Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
March 2025

Bibliography — Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) — 1983

Health Education Assistance Loan (HEAL) program--PHS. Final regulations.
Anthropological study of health beliefs, behaviors, and outcomes: traditional folk medicine and ethnopharmacology.
Empowerment and synergy: expanding the community's healing resources.
Alternative medicine: Culpeper and his cure-alls.
Holistic medicine: just what is it anyway?
Alternative health technologies.
Witches, witchcraft, and Allegany Seneca medicine.
Seeking the rational alternative: the National College of Chiropractic from 1906 to 1982.
The search for the first 15 'disciples'.
Perspectives on chiropractic education in medical literature, 1910-1933.
The New Zealand Commission of Inquiry: its significance in chiropractic history.
Chiropractic observed: thirty years of changing sociological perspectives.
Chiropractors as interns, residents and staff: the hospital experience, 1910-1960.
Women in chiropractic: exploring a tradition of equity in healing.
Almeda Haldeman, Canada's first chiropractor: pioneering the prairie provinces, 1907-1917.
Pioneering mental health: institutional psychiatric care in chiropractic.
Lincoln College and the 'Big Four': a chiropractic protest, 1926-1962,
The power of not thinking: a jocular toothache cure.
Curanderismo: the folk healer in the Spanish-speaking community.
Liminality and incorporation in the art of the Tlingit shaman.
The explorer as ethnologist: James Mackay's "Indian Tribes" manuscript with a test of his comments on the native mortuary customs of the Trans-Mississippi west.
Health care practices in the life of Katherine Schrag Kaufman.
A shaman's "sucking tube" from San Diego County, California.
A profile of Richard Q. Peavey.
Historical analysis of crude drug and prescriptions of Chinese traditional medicine (4): studies on "lianqiao"] (Jpn).
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Belief and effectivity: folk medicine in Tennessee.
Not Available
Not Available
Office laparoscopic assessment of female fertility.
Birth control techniques in China.
Serum cholesterol changes during pregnancy and puerperium in African and Asian women.
Fees and compensation for therapy in foreign populations. A contribution to medical ethics from the history of medicine and ethnomedical point of view
Neurophysiological basis of acupuncture analgesia
Blood-pressure-lowering effect of a vegetarian diet: controlled trial in normotensive subjects.
The trial of homoeopathy.
Controlled trial of homoeopathic treatment of osteoarthritis.
Homoeopathic treatment of osteoarthritis.
Three cases of lumbar disc rupture and one of cauda equina associated with spinal manipulation (chiropraxis)
Neurobiologic research on acupuncture in China as exemplified by acupuncture analgesia.
Skin cauterisation marks on patients in Saudi Arabia.
Dietary sodium and potassium intake and blood pressure.
Infants in Juba, Southern Sudan: the first six months of life.
Influence of music on memory and education, and the application of its underlying principles to acupuncture.
Randomised double-blind trial on the immediate effects of naloxone on classical Chinese acupuncture therapy for chronic pain.
Inhibition of sympathetic nervous system by acupuncture.
The Bi-Digital O-Ring Test: critical evaluation of its abnormal responses with laboratory tests including "blood pressure & blood flow method," "blood chemistry," etc., and "neutrological method".
The effect of acupuncture on blood pressure: the interrelation of sympathetic activity and endogenous opioid peptides.
A counseling approach to outpatient benzodiazepine detoxification.
Adrenergic receptor-mediated response of the rabbit small and large intestine.
Vegetarian diet and blood pressure.
Alternative medicine is no alternative.
Alternative medicine.
The relationship between needling sensation and acupuncture effects, with special reference to their ascending pathway in the spinal cord.
Electroacupuncture and its effect on rat hepatic functions.
Plasma immunoreactive beta-endorphin and enkephalin concentration in healthy subjects before and after electroacupuncture.
Treatment of whiplash injuries of the cervical spine with acupuncture
Hepatic veno-occlusive disease due to toxic alkaloid herbal tea.
A folk illness (susto) as an indicator of real illness.
Acupuncture relief of chronic pain syndrome correlates with increased plasma met-enkephalin concentrations.
Management of post-operative pain: current concepts and methods of management.
The effect of treatment with Oriental medicine on eye fatigue and mental fatigue
Subtotal gastrectomy in dogs under acupuncture anesthesia and related changes in the noradrenergic system.
Non-invasive circulatory evaluation and electro-acupuncture & TES treatment of diseases difficult to treat in Western medicine.
Activity of opioid peptidergic system in acupuncture analgesia.
Segmental acupuncture therapy.
Synergism between metoclopramide and electroacupuncture analgesia.
Laser-acupuncture reduces cigarette smoking: a preliminary report.
The First International Conference on Acupuncture and Chronic Pain. September 27th-October 1st, 1983, New York, New York. Abstracts.
Alternative medicine: cost and subjective benefit in rheumatoid arthritis.
Effect of radix urticae extract and its several secondary extracts on blood SHBG in benign prostate hyperplasia
Symbolic power of human skulls and their ritualistic use
Acupuncture in patients with thermal injuries.
Detection of Lewis a antigenic determinants in Chinese medicinal herbs.
Acupuncture and....information
A fasting and vegetarian diet treatment trial on chronic inflammatory disorders.
Retinal vein occlusion treatment with western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine.
Acupuncture treatment of chronic back pain. A double-blind placebo-controlled trial.
Superficial acupuncture in the relief of chronic low back pain.
Current Chinese medicine. 3
Objective electromyographic evidence for use and effects of lift therapy.
Lateral recess syndrome: diagnosis and chiropractic management.
Preliminary study on the quality of Areca seed
The effect of processing on the purgative activity and constituents of Chinese rhubarb
Experience with the combined use of reflexotherapy and drugs in the individual manifestations of cadmium poisoning
Manual therapy of lumbago
Changes in systemic and renal hemodynamics in hypertension patients as affected by acupuncture at a climatic health resort
Effects of neonatal administration of monosodium glutamate on morphine-, acupuncture- and stress-analgesia in adult rats
"Acid skin" in black patients.
Chiropractic referral by medical practitioners.
Nutrient intake and hormonal status of premenopausal vegetarian Seventh-day Adventists and premenopausal nonvegetarians.
Acupuncture--does it contribute anything?
Theoretical basis of the manual therapy of functional pain syndromes of the locomotor system
Chiropractic management of back pain.
Clinical effect of "Yi Qi Huo Xue" medicinal herbs in acute myocardial infarction: a randomized controlled study
The role of physical agents in the treatment of spine pain.
Equipment and mechanization of the production of Chinese traditional medicine
Processing of Chinese traditional medicine by old timing methods
Experimental study on "18 against compatibilities" of Chinese traditional medicine--acute toxicity of Aconitum carmichaeli and Pinellia ternate
Prevention of poisoning by Chinese traditional medicine--case reports in Beijing area
Effect of acupuncture on cerebral blood flow of cats with experimental cerebral ischemia
Research on X-ray diagnostics based on the theory of traditional Chinese medicine
The validation of visual analogue scales as ratio scale measures for chronic and experimental pain.
The application of transcutaneous nerve stimulation in physical medicine
Further investigation on the hypothesis of meridian-cortex-viscera interrelationship
Folk medicine in Udmurtia
The impact of patients with nonorganic physical findings on a controlled trial of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and electroacupuncture.
Effects of dexamethasone and a locus coeruleus lesion on morphine analgesia, electro-acupuncture analgesia and stress analgesia
Health care for rural ethnic minorities. Various anthropological observations
Multi-layer analysis of the constituents of prescriptions---the orthogonal test at different level
Chiropractic statistical survey of 100 consecutive low back pain patients.
Chiropractic biomechanic evaluations: validity in myofascial low back pain.
Clinico-neurophysiological analysis of the pain syndrome in lumbosacral radiculitis
Acupuncture in neurosensory hypacusis
Therapeutic results obtained in the ORL section of Piatra Neamţ with acupuncture in allergy of the upper respiratory tract
Successes obtained with acupuncture in otorhinolaryngologic pathology
Acupuncture in ORL surgical operations
Acupuncture in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia and facial nerve paralysis
Effects of acupuncture in various ORL diseases
The intensity of work recovery in low back pain.
Effect of microinjection of kainic acid into nucleus raphe dorsalis on electro-acupuncture, morphine and stress analgesia
Treatment of radiation reaction with He-Ne laser irradiation of acupuncture spots
Pegging with roots of plants
Application of lasers in medicine.
Dietary fiber. Can it prevent certain colonic diseases?
The trace metal status of a group of post-menopausal vegetarians.
So many disorders . . . so many remedies
Opiate receptors: enkephalins and endorphins.
Health foods.
Manual therapy of spondylogenic lesions of the peripheral nervous system
Electroacupuncture analgesia blocked by microinjection of anti-beta-endorphin antiserum into periaqueductal gray of the rabbit.
The relationship between cAMP and cGMP in regions of rat brain and acupuncture analgesia.
Laser acupuncture in the treatment of the neurological manifestations of spinal osteochondrosis
Diet, faecal pH and colorectal cancer.
Alternative medicine.
Young doctors' views on alternative medicine.
Neisseria gonorrhoeae conjunctivitis. An outbreak during an epidemic of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis.
Treatment of alopecia
Suppression of electroacupuncture(EA)-induced beta-endorphin and ACTH release by hydrocortisone in man. Absence of effects on EA-induced anaesthesia.
Endorphins and acupuncture - an intermediate balance
Role of the somatic monoaminergic systems in the mechanisms of regulation of pain sensitivity during reflex stimulation
An Amerindian derivation for Latin American creole illnesses and their treatment.
Brief review of the mechanism of action of acupuncture stimulation in its analgesic effect
Activity-generated endorphins: a review of their role in sports science.
Plasma cortisol and beta-endorphin in horses subjected to electro-acupuncture for cutaneous analgesia.
Endorphins and pain.
The role of the mesencephalic gray in acupuncture analgesia
An American nurse visits a M & CW Clinic in West Africa.
Alternative medicine. The determining factor is the intention
The relationship between the alternative practitioner and his patient. A review.
The effect of standardized acupuncture programs in the after-care of accident patients
Acupuncture and sciatica in the acute phase. Double-blind study of 30 cases
Plasma concentration of immunoreactive beta-endorphin in healthy persons during pinpoint stimulation of receptors (acupuncture)
Contribution of complementary therapies to obstetrics
The changing face of cerebrovascular disease.
Acupuncture in the treatment of chronic cervical pain. A pilot study.
Immune restoration and/or augmentation of local graft versus host reaction by traditional Chinese medicinal herbs.
Medicine in the pre-class society
Medicine in the USA: historical vignettes. IX. The AMA sets a new code of ethics.
Sherpa health and Kunde Hospital.
Nursing Mirror midwifery forum. 3. Survival test for babies.
History and the understanding of acupuncture anesthesia.
Clinical perspectives in opioid peptides.
Medicine of the ancient East
Role of endorphins in the regulation of cardiovascular activity
Cultural background of the medicinal plants of Yemen.
Treatment of cervical spondylosis. Electroacupuncture versus physiotherapy.
Acupuncture therapy of migraine
History of the naturopathy movement (VI). Development and cultivation of naturopathic methods in the 2d half of the 19th century
Preliminary medical history and pathographic remarks concerning Ulrich Bräker
On the evaluation of the clinical effects of acupuncture.
Factor VII and ischaemic heart disease: epidemiological evidence.
Midsummer magic.
From the history of the naturopathic movement (VII). Healing power of light, air and earth. Arnold Rikli, Adolf Just and Pastor Felke
The other side of statistical significance.
Estrogen excretion patterns and plasma levels in vegetarian and omnivorous women.
Acupuncture--cultural perspectives. 2. The Eastern view.
Cupping. The art and the value.
A legacy without heirs: Korean indigenous medicine and primary health care.
Clinico-physiological aspects of the use of acupuncture and psychotherapy as nonpharmacological factors in the treatment of hypertension
Treatment of sciatica by acupuncture
History of the naturopathy movement (VIII). From naturopathy to the reformation of life style
The pharmacological evaluation of natural products--general and specific approaches to screening ethnopharmaceuticals.
Brain stem infarction due to chiropractic manipulation of the cervical spine.
Changes in metabolism during a fasting period and a subsequent vegetarian diet with particular reference to glucose metabolism.
Reflexotherapy in diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract and male genitalia
Childbirth customs of the Kankanai-Igorot. A contribution to natural childbirth
Enkephalins and Endorphins. Clinical, pharmacological and therapeutic implications.
Structural implications of meditation: a review of principles and speculation of chiropractic applications.
Reflex therapy in respiratory allergy
Influence of different dietary regimens upon the composition of the human fecal flora.
Recent developments in clinical acupuncture.
The evolution of witchcraft and the meaning of healing in colonial Andean society.
Health and illness in Pilipino immigrants.
Traditional health beliefs and practices among lower class black Americans.
In search of healers--Southeast Asian refugees in the American health care system.
Popular medical concepts in Jamaica and their impact on drug use.
Issues in health care of Middle Eastern patients.
Curanderismo and Latino views of disease and curing.
Dermatological analysis of herbal raw products for cosmetics recommended in the herbal of Falimirz in 1534
Homeopathy: yesterday, today and tomorrow
Treatment procedures using hypnosis in smoking cessation programs: a review of the literature.
Traditional methods of snake-bite treatment in Sri Lanka.
The instruments of folk healers from the Plovdiv and Pazardzik districts
Effects of the neuroprobe in the treatment of second-degree ankle inversion sprains.
Rastafarianism and the vegans syndrome.
Incidence of hepatitis among students at a university in Taiwan.
Occurrence of spontaneous channel sensation in epileptic patients with intracranial damage.
Homeopathy in dental practice. A brief cost analysis
Application and significance of phytotherapy in current drug therapy
Experience in medicine
Role of catecholamine neurons in the reticular lateral nuclei in regulating sensitivity to pain during exposure to reflex stimuli
Opiate analgesia and its antagonism in dental event-related potentials: evidence for placebo antagonism.
The use of acupuncture needles as sphenoidal electrodes in electroencephalography--clinical observations on 2,000 cases
Acupuncture needles as a cause of bacterial endocarditis.
The use of acupuncture needles as sphenoidal electrodes in electroencephalography. Observation of 2,000 cases.
Allocation of family resources for health care in rural Haiti.
Alternative medicine.
Acupuncture needles as a cause of bacterial endocarditis.
Alternative medicine.
Arizona hinshawii septicemia associated with rattlesnake powder--California.
Working in Afghanistan.
Intussusception: folk cure with modern tools. Case report.
Air, sun and water in popular hygiene
Electro-acupuncture anesthesia in pituitary adenoma extirpation.
Lead poisoning from Mexican folk remedies--California.
Acupuncture point D'arsonval electrotherapy and faradization in 42 cases of spasmodic torticollis.
Taurine in human milk: growth modulator or conditionally essential amino acid?
ApoA-I/ApoA-II ratios in plasmas of vegetarians.
Not an alternative medicine at St Marylebone Parish Church.
20 years' acupuncture in 461 acute appendicitis cases.
Prognosis of seizures in medically-treated adolescent and adult Nigerian epileptics.
Levels of organochlorine contaminants in human milk in relation to the dietary habits of the mothers.
Role of acupuncture in the treatment of 'incurable' retinal diseases.
Pueblo women of New Mexico: their background, culture and childbearing practices.
Hirudo therapy
Transcultural communication on depression with Chinese nurses and physicians.
Nursing in China. Three perspectives. Herbs and acupuncture? Yes, but also an ICU, psychotropic drugs--and a nursing shortage.
"Old" ideas still valuable: a review of cross-cultural case studies.
Traveling with the occupational health nurses in China: a perspective today.
Retention of a folk-healing practice (matiasma) among four generations of urban Greek immigrants.
Traditional healers in North India: a study.
Victims of tradition.
Matters of conscience: too many followers among too few leaders.
Nurses and health business in Central Australia.
Treatment of 35 cases of leukoplakia vulvae with helium-neon laser radiation at acupuncture points.
A plan for the international standardization of acupuncture and moxibustion point names.
The food factor and the scientific nurse: vegetarian eating.
Growing up healthy: the Chinese experience.
Nutrition. Meatless eating can be healthy.
Nurses and health business in Central Australia.
Preliminary investigation on the effect of acupuncture of Neiguan (P. 6) and Shaofu (H. 8) on cardiac function of idiopathic cardiomyopathy.
Observation of immediate effect of acupuncture on electroencephalograms in epileptic patients.
Study on nursing theory of traditional Chinese medicine in "Shang-Han Lun"
Experience in application of herbal powder
Health promotion of the citizens and folk medicine
Huatuo Jiaji points for migraine: 70 cases.
Treatment of 40 cases of paralysis of common peroneal nerve with acupuncture and moxibustion.
Indications for the application and combined use of acupoints of the 14 major channels.
The reality behind the statistics.
In the best of traditions?
Indian healing remedies in the Andean mountains
Health care of Ethiopian refugees.
Traditional systems of medicine: the nursing component.
Community 2. A healthy mixture.
Phytotherapy of the inflammatory-dystrophic form of periodontosis
Therapeutic alternatives in nursing - why not?
Effect of electro-acupuncture on the changes in the ECG of acute myocardial ischemic injury in rabbits.
The effect of traditional medicine on mental health.
Acupuncture dilemma: paramedical magic or potential anaesthetic method?
Acupuncture analgesia in conservative dental treatment.
Is traditional Samoan massage a form of acupressure?
Current perspectives in analgesia using electroacupuncture
Acupuncture in the prophylactic treatment of migraine headaches: pilot study.
Biological therapy model for trigeminal neuralgia
Effects of dimethyl sulfoxide and acupuncture on the cardiovascular system of dogs.
Acupuncture and migraine.
The effect of acupuncture therapy on temporomandibular joint arthrosis
Popular concepts of toothache and dental care
Dormant foramen magnum meningioma 'activated' by chiropractic manipulation.
Basis for the use of acupuncture reflexotherapy in odontogenic neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve
Public health/clinical significance of inorganic chemical elements.
A Malay cultural explanation for epilepsy.
Relation between the hypothalamus and acupuncture suppression of the jaw opening reflex
In vitro evaluation of Saudi Arabian toothbrush tree (Salvadora persica).
Homeopathy in dentistry
Dentistry in West Africa.
Empiricism and institutionalized medico-dental practice
The dental use of plants in Amazonia.
Dental mutilation and associated abnormalities in Tanzania.
Effects of nitrous oxide, transcutaneous electrical stimulation, and their combination on brain potentials elicited by painful stimulation.
Efficacy of treating chronic colitis patients with electropuncture
Allergen-controlled study of intranasal immunotherapy for ragweed hay fever.
Treatment of patients with lumbosacral radiculitis
Use of electrical stimulation at acupuncture points for the treatment of reflex sympathetic dystrophy in a child. A case report.
Reflexotherapy for maternal fatigue in labor
Point injection combined with electro-acupuncture in treatment of 300 cases of facial paralysis peripherica.
Comparative evaluation of the analgesic effect of 2 procedures for epicutaneous electric stimulation of nerve fibers
The effects of electrical acupuncture of Neiguan on the PO2 of the border zone between ischemic and non-ischemic myocardium in dogs.
Acupuncture--cultural perspectives. 1. The Western view.
Various features of the treatment of patients with radicular manifestations of lumbar osteochondrosis
Evaluation of electroacupuncture analgesia in an early postoperative period
Physical measures useful in pain management.
Research with Brazilian plants used in traditional medicine
Use of electropuncture for stimulating the accommodation apparatus
Treatment of migraine with electropuncture
Influence of naloxone on the analgesic effects of small-sized fibres.
Regional and lateral specificity of acupuncture-induced action of blood-factor effects inhibiting hindlimb flexor reflexes in the rabbit.
Gender aspects of illness and practitioner use among Filipinos.
Brain stem infarction due to chiropractic manipulation of the cervical spine.
Reflexotherapy in patients with dust bronchitis
The effects of a vegetarian diet on platelet function and fatty acids.
Beliefs and treatment related to diarrhoeal episodes reported in association with measles.
Acupuncture in the complex treatment of peptic ulcer
Variation in response to drugs: Part II. Environmental and nutritional variables.
The role of the healer in neuropsychiatric care in the Revolutionary People's Republic of Guinea
Acupuncture as a method of preparing women with late pregnancy toxemia for labor
Pneumothorax as a complication of acupuncture in the treatment of bronchial asthma.
Who goes to a natural therapist? Why?
A proportionate study of cancer mortality among members of a vegetarian society.
Personal experience with acupuncture in the treatment of women with long-standing hypogastric pain
State health legislation. Selected highlights of recently enacted state legislation.
Why older patients resort to nonphysicians.
Determination of protein requirements in healthy male volunteers on vegetarian diet.
Primary health care for developing countries.
Samoan patterns in seeking health services--Hawaii, 1979-81.
Dowsing for diagnosis and treatment.
Acupuncture: panacea or placebo?
Cervical spine injuries in children
Eye care in China.
An assessment of the intra- and inter-reliability of the posturometer.
Inter- and intra-examiner reliability of leg-length differential measurement: a preliminary study.
Recognizing and helping the suicidal patient in chiropractic practice.
Meralgia paresthetica: a study of incidence in one chiropractic clinic.
Ergonomics: a new factor in the evaluation of disabilities.
Muscle strength testing as a diagnostic screen for supplemental nutrition therapy.
The effects of smoking and cigarette nicotine content on smokers' preparation and performance of a psychosocially stressful task.
1st attempt at using acupuncture in heart surgery patients
Studies on the turnover of acetylcholine in the brain of rats during the course of acupuncture analgesia.
Hierarchy and food in Nepalese healing rituals.
Laughter and suffering: Sinhalese interpretations of the use of ritual humor.
Multi-disciplinary perspectives on post-partum depression: an anthropological critique.
The relevance of traditional medical cultures to modern primary health care.
Laser therapy and laser puncture in rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthrosis deformans and psoriatic arthropathy
Use of various forms of acupuncture and therapy with local anesthetics in accident surgery after care
Effect of reflexotherapy on the functional state of the sympathoadrenal system in patients with bronchial asthma
Role of the abstinence syndrome in the development of alcoholic encephalopathy
Plasma lipids of vegetarian and nonvegetarian males: effects of egg consumption.
Characteristics of afferent fiber innervation on acupuncture points zusanli.
The "Locked-In" syndrome following chiropractic manipulation of the cervical spine.
Smoking cessation with behaviour therapy of acupuncture--a controlled study.
"Wind illness' or somatic depression? A case study in psychiatric anthropology.
The family and family medicine: should this marriage be saved?
Throw downs, fixin, rooting and hexing.
Pharmacological study on "saiko-prescriptions" (3). Actions on experimental inflammation in rats
Hypotension following stimulation of acupuncture point Fengchi (G B 20)
Treatment of migraine by acupuncture.
An association between herbal medicine ingestion and renal failure in Zambian infants.
Ethnography and bioassay: combined methods for a preliminary screen of home remedies for potential pharmacological activity.
Botanical remedies of the former Dutch East Indies (Indonesia). Part II: Dicotyledones up to and including leguminosae.
Pharmacopeia of Qollahuaya Andeans.
Treatment of hiccough by acupuncture.
Acupuncture: why we don't use it more often.
"Billy Reid's sore skins".
Traditional Chinese herbal and medicinal remedies.
Traditional medicine in Ecuador: the structure of the non-formal health systems.
Beliefs regarding the etiology and treatment of infantile diarrhea in Lima, Peru.
The survival of traditional medicine in a Peruvian barriada.
Grass roots, herbs, promotors and preventions: a re-evaluation of contemporary international health care planning. The Bolivian case.
Experience and expectation: conflict and change in traditional family health care among the Quichua of Saraguro.
State of the sympathico-adrenal system during reflexotherapy of duodenal ulcer
Public and patient education in Caribbean hypertension control programmes: an ethnomedical perspective.
Traditional Chinese medicine in China.
Complications in acupuncture therapy
Reflexotherapy of juvenile uterine hemorrhage with low-intensity laser beam
A survey of medicine in China.
Reflexogenic changes in the spontaneous and evoked activity of the parafascicular neurons in the rat thalamus during electroacupuncture stimulation
Parallel structures in professional and folk health care: a model applied to rural Hati.
Healing and transculturation in Xhosa Zionist practice.
Treatment of drug abusers in Malaysia: a comparison.
The use of unproven remedies for rheumatoid arthritis in Ireland.
Preliminary observations on the effects of the Chinese medicinal herbs Astragalus membranaceus and Ligustrum lucidum on lymphocyte blastogenic responses.
The toxic principles in cow's urine concoction (CUC).
Leads from the MMWR. Lead poisoning from Mexican folk remedies--California.
Leads from the MMWR. Folk remedy-associated lead poisoning in Hmong children.
The antibacterial properties of an Aztec wound remedy.
Medicinal plants in Pujehun District of Sierra Leone.
Ethnopharmacology--a challenge.
Medicinal plants used for child's respiratory diseases in Zaire. Part I.
The ethnopharmacology of pituri.
Additional information on the cultural background of drugs and medicinal plants of Yemen.
Studies on Holarrhena antidysenterica wall. 1. Botany, medico-ethnobotany and distribution.
Effect of acupuncture on exercise-induced asthma.
Accidental pneumothorax following injections and acupuncture in the thoracic region
The possible role of tropical medicinal preparations in human carcinoma in Africa.
Characteristics of human IgE antibody responses in vivo.
Current controversy on alternative medicine.
Placebo and naloxone can alter post-surgical pain by separate mechanisms.
Ethno-medical beliefs and practices of Mexican-Americans.
The role of traditional medicine in ophthalmology in Kenya.
Acupuncture reflexotherapy of autonomovascular dystonia
Acupuncture therapy of neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve
Effective treatment for smoking cessation.
Renal functional reserve in humans. Effect of protein intake on glomerular filtration rate.
Psychological rehabilitation of patients with hemoblastoses
Reflexotherapy as a method of treating and preventing progressive dust bronchitis
Tetanus from machwa wounds
Traditional and alternative medicine in modern medical care
Environmental factors: Extensive use of copper utensils and vegetarian diet in the causation of Indian childhood cirrhosis.
Nuclear magnetic resonance: a review of principles and applications in medicine and chiropractic.
Notes from the (chiropractic college's) underground.
Acupuncture in the treatment of blepharospasm
Traditional Zulu theories of illness in psychiatric patients.
Endocrinology and acupuncture
Acupuncture and adrenergic mechanisms of the autonomous nervous system
Acupuncture, auriculotherapy and craniopuncture in the treatment of functional amblyopia in children
Duodenal ulcer. Gastroscopic aspects before and after acupuncture treatment
The Tae Yang (V) and Tou Mo (VG) meridians as vestiges of embryonic structures. Acupuncture as embryo reflex therapy: a new theory
Testing the effect of acupuncture in accident patients using skin temperature measurements
Reflexotherapy and its use in patients with cochlear neuritis
Electroacupuncture and laser puncture in postoperative and post-traumatic contractures in children and adolescents
Needle reflexotherapy in surgical diseases of the musculoskeletal system of the upper limbs
A visit with a curandero.
Neural therapy in tinnitus
Traditional medicine, update from the World Health Organization, Geneva.
The treatment of Meniere's disease by acupuncture.
Effect of acupuncture on disorders of musculoskeletal system in Nigerians.
Changes in the electrical skin resistance on meridians during gastric surgery under general anesthesia.
Electrical skin resistance changes in meridians during ophthalmic surgery with local anesthesia.
Acupuncture and rehabilitation (I) effect of acupuncture on normal side to snapping finger.
Acupuncture and rehabilitation (II) study in cases of snapping finger.
Acupuncture and rehabilitation (III) effects of acupuncture applied to the normal side on osteoarthritis deformans and rheumatoid arthritis of the knee and on disorders in motility of the knee joint after cerebral hemorrhage and thrombosis.
Unani medicine.
Scientific clarification of diagnostics used in Chinese traditional medicine--a genetic and biochemical study of confirmation.
Further investigation on the hypothesis of meridian-cortex-viscera interrelationship.
The three heaters as the link between man and universe.
Effect of garlic, Chinese medicinal drugs and amino acids on growth of Erlich ascites tumor cells in mice.
Some honeys of Kashmir used in traditional medicine in the Indies
Phytotherapeutic profile of some plants used in folk medicine.
Astrological counseling in contemporary India.
The rhetoric of transformation in ritual healing.
Mental health services and traditional healing in Indonesia: are the roles compatible?
Post measles blindness.
In search of mediators of skin vasodilation induced by transcutaneous nerve stimulation: II. Serotonin implicated.
Reform and alternative: a justifiable choice possibility?
Acromegaly and spinal canal stenosis
Acupuncture compared with placebo in post-herpetic pain.
Pain in internal diseases: enemy or ally?
Traditional medicine or illegal practice of the art of healing? Liège empiricism in the 19th century
Curanderismo in Taos County, New Mexico--a possible case of anthropological romanticism?
Ethnic elders and American health care--a physician's perspective.
Native healing in Alaska. Report from Serpentine Hot Springs.
Reflexotherapy of neurotic patients with depressive-hypochondriacal manifestations
Effectiveness of laser treatment of arterial hypotension in pregnancy
Effects of laser-puncture therapy in threatened abortion on the hormone content of the blood
Electromyographic manifestations of hypodynamic disorders of the neuromuscular system during reflexotherapy
Relationship between the fatty acid composition of the diet and that of the subcutaneous adipose tissue in individual human subjects.
Stutterers' practices: folk remedies and therapeutic intervention.
Lumbar facet syndrome: spinographic assessment of treatment by spinal manipulative therapy.
Diagnostic palpation of the spine: a review of procedures and assessment of their reliability.
Pes planus: a review of etiology, diagnosis and chiropractic management.
Prevalence of diagnoses on the basis of radiographic evaluation of chiropractic cases.
Sub-deltoid bursitis due to calcific tendonosis of the rotator cuff: a case report.
Inventory of plants used in traditional medicine in Tanzania. II. Plants of the families Dilleniaceae--Opiliaceae.
Chiropractic and epilepsy.
Pain tolerance and the effect of the treatment of headache by pinpoint stimulation of receptors
Use of combined traditional Chinese and western medicine in the management of burns.
The use of 'alternative treatments' by patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Religiosity and health behaviour in Africa.
Role of acupuncture in bronchial asthma in children
Chronic pelvic pain: psychosomatic aspects and clinico therapeutical reflections.
Some aspects of paediatric native medicine in Sudan.
A quantitative assay of porphobilinogen (PBG) and delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) in the urine of one hundred normal Punjabis. A spectrophotometric study.
Case of mixed connective tissue disease with severe pulmonary fibrosis treated with herbal drugs
Menopausal indices as criteria for the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment of the climacteric syndrome (preliminary report)
Tonic vibration reflex and acupuncture
Community perception and practices in childhood diarrhea.
Vestiges of traditional ophthalmology in Syria
Inventory of plants used in traditional medicine in Tanzania. Part III. Plants of the families Papilionaceae-Vitaceae.
Physiological effects of cabbage with reference to its potential as a dietary cancer-inhibitor and its use in ancient medicine.
The ethnomedicine of the Waorani of Amazonian Ecuador.
Vindication of Maritime Indian herbal remedies.
Psychophysiologic phenomena in multiple personality and hypnosis.
Ophthalmology and homeopathy
Proverbs, tales and legends related to snakes and human and animal ophidism
Does acupuncture work in asthma?
The relationship of blood pressure to diet and lifestyle in two religious populations.
Acupuncture and dentistry
Bowman-Birk soybean protease inhibitor as an anticarcinogen.
Cerebral metastatic choriocarcinoma in the People's Republic of China.
Laser radiations in medical therapy
Isodense cerebellar hematoma.
Relationships between age, body weight, physical fitness and sex-hormone-binding globulin capacity.
Biological fate of the vitamin A transporting protein complex and beta-carotene after excessive dietary intake. Report of a case.
Lack of an effect of dairy protein (casein) and soy protein on plasma cholesterol of strict vegetarians. An experiment and a critical review.
Bone mineral mass in adult lacto-ovo-vegetarian and omnivorous males.
Computerized dietary analysis systems: a comparative view.
Multiple lymphocytoma at the point of puncture as complication of acupuncture treatment. Traumatic origin of lymphocytoma
An exchange of ophthalmologists with the People's Republic of China.
Amenorrhea associated with carotenemia.
Beyond medical paternalism and patient autonomy: a model of physician conscience for the physician-patient relationship.
Paraplegia in osteogenesis imperfecta. A case report.
Holistic medicine: a cooperative inquiry.
Beliefs and practices concerning measles in Gazankulu.
Indian mental health: an orientation.
Caring for Southeast Asian refugee patients in the USA.
Initial experience with the practical use of acupuncture in gynecology and obstetrics in our department
The effect of acupuncture on somatosensory evoked potentials.
More about ice and snow.
Nutrient and food supplement practices of lacto-ovo vegetarians.
Patients who request alternative (non-medical) health care.
Care of the neonate and management of neonatal jaundice as practised by Yoruba traditional healers of Nigeria.
Endogenous opiates modulate release of growth hormone in response to electroacupuncture.
Chiropractic referral by medical practitioners.
Why do cancer patients resort to unconventional medicine? A psychological perspective
Movement for medical treatment. A study in contact patterns of a rural population.
Acupuncture--time for a second look.
Pulmonary rheography and external respiratory function during reflexotherapy of bronchial asthma patients
The physician visit patterns of chiropractic users: health-seeking behavior of the elderly in Manitoba, Canada.
Experiment with the local effect of superhigh-frequency electromagnetic energy on biologically active points
Psychodynamics of spirit possession among the Inuit.
Communicable disease report. United Kingdom July to September 1982.
Role of the margidjbu (traditional healer) in western Arnhem Land.
Estrogen excretion and plasma levels in vegetarian and omnivorous women.
Effects on rats of aqueous extracts of plants used in folk medicine as antihypertensive agents.
Acupuncture treatment of painful and dysfunctional syndromes in subjects exposed to severe stress. Psychosomatic interpretation in the light of the dermatoneuromeric theory
Current role of acupuncture in analgesic therapy
Acupuncture and acetylcholine
Traditional social and family structure, surviving traditions and psychiatric disorders in India
Dietary salt and blood pressure.
Therapeutico-prophylactic measures in an anti-smoking campaign
Laser reflexotherapy of children with severe forms of neurodermatitis
Low blood pressure in vegetarians: the possible role of potassium.
Growth in "new" vegetarian preschool children using the Jenss-Bayley curve fitting technique.
Vegetarianism, ischemic heart disease, and iron.
The significance of ritual in a church-based healing model.
Hwa-Byung: a Korean culture-bound syndrome?
Nutritional rickets in vegetarian children.
Selenium status of vegeterians, nonvegetarians, and hormone-dependent cancer subjects.
Obstetric fistula: one social calamity too many.
Epidemiological determinants of vesicovaginal fistulas.
Lateral humeral epicondylitis--a study of natural history and the effect of conservative therapy.
Health implications of vegetarian diets.
The use of nonprescribed treatments by hemodialysis patients.
Acupuncture treatment of chronic facial pain--a controlled cross-over trial.
Cupping: an erstwhile common modality of therapy.
An evaluation of the effect of chiropractic manipulative therapy on hypolordosis of the cervical spine.
Reliability of faculty assessments of student case histories: a problem in chiropractic education.
Customs and beliefs relating to the mother and infant in an area of rural Andhra Pradesh.
Acupuncture procedure in the pain syndromes following amputation of the extremities
Characteristics of afferent signal conduction in the oral trigeminal nucleus with electroacupuncture action
How the other half eats. The health food movement.
Multiple causality: consequences for medical practice.
The isolation and structural elucidation of liconeolignan from G. uralensis
Clinico-experimental characteristics of uterine contractile activity and fetal status in the process of labor induction by acupuncture
Merolicos and health education.
The hazards of acupuncture.
The aetiology of illness as determined by divination and methods of treatment by Zimbabwean N'anga. Review of 100 consultations with township n'anga.
Female child circumcision in Ilesha, Nigeria. The present and the future.
Phytophotodermatitis due to common rue (Ruta graveolens).
Rastafarians in Britain: a preliminary study of their food habits and beliefs.
Dietary status of Seventh-day Adventists and nonvegetarians.
Fasting and vegetarian diet in rheumatoid arthritis--does new experience explain short-time remission?
Clitoridectomy and excision of the labia minora among the Kisii (Gusii) in western Kenya
Uvulectomy in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania)
Acupuncture. Why we don't use it more often.
Acupuncture as a diagnostic principle incompatible with Western medicine? Diagnostic determination of thermic and electric parameters of the skin surface in normal subjects and patients with lung diseases
Naloxone fails to reverse pain thresholds elevated by acupuncture: acupuncture analgesia reconsidered.
The study of the central grey matter in mechanisms of different kinds of analgesia: effects of lesions.
Azarcón por empacho--another cause of lead toxicity.
Responses of neurons in parafascicular nucleus to severe radiant heat stimulation.
Acupuncture--a method of reflex puncture physiotherapy
Treatment of patients with hypertension with an extract of the leaves of Eucommia ulmoides
Acupuncture anesthesia in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Changes in the bioelectric activity in the orbitofrontal and somatosensory areas of the cerebral cortex caused by electroacupuncture
Pharmacotherapy in Vietnamese traditional medicine
Clinical analysis of 1,000 cases of hysterical paralysis
Effect of shakuyaku-kanzoh-toh, a prescription composed of shakuyaku (Paeoniae Radix) and kanzoh (Glycyrrhizae Radix) on guinea pig ileum.
Anna Pavala Sindhooram--an antiatherosclerotic Indian drug.
Ethnopharmacology of ska María Pastora (Salvia divinorum, Epling and Játiva-M.).
Herbal folk medicine in northwestern Argentina: compositae.
Ethnopharmacology versus chemosystematics in the search for biologically active principles in plants.
Cancerostatic effect of vegetarian diets.
Sociocultural aspects of epilepsy in Africa.
Treatment of diseases in a rural population: survival of Hispanic elements?
A caste and outcaste system in medicine.
Tender spots around the osteoarthritic knee.
Spirits, shamans, and nightmare death: survivor stress in a Hmong refugee.
Non-medical treatment of ischemic cerebrovascular disease. Surgical operations and other methods.
Acid phosphatase among Brahmin and Kamma caste populations of coastal Andhra Pradesh, India.
Complications of the 'treatment' of tonsillar infection by traditional healers in Nigeria.
Root doctors as providers of primary care.
Acupuncture in poliomyelitis.
Acupuncture therapy for tennis elbow.

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