Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
March 2025

Bibliography — Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) — 1987

Implications of policy and management decisions on Maori health: contemporary issues and responses.
AHA settles chiropractor suit.
Anomalies in Soviet healthcare.
Integrating ancient and modern medicine in Chinese hospitals. The interaction among technology, traditional Chinese medicine, and health care.
Not Available
Claude O. Watkins: pioneer advocate for clinical scientific chiropractic.
The anatomy of a policy reversal: the A.P.H.A. and chiropractic, 1969 to 1983.
Before the Palmers: an overview of chiropractic's antecedents.
From workbench to high tech: the evolution of the adjustment table.
Clinton, Iowa c. 1906(?): 'the old doctor' vs. 'old dad chiro'.
The effect of Confucianism on the development of traditional Chinese medicine] (Chi).
On the examination system for the traditional medical practitioner proposed by Kuomintang's government during 1946-1948] (Chi).
Preliminary investigation on the medicine of the Lisu nationality in Sichuan Province] (Chi).
The path to full accreditation: CMCC and its governors, 1945-86.
D. D. Palmer and the metaphysical movement in the 19th century.
The search for the subluxation: an investigation of medical literature to 1985.
Diversified chiropractic: Northwestern College and John B. Wolfe, 1941-1984.
Assessing the oracle at the fountain head: B. J. Palmer and his times, 1902-1961.
A sketch of Chinese traditional medicine in Shanxi Province during 1912-1949] (Chi).
Journal of acupuncture and moxibustion, the earliest periodical on acupuncture and moxibustion in modern China] (Chi).
The people their own physicians: 2000 years of patient information.
The gift of healing.
Rural folk prescriptions: plea for search of scientific content.
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So much to do for the children of Africa
An analysis on life expectancy of the world population and trend of increase in China's life expectancy.
Tuberculosis status and social adaptation of Indochinese refugees.
AIDS: an African viewpoint.
Acupuncture in neck pain.
The ambiguity of symbols in the structure of healing.
Interferon and other immunological indices of influenza patients undergoing different methods of treatment
Controversial and so-called alternative therapeutic approaches
Traditional practice as a cause of infant morbidity and mortality in Juba area (Sudan).
Muslim parents' perception of and attitude towards cancer.
The pain management approach to chronic pelvic pain.
Role of GABA and its effect on 5-HT metabolism in the rat brain under acupuncture analgesia
The role of alpha and beta receptors and their regulation of 5-HT metabolism of the rat brain in electroacupuncture analgesia.
The dynamic observation on the "zusanli" acupoint during acupuncture on the different channel using the K+ and Ca++ acupuncture electrodes
Inhibitory effect of analogous electroacupuncture on sympathetic cardiovascular response to stimulation of hypothalamic defence area in rabbits.
Yoruba traditional healers in psychiatry. I. Healers' concepts of the nature and aetiology of mental disorders.
Yoruba traditional healers in psychiatry. II. Management of psychiatric disorders.
Vitamin B-6 status and bioavailability in vegetarian women.
Hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatic cirrhosis, and hepatitis B virus infection in Nigeria.
A study of transmission of impulses between peripheral nerves--research on the mechanism of propagated sensation along the channels
The changes of opiate receptor binding in the rat brain under electroacupuncture tolerance conditions
Effect of naloxone on the transmission of acupuncture messages involved in the inhibitory action upon visceral traction reaction--3H-2-deoxyglucose autoradiography
Effect of acupuncture on ischemic ventricular tachyarrhythmia in experimental electrophysiology study
Central and peripheral SEP defects in neurologically symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects with low vitamin B12 levels.
Role of calcium in electron-acupuncture analgesia and the developments of analgesic tolerance to electro-acupuncture and morphine.
A hypothesis on the mechanism underlying the formation of PSC--integration of the "periphery" and CNS under the domination of the substantial process proceeding along the channels
Further investigation on the mechanism underlying the phenomenon of channel blocking
Studies on the mechanism underlying the blocking of the propagated sensation along channels by local cooling
Influence of mechanical pressure applied on the channel course upon the acupuncture effect
Observation on the spectral characteristics of EEG from cortical somatosensory area during the advance of the propagated sensation along channels
Observation on the velocity of propagated sensation along channels
Influence of perceptible and latent propagated sensation along channels on the effectiveness of acupuncture
Preliminary observation on the local impedance rheogram on the course of propagated sensation along channels
Special sleep phenomenon induced by propagated sensation along channels reaching the head
Relation between the extent of distinctness of propagated sensation along channels and therapeutic effect of acupuncture on enuresis in Senegal patients.
Acupuncture for respiratory disease.
Acupuncture and asthma.
Acupuncture and asthma.
Acupuncture to prevent cisplatin-associated vomiting.
Pain control for the urologist.
Long-term treatment of chronic pain with acupuncture. Part I.
Long-term therapeutic effects of electro-acupuncture for chronic neck and shoulder pain--a double blind study.
Effects of acupuncture needle application upon cutaneous microcirculation of rabbit ear lobe.
Influence of naloxone on electro-acupuncture analgesia using an experimental dental pain test. Review of possible mechanisms of action.
Meridian-like networks of internal organs, corresponding to traditional Chinese 12 main meridians and their acupuncture points as detected by the "Bi-Digital O-Ring Test imaging method": search for the corresponding internal organ of Western medicine for each meridian--Part I.
Acupuncture therapy for the treatment of intractable, idiopathic epilepsy in five dogs.
Viral hepatitis as a major cause of maternal mortality in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Role of the caudate nucleus in acupuncture analgesia (minireview)
Acupuncture and scepticism.
AIDS and the witch doctor.
Cerebrospinal fluid dynorphin1-17 and beta-endorphin in late pregnancy and six months after delivery. No influence of acupuncture treatment.
AIDS and the African traditional healer.
Effects of electroacupuncture of the hand on the release of transmitters of monoamines in the tissues at different areas of brain in rats
Acupuncture effective not only in China
Effects of exciting the habenula by L-glutamic acid on the pain threshold and acupuncture analgesia
Skeletal muscle relaxant action of an aqueous extract of Portulaca oleracea in the rat.
Software Survey Section.
A possible physiological basis for effectiveness of acupuncture against psychosomatic disorders.
Long-term treatment of chronic pain with acupuncture. Part II.
Inappropriate traditional treatment resulting in limb amputation.
Cycad use and motor neurone disease in Irian Jaya.
Dental mutilations in exotic civilizations and their significance
Cycad use and motor neurone disease in Kii peninsula of Japan.
A long-discontinued practice.
A clinical study of series electro-acupuncture of 1000 cases of poliomyelitis sequelae.
Basic electrical parameters for safe and effective electro-therapeutics [electro-acupuncture, TES, TENMS (or TEMS), TENS and electro-magnetic field stimulation with or without drug field] for pain, neuromuscular skeletal problems, and circulatory disturbances.
Abstracts and short papers of the 3rd International Symposium on Acupuncture & Electro-therapeutics. New York City, October 8-11, 1987.
Acupuncture in China: personal observations.
Spinal manipulation and beta-endorphin: a controlled study of the effect of a spinal manipulation of plasma beta-endorphin levels in normal males.
Public health and traditional medicine in Ethiopia
Medico-psychologic observations on the treatment of the vertebral pain syndrome using acupuncture
Use of acupuncture for the treatment of chronic back pain in horses: stimulation of acupuncture points with saline solution injections.
Relation of pungent of Chinese materia medica to their attributive channels, functions and chemical constituents
Advances in research on compound granules of Chinese medicinal herbs
The treatment of back pain.
Chinese traditional medicine niter, epsomsalts and Glauber's salt
Chemical constituents of Astragalus complanatus. I. Separation and analysis of amino acids
Antiarrhythmic action and toxicity of shenmai injection
Synthesis of the chemical constituents of Chinese medicinal herbs in the last 10 years
Questions effectiveness of acupuncture.
Pelvic pain and organic dysfunction in a patient with low back pain: response to distractive manipulation: a case presentation.
Efficacy of acupuncture in treating 100 cases of lumbago.
Electro-acupuncture treatment of 55 cases of soft tissue lumbar pain.
Chemical studies on the stems of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer: (1). Isolation and identification of ginseng stem saponins I, II and III
Solvent extraction and isolation of alkaloids A and B from Senecio fuberi
Pharmacological studies on notoginseng saponins isolated from the fibrous root of Panax notoginseng
Effects of saponins extracted from the Panax ginseng rhizome on primary cultured heart cells of the neonatal rat
Pathological studies on the action of crude rhubarb on experimental gastric ulcer in rats
Searching for an inhibitory action of blood-borne beta-endorphin on LH release.
Woodpecker blood and leaf frog tadpoles. Organotherapeutic materia medica of the late Middle Ages physician Mässinger
Use of force platform variables to quantify the effects of chiropractic manipulation on gait symmetry.
The European mountain ash
Dietary and hormonal interrelationships in premenopausal women: evidence for a relationship between dietary nutrients and plasma prolactin levels.
Laparoscopic acupuncture in patients with sclerocystic ovary syndrome
Chiropractic therapies and low back pain.
Differences in fatty acid composition of human milk in vegetarian and nonvegetarian women: long-term effect of diet.
Non-surgical treatment possibilities in degenerative spinal disease
Trigeminofacial reflex. II. Influence of acupuncture.
Quantifying the effects of spinal manipulations on gait, using patients with low back pain: a pilot study.
Prevalence of back pain in chiropractors.
A comparison of the effectiveness of spinal manipulative therapy for low back pain patients with and without spondylolisthesis.
Evliya Chelebi's description of medicine in seventeenth-century Egypt.
Pharmacognosy study of the Chinese drugs mingqi, zhujieshen, zhuzishen grown in Sichuan
Effects of neonatal administration of monosodium glutamate on acupuncture analgesia and beta-endorphin-immunoreactive neurons in the rat hypothalamic arcuate nucleus
Slavic ethnomedicine in the Soviet Far East. Part I: Herbal remedies among Russians/Ukrainians in the Sukhodol Valley, Primorye.
The effects of electro-acupuncture on exudate volume and TXB2, 6-keto-PGF1 alpha content in the pleural cavity after carrageenin-induced pleurisy in rats
Electrical stimulation of hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (ARC) can change responses to electroacupuncture of neurons of dorsal raphe nucleus (DR) and locus coeruleus (LC).
A controlled double-blind clinical study of 15 CH barium carbonate vs placebo in a group of hypertensive inmates of 2 homes for the aged
Treatment of chronic back pain in horses. Stimulation of acupuncture points with a low powered infrared laser.
Trigeminofacial reflex. III. Effect of auriculotherapy.
Auriculotherapy-a method for inducing analgesia in the stomatological practice
Magnetopressopuncture as a means for sedating children during stomatological treatment
A randomized controlled trial of the effect of dietary fibre on blood pressure.
Yoga or fiber? Thermodynamics in the vegetarian.
The role of endogenous opioid peptides in physiological and pharmacological reward responses--a survey of present-day knowledge.
Alternative treatment of children--why and how often? A questionnaire study at a pediatric department
Dietary fiber and lipids.
Status of the pituitary-adrenal and cholinergic system of patients with a pain syndrome in spinal osteochondrosis before and after a course of reflexotherapy
Dynamics of clinico-electromyographic indices in reflexotherapy of radicular syndromes of lumbar osteochondrosis
Value of manual therapy in the complex treatment of patients with neurologic manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis
The necessity of taking into account sanogenetic and pathogenetic reactions in the treatment of patients with the neurodystrophic form of lumboischialgia
The role of alpha and beta receptors and their effects on 5-HT metabolism in acupuncture analgesia
Primary approach to visualize the courses of channels by use of isotopes
Food proscriptions in traditional medicine.
Evaluation of holistic medicine.
Coping with intestinal illness among the Kamba in Machakos, Kenya, and aspects of schistosomiasis control.
Status of various neurohumoral systems during treatment of the postoperative pain syndrome by the electroacupuncture method
Optimising antiemesis in cancer chemotherapy.
Vegetarian diet in mild hypertension.
Afferent fiber innervation on acupuncture points and its role in acupuncture analgesia.
The effect of intracortical stimulation of the somatic sensory area mesencephalon reticular formation and its relation to the acupuncture effect
Influence of acupuncture on the leu-enkephalia content of the brain and spinal cord of rats
Effect of acupuncture on the ultrastructure of the liver in rats
Role of the n. dorsal raphe and cyproheptadine on the changes of unit discharges in the dorsal hippocampal pyramidal layer under electroacupuncture in rats
Effects of electroacupuncture stimulation (EAS) of different frequencies on the excitability of fibers of various groups
A study of the specificity of the depressing action of the "zusanli" acupoint in visceral pain of conscious cats
Morphological study on the low impedance line along channels
Clinical application of the lines of latent propagating sensation and low impedance along channels in the treatment of emphysema
Comparative study of schizophrenia treatment with electroacupuncture, herbs and chlorpromazine.
Traditional remedies and lead intoxication.
Possible infectious causes in 651 patients with acute viral hepatitis during a 10-year period (1976-1985).
Experimental investigation of the antihypercholesteremic element separated from the Chinese medicinal herb Drynaria fortunei (Kunze) J, SM.
Plasma lipids and lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations in people with different diets in Britain.
Antibody microinjection: a new approach for studying the functions of neuropeptides.
The effect of electroacupuncture and hypothalamic arcuate stimulation on pain-evoked unit discharges of the thalamic parafascicular nucleus: a preliminary analysis
Effect of acupuncture on the pons micturition centre and the related function of the urinary bladder
The reverse effect of intracaudate injection of pilocarpine on antielectroacupuncture analgesia induced by the intracaudate injection of dopamine
Acupuncture promotes regeneration of the rat's hypoglossal nerve
The effect of acupuncture "renzhong" on gastric antral motility and its relation to peripheral 5-hydroxytryptamine
An afferent pathway of the "neiguan" acupoint in cats (observation on the evoked potential of the dorsal roots of the spinal cord)
The observation on the general properties of the acupoint muscle action potential
Effect of a minimum dose of narcotic administered into the epidural cavity on afferent messages of acupuncture at acupoint "zusanli"--3H-2-deoxyglucose autoradiography
The integrating effect of acupuncture on abnormal short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials in the human
Effects of electroacupuncture and morphine analgesia on choline acetylase, acetylcholine and cholinesterase in the rat brain
Herniorrhaphy under electro-acupuncture anesthesia--a clinical investigation
Clinical observation of gastrectomy under acupuncture anesthesia with small doses of fentanyl, droperidol
Diet-induced menstrual irregularities: effects of age and weight loss.
Vitamin and energy injections in the Indian subcontinent.
Bile acids, neutral steroids, and bacteria in feces as affected by a mixed, a lacto-ovovegetarian, and a vegan diet.
Doctors and witchdoctors: which doctors are which? I.
Traditional Chinese acupuncture as an antiemetic.
Horner's syndrome after manipulation of the neck.
Blood basophil histamine and immunoglobulin levels in children with bronchial asthma treated with Pollinex
IgG and IgE antibody response following Pollinex-R immunotherapy.
Major achievements and basic experiences in channel research in China during the past fifteen years
An application of acupuncture anesthesia to cervical vertebral canal procedures
A clinical summary on 61 cases of chronic colitis treated by laser acupuncture
Effect on neonatal respiration during cesarean section under acupuncture anesthesia
Changes in plasma cortisol, 5-hydroxytryptamine, histamine and prostaglandin F2 alpha during cesarean section under acupuncture anesthesia
Modulating influence of stimulation of the preoptic area (POA) on pain-related neurons of the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (HVM) in rats
Role of the dorsal hippocampus in electroacupuncture inhibition of visceral nociceptive responses in the conscious rabbit
Roles of the caudal brain stem in the modulation and inhibition of gastric motility by acupuncture "renzhong"
Protection by acupuncture on gastric mucosal damage in rats
Changes in the localization of 35S-methionine in the brain in the process of acupuncture analgesia by means of macro- and microautoradiography
Changes in the thermogram of the body surface induced by acupuncture in human beings
Progress made in acupuncture clinical study in the last four years
A general survey of developments in clinical acupuncture anaesthesia research within recent years
Advances in research on the mechanism of acupuncture and moxibustion
Advances in research on channels and collaterals in China during the past four years
Comparative study of spinal fractures in electric acupuncture convulsive therapy, electric convulsive therapy and epilepsy
Effects of yang-restoring and yin-nourishing herbs on serum TRH, T3 and T4 levels in experimental hyperthyroid and hypothyroid rats
The effect of immunotherapy in hayfever patients on histamine binding capacity of blood serum proteins.
Preliminary study on plotting out the channel course with skin impedance as index
An ABC of alternative medicine--hypnotherapy.
Clinical research: efficacy studies v basic research.
Issues in pain research. Research perspectives: a response.
Clinical assessment of acupuncture in asthma therapy: discussion paper.
Background to the development of health services in Nigeria.
The magnitude of the maternal mortality problem in sub-Saharan Africa.
Alternative treatment. Physical therapy and structural treatment
Medical rehabilitation of patients after amputation of the leg in sarcoma
Medical practices of early settlers in Mobile.
Medicines from plants with special reference to herbal products in Great Britain.
Mark Jameson's physic plants, a sixteenth century garden for gynaecology in Glasgow?
Diagnostic value of electropunctometry in reflexotherapy
Reflexions on medical practice in the '80s and certain deviations
Acupuncture analgesia for postoperative dental pain.
Effects of physical training on blood pressure in hypertension.
Medical museum notes (Adriel Sylvanus Kingsley).
Neurogenic bladder and spina bifida occulta: a case report.
New developments in phytotherapy
Analgesia producing mechanism in acupuncture anesthesia
Development of Chinese medicine based on pharmacology and therapeutics.
Church and monastery medicine during the Bulgarian Renaissance
Advances in the treatment of epilepsy by traditional Chinese medicine
Homoeopathic medicines and antidotes: some controlled investigations.
Blood pressure, plasma renin activity and aldosterone concentrations in vegans and omnivore controls.
Diet and calcium stones.
Lay theory of healing in northwestern New Spain.
The Kur in West Germany as an interface between naturopathic and allopathic ideologies.
The earliest information on acupuncture and moxibustion in Europe
Acupuncture analgesia.
Acupuncture treatment of alcoholic recidivism: a pilot study.
The chemistry and biological significance of saponins in foods and feedingstuffs.
Life and death of the tooth worm theory or when I believe it, I will see it.
Cardiovascular effects of garlic (Allium sativum): a review.
A manuscript of recipes for homemade medicine from the 18th century
High dose grass pollen tablets used for hyposensitization in hay fever patients. A one-year double blind placebo-controlled study.
From animal magnetism to secret remedies
Acupuncture for some common disorders: a review of evaluative research.
NikolaÄ­ Nikolaevich Miklukho-MaklaÄ­ as a physician
Sectarian medical periodicals of Pennsylvania. Part One--Development of sects.
A recently found portrait of Georg Andreas Helving
The mechanisms of acupuncture analgesia.
Herbal therapy in the treatment of drug use.
An integrated approach to the pharmacological evaluation of traditional materia medica.
Neurochemical mechanisms of acupuncture analgesia.
Reflexotherapy of osteoarthritis patients using the action of a UHF electromagnetic field
The influence of traditional medicine in shaping medical care practices in Vietnam today.
The pneumatic theory of female Warao herbalists.
The hot and cold in Mesoamerican indigenous and hispanicized thought.
Hot and cold in women's ethnotherapeutics: the American-Mexican West.
Hot and cold as an explanatory model: the example of Bharuch district in Gujarat, India.
Toward a comprehensive evaluation of alternative medicine.
Problems in the evaluation of alternative medicine.
Availability, accessibility, acceptability, and adaptability: four attributes of African ethno-medicine.
A study on Asian Indian and American vegetarians: indications of a racial predisposition to glucose intolerance.
Laser acupuncture anaesthesia and therapy in People's Republic of China.
Total cholesterol and high density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in populations differing in fat and carbohydrate intake.
Vegetarian diet. Good for the heart, but still a matter of balance.
Prospect and progress in research on trace elements in Chinese traditional herbs
Effects of electric stimulation at the erdan point on gallbladder contraction function. Real-time ultrasonic studies
Traditional medicine and belief in customs affecting the health of the people in Malawi (formerly Nyasaland) from 1860 to 1927.
Shamanism, personal mythology, and behavior change.
Sudden infant death syndrome: a literature review with chiropractic implications.
The enchanted herb: the work of early medical botanists in Australia.
Should homeopathy be reconsidered?
Sectarian medical periodicals of Pennsylvania. Part Two--Pennsylvania journals.
Involvement of endogenous opioid peptides in acupuncture analgesia.
History of the theories on the therapeutic effect of music
Legume carotenoids.
Bröms' drops--a home remedy for upset stomach and shivering (Swen Bröms)
Garlic burns: a naturopathic remedy gone awry.
The cancer patient and alternative medicine--a review
Choicest "receipts" from "The Complete Servant-maid", London, 1685.
Diversified therapeutics
Opopira magna, a pharmaceutical preparation from the Antidotarius magnus
Fettered spirits of disease
A hypothesis introducing a new calculation for discal reduction: emphasis on stenotic factors and manipulative treatment.
Anti-infectious plant therapies of the forest and savanna regions of Senegal (western Africa). I. A listing
Antimicrobial activity of selected plants employed in the Spanish Mediterranean area.
Present-day status of an old concept (vegetarianism)
Neomysticism in medicine. The example of homeopathy
Plants used in traditional medicine in eastern Tanzania. I. Pteridophytes and angiosperms (Acanthaceae to Canellaceae).
Biologically active compounds from plants with reputed medicinal and sweetening properties.
Folk medicine manuscript books. Their general characteristics
The pill doctors. The pill as a form of clinical treatment in the second half of the 19th century
The traditional medicine of China: its history and contemporaneity
Auriculo-electropuncture in rheumatoid arthritis (a double-blind study)
Parallel or diversified therapeutic measures
Assessment of acupuncture in the prevention of sudden death from coronary heart disease.
Hypnotic effect of homeopathic medication and placebo. Evaluation by double-blind and crossing technics
Traditional medicine and health in Mexico
A manuscript of prescriptions of classical medicine from the 18th century. IV
Stomatology and dental science in prehispanic Mexico
The art of dentistry in prehispanic Mexico
"First a little..." (homeopathic dosing).
New combined method of specific and non-specific immunotherapy in grass pollen allergy. Theoretical and practical considerations.
Are sports an alternative medicine?
Some methodological problems in the assessment of complementary therapy.
Illness and health behaviour in Addis Ababa and rural central Ethiopia.
Results of using acupuncture and therapeutic physical exercise for preventing the development of arterial hypertension in persons with borderline arterial pressure
Efficacy of acupuncture treatment in autonomic ataxia.
Suppression of the tail flick reflex by electroacupuncture delivered at the intra- and extrasegmental needling points.
Medical trends in South Korea.
Effect of acupuncture on experimentally induced itch.
Stimulation of breast cancer cells in vitro by the environmental estrogen enterolactone and the phytoestrogen equol.
The effect of acupuncture on lactation
Acupuncture before delivery: effect on labor.
Auriculomedicine--a new method of pain management
The effect of repeated acupuncture stimulation on canine lymphocyte response.
Massage-related perforation of the sigmoid colon in Kelantan.
A man grows older; on the beginning of fatherhood
Reflexotherapy of urinary incontinence in children
The cancer patient and alternative medicine
Planned simple carotid resection in surgery of paraganglioma fixed to the carotid artery.
Homeopathic drugs and their side effects
Various aspects of the pathogenesis of headaches and their reflexotherapy in patients with hypertension
Locked-in syndrome following cervical manipulation.
Use of microacupuncture in the complex treatment of habitual abortion
Palaenutritional studies on skeletal remains of ancient populations from the Mediterranean area: an attempt to interpretation.
Behavior during childbearing: a cultural potpourri.
Effect of acupuncture on serum high density Lipoprotein cholesterol in cerebral infarct patients
Chinese traditional medicine combined with Western medicine in the treatment of Takayasu syndrome
Study of acupuncture channels and collaterals
Progress in the study of gastric duodenal ulcer perforation treated with traditional Chinese medicine combined with Western medicine
Effects of a low-phosphorus, low-protein diet supplemented with essential amino acids and keto analogues on 'overt' diabetic nephropathy.
Influence of diet and underlying renal disease on the rate of progression of chronic renal failure.
The compliance with supplemented diet by chronic uremics and their nutritional status.
Changes in electrical activity in muscles resulting from chiropractic adjustment: a pilot study.
The placebo issue and clinical research.
An algorithm for the management of scoliosis.
The management of hypertensive disease: a review of spinal manipulation and the efficacy of conservative therapeusis.
Dystrophia myotonica: a case report.
The effects of chiropractic adjustments on distal skin temperatures.
Chemical studies on Mexican plants used in traditional medicine, III: New 4-phenylcoumarins from Exostema caribaeum.
Nicotine dependence and secondary effects of smoking cessation.
Bahraini women's health practices.
An expanded role for village midwives (VMWs) in maternal and child health in the Sudan.
A magic use of Crotalaria incana pods.
The practitioner and vaccination (results of a sample survey)
Classification of dietary proteins and several problems of nutrition
Effect of an ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet on nutrition and blood status. I. Method, food consumption, administration of nutrients and anthropometry
Experience with the treatment of patients with juvenile uterine hemorrhage
Medicine and magic among the Maka Indians of the Paraguayan Chaco.
Effect of reflexotherapy on the visual analyzer function of operators
Nutritional therapy in dermatology today
Combined anesthesia using electroacupuncture in surgery of grain tumors
Pharmacognosy of radix Hedysari
Vegetarianism and growth in Urdu, Gujarati, and Punjabi children in Britain.
A modern look at folkloric use of anti-infective agents.
A study on the mechanism of acupuncture therapy in the treatment of sequelae of cerebrovascular accident or cerebral injury.
Extending moxibustion in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis--a clinical observation of 65 cases.
Acupuncture treatment of 54 cases of sinus bradycardia.
The effects of manifest and latent propagated sensation along the channel on the acupuncture regulation of cardiac function.
Experience with treatment of warts by acupuncture and its evaluation.
Observation of therapeutic effects of acupuncture treatment in 170 cases of infantile diarrhea.
Observation of curative effects of emergency acupuncture treatment in 172 cases of infantile toxic intestinal paralysis.
On preparatory work for the establishment of the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS). Interview by J.R. Chen.
Teaching round. Cervical spondylosis.
Acupuncture treatment of hypotension.
Inhibitory mechanisms of the electroacupuncture effect
Nurses in clinical setting: encounters with vegetarian patients
Original adaptive characters of intestinal Digenea of Sarpa salpa (Teleostei, Sparidae) and their interpretation in terms of evolution
Use of qi-replenishing and stasis-removing herbs in treating patients with heart failure of qi deficiency and blood stasis type
Pathomorphologic observation and prognostic analysis of 26 cases of malignant melanoma
Bukolysis: young coconut water renoclysis for urinary stone dissolution.
Survey of the effect of acupuncture therapy in 35 cases of obstructive and communicating hydrocephalus.
Acupuncture treatment of 61 cases of supraorbital neuralgia.
Effects of laser radiation and photobustion over zusanli on the blood immunoglobulin and lymphocyte ANAE of the healthy aged.
Effect of acupuncture on 44 cases of radiation rectitis following radiation therapy for carcinoma of the cervix uteri.
Acupuncture therapy in 67 cases of asthenic childhood prolapse of rectum.
Teaching round: vertigo.
Lectures on formulating acupuncture prescriptions--selection and matching of acupoints. Acupuncture treatment of insomnia.
A hemorrheological study on the effect of acupuncture in treating diabetes mellitus.
Baclofen potentiates the effects of acupuncture
Physiological meaning and effects of acupuncture at B23
Chemical constituents of Sophora glauca Lesch
High fat and cholesterol diet induced changes in plasma cholesterol and lipoprotein in healthy human volunteers.
Microneurographic analysis of the effects of acupuncture stimulation on sympathetic muscle nerve activity in humans: excitation followed by inhibition
Hysterical paralysis treated with acupuncture and erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase.
Effect of acupuncture at neiguan (P 6) and hegu (LI 4) on the rheoencephalogram (REG) in patients with hypertension and early cerebroarteriosclerosis.
A preliminary study on the mechanism of ear-acupuncture for withdrawal of smoking.
Observations on the effect of He-Ne laser acupoint radiation in chronic pelvic inflammation.
A study on the treatment of schizophrenia with He-Ne laser irradiation of acupoint.
Treatment of 1040 cases of myopia with auriculotherapy using medicated pellets.
Application of acupuncture to gastroscopy using a fibreoptic endoscope.
On animal acupoints.
Postmenopausal urinary incontinence.
Teaching round: impotence.
Homeopathic medicine--an alternative or a supplement to health services?
Effect of laser acupuncture and irradiation of the cervix uteri in cows on cardiac activity and morphological composition of the blood
Study on mass spectra of alkaloids from Sophora alopecuroides L.
Herbal medicine and drug substitution: perceptions and attitudes of PGH health workers.
Auricular complication of acupuncture.
Culture, traditional medicine and sports injury in Oceania.
Therapeutic aspects of a current religious phenomenon
Acupuncture and its effects.
Therapeutic folklore warning.
Curanderismo associated with fatal outcome in a child with leukemia.
New Zealand cancer patients and alternative medicine. Clinical Oncology Group.
Tooth and toothache in Norwegian folklore.
Neuroanatomical and neurophysiological basis for use of acupuncture in dentistry.
Acupuncture treatment for chronic pain in the face and head
Kinesic press--finger compress method for TMJ treatment.
Acupuncture in the treatment of patients with chronic facial pain and mandibular dysfunction.
Is acupuncture sufficient as the sole analgesic in oral surgery?
The effectiveness and acceptability of indigenous toothbrush materials among schoolchildren in Aguinaldo, Cavite.
Treatment of sensitive dentin using acupuncture
Effects of unilateral and bilateral auricular transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on cutaneous pain threshold.
Legal medical aspects of the use of unconventional treatment methods
Functional indices of the sympathetic-adrenal and serotonin systems before and after a course of reflexotherapy
Experience with the reflexotherapy of diskogenic pain syndromes
Changes in the jaw-opening reflex during anesthesia resulting from auricular electrostimulation
Reflexotherapy in psychiatric practice
Current methods of therapy of fatigue during labor
Comparative evaluation of different methods of electroacupuncture analgesia during operations on surgical patients
Anesthesia by electroacupuncture analgesia in the laser treatment of skin neoplasms
Observation of 30 cases of cervical spondylosis treated by electro-acupuncture.
The efficacy of electro-acupuncture on 98 cases of epilepsy.
Relative specificity of points in acupuncture analgesia.
Observations on electro-acupuncture treatment of hemoptysis in pulmonary diseases.
Different effects of reinforcing and reducing manipulations in acupuncture assessed by tail-flick latency, vocalization threshold and skin temperature in the rat.
Treatment of 86 cases of local neurodermatitis by electro-acupuncture (with needles inserted around diseased areas).
Method of treating by electroacupuncture using the Rampa-2 device
Exacerbation of a case of myasthenia gravis during therapeutic electric stimulation.
Correction of progressive idiopathic scoliosis utilizing neuromuscular stimulation and manipulation: a case report.
A general practitioner reprimanded for the homeopathic management of a home childbirth, which--as on a previous occasion-- terminated in a retained placenta and severe hemorrhage
Pulmonary regulation of the concentration of "pain substances" in arterial blood during surgical trauma and protective electroacupuncture analgesia
Effect of electroacupuncture on the activity of neurons in the central gray matter of the midbrain
Electrical needle therapy of uremic pruritus.
Effect of vegetarian diet on serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D concentrations during lactation.
Conservative methods of pain control
Electrical conductivity of acupuncture points of the face in odontogenic affections of the trigeminal nerve.
Mechanism of analgesia produced by acupuncture
Acupuncture treatment of apoplectic hemiplegia.
On the therapeutic efficacy of thermo-electric acupuncture in 55 cases of kraurosis vulvae.
Effects of acupuncture and intravenous anesthesia on cardiovascular function.
An observation of 1316 cases of hysterical paralysis treated by acupuncture.
Brainstem stroke induced by chiropractic neck manipulation--a case report
Effect of acupuncture to Gokoku (Hoku) on pain threshold. The first report: study by heat stimulation
Holistic medicine: new lessons to be learned.
Application of acupuncture to dental practice. 3rd Report. Acupuncture anesthesia for dental phobia
Community medicine in developing countries
Village health workers are able to teach mothers how to safely prepare sugar/salt solutions.
Socio-medical aspects of a physician's work in the tropics.
Electroacupuncture analgesia in surgical stomatology (preliminary communication)
Acupuncture for the management of primary dysmenorrhea.
Traditions of folk medicine in America.
Sectarian medicine.
Public health in pre-colonial east-central Africa.
Pain in the neck, face, and head. Role of the consultation-liaison psychiatrist.
Herbal medicine in America.
Adjustment disorder and psychiatric practice: cultural and historical aspects.
Proportion of the psychotherapeutic component in the treatment of bronchial asthma patients using acupuncture
Vegetarian diet and blood pressure.
Alcoholism in Mexican-Americans: intervention and treatment.
Inter- and intra-examiner reliability of motion palpation for the thoracolumbar spine.
Anterolisthesis in the cervical spine--spondylolysis.
Dystrophia myotonica: a case report.
Five contributions to a philosophy of the science of chiropractic.
Commentary: The future role of the chiropractor in the health care system.
Chiropractic's functional integration into conventional health care: some implications.
A brush with tenosynovitis.
Mouse therapy and religion.
Chiropractors and staff privileges.
Radiographic images of acupuncture
Diagnosis and therapy of vertebrogenic vertigo
Effectiveness of various therapeutic schemes for patients with radiation edema of the extremities
India seeks scientific basis of traditional remedies.
2 cases of pneumothorax following acupuncture
The best of both worlds: bringing traditional medicine up to date.
Meconium during labour--self-medication and other associations.
Cerebral and peripheral hemodynamics after complex therapy, including acupuncture, of patients with chronic suppurative mesotympanitis
Effect of acupuncture on the functional state of the vascular tone of neurodermatitis patients
Better understanding and treatment of paranoid and somatization clinical pictures in Nigerians
Vitamin and iron status in new vegetarians.
Determination of volatile constituents of Chinese medicinal herbs by direct vaporization capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.
The scientific basis of acupuncture.
Vitamin B12 and brain development.
Metabolism of taurine during reproduction in women.
Cognitive orientation as predictor of pain relief following acupuncture.
Use of reflexotherapy in ambulatory surgical stomatology
The proposed chiropractic cure for dyslexia.
Psychotherapy with severely traumatized refugees.
Status of central hemodynamics and indices of immunity during the use of acupuncture as a component of general anesthesia for cesarean section
Corneal ulceration, measles, and childhood blindness in Tanzania.
Nitrosation products from the plant Ephedra altissima and their potential endogenous formation.
The effects of chiropractic adjustments on distal skin temperature.
A model for the evaluation of chiropractic methods.
A review of the development of an ergonomically balanced chair.
The chiropractic wars.
Science, medicine and chiropractic theory.
Science and medicine.
Nonoperative treatment of Hirschsprung's disease: a new approach.
Medicinal plants in Mozambique and their popular use.
Ethno-medicinal uses of plants growing in the Bulandshahr district of northern India.
Acupuncture in Behçet's syndrome
Manual therapy
Use of acupuncture in bone injuries of the upper extremity
Acupuncture in the combined treatment of immobilization contractures
Treatment of mastopathies with cyclic mastodynia. Clinical results and hormonal profiles
Electroacupunctogram: a new recording technique of the acupoint potentials.
Preeclampsia and reproductive performance in a community of vegans.
Folk medicine: economics, biology, and culture.
Manual therapy of various forms of auditory function disorders caused by pathology of the cervical spine
Experience in using autologous blood transfusion and reflexotherapy
Acupuncture in the treatment of patients with endogenous depression
"Ode Ori": a culture-bound disorder with prominent somatic features in Yoruba Nigerian patients.
Significance of reflexotherapy in the rehabilitation of women with chronic recurrent salpingo-oophoritis
Glossary of acupuncture terms.
Studies on active substances in herbs used for oketsu ("stagnant blood") in Chinese medicine. V. On the anticoagulative principle in moutan cortex.
Studies on active substances in herbs used for oketsu ("stagnant blood") in Chinese medicine. VI. On the anticoagulative principle in paeoniae radix.
Studies on antihemorrhagic substances in herbs classified as hemostatics in Chinese medicine. VI. On the antihemorrhagic principle in Sophora japonica L.
Studies on antihemorrhagic substances in herbs classified as hemostatics in Chinese medicine. VII. On the antihemorrhagic principle in Cirsium japonicum DC.
Chrysanthemum morifolium in the treatment of hypertension
Nitrogen balance in uremic patients treated with rhubarb retention enema
Alternative therapy in warts.
Rhubarb therapy in patients with chronic renal failure (Part 2)
Dietary composition and renal function in healthy subjects.
Est modus in rebus: the effects of stellate ganglion block and complementary treatments.
Herbal therapy for migraine. An unconventional approach.
Effects of Japanese and Chinese traditional medicine "hachimi-gan" ("ba-wei-wan") on lipid metabolism in rats fed high sugar diet.
Role of the renal nerve in natriuresis induced by intracerebroventricular injection of hypertonic saline in conscious rabbits
Concepts and management of deafness in the Yoruba medical system: a case study of traditional healers in Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
Rootwork: description of an ethnomedical system in the American South.
Indices of biopolymer metabolism in connective tissue during repeated stress
Complications in patients with atopic dermatitis after use of an alternative treatment
Acupuncture and autogenic training in the treatment of tobacco smoking
Reflexotherapy of spinal osteochondrosis patients with the paresthetic meralgia syndrome
Mental health and North American Indian/Native communities: cultural transactions, education, and regulation.
Blood enzyme activity in women with threatened abortion being treated by acupuncture reflexotherapy
Cranial acupuncture reflexotherapy of threatened abortion
Homeopathy in medical practice.
Acupuncture for head and neck pain.
Apathy or antagonism? Tribal aboriginals in the health care system.
Fatty acid patterns in triglycerides, diglycerides, free fatty acids, cholesteryl esters and phosphatidylcholine in serum from vegetarians and non-vegetarians.
Traditional Chinese medicine combined with Western medicine in the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy
Effects of Rheum tanguticum and its extracts on the flow of bile and pancreatic juice in the rat
Approach to the management of premenstrual syndrome.
General practice research from developing countries: health or medicine?
Personal experiences in naturopathy. Mistletoe in therapy
With battery and incandescent nail: pyropuncture of bedouins. Tradition and tourism--Far Eastern influence--treatment often successful
Phytate:zinc and phytate X calcium:zinc millimolar ratios in self-selected diets of Americans, Asian Indians, and Nepalese.
Clinical research preparation for chiropractors: implementing a scientist-practitioner model.
An algorithm for the management of scoliosis.
Complications of cervical manipulation: a case report of fatal brainstem infarct with review of the mechanisms and predisposing factors.
Croton macrostachys, a plant used in traditional medicine: purgative and inflammatory activity.
56 cases of chronic pruritus vulvae treated with acupuncture.
Observations of the therapeutic effects of acupuncture and moxibustion in 100 cases of dysmenorrhea.
39 cases of morning sickness treated with acupuncture.
Acupuncture treatment of sudden deafness.
Treatment of Meniere's disease by acupuncture: report of 75 cases.
Treatment of 31 cases of acute ankle sprain by puncturing yangchi.
Teaching round: insomnia.
Lectures on formulating acupuncture prescriptions--selection and matching of acupoints. Hypertension.
Effects of microwave acupuncture on the immunological function of cancer patients.
Restoration of immunologic indices following reflexotherapy in the combination treatment of radiation-induced edema of the upper limbs
Drugs and therapeutic methods, an alternative approach
Drugs and curative methods, an alternative approach
Intrathecal diazepam suppresses nociceptive reflexes and potentiates electroacupuncture effects in pentobarbital-anesthetized rats.
Laser therapy in posttraumatic arthrosis deformans
Acupuncture in the Soviet Union today
In defense of acupuncture
Treatment of patients with schizophrenia before their hospitalization 1917-1968
Are paramedical therapies a threat to academic medicine?
Changing views regarding some delivery customs among Pedi women.
Oral contraception in Bangladesh: social marketing and the importance of husbands.
Effect of acupuncture on nonspecific body resistance and work capacity of sailors
Use of craniopuncture in the treatment of patients with the sequelae of stroke
Phytotherapy in sanatorium and health resort practice
Coupled neuronal reactions of the specific and nonspecific thalamic nuclei to painful and electroacupuncture stimuli
Prevention of a stress-induced drop in the threshold of cardiac fibrillation using transauricular electroacupuncture
Clinical analysis of 23 cases of a cholecardiac syndrome treated with Chinese traditional medicine
Effect of various methods of promoting the secretion of breast milk
Infant feeding practices among middle income urban Africans and Indians in Kenya.
Traditional medicine: a modern casualty?
The influence of the homoeopathic remedy plumbum metallicum on the excretion kinetics of lead in rats.
Diets of Asian pregnant women in Harrow: iron and vitamins.
Purification and characterization of trichosanthin. Homology to the ricin A chain and implications as to mechanism of abortifacient activity.
Asthma mortality in France.
Management of patients using unproven regimens for arthritis.
Science versus non-science in medicine: fact or fiction?
Alternative medicines and therapies and the DHSS.
Reflexotherapy in the early stages of hypertension
Effects on plasma lipids and fatty acid composition of very low fat diets enriched with fish or kangaroo meat.
Neonatal behavioural correlates of prenatal exposure to marihuana, cigarettes and alcohol in a low risk population.
Acupuncture--what we should know.
Diet and the excretion and enterohepatic cycling of estrogens.
Effects of timing acupuncture on nuclear volume of neurosecretory cells in rat supraoptic nucleus.
Communicating with adolescents from culturally varied backgrounds: a model based on Mexican-American adolescents in south Texas.
An interpretive solution to the problem of humoral medicine in Latin America.
Behind shamanism: changing voices of Siberian Khanty cosmology and politics.
The return of Dr Fritz: spiritist healing and patronage networks in urban, industrial Brazil.
Cross-cultural communication between doctors and peasants in Bolivia.
Beyond the cure: Anthropological inquiries in medical theories and epistemologies.
The 'serpent-stone' or the 'black-stone'.
The role of massage in south Asia: child health and development.
Self-care and the informal sale of drugs in south Cameroon.
Influence of health education on local beliefs. Incomplete success, or partial failure.
Hmong opiate folk remedy toxicity in three infants.
Scientific analysis of the development of the study of nutrition
The death of Amilcar. A case study from Santo Antao/Cabo Verde.
Pathogenesis of vertebral artery occlusion following cervical spine manipulation.
Thoracic disk herniation associated with chiropractic spinal manipulation.
An ABC of alternative medicine: herbalism.
Home remedies: a cultural study.
Infant feeding. The young vegetarian.
An ABC of alternative medicine: homoeopathy.
Cross cultural issues in adolescent medicine.
Cross-cultural nursing. A perioperative experience in Kenya.
An ABC of alternative medicine. Iridology.
The hut and the hospital: information, power, and symbolism in the artifacts of birth.
Beliefs and practices among Haitian American women in relation to childbearing.
Phytotherapy in geriatrics
An ABC of alternative medicine. Massage.
Black currant
The oncologic nurse in the tension field between regular and alternative medicine. Staying independently halfway in between
Nutrition for healthy and obese children
Mexican American, nurse practitioner, and lay control group beliefs about cause and treatment of chest pain.
Alternative treatment. Acupuncture technic seeks to reduce pain
Self-care responses to respiratory illnesses among Vietnamese.
Tensions in the brokerage role. Nurses in Botswana.
Folk health beliefs of health professionals.
Nurses and traditional healers: now is the time to speak.
An ABC of alternative medicine. Osteopathy.
The use of herbs in midwifery.
The use of herbs in nurse-midwifery practice.
Health education: more than just mumbo jumbo.
Alternative treatment. Chiropractic can alleviate chronic suffering
Zimbabwe--here medicine man and psychiatric nurse work together
Medicine man's abilities recognized by the state
Report on surveys of alternative medicine--closer association with nursing a possible result
Siv chose homeopathy: chance for nurses at more independence. Interview by Monika Trozell.
Contralateral intramuscular acupuncture-like electrical stimulation differentially changes the short-latency responses to muscle stretch.
A critical study of the student interns' practice activities in a chiropractic college teaching clinic.
The future role of the chiropractor in the health care system.
Chemical studies on Mexican plants used in traditional medicine II: Cucurbitacins from Hintonia Latiflora.
Management of febrile seizures in a developing country.
Snake oil.
Present status of anesthesia and therapy by acupuncture in pain clinics--questionnaires
Ethnobotanical inventory of medicinal plants used by the Guaymi Indians in western Panama. Part I.
Idiopathic central serous retinopathy in China: a report of 600 cases (624 eyes) treated by acupuncture.
The importance of limited exposure to ultraviolet radiation and dietary factors in the aetiology of Asian rickets: a risk-factor model.
Preparation and evaluation of foods made with modified seeds of beans and peas
The contemporary romance of alternative medicine.
Differential pulse polarographic determination of flavonoids in Pueraria lobata
New insight into acupuncture.
Musculoskeletal disorders.
Renal hydatid disease: an unusual aetiology.
Controlled study of the effects of dietary protein on blood pressure in normotensive humans.
Effect of homeopathy--a placebo effect?
Basilar artery occlusion following chiropractic cervical manipulation.
General practitioners and alternative medicine.
Pregnancy in Hispanic women.
Diuretic activity of plants used for the treatment of urinary ailments in Guatemala.
Anti-Bacteroides fragilis substance from rhubarb.
The medicinal plants of Gunung Leuser National Park, Indonesia.
A warning against ear acupuncture used in the treatment of obesity
Inhibitory effect of acupuncture on the finger flexion reflex induced by finger tip vibration.
Unproven arthritis remedies. How to approach the problem.
Effect of the hodja (magic healer) on Turkish psychiatric patients in West Germany--an evaluation of clinical examples
Resetting of the baroreceptor reflex by electroacupuncture in conscious rabbits
Alternative treatment.
Toxicity of the hyperglycaemic-inducing extract of the annatto (Bixa orellana) in the dog.
Commentary on the article "Is the mechanical traction of the cervical spine still acceptable?" by R. Dorian
A comparative study of the pain-relieving effect of laser treatment and acupuncture.
Mesotherapy and cutaneous mycobacteriosis caused by Mycobacterium fortuitum: alternative medicine at risk
The practicalities of acupuncture practice.
Opinions on writing a nursing history of the patient treated by Chinese traditional medicine
Vitamin B12 deficiency due to a strictly vegetarian diet in adolescence.
Under the banyan tree: reflections on health care in Pakistan.
A medical project in an African village.
Superstitious practices.
An ABC of alternative medicine. Reflexology.
Spirit possession and bewitchment presenting as physical illness: report of four cases in Nepalese males.
Traditional medicine of Baja California Sur (Mexico). II.
Screening of antimicrobial activity of plants popularly used in Guatemala for the treatment of dermatomucosal diseases.
Repertory of drugs and medicinal plants used in traditional medicine of Afghanistan.
Acupuncture as a therapeutic method; facts and perspectives
A patient with many physical symptoms: what to do and what not to do?
Scratching the surface.
Diagnosis and treatment of temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Results of a computed tomography study of the temporomandibular joint and physiological masticatory treatment compared to acupuncture
Effect of stimulation of the basolateral amygdaloid nucleus on unit discharges of neurons of the habenular nucleus
Ethnomedical treatment of children's diarrheal illnesses in the highlands of Ecuador.
Women and health care on a Guatemalan plantation.
Hot-cold food and medical theories: overview and introduction.
Hot-cold food and medical theories: cross-cultural perspectives.
Destructive heat and cooling prayer: Malay humoralism in pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.
Cold wombs in balmy Honolulu: ethnogynecology among Korean immigrants.
Cultural dimensions of hot, cold and sema in Sinhalese health culture.
Remote results of the use of reflexotherapy in bronchial asthma
Poor developing country threatened. Haitian nurses and physicians in a battle against AIDS. Interview by Mats Ulbult.
Alternative treatment. Wholeness behind your health. 6. Life's energy put into focus with acupuncture, zone therapy and healing
Acupuncture stimulation of the auricular points in hypertension patients with hypo- and eukinetic types of blood circulation
Acupuncture effectiveness in treating patients with late radiation damage to the skin
Alternative medicine in oncology
Are there long lasting effects on migraine headache after one series of acupuncture treatments?
Effects of moxibusting Point Kuan-Yuan on cardiovascular and renal responses to histamine-induced shock.
Antiemetic studies with traditional Chinese acupuncture. A comparison of manual needling with electrical stimulation and commonly used antiemetics.
Chance and danger in traditional healing methods in medicine
Possibilities and limits of mistletoe therapy in cancer patients
Acupressure on the zhiyang point in patients with acute anginal attack
Considerations and methods in further researches on the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine in the treatment of acute abdomen
Diagnosis and treatment of kraurosis vulvae with traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine
Comparative study of 54 cases of retrograde biliary gastritis treated with traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine
Healing spirits of South Kanara.
Health diary study of Japanese residents in Greater Boston: variables related to high incidence of health problems.
Report from a study trip to the Far East
Short leg correction: a clinical trial of radiographic vs. non-radiographic procedures.
Foraminal encroachment syndrome in true lumbosacral spondylolisthesis: a preliminary report.
Can physical therapists and chiropractors co-exist despite differences.
A model for the evaluation of chiropractic methods.
Inter- and intra-examiner reliability of motion palpation for the thoracolumbar spine.
An ill wind blows across medicine.
General practitioners and alternative medicine.
Functional changes of myocardial contraction and relaxation in hypertension patients as affected by reflexotherapy
Structure and chemotherapeutical activity of a polyisoprenylated benzophenone from the stem bark of Garcinia huillensis.
A prospective study of 2,000 patients attending a chiropractic college teaching clinic.
The "new" nutrition.
Vegetarianism in anorexia nervosa? A review of 116 consecutive cases.
Acupuncture as therapy; facts and perspectives
Vegetarian diet and blood pressure.
Studies on the measurement of 25-hydroxy vitamin D in human saliva.
Ultrastructural dynamics of the muscular branches of the normal brachial plexus and in exposure to reflexotherapy
Treatment of hay fever using acupuncture
Influence of folk medicine on the family practitioner.
Bush thoracotomy in the highlands of Papua New Guinea.
Contact dermatitis to acupuncture needles.
Nutritional osteomalacia presenting with plantar fasciitis.
Vitamin preparations as dietary supplements and as therapeutic agents. Council on Scientific Affairs.
Problems with herbal medicines.
Possible contamination of a herbal product with a prohibited substance.
Legislature ends 1985-86 session in wee hours.
The treatment of musculoskeletal disorders by a Mexican bonesetter (sobador).
The role of traditional fertility regulation in Sri Lanka.
Clinico-morphologic aspects of the active skin points of the upper extremities and their importance in reflexotherapy
Alternative medicine.
Acupuncture in perspective.
Native health care: an alternative approach.
Culture-bound syndromes and international disease classifications.
Health beliefs and hypertension: a case-control study in a Moroccan Jewish community in Israel.
Weaning from smoking. Psychological and pharmacological methods

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