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Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
March 2025

Bibliography — Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) — 2000

S. Szolmicki, L. Samochowiec, J. Wojcicki and M. Drozdzik, 'The influence of active components of eleutherococcus senticosus on cellular defence and physical fitness in man'. Phytotherapy research 14(1) 2000, 30-35
Chiropractic peripheral joint technique
Abc of complementary medicine
Complementary medicine on the world wide web
Advancing research in complementary medicine london 10 march 2000 the wellcome trust
Another one bites the dust
Diary of events
Erratum. H.M. Shaheen, B.H. Ali, A.A. Alqarawi and A.K. Bashir. 'Effect Of psidium guajava leaves on some aspects of the central nervous system in mice'. Phytotherapy research 14(2) 2000, 107-111
Sports chiropractic
Chiropractic: A philosophy for alternative health care
The pediatric forum: chiropractic care for children can help
Diary of events
Diary of events
'Homeopathy' it is
Homeopathy on the WWW
Applying the evidence london 26 september 2000 NHS alliance and exeter University's department of complementary medicine
Comprehensive cancer care: integrating alternative, complementary and conventional therapies
R. Daudt, G. L. Von poser, G. Neves and S. M. K. Rates, 'Screening for the antidepressant activity of some species of hypericum from south Brazil'. Phytotherapy research14(5) 2000, 344-346
S. K. Adesina, O. Idowu, A. O. Ogundaini, H. Oladimeji, T. A. Olugbade, G. O. Onawunmi and M. Pais, 'Antimicrobial constituents of the leaves of EAcalypha wilkesiana and acalypha hispida'. Phytotherapy research14(5) 2000, 371-374
Ask the doctor. Are the rumors that grape juice can help prevent heart disease true?
Alternative medicine. Wedding bells or divorce papers?
The economic burden of back pain in the UK.
The importance of helix F in plasminogen activator inhibitor-1.
A randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over study of ginger extracts and ibuprofen in osteoarthritis.
Recent advances in alternative therapies.
Medicinal herbs: drugs or dietary supplements?
"Alternative medicine" and the cancer patient: an overview.
Holistic pediatrics = good medicine.
A maternal vegetarian diet in pregnancy is associated with hypospadias. The ALSPAC Study Team. Avon Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood.
Alternative therapies used by women with breast cancer in four ethnic populations.
Traditional medicine, professional monopoly and structural interests: a Korean case.
Inquiry discovers fraudulent skin treatments.
Improving the quality of the cannabis debate: defining the different domains.
Complementary and alternative medicine.
Doctoring to the music of time.
Theory of small vertebral motions: an analytical model compared to data.
Homeopathic conundrum revisited.
Factors that shape alternative medicine: the role of the alternative medicine research community.
Nutritional therapies for ulcerative colitis: literature review, chart review study, and future research.
Papa Henry Auwae po'okela la'au lapa'au: master of Hawaiian medicine. Interview by Bonnie Horrigan.
The public debate over alternative medicine: the importance of finding a middle ground.
Herbal preparations: a primer for the aeromedical physician.
Homeopathy and naturopathy: practice characteristics and pediatric care.
Pain management: beyond pharmacology to acupuncture and hypnosis.
Complementary medicine must be research led and evidence based.
Iridology: not useful and potentially harmful.
Clinical standards for alternative medicine.
Complementary and alternative medicine in pregnancy: a survey of North Carolina certified nurse-midwives.
Culture and the patient-physician relationship: achieving cultural competency in health care.
Echinacea vs. the common cold.
Mental health. Relieving depression.
Induction of apoptosis and growth inhibition of cultured human endometrial adenocarcinoma cells (Sawano) by an antitumor lipoprotein fraction of rice bran.
The chemistry and biological activity of herbs used in Flor-Essence herbal tonic and Essiac.
Ethnomedicinally selected plants as sources of potential analgesic compounds: indication of in vitro biological activity in receptor binding assays.
Antimalarial activity of four plants used in traditional medicine in Mali.
Assessment of patients' perceptions and beliefs regarding herbal therapies.
US relaxes its guidelines on herbal supplements.
Veterinary homeopathy--a rebuttal.
Acupuncture modulates the limbic system and subcortical gray structures of the human brain: evidence from fMRI studies in normal subjects.
Regulatory science: a special update from the United States Food and Drug Administration: Preclinical issues and status of investigation of botanical drug products in the United States.
Will tribal knowledge survive the millennium?
Suggested curriculum guidelines on complementary and alternative medicine: recommendations of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Group on Alternative Medicine.
Beyond the good prognosis. Examination of an inception cohort of patients with chronic low back pain.
St John's wort for depression: a systematic review.
Carotenoids and colon cancer.
Cannabis: time for scientific evaluation of this ancient remedy?
Use of complementary health practices by prostate carcinoma patients undergoing radiation therapy.
Cross-cultural issues in caring for patients with cancer.
Pathogenesis and management of recurrent urinary tract infection in women.
Unproven methods in cancer: a worldwide problem.
Complementary therapies: the American experience.
Current status of cancer patients' perception of alternative medicine in Japan. A preliminary cross-sectional survey.
Effectiveness of manual physical therapy and exercise in osteoarthritis of the knee. A randomized, controlled trial.
Efficacy of kava extract for treating anxiety: systematic review and meta-analysis.
Diet controversies in lipid therapy.
Research on complementary/alternative medicine for patients with breast cancer: a review of the biomedical literature.
Determination of edible bird's nest and its products by gas chromatography.
Fatal hypermagnesemia in a child treated with megavitamin/megamineral therapy.
Amylase-resistant starch plus oral rehydration solution for cholera.
The search for a better oral rehydration solution for cholera.
Medicinal products: regulation of biosynthesis in space and time.
Efficacy, safety, quality control, marketing and regulatory guidelines for herbal medicines (phytotherapeutic agents).
A survey of practice patterns and the health promotion and prevention attitudes of US chiropractors. Maintenance care: part I.
Maintenance care: health promotion services administered to US chiropractic patients aged 65 and older, part II.
Stress management: an exploratory study of chiropractic patients.
Sitting biomechanics, part II: optimal car driver's seat and optimal driver's spinal model.
Tortuosity of the vertebral artery resulting in vertebral erosion.
Pelvic stress fracture: assessment and risk factors.
Patient education initiatives at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College.
Motion palpation: it's time to accept the evidence.
Rear-end impacts: vehicle and occupant response.
Suppression of neuropeptides' mRNA expression by herbal medicines in a rat model of peripheral inflammation.
Herbs in pediatric and adolescent medicine.
Acupressure for nausea: results of a pilot study.
Folk use of medicinal herbs of Margalla Hills National Park, Islamabad.
Antiulcerogenic activity of crude hydroalcoholic extract of Rosmarinus officinalis L.
Antibacterial activity of some folklore medicinal plants used by tribals in Western Ghats of India.
Protective effects of Orostachys japonicus A. Berger (Crassulaceae) on H2O2-induced apoptosis in GT1-1 mouse hypothalamic neuronal cell line.
Current pharmacologic therapy of depression
Bilateral hand oedema related to acupuncture.
The lipid-lowering effect of lean meat diets falls far short of that of vegetarian diets.
An investigation of the biological activity of bullrout (Notesthes robusta) venom.
An approach to the medical marijuana controversy.
Case problem: presenting conventional and complementary approaches for relieving nausea in a breast cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy.
Chinese green tea lowers cholesterol level through an increase in fecal lipid excretion.
Oxidized LDL from subjects with different dietary habits modifies atherogenic processes in endothelial and smooth muscle cells.
Long-term follow-up of patients treated with acupuncture for xerostomia and the influence of additional treatment.
Use of complementary and alternative medicine among Dominican emergency department patients.
The intravenous use of coconut water.
Diet and sex-hormone binding globulin, dysmenorrhea, and premenstrual symptoms.
Study provides additional support for hypericum extract.
Role of Moringa oleifera leaf extract in the regulation of thyroid hormone status in adult male and female rats.
Garlic powder, effect on plasma lipids, postprandial lipemia, low-density lipoprotein particle size, high-density lipoprotein subclass distribution and lipoprotein(a).
Noni juice (Morinda citrifolia): hidden potential for hyperkalemia?
Rapidly progressive fibrosing interstitial nephritis associated with Chinese herbal drugs.
Stamps in cardiology. Acupuncture anaesthesia for open heart surgery.
Acupuncture may be associated with serious adverse events.
Study of sesquiterpene lactones from Milleria quinqueflora on their anti-inflammatory activity using the transcription factor NF-kappa B as molecular target.
Phyto-anti-inflammatories. A systematic review of randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trials.
The evidence for acupuncture as a treatment for rheumatologic conditions.
Homeopathy and rheumatic disease.
Are strict vegetarians at risk of vitamin B12 deficiency?
Effect of Withania somnifera on cyclophosphamide-induced urotoxicity.
The potential for dietary supplements to reduce premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms.
Safety of St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum)
Safety of St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum)
Effect of sensory stimulation (acupuncture) on sympathetic and parasympathetic activities in healthy subjects.
How really dangerous is spinal manipulation?
Vegan diet-based lifestyle program rapidly lowers homocysteine levels.
Antihyperglycaemic activity of Musa sapientum flowers: effect on lipid peroxidation in alloxan diabetic rats.
Complementary medicine and aviation medicine.
The herbal history of Digitalis: lessons for alternative medicine.
Anthropological perspectives on injections: a review.
Results of a survey on educational and research programs in complementary and alternative veterinary medicine at veterinary medical schools in the United States.
High volume medical web sites.
Vertebral arteries and neck rotation: Doppler velocimeter and duplex results compared.
CNS acetylcholine receptor activity in European medicinal plants traditionally used to improve failing memory.
A search for natural bioactive compounds in Bolivia through a multidisciplinary approach. Part I. Evaluation of the antimalarial activity of plants used by the Chacobo Indians.
The search for natural bioactive compounds through a multidisciplinary approach in Bolivia. Part II. Antimalarial activity of some plants used by Mosetene indians.
Ethnobotanical inventory of medicinal plants in Bulgaria.
Anti-inflammatory effects of fangchinoline and tetrandrine.
The difference between electroacupuncture only and electroacupuncture with manipulation on analgesia in rats.
Lumbar segmental 'instability': clinical presentation and specific stabilizing exercise management.
Inter-examiner and intra-examiner agreement for assessing sacroiliac anatomical landmarks using palpation and observation: pilot study.
Measurement of blood flow in the vertebral artery using colour duplex Doppler ultrasound: establishment of the reliability of selected parameters.
Clinical tests of the sacroiliac joint. A systemic methodological review. Part 1: reliability.
Professional issue. Guidance for pre-manipulative testing of the cervical spine.
Case report. Clinical instability of the upper cervical spine.
Magnesium supplementation in the prevention of arrhythmias in pediatric patients undergoing surgery for congenital heart defects.
Use of alternative therapy among pediatric oncology patients in Taiwan.
Tea breaks could help calm fluoride debate.
Vegans, vegetarians and BPH.
Use of alternative therapies among emergency department patients.
Importance of the hinge region between alpha-helix F and the main part of serpins, based upon identification of the epitope of plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 neutralizing antibodies.
Effect of ozone on red blood cell enzymes and intermediates.
Ask patients which herbal drugs they smoke as well as eat.
A product of the culture.
Complementary and alternative medicine: a primer.
Alternative therapies for menopause.
Menopause and cognitive function: estrogens and alternative therapies.
Indigenous knowledge: an inexhaustible "information bank" for toxin research.
Male infertility: nutritional and environmental considerations.
Multivariate analysis of diet among three-year-old children and associations with socio-demographic characteristics. The Avon Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood (ALSPAC) Study Team.
The potential application of Allium sativum (garlic) for the treatment of bladder cancer.
Antioxidant status in vegetarians versus omnivores.
Nutrient intakes and iron status of vegetarians.
Influence of vitamin D deficiency and vitamin D receptor polymorphisms on tuberculosis among Gujarati Asians in west London: a case-control study.
Blood lipids and intensity of free radical oxidant processes in elderly patients with ischemic heart disease on antiatherogenic vegetarian diet
Electro-acupuncture stimulation to a hindpaw and a hind leg produces different reflex responses in sympathoadrenal medullary function in anesthetized rats.
Improvement of urge- and mixed-type incontinence after acupuncture treatment among elderly women - a pilot study.
Alternative medicine chief sets research agenda.
Placebo and placebo effects in medicine.
Evaluation of the ergogenic properties of ginseng: an update.
Albumin synthesis is diminished in men consuming a predominantly vegetarian diet.
Does acupuncture treatment affect sperm density in males with very low sperm count? A pilot study.
Zinc intake and status in Australian vegetarians.
More lessons from migraine.
Homeopathic treatment of migraine: a double blind, placebo controlled trial of 68 patients [see comment
Efficacy of homeopathic treatment of skin reactions during radiotherapy for breast cancer: a randomised, double-blind clinical trial.
Homeopathy and general practice: an urban perspective.
The Blackie Memorial Lecture 1999: homeopathy versus orthodoxy--the current state of play.
The Doctrine of Signatures: a historical, philosophical, scientific view (II).
Idiopathic demyelinating neuropathy.
Boy with hyperactivity and clumsiness.
Baby with eczema and behaviour problems.
The case of the ultimate pessimist--a moral tale showing how homeopathy treats patients discarded by conventional medicine as untreatable.
Pony with skin allergy.
20 years ago: The British Homeopathic Journal, January 1980.
Proposals for new international system of nomenclature for homeopathic medicines.
Official recognition of homeopathy in Belgium.
Was Kent a Hahnemannian?
Interactions between homeopathy and drug treatment.
Pushing the envelope of nutrition support: complementary therapies.
Antiplasmodial activity of Cryptolepis sanguinolenta alkaloids from leaves and roots.
Hyaluronidase inhibitory active 6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-6-ones from the feces of Trogopterus xanthipes.
Utilization of health care services among adults attending a health fair in South Los Angeles County.
International conference on ethnomedicine and drug discovery.
Electrostimulators for acupuncture: safety issues.
A pilot study exploring the effect of kudzu root on the drinking habits of patients with chronic alcoholism.
Clinical trials of homeopathy and placebo: analysis of a scientific debate.
Commentary on Vickers: humean, all too humean--a circular tale of molecules versus miracles.
The perceived efficacy of various "future-ologies" and complementary medicine.
M.D. programs in the United States with complementary and alternative medicine education opportunities: an ongoing listing.
Malaria control in central Malaita, Solomon Islands 2. Local perceptions of the disease and practices for its treatment and prevention.
The benefit from whole body acupuncture in major depression.
A homeopathic origin for placebo controls: 'an invaluable gift of God'.
Randomized prospective double-blind placebo-controlled study of dextrose prolotherapy for knee osteoarthritis with or without ACL laxity.
Research. Studies at Harvard.
On call. Last week I received a mailing from a Canadian company that did not support American drugs like Hytrin and Proscar in dealing with enlarged prostates. There were about 30 testimonials in favor of its product. The company says that zinc is an essential ingredient to shrink the prostate. It further states the need for pyridoxine and certain amino acids, Serenoa, repens (saw palmetto), serrulata, Panax extract, and hydrangea extract. Comments from various European magazines are also cited...
Herbal medicine. Black cohosh: the woman's herb?
Efficacies of tea components on doxorubicin induced antitumor activity and reversal of multidrug resistance.
Toward a research agenda on placebo.
Seizures in rural Zambia.
Conservative lower back treatment reduces inhibition in knee-extensor muscles: a randomized controlled trial.
A randomized controlled trial of chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy for migraine.
A combined approach for the treatment of cervical vertigo.
Reflex effects of vertebral subluxations: the peripheral nervous system. An update.
Reflex effects of subluxation: the autonomic nervous system.
Neurological effects of the adjustment.
Economic case for the integration of chiropractic services into the health care system.
Public demand and the integration of complementary and alternative medicine in the US health care system.
Integration of chiropractic education into a hospital setting: A South African experiences.
Qualitative review of studies of manipulation-induced hypoalgesia.
Integration of traditional and complementary medicine into national health care systems.
Barriers to care for patients with neurologic disease in rural Zambia.
Valerian: Valeriana officinalis.
The molluscicidal activity of plants used in Brazilian folk medicine.
Arnebins and antimicrobial activities of Arnebia hispidissima DC. cell cultures.
Effects of electro-acupuncture on anovulation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
In vitro antimicrobial activity of propolis and Arnica montana against oral pathogens.
Subarachnoid hemorrhage as life-threatening complication of neural therapy. Case report
New generation search engines.
Pecans lower low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in people with normal lipid levels.
Complementary and alternative medicine use among elderly persons: one-year analysis of a Blue Shield Medicare supplement.
Current methods for estimating dietary iron bioavailability do not work in China.
Ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and pharmacology: a successful combination in the study of Croton cajucara.
Chemical burn caused by topical vinegar application in a newborn infant.
Interdisciplinary aspects of health and illness--from the complementary medicine viewpoint
Alternative medicine or alternatives to medicine? A physician's perspective.
Comparison of supervised exercise with and without manual physical therapy for patients with shoulder impingement syndrome.
Fractionation and analysis of Artemisia capillaris Thunb. by affinity chromatography with human serum albumin as stationary phase.
Interexaminer reliability of the palpation of trigger points in the trunk and lower limb muscles.
Insulin-like biological activity of culinary and medicinal plant aqueous extracts in vitro.
Understanding patients from the former Soviet Union.
Indonesian medicinal plants. XXIII. Chemical structures of two new migrated pimarane-type diterpenes, neoorthosiphols A and B, and suppressive effects on rat thoracic aorta of chemical constituents isolated from the leaves of Orthosiphon aristatus (Lamiaceae).
Inhibitory effect of herbal medicines on rotavirus infectivity.
Modulation of programmed cell death by medicinal plants.
Antipyretic, antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity of Premna herbacea roots.
A phytochemical investigation of Alchornea latifolia.
Application of dry elixir system to oriental traditional medicine: taste masking of peonjahwan by coated dry elixir.
Physical access to primary health care in Andean Bolivia.
Herbs of special interest to women.
Homeopathy: attitudes and opinions of members of the American Pharmaceutical Association.
Risk factors associated with neonatal hypothermia during cleaning of newborn infants in labour rooms.
Reliability of manual medical examination techniques of the cervical spine. Study of quality assurance in manual diagnosis
Complementary/alternative medicine and cancer research. A national initiative.
Blindness in a strict vegan.
A boost for St. John's Wort?
Complementary and alternative medicine: an educational, attitudinal and research challenge.
Complementary therapies: have they become accepted in general practice?
Australian oncologists' self-reported knowledge and attitudes about non-traditional therapies used by cancer patients.
Herbs, prayer, and insulin. Use of medical and alternative treatments by a group of Mexican American diabetes patients.
Bridging the gap between conventional and alternative medicine.
Polyherbal formulations with wide spectrum antimicrobial activity against reproductive tract infections and sexually transmitted pathogens.
Mind-body innovations--an integrative care approach.
Effects of nutrients on brain function.
The cost-effectiveness of mind-body medicine interventions.
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM): epidemiology and implications for research.
Biological mechanisms of acupuncture.
Immunomodulatory effect of the homoeopathic drug Engystol-N on some activities of isolated human leukocytes and in whole blood.
Herbal interactions with cardiac drugs.
Veterinary homeopathy--be openminded!
Claims for veterinary chiropractic unjustified.
Alternative medicine in maternity care.
Alternative medicine in gynecologic oncology: A case report.
Calcitonin gene-related peptide produces skeletal muscle vasodilation following antidromic stimulation of unmyelinated afferents in the dorsal root in rats.
A socio-anthropological study of birth in Morocco
Alternative medicine between adaptation and demise: exemplified by homeopathy
Long-term administration of galactoside-specific mistletoe lectin in an animal model: no protection against N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)-nitrosamine-induced urinary bladder carcinogenesis in rats and no induction of a relevant local cellular immune response.
Phylogenetic relationships of butyrate-producing bacteria from the human gut.
On pins and needles? Pediatric pain patients' experience with acupuncture.
Chiropractors and vaccination: A historical perspective.
Effect of sterols and fatty acids on growth and triglyceride accumulation in 3T3-L1 cells.
Testing head lice.
Prevalence of use of complementary/alternative medicine: a systematic review.
Risk factors for cancer nasopharynx: a case-control study from Nagaland, India.
Anti-Toxoplasma activity of vegetal extracts used in West African traditional medicine.
Green tea polyphenols induce apoptosis in vitro in peripheral blood T lymphocytes of adult T-cell leukemia patients.
Seven unique food consumption patterns identified among women in the UK Women's Cohort Study.
The marginalization of hormesis.
Tales of two similar hypotheses: the rise and fall of chemical and radiation hormesis.
Diet and herbs for BPH?
Medical ethics.
Potential treatment for subthreshold and mild depression: a comparison of St. John's wort extracts and fluoxetine.
Mothers' perceptions and knowledge on childhood malaria in the holendemic Kibaha district, Tanzania: implications for malaria control and the IMCI strategy.
Practice guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer's disease in a managed care setting: Part II--Pharmacologic therapy. Alzheimer's Disease (AD) Managed Care Advisory Council.
Carotenodermia: an erroneous diagnosis of jaundice
Is homeopathy a scientific therapy?
Evidence-based complementary medicine--challenges and future directions.
Complementary medicine and evidence.
Traditional Chinese medicines as immunosuppressive agents.
Acupuncture and chronic pain management.
Proerectile pharmacological effects of Tribulus terrestris extract on the rabbit corpus cavernosum.
Panax (ginseng)--panacea or placebo? Molecular and cellular basis of its pharmacological activity.
Re-calculating the sample size in internal pilot study designs with control of the type I error rate.
US pharmacy chain tracks customer's use of herbals.
Allergic contact dermatitis from camomile used in phytotherapy.
Oroxylin A inhibition of lipopolysaccharide-induced iNOS and COX-2 gene expression via suppression of nuclear factor-kappaB activation.
The antihypoxic and antioxidant action of medicinal plants as the basis for their use in destructive brain diseases
Changes in the electrokinetic properties of human cell nuclei during reflexotherapy
Male circumcision and HIV infection.
Regulation of herbal medicines in Japan.
The ethics of medical marijuana: government restrictions vs. medical necessity.
Antioxidant status in vegetarians versus omnivores: a mechanism for longer life?
Antiepileptic therapies in the Mifi Province in Cameroon.
The concept of "evidence-based medicine" in psychiatry. A path to a more rational psychiatry?
Hepatitis C: epidemiology and therapy--with special reference to long-term prognosis after IFN therapy
Vegetarianism yesterday and tomorrow
Vegetarian and weight-loss diets among young adults.
Shamanism, psychosis and autonomous imagination.
The role of local knowledge in medical practice: a trans-historical perspective.
Electro-acupuncture in the treatment of children with monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis.
Simultaneous determination of seven major isosteroidal alkaloids in bulbs of Fritillaria by gas chromatography.
Baicalin synergy with beta-lactam antibiotics against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and other beta-lactam-resistant strains of S. aureus.
Acupuncture in patients with minor depressive episodes and generalized anxiety. Results of an experimental study
Equivalence of St John's wort extract (Ze 117) and fluoxetine: a randomized, controlled study in mild-moderate depression.
Effects of an extract from Herniaria hirsuta on calcium oxalate crystallization in vitro.
Effectiveness of a low-fat vegetarian diet in altering serum lipids in healthy premenopausal women.
Critical evaluation of the effect of valerian extract on sleep structure and sleep quality.
Effect of the Hypericum perforatum extract on serotonin turnover in the mouse brain.
American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L) reduces postprandial glycemia in nondiabetic subjects and subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Concentration-dependent potentiating and inhibitory effects of Boswellia extracts on 5-lipoxygenase product formation in stimulated PMNL.
Screening of anti-hypoxia/reoxygenation agents by an in vitro model. Part 1: Natural inhibitors for protein tyrosine kinase activated by hypoxia/reoxygenation in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells.
Squamocin and benzyl benzoate, acaricidal components of Uvaria pauci-ovulata bark extracts.
New quality standards for herbal products.
Garlic study vindicated by official investigation.
LC and LC-MS-MS analyses of undeclared codeine in antiasthmatic Chinese proprietary medicine.
Synergistic effects of thearubigin and genistein on human prostate tumor cell (PC-3) growth via cell cycle arrest.
Analgesic effects of auricular acupuncture for cancer pain.
More on alternative medicine.
Valerian for insomnia: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials.
Early aggressive exercise for postoperative rehabilitation after discectomy.
The question of herbal supplements: are they here to stay?
Herbal supplements and prescription drugs. A risky combination?
Dietary intake of vitamin D in premenopausal, healthy vegans was insufficient to maintain concentrations of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and intact parathyroid hormone within normal ranges during the winter in Finland.
Herb-drug interactions.
Phantom limb pain treated with therapeutic touch: a case report.
Chiropractic care for children.
A regional task force on traditional medicine and AIDS.
Cytotoxicity of some medicinal plant extracts used in Tanzanian traditional medicine.
Reflex responses associated with activator treatment.
Is it possible to differentiate people with or without low-back pain on the basis of test of lumbopelvic dysfunction?
Effects of orthotic intervention and nine holes of simulated golf on club-head velocity in experienced golfers.
Nephrolithiasis with unusual initial symptoms.
Manual healing diversity and other challenges to chiropractic integration.
Biologic effects of and clinical disorders caused by nonprotein amino acids.
Efficacy of acupuncture as a treatment for tinnitus: a systematic review.
Predictive characteristics of users of alternative medicine.
Acupuncture: an evidence-based review of the clinical literature.
Interactions between drugs and Asian medicine: displacement of digitoxin from protein binding site by bufalin, the constituent of Chinese medicines Chan Su and Lu-Shen-Wan.
Use of hypericum as antidepressant. Valid measure of antidepressant efficacy in primary care is needed.
Doctors and complementary medicine. "Deep model" that is probably true should be used.
Alternative medicine today
Lack of energy balance as typical patho- and sanogenic responses during nervous system diseases
Effect of three programmes for the treatment of endometritis on the reproductive performance of a dairy herd.
Commentary on letter titled: 'pain memory'.
Manual therapists-quo vadis?
Salvia miltiorrhiza inhibits cell growth and induces apoptosis in human hepatoma HepG(2) cells.
Teasing apart quality and validity in systematic reviews: an example from acupuncture trials in chronic neck and back pain.
A randomized trial of distant healing for skin warts.
Prevalence of the use of herbal products in a low-income population.
Effect of shitei-to, a traditional Chinese medicine formulation, on pentylenetetrazol-induced kindling in mice.
The psychodynamic and pharmacodynamic effects of drugs: a differentiated evaluation of the efficacy of phytotherapy.
Advances in antimicrobial therapy for respiratory tract infections.
Traditional intravaginal practices and the heterosexual transmission of disease: a review.
What is the material base of acupuncture? The nerves!
Immunoregulation via 'bystander suppression' needs minute amounts of substances--a basis for homeopathic therapy?
The origins of western obesity: a role for animal protein?
Effects of electrostatic potentials generated on the surface of the skin by wearing synthetic and semisynthetic fabrics on physical condition, mood and behavior: role of acupuncture points.
Phytotherapy and homeopathy on the internet. Alternative medicine for physicians and patients
A review of the benefits, adverse events, drug interactions, and safety of St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum): the implications with regard to the regulation of herbal medicines.
Searching for antimalarials in plants.
Homeopathic treatment of acute childhood diarrhea: results from a clinical trial in Nepal.
An investigation into the use of aromatherapy in intrapartum midwifery practice.
Are acupuncture points tender? A blinded study of Spleen 6.
Healing as a therapy for human disease: a systematic review.
Researching healing: a psychologist's perspective.
The first international meeting of the Research Initiative on Traditional Antimalarial Methods (RITAM).
Antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction and Ginkgo Biloba.
Racial differences in treatment of adolescents with bipolar disorder.
Drug treatment in heart failure.
Herbal anti-inflammatory agents for skin disease.
Modeling the recovery from depressive illness by an exponential model with mixed effects.
With head and neck pain rather not consult a chiropractic?
The vegetarian/vegan lifestyle.
The antihypertensive effects of the Jamaican Cho-Cho (Sechium edule).
Topical use of papaya in chronic skin ulcer therapy in Jamaica.
Cancer chemoprevention by tea polyphenols.
Treatment of premenstrual syndrome with a phytopharmaceutical formulation containing Vitex agnus castus.
Pharmacologic treatment of acute major depression and dysthymia. American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine.
A systematic review of newer pharmacotherapies for depression in adults: evidence report summary.
The use of alternative and complementary medicine in radiology today.
"Take two worts, and call me in the morning".
Marketing best practices in alternative medicine.
Creative response to alternative medicine: clients of a modern Finnish healer in a northwestern Ontario city.
Bronchial asthma: information on phytotherapy with essential fatty acids. Interactions between essential fatty acids and steroid hormones.
Potential role for Ginkgo biloba extract in the treatment of glaucoma.
Peripheral electric stimulation inhibits morphine-induced place preference in rats.
Drug-induced gastropathy in elderly Taiwanese.
Treatment of symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia with beta-sitosterol: an 18-month follow-up.
Efficacy of ginger for nausea and vomiting: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials.
Effect of acupuncture on pain management in patients before and after lumbar disc protrusion surgery--a randomized control study.
The effect of acupuncture on uterine contraction induced by oxytocin.
Effect of acupuncture at Hsien-Ku (St-43) on the pulse spectrum and a discussion of the evidence for the frequency structure of Chinese medicine.
Prevalence and risk factors of hepatitis C virus infection among Koreans in rural area of Korea.
Unconventional cancer therapy on trial. Mistletoe preparations: only effective in the test tube?. Interview by Elke Runge.
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and acupuncture-like transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for chronic low back pain.
Massage for promoting growth and development of preterm and/or low birth-weight infants.
Physical medicine modalities for mechanical neck disorders.
Patient education for mechanical neck disorders.
Acupuncture for low back pain.
Acupuncture for chronic asthma.
Acupuncture for smoking cessation.
Garlic for peripheral arterial occlusive disease.
Interventions for treating scabies.
Homeopathy for chronic asthma.
Echinacea for preventing and treating the common cold.
Alexander technique for chronic asthma.
Manual therapy for asthma.
Interventions for treating headlice.
Topical agents or dressings for pain in venous leg ulcers.
Rice-based oral rehydration solution for treating diarrhoea.
Homoeopathic Oscillococcinum for preventing and treating influenza and influenza-like syndromes.
St John's wort for depression.
Cernilton for benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Beta-sitosterols for benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Cranberries for preventing urinary tract infections.
Cranberries for treating urinary tract infections.
Ginkgo biloba extract for age-related macular degeneration.
Comments on articles by K.H. Gebhardt, "What has been proven in homeopathy?" and K. Linde, "Are there evidence-based therapies in homeopathy?"
Comments on article of K.H. Gebhardt, "What has been proven in homeopathy?"
Inhibition by ginseng of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine induction of aberrant crypt foci in the rat colon.
Is homeopathic medicine equivalent to diclofenac?! An opinion statement against misleading
Children and medicines: self-treatment of common illnesses among Luo schoolchildren in western Kenya.
Deviant insiders: medical acupuncturists in New Zealand.
Interpretative repertoires of medication among the oldest-old.
Population-based survey of complementary and alternative medicine usage, patient satisfaction, and physician involvement. South Carolina Complementary Medicine Program Baseline Research Team.
'I wished I was the patient'. An evaluation of a complementary medicine module for third year medical students.
Heart effects of herbal medicine.
Proof of efficacy of Kamillosan(R) cream in atopic eczema.
Use of the term vegetarian.
Tea tree oil: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials.
A strategic call to utilize Echinacea-garlic in flu-cold seasons.
Ginger extract consumption reduces plasma cholesterol, inhibits LDL oxidation and attenuates development of atherosclerosis in atherosclerotic, apolipoprotein E-deficient mice.
Risk factors associated with development of atrial fibrillation early after coronary artery bypass grafting.
Talking with families about herbal therapies.
Where to with herbals?
Psychotropic medications from natural products: a review of promising research and recommendations.
Green tea monograph.
Cleft sternum and sternal foramen.
Effects of Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali) on the initiation of sexual performance of inexperienced castrated male rats.
The role of ginsenoside-Rd in cisplatin-induced acute renal failure.
St John's wort: a potential therapy for elderly depressed patients?
Systemic enzyme therapy in oncology: effect and mode of action.
Medical treatment of low back pain according to evidence-based medicine
Talismans and amulets in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: legendary powers in contemporary medicine.
Review: drug therapy in Chinese traditional medicine.
Toxicity of complementary therapies: an eastern perspective.
Antioxidant effects of Chinese traditional medicine: focus on trilinolein isolated from the Chinese herb sanchi (Panax pseudoginseng).
Complementary and alternative medicine: Canadian physiatrists' attitudes and behavior.
Ginkgo biloba extract: mechanisms and clinical indications.
Cardiac tamponade following acupuncture.
JAMWA and Latina Magazine collaborate on complementary and alternative medicine survey.
Therapeutic effects of Aloe vera on cutaneous microcirculation and wound healing in second degree burn model in rats.
Homeopathy: alternative, but not scientific.
Is homeopathy incompatible with evidence-based medicine?
Homeopathy wrongly revisited?
Homeopathy: one more revision.
Consumer use of St. John's wort: a survey on effectiveness, safety, and tolerability.
Periodontal status of adult Sudanese habitual users of miswak chewing sticks or toothbrushes.
The usage of complementary therapies by dermatological patients: a systematic review.
Clinical features of 31 patients with systemic contact dermatitis due to the ingestion of Rhus (lacquer).
Ginkgo biloba and peripheral artery disease.
Alternative medicine. Study finds glucosamine doesn't work.
Vestibulospinal reactions in cervicogenic disequilibrium. Cervicogenic imbalance
Fragmentation of patient care between chiropractors and family physicians.
Cost-minimisation analysis of three conservative treatment programmes in 180 patients sick-listed for acute low-back pain.
Chiropractic care for patients aged 55 years and older: report from a practice-based research program.
Is acupuncture effective for the treatment of chronic pain? A systematic review.
Location bias in controlled clinical trials of complementary/alternative therapies.
The knowledge, attitudes, and practices of dietitians licensed in Oregon regarding functional foods, nutrient supplements, and herbs as complementary medicine.
Cultural variations in the placebo effect: ulcers, anxiety, and blood pressure.
Concepts of illness and treatment practice in a caboclo community of the Lower Amazon.
The effect of foot-bath with or without the essential oil of lavender on the autonomic nervous system: a randomized trial.
Communication between general and manipulative practitioners: a survey.
Considering the alternatives: a special study module in complementary therapy.
Homoeopathy in primary care: self-reported change in health status.
Developing a tool to measure holistic practice: a missing dimension in outcomes measurement within complementary therapies.
The BBC survey of complementary medicine use in the UK.
Towards better research: a discussion of some common mistakes in statistical analyses.
Acupuncture, touch, and the placebo response.
Primary health care transformed: complementary and orthodox medicine complementing each other.
Commentary on Sommer et al. 'A randomized experiment of the effects of including alternative medicine in the mandatory benefit package of health insurance.
Childhood intussusception: a comparative study of nonsurgical management.
Protection by Osbeckia aspera against carbon tetrachloride-mediated alterations in microsomal drug metabolizing enzyme activity.
Cancer chemopreventive activity of euglobal-G1 from leaves of Eucalyptus grandis.
Effects of saffron extract and its constituent crocin on learning behaviour and long-term potentiation.
Inhibitory effect of Byakko-ka-ninjin-to on itch in a mouse model of atopic dermatitis.
A comparative study on hypocholesterolaemic effect of allicin, whole germinated seeds of bengal gram and guggulipid of gum gugglu.
A study of the trypanocidal and analgesic properties from Lychnophora granmongolense (Duarte) Semir & Leitão Filho.
Protection by garlic against adriamycin induced alterations in the oxido-reductive status of mouse red blood cells.
A prescription drug packaged in China and sold as an ethnic remedy.
New clinical data and therapeutic prospects in Cupressaceae pollen allergy.
Prevalence and risk factors of iron deficiency in young mothers
Evaluation of randomized controlled trials on complementary and alternative medicine.
The use of the methods of R. Foll' and of homeopathy in outpatient practice
Comments on practising complementary and alternative modalities.
Need to distinguish between studies designed to give an unbiased answer and those not so designed.
Ineffectiveness of echinacea for prevention of experimental rhinovirus colds.
Modulation of neuroendocrinological function by psychosomatic training: acute effect of ChunDoSunBup Qi-training on growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, and insulin-like growth factor binding protein (IGFBP)-3 in men.
Head lice for A & E nurses.
A combined ischemic compression and spinal manipulation in the treatment of fibromyalgia: a preliminary estimate of dose and efficacy.
Reliability of chiropractic methods commonly used to detect manipulable lesions in patients with chronic low-back pain.
Patient characteristics, practice activities, and one-month outcomes for chronic, recurrent low-back pain treated by chiropractors and family medicine physicians: a practice-based feasibility study.
Use of a mental rotation reaction-time paradigm to measure the effects of upper cervical adjustments on cortical processing: a pilot study.
Are chiropractic tests for the lumbo-pelvic spine reliable and valid? A systematic critical literature review.
Lumbar intraspinal synovial cyst containing gas as a cause for low-back pain.
Case study: acceleration/deceleration injury with angular kyphosis.
Presenting chiropractic to medical students.
Preliminary study of the effects of a placebo chiropractic treatment with sham adjustments.
Chronic spinal pain syndromes: a clinical pilot trial comparing acupuncture, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, and spinal manipulation.
Possible manifestation of temporomandibular joint dysfunction on chiropractic cervical X-ray studies.
Torque: an appraisal of misuse of terminology in chiropractic literature and technique.
Medicinal plants used for dogs in Trinidad and Tobago.
Attitudes and practices of physicians and naturopaths toward herbal products, including use during pregnancy and lactation.
Nutritional intakes of vegetarian populations in France.
Inhibition of xanthine oxidase by liquiritigenin and isoliquiritigenin isolated from Sinofranchetia chinensis.
Comparison of an extract of hypericum (LI 160) and sertraline in the treatment of depression: a double-blind, randomized pilot study.
Inhibitory effects of methanol extracts of herbal medicines on substance P-induced itch-scratch response.
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Nutritional risk factors of a vegetarian diet in adult lacto-ovo vegetarians
Use of echinacea in medicine.
Antihypertensive substance in the leaves of kumis kucing (Orthosiphon aristatus) in Java Island
The evaluation of the efficiency of biological prophylaxis of lead poisoning (experimental study)
Homeopathy in cancer care.
Statistical analysis of the effect of high dilutions of arsenic in a large dataset from a wheat germination model.
Patient benefit survey: Tunbridge Wells Homoeopathic Hospital.
Altered solution structure of alcoholic medium of potentized Nux vomica underlies its antialcoholic effect.
A new homeopathic approach to neoplastic diseases: from cell destruction to carcinogen-induced apoptosis.
The toxicology of Trachinus vipera: the lesser weeverfish.
20 years ago: the British Homoeopathic Journal, April 1980.
Homeopathy in Cuba.
LDL of Taiwanese vegetarians are less oxidizable than those of omnivores.
Plant-based malaria control: research initiative on traditional antimalarial methods.
Medicine inspired by poverty
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy: alternative modalities for pain management.
Acupuncture: alternative modalities for pain management.
The effectiveness and acceptance of a medical device for the treatment of aphthous stomatitis. Clinical observation in pediatric age
A prospective randomized study comparing acupuncture with physiotherapy for low-back and pelvic pain in pregnancy.
India pushes ahead with plant database.
Effect of intrathecal morphine and electro-acupuncture on cellular immune function of rats and increment of mu-opioid receptor mRNA expression in PAG following intrathecal morphine.
Effect of morphine and electro-acupuncture (EA) on apoptosis of thymocytes.
Chiropractic case includes a cautionary for dentistry.
An unusual pattern of bruising.
Use of complementary medicine by adult patients participating in cancer clinical trials.
St. John's Wort and HAART.
Alternatives of alternative medicine
Cancer clinical trials and subject use of natural herbal products.
The hemorheological effects of Lychnis chalcedonica L. extracts
Effect of beta-blocker on left ventricular function and natriuretic peptides in patients with chronic heart failure treated with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor.
Nature's way to good health.
Complementary therapies for acute pediatric pain management.
Antimicrobial and radical modulation activity of AV-07, a poly-herbal formula.
Pain threshold changes following acupuncture, measured with cutaneous argon laser and electrical tooth pulp stimulation, a comparative study.
Use of hypericum as antidepressant. Naturalistic studies are needed.
Use of hypericum as antidepressant. The herbalist will see you now.
Use of hypericum as antidepressant. Use of placebo in depression trial was unethical.
Doctors and complementary medicine. Are medical dinosaurs heading for extinction?
Universal health care? The views of Negev Bedouin Arabs on health services.
Tea polyphenols: prevention of cancer and optimizing health.
Approaches for chronic disease prevention based on current understanding of underlying mechanisms.
Medicinal plants from nepal: evaluation as inhibitors of leukotriene biosynthesis.
Oldenlandia affinis (R&S) DC. A plant containing uteroactive peptides used in African traditional medicine.
Tecoma sambucifolia: anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities, and 'in vitro' toxicity of extracts of the 'huarumo' of peruvian incas.
Medicinal plants and food medicines in the folk traditions of the upper Lucca Province, Italy.
Screening of some Palestinian medicinal plants for antibacterial activity.
A double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study of the stimulating and adaptogenic effect of Rhodiola rosea SHR-5 extract on the fatigue of students caused by stress during an examination period with a repeated low-dose regimen.
Hypotensive action of Nangapiry, a Paraguayan natural medicine, in rodents.
Analysis of the antinociceptive properties of marrubiin isolated from Marrubium vulgare.
Effect of Maytenus aquifolium extract on the pharmacokinetic and antiinflammatory effectiveness of piroxicam in rats.
Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Ophthacare brand, an herbal eye drops.
Treatment of chemotherapy-induced leukopenia in a rat model with aqueous extract from Uncaria tomentosa.
Plant poisonings from herbal medication admitted to a Tunisian toxicologic intensive care unit, 1983-1998.
Marijuana and medicine: assessing the science base: a summary of the 1999 Institute of Medicine report.
Vitamin C and hyperglycemia in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer--Norfolk (EPIC-Norfolk) study: a population-based study.
Doctors' attitudes to complementary medicine.
Complementary treatment of drug addicts in Malaysia.
Nutrition as a component of alternative therapy.
Effect of stabilizing versus destabilizing interactions on plasminogen activator inhibitor-1.
A convenient method for the determination of the quality of goldenseal.
Contribution to the knowledge of Rifian traditional medicine. II: Folk medicine in Ksar Lakbir district (NW Morocco).
Molluscicidal activity of some Moroccan medicinal plants.
Herbal medicinal products. (Their place in healthcare, scientific and regulatory agenda for the future) October 8th, 1999 Amsterdam.
Massage and aromatherapy on a leukaemia unit.
Aromatherapy and its application in cancer and palliative care.
Integrating complementary medicine into the nursing curriculum.
Complementary medicine: legal status of the non-licensed provider in the USA.
Treatment options needed.
Use of unconventional methods of therapy by cancer patients in Pakistan.
Review on phytotherapy in epilepsy.
Adjuvant whole body acupuncture in depression
Republican presidential candidates capitalize on alternative medicine.
Strengthening our role as healers of the body and the spirit.
Let's stop giving alternative medicine a free ride. Interview by Mark Crane.
Acute intracranial hemorrhage caused by acupuncture.
Controlled trial of the effect of cinnamon extract on Helicobacter pylori.
A randomized controlled trial of kurorinone versus interferon-alpha2a treatment in patients with chronic hepatitis B.
Phytochemicals and the breakthrough of traditional herbs in the management of sexual dysfunctions.
Pain management in view of current new legislative updates and their practical consequences in Austria
Experience with the treatment of depressive patients wtih deprim
Mothers' perceptions about their children's acute diarrhea in the Quito suburbs
Clinical issues in current drug therapy for dementia.
Complementary medicine--popular and controversial. Are there "solid data" for general practice?
Red card for chelate therapy. Complementary medicine, 1
Things do not get better by being left alone. The physician and complementary medicine.
Randomized double blind trial of an ayurvedic plant derived formulation for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
Use of alternative drug therapies by patients with rheumatoid arthritis in Korea.
Segmental degradation of left ventricular wall motion after persistent coronary fistula in a posttransplantation patient: a case report and short review of literature.
Spontaneous vertebral arteriovenous fistula--case report.
With resurgence in use of herbal remedies, unanswered questions take on greater urgency.
Use of herbal remedies by patients in a health maintenance organization.
The influence of ethnicity on use of herbal remedies in elderly Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites.
The dietary supplement dilemma: practice advice for pharmacists.
Evaluation of echinacea for treatment of the common cold.
Breathing techniques--adjunctive treatment modalities for asthma? A systematic review.
Evidence of clinical efficacy of homeopathy. A meta-analysis of clinical trials. HMRAG. Homeopathic Medicines Research Advisory Group.
Prevalence of anti-hepatitis C virus antibody and chronic liver disease among atomic bomb survivors.
Alternative medicine. Stephen Straus's impossible job.
Alternative medicine. Bastions of tradition adapt to alternative medicine.
Complementary medicine and general practice: an urban perspective.
How the public classify complementary medicine: a factor analytic study.
The prevalence of complementary and alternative medicine use among the general population: a systematic review of the literature.
Complementary and alternative therapies for treating multiple sclerosis symptoms: a systematic review.
Economic analysis of complementary medicine: a systematic review.
CAM evaluation comes into the mainstream: NIH specialized Centers of research and the University of Maryland Center for Alternative Medicine Research in Arthritis.
The millennium dome--reflections for mind and body.
Plausibility of homeopathy and conventional chemical therapy: the systemic memory resonance hypothesis.
Pharmacodynamic principles of homeopathy.
Type A botulinum toxin: a new methods in treating focal hyperhidrosis. A summary of various possibilities in hyperhidrosis therapy with special emphasis type A botulinum toxin injections
Pharmacists' knowledge and attitudes toward herbal medicine.
A new homeopathic medicine kit
Alternative medicine use in presurgical patients.
The combination of reflexotherapy and homeopathy in treating patients with facial nerve neuropathy
Endocrine modulators in the food chain and environment.
Chiropractic management of mechanical neck and low-back pain: a retrospective, outcome-based analysis.
Silver needle therapy for intractable low-back pain at tender point after removal of nucleus pulposus.
A clinical trial investigating the possible effect of the supine cervical rotatory manipulation and the supine lateral break manipulation in the treatment of mechanical neck pain: a pilot study.
Osteochondritis dissecans of the knee: a radiology case report.
Vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss in the geriatric patient.
Ergocalciferol supplementation may positively affect lumbar spine bone mineral density of vegans.
Oral medicine--in search of tradition.
Complementary therapies and the general practitioner. A survey of Perth GPs.
Explanation and uncertainty in the medical world of Ghaambo.
A Kampo medicine "Juzen-taiho-to"--prevention of malignant progression and metastasis of tumor cells and the mechanism of action.
Sedum telephium L. polysaccharide content affects MRC5 cell adhesion to laminin and fibronectin.
Anti-leukaemic and anti-mutagenic effects of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate isolated from Aloe vera Linne.
Update on drugs for emotional pain in elders.
Taking a holistic approach to the dying time.
Ecbalium elaterium (squirting cucumber)--remedy or poison?
Homeopathic remedies for children: are they cause for concern?
Diffuse noxious inhibitory controls in anti-nociception produced by acupuncture and moxibustion on trigeminal caudalis neurons in rats.
The effect of pre-emptive acupuncture treatment on analgesic requirements after day-case knee arthroscopy.
A 26-week analysis of a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of the ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761 in dementia.
Psychosomatic medicine: emerging trends and perspectives.
Prolonged exclusive breast-feeding from vegan mother causing an acute onset of isolated methylmalonic aciduria due to a mild mutase deficiency.
Impact of Oregon's priority list on Medicaid beneficiaries.
Herbal treatments for ECS-induced memory deficits: a review of research and a discussion on animal models.
The politics of herbal drugs in Korea.
Treatment of insomnia: an alternative approach.
Characterization of two structural forms of otonecine-type pyrrolizidine alkaloids from Ligularia hodgsonii by NMR spectroscopy.
Caries inhibitory activity of cacao bean husk extract in in-vitro and animal experiments.
Acupuncture--indications and risks. Complementary medicine treatment, 2
A potpourri of drug news.
Self-reported medical use of marijuana: a survey of the general population.
Substance abuse: tempering the debate.
The cannabis policy debate: finding a way forward.
Delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction to kava-kava extract.
Vegetarian diet.
Chelation therapy for coronary heart disease: An overview of all clinical investigations.
Intake of fermented soybean (natto) increases circulating vitamin K2 (menaquinone-7) and gamma-carboxylated osteocalcin concentration in normal individuals.
Reckoning with alternative medicine.
Complementary and alternative medicine: challenges and opportunities for American medicine.
Acupuncture wins BMA approval.
Use of complementary and alternative medicines by surgical patients.
African American folk medicine: a form of alternative therapy.
Our role in alternative medicine.
Amylase-resistant starch plus oral rehydration solution for cholera.
Alternative medicine. Herbal product linked to cancer.
Prevalence of GB virus C (also called hepatitis G virus) markers in Norwegian blood donors.
The current aspects of reflexotherapy
New approaches to the treatment of the initial manifestations of cerebral circulatory insufficiency
Acupuncture reflexotherapy in the treatment of hypertension patients
A new interventional strategy for Alzheimer's disease by Japanese herbal medicine
The alpha-dissipation characteristic of human auricular points
Pluralism and pragmatism: knowledge and practice of birth in Morocco.
The knowledge and use of alternative therapeutic techniques by social work practitioners: a descriptive study.
The cancer-preventive potential of Panax ginseng: a review of human and experimental evidence.
Green tea experiments in lab, clinic yield mixed results.
Classical and quantum dynamics on p-adic trees of ideas.
Psychiatrist attitudes toward herbal remedies.
Asian studies of cancer chemoprevention: latest clinical results.
Differences between family physicians and patients in their knowledge and attitudes regarding traditional chinese medicine.
Use of alternative treatments by chronic fatigue syndrome discordant twins.
Mechanism for antiplatelet effect of onion: AA release inhibition, thromboxane A(2)synthase inhibition and TXA(2)/PGH(2)receptor blockade.
The traditional materia medica in Jerusalem according to Titus Tobler
Hormones and diet: low insulin-like growth factor-I but normal bioavailable androgens in vegan men.
A tale of teaching in two cities.
Anti-cancer drug discovery and development in Brazil: targeted plant collection as a rational strategy to acquire candidate anti-cancer compounds.
Osteoporosis and phytoestrogens: an assessment of bone mineral density via quantitative peripheral computed tomography in milk-egg-vegetarian women in the premenopause
Dr Knock, a successful specialist in alternative medicine?
Nutritional myocardial disorders
Relation between agendas of the research community and the research consumer.
Silicone granuloma on the entry points of acupuncture, venepuncture and surgical needles.
Effect of soy milk and bifidobacterium-fermented soy milk on plasma and liver lipids in ovariectomized Syrian hamsters.
The debate over complementary medicine continues. Evidence for homoeopathy is lacking.
The debate over complementary medicine continues. "Complementogenic" disease may be increasing.
The debate over complementary medicine continues. Debate of the 1840s is revised.
Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis induced by ingestion of lacquer chicken.
Reanalysis of Blanc PD et al, "Use of herbal products, coffee or black tea, and over-the-counter medications as self treatments among adults with asthma".
The role of meat in everyday food culture: an analysis of an interview study in Copenhagen.
Chemical speciation influences comparative activity of selenium-enriched garlic and yeast in mammary cancer prevention.
Hydroxymatairesinol, a novel enterolactone precursor with antitumor properties from coniferous tree (Picea abies).
Inhibition of azoxymethane-induced colon cancer by orange juice.
Peanuts as a source of beta-sitosterol, a sterol with anticancer properties.
Conference on complementary medicine.
The homeopathy debate.
An examination of the efficacy of Ginkgo biloba extract EGb761 on the neuropsychologic functioning of cognitively intact older adults.
Medical student interest in alternative medicine.
Can scientific medicine incorporate alternative medicine?
Guidelines for clinical research in complementary medicine.
How to evaluate the effectiveness of complementary therapies.
Subjective scales for the evaluation of therapeutic effects and their use in complementary medicine.
Access to databases in complementary medicine.
Variables of stimulation and placebo in acupuncture reflexotherapy.
International research project to devise a protocol to test the effectiveness of acupuncture on painful shoulder.
Pharmacotherapy of nicotine dependence.
Use of practitioner-based complementary therapies by persons reporting mental conditions in the United States.
Prevalence of infection by hepatitis viruses in a rural area. Analysis according to risk factors and alcohol consumption
Physiologic and related behavioral outcomes from the Women's Lifestyle Heart Trial.
The cultural history of smoking.
Complementary/alternative medicine use in a comprehensive cancer center and the implications for oncology.
Suppressive effect of the herbal medicine Oren-gedoku-to on cyclooxygenase-2 activity and azoxymethane-induced aberrant crypt foci development in rats.
Re: Back to future-the role of complementary medicine in urology.
Severe gastrointestinal symptoms due to lead poisoning from Indian traditional medicine.
Debate over the history of placebos in medicine.
Alan Abromovitz, MD. Integrated patient care: one physician's story. Interview by Bonnie Horrigan.
A long-term fish diet modifies the toxic properties of human partially oxidized LDL on vascular preparations in vitro.
Treatment of gastric ulcers and diarrhea with the Amazonian herbal medicine sangre de grado.
Prevalence of complementary therapy use by women with breast cancer. A population-based survey.
Publications of dissertations on unconventional medical therapy and diagnosis procedures--a contribution to "publication bias"
Use of conventional and unconventional therapies among patients with ankylosing spondylitis
Mistletoe extracts in the therapy of malignant, hematological and lymphatic diseases--a monocentric, retrospective analysis over 16 years
Producing and marketing a specialty egg.
A pilot study of Hypericum perforatum for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome.
Potential interactions between alternative therapies and warfarin.
Kangaroo care in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Occupational allergic contact dermatitis in two aromatherapists.
Can complementary medicine be evidence-based?
Manual therapy and science: a marriage of convenience?
Functional stability of the glenohumeral joint.
Lumbar spine traction: evaluation of effects and recommended application for treatment.
Reliability of cervical range of motion using the OSI CA 6000 spine motion analyser on asymptomatic and symptomatic subjects.
Clinical tests of the sacroiliac joint.
Inter-examiner reliability in assessing passive intervertebral motion of the cervical spine.
Adding compression to mobilization in a rehabilitation program after knee surgery. A preliminary clinical observational study.
Total glenohumeral joint replacement: totally different situation.
The traditional uses, chemical constituents and biological activities of Plantago major L. A review.
Review on some plants of Indian traditional medicine with antioxidant activity.
Augmentation of natural killer cell activity in vitro against tumor cells by wild plants from Jordan.
In vitro screening of american plant extracts on Trypanosoma cruzi and trichomonas vaginalis.
A search for natural bioactive compounds in Bolivia through a multidisciplinary approach. Part III. Evaluation Of the antimalarial activity of plants used by Alteños Indians.
Ethnopharmacological evaluation of the anticonvulsant, sedative and antispasmodic activities of Lavandula stoechas L.
Antispasmodic and anti-diarrhoeal effect of Satureja hortensis L. essential oil.
Traditional Tongan cures for morning sickness and their mutagenic/toxicological evaluations.
Suppression of croton oil-induced rabbit corneal edema by sideritis javalambrensis.
Sedative activity of two flavonol glycosides isolated from the flowers of Albizzia julibrissin Durazz.
Effects of combined treatment with coffee cherry and whole-body hyperthermia on the growth of spontaneous mammary tumours in SHN mice.
Coronary heart disease in Indian Asians.
Anti- and pro-oxidative properties of PADMA 28, a Tibetan herbal formulation.
Improving the debate on cannabis. Let's find out whether cannabis has therapeutic value.
Effects of composite root extract on histological structures of graffian follicle and endometrial epithelium in albino rat.
Health benefits of a vegetarian diet.
Cranberry juice and urinary-tract health: science supports folklore.
Role of estrogens, selective estrogen receptor modulators and phytoestrogens in cardiovascular protection.
Dermatotherapy at the end of the century: an ex tempore perspective after looking into a forgotten herbal and into neglected recipes of folk medicine.
NWT report urges recognition for aboriginal healers.
Alternative medicine: really an alternative to academic medicine?
Further comments on veterinary chiropractic.
Hidden problems with herbal remedies.
White paper on herbal products. American College of Clinical Pharmacy.
Interventions for treating scabies.
Breathing exercises for asthma.
Feverfew for preventing migraine.
A randomized controlled trial comparing topical piroxicam gel with a homeopathic gel in osteoarthritis of the knee.
Herbal medicines with psychiatric indications: a review for practitioners.
Preparative isolation and purification of notopterol and isoimperatorin from Notopterygium forbessi Boiss (Chinese traditional medicinal herb) by high-speed counter-current chromatography.
Acupuncture and neuropathy.
Cytotoxicity assessment of Ma-huang (Ephedra) under different conditions of preparation.
Effects of an empowerment program on coping, quality of life, and the maternal role adaptation of Thai HIV-infected mothers.
Randomized controlled trial of nettle sting for treatment of base-of-thumb pain.
Human behavioural factors implicated in outbreaks of human anthrax in the Tamale municipality of northern Ghana.
Management of the climacteric. Options abound to relieve women's midlife symptoms.
Kombucha, the fermented tea: microbiology, composition, and claimed health effects.
Herbs and prescriptions can make a risky mixture.
Therapeutic effect of Olea europea var. oleaster leaves on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in obese and prediabetic sand rats (Psammomys obesus)
Alternative therapies ... getting "a second opinion".
Treatment of wobbler syndrome in dogs with electroacupuncture.
Myogenic vestibular evoked potentials used to objective estimation of effectiveness of central action drugs
Effects of oral administration of Pfaffia paniculata (Brazilian ginseng) on incidence of spontaneous leukemia in AKR/J mice.
Abortifacients: toxidromes, ancient to modern--a case series and review of the literature.
Alternative views on alternative medicine.
Alternative views on alternative medicine.
Alternative views on alternative medicine.
Alternative views on alternative medicine.
The anti-atheroslerotic effect of Allium sativum: statistics re-evaluated.
Food of the gods: cure for humanity? A cultural history of the medicinal and ritual use of chocolate.
Use of alternative medicine by patients undergoing cardiac surgery.
Botanical perspectives on health: of cystitis and cranberries.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia: challenges for the new millennium.
Colorectal carcinoma in Ibadan, Nigeria: a 20-year survey--1971 to 1990.
Effect of HD-03--a herbal formulation in galactosamine-induced hepatopathy in rats.
Historical contribution on consumption of herbal narcotics
Inflammation and Native American medicine: the role of botanicals.
Is there a metabolic basis for dietary supplementation?
Selected herbals and human exercise performance.
Oral anticoagulants and medicinal plants. An emerging interaction
Article's definition of complementary and alternative medicine too narrow.
The time-effect relationship of central action in acupuncture treatment for weight reduction.
Acupuncture treatment of bulbar palsy--a report of 54 cases.
Treatment of 86 cases of facial spasm by acupuncture and pressure on otopoints.
Twenty-three cases of postherpetic neuralgia treated by acupuncture.
Clinical application of taichong acupoint.
Twenty-seven cases of spleen-qi deficiency syndrome treated by heat-producing needling at zusanli.
A summary of clinical treatment for 58 cases of hemiplegia with electro-acupuncture and massage.
Effect of stimulation of shenshu point on the aging process of genital system in aged female rats and the role of monoamine neurotransmitters.
A survey on TCM treatment of drug-induced postabortal colporrhagia.
Epidemiology of hepatitis B virus infection in the Asia-Pacific region.
Treatment of chronic liver diseases with traditional Chinese medicine.
Transmission of hepatitis C virus in Asia: past and present perspectives.
Early-latency somatosensory evoked potentials elicited by electrical acupuncture after needling acupoint LI-4.
Study presentation: acupuncture for depression and anxiety
Probiotics for prevention of ulcerative colitis recurrence: alternative medicine added to standard treatment?
Is gingko biloba more effective than placebo for the treatment of intermittent claudication?
Sesquiterpene lactones from Pulicaria crispa.
A new prenylated flavanone glycoside from the seeds of Glircidia maculata.
Medicinal plants used for peptic ulcer in the Bangangte region, western Cameroon.
A new flavonoid from the aerial parts of Chrysanthemum viscidehirtum.
A new secoiridoid glycoside from Lonicera angustifolia.
Antibacterial activity of some medicinal plants from San Juan, Argentina.
Antimicrobial activity of Pterocarpus osun stems.
Antibacterial activity of Alchornea cordifolia stem bark.
Antibacterial activity of Litsea glutinosa bark.
Hypoglycaemic activity of Ocimum gratissimum in rats.
Antibacterial activity of linoleic and oleic acids isolated from Helichrysum pedunculatum: a plant used during circumcision rites.
Antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Lantana camara.
Quercetin 3-arabinopyranoside, a major flavonoid compound from Alchemilla xanthochlora.
Second Workshop of Italian Society of Phytochemistry (SIF) on 'Polyphenols in Food'. March 20--21, 2000-Florence (Italy).
A review of antimycobacterial natural products.
Evaluation of antidiarrhoeal profile of Jussiaea suffruticosa linn. extract in rats.
Effect of Salvia leriifolia leaf extract on morphine dependence in mice.
The use of low-frequency magnetotherapy and EHF puncture in the combined treatment of arterial hypertension in vibration-induced disease
Laser therapy in the treatment of the discogenic neurological manifestations of spinal osteochondrosis
Green tea and skin.
Green tea: what's brewing?
Cocaine misuse treatment in England.
Four herbs.
Health food store recommendations for breast cancer patients.
A pilot study examining patient response to a weight loss workbook designed to Be used in a family medicine outpatient setting.
A randomized controlled trial of auricular acupuncture for cocaine dependence.
Pyoderma gangrenosum induced by acupuncture in a patient with ulcerative colitis.
Gullible fools or desperate pragmatists? A profile of people who use rejected alternative health care providers.
Unconventional dentistry: Part I. Introduction.
Medical informatics and the concept of disease.
Antitumor effects of soybean hypocotyls and soybeans on the mammary tumor induction by N-methyl-n-nitrosourea in F344 rats.
Remedies used in Hellenic history.
A homeopathic drug is equivalent to diclofenac?!
A scientific basis for the therapeutic effects of Pygeum africanum and Serenoa repens.
Effect of needle acupuncture on pain perception and functional impairment of patients with coxarthrosis
Observations on traditional healers ("medicine men") of Indonesian aborigines
Tuberculosis, malnutrition and wasting.
Forensic toxicology in urban South Africa.
Witchcraft or mycotoxin? The Salem witch trials.
Association of L-DOPA with recovery following Ayurveda medication in Parkinson's disease.
The aphrodisiac and adaptogenic properties of ginseng.
Cannabis and cannabinoid receptors.
Traditional medicine as a source of new therapeutic agents against psoriasis.
Botanical derivatives for the prostate.
Grapefruit: the last decade acquisitions.
Potential use of medicinal plants in the treatment of alcoholism.
Ginkgo biloba and the central nervous system.
Prostaglandins and nitric oxide as molecular targets for anti-inflammatory therapy.
Phytotherapy and quality of herbal medicines.
Evaluation and use of plant biodiversity for food and pharmaceuticals.
Obesity and medicinal plants.
The role of ethnobotanics in scientific research. State of ethnobotanical knowledge in Sicily.
An ethnopharmacological study on common privet (Ligustrum vulgare) and phillyrea (Phillyrea latifolia).
Ethnopharmacobotany in Tuscany: plants used as antihypertensives.
Immunopharmacological properties of flavonoids.
Antibacterial and allelopathic activity of extract from Castanea sativa leaves.
Behavioral characterisation of the flavonoids apigenin and chrysin.
Pro-cognitive activity induced in the rat by low doses of R-(+)-hyoscyamine.
Preventive effect of eugenol on PAF and ethanol-induced gastric mucosal damage.
Antimicrobial activity of crude extracts and pure compounds of Hypericum hircinum.
Immunoactive cannabinoids: therapeutic prospects for marijuana constituents.
Hypnotic drugs.
Acupuncture for management of pain.
The role of alternative treatments for cancer.
Can kava supplements help relieve my anxiety?
Readers question articles in support of complementary and alternative therapies.
Who uses over-the-counter psychotropics? Characteristics, functioning, and (mental) health profile.
Complementary therapies: the appeal to general practitioners.
Biochemical studies of a natural antioxidant isolated from rosemary and its application in cosmetic dermatology.
Herbal medicines: where is the evidence?
Where the elite meet to eat--a CME course?
Garlic as an insect repellent.
Body contouring using an oral herbal antioxidant formulation--Centelaplus: a dose controlled observational study.
Prevalence and patterns of alternative medication use in a university hospital outpatient clinic serving rheumatology and geriatric patients.
Anomalies in the anomalous: last gasp or light at last?
An epidemiological study of a homeopathic practice.
An evaluation of Coffea cruda effect on rats.
Magic of signs: a non-local interpretation of homeopathy.
Discussion: the magic of non-local concepts or the chair in the Rabbi's castle.
Madingley, Madding, Mad scenarios: an exercise in futurology.
Effects of potentization.
Effects of potentization.
What research is needed to show the effectiveness of homeopathy?
International integrative primary care outcomes study (IIPCOS-2): an international research project of homeopathy in primary care.
Using a computer-based clinical management system to improve effectiveness of a homeopathic service in a fundholding general practice.
Assessing the cost-effectiveness of homeopathic medicines: are the problems different from other health technologies?
The economic evaluation of complementary medicine: a staged approach at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital.
Improving the evaluation of homeopathy: economic considerations and impact on health.
Effects of acupuncture and homeopathy: prospective documentation. Interim results.
Do homeopathic medicines provoke adverse effects? A systematic review.
Anti-tumor-promoting activity of lignans from the aerial part of Saussurea medusa.
Protection from phenytoin-induced cognitive deficit by Bacopa monniera, a reputed Indian nootropic plant.
Anti-inflammatory activity of Agave intermixta Trel. and Cissus sicyoides L., species used in the Caribbean traditional medicine.
Contribution to the ethnobotanical, phytochemical and pharmacological studies of traditionally used medicinal plants in the treatment of dysentery and diarrhoea in Lomela area, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Coriandrum sativum--effect on lipid metabolism in 1,2-dimethyl hydrazine induced colon cancer.
Antioxidant activity of phenylethanoid glycosides from Brandisia hancei.
Snakebites and ethnobotany in the northwest region of Colombia: Part I: traditional use of plants.
Snakebites and ethnobotany in the northwest region of Colombia: Part II: neutralization of lethal and enzymatic effects of Bothrops atrox venom.
Traditional uses of Salvia libanotica (East Mediterranean sage) and the effects of its essential oils.
Knowledge and traditional practice of mothers about neonatal care
Differential effect of a polyherbal formulation-OB-200G in male and female mice subjected to forced swim stress.
Potentiating effects on contractions by purified baicalin and baicalein in the rat mesenteric artery.
Infectious aneurysm formation after depot acupuncture.
Do medical devices have enhanced placebo effects?
Herbal therapy: what a clinician needs to know to counsel patients effectively.
Grain processing and nutrition.
Recent review of complementary and alternative medicine used by adolescents.
Update of nutrition guidelines for the teen: trends and concerns.
Oral rehydration for infantile diarrhoea: toward a modified solution for the children of the world.
Evaluation of oral hypo-osmolar glucose-based and rice-based oral rehydration solutions in the treatment of cholera in children.
Bangladeshi rural mothers prepare safer rice oral rehydration solution.
Microcirculatory changes over the tender points in fibromyalgia patients after acupuncture therapy (measured with laser-Doppler flowmetry)
Liquorice and its health implications.
Micronutrient intakes in a group of UK vegans and the contribution of self-selected dietary supplements.
Energy and micronutrient composition of dietary and medicinal wild plants consumed during drought. Study of rural Fulani, northeastern Nigeria.
Diet or dialysis in the elderly? The DODE study: a prospective randomized multicenter trial.
Reconnoitering the antivaccination web sites: news from the front.
Application of incremental change strategies in chiropractic and multidisciplinary clinical settings for quality improvement.
Crashed and nearly burned... during a LSCS!
Randomised controlled trial of homoeopathy versus placebo in perennial allergic rhinitis with overview of four trial series.
Medicinal herbs: naturally safe.
Role of manual therapy in the evaluation and treatment of a surgically stabilized pelvis.
Nonpharmacologic approaches to cervical priming and labor induction.
Late survivors of Sumatran earthquake.
Mental illness beliefs in Malaysia: ethnic and intergenerational comparisons.
Concerns about immunisation. Is vaccination cause célèbe or bête noir?
The blood pressure-lowering effect of garlic
Effects of side-posture positioning and side-posture adjusting on the lumbar zygapophysial joints as evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging: a before and after study with randomization.
Innervation of the human costovertebral joint: implications for clinical back pain syndromes.
Chiropractic rehabilitation of the cervical spine.
Patient-practitioner perceptions: can chiropractors assume congruence?
Injury threshold: whiplash-associated disorders.
Treatment of severe glaucomatous visual field deficit by chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy: a prospective case study and discussion.
The influence of a chiropractic manipulation on lumbar kinematics and electromyography during simple and complex tasks: a case study.
Use of complementary and alternative medicine by cancer patients is not associated with perceived distress or poor compliance with standard treatment but with active coping behavior: a survey.
Effects of a novel fermented soy product on the serum lipids of hypercholesterolemic rabbits.
Effects of an extract of Serenoa repens on dogs with hyperplasia of the prostate gland.
The water extract of Jagamchotang protects the ischemia/reperfusion-induced cytotoxicity of rat neonatal myocardial cells via generation of nitric oxide.
Brassica vegetable consumption shifts estrogen metabolism in healthy postmenopausal women.
Vegetables, fruits, legumes and prostate cancer: a multiethnic case-control study.
Hypertension in elderly persons: its prevalence and associated cardiovascular risk factors in Tainan City, southern Taiwan.
Alternative medicine's roadmap to mainstream.
Anticonvulsive and free radical scavenging activities of vanillyl alcohol in ferric chloride-induced epileptic seizures in Sprague-Dawley rats.
The relationship between age, gender, well-being and symptoms, and the use of pharmaceuticals, herbal medicines and self-care products in a Swedish municipality.
Procedures in complementary medicine. Can they be taken seriously?
Provision of nutrition counseling, referrals to registered dietitians, and sources of nutrition information among practicing chiropractors in the United States.
Estimating energy contributed by fiber using a general factor of 2 vs 4 kcal/g.
Managing lower urinary tract infections. What is the best approach?
Scientific basis for the therapeutic use of Withania somnifera (ashwagandha): a review.
Hepatitis C; a retrospective study, literature review, and naturopathic protocol.
Green tea.
Eating and nutritional problems in children.
Effect of creatine feeding on maximal exercise performance in vegetarians.
Small dosage--strong effect. Complementary medicine, 3: Homeopathy
Naturally occurring antinociceptive substances from plants.
Use of small scale bioassays in the discovery of novel drugs from natural sources.
Evaluation of the in vitro antioxidant activity of Mangifera indica L. extract (Vimang).
Effects of extracts from flowering tops of Crataegus meyeri A. Pojark. on ischaemic arrhythmias in anaesthetized rats.
Evaluation of massage with essential oils on childhood atopic eczema.
Extract prepared from the bark of Cinnamomum cassia Blume prevents glutamate-induced neuronal death in cultured cerebellar granule cells.
Antioxidant action of extract of the traditional medicinal plant Rhazya stricta Decne. in rats.
Effect of diet on serum albumin and hemoglobin adducts of 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP) in humans.
Arrowroot as a treatment for diarrhoea in irritable bowel syndrome patients: a pilot study.
Why aromatherapy works (even if it doesn't) and why we need less research.
The use of alternative medicines by somatoform disorder patients in Spain.
Aromatherapy: a systematic review.
India raises standards for traditional drugs.
Effect of ginsenosides, active components of ginseng, on capsaicin-induced pain-related behavior.
Cytokine production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells following birch-pollen immunotherapy.
Acupuncture for addicted patients with chronic histories of arrest. A pilot study of the Consortium Treatment Center.
Prevention of the down-regulation of gap junctional intercellular communication by green tea in the liver of mice fed pentachlorophenol.
The use of randomized control trials in complementary therapies: exploring the issues.
Tannins protect against skin tumor promotion induced by ultraviolet-B radiation in hairless mice.
Alternative medicine.
Inactivation of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 by specific proteolysis with stromelysin-1 (MMP-3).
Metal concentrations in plants and urine from patients treated with traditional remedies.
Adhatoda vasica: a critical review of ethnopharmacological and toxicological data.
Herbal medicine in Jordan with special emphasis on less commonly used medicinal herbs.
Effect of Indian Hypericum perforatum Linn on animal models of cognitive dysfunction.
Ethnopharmacological survey of traditional drugs sold in Israel at the end of the 20th century.
Medical treatment: does it influence the natural course of inflammatory bowel disease?
Favorable long-term outcome with mistletoe therapy in a patient with centroblastic-centrocytic non hodgkin lymphoma
Regulation of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor expression by electroacupuncture after transient focal cerebral ischemia.
Experimental study on the low-intensity millimeter-wave electro-magnetic stimulation of acupuncture points.
Electro-acupuncture attenuates nitric oxide release from rat striatum after transient middle cerebral artery occlusion.
Analgesic effects of acupuncture on pain after mandibular wisdom tooth extraction.
Comparison of St John's wort and imipramine for treating depression: randomised controlled trial.
Herbal vitamins: lead toxicity and developmental delay.
Potentiation of brain acetylcholine neurons by Kami-Untan-To (KUT) in aged mice: implications for a possible antidementia drug.
The effects of the traditional chinese medicine, "Banxia Houpo Tang (Hange-Koboku To)" on the swallowing reflex in Parkinson's disease.
What do we know about herbal morning sickness treatments? A literature survey.
A review of herbal medicines for psychiatric disorders.
The effect of unfiltered coffee on potential biomarkers for colonic cancer risk in healthy volunteers: a randomized trial.
Combined sabal and urtica extract compared with finasteride in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia: analysis of prostate volume and therapeutic outcome.
Improvements in chronic diseases with a comprehensive natural medicine approach: a review and case series.
Diagnostic problems due to alternative medicine
Comparison of nutrient intake and corresponding biochemical parameters in adolescent vegetarians and non-vegetarians
Molecular epidemiology of a large outbreak of hepatitis B linked to autohaemotherapy.
Eggplant (Solanum melongena) infusion has a modest and transitory effect on hypercholesterolemic subjects.
Educational programs in US medical schools, 1999-2000.
Cerebral near infrared spectroscopy and acupuncture--results of a pilot study
Valerian as a hypnotic for Hispanic patients.
The scope of hunter-gatherer ethnomedicine.
Practical logics: the shapes and lessons of popular medical knowledge and practice--examples from Vietnam and Indigenous Australia.
Garlic for treating hypercholesterolemia. A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials.
The lure of the ghetto.
The memory of water under the bridge.
Hypereosinophilia induced by high-dose intratumoral and peritumoral mistletoe application to a patient with pancreatic carcinoma.
Randomized, prospective, placebo-controlled double-blind study of dextrose prolotherapy for osteoarthritic thumb and finger (DIP, PIP, and trapeziometacarpal) joints: evidence of clinical efficacy.
The efficacy of echinacea compound herbal tea preparation on the severity and duration of upper respiratory and flu symptoms: a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study.
Incidence of adverse reactions associated with acupuncture.
Similar postprandial glycemic reductions with escalation of dose and administration time of American ginseng in type 2 diabetes.
Risk management issues in alternative health. Part 1: Elements of chiropractic malpractice.
Is alternative medicine more cost-effective?
A virtual reality system for hand acupuncture.
Workup-dependent formation of 5-lipoxygenase inhibitory boswellic acid analogues.
Four new clerodane diterpenoids from Callicarpa pentandra.
Oligosaccharide esters from the roots of Polygala arillata.
Tetrasaccharide multi-esters and xanthone glycosides from the roots of Polygala wattersii.
Effects of chronic kombucha ingestion on open-field behaviors, longevity, appetitive behaviors, and organs in c57-bl/6 mice: a pilot study.
St John's wort interaction with digoxin.
Hyperforin in extracts of St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) for depression.
CAM and HIV/AIDS: the importance of complementarity.
Acupuncture for symptom relief in HIV-positive adults: lessons learned from a pilot study.
Alternative or complementary? Nonallopathic therapies for HIV/AIDS.
Surgery and complementary therapies: a review.
The effectiveness of osteopathic manipulative treatment as complementary therapy following surgery: a prospective, match-controlled outcome study.
Beth Israel's Center for Health and Healing: realizing the goal of fully integrative care.
Sublingual immunotherapy for allergic diseases
Surgical care in folk medicine of the northern Caucasus
Blindness in a vegan.
Blindness in a vegan.
Elevated liver enzymes in asymptomatic patients.
Values and beliefs of vegetarians and omnivores.
A trial of the preparation Cheblin-SK-1 in models of nematodiases
A novel treatment for lupus nephritis: lignan precursor derived from flax.
Investigating the use of services for Vietnamese with mental illness.
An open-label trial of St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) in obsessive-compulsive disorder.
The troublesome search for evidence: three cultures in need of integration.
The estimated cost of school scoliosis screening.
Using the bedside wellness system during chemotherapy decreases fatigue and emesis in cancer patients.
Bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of natural volatile terpenes in animals and humans.
Results of patch testing with lavender oil in Japan.
Acupuncture in intractable epilepsy: lack of effect on health-related quality of life.
US cancer institute funds trial of complementary therapy.
Antitumor, genotoxicity and anticlastogenic activities of polysaccharide from Curcuma zedoaria.
Teaching complementary and alternative medicine in residency programs.
Recent advances: complementary medicine.
Antioxidant therapy in neurologic disease.
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis after parenteral therapy with herbal extracts: a report of two cases.
Korean hand acupressure reduces postoperative vomiting in children after strabismus surgery.
Californian centre will test medical uses of cannabis.
Determination of trace amounts of ginkgolic acids in Ginkgo biloba L. leaf extracts and phytopharmaceuticals by liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry.
Herbs and the brain: friend or foe? The effects of ginkgo and garlic on warfarin use.
Boswellic acids in the palliative therapy of children with progressive or relapsed brain tumors.
Gendered utilization differences of mental health services in Jordan.
Diarylheptanoids suppress expression of leukocyte adhesion molecules on human vascular endothelial cells.
What's your alternative?
Alternative therapies: Part I. Depression, diabetes, obesity.
Psychological effects of aromatherapy on chronic hemodialysis patients.
Effects of anabolic precursors on serum testosterone concentrations and adaptations to resistance training in young men.
DL-phenylalanine markedly potentiates opiate analgesia - an example of nutrient/pharmaceutical up-regulation of the endogenous analgesia system.
Failed back surgery syndrome.
A case of acupuncture needle dermatitis
No magic treatment for cancer. Complementary medicine methods, 4: Shark cartilage
Should acupuncture be reimbursable? Yin and yang in significant conflict
Alternative medicine in arthrosis. Does the nettle inhibit cytokines?
Effects of red ginseng upon vascular endothelial function in patients with essential hypertension.
Influence of spleen meridian herbs on the harmonic spectrum of the arterial pulse.
Steroidal saponins from Dracaena surculosa.
Alternative medicine in ancient and medieval history.
Optimized separation of pharmacologically active anthraquinones in Rhubarb by capillary electrochromatography.
Integration of complementary disciplines into the oncology clinic. Part I. Acupuncture.
Integration of complementary disciplines into the oncology clinic. Part III. Herbal medicine--drug interactions: the role of the pharmacist.
The use of herbal alternative medicines in neuropsychiatry. A report of the ANPA Committee on Research.
Alternative medicine--old wine in a new bottle.
The WHO does not recommend acupuncture
Getting to the point. Meridian therapy is making its way into nursing practice.
MRI of the spine and spinal cord: imaging techniques, normal anatomy, artifacts, and pitfalls.
Chiropractic biophysics digitized radiographic mensuration analysis of the anteroposterior cervicothoracic view: a reliability study.
Lumbosacral transitional segments: classification, prevalence, and effect on disk height.
Complex regional pain syndrome and chiropractic.
Clinical considerations in the chiropractic management of the patient with Marfan syndrome.
Residency programs at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College.
Motion palpation: it's time to accept the evidence.
Complementary therapies in the hospital:'if you can't beat them, join them'?
Chronic regional pain syndrome, type 1: Part I.
Dietary fatty acid composition influences the degree of human LDL oxidation, but has only minor effects on vascular tone in a bioassay system.
Patient expectations regarding methods and outcomes of their rehabilitation--a controlled study of back pain- and cancer patients
Nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy/hyperemesis gravidarum. Current status of psychosomatic factors
Is it all black magic?
Nose drops. Applications, indications, alternatives
Drugs for veno-lymphatic insufficiency
Pain relief by low-intensity frequency-modulated millimeter waves acting on the acupuncture points
A patent review on the problem of the transfer of the informational properties of therapeutic factors
Prominent artificial radionuclide activity in the environment of coastal Karnataka on the southwest coast of India.
Don't forget traditional medical care.
Hot-flash relief. The list of alternatives to hormone-replacement therapy keeps growing. What's a woman to do?
Henk Tjassing: on the road to Suriname. Interview by Margaret J. Cushman.
Acupuncture in 2000: working its way into mainstream medicine.
Introduction to the pharmacoeconomics of herbal medicines.
The mainstreaming of alternative medicine.
The paradox of the cost and affordability of traditional and government health services in Tanzania.
Ileal occlusion caused by enterolith migrated from Meckel's diverticulum
St. John's wort--scientific tests. Report of an expert workshop in Berlin
Diterpenoids from the roots of Croton macrostachys.
Effect of acupuncture upon experimentally induced ischemic pain: a sham-controlled single-blind study.
Preconquest Peruvian neurosurgeons: a study of Inca and pre-Columbian trephination and the art of medicine in ancient Peru.
Ginkgo biloba extract for the treatment of intermittent claudication: a meta-analysis of randomized trials.
Ginkgo biloba: a living fossil.
Herbal and nutritional supplement use in the elderly.
Effect of manual therapy on clinico-pathophysiological status and central hemodynamics in patients with ischemic heart disease
Saint John's Wort as an antidepressant
Introduction to acupuncture in dentistry.
Tea tree oil--household remedy of Australian aborigines. Complementary medicine methods, 5
Guidelines for the treatment of dementias
"Alternative medical therapy" use among singers: prevalence and implications for the medical care of the singer.
Psychopharmacology: an update for psychiatric home care.
Get pragmatic about pot.
A 78-year-old man complaining of chest oppression at rest
Vegetarianism and ischemic heart disease in older Chinese women.
Garlic elicits a nitric oxide-dependent relaxation and inhibits hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction in rats.
Shosaiko-to and other Kampo (Japanese herbal) medicines: a review of their immunomodulatory activities.
Pharmacological activity of Abies pindrow.
The toxic effects of Coleus barbatus B. on the different periods of pregnancy in rats.
Role of bittergourd fruit juice in stz-induced diabetic state in vivo and in vitro.
Effect of Ocimum sanctum on noise induced changes in neutrophil functions.
Pharmacological basis for the use of peach leaves in constipation.
Hepatoprotective effects of Turkish folk remedies on experimental liver injury.
Antiplasmodial activity of plant extracts used in west African traditional medicine.
Antimicrobial activity of extracts of eastern North American hardwood trees and relation to traditional medicine.
Isolation of an antibacterial sesquiterpenoid from Warburgia salutaris.
Indigenous knowledge and uses of medicinal plants by local communities of the Kali Gandaki Watershed Area, Nepal.
Antifungal activity of extracts from medicinal plants used by First Nations Peoples of eastern Canada.
Efficiency of traditionally used South African plants against schistosomiasis.
Ethnobotanical survey in the Palestinian area: a classification of the healing potential of medicinal plants.
Snakebites and ethnobotany in the northwest region of Colombia. Part III: neutralization of the haemorrhagic effect of Bothrops atrox venom.
Effects of chard (Beta vulgaris L. var. Cicla) extract on pancreatic B cells in streptozotocin-diabetic rats: a morphological and biochemical study.
A search for natural bioactive compounds in Bolivia through a multidisciplinary approach. Part IV. Is a new haem polymerisation inhibition test pertinent for the detection of antimalarial natural products?
Antimicrobial activity of some coumarin containing herbal plants growing in Finland.
Plant sources for the treatment of jaundice in the tribals of Western Madhya Pradesh of India.
Personal values and medical preferences: postmaterialism, spirituality, and the use of complementary medicine.
The efficacy of the complex medication Phyto-Hypophyson L in female, hormone-related sterility. A randomized, placebo-controlled clinical double-blind study
Prosta Fink Forte capsules in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Multicentric surveillance study in 2245 patients
Therapeutic herbs in ancient Chinese medicine
Changing with the times.
Comparison of two teaching methods in a chiropractic clinical science course.
New Latino immigration to Tennessee: practicing culturally sensitive health care.
Medicinal plants and phytomedicines. Linking plant biochemistry and physiology to human health.
Manual acupuncture reduces hyperemesis gravidarum: a placebo-controlled, randomized, single-blind, crossover study.
Physical therapy in the treatment of fibromyalgia.
Papular palmoplantar hyperkeratosis following chronic medical exposure to arsenic: human papillomavirus as a co-factor in the pathogenesis of arsenical keratosis?
Status of phosphatase activities in the liver and kidney of rats treated with isosaline leaf and stem-bark extracts of Harungana madagascariensis (L).
Use of herbal remedies by small-scale farmers to treat livestock diseases in Central Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.
An appropriate method for extracting the insect repellent citronellol from an indigenous plant (Pelargonium graveolens L'Her) for potential use by resource-limited animal owners.
Regular review: medical management of osteoarthritis.
Chiropractic care for children can help.
In defense of pediatric chiropractic care.
Universal childhood vaccinations: a Faustian bargain?
Alternative medicine for allergy and asthma.
Alternative and complementary medicine: a source of improved therapies for asthma? A challenge for redefining the specialty?
Biopharmaceutical characterisation of herbal medicinal products: are in vivo studies necessary?
Training in back care to improve outcome and patient satisfaction. Teaching old docs new tricks.
Lead poisoning from complementary and alternative medicine in multiple sclerosis.
Inhibition of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced oxidative DNA damage in rat colon mucosa by black tea complex polyphenols.
Modulatory effects of a tannin fraction isolated from Terminalia arjuna on the genotoxicity of mutagens in Salmonella typhimurium.
Healthcare: integrated in the fabric of life.
CAM research and development.
The use of aromatherapy in intrapartum midwifery practice an observational study.
Healing relationships with nature.
Complementary medicine: knowledge, use and attitudes of doctors.
"Shopping" for sexually transmitted disease treatment: focus group discussions among lay persons in rural and urban Zambia.
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for knee osteoarthritis.
Evidence based practices: the need for new research directions.
The role of electrotherapy in contemporary physiotherapy practice.
Patellar taping: is clinical success supported by scientific evidence?
Effects of acupuncture, cervical manipulation and NSAID therapy on dizziness and impaired head repositioning of suspected cervical origin: a pilot study.
MRI evaluation of lumbar spine flexion and extension in asymptomatic individuals.
Navigating the internet maze.
Measuring longitudinal nerve motion using ultrasonography.
Thoracic disc herniation: a diagnostic challenge.
Changes in the somatosensory cortex of monkeys after repetitive work.
Acupuncture and rheumatoid arthritis.
Potential health impacts of excessive flavonoid intake.
Barbara, what's a nice girl like you doing writing an article like this? : the scientific basis of folk remedies for colds and flu.
Treating fibromyalgia.
Effects of various levels of dietary Artemisia abyssinica leaves on rats.
Evidence based complementary medicine--does it exist? The first international congress discussed value, safety and risks
Serious alternative medicine can be a complement
Therapy of cancers from the viewpoint of the Austrian population
Toxicological evaluation of New Zealand deer velvet powder. Part I: acute and subchronic oral toxicity studies in rats.
Treatment of protrusion of lumbar intervertebral disc by pulling and turning manipulations.
Two hundred and seventeen cases of winter diseases treated with acupoint stimulation in summer.
Clinical observations on 109 cases of vocal nodules treated with acupuncture and Chinese drugs.
Efficacy and effect of SI17 therapy on pancreatic polypeptide in vascular and tension-type headache.
Actions of NO and INOS on endotoxin induced rat acute lung injury and effect of rhubarb on them.
Acupuncture treatment of common cold.
Comparison of pharmacological treatment versus acupuncture treatment for migraine without aura--analysis of socio-medical parameters.
Acupuncture techniques handed down from Dr. Zheng Kuishan's family.
Acupuncture ameliorates AIDS symptoms in 36 cases.
Prof. Sheng Canruo's experience in acupuncture treatment of throat diseases with yan si xue.
Effect of acupuncture on serum magnesium level in treatment of migraine.
One hundred cases of sciatica treated by surrounding puncture.
Electroacupuncture for treatment of 12 cases of infantile peroneal nerve injury.
Eighty cases of injury of the superior cluneal nerve treated by electroacupuncture.
Auricular-plaster therapy plus acupuncture at zusanli for postoperative recovery of intestinal function.
Therapeutic effect of massotherapy for prospermia.
Acupuncture treatment of enuresis.
The use of complementary and alternative therapies.
The self as healer: reflections from a nurse's journey.
Meridian therapy: current research and implications for critical care.
Holistic medicine and patient care management by family practice/ specialists
A short history of a long tradition. Qi: the basis of Chinese medicine.
An émigré physician: Dr David (Didier) Roth, homoeopath, art collector, and inventor of calculating machines.
Establishment of a novel in vitro system for studying the interaction of xenobiotic metabolism of liver and intestinal microflora.
Vasorelaxing effects of Caesalpinia sappan involvement of endogenous nitric oxide.
A brief overview of the analgesic and immunologic effects of acupuncture in domestic animals.
Effectiveness of the Kampo kami-shoyo-san (TJ-24) for tremor of antipsychotic-induced parkinsonism.
Correlation of carnitine levels to methionine and lysine intake.
Thromboxane-B(2) levels in serum of rabbits receiving a single intravenous dose of aqueous extract of garlic and onion.
Herbal medicines for asthma: a systematic review.
Pressure pain threshold and needle acupuncture in chronic tension-type headache--a double-blind placebo-controlled study.
Nonoperative treatments for sciatica: a pilot study for a randomized clinical trial.
Effects of spinal manipulative therapy on autonomic activity and the cardiovascular system: a case study using the electrocardiogram and arterial tonometry.
Chiropractic patients in the Netherlands: a descriptive study.
Upper cervical chiropractic management of a patient with Parkinson's disease: a case report.
Urinary 1-methylhistidine is a marker of meat consumption in Black and in White California Seventh-day Adventists.
Standard of care for alternative medicine.
Fads and fashion.
The role of physiotherapy in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
An investigation to compare the effectiveness of carpal bone mobilisation and neurodynamic mobilisation as methods of treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome.
PEDro. A database of randomized trials and systematic reviews in physiotherapy.
Bilateral buttock pain caused by aortic stenosis: a case report of claudication of the buttock.
A newly developed spinal simulator.
Evidence based practice-review and clinical trials.
Dietary supplementation with aged garlic extract inhibits ADP-induced platelet aggregation in humans.
Amelioration of alloxan induced diabetes mellitus and oxidative stress in rats by oil of Eruca sativa seeds.
Homocysteine levels in vegetarians versus omnivores.
Ethnobotany and its role in drug development.
Inhibitory effects of sudanese medicinal plant extracts on hepatitis C virus (HCV) protease.
Preliminary screening of some traditional Zulu medicinal plants for antineoplastic activities versus the HepG2 cell line.
Flavonol glycosides from Aristeguietia discolor reduce morphine withdrawal in vitro.
Evaluation of antitussive potential of Jussiaea suffruticosa linn. extract in albino mice.
Antiulcer effectiveness of Maytenus aquifolium spray dried extract.
Cytotoxic activity of Agave intermixta L. (Agavaceae) and Cissus sicyoides L. (Vitaceae).
Inhibition of chemically induced liver carcinogenesis in Wistar rats by garlic (Allium sativum).
Effect of Withania somnifera glycowithanolides on iron-induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
Combined antiinfluenza virus activity of Flos verbasci infusion and amantadine derivatives.
In Process Citation
Integration of complementary disciplines into the oncology clinic. Part IV. The chiropractor's role in pain management for oncology patients.
Herbal tea in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.
Garlic ameliorates hyperlipidemia in chronic aminonucleoside nephrosis.
Isopathy: nostrum or nocebo? Where now?
Is homeopathic 'immunotherapy' effective? A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with the isopathic remedy Betula 30c for patients with birch pollen allergy.
No beneficial effect of isopathic prophylactic treatment for birch pollen allergy during a low-pollen season: a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of homeopathic Betula 30c.
Evaluation of 2LHERP in preventing recurrences of genital herpes. Institut International 3IDI.
Audit of outcome in 829 consecutive patients treated with homeopathic medicines.
Inter-rater reliability of symptom repertorisation: a pragmatic empirical study.
More trials, fewer placebos, please.
Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis: Budapest, Hungary, 13-17 May, 2000.
Natural treatment of perennial allergic rhinitis.
The use of ascorbigen in the treatment of fibromyalgia patients: a preliminary trial.
A method of local skin perfusion detection.
Mental disorders and the use of alternative medicine: results from a national survey.
Effects of electro-acupuncture on nerve growth factor and ovarian morphology in rats with experimentally induced polycystic ovaries.
Medieval contributions to the search for truth in clinical medicine.
Therapeutic applications of medicinal plants in the treatment of breast cancer: a review of their pharmacology, efficacy and tolerability.
Cosmetics. A dermatologist looks to the future: promises and problems.
Efficacy of newer medications for treating depression in primary care patients.
The way forward is to know the way back: the benefits of being adventurous.
The cat sat on the mat: evolution of a scientific debate.
The WHO forum on traditional medicine in health systems, Harare, Zimbabwe, February 14-18, 2000.
Use of complementary medicine by adult patients participating in HIV/AIDS clinical trials.
A pilot evaluation of the anti-inflammatory activity of Culcasia scandens, a traditional antirheumatic agent.
Use of herbal therapies by adults seen in an ambulatory care research setting: an exploratory survey.
Chiropractic through the eyes of physiotherapists, manual therapists, and osteopaths in The Netherlands.
Patient risk-taking attitude and the use of complementary and alternative medical services.
Role of herbal compounds (PC-SPES) in hormone-refractory prostate cancer: two case reports.
Traditional medicine and HIV/AIDS in Africa: a report from the International Conference on Medicinal Plants, Traditional Medicine and Local Communities in Africa (a parallel session to the Fifth Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, Nairobi, Kenya, May 16-19, 2000).
Use of complementary and alternative medicine in the treatment of asthma.
Novel therapy for asthma.
Risk issues associated with complementary and alternative medicine.
Some emerging liabilities in complementary and alternative medicine.
The Medical Examining Board and alternative medicine.
The role of complementary and alternative medicine.
Effect of a novel mucoadhesive polysaccharide obtained from tamarind seeds on the intraocular penetration of gentamicin and ofloxacin in rabbits.
Common herbal remedies.
Drug-induced inhibition of the peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor expression and cell proliferation in human breast cancer cells.
Understanding mechanism of action versus alleviating suffering.
The case against alternative medicine.
Reactions of patients to complementary medicine
Concepts of traditional Oriental medicine.
Alternative medicine. Willow bark for low back pain.
What are the uses and dangers of kava?
St. John's wort for depression.
Oxidative injury in diseases of the central nervous system: focus on Alzheimer's disease.
The use of revised Oswestry Disability Questionnaire.
Beer and breastfeeding.
Just the fax, ma'am. A Denver PPO automates treatment authorizations, speeding and standardizing the entire process.
Up in smoke: the medicinal marijuana debate.
Food at Chicago-area hospital comes clean.
The alternative model.
Drug screening: interactions, pitfalls, and techniques.
Complementary and alternative medicine in the management of pain, dyspnea, and nausea and vomiting near the end of life. A systematic review.
Can singing exercises reduce snoring? A pilot study.
Efficacy of a potentized homeopathic drug (Arsenicum-Aalbum-30) in reducing cytotoxic effects produced by arsenic trioxide in mice: IV. Pathological changes, protein profiles, and content of DNA and RNA.
A blinded investigation into the accuracy of reflexology charts.
A survey of acupuncture patients: results from a questionnaire among a random sample in the general population in Norway.
The perceived efficacy of homeopathy and orthodox medicine: a vignette-based study.
Complementary medicine: the Southampton undergraduate experience.
Ethical issues in complementary and alternative medicine.
The complementary/ alternative medicine debate: a perpetuation of myths?
On the prescription of injection preparations Iscador and Helixor
USA takes the alternative medicine seriously. Report form a conference on complementary and alternative medicine
Excessive dietetic restrictions in children
Adverse effects of herbal drugs in dermatology.
Lupus erythematosus and nutrition: a review of the literature.
Homeopathy: more than a placebo?
Herbal remedies and cancer.
I've heard that certain herbal medicines can interfere with the PSA blood test for prostate cancer screening. Is that true?
Arthritis care: comparison of physicians' and patients' views.
Circumstances of post-neonatal deaths in Ceara, Northeast Brazil: mothers' health care-seeking behaviors during their infants' fatal illness.
BMA approves acupuncture. BMA report is wrong.
BMA approves acupuncture. Is approval of acupuncture for back pain really evidence based?
Treatments for fatigue in multiple sclerosis: a rapid and systematic review.
Training primary care physicians to give limited manual therapy for low back pain: patient outcomes.
Osteoarthritis: new insights. Part 2: treatment approaches.
WebWatch--Women's Health & Gender-Based Medicine. Healthy aging.
Herbal supplements for renal patients: what do we know?
Warts and molluscum contagiosum: practical point of view
"Acupuncture". 15 years of Pain- and Acupuncture Clinic of the Neurological Department, Vienna-Lainz Municipal Hospital
Principles and application of acupuncture in neurology
Acupuncture and other forms of treatment for patients with chronic back pain
Acupuncture in neurology
Principles of traditional Chinese medicine
Oncologic mistletoe therapy: physicians' use and estimation of efficiency
Chronic regional pain syndrome, type 1: Part II.
Results of the use of pumpan preparation in the treatment of severe forms of angina pectoris
Los Angeles College of Chiropractic practice model.
'Call docs' in your living room: a wide range of services--even complementary medicine--comes home.
Unusual to display women giving births
Patterns and problems of deliberate self-poisoning in the developing world.
Turkish folk medicinal plants, part III: Sile (Istanbul).
The efficacy of Eleutherococcus and cralonin in the sanatorium-health resort treatment of patients with ischemic heart disease and neurocirculatory dystonia
The role of 'African chemists' in the health care system of the Eastern Cape province of South Africa.
General practitioners' attitudes toward complementary therapies.
Drug development with hints from traditional Indian Ayurveda medicine: hepatitis and rheumatoid as an example.
The sternoclavicular joint: variants of the discus articularis.
The psychosocial aspects of complementary and alternative medicine.
Current trends in bladder cancer treatment.
An investigation on the antimutagenic properties of South African herbal teas.
Digitalic therapy. Historical outline
Using complementary and alternative techniques--acupuncture.
Diabetic neuropathy
Chorioretinal blood flow changes following acupuncture between thumb and forefinger
Double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot and phase III study of activity of standardized Andrographis paniculata Herba Nees extract fixed combination (Kan jang) in the treatment of uncomplicated upper-respiratory tract infection.
Rhodiola rosea in stress induced fatigue--a double blind cross-over study of a standardized extract SHR-5 with a repeated low-dose regimen on the mental performance of healthy physicians during night duty.
Hypotensive action of coumarin glycosides from Daucus carota.
Chemical, pharmacological and clinical profile of the East Asian medical plant Centella asiatica.
Homoeopathy may not be effective in preventing malaria.
A drug over the millennia: pharmacognosy, chemistry, and pharmacology of licorice.
Chemical studies on the analgesic indole alkaloids from the traditional medicine (Mitragyna speciosa) used for opium substitute
Intra-articular kinematics of the normal glenohumeral joint in the late preparatory phase of throwing: Kaltenborn's rule revisited.
Blood pressure response to acupuncture in a population at risk for autonomic dysreflexia.
Serum fatty acid, lipid profile and dietary intake of Hong Kong Chinese omnivores and vegetarians.
Assessment of the association of Kava-Kava extract and hormone replacement therapy in the treatment of postmenopause anxiety
Chinese proprietary medicine in Singapore: regulatory control of toxic heavy metals and undeclared drugs.
Constituents of red yeast rice, a traditional Chinese food and medicine.
Beneficial effect of pollen and/or propolis on the metabolism of iron, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium in rats with nutritional ferropenic anemia.
Protection against nitric oxide toxicity by tea.
Panax (ginseng) is not a panacea.
Garlic: effects on cardiovascular risks and disease, protective effects against cancer, and clinical adverse effects.
Polyunsaturated fatty acid status of Dutch vegans and omnivores.
Short-term supplementation of low-dose gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), or GLA plus ALA does not augment LCP omega 3 status of Dutch vegans to an appreciable extent.
Herbal medicines: current trends in anesthesiology practice--a hospital survey.
Beneficial effect of ginseng root in SOD-1 (G93A) transgenic mice.
Protective effect of Oren-gedoku-to (Huang-Lian-Jie-Du-Tang) against impairment of learning and memory induced by transient cerebral ischemia in mice.
The analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of Portulaca oleracea L. subsp. Sativa (Haw.) Celak.
Use of alternative medicine in a sample of HIV-positive gay men: an exploratory study of prevalence and user characteristics.
Prevention of lung cancer. The new millennium.
Topical application of garlic reduces northern fowl mite infestation in laying hens.
In-vitro antioxidant and in-vivo photoprotective effect of three lyophilized extracts of Sedum telephium L. leaves.
Effects of naturally occurring stilbene glucosides from medicinal plants and wine, on tumour growth and lung metastasis in Lewis lung carcinoma-bearing mice.
Complementary and alternative medicine in rheumatology.
Effect of acupuncture treatment on uterine motility and cyclooxygenase-2 expression in pregnant rats.
Vegan diet alleviates fibromyalgia symptoms.
Huanglian, A chinese herbal extract, inhibits cell growth by suppressing the expression of cyclin B1 and inhibiting CDC2 kinase activity in human cancer cells.
An anti-inflammatory from the South Seas: Lyprinol
Anti-inflammatory effects of a stabilized lipid extract of Perna canaliculus (Lyprinol).
Patient education and herbal dietary supplements.
Novel unconventional therapeutic approaches to atopic eczema.
A study of alternative health care use for gastrointestinal disorders.
Vertebral artery dissection: warning symptoms, clinical features and prognosis in 26 patients.
Normal medical practice of referring patients for complementary therapies among Australian general practitioners.
The story of naturopathic education in Australia.
What constitutes treatment effectiveness? -- the differential judgements of Chinese Aaustralian patients and doctors.
General practitioners, complementary therapies and evidence-based medicine: the defence of clinical autonomy.
Traditional Chinese medicine syndromes in women with frequently recurring cystitis: frequencies of syndromes and symptoms.
Does experience of the 'occult' predict use of complementary medicine? Experience of, and beliefs about, both complementary medicine and ways of telling the future.
Herbs and the perioperative patient.
Lords call for regulation of complementary medicine.
Effect of ginger tea on the fetal development of Sprague-Dawley rats.
Restoration of propulsive peristalsis of the esophagus in achalasia.
Lack of effect of acupuncture upon signs and symptoms of delayed onset muscle soreness.
Inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthesis by the herbal preparation Padma 28 in macrophage cell line.
Epidemiology and predictors of infant morbidity in rural Malawi.
Complementary alternative medicine in health and mental health: implications for social work practice.
Contribution of dietary protein to sulfide production in the large intestine: an in vitro and a controlled feeding study in humans.
A new toy: upswing in curare use in Spanish anesthesia
Severe postoperative nausea and vomiting in a parkinsonian patient.
Development of food products based on millets, legumes and fenugreek seeds and their suitability in the diabetic diet.
Trust and the healing encounter: an examination of an unorthodox healing performance.
Short-term outcomes of chronic back pain patients on an airbed vs innerspring mattresses.
Electroacupuncture for control of myeloablative chemotherapy-induced emesis: A randomized controlled trial.
Allergenicity of common foods restricted in respiratory allergy.
Adverse neuropsychiatric reactions to herbal and over-the-counter "antidepressants".
A comparison of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 protease inhibition activities by the aqueous and methanol extracts of Chinese medicinal herbs.
Herbal hepatotoxicity: an expanding but poorly defined problem.
A double-blind, placebo-controlled study on the effects of Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) on acoustic startle response in healthy subjects.
Bach flower therapy. What is the value of a water-brandy mixture?
Mistletoe therapy. An alternative cancer treatment
Psychological, social and economic situation of women surgically treated for cancer
Pollen mixtures used as health food may be a harmful source of allergens.
Cardiovascular risk factors in vegetarians. Normalization of hyperhomocysteinemia with vitamin B(12) and reduction of platelet aggregation with n-3 fatty acids.
3rd International Congress on Phytomedicine. October 11-13, 2000. Munich, Germany. Abstracts.
Altered sensitivity to anti-endometriosis medicines in an adenomyosis patient with thyroid dysfunction.
Medical treatment modalities for lower urinary tract symptoms: what are the relevant differences in randomised controlled trials?
How are lower urinary tract symptoms managed in real life practice? The French experience.
Complications of illegal induced abortions at Bamako (Mali) between December 1997 and November 1998
The effect on staff of essential oil burners in extended care settings.
Notes from the American Society of Anesthesiologists annual meeting.
Does your assessment include alternative therapies?
Complementary therapies. Phytotherapy
Evaluation of the antibacterial and hemolytic activities of Latvian herbal preparation.
Some gaps cannot be bridged.
Acupuncture on clinical symptoms and urodynamic measurements in spinal-cord-injured patients with detrusor hyperreflexia.
Gahat: a Napalese cure for urolithiasis?
The plant kingdom as a source of anti-ulcer remedies.
Beneficial effects of flavonoids from Sesamum indicum, Emblica officinalis and Momordica charantia.
Inhibitory effects of cimicifugae rhizoma extracts on histamine, bradykinin and COX-2 mediated inflammatory actions.
Toxicity and genotoxicity of antimalarial alkaloid rich extracts derived from Mitragyna inermis O. Kuntze and Nauclea latifolia.
Pharmacological and antimicrobial studies on different tea-tree oils (Melaleuca alternifolia, Leptospermum scoparium or Manuka and Kunzea ericoides or Kanuka), originating in Australia and New Zealand.
Analgesic and antiinflammatory activities of an extract from Parkia biglobosa used in traditional medicine in the Ivory Coast.
Antioxidant activity of the extracts from fruiting bodies of cultured Cordyceps sinensis.
The effect of transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation in patients with therapy-resistant hypertension.
Nutrition, part II. Should you be eating garlic for your health?
Risks associated with the practice of traditional Chinese medicine: an Australian study.
Cardiac tamponade following acupuncture.
In Process Citation
Preseasonal local allergoid immunotherapy to grass pollen in children: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial.
Is alternative medicine acceptable in allergology?
Interaction between human complement and a pectin type polysaccharide fraction, PMII, from the leaves of Plantago major L.
Garlic induces a shift in cytokine pattern in Leishmania major-infected BALB/c mice.
Does spinal manipulation have specific treatment effects?
Selections from current literature. Complementary therapies for nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy.
Effect of acupuncture-like stimulation on cortical cerebral blood flow in anesthetized rats.
Randomized phase III study comparing Best Supportive Care to Biafine as a prophylactic agent for radiation-induced skin toxicity for women undergoing breast irradiation: Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) 97-13.
Functional foods and cardiovascular disease.
Current and future treatments for cognitive deficits in dementia.
Using case studies for prescribing research - an example from homoeopathic prescribing.
Garlic burns.
New stilbene carboxylic acid from Convolvulus hystrix.
Use of acupuncture for managing chronic pelvic pain in pregnancy. A case report.
What can general practice learn from complementary medicine?
Why aromatherapy works.
Why aromatherapy works.
Blood lead levels of a population group not occupationally exposed to lead in Singapore.
Psychiatrists' experience and views regarding St John's Wort and 'alternative' treatments.
The prevalence, classification and treatment of mental disorders among attenders of native faith healers in rural Pakistan.
Quality management and research. A pragmatic concept for evaluation and optimization of complementary medicine within the framework of hospital and practitioner relations
Effect of stabilizing versus destabilizing interactions on plasminogen activator inhibitor-1.
American Diabetes Association 60th Scientific Sessions, 2000: nutrition, lipids, and alternative medicine.
Clarifying convention session on alternative therapies.
Turkish migrant women encountering health care in Stockholm: a qualitative study of somatization and illness meaning.
Mind-body therapies for the treatment of fibromyalgia. A systematic review.
Acupuncture for episodic tension-type headache: a multicentre randomized controlled trial.
Joint Position Statement: nutrition and athletic performance. American College of Sports Medicine, American Dietetic Association, and Dietitians of Canada.
Herbs: have you had your plant today?
Ursolic acid triggers calcium-dependent apoptosis in human Daudi cells.
Alternative medicine use in older Americans.
Osteopathic medicine in the treatment of low back pain.
The neuro-ophthalmologic complications of cervical manipulation.
Herbal and alternative medicine.
Molecular farming of pharmaceutical proteins.
Invited comment on: Wilhelm Schlesinger: Feuilleton: a magnetiseur. From: Wien med Wschr 1851;1:75-77
Hemorrhage after the preoperative use of complementary and alternative medicines.
The use of complementary and alternative medicine by primary care patients. A SURF*NET study.
Scientific evidence of alternative treatments available.
Comparison between chinese medical herb Pueraria lobata crude extract and its main isoflavone puerarin antioxidant properties and effects on rat liver CYP-catalysed drug metabolism.
Systematic review of treatments for atopic eczema.
Effects of daily oral administration of quercetin chalcone and modified citrus pectin on implanted colon-25 tumor growth in Balb-c mice.
Risk factors for poor iron status in British toddlers: further analysis of data from the National Diet and Nutrition Survey of children aged 1.5-4.5 years.
The versatile August Bier (1861-1949), father of spinal anesthesia.
The use of alternative therapies in the support of breastfeeding.
Alternative medicine cuts costs as therapy.
Novel approaches to chemoprevention of skin cancer.
The antibacterial activity of tea in vitro and in vivo (in patients with impetigo contagiosa).
Prophylactic treatments of migraine
Treatment of tension headache
Long-term disease management needs of southern African Americans with diabetes.
What is complementary medicine?
Complementary medicine. Searching for the evidence.
Acupuncture in general practice.
Homeopathy. An overview.
Herbs and cardiovascular disease. From past to present.
Herb-drug interaction guide.
Aromatherapy again.
Effectiveness of Formica rufa and autologous blood injection in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: a double-blind randomized study
Ephedra dangers documented.
Malaria in the United Republic of Tanzania: cultural considerations and health-seeking behaviour.
Nil nocere! Phytotherapy causing nephropathy
Acupuncture covered by national health insurance?
Price of visiting a quack--case reports.
Acupuncture can work, and it's not just wishful thinking.
Position of the American Dietetic Association, Dietitians of Canada, and the American College of Sports Medicine: Nutrition and athletic performance.
Complementary medicine: time for critical engagement.
Mechanical force spinal manipulation increases trunk muscle strength assessed by electromyography: a comparative clinical trial.
A new symmetry-based scoring method for posture assessment: evaluation of the effect of insoles with mineral derivatives.
The role of chiropractic in primary care: findings of four community studies.
The effects of metronome breathing on the variability of autonomic activity measurements.
Resolution of suckling intolerance in a 6-month-old chiropractic patient.
Conservative chiropractic care of lateral epicondylitis.
A normal spinal position: It's time to accept the evidence.
First aid and emergency care education for chiropractic students: a course at Macquarie University.
Metabolic vitamin B12 status on a mostly raw vegan diet with follow-up using tablets, nutritional yeast, or probiotic supplements.
Homeopathic Arnica in postoperative haematomas: a double-blind study.
Critical evaluation of the effect of valerian extract on sleep structure and sleep quality.
Effect of three mouthrinses, containing amine/stannous fluoride, herbal extracts or Emser salt on the growth of oral bacteria--an in vitro study.
What strategies can women use to optimise bone health at this stage of life?
What is the role of phytoestrogens in treating menopausal symptoms?
Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
Cascara sagrada-induced intrahepatic cholestasis causing portal hypertension: case report and review of herbal hepatotoxicity.
Integrity and research: introducing the concept of dual blindness. how blind are double-blind clinical trials in alternative medicine?
Prospective cohort trial of Euphrasia single-dose eye drops in conjunctivitis.
Mechanism of increased tolerance to hypothermia after composite Indian herbal preparation II administration.
Immunomodulatory effects of acupuncture in the treatment of allergic asthma: a randomized controlled study.
Ethnic differences in complementary and alternative medicine use among cancer patients.
Ruscus aculeatus (butcher's broom) as a potential treatment for orthostatic hypotension, with a case report.
The effect of a traditional Chinese prescription for a case of lung carcinoma.
Cervicogenic dizziness: a review of diagnosis and treatment.
Acupuncture in headache: a critical review.
Chronotherapy in traditional Chinese medicine.
Laser acupuncture for adolescent smokers--a randomized double-blind controlled trial.
Immunoassays for the quantitation of porcine PAI-1 antigen and activity in biological fluid samples.
Spiritual healing at a public psychiatric institution
Acupuncture massage vs Swedish massage and individual exercise vs group exercise in low back pain sufferers--a randomized controlled clinical trial in a 2 x 2 factorial design
Nutrients of natural origin for prevention and treatment of radiation disease in experiment
History of St. Johns wort
New research website.
Who was Elizabeth Okeover?
Antioxidants in vegan diet and rheumatic disorders.
Suppressive effects of Neiting acupuncture on toothache: an experimental analysis on Fos expression evoked by tooth pulp stimulation in the trigeminal subnucleus pars caudalis and the periaqueductal gray of rats.
The effectiveness of community-based programs for chemically dependent offenders: a review and assessment of the research.
The long-term effects of homeopathic treatment of chronic headaches: 1 year follow up.
Phytotherapy of renal lithiasis: myth and reality
Chronic urticaria: a Canadian perspective on patterns and practical management strategies.
Does spinal manipulation really cure gallstones? Alternative medicine and the general surgeon.
Managed chiropractic.
A randomized trial of aromatherapy to reduce anxiety before abortion.
Aromatherapy: ineffective treatment or effective placebo?
Complementary medicine. Nontraditional remedies: moving mainstream?
No long-term benefits for garlic.
African research. Traditional and modern medicine merge to save lives.
The validity of health claims on the World Wide Web: a systematic survey of the herbal remedy Opuntia.
Scientists say chocolate might be sweet for hearts.
Remedies from nature make new health claims.
More than sympathy: tea now brews up health benefits and gourmet appeal.
Evidence-based complementary care: the librarian's role on a Complementary Medicine Assessment Committee.
Treatment of acute tonsillitis with a fixed-combination herbal preparation.
Effects of Symphytum ointment on muscular symptoms and functional locomotor disturbances.
Ask patients about use of herbs.
Fighting the silo mentality.
Patient power. Arming yourself to fight the flu.
Ginkgo biloba extract ameliorates gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats.
Free radical scavenging action of medicinal herbs from Mongolia.
Complementary medicine: health care trends for the new millennium.
Effects of Herbal vX on libido and sexual activity in premenopausal and postmenopausal women.
Use of traditional health practices among Native Americans in a primary care setting.
Re-analysis of previous meta-analysis of clinical trials of homeopathy.
Web alert.
Looking at a 14th-century recipe against skin disease.
Pharmacopuncture in combined treatment of children with neurosensory hypoacusis
Chiropractic, knowledge and politics
Homeopathy--only a placebo?
Natural remedies: the hazards of unasked questions.
One more fallen angel.
Mutual accommodation or biomedical hegemony? Anthropological perspectives on global issues in midwifery.
Global midwifery and local traditional birth attendants at the millennium.
Weaving cultural exchange: midwives working together.
Marion's message. Respect in cross cultural midwifery.
Is starch the answer for cholera?
Manual therapy from the viewpoint of the neuropediatrician
Family medicine between west and east.
The role of traditional medicine.
Views of mental illness in Morocco: Western medicine meets the traditional symbolic.
Alternative medicine. CAM can do.
Herbal supplements. Potion patrol.
Effects of Tarchonanthus camphoratus and Eriocephalus africanus on nociception in mice and pyrexia in rats.
American ginseng improves glycemia in individuals with normal glucose tolerance: effect of dose and time escalation.
Relative weight, weight loss efforts and nutrient intakes among health-conscious vegetarian, past vegetarian and nonvegetarian women ages 18 to 50.
Scrutiny of alternative medicine. "Distant healing"--a special kind of telemedicine
Successful and not so successful chemoprevention of tobacco smoke-induced lung tumors.
Chemoprevention of vinyl carbamate-induced lung tumors in strain A mice.
Complementary medicine: viable models.
Complementary and alternative medicine: an opportunity for reform.
Observations from a bottom-line-oriented true believer.
Treatment of depression with St. Johns wort in general practice
St. Johns wort extract as plant antidepressant
Treatment of dysthymia
Medicine 2000 years ago: the case of Qumran and other biblical sites.
Improving the provision of traditional health knowledge for rural communities in Ghana.
Occupational health in the USA in the 21st century.
Bradyarrhythmia due to Rauwolfia in homeopathic doses.
Acupuncture/acupressure to treat gagging dental patients: a clinical study of anti-gagging effects.
Trigeminal neuralgia--an update.
Cancer chemoprevention and apoptosis mechanisms induced by dietary polyphenolics.
Effect of the grapefruit flavonoid naringin on pharmacokinetics of quinine in rats.
Diet and lung cancer: a new approach.
Allelic polymorphism of GSTM1 and NAT2 genes modifies dietary-induced DNA damage in colorectal mucosa.
Effects of manual therapy on pain reflex syndromes and various hemocoagulation parameters in patients with ischemic heart disease after surgical treatment
Pathogenesis of endotoxemia and multiple organ failure in case of mechanical jaundice and their aggravation after the relief of cholestasis.
UK and German media differ over complementary medicine.
HIV/AIDS programmes should focus on improved access.
Forgotten target for marijuana: the endocannabinoid system in the gut.
A provider's perspective: current issues in providing and funding complementary medical care.
Effectiveness of acupuncture in chronic pain--systematic overview. Ezzo J, Berman B, Hadhazy VA, Jadad AR, Lao L, Singh BB: Is acupuncture effective for the treatment of chronic pain: A systematic review. Pain 2000; 86:217-225
Hui KK, Liu J, Makris N, Gollub RL, CHen AJ, Moore CI, Kennedy DN, Rosen BR, Kwong KK: Acupuncture modulates the limbic system and subcortical gray structures of the human brain: Evidence from fMRI studies in normal subjects. Hum Brain Mapp 2000; 9: 13-25
Meeting report: 1. Union congress, May 26-27 2000, Berne. Complementary medicine and school medicine: combined for the patient
Swiss Medical Society for Phytotherapy. Mahonia aquifolium (Pursh) Nutt. as a dermatologic plant: pharmacologic and clinico-pharmacologic studies
The International Congress on Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorders, May 13-14, 2000, Seoul, South Korea.
Dental self-care among dentate adults: contrasting problem-oriented dental attenders and regular dental attenders.
Bioavailability and possible benefits of wheat intake naturally enriched with selenium and its products.
Potential therapeutic usefulness of cannabis and cannabinoids
Biological activity of feijoa peel extracts.
Antiproliferative and anticarcinogenic effects of an aqueous preparation of Abies alba and Viscum album se abies, on a L-1210 malignant cell line and tumor-bearing Wistar rats.
The effectiveness of auricular micro-needle acupuncture in the early postoperative period under conditions of day surgical unit
A century of evolution, and revolution, in research and development of drugs
St. John's Wort.
A case-control study of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in Japan: transplantation of cadaveric dura mater was a risk factor.
Psychovegetative changes and their correction in patients with peptide ulcer
Circulating immune complexes in acute concussion of the brain
The legal and ethical issues raised by the practice of alternative and homeopathic medicine in the Caribbean.
The use of herbal teas and remedies in Jamaica.
Clinical efficacy and immunoregulatory and neurohumoral effects of MM therapy in patients with atopic dermatitis.
The use of herbal preparations for tick control in western Ethiopia.
Incidence and management of malaria in two communities of different socio-economic level, in Accra, Ghana.
The ethics of alternative medicine therapies.
Children in hospital: a design question.
Experimental evaluation of Bocopa monniera on rat gastric ulceration and secretion.
The Amish people and the simple life--glimpses from the history, society and health of a religious minority
Chemopreventive effects of coffee bean and rice constituents on colorectal carcinogenesis.
Traditional and alternative nutrition--levels of homocysteine and lipid parameters in adults.
Dietetics principles. The food pyramid. Disease-nutrition relationship
Homeopathy: let likes be cured by likes, Part II.
Homeopathy: let likes be cured by likes.
Herbal remedies: efficacy in controlling sleepiness and promoting sleep.
Anesthesiologist and chronic pain
Preferential utilization of healthcare systems by a Malaysian rural community for the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries.
Why bother about cytochrome P450 enzymes?
Complementary medicine.
The efficacy of traditional medicine: current theoretical and methodological issues.
Treatment of hemorrhoids from the viewpoint of the gastroenterologist. Personal experience with the Ginkor Fort preparation
Determination of marker constituents in radix Glycyrrhizae and radix Notoginseng by near infrared spectroscopy.
Antibacterial effect of some leaf extracts on Salmonella typhi.
Improving the success of homeopathy 2: Developing and demonstrating effectiveness. Proceedings of an international conference. 15-16 April 1999, London, United Kingdom.
Ginkgo biloba abolishes aggression in mice lacking MAO A.
Anxiolytic activity of Indian Hypericum perforatum Linn: an experimental study.
Alternative medicine here to stay.
Sir William Refshauge Lecture 1999. Drugs and nutrition.
More on herbs.
Reporting adverse events associated with herbal products.
Conservative treatment of erectile dysfunction. 2: Clinical trials.
Herbal treatments for menopause. Black cohosh, soy and micronized progesterone.
Modulation and its mechanism of low power laser on gastric acid secretion in rat
The studies on protective effects of SM against myocardial hypoxia/reoxygenation injury
Black and green tea and heart disease: a review.
Anti-tumor and anti-carcinogenic activities of triterpenoid, beta-boswellic acid.
Applications of immunomodulators in complex of treatment of the soft tissue purulent wounds
Alternative resources.
Summary from the 153rd meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. 13-18 May 2000, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
State legislation and the use of complementary and alternative medicine.
Ethnobotany and exchange of traditional medicines on the Southern Bolivian Altiplano.
Alternative medicine: to teach or not to teach.
Anticonvulsion effect of acupuncture might be related to the decrease of neuronal and inducible nitric oxide synthases.
The central mechanism of the depressor-bradycardia effect of "Tinggong.
Tolosa Hunt Syndrome--intractable pain treatment with acupuncture?
Preliminary results of a new method for locating auricular acupuncture points.
Milk thistle: effects on liver disease and cirrhosis and clinical adverse effects.
Acupuncture treatment of Parkinson's disease--a report of 29 cases.
Acupuncture treatment of 42 cases of insufficient blood supply to vertebrobasilar artery.
Remission of abdominal colic during enteroscopy by injecting vitamin K3 into Zusanli acupoint.
Twenty one cases of vertebral-artery-type cervical spondylosis treated with acupuncture and moxibustion.
Twenty-five cases of intractable cutaneous pruritus treated by auricular acupuncture.
Treatment of decortical state of child encephalitis with scalp acupuncture and the effects on EEG and BEAM.
Acupuncture treatment of sciatica.
Acupuncture: National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference statement.
Alternative medicine and parent involvement ... possibilities of a student project
In vitro multiplication of Peganum harmala--an important medicinal plant.
Herbal medicine: from the past to the future.
Epidemiologic challenges in the study of the efficacy and safety of medicinal herbs.
Phytotherapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Efficacy and safety of ginseng.
Efficacy and safety of St. John's wort for the treatment of major depression.
Efficacy and safety of a Ginkgo biloba extract.
The efficacy and safety of comfrey.
The efficacy and safety of feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium L.): an update of a systematic review.
Research and future trends in the pharmaceutical development of medicinal herbs from Chinese medicine.
Unmasking Dashkayah: storytelling and HIV prevention.
Enhancing prevention in primary care: are interventions targeted towards consumers' and providers' perceived needs?
Recognition of multiple information of human auricular points by linear model
Effects of epimedium on the expression of interleukin-6 messenger ribonucleic acid in bone of ovariectomized rat
What a physician should know about zeolites
Three therapeutic recipes from the pages of the baptismal record book of the Kastel Parish in Istria
A new source of herbal information on the Web: the IBIDS database.
Partial resistance of low density lipoprotein to oxidation in vivo after increased intake of berries.
Knowledge of dental health and diseases among dental patients, a multicentre study in Saudi Arabia.
'Ilko dacowo:' canine enucleation and dental sequelae in Somali children.
Protein intake in Indian haemodialysis patients.
The role of dietary protein restriction in Indian patients with chronic renal failure.
Effects of three different infant dentifrices on biofilms and oral microorganisms.
Quality of life evaluation in patients with HIV-I infection: the impact of traditional medicine in Zimbabwe.
Ineffectiveness of essential oils from Artemisia afra (Asteraceae), Lantana angiolensis (Verbenaceae) and Syzygium hiullense (Myrtaceae) in inhibiting mosquito biting.
Safety and efficacy of Eupatorium laevigatum paste as therapy for buccal aphthae: randomized, double-blind comparison with triamcinolone 0.1% orabase.
Asian traditional medicine: from molecular biology to organ circulation.
Herbs of activating blood circulation to remove blood stasis.
The therapeutic effect of Ginkgo biloba extract in SHR rats and its possible mechanisms based on cerebral microvascular flow and vasomotion.
Effects of Ginkgo biloba extract on somatosensory evoked potential, nitric oxide levels in serum and brain tissue in rats with cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Microvascular vasodilatory responses to electric acupuncture in rat brain under acute hemorrhagic hypotension.
Muscle control-pain control. What exercises would you prescribe?
Hypoalgesia post-manipulative therapy: a review of a potential neurophysiological mechanism.
Clinical reasoning and pain.
The effect of posteroanterior mobilisation on sagittal mobility of the lumbar spine.
Effects of a novel manipulative physiotherapy technique on tennis elbow: a single case study.
Reliability and concurrent validity of two instruments for measuring cervical range of motion: effects of age and gender.
The development of a new form of instrument fixation for the OSI CA 6000 spine motion analyzer.
Physiotherapists in the internal market.
Allium sativum potentiates suicide gene therapy for murine transitional cell carcinoma.
Regulation of natural medicines in Israel and abroad
Review: cardiovascular effect of garlic (Allium sativum)
Plants, polysaccharides, and the treatment and prevention of neoplasia.
Alternative medicine and the medical profession: views of medical students and general practitioners.
Hypoglycaemic effect of aqueous extract of the leaves of Trigonella foenum-graecum in healthy volunteers.
Analgesic effect of Pilostigma reticulatum (nguiguis)
The effect of ginkgo biloba on hypoxic pulmonary hypertension and the role of protein kinase C
Isolation of genes associated with renoprotective effects of astragalus and angelica by silver staining mRNA differential display
Anti-diarrhoeal and gastro-intestinal potentials of the aqueous extract of Phyllanthus amarus (Euphorbiaceae).
Seasonal variations of hydroxyanthraquinone content of cultivated Cassia spectabilis DC.
Influence of child nutrition on health status during adult years
Some basic features of the new sleep-aid tea (SAT) for the treatment of insomnia.
Management of patellofemoral problems.
Towards a theory of lumbar mobilisation-the relationship between applied manual force and movements of the spine.
Morphology of the cervical intervertebral disc: implications for McKenzie's model of the disc derangement syndrome.
A comparison of manual diagnosis with a diagnosis established by a uni-level lumbar spinal block procedure.
Anterior sacrodural attachments-Trolard's ligaments revisited.
Intra-operator and inter-operator reliability of the OSI CA 6000 Spine Motion Analyzer with a new skin fixation system.
Clinical applications of power spectral analysis of electromyographic investigations in muscle function.
Informed consent and manual therapy.
Treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia with the preparation Gentos
Hypericum perforatum: nature's mood stabilizer.
Dentistry in 1000 AD.
Semecarpus anacardium Linn. nuts--a boon in alternative medicine.
RM matters: understanding cultural differences.
Hepatitis C in Peru: risk factors for infection, potential iatrogenic transmission, and genotype distribution.
Living with infertility: experiences among Urban slum populations in Bangladesh.
The examination of the analgetic action of polarized light
Methods of visualization of biologically active points
Coronary heart disease risk factors in Indian adolescents the role of diet.
Studies on preventive and curative effects of berberine on chemical-induced hepatotoxicity in rodents.
Efficacy of an indigenous formulation in patients with bleeding piles: a preliminary clinical study.
In vitro cell-toxicity of Peganum harmala alkaloids on cancerous cell-lines.
Protective effect of Hemidesmus indicus against rifampicin and isoniazid-induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
Evaluation of antitumor activity of some medicinal plants of Bangladesh by potato disk bioassay.
Antinociceptive activity of Euphorbia heterophylla roots.
Antimicrobial activity of Fabaceae species used in Yucatan traditional medicine.
The major flavonoid of Dodonaea angustifolia.
A comparative pilot study of the effects of a dentifrice containing green tea bioflavonoids, sanguinarine or triclosan on oral bacterial biofilm formation.
Multi-drug therapy for the treatment of ALS. Introduction.
Good cop, bad cop: federal prosecution of state-legalized medical marijuana use after United States v. Lopez.
Description, distribution, anatomy, chemical composition and uses of Mimosa tenuiflora(Fabaceae-Mimosoideae) in Mexico
Inhibition of experimental cirrhosis in rats by HD-03.
The growing presence of complementary and alternative medicine.
Vegetarian diet in the treatment of fibromyalgia.
Position of Dietitians of Canada, the American Dietetic Association, and the American College of Sports Medicine: Nutrition and Athletic Performance.
Attitudes toward Tuberculosis in Vietnamese Immigrants.
Traditional herbal medicine, pharmacology and complementary alternative medicine (CAM): a preface to this special issue on herbal drugs.
Stimulatory effect of trans-cinnamaldehyde on norepinephrine secretion in cultured pheochromocytoma (PC-12) cells.
An emigre physician: Dr David (Didier) Roth, homoeopath, art collector, and inventor of calculating machines.
The vernacularization of science, medicine, and technology in late medieval Europe: broadening our perspectives.
Nurse education at the London Homeopathic Hospital 1903-1947: preparation for professional specialists or marginalised Cinderellas?
Alternative drugs: homeopathy, Royal Copeland, and federal drug regulation.
The herbal medicines of the mid-19th century botanical societies.
Exploration on features of early medical activities of Miao nationality
Clean round the bend - the etymology of jargon and slang terms for madness.
Discussion on sources of texts of Meng Sheng's Herbology of dietotherapy cited in Jinling edition of Compendium of materia medica
Academic achievements of Chen Xiuyuan's records of popular medicine (Yi xue cong zhong lu
Animal therapy over the ages: 5. American botanical medicine.
Inhibitory effect of ethyl acetate fraction from Cudrania tricuspidata on the expression of nitric oxide synthase gene in RAW 264.7 macrophages stimulated with interferon-gamma and lipopolysaccharide.
St. John's wort warning.
Utilisation of malarial drugs at a household level: results from a KAP study in Choma, southern province and Mporokoso, northern province of Zambia.
Traditional Maori healing.
Diagnosis in traditional Maori healing: a contemporary urban clinic.
Stimulatory effect of some plant extracts used in homeopathy on the phagocytosis induced chemiluminescence of polymorphonuclear leukocytes.
Effects of wild versus cultivated garlic on blood pressure and other parameters in hypertensive rats.
Alternative medicine for the conventional cardiologist.
Effect of Korea red ginseng on the blood pressure in conscious hypertensive rats.
Herbs and the common cold.
Herbal approaches to diabetes care. Uses demand more scientific study.
Recent advances in the understanding of acupuncture. 1978.
Helping patients evaluate quality of alternative medicine.
Traditional tattoos with neurological diseases in Togo
Decreased bone mineral density in female patients with systemic lupus erythematosus after long-term administration of Tripterygium Wilfordii Hook. F.
Rhubarb extracts in treating complications of severe cerebral injury
Comparative study of D2 receptors and dopamine content in striatum before and after electro-acupuncture treatment in rats.
Clinical study on effect of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook. f. on uterin leiomyoma
Experimental study on the influence of Gynostemma pentaphyllam Mak upon point mutation of Ha-ras oncogene in blocking leukoplakia from canceration
Clinical observation of elderly idiopathic nephrotic syndrome treated with integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine
Chinese medicinal herbs can be insidious for the liver
Can liver tolerate chinese medicinal herbs?
Treatment of 121 heroin addicts with Han's acupoint nerve stimulator
Strive for the adaptation of traditional medicine to the demand of healthcare
Effect of acupuncture on level of monoamines and activity of adenosine triphosphatase in lateral hypothalamic area of obese rats
Effect of ligustrazine injection on vascular endothelial cell of the patients with arteriosclerosis obliterans
Effect of Composite Salviae Dropping Pill on function of platelet activation in patients with unstable angina pectoris
Clinical observation on the mental symptoms of functional dyspepsia and its treatment
Clinical study on treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer with Chinese herbal medicine combined with synchronous radio- and chemotherapy
Influence of safflower injection on hemorheology of patients of chronic cor pulmonale during acute attack
Clinical observation on treatment of thyrotoxic exophthalmos with jiayanxiao plus tapazole
Contrast observation on preventive effect of different traditional Chinese medicine treatments on coronary artery ligation induced myocardial ischemia in rats with diabetes mellitus
Experimental study on effect of folium Ginkgo biloba in treating pulmonary interstitial fibrosis in rats
Observation on dynamic changes of serum procollagen III, hyaluronic acid and laminin in rats with hepatic fibrosis treated with Hujin pill
Exploration on protective effect of Chinese herbal medicines on hematopoietic and immune systems against radio-injury and its mechanism
Current status of modern medical researches on acupuncture
Review on the study of the mechanism of acupuncture in the treatment of asthma
Clinical and experimental study on yun'an granule in treating threatened abortion
Clinical application of combined acupuncture-drug anesthesia with isoflurane-induced hypotension in cerebral operation
Further clinical study of acupuncture anesthesia for supratentorial craniocerebral operations
Seeking behavior of patients with mental disorders and interfering factors
Anti-retroviral treatment in Nigeria: a review.
Regulatory effects of electro-acupuncture at Zusanli on ir-SP content in rat pituitary gland and peripheral blood and their immunity.
Hemorrhagic shock increases the occurrence of bacterial translocation
Recent court rulings on medical and non-medical marijuana.
Court rejects appeal for safe supply of medical marijuana.
Appeals heard on both medical and non-medical marijuana.
Cultural meanings of tuberculosis in Aceh Province, Sumatra.
Current concepts in optimum nutrition for cardiovascular disease.
A comparison of the use of alternative therapies among Mexican Americans and Anglo-Americans in the Texas Rio Grande Valley.
Moxibustion for breech presentation.
Aromatherapy for deaf and deafblind people living in residential accommodation.
Should nurses practise complementary therapies?
Clinical applications of acupuncture in anesthesia practice.
Pathological features of liver biopsy from 66 cases of long term blood donors with chronic hepatitis C
Fujian oversea Chinese and Chinese traditional pharmacist in Southeast Asia
Alternative and complementary modalities for managing stress and anxiety.
The effect of Shenmai injection on the expression of TNFalpha mRNA of the macrophages in scalded mice
An overview of herbal medications with implications for the school nurse.
Complementary and alternative medicine: the road less traveled?
The complex 'whole': exploring homoeopathic and spiritual considerations.
Traditional Chinese medicine: a case of dysmenorrhoea.
Ask the midwife. Prevention and care of hemorrhoids, including homeopathic remedies.
Vicki's hot pack creations.
The role of complementary and alternative medicine in cancer.
'Alternative cancer cures': looking for common ground.
Aroma therapy--help or hinderance.
St. John's Wort linked to kidney rejection.
Complementary and alternative medicine: the public wants more.
Assessment on application of Chinese herbs in process of corticosterone reduction in nephrotic syndrome
Chinese drugs for invigorating spleen to remove dampness, activating blood circulation to eliminate turbid in retarding progression of chronic renal failure
Clinical study on Shenning Mixture in treating IgA nephropathy
Clinical observation on operation of cerebral speech area under combined acupuncture-drug anesthesia
Clinical study on treatment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma by radio- and chemotherapy with supplementary moxibustion on Shenque point
Effect of qi replenishing and blood circulation activating drugs in treatment of middle-advanced pancreatic cancer with radio- and chemotherapy
Clinical and experimental study on treatment of bronchial asthma with pingchuan oral liquid
Clinical and experimental study on treatment of acute catarrhal otitis media with eryanling oral liquid
Observation on curative effect of acute ischemic cerebrovascular disease treated with different dosage of ligustrazine
Effect of yimai jiangya extract on plasma neuropeptide Y level in patients of senile hypertension with qi-deficiency and blood stasis syndrome
Study on the regulatory effect of Chinese herbal medicine on peritoneal lymphatic stomata and in enhancing drainage of ascites in mice with liver fibrosis
Mechanism of Rhubarb in preventing the occurrence of gastrointestinal function failure
Progress in the treatment of depression with new electroacupuncture
Clinical study on tangweikang capsule in treating diabetic nephropathy
Effect of different injections of Chinese herbal medicine on stress hormones and immune cell factors in patients of type 2 diabetes mellitus complicated with acute cerebral infarction
Clinical study on effect of combined treatment with shenlong oral liquid and radiotherapy in treating nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Clinical observation on effect of yixin yidu decoction in treating acute viral myocarditis
Dynamic changes of serum pro-inflammatory cytokines and anti-inflammatory cytokines in patients with acute infection and the effect of Chinese herbal medicine intervention
Clinical observation on treatment of pediatric intractable nephropathy with modified taohong siwu decoction
Study on effect of spine surgery on gastric function and its efficacy of relevant treatments
Experiences of Doctor Ye Shaoli in the treatment of children's diseases
Traditional Chinese medicine therapy of secondly hypoxia pulmonary arterial hypertension caused by chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases
Diagnosis and treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus with integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine
Clinical study on treatment of infantile rotaviral enteritis with Psidium guajava L.
Effect of yinchen dandao decoction on plasma fibronectin, biliary thromboxane A2 and prostaglandin I2 in human and animal suffering from acute cholangitis
What's new in pain management?
Alternative medicine. Illness from an earlier life.
A case for cannabis.
Is there a rational basis underlying alternative medicine?
St John's wort and drugs: what nurses need to know.
A herb for migraine.
Lavender for migraine, but holism works even better.
Ministers urged to back cannabis in pain control.
Lords critical of training in complementary therapies.
Haitian ethnomedical systems and biomedical practitioners: directions for clinicians.
Treating venous leg ulceration with complementary therapy.
Functional foods--can they provide a cure for ills?
Essential oils and miscarriage.
Mortality in British vegetarians.
The cognitive contexts of beliefs about the healthiness of meat.
Traditional pain management methods gain popularity.
Ensuring wheat bags are safe for patients.
Smoke screen: America's drug policy and medical marijuana.
Vegetarian diets. Are they good for pregnant women and their babies?
Exploring complementary and alternative medicine in pediatrics: parents and professionals working together for new understanding.
A peaceful home birth!?
Labour and the raspberry leaf herb.
Ballots in hand. Voters set to decide key questions of healthcare finance, medical policy.
Phytotherapeutic agents in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Phytotherapy for chronic prostatitis.
Acupuncture and oriental body work: traditional and modern biomedical concepts in holistic care--conceptual frameworks and biomedical developments.
Acupuncture and Oriental body work: traditional and biomedical concepts in holistic care: history and basic concepts.
Immune boosters. Mistletoe extract for HIV/AIDS?
Marijuana safety study completed: weight gain, no safety problems.
Other medical marijuana news.
Herbs, supplements and HIV.
Medical marijuana--is it safe?
Studies on medicinal plant resources of heizhu ravine in Ebian County and their sustainable utilization
Effect of Panax notoginseng saponins combined isovolumic haemodilution on the retinal microcirculation of patients with retinal vein occlusion
Studies on antitussive, antiasthmatic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects of Jin'an kechuan granules
Experimental study on effect of sanmiao mixture capsules on prostate hyperplasia in mice and rats
Effect of chuanwu and baishao used separately or in combination on adjuvant arthritis in rats
Clinical investigation of effects of bizhongxiao decoction (BZX) on rheumatoid arthritis on active phase
The electron probe microanalysis on oral precancer treated by garlic
Protective effect of traditional Chinese medicine nao-yi-an granule in experimental rats with hemorrhagic stroke
Efficacy of radiotherapy combined with Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in NPC patients
Study of intracranial hypertension from traumatic brain edema treated with eliminating the stagnant and catharsis with a small dose mannitol
Study on trace elements in epithelial cells during oral carcinogenesis prevented by garlic
"Bu-yang huanwu tang" inhibited the pathogentic process of atherosclerosis induced by cholesterol-rich diet in rabbits
An alternative perspective: homeopathic drugs, Royal Copeland, and federal drug regulation.
Dietary intakes and nutrient status of vegetarian preschool children from a British national survey.
A slow start to the new millennium. Zyvox, Concerta and Mifeprex headline the year.
Preclinical qualitative evaluation of the antitumoral pharmacodynamic action of some natural polyphenolic biopreparations.
Preclinical trial of the antitumoral therapeutic effectiveness of some natural polyphenolic biopreparations.
The experience of acupuncture for treatment of substance dependence.
Distinguish of the original fungi of the Chinese traditional medicine, hongqu with gas chromatography fuzzy clustering analytical method
Studies on senility retarding effect of qiangshengye liquid
Effect of extract from overground part of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook. f. on Masugi nephritis in rabbits
An experimental study on inhibitory effect of xinjierkang granules on virus myocarditis
An experimental study combined on traditional Chinese medicine with immunosuppressant for treatment and prevention of tubular interstitial nephritis
Effects of YMB injection on hemorheology in rats
Traditional Chinese herbal drugs in military medicine: uses and prospects
Effects of chuanxiong-chishao dispensing ratio on the pharmacokinetics of paeoniflorin in the canine
Separation and determination of glibenclamide in xiaotangling tablets by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography
Analysis of ginsenosides by high performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry(LC/MS/MS)
Value of intestinal decontamination by traditional Chinese medicine-X in the prevention of bacterial translocation complicated by severe acute pancreatitis in rats
Effect of Emblica officinalis tannoids on a rat model of tardive dyskinesia.
Observation on the effect of certain Chinese herbs against the intestinal parasites and mites in mice
The synergistic action of guanghuoxiang volatile oil and sodium artesunate against Plasmodium berghei and reversal of SA-resistant Plasmodium berghei
Resources and distribution of Cordyceps sinensis in Naqu Tibet
Unconventional dentistry: Part IV. Unconventional dental practices and products.
Alternative Medicine Use by Patients with Epilepsy.
What is complementary and alternative medicine?
Gastric solid emptying in diabetic rats and its respond to Chinese traditional medicine
Studies on urinary metabolites of perlolyrine in rats
Current status of the study on medicinal teas in China
Chemical constituents and pharmacological action of Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. Et Zucc

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