
A comparative study of chiropractic and medical education.
Acupuncture treatment for phantom limb pain.
Health-related quality of life varies with personality types: a comparison among cancer patients, non-cancer patients and healthy individuals in a Japanese population.
Academic medicine--alternative medicine from the viewpoint of public health public health directors
Academic medicine and complementary medicine--campaign for the truth in medical theories
The academic medicine--alternative medicine tension field
Research in complementary medicine: results and problems
Clinical problem-solving. A leading question.
Alternative medicine--the risks of untested and unregulated remedies.
Very low fat diets.
Cultural influences on medical disclosure.
Grandmother's remedies. A teaching experience
Acupuncture for urinary incontinence in patients with chronic spinal cord injury. A preliminary report
Ilex aquifolium: protection against enzymatic and non-enzymatic lipid peroxidation.
The cytotoxic activity of a Salacia liana species from Monteverde, Costa Rica, is due to a high concentration of tingenone.
Toxic effects of Erycibe obtusifolia, a Chinese medicinal herb, in mice.
Evaluation of Nigerian traditional medicines: II. Effects of some Nigerian folk remedies on peptic ulcer.
Pharmacological, electrophysiological and toxicity studies of Limacia scanden Lour. (Menispermaceae).
The inhibitory effect of common traditional anti-rheumatic herb formulas on prostaglandin E and interleukin 2 in vitro: a comparative study with Tripterygium wilfordii.
Screening of 34 Indian medicinal plants for antibacterial properties.
Debate regarding vaccination procedures and homeopathy.
Development of an aromatherapy service at a Cancer Centre.
Treatment refusal.
Suppression of mouse skin tumor promotion and induction of apoptosis in HL-60 cells by Alpinia oxyphylla Miquel (Zingiberaceae).
The sensitizing capacity of ginkgolic acids in guinea pigs.
A fatal case of streptococcal toxic shock-like syndrome probably caused by acupuncture
Homeopathy--possibilities and limits
Are so-called alternative therapeutic procedures in pain treatment the solution?
Chiropractic care for back pain.
Iridoids from Loasa acerifolia.
Mapping acupuncture points using multi channel device.
Health-seeking behaviour of patients with sexually transmitted diseases in Zambia.
Motives underlying healthy eating: using the Food Choice Questionnaire to explain variation in dietary intake.
On the rationality of decision-making studies: Part 2: Divergent rationalities.
Repairing broken rules: care-seeking narratives for menstrual problems in rural Mali.
"Homeopathy opening up." Homeopathy under guarantees of quality and disability
Investigation into the cercariacidal and miracidiacidal properties of Endod (Phytolacca dodecandra) berries (type 44).
A comparison of traditional folk healing concepts with contemporary healing concepts.
Characterization of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 mutants containing the P13 to P10 region of ovalbumin or antithrombin III: evidence that the P13 residue contributes significantly to the active to substrate transition.
Quality requirements also for publications on alternative medicine
Physicians and other practitioners of acupuncture in Norway--education, theoretical orientation and practice
The value of studies of quality of life in chronic respiratory tract diseases in the framework of holistic medicine
New approaches to health and well-being for dementia day-care clients, family carers and day-care staff.
Painful breasts
Painful breasts
Use of antimalarial drugs in Mali: policy versus reality.
Proliferative effects of oxidized low-density lipoprotein on vascular smooth muscle cells: role of dietary habits.
Alternative therapies for the treatment of childhood cancer.
Effects of tetramethylpyrazine on portal hypertensive rats.
With nature's help.
Data from an expedition to study a Siberian vegan settlement
Placebo needle for acupuncture.
Risk factors for coronary artery disease and levels of lipoprotein(a) and fat-soluble antioxidant vitamins in Asian Indians of USA.
Effect of rhinax on bacterial lipopolysaccharide induced endotoxemia in rats.
More work needed on cannabis.
Suppression of recurrent genital herpes simplex virus type 2 infection by Rhus javanica in guinea pigs.
Effect of eggplant on plasma lipid levels, lipidic peroxidation and the reversion of endothelial dysfunction in experimental hypercholesterolemia
Effect of eggplant on plasma lipid levels, lipidic peroxidation and the reversion of endothelial dysfunction in experimental hypercholesterolemia
Chiropractic: a fantasy and delusion.
Effects of acupuncture treatment on daily life activities and quality of life: a controlled, prospective, and randomized study of acute stroke patients.
Homeopathic Arnica 30x is ineffective for muscle soreness after long-distance running: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
Controlled trial of Japanese acupuncture for chronic myofascial neck pain: assessment of specific and nonspecific effects of treatment.
Resistant starch and SCFA: adjunct to ORS?
Protective effect of a traditional medicine, shimotsu-to, on brain lesion in rats.
Surveillance of phytotherapeutic drugs in the state of Minas Gerais. Quality assessment of commercial samples of chamomile
A comparison of active and simulated chiropractic manipulation as adjunctive treatment for childhood asthma.
A comparison of physical therapy, chiropractic manipulation, and provision of an educational booklet for the treatment of patients with low back pain.
What role for chiropractic in health care?
Major Multi-National Pharmaceutical Companies and Complementary Medicine.
Effects of a long-term inhalation of fragrances on the stress-induced immunosuppression in mice.
A comparison of three different dihydroartemisinin formulations for the treatment of acute uncomplicated falciparum malaria in Thailand.
One-year follow-up comparison of the cost and effectiveness of chiropractic and physiotherapy as primary management for back pain. Subgroup analysis, recurrence, and additional health care utilization.
Homoeopathy and clinical trials.
Guidelines for prevention and therapy in ecological animal farms as in the example of bovine mastitis
The rise and fall of complementary medicine.
Complementary and alternative medicine: essential for the future of effective, affordable healthcare?
New chair of alternative medicine at the State Medical University of Crimea in Simferopol, Ukraine.
Effects of lavender straw on stress and travel sickness in pigs.
Characteristics of users and nonusers of alternative medicine in dermatologic patients attending a university hospital clinic: a short report.
Treatment of human immunodeficiency virus-positive patients with complementary and alternative medicine: a survey of practitioners.
Aspects of ethnobotanical medicine in southeast Nigeria.
Reflections on the nature of the consultation.
M.D. programs in the United States with complementary and alternative medicine education: an ongoing listing.
Critical review of 5 nonpharmacologic strategies for managing cancer pain.
Herbs for the prostate.
Predictive factors for 1-year outcome of low-back and neck pain in patients treated in primary care: comparison between the treatment strategies chiropractic and physiotherapy.
Determination of naringenin and its glucuronide conjugate in rat plasma and brain tissue by high-performance liquid chromatography.
Influence of culture on cancer pain management in Hispanic patients.
Nothing but the truth.
Guidelines to good execution of analysis: some applications and developments. Laboratoire d'Analyses de Biologie Me'dicale Lecoeur
Experience in using acupuncture reflexotherapy combined with weight-reducing diet therapy in hypertension
New prospects for the treatment of atherosclerosis: garlic preparations
Dhat syndrome--culture bound sex neurosis.
Ethnopharmacology and some traditional medical practices--Part I.
Homeopathy: principles, place and opportunities in current therapy
Cannabinoids as analgesics?
The rehabilitation of patients with diabetic neuropathy of the oculomotor nerve
The effect of physical factors on the action of other therapeutic means (the problem of therapeutic interference)
Use of and interest in alternative therapies among adult primary care clinicians and adult members in a large health maintenance organization.
Faecal pH, bile acid and sterol concentrations in premenopausal Indian and white vegetarians compared with white omnivores.
The 'boom' in complementary medicine.
Risks or remedies? Safety aspects of herbal remedies in the UK.
Popularity of alternative medicine.
Herbal prostate remedies?
Fulminant hepatic failure after herbal medicine ingestion in children.
The "Hoddle Muddle": using faith healers and other complementary therapists in sports medicine.
Does post-exercise massage treatment reduce delayed onset muscle soreness? A systematic review.
Hypomania and St John's wort.
Hypoglycemic activity of Bouvardia terniflora, Brickellia veronicaefolia, and Parmentiera edulis
Structures of three new oleanene glucuronides isolated from Lathyrus palustris var. pilosus and hepatoprotective activity.
Antipyretic activity of gingyo-san, a traditional medicine, in influenza virus-infected mice.
Patient education programme in bronchial asthma in India: why, how, what and where to communicate?
Use of herbal medicines among C-L populations.
Usage of complementary therapies in rheumatology: a systematic review.
Unilateral sacroiliitis as an unusual complication of acupuncture.
Medical students' attitudes toward, knowledge of, and experience with complementary medicine therapies.
Effect of Nelumbo nucifera rhizome extract on the gastrointestinal tract of rat.
Aloe vera: magic or medicine?
An investigation of the interrelationship between manipulative therapy-induced hypoalgesia and sympathoexcitation.
Random vs. systematic sampling from administrative databases involving human subjects.
Further analysis of the reliability of the posterior tangent lateral lumbar radiographic mensuration procedure: concurrent validity of computer-aided X-ray digitization.
Tunnel vision information: a paradox of ethics, economics, politics and science.
Lymphedema as a cause of unilateral leg swelling: a case report with 6-yr follow-up.
Psychoneuroimmunology, the placebo effect and chiropractic.
Changes in brain function after manipulation of the cervical spine.
Treatment of cervical disc protrusions via instrumental chiropractic adjustment.
Useful plants of dermatology. V. Capsicum and capsaicin.
Acupuncture treatment for angina.
Herbal medicine for periodontal diseases.
Collagen crosslinks as markers of a therapy effect in fibromyalgia.
Ballroom dancing and cervical radiculopathy: a case report.
Garlic. The latest on this legendary herb.
Homeopathy: myth or reality?
A survey of UK manual therapists' practice of and attitudes towards manipulation and its complications.
Complementary medicine in health insurance. Economic analysis of the effects of including complementary procedures in health insurance. Project within the scope of the "Complementary Medicine" Research Program 34
Enhancing care using aromatherapy.
Can aromatherapy replace pre-medication?
Should alternative treatment be integrated into mainstream medicine?
The ex vivo effect of the herbal medicine sho-saiko-to on histamine release from rat mast cells.
Mexican use of lead in the treatment of empacho: community, clinic, and longitudinal patterns.
The effect of combined laser and electropuncture on the bioelectrical potentials and skin temperature of patients with gastroesophageal reflux
The efficacy of flower pollen in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and concomitant diseases of the gastroduodenal and hepatobiliary systems
Chest pain and breathlessness after acupuncture--again.
Ubiquinone--what should one, as physician, think of it?
Phytotherapy. 6: Nervous system applications
Alternative therapies and complementary medicine: a mutiny in the making.
Dietary risk factors for colon cancer in a low-risk population.
Survey research vs clinical trials in evaluating the medical utility of marijuana.
Role of transforming growth factor-beta pathway in the mechanism of wound healing by saponin from Ginseng Radix rubra.
Vertebral artery dissection following chiropractic manipulation.
Bioprospecting in an African context.
Herbal medicines and the family physician.
Dental anxiety.
The use of exercise therapy, electrostimulation and acupuncture in restorative treatment of patients with cholecystectomy
Results of a survey of anesthetists on postoperative nausea and vomiting
Historical aspects of tobacco use and smoking.
A pilot study of Salix SST (saliva-stimulating lozenges) in post-irradiation xerostomia.
St John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum)--a herbal antidepressant.
Biotherapy with the pineal immunomodulating hormone melatonin versus melatonin plus aloe vera in untreatable advanced solid neoplasms.
The effects of therapeutic touch on patients with osteoarthritis of the knee.
Effects of deep vs. superficial stimulation of acupuncture on capsaicin-induced edema. A blind controlled study in rats.
Use of alternative therapies by a low income population.
Implications for integrating alternative medicine.
Colon visualization of bone scan: a special and interesting case.
Tea therapy? Out of the cup, into the lab.
Essential oils: a complementary therapy in wound management.
Barley, the olive and wine, dietary and therapeutic triad of ancient Mediterranean people
Serum ferritin and iron status in the general population of Singapore, 1993 to 1995.
Serum selenium in the general population of Singapore, 1993 to 1995.
Vegan diets and cardiovascular health.
Cardiovascular disease risk factors are lower in African-American vegans compared to lacto-ovo-vegetarians.
Effect of Vernonia cinerea Less flower extract in adjuvant-induced arthritis.
Electromagnetic interference and ICD discharge related to chiropractic treatment.
Herbal healers.
The development of the Short Explanatory Model Interview (SEMI) and its use among primary-care attenders with common mental disorders.
Endurance training to be no more effective than physiotherapy or chiropractic treatment in terms of reducing pain and disability or increasing muscle strength.
Reliability of serum measurements of lignans and isoflavonoid phytoestrogens over a two-year period.
Dietary factors and risk of lung cancer in never-smokers.
The efficacy of spinal manipulation, amitriptyline and the combination of both therapies for the prophylaxis of migraine headache.
Effect of manual segmental vibration on neuromuscular excitability.
Influence of load orientation on the posteroanterior stiffness of the lumbar spine.
A descriptive analysis of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 1989-1996.
The effects of prostaglandin E2 indomethacin & Ginkgo biloba extract on resistance to experimental sepsis.
Structure-function relationships in serpins: current concepts and controversies.
Effects of ginkgo biloba extract on impairment of learning induced by cerebral ischemia in mice.
Cordyceps sinensis increases the expression of major histocompatibility complex class II antigens on human hepatoma cell line HA22T/VGH cells.
Effect of red ginseng on blood pressure in patients with essential hypertension and white coat hypertension.
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and managed health-care: setting an agenda.
The school nurse's role in homeopathic interventions.
Acupuncture and other "religions"
Alternative therapy of cluster headache
African traditional medicine--potential route for viral transmission?
Effects of ginseng treatment on neutrophil chemiluminescence and immunoglobulin G subclasses in a rat model of chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia.
Acupuncture the same difference.
Nurses' attitudes to the use of alternative medicine in cancer patients.
Chinese herbs: a clinical review of Astragalus, Ligusticum, and Schizandrae.
Hazards of unregulated herbal preparations.
Searching online and Web-based resources for information on natural products used as drugs.
Evaluating unconventional therapies.
The folklore in your mouth.
Medical practices in prehistoric New England.
Different arts of healing from the point of view of the private general practitioner
Osteopathy and chiropractic
For an updated acupuncture
Alternative medicine at the crossing of scientific reality and myth
Psychiatry and the burden of mental illness.
Complete reversal of ischemic wall motion abnormalities by combined use of gene therapy with transmyocardial laser revascularization.
The effect of location of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on postoperative opioid analgesic requirement: acupoint versus nonacupoint stimulation.
Antimicrobial susceptibility of oral isolates of Enterobacter cloacae and Klebsiella pneumoniae from a southern Chinese population.
Aromatherapy as an adjunct to care in a mental health day hospital.
Effect of BL-10 (tianzhu), BL-11 (dazhu) and GB-34 (yanglinquan) acuplaster for prevention of vomiting after strabismus surgery in children.
Family demography in a remote rural community in Zambia.
Wound healing--from poultices to maggots. (a short synopsis of wound healing throughout the ages).
Protective effects of oleanolic acid oligoglycosides on ethanol- or indomethacin-induced gastric mucosal lesions in rats.
Serum cholesterol in healthy postmenopausal women.
NIH Consensus Conference. Acupuncture.
Local understandings of adult diarrhoeal disease and its treatment in an area of high HIV-seroprevalence in Zambia.
Where are the chiropractors?
Advancing health and healing through patient self-empowerment: the Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine at Stony Brook.
Native American medicine.
An organizational survey of physicians' attitudes about and practice of complementary and alternative medicine.
A trial method for assessing the adequacy of acupuncture treatments.
Alternative medicine: viewpoints of a sociologist and an oncologist
Bile acids of Fel Ursi.
Effects of Ginkgo biloba extract on the cochlear damage induced by local gentamicin installation in guinea pigs.
Pediatricians' experience with and attitudes toward complementary/alternative medicine.
Alternative medicine use by homeless youth.
Home-based therapies for the common cold among European American and ethnic minority families: the interface between alternative/complementary and folk medicine.
Garlic extract therapy in children with hypercholesterolemia.
Blood pressure and blood lipid levels among vegetarian, semi-vegetarian, and non-vegetarian native Africans.
Women and wellness.
Can you trust supplements?
Introduction to the healing herbs.
Common feeding problems in babies and children: 2.
Paraspinal muscle abscess after Chinese Kong Fu practitioner manipulation--a case report.
Phytotherapy. 7: Applications in the urogenital tract
Phytotherapy. 8: Varia
Change in legal assessment of unconventional medical methods in federal health insurance--consequences for social medicine expert assessment
Prevalence of anti-hepatitis C antibodies in a rural community without high mortality from liver disease in Niigata prefecture.
Role of endogenous interferon-gamma on the enhancement of splenic NK cell activity by electroacupuncture stimulation in mice.
Herbs as medicines.
Herbal medicinals: selected clinical considerations focusing on known or potential drug-herb interactions.
Chiropractic: origins, controversies, and contributions.
Herbal medicine for the treatment of cardiovascular disease: clinical considerations.
Acupuncture for back pain: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Navajo use of native healers.
Randomized trial of acupuncture for nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
Patterns of use, expenditures, and perceived efficacy of complementary and alternative therapies in HIV-infected patients.
Traditional and western healing practices for alcoholism in American Indians and Alaska Natives.
Complementary therapies for depression: an overview.
Herbal remedies in psychiatric practice.
Alternative medicine.
Health food shops, risks of complementary medicine, and ethical standards of research.
Advice given by health food shops: is it clinically safe?
Alterations are ahead at the OAM. Office of Alternative Medicine.
Personal use of alternative medicine therapies by health science center faculty.
Adverse events related to acupuncture.
Evidence influencing British health authorities' decisions in purchasing complementary medicine.
Advising patients about herbal therapies.
St John's wort during pregnancy.
Cutaneous anthrax associated with the Kombucha "mushroom" in Iran.
Trends in alternative medicine use in the United States, 1990-1997: results of a follow-up national survey.
Spinal manipulation in the treatment of episodic tension-type headache: a randomized controlled trial.
Moxibustion for correction of breech presentation: a randomized controlled trial.
Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with Chinese herbal medicine: a randomized controlled trial.
Acupuncture and amitriptyline for pain due to HIV-related peripheral neuropathy: a randomized controlled trial. Terry Beirn Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS.
Medical malpractice implications of alternative medicine.
Alternative medicine--learning from the past, examining the present, advancing to the future.
Alternative medicine meets science.
Factors that shape alternative medicine.
Physicians' ethical obligations regarding alternative medicine.
Investigating alternative medicine therapies in randomized controlled trials.
Complementary medicine and the Cochrane Collaboration.
JAMA patient page: alternative medicine.
Alternative medicine and surgery.
"Alternative" surgery in trauma management.
Efficacy of homeopathic arnica: a systematic review of placebo-controlled clinical trials.
Korean hand acupuncture in the treatment of chronic hiccups.
Health care and indemnity costs across the natural history of disability in occupational low back pain.
Patient characteristics and practice patterns of physicians using homeopathy.
Echinacea root extracts for the prevention of upper respiratory tract infections: a double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trial.
Acupuncture in a university hospital: implications for an inpatient consulting service.
Species richness: does flower power explain beetle-mania?
The efficacy of Ginkgo biloba on cognitive function in Alzheimer disease.
USP to reevaluate its position on botanicals.
Herbal quality seems to be growing.
Neuropharmacology of St. John's Wort (Hypericum).
Chronic neck pain: a comparison of acupuncture treatment and physiotherapy.
Use of alternative medicine in major depression.
Acupuncture for relief of angina.
Antipyretic action of peripheral stimulation with electroacupuncture in rats.
Late recall urticaria.
Bush thoracotomy in Papua New Guinea.
A review of the incorporation of complementary and alternative medicine by mainstream physicians.
Cherokee prescriptions for accupressure and massage.
Chiropractors' use of X-rays.
Randomized trial of aromatherapy. Successful treatment for alopecia areata.
Horse-chestnut seed extract for chronic venous insufficiency. A criteria-based systematic review.
Prevalence of skin disease in rural Tanzania and factors influencing the choice of health care, modern or traditional.
A double-blind, controlled clinical trial of homeopathy and an analysis of lunar phases and postoperative outcome.
The philosophical, cultural, and historical aspects of complementary, alternative, unconventional, and integrative medicine in the Old World.
Traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of dermatologic disorders.
Acupuncture treatment of urticaria.
Phytotherapeutic approaches to common dermatologic conditions.
Alternative medicine. Is it all in your mind?
The essence of alternative medicine. A dermatologist's view from Germany.
Atopic eczema between rationality and irrationality.
Bromate intoxication due to the ingestion of a dose prescribed by a homeopathist.
Soy, its components, and cancer prevention: a review of the in vitro, animal, and human data.
Efficacy and safety of tea tree oil as a topical antimicrobial agent.
Effectiveness of a medicament containing silicon dioxide, aloe, and allantoin on aphthous stomatitis.
Corn starch in the treatment of patients with glycogenosis type I and III
Future of complementary medicine: training, status and the European perspective (Part 2).
Use of Western Australian flower essences in the management of pain and stress in the hospital setting.
Down to basics: the question of base gels and creams for aromatherapy. Interview by Caroline Stevensen.
Using essential oils in professional practice.
Bach Flower Remedies: a personal commentary on the work of Dr Edward Bach.
Why patients use alternative medicine.
Why patients use alternative medicine.
Why patients use alternative medicine.
Why patients use alternative medicine.
Why patients use alternative medicine.
Salvia miltiorrhiza reduces experimentally-induced hepatic fibrosis in rats.
Vitamin C and aloe vera supplementation protects from chemical hepatocarcinogenesis in the rat.
Effect on human longevity of added dietary chocolate.
Complementary and alternative medicine: evaluating its effectiveness in inflammatory bowel disease.
Safety of botanicals: historical perspective.
Studies on some edible and medicinal plants of Mesoamerica.
Ethnopharmacology and ethnobotany along the US-Mexican border: potential problems with cross-cultural "borrowings".
Herbal medicine in the emergency department: a primer for toxicities and treatment.
A primer on acupuncture.
Herbal first aid.
Topical eucalyptus oil poisoning.
The inhibitory effect of funoran and eucalyptus extract-containing chewing gum on plaque formation.
Total antioxidant capacity (TAC): is it an effective method to evaluate the oxidative stress in uraemia?
"Active hypoallergenicity".
Severe diabetic scleredema with extension to the extremities and effective treatment using prostaglandin E1.
Alternative therapies for nausea and vomiting of pregnancy.
5200-year-old acupuncture in central Europe?
Looking for "a good doctor": a cultural formulation of the treatment of a First Nations woman using western and First Nations method.
To know the other side of the coin
Cardiorespiratory depression in 8 newborn infants whose mothers took "yucuyahui" (Zoapatle-Montanoa tomentosa) during labor
Seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis in Jodhpur, India.
Infantile tremor syndrome.
Use of alternative medicine by Sjögren's syndrome patients.
Dietary intake and tissue concentration of fatty acids in omnivore, vegetarian and diabetic pregnancy.
Robotic transcranial Doppler sonography probes and acupuncture.
Dynamic electromyographic response following acupuncture: possible influence on synergistic coordination.
Clinical course and treatment of herpetic trigeminal ganglionic neuropathy
Herbal remedies. How much do you know?
How alternative is alternative medicine?
Complementary or Alternative medicine and the Internet.
May we please have an alternative to alternative medicine?
Alternative medicine.
Foot reflex zone massage--general practice and evaluation
Alternative medicine and prostate cancer benefit from largest ever NIH increase.
Use of complementary and alternative medicine among primary care patients.
Brown-Sequard syndrome caused by a Kirschner wire as a complication of clavicular osteosynthesis.
The Role of Soy in Preventing and Treating Chronic Disease. Proceedings of a symposium. Brussels, Belgium, September 15-19, 1996.
Research is needed to determine how to integrate complementary medicine into the NHS.
Risk assessment of tobacco, alcohol and diet in cancers of base tongue and oral tongue--a case control study.
The effect of acupuncture on the incidence of postextubation laryngospasm in children.
Access to complementary medicine in general practice: survey in one UK health authority.
Plants used in Guatemala for the treatment of protozoal infections. I. Screening of activity to bacteria, fungi and American trypanosomes of 13 native plants.
Isolation and identification of active compounds from Drimys winteri barks.
Solid-phase extraction cleanup and liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection of ephedrine alkaloids in herbal products.
Psychopharmacologic properties of Lippia multiflora
5300 years ago, the Ice Man used natural laxatives and antibiotics.
Anti-metastatic and immunomodulating properties of the water extract from Celosia argentea seeds.
Promoting education about complementary or alternative medical therapies.
Traditional and evidence-based acupuncture: history, mechanisms, and present status.
Acupuncture: a review of its history, theories, and indications.
Lifetime use of alternative therapy: a study of Florida residents.
High cervical stress and apnoea.
Modulation of mice anxiety in response to cat odor as a consequence of predators diet.
A review of plants used in the treatment of liver disease: part 1.
Botanical influences on cardiovascular disease.
Experience in conducting topical lecture series for physician advanced training in puncture physiotherapy
Iron supplementation.
Relieving the common cold.
Mistletoe in immunology and the clinic (short review).
Adjuvant whole body acupuncture in depression. A placebo-controlled study with standardized mianserin therapy
Concept and historical evolution of epilepsy in pre-Colombian and Viceregency Peru
Emergency contraceptive pills: an exploratory study of knowledge and perceptions among Mexican women from both sides of the border.
Treatment of irritable colon with the food additive Appital
Alternative medicine and dermatology.
Complementary therapies for asthma: what patients use.
Adverse effects profile of the herbal antidepressant St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum L.).
News from the Society for the Advancement of Women's Health Research. Herbal medicines: are supplements safe?
The acupuncture system and the liquid crystalline collagen fibers of the connective tissues.
Cerebral cortex participation in the physiological mechanisms of acupuncture stimulation: a study by auditory endogenous potentials (P300).
Mechanism of the protective effects of sumac gall extract and gallic acid on the progression of CCl4-induced acute liver injury in rats.
Protective effects of green tea on hepatotoxicity, oxidative DNA damage and cell proliferation in the rat liver induced by repeated oral administration of 2-nitropropane.
Evidence-based medicine between explicit rationing, medical deontology and rights of patients.
An assessment of care provided by a public sector STD clinic in Cape Town.
Intensive lifestyle changes for reversal of coronary heart disease.
Study of mechanisms of action of amitriptyline and acupuncture using nociceptive flexor reflex in patients with chronic forms of headache
Our general chronic pain (centers for treatment chronic pain: therapeutic and organizational work principles)
Indicators of anxiety and depression in subjects with different kinds of diet: vegetarians and omnivores
WebWatch. Arthritis.
Issues facing the new FDA commissioner.
The persuasive appeal of alternative medicine.
Weighing the alternatives: lessons from the paradoxes of alternative medicine.
The effect of upper cervical or sacroiliac manipulation on hip flexion range of motion.
Torque misuse revisited.
The effects of X-axis vertebral translation on projected Y-axis vertebral rotation.
Reliability of spinal displacement analysis on plain X-rays: a review of commonly accepted facts and fallacies with implications for chiropractic education and technique.
Methodologic considerations for research in traditional (alternative) medicine.
Massage therapy effects.
Acupuncture. The West gets the point.
The use of formal and informal health care by female adolescents in eastern Nepal.
Hepatoprotective and nitric oxide production inhibitory activities of coumarin and polyacetylene constituents from the roots of Angelica furcijuga.
Effect of petroleum ether extract of Panax ginseng roots on proliferation and cell cycle progression of human renal cell carcinoma cells.
When your client in the surgical suite is Mexican American.
Grapefruit and medication.
Inhibitory effect of lignans from the rhizomes of Coptis japonica var. dissecta on tumor necrosis factor-alpha production in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW264.7 cells.
Alternative nutritional cancer therapies.
Scientific and regulatory aspects of nutraceutical products in the United States.
Comment: glucosamine: selecting appropriate study exclusion criteria.
Medicinal plants in Mexico: healers' consensus and cultural importance.
The quality control and stability testing of homeopathic preparations.
Effect of riboflavin supplementation on zinc and iron absorption and growth performance in mice.
Treatment of ulcerative colitis with germinated barley foodstuff feeding: a pilot study.
Herbal therapy for children.
Some factors related to sum-DDT levels in Ugandan mothers' breast milk.
Motivation, cognition and pseudoscience.
Child care beliefs and practices of Hispanic mothers.
Conservative treatment in patients sick-listed for acute low-back pain: a prospective randomised study with 12 months' follow-up.
Nutritional status of elderly Chinese vegetarians.
Complementary and alternative medicine: the road ahead.
Hi-tech framework for alternative medicine.
Can physics and physical chemistry explain the workings of homeopathy? A systemic memory view.
Randomized controlled trials of individualized homeopathy: a state-of-the-art review.
Out of step with the Lancet homeopathy meta-analysis: more objections than objectivity?
Effect of tragus clips on gastric peristalsis: a pilot study.
Rationale and design of the Cocaine Alternative Treatments Study (CATS): a randomized, controlled trial of acupuncture.
Medicinal plants and Alzheimer's disease: Integrating ethnobotanical and contemporary scientific evidence.
Progress in complementary and alternative medicine: contribution of the National Institutes of Health and the Food and Drug Administration.
Some thoughts on the cultural bases of the debates about complementary medicine.
Oncology nurses' attitudes towards alternative medicine.
Importance of increased physical activity in ambulatory cardiovascular prevention
Attitudes of family physicians to alternative medicine
Alternative medicine and New Age--results of a study (inquiry) among alternative healers
A comparison of the private sector in Asia and Africa.
An intercultural comparison of home case management of acute diarrhea in Mexico: implications for program planners.
Is homeopathy more than a placebo?
Behavioral and psychosocial effects of intensive lifestyle management for women with coronary heart disease.
Life stories. Grandmother's remedies
Promoting evidence-based alternative medicine.
Hypericum perforatum (St John's wort) in depression: pest or blessing?
Phytoestrogens and human health effects: weighing up the current evidence.
A letter about magic and witchcraft, their relation to science: "Get me some hair and blood drops from the said Jöns Bengtsson"
Physicians' acupuncture practice
How natural are natural products?
Generation of reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI) by the thionins from Viscum album L.
Cultural interpretations of contagion.
Does the Choice of Placebo Determine the Results of Clinical Studies on Acupuncture?
Theorie und Erfahrung in der Medizin: Orthodoxe Wissenschaft und ganzheitliche Kybernetik.
Establishing Efficacy in Chronic Stable Conditions: Are 'N = 1 Study' Designs or Case Series Useful?
Integration of palliative care with alternative medicine in patients who have refused curative cancer therapy: a report of two cases.
Use of herbal medicine for treating psychiatric disorders in Japan.
Introduction of the treatment method of Thai traditional medicine: its validity and future perspectives.
Clinical research on the therapeutic effect of the electro-acupuncture treatment in patients with depression.
LDL oxidizability and antioxidative status of plasma in vegetarians.
Who were the healers in medieval Trondheim?
The oldest "medicine". Wine and health--from Nippur to the Osterbro study
Transient decrease in skin resistance response and level at the deh-chi stage caused by manual acupuncture.
Raymond L Nimmo and the evolution of trigger point therapy, 1929-1986.
Aromatherapy in arthritis: a study.
The Tex-Mex leap.
Protection by tea against UV-A + B-induced skin cancers in hairless mice.
Serotonin receptor subtypes involved in modulation of electrical acupuncture.
Protection by black tea and green tea against UVB and UVA + B induced skin cancer in hairless mice.
Sensory stimulation (acupuncture) increases the release of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in the saliva of xerostomia sufferers.
St. John's wort and hypomania.
Alternative and complementary therapies: integration into cancer care.
Use of homeopathy in the treatment of tinnitus.
Laser stimulation of acupuncture point P6 reduces postoperative vomiting in children undergoing strabismus surgery.
Paediatric enema syndrome in a rural African setting.
Physical 'disability' in Bantu languages: understanding the relativity of classification and meaning.
Hallucinogenic drugs and plants in psychotherapy and shamanism.
Acupuncture in treatment of stable asthma.
Intriguing gastrointestinal properties of bismuth: a folk remedy brought into the realm of clinical and investigative medicine.
Misconceptions and mammography use among Filipino-and Korean-American women.
Chromosomal damage rate, aging, and diet.
The potential use of an extract of aspen bark for enhancing the efficacy of specific treatment methods in experimental malignant neoplasms
Serial killers from the homeopathic view.
Hemodynamic effects of 8-day DL-028 and octreotide administration in rats with portal hypertension.
Homeopathy or "viagra"
Glucuronidation of naringenin in rats.
The history and application of acupuncture.
Clinical aromatherapy and touch: complementary therapies for nursing practice.
Acupuncture in the treatment of asthma: a critical review.
Historical aspects of complementary medicine.
Acupuncture in dermatology.
Aromatherapy in dermatology.
Effect of herbal therapy on herpes labialis and herpes genitalis.
Feverfew as a preventive treatment for migraine: a systematic review.
Use of acupuncture in dentistry.
Sage advice from my garden.
The cure is in the bag: Is there a correlation between the number of unconventional remedies ingested and overall health status?
Psoriasis--a dermatological enigma.
Eosinophilic foreign body granuloma after multiple self-administered bee stings.

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