Ann Ital Chir. 2000 May-Jun; 71(3): 393-6.
[Ileal occlusion caused by enterolith migrated from Meckel's diverticulum]
Divisione di IV Semeiotica Chirurgica, Università di Roma La Sapienza.
The authors present a case report of an intestinal obstruction due to a relatively big coprolite migrated from a large Meckel's diverticulum to the distal Ileum. The patients apparently healthy and a vegetarian, complained on admission of the absence of emission of faeces and gas since four days before with noticeable abdominal distension. In the physical examination he presented intestinal meteorism, a hard abdomen, painful on deep palpation in the median quadrants, especially in the epigastric and mesogastric ones. The abdominal X-RAY in the standing position confirms: an occlusive state with numerous liquid levels in the Ileum. Because of a worsening of the symptomatology and the appearance of generalized comprimission, two days later an exploratory laparotomy was performed. The intervention showed the presence of a Meckel's diverticulum with approximately 10 cm in length, with an ample neck, the distal Ileum for approximately 15 cm in dilation returned rapidly to a normal calibre, after a pastous endoluminal formation borne in the Meckel's diverticulum (Meckel resection presented actually a large niche at the fundus level with a eroded wall) and migrated in the distal Ileum where it could cause the obstruction. In the present case it is probably useful to perform a preoperative CT scan in order to get a precise etiology and perform an ascending Colonscopy, so avoiding a surgical procedure. According to the authors a CT scan is indicated in all cases of intestinal occlusion of unknown case, in order to have a more precise definition of the physiopathology of the occlusion.
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