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Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
March 2025

Bibliography — Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) — 1999

IV applied vegetarian nutrition
Complementary medicine
Re: Flora et al. Silymarin for the therapy of liver disease.
Acupuncture treatment of vasomotor symptoms in men with prostatic carcinoma: a pilot study.
Wanted: hypothesis testing in alternative medicine.
Neuropathy in two cobalamin-deficient breast-fed infants of vegetarian mothers.
Indwelling needles carry greater risks than acupuncture techniques.
Knee osteoarthritis and acupuncture
Chiropractic for low back pain. Efficacy of spinal manipulation for low back pain has not been reliably shown.
Chiropractic for low back pain. Chiropractic is one of the safest forms of treatment available.
Chiropractic for low back pain. Evidence for manipulation is stronger than that for most orthodox medical treatments.
Chiropractic for low back pain. Editorial included topics unrelated to its title.
Alternative medicine--the case of herbal remedies.
Alternative medicine--the case of herbal remedies.
Alternative medicine--the case of herbal remedies.
Alternative medicine--the case of herbal remedies.
Alternative medicine--the case of herbal remedies.
Alternative medicine--the case of herbal remedies.
Alternative medicine--the case of herbal remedies.
Alternative medicine--the case of herbal remedies.
Alternative medicine--the case of herbal remedies.
Alternative medicine--the case of herbal remedies.
Alternative medicine--the case of herbal remedies.
Use of complementary medicines: scientific and ethical issues.
Use of complementary medicines: scientific and ethical issues.
A compliance testing program for diagnostic X-ray equipment.
Medical school courses in alternative medicine.
Medical school courses in alternative medicine.
Medical school courses in alternative medicine.
Medical school courses in alternative medicine.
Report from the ninth annual meeting of the Chiropractic Research Journal Editors' Council.
Incidence of ponticulus posterior of the atlas in migraine and cervicogenic headache.
The ability to reproduce the neutral zero position of the head.
Relationship between techniques taught and practice behavior: education and clinical correlation.
Possible manifestation of temporomandibular joint dysfunction on chiropractic cervical X-ray studies.
Chiropractic rehabilitation of a patient with S1 radiculopathy associated with a large lumbar disk herniation.
Growing popularity of alternative medicine documented in new survey.
Unsafe and potentially safe herbal therapies.
Nutrition in the adolescent.
Saw palmetto extracts for benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Echinacea for the prevention of upper respiratory tract infections.
Expectations about alternative therapies and women with gynecological cancer.
Ngaka ya setswana, ngaka ya sekgoa or both? Health seeking behaviour in Batswana with pulmonary tuberculosis.
Effects of the Chinese traditional medicine mao-bushi-saishin-to on therapeutic efficacy of a new benzoxazinorifamycin, KRM-1648, against Mycobacterium avium infection in mice.
Jeffrey White directs NCI's new Office of Alternative Medicine. Interview by Nancy Nelson.
A delivery circuit for normothermic reperfusion model.
An insulin-dependent hypoglycaemia induced by electroacupuncture at the Zhongwan (CV12) acupoint in diabetic rats.
The Ice Man's diet as reflected by the stable nitrogen and carbon isotopic composition of his hair.
Neonatal effects of maternal consumption of blue cohosh.
The (un)regulation of dietary supplements.
Chiropractors here to stay.
Folk medical practices in psychiatric patients of Turkish origin in Germany
An alternative medicine study of herbal effects on the penetration of zona-free hamster oocytes and the integrity of sperm deoxyribonucleic acid.
An herbal weight-loss drug fails in rigorous testing.
Effect of magnolol on in vitro mitochondrial lipid peroxidation and isolated cold-preserved warm-reperfused rat livers.
'You people': intolerance and alternative medicine.
The construct of control in mind-body medicine: implications for healthcare.
Seeing to the distant mountain: diagnosis in Tibetan medicine.
Confronting the communication gap between conventional and alternative medicine: a survey of physicians' attitudes.
Music therapy and chiropractic: an integrative model of tonal and rhythmic spinal adjustment.
European Commission sponsors consensus report on unconventional medicine. Research Council for Complementary Medicine.
Discovery and development of antineoplastic agents from natural sources.
Developing a clinical competency examination in radiology: part I--test structure.
Developing a clinical competency examination in radiology: part II--test results.
Validation of the force and frequency characteristics of the activator adjusting instrument: effectiveness as a mechanical impedance measurement tool.
Experts' opinions on complementary/alternative therapies for low back pain.
Low back pain and the lumbar intervertebral disk: clinical considerations for the doctor of chiropractic.
Manipulative management of post-Colles' fracture weakness and diminished active range of motion.
Effects of altering cycling technique on gluteus medius syndrome.
Toward an evidence-based model for chiropractic education and practice.
Informed consent: an Australian case study.
Joint complex dysfunction, a novel term to replace subluxation/subluxation complex: etiological and treatment considerations.
Case of sepsis caused by Bifidobacterium longum.
Alternative medicine. Attitude of and survey by the Medical Society
Are we really interested to find out if homeopathic therapy has any effect?
Screening of plants used by Southern African traditional healers in the treatment of dysmenorrhoea for prostaglandin-synthesis inhibitors and uterine relaxing activity.
A search for anti-viral properties in Panamanian medicinal plants. The effects on HIV and its essential enzymes.
Uncaria tomentosa (Willd.) DC.--ethnomedicinal use and new pharmacological, toxicological and botanical results.
Pharmacology of Casimiroa edulis IV. Hypotensive effects of compounds isolated from methanolic extracts in rats and guinea pigs.
Effect of Korean folk medicine 'Chung-Dae-San' on mast cell-dependent anaphylactic reaction.
Hypolipidaemic action of Tinospora cordifolia roots in alloxan diabetic rats.
Antiherpes virus activity of extracts from the medicinal plant Geranium sanguineum L.
Wide spectrum antibacterial and antifungal activities in the seeds of some coprophilous plants of north Indian plains.
Antiviral activity in Argentine medicinal plants.
Anti-inflammatory effects of Taiwan folk medicine 'Teng-Khia-U' on carrageenan- and adjuvant-induced paw edema in rats.
Antistressor effect of Withania somnifera.
Effects of Yokuinin on the therapeutic efficacy of a new benzoxazinorifamycin KRM-1648 against Mycobacterium avium infection.
Effects of isoflavonoids on blood pressure in subjects with high-normal ambulatory blood pressure levels: a randomized controlled trial.
Planned chiropractic merger riles faculty.
Insulin-secreting activity of the traditional antidiabetic plant Viscum album (mistletoe).
Close encounters.
Daily boron intake from the American diet.
Homeopathic products.
Herbal interventions in asthma and allergy.
The medical profession and alternative medicine in The Netherlands: its history and recent developments.
The onset of common mental disorders in primary care attenders in Harare, Zimbabwe.
Pharmacological properties of traditional medicines. XXV. Effects of ephedrine, amygdalin, glycyrrhizin, gypsum and their combinations on body temperature and body fluid.
Health economic analysis of the effects of including complementary medicine in the benefit package of health insurance
Motivation for the choice of complementary and mainstream medicine. Patients' behavior in a pluralistic medical system
Complementary medicine and health legislation
Legal status of complementary medicine in Europe
Mainstream medicine versus complementary medicine (homeopathic) intervention: a critical methodology study of care in pregnancy
Quality of life of pregnant women in homeopathic or mainstream medical type of care and the course of the pregnancy
Acupuncture and bronchial asthma
Acupuncture and insomnia
Demonstration of the effective of acupuncture on the autonomic nervous system by examination of the microcirculation
Quality of life of patients with metastatic breast or intestinal cancer, treated with anthroposophic medicine or with mainstream medicine, the latter with or without psycho-oncologic or supplementary anthroposophic therapy
Medicine and medical concepts
Elemental mercury in the appendix: an unusual complication of a Mexican-American folk remedy.
Plant alkaloid tetrandrine downregulates protein kinase C-dependent signaling pathway in T cells.
Inhibition of human sperm motility by specific herbs used in alternative medicine.
Opinions of MDs, RNs, allied health practitioners toward osteopathic medicine and alternative therapies: results from a Vermont survey.
Herbal products and the Internet: a marriage of convenience.
Shifting from decreasing risk to actually preventing and arresting atherosclerosis.
Efficacy and safety of simvastatin 80 mg/day in hypercholesterolemic patients: why is someone still using the phase I diet for patients at risk for atherosclerosis?
Effect and placebo effect of acupressure (P6) on nausea and vomiting after outpatient gynaecological surgery.
Ginkgo biloba for antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction?
Caution recommended.
Integrating homoeopathy in health systems.
Effect of Kumhwang-San on anaphylactic reaction in a murine model.
Soybeans may be linked to pain relief.
Mass immunisation: for and against.
Mass immunisation: for and against.
Alternative therapies after enactment of the Individual Health Care Professionals Act (Wet BIG)
Is acupuncture effective in the treatment of fibromyalgia?
Anti-tumor effects of PC-SPES, an herbal formulation in prostate cancer.
Acupuncture resuscitation techniques questioned.
Acupuncture resuscitation techniques questioned.
Acupuncture resuscitation techniques questioned.
Clinical trial of electrical acupuncture on hemiplegic stroke patients.
Beans and bran -- fiber data come under fire.
The effects of nutritional supplements on the treatment of depression, diabetes, and hypercholesterolemia in the renal patient.
Crystal-growth kinetics of protein single crystals along capillary tubes in the gel-acupuncture technique.
Mosaic spread characterization of microgravity-grown tetragonal lysozyme single crystals.
Traditional Iberian folk medicine in dermatology.
Traditional Native American medicine in dermatology.
The American system of medicine.
Homeopathy in dermatology.
Traditional approaches to wound healing.
Complementary and alternative medicine and the NIH.
Improvement of early postburn cardiac function by use of Panax notoginseng and immediate total eschar excision in one operation.
Evidence-based medicine and complementary medicine.
Documenting the diet in ancient human populations through stable isotope analysis of hair.
Herbal remedies and nephrotoxicity
An adverse reaction to the herbal medication milk thistle (Silybum marianum). Adverse Drug Reactions Advisory Committee.
Effects on skeletal muscle fibres of diabetes and Ginkgo biloba extract treatment.
Laxatives and the Ice Man.
Laxatives and the Ice Man.
The new health care consumer.
WebWatch--women's health. Hair, skin, and nails.
Anti-obesity action of oolong tea.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia: variability in practice and guide to action based on scientific evidence
Phytotherapy for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: case not proven.
Recognition of different antigens of mistletoe extracts by anti-mistletoe lectin antibodies.
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM): a review for the primary care physician.
Cerebral polyopia with extrastriate quadrantanopia: report of a case with magnetic resonance documentation of V2/V3 cortical infarction.
The use of acupuncture in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
Managed care and complementary and alternative medicine: lessons from the past and suggestions for the future.
Carpal tunnel syndrome: clinical outcome after low-level laser acupuncture, microamps transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, and other alternative therapies--an open protocol study.
Acupuncture for gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary disorders.
Fatal and adverse events from acupuncture: allegation, evidence, and the implications.
Homeopathy and managed care: manageable or unmanageable.
Dementia in Ayurveda.
Correction: Alternative Medicine -- The Case of Herbal Remedies.
Regulation of estrogen receptor beta mRNA in the brain: opposite effects of 17beta-estradiol and the phytoestrogen, coumestrol.
The basis for homeopathy as a therapeutic method
The demonstration of the efficacy of homeopathic drugs
Holistic pediatrics: a research agenda.
The effect of electro-acupuncture stimulation on the muscle blood flow of the hindlimb in anesthetized rats.
Dietary supplements: an important component of alternative medicine curricula.
Alternative and complementary medicine in Canadian medical schools: a survey.
Huge court fight may be in offing as Ontario college considers penalty for maverick MD.
The order of things: alternative medicine.
Acupuncture: a certain degree of recognition
New drugs from nature--it could be yew.
Uterine muscle reactivity to repeated administration and phytochemistry of the leaf and seed extracts of Piper guineense.
Hypoglycaemic activity of four plants used in Chilean popular medicine.
Antihepatotoxic activity of Swertia chirata on paracetamol and galactosamine induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
Antiprotozoal properties of Helianthemum glomeratum.
Effects of extracts of seed and leaf of Piper guineense on skeletal muscle activity in rat and frog.
In vitro and in vivo evaluation of betulinic acid as an antimalarial.
Effects of Corylus avellana in acetaminophen and CCl4 induced toxicosis.
Antiinflammatory activity of some extracts from plants used in the traditional medicine of north-African countries (II).
Effect of parsley (Petroselinum crispum) on the skin of STZ induced diabetic rats.
Antiviral activity of some South American medicinal plants.
Bioactivity studies of Salvia transsylvanica (Schur ex Griseb) grown in Egypt.
Antimicrobial triterpenes from Ilex integra and the mechanism of antifungal action.
Effects of 14-deoxyandrographolide and 14-deoxy-11,12-didehydroandrographolide on nitric oxide production in cultured human endothelial cells.
Antiprotozoal activity of aporphine alkaloids isolated from Unonopsis buchtienii (Annonaceae).
St. John's wort: a new alternative for depression?
Acupuncture as a treatment for temporomandibular joint dysfunction: a systematic review of randomized trials.
Study on the isolation, purification and physicochemical properties of polysaccharides from Indocalamus tesselatus.
Herbal medicine--taking a position. Effectiveness and usefulness of herbal preparations
Acute hemodynamic effects of tetramethylpyrazine and tetrandrine on cirrhotic rats.
Quality of herbal remedies from Allium sativum: differences between alliinase from garlic powder and fresh garlic.
Use of breakfast cereals for constipation in elderly persons.
Artemether for severe malaria: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials.
Doctors' narratives in Balint groups.
Production of ginseng and its bioactive components in plant cell culture: current technological and applied aspects.
Stimulation of interleukin-1 and -6 production in alveolar macrophages by the neotropical liana, Uncaria tomentosa (uña de gato)
Phytotherapy in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: an update.
The effect of an extract of aspen bark on the development of a chronic ulcerative process in animal stomachs
What is the attitude of Mrs. and Mr. Austria regarding their health system?
Management of perimenopause: focus on alternative therapies.
Use of complementary and alternative medicine in Hawaii cancer patients.
Delay in the diagnosis and treatment of primary bone sarcoma of the pelvis.
The methods of traditional medicine in outpatient polyclinic practice
Nonprescription and alternative medication use by individuals with HIV disease.
In vitro dialyzability using meal approach as an index for zinc and iron absorption in humans.
Japanese electro-acustim in the treatment of chronic hiccups.
Nutrient intake and iron status of Australian male vegetarians.
Preclinical efficacy studies of green and black tea extracts.
Inhibition of carcinogenesis by tea: bioavailability of tea polyphenols and mechanisms of actions.
The chemopreventive effects of tea on human oral precancerous mucosa lesions.
Inhibitory effect of green and black tea on tumor growth.
The prevention of lung cancer induced by a tobacco-specific carcinogen in rodents by green and black Tea.
Diagnosis, Tibetan style, underlies small herbal study of advanced breast cancer.
Complementary medicine.
Complementary medicine.
The detection of cerebral circulation changes in children by Doppler ultrasonography in ambulatory care
Acupuncture and dental pain.
A scientific perspective on developing acupuncture as a complementary medicine.
Acupuncture: neurophysiological perspectives.
Critical perspectives.
Methodological perspectives.
Homeopathic remedies for jet lag.
Development of a 32P-postlabeling method for the detection of 1, N2-propanodeoxyguanosine adducts of 2-hexenal in vivo.
The marginalization of hormesis.
Complementary medicine. Fact and fiction about chiropractic.
Herbs for bowel problems?
Acupuncture and amitriptyline for HIV-related peripheral neuropathic pain.
Acupuncture and amitriptyline for HIV-related peripheral neuropathic pain.
Acupuncture and amitriptyline for HIV-related peripheral neuropathic pain.
Physiotherapeutic possibilities in the treatment of postpolio syndrome
Alternative medicine.
Chemopreventive effect of Ocimum sanctum on DMBA-induced hamster buccal pouch carcinogenesis.
Effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for pain relief on patients undergoing hemorrhoidectomy: prospective, randomized, controlled trial.
Complementary medicine--where lies its appeal?
Acupuncture in Australian general practice: patient characteristics.
Pre-Columbian medicine and the kidney.
Iridology: A systematic review.
Biochemical efficacy of homeopathic and electronic preparations of D8 potassium cyanate
Herbal medicine products and drug law
University Forum Workshop for Natural Medical Treatment and Complementary Medicine
Medicolegal file. Tacit approval of alternative therapy.
Hypotensive effects of a methanol extract of Bidens pilosa Linn on hypertensive rats
Hypericum in seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
Back problems. Chiropractic evaluation and management.
Acupuncture as a treatment modality for back problems.
On homeopathy
Re: Nutritional and socioeconomic factors in relation to prostate cancer mortality: a cross-national study.
Structure-related inhibitory activity of oleanolic acid glycosides on gastric emptying in mice.
The effects of nasal massage of the "yingxiang" acupuncture point on nasal airway resistance and sensation of nasal airflow in patients with nasal congestion associated with acute upper respiratory tract infection.
Measurement and pharmacokinetic study of tetramethylpyrazine in rat blood and its regional brain tissue by high-performance liquid chromatography.
Phylogeny of Darwin's finches as revealed by mtDNA sequences.
Rationale for assessing the effects of manipulative therapy on autonomic tone by analysis of heart rate variability.
Use of cervical spine manipulation under anesthesia for management of cervical disk herniation, cervical radiculopathy, and associated cervicogenic headache syndrome.
Can spinal adjustments and manipulation mask ongoing pathologic conditions?
Psychoneuroimmunology, the placebo effect and chiropractic.
Motion palpation: it's time to accept the evidence.
Chiropractic Biophysics (CBP) group.
Portal hypotensive effects of combined terlipressin and DL-028, a synthetic alpha 1 adrenoceptor antagonist administration on anesthetized portal hypertensive rats.
Making sense of medical marijuana.
Examining the debate on the use of medical marijuana.
Marijuana: still a "signal of misunderstanding".
The effect of an antiatherogenic vegetarian diet on the clinico-hemodynamic and biochemical indices in elderly patients with ischemic heart disease
From herbarium to the EU. Some reflections on alternative medicine
Effect of various dilutions of the potentiated antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100 on the post-titanic potentiation in surviving hippocampal slices
Natural ether oils in the treatment of chronic pharyngitis in children in pediatric practice
Homeopathy and other alternative therapies
Alternative neurologist--a neurologic alternative?
Biotypology. I: Scope and history.
Community hospital homeopathy clinic: audit of the first 12 months activity.
Sicarius (six-eyed crab spider): a homeopathic treatment for Ebola haemorrhagic fever and disseminated intravascular coagulation?
The early work of Dr. Edward Bach.
20 years ago. The British Homoeopathic Journal, January 1979.
Pain threshold in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and effect of manual oscillations.
Recent advances in the fight against leishmaniasis with natural products.
A randomized controlled trial of the effect of fluid extract of Echinacea purpurea on the incidence and severity of colds and respiratory infections.
An herb for every illness?
Immunoprotective effect of IM-133.
Migraine headaches: nutritional, botanical and other alternative approaches.
Adieu potpourri.
Exploring the 'herbal jungle'.
So you want to be an ... aromatherapist.
Effect of dietary alpha-linolenic acid on thrombotic risk factors in vegetarian men.
Nonheme-iron absorption, fecal ferritin excretion, and blood indexes of iron status in women consuming controlled lactoovovegetarian diets for 8 wk.
Phytophotodermatitis due to the application of citrus hystrix as a folk remedy.
Another cellulite remedy.
Ciguatera fish poisoning.
Reproducibility of results with homeopathic remedies.
Review, critique, and guidelines for the use of herbs and homeopathy.
Placebo acupuncture--invasive or not invasive
Garlic or jalapeño peppers for treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection.
An international survey of the use and attitudes regarding alternative medicine by patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
A case-control study of risk factors for sporadic hepatitis C virus infection in the southwestern United States.
Complementary medicine: too good to be true?
Use of complementary therapies by patients attending musculoskeletal clinics.
Believes GV-26 conclusions unfounded.
Epidemiology, etiology, diagnostic evaluation, and treatment of low back pain.
Enhancement of nitric oxide synthesis by the aqueous extract of Spiraea prunifolia var. simpliciflora's root in RAW 264.7 cells.
Sixth Annual Congress on Women's Health, Washington, DC, June 21-24, 1998.
Menstruation still full of myths
Acupressure-acupuncture antiemetic prophylaxis in children undergoing tonsillectomy.
Computer-controlled acupuncture. A new construction for simultaneous measurement of blood flow velocity of the supratrochlear and middle cerebral arteries
Measles, Hmong, and metaphor: culture change and illness management under conditions of immigration.
Homeopathic medicine in the city of Oaxaca, Mexico: patients' perspectives and observations.
Antiviral activity of Bolivian plant extracts.
Fish intake, independent of apo(a) size, accounts for lower plasma lipoprotein(a) levels in Bantu fishermen of Tanzania: The Lugalawa Study.
Diet and its preventive role in prostatic disease.
Use of formal and informal care among people with prolonged fatigue: a review of the literature.
A look at complementary medicine's role in eczema.
Safety is of the essence.
Prognostic value of the pilocarpine test to identify patients who may obtain long-term relief from xerostomia by acupuncture treatment.
Evaluation of acupuncture for pain control after oral surgery: a placebo-controlled trial.
Use of alternative medicine among patients with head and neck cancer.
Alcohol abuse.
NOU 1998:21. Alternative medicine
Documentation of the effects of alternative medicine
Synthesis of ginseng diyne analogues and their antiproliferative activity against L1210 cells.
Legal implications of practicing alternative medicine.
Saw palmetto for benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Randomized trials and scientific methods.
Randomized trial of aromatherapy: successful treatment for alopecia areata.
Herbal medicine legislation and registration and stretching the mind; mental exercise for health?
Protecting the availability of herbal medicines.
Alternative licensing for herbal medicine-like products in the European Union. European Herbal Practitioners Association.
Delayed onset muscle soreness in long-distance runners.
Use of noninvasive electroacupuncture for the treatment of HIV-related peripheral neuropathy: a pilot study.
A case study in integrative medicine: alternative theories and the language of biomedicine.
Scientific evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine under DSHEA: a conundrum. Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act.
Historical data as an aid in pharmaceutical prospecting and drug safety determination.
Reflections on traditional medicine.
Guidelines in phytotherapy. Phytotherapy in Italy. Associazione Nazionale Medici Fitoterapeuti (ANMFIT).
Complementary medicine from the viewpoint of science. Report of the expert group of the National Research Program 34, Complementary Medicine. 1992-1998. Swiss National Trends NFP 34
Cytochemical indices of glycogen content in neutrophil granulocytes in peripheral blood among the patients with prostatitis
Nontraditional treatments for localized prostate cancer: ten rules to know before talking to my patients.
Prostate cancer chemoprevention by green tea.
Soy, disease prevention, and prostate cancer.
Traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and other alternative medicines for prostate cancer: an introduction and the need for more research.
Is herbal therapy helpful or hazardous?
Development of a soy food frequency questionnaire to estimate isoflavone consumption in US adults.
Vegetarianism among US women physicians.
Two small surveys, 25 years apart, investigating motivations of dietary choice in 2 groups of vegetarians in the Boston area.
Chiropractic and medicine blended at clinic.
New federal office will spend millions to regulate herbal remedies, vitamins.
Belgium is to regulate complementary medicine.
Use of indigenous explanations and remedies to further understand nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.
Aromatherapy in practice.
Homeopathy--the new orthodoxy.
Homeopathy in HIV infection: a trial report of double-blind placebo controlled study.
Reduction of alcohol induced sleep time in albino mice by potentized Nux vomica prepared with 90% ethanol.
How to prescribe Medorrhinum: the frequency of symptoms and signs in homeopathic patients.
Was Kent a Hahnemannian?
20 years ago. The British Homoeopathic Journal, April 1979.
Health care professionals' familiarity with non-pharmacological strategies for managing cancer pain.
Inhibitory effects of electroacupuncture on stress responses evoked by tooth-pulp stimulation in rats.
And again: is homeopathy a placebo response?
A homeopathic nosode for influenza-like syndromes.
Rhythmical electrical events as indicators for biological actions of homeopathic remedies.
Vegetarianism and dental fluorosis among children in a high fluoride area of northern Tanzania.
Factors associated with success or failure in radiological interpretation: diagnostic thinking approaches.
Herbalism in Minnesota. What should physicians know?
Natural options for menopause.
Legal aspects of alternative medicine in Minnesota.
Pneumothorax secondary to acupuncture.
Hypertensive crisis from herbal treatment of impotence.
Anticholinergic toxicity associated with lupine seeds as a home remedy for diabetes mellitus.
Effects of olfactory stimuli on urge reduction in smokers.
Commitment to complementary medicine: politically correct lip service or co-ordinated strategy?
Are vegetarians an 'at risk group' for iodine deficiency?
Increased risk of iodine deficiency with vegetarian nutrition.
A systematic review of randomized controlled trials of acupuncture for neck pain.
Evidence-based complementary medicine: a contradiction in terms?
Future scenarios for the prevention and delay of Alzheimer disease onset in high-risk groups. An ethical perspective.
Effects of an essential oil from the bark of Croton cajucara Benth. on experimental gastric ulcer models in rats and mice.
DataWatch. Boom time for alternative medicine.
Proofs and explanations within complementary and alternative medicine: an expanded perspective on research.
How to get up to speed on alternative medicine.
ACHE preview. An exploration of alternative medicine.
As voters pass pot measures, grass grows under plans' feet.
Possibilities of advanced education in phytotherapy
Vegetarianism in young women: another means of weight control?
An assessment of exposure to mercury and mercuric chloride from handling treated herbarium plants.
Decoding the mystery. Evaluating complementary and alternative medicine.
Outcomes research and the quality of health care: the beacon of an ethics of evidence.
Alternative medicine: growing trend for the new millennium.
Use of alternative medicine by women with early-stage breast cancer.
Use of alternative medicine--a marker for distress?
Effect of a standardized acupuncture treatment on complains, blood pressure and serum lipids of hypertensive, postmenopausal women. A randomized, controlled clinical study
Medicinal baths for treatment of generalized fibromyalgia
Problems of study designs with randomization, blinding and placebos
Alternative medicine therapy in dermatology: dimensions, chances and approaches to an integrative understanding
Phytotherapy in chronic dermatoses and wounds: what is the evidence?
Regulative therapy: treatment with nonspecific stimulants in dermatology in traditional and modern perspectives
Attitudes and prior experience with respect to alternative medicine among dermatological patients: the Freiburg questionnaire on attitudes to naturopathy (FAN).
Anticancer potency of the milk extract of Semecarpus anacardium Linn. nuts against aflatoxin B1 mediated hepatocellular carcinoma bearing Wistar rats with reference to tumour marker enzymes.
Contact reactions to fragrances.
Applied studies of plant meridian system: I. The effect of agri-wave technology on yield and quality of tomato.
Changes of pulse rate and skin temperature evoked by electroacupuncture stimulation with different frequency on both Zusanli acupoints in humans.
The effect of auricular acupuncture on olfactory acuity.
Effect of panax notoginseng extracts on inferior sperm motility in vitro.
Effect of "rasayanas" a herbal drug preparation on cell-mediated immune responses in tumour bearing mice.
Effect of "rasayanas", a herbal drug preparation on immune responses and its significance in cancer treatment.
Role of complementary medicine in the US.
Melatonin treatment of non-epileptic myoclonus in children.
The effect of acupuncture in chronic intractable epilepsy.
The use of nonpharmacologic techniques to prevent postoperative nausea and vomiting: a meta-analysis.
So you want to be a ... homoeopath.
So you want to be an acupuncturist.
The effect of phyto-air ionization on the main homeostatic systems in patients with neurocirculatory dystonia and essential hypertension
The use of puncture physiotherapy for optimizing the mud therapy of spinal osteochondrosis patients
The modern concepts of phyto-aromatherapy
Clinico-haematological profile of isolated PF3 availability defect: therapeutic potential of soya bean--a pilot study.
Complementary and alternative medicine use by patients with inflammatory bowel disease: An Internet survey.
The DINs and don'ts of herbal/natural preparations.
Homeopathic "point of view"
Alternative therapies for advanced prostate cancer. What should I tell my patients?
National Health Service funding for complementary medicine research: the NHS acupuncture trials.
Acupuncture for migraine and headache in primary care: a protocol for a pragmatic, randomized trial.
Reviewer bias against the unconventional? A randomized double-blind study of peer review.
Efficacy of a potentized homoeopathic drug (Arsenicum Album-30) in reducing toxic effects produced by arsenic trioxide in mice: II. On alterations in body weight, tissue weight and total protein.
Familiarizing medical students with complementary and alternative medicine: encouraging new attitudes and ideas.
The effectiveness of acupuncture in the management of acute and chronic low back pain. A systematic review within the framework of the Cochrane Collaboration Back Review Group.
Naloxone reverses inhibitory effect of electroacupuncture on sympathetic cardiovascular reflex responses.
Use of complementary and alternative medicine in Hawaii cancer patients.
Ginkgo biloba for dementia: a reasonable alternative?
Traditional medicine in Turkey IX: folk medicine in north-west Anatolia.
Anthelmintic activity of the latex of Ficus species.
Screening of medicinal plants from Trinidad and Tobago for antimicrobial and insecticidal properties.
Antimicrobial activity of extracts of herbal plants used in the traditional medicine of Jordan.
Intraspousal transmission of GB virus C/hepatitis G virus in an hepatitis C virus hyperendemic area in Japan.
Green tea for remission maintenance in Crohn's disease?
Chiropractic intervention in the treatment of joint and soft tissue disorders.
Calcium influx inhibition: possible mechanism of the negative effect of tetrahydropalmatine on left ventricular pressure in isolated rat heart.
Effect of Hepatogard--an indigenous formulation on dexamethasone induced antihealing effects in male albino rats.
Kava: Piper methysticum.
Inhibition by tectorigenin and tectoridin of prostaglandin E2 production and cyclooxygenase-2 induction in rat peritoneal macrophages.
Acute hepatitis after phytotherapy
Veterinary acupuncture.
Collaborative physician-patient planning and professional liability: opening the legal door to unconventional medicine.
Differences between acute and chronic illness may clarify issues of orthodox versus alternative medicine and tort law versus collaborative planning.
An analytical model of lumbar motion segment in flexion.
Supervision of chiropractors: a summary of results from two surveys involving chiropractic supervisors and graduates in England and Sweden.
The frequency of positive common spinal clinical examination findings in a sample of premenstrual syndrome sufferers.
Management of acute lumbar disk herniation initially presenting as mechanical low back pain.
Chiropractic: more good than harm or vice versa?
The routine use of radiographic spinal displacement analysis: a dissent.
Motion palpation: it's time to accept the evidence.
Motion palpation: it's time to accept the evidence.
Panax ginseng protects the testis against 2,3,7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin induced testicular damage in guinea pigs.
Do we have drugs for dementia? No.
Randomized, double-blind trial of chitosan for body weight reduction.
Acupuncture and nicotine withdrawal.
Research on complementary medicine in rheumatic diseases: the need for better quality studies and reproduction of claimed positive results.
Effect of acupuncture on quality of life, mouth occlusion pressures and lung function in COPD
The science and art of aromatherapy.
World Wide Web resources for perinatal nursing.
Antihyperlipidemic action of Ogi-Keishi-Gomotsu-To-Ka-Kojin against cyclophosphamide-induced hyperlipidemia in rabbits.
Studies on interactions between traditional herbal and Western medicines. I. Effects of Sho-seiryu-to on the pharmacokinetics of carbamazepine in rats.
Effect of Peumus boldus on the labeling of red blood cells and plasma proteins with technetium-99m.
Effect of pistachio nuts on serum lipid levels in patients with moderate hypercholesterolemia.
The dietary treatment of inflammatory arthritis: case reports and review of the literature.
A simplified herbal formulation attenuates electroconvulsive shock-induced anterograde amnesia.
A randomized trial of acupuncture as an adjunctive therapy in osteoarthritis of the knee.
Inhibitory effect of mast cell-mediated immediate-type allergic reactions by Cichorium intybus.
The power of herbs.
Orthopaedic surgeons. Inheritors of tradition.
Complementary and alternative medicine in women's health. Developing a research agenda.
A national survey of herbal preparation use by nurse-midwives for labor stimulation. Review of the literature and recommendations for practice.
Acupuncture and acupressure. Applications to women's reproductive health care.
Herbs and the childbearing woman. Guidelines for midwives.
Introducing herbal medicine into conventional health care settings.
Menopause and beyond. The wise woman way.
Homeopathy. A theoretical framework and clinical application.
Homeopathic remedies in prenatal care.
Alternative healing in nurse-midwifery practice.
Alternative therapies and alternative medicine.
Energy medicine for long-term disabilities.
Alternative medicine, education and standards of publication and research.
How safe is acupuncture? Developing the evidence on risk.
The role of traditional healers in the fight against AIDS in Africa.
Adverse events in acupuncture and moxibustion treatment: a six-year survey at a national clinic in Japan.
Short-term outcomes of treatment for musculoskeletal disorders in a hospital-based alternative and complementary medicine clinic.
Teaching an integrated approach to complementary, alternative, and mainstream therapies for children: a curriculum evaluation.
Attitudes of medical and nonmedical students toward orthodox and complementary therapies: is scientific evidence taken into account?
The practice of complementary medicine outside the National Health Service.
The antiatherosclerotic effect of Allium sativum.
Collaborating with native healers.
Herbal foods.
Antibacterial activity of hyperforin from St John's wort, against multiresistant Staphylococcus aureus and gram-positive bacteria.
Salviae radix root extract inhibits immunoglobulin E-mediated allergic reaction.
Alternative and complementary medicine.
A review of nutrients and botanicals in the integrative management of cognitive dysfunction.
A review of plants used in the treatment of liver disease: part two.
Detection of 1,N2-propanodeoxyguanosine adducts of 2-hexenal in organs of Fischer 344 rats by a 32P-post-labeling technique.
Ginkgo biloba for tinnitus: a review.
Ginkgo biloba extract increases ocular blood flow velocity.
Medicinal herbs: a primer for primary care.
Disclosing complementary and alternative medicine use in the medical encounter: a qualitative study in women with breast cancer.
Clinical crossroads: a 45-year-old woman with premenstrual dysphoric disorder.
Salvia miltiorrhiza extract inhibits alcohol absorption, preference, and discrimination in sP rats.
Health plans and alternative medicine--where do physicians fit in?
Alternative medicine: growing trend for the new millennium, Part II.
Homeopathic e-mail.
Why do people favour alternative medicine?
Acupuncture therapy of back pain seen from a perspective of MTV
Psychiatry in the Palestine Authority: legal, ethical and forensic issues.
Anti-tumour promoter activity in Malaysian ginger rhizobia used in traditional medicine.
Patients were more satisfied with chiropractic than other treatments for low back pain.
Impact of study quality on outcome in placebo-controlled trials of homeopathy.
Garlic fights more than vampires.
Conservative treatment of the BPH syndrome. Diagnosis and drug therapy
Chiropractic in general and in low back pain
Physiotherapy as manual therapy
Readers react to Dr Murray's remarks about homeopathy.
Readers react to Dr. Murray's remarks about homeopathy.
Assessing the risks and benefits of herbal medicine: an overview of scientific evidence.
Are psychosocial factors related to response to acupuncture among patients with knee osteoarthritis?
Jeff Levin, MPH, PhD. The power of love. Interview by Bonnie Horrigan.
Current licensure for acupuncture in the United States.
The consumption of drugs and natural remedies in the older population of a rural area
Comparison of ketorolac-chlorpromazine with meperidine-promethazine for treatment of exacerbations of chronic pain.
Physician-applied contact pressure and table force response during unilateral thoracic manipulation.
Comparison of work and time estimates by chiropractic physicians with those of medical and osteopathic providers.
A feasibility study of chiropractic spinal manipulation versus sham spinal manipulation for chronic otitis media with effusion in children.
Chiropractic biophysics digitized radiographic mensuration analysis of the anteroposterior lumbopelvic view: a reliability study.
Chiropractic management of a patient with myasthenia gravis and vertebral subluxations.
Comparative efficacy of conservative medical and chiropractic treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome: a randomized clinical trial.
Three-dimensional spinal coupling mechanics: Part I. A review of the literature.
Three-dimensional spinal coupling mechanics--Part II: implications for chiropractic theories and practice.
Complementary medicine.
Complementary medicine.
Effects of sairei-to and tokishakuyaku-san on cytokine release from peripheral blood mononuclear cells upon recognition of HLA-G protein in the treatment of recurrent abortion.
Effects of Sho-seiryu-to on experimental allergic rhinitis in guinea pigs.
Non-transfusional and non-intravenous drug addiction related transmission of hepatitis C virus
Effects of the potentiated forms of antibodies to the brain-specific S-100 protein on the integrative brain activity
How real is the subluxation? A research perspective.
The rehabilitative treatment of victims with multiple and combined trauma
Vegetarianism. Should you or shouldn't you?
Between symbolism and experience: Croatian glagolitic recipes (14th-15th centuries) dealing with ocular diseases.
Lookback in angst.
Outbreak of hepatitis B in an acupuncture clinic.
Epilepsy and its treatment in the ancient cultures of America.
Anti-inflammatory effects of the products from Wilbrandia ebracteata on carrageenan-induced pleurisy in mice.
The influence of a vegetarian diet on haemostatic risk factors for cardiovascular disease in Africans.
Ethnopharmacobotanical studies of the Tuscan Archipelago.
Insects and other arthropods used as drugs in Korean traditional medicine.
Healing with animals in Feira de Santana City, Bahia, Brazil.
Biochemical evaluation of antitumor effect of muthu marunthu (a herbal formulation) on experimental fibrosarcoma in rats.
Adaptogenic properties of six rasayana herbs used in Ayurvedic medicine.
Studies on the antidiarrhoeal properties of pentaclethra macrophylla leaf extracts.
Antioxidant activity of AO-8, a herbal formulation in vitro and in vivo experimental models.
Findings in fatal cases of poisoning attributed to traditional remedies in South Africa.
Vegetarians and cardiovascular risk factors: hemostasis, inflammatory markers and plasma homocysteine.
The health transition, global modernity and the crisis of traditional medicine: the Tibetan case.
Back pain--one more comment
British physician suggests cure for scurvy.
Central nervous pathway for acupuncture stimulation: localization of processing with functional MR imaging of the brain--preliminary experience.
Ultrasound-monitored effects of acupuncture on brain and eye.
The anti-leishmanial effect of Kalanchoe is mediated by nitric oxide intermediates.
Nutrition education for medical students: the University of Otago experience.
Combining different phases in the development of medical treatments within a single trial.
The significance of pain among Chinese patients with cancer in Hong Kong.
Quantitative ultramorphological (QUM) analysis of human sperm: diagnosis and management of male infertility.
Follow-up of retinoblastoma during homeopathic therapy
Lavender aromatherapy in recovery from exercise.
The early modern debate about foreign drugs: localism versus universalism in medicine.
Lipoprotein(a), essential fatty acid status and lipoprotein lipids in female Australian vegetarians.
Herbs' benefits and risks.
A dietary approach to prevent hypertension: a review of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Study.
Scientific aspects of traditional usage of bioresources.
Hematological parameters, ferritin and vitamin B12 in vegetarians.
Alternative views on alternative therapies.
Traditional and complementary therapies in Parkinson's disease.
Dietary examples. A practical approach to feeding athletes.
Willet F. Whitore, Jr. Lecture: back to the future--the role of complementary medicine in urology.
Radioligand-receptor binding assays in the search for bioactive principles from plants.
The scientific basis for the reputed activity of Valerian.
Hypericum perforatum extracts as potential antidepressants.
Medicinal plants and Alzheimer's disease: from ethnobotany to phytotherapy.
Therapeutic value of Ginkgo biloba in reducing symptoms of decline in mental function.
Alternative medicine ¿letterL.
Antipsychotic profile of alstonine: ethnopharmacology of a traditional Nigerian botanical remedy.
Prospects for Brazilian natural products.
Activities of the Pharmaceutical Technology Institute of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation with medicinal, insecticidal and insect repellent plants.
Pharmacokinetic interaction of Diabecon (D-400) with rifampicin and nifedipine.
Congressional Committee explores alternative medicine and women's cancers.
Allergology: quo vadis?
Explained quotations: Azara and Indians' medicine
Thermographic visualization of changes in peripheral perfusion during acupuncture
Phytotherapeutic agents in the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms: a demographic analysis of awareness and use at the University of Chicago.
Modernization of medical care in Korea (1876-1990).
Pharmacy and herbal medicine in the US.
The treatment of eczema with Chinese herbs: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials.
Enucleation for ritual practices.
The cyber-savvy advantage.
Comparison of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids from vegetable oils, meat, and fish in raising platelet eicosapentaenoic acid levels in humans.
Nutrition and policy. 4: Dietary supplements.
Mental health and Gurkhas.
Acceptance and use of medicinal plants in family medicine
Knowledge and effectiveness of so-called foot sole reflex massage
Averting a malaria disaster.
The scientific basis of regulatory measures.
Attempted suicide with 400 thyroxine pills: what happened to the physician-patient relationship?
Increased use of alternative diets and other alternative treatments for cancer patients: Houtsmuller (diet) is in, Moerman (diet) is out
A randomized comparative trial of acupuncture versus transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for chronic back pain in the elderly.
Lifestyle and hypertension--an overview.
Means for correcting the microecological disorders of the intestines in children with recurrent bronchitis
Problems in the legislative regulation of folk and nontraditional medicines
The effect of Biotrit balsam and Biotrit C on the level of health
A method for the diagnosis and phytotherapy of the mycosis caused by the fungus Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler
Oestradiol and sex hormone-binding globulin in premenopausal and post-menopausal meat-eaters, vegetarians and vegans.
Determination of icariin in Chinese traditional medicine by capillary zone electrophoresis.
Inhibition of Vpr-induced cell cycle abnormality by quercetin: a novel strategy for searching compounds targeting Vpr.
Complementary therapies in long-stay neurology in-patient settings.
Acupuncture in pregnancy. Setting up a clinic within the NHS.
Fruit acid facial scrubs. Dermatological and esthetic correction with alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA)
Acupuncture in the treatment of posttraumatic pain syndrome.
Acupuncture in the treatment of fibromyalgia.
Black cohosh: Cimicifuga racemosa.
Alternative views on alternative medicine.
Alternative views on alternative medicine.
Alternative views on alternative medicine.
Alternative views on alternative medicine.
New therapeutic trends in benign hypertrophy of the prostate
Parallel use of medical services? Patterns of using complementary medicine and biomedicine
Anti-HIV agent trichosanthin enhances the capabilities of chemokines to stimulate chemotaxis and G protein activation, and this is mediated through interaction of trichosanthin and chemokine receptors.
Comparison of the efficacy and safety of two preseasonal regimens of glutaraldehyde modified, tyrosine-adsorbed parietaria pollen extract over a period of three years in monosensitive patients.
The clinical applications of Ginkgo biloba, St. John's wort, saw palmetto, and soy.
Insomnia in the elderly.
The risks and benefits of complementary medicine.
Physicians in the herb garden of good and evil.
Alternative medicine: what is the physician's role?
Sulphorhodamine B assay for measuring proliferation of a pigmented melanocyte cell line and its application to the evaluation of crude drugs used in the treatment of vitiligo.
A pilot study on the clinical efficacy of Solanum xanthocarpum and Solanum trilobatum in bronchial asthma.
The fruit essential oil of Pimpinella anisum exerts anticonvulsant effects in mice.
Two antimicrobial alkaloids from Bocconia arborea.
Preliminary screening of ethnomedicinal plants from India.
Comments on the article of J. Röschke et al. Adjuvant total body acupuncture for depression. Nervenarzt (1998) 69:961-967
Effects of a low calorie vegan diet on disease activity and general conditions in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Effects of a 5-day fast on clinical laboratory data from patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Insulin-releasing and insulin-like activity of the traditional anti-diabetic plant Coriandrum sativum (coriander).
Medical management of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
US agency to test safety of four herbs.
Complementary medicine: great resonance
Cannabis as a medicine
The effects of free oxygen radical scavenger and platelet-activating factor antagonist agents in experimental acute pancreatitis.
Alternative medicine interventions in sport: introduction to the symposium.
Your genome--just another credit card to carry around.
Complementary and alternative medicine use among women with breast cancer.
Herbal medicine (Shakuyaku-kanzo-to) in the treatment of risperidone-induced amenorrhea.
Remember the DO difference.
Can winter depression be prevented by Ginkgo biloba extract? A placebo-controlled trial.
Effects of ginger on gastroduodenal motility.
Explanations of mental health symptoms by the Bedouin-Arabs of the Negev.
Suppressive activity of lycoricidinol (narciclasine) against cytotoxicity of neutrophil-derived calprotectin, and its suppressive effect on rat adjuvant arthritis model.
The effect of tetrandrine and extracts of Centella asiatica on acute radiation dermatitis in rats.
A simple and rapid protocol for preparation of crude drug DNA suitable for PCR.
A review of randomized clinical trials in tinnitus.
Patient use of traditional and complementary therapies in treating rhinosinusitis before consulting an otolaryngologist.
Family medicine and alternative medicine: proposed discussion lines
A randomized experiment of the effects of including alternative medicine in the mandatory benefit package of health insurance funds in Switzerland.
Efficacy of a potentized homoeopathic drug (Arsenicum Album-30) in reducing genotoxic effects produced by arsenic trioxide in mice: comparative studies of pre-, post- and combined pre- and post-oral administration and comparative efficacy of two microdoses.
The origins of classical homoeopathy?
Acupuncture for low back pain: results of a pilot study for a randomized controlled trial.
Longer-term clinical and economic benefits of offering acupuncture to patients with chronic low back pain assessed as suitable for primary care management.
Health beliefs and preferences for medical treatment: a comparison between medical and social science students.
Physician heal thyself: lifestyle education for medical students.
Thinking sociologically about complementary medicine.
When is an aromatherapist not an aromatherapist?
Quantitative ultramorphological analysis of human sperm: fifteen years of experience in the diagnosis and management of male factor infertility.
Determination of tetrahydropalmatine in Chinese traditional medicine by nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis.
Complementary and alternative medicine.
Ginger for nausea.
Toward improved management of NIDDM: A randomized, controlled, pilot intervention using a lowfat, vegetarian diet.
Herbs for atopic dermatitis: phytotherapy of the sorcerer's apprentice or a fake and culpable mascarade
Inherited nursing traditions in Colombia at the beginning of the 20th century
Chiropractic and orthodoxy.
Articles on complementary medicine in the mainstream medical literature: an investigation of MEDLINE, 1966 through 1996.
Reporting and investigating adverse effects of homeopathy.
Dual effects of a homeopathic mineral complex on carrageenan-induced oedema in rats.
Homeopathic effect on heart rate variability.
Similitude in modern pharmacology.
The relationship between homeopathy and the Dr Bach system of flower remedies: a critical appraisal.
LM potencies: one of the hidden treasures of the sixth edition of the Organon.
Homeopathic terminology: a consensus quest.
20 years ago: British Homeopathic Journal, July 1979.
5th Annual Symposium on Complementary Health Care; Exeter, UK, December 10-12th, 1998.
Complementary medicine: state of the evidence.
Hospital consultants' views on homoeopathy.
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension: rationale, design, and methods. DASH Collaborative Research Group.
Factors influencing food choices of adolescents: findings from focus-group discussions with adolescents.
Endometriosis and pain.
Gender and biomedical/traditional mental health utilization among the Bedouin-Arabs of the Negev.
Medicine and its alternatives. Health care priorities in the Caribbean.
Diet and lifestyle characteristics associated with dietary supplement use in women.
Blood pressure in the Caribbean.
What should be done to compensate for the shortcomings of a vegetarian diet?
A clinical study on acupuncture for prevention and treatment of toxic side-effects during radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Therapeutic effect of needle warming through moxibustion at twelve shu points on rheumatoid arthritis.
Clinical observations on acupuncture treatment of pseudobulbar palsy--a report of 325 cases.
Effects of acupuncture on the levels of endothelin, TXB2, and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha in apoplexy patients.
80 cases of peripheral facial paralysis treated by acupuncture with vibrating shallow insertion.
Clinical experience in acupuncture treatment of obesity.
Effects of electro-acupuncture on somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide in ischemic cerebrovascular diseases.
An experimental study of electro-acupuncture on auditory impairment caused by kanamycin in guinea pigs.
Herbalism for the treatment of asthma.
The use of Japanese herbal medicine in the treatment of medically unexplained physical symptoms.
Ulcer care in the Middle Ages.
Acupuncture in alcoholism treatment: a randomized out-patient study.
Folk remedy use in the inner city.
Dysthymia: a common mild depression.
The pitfalls of herbal medicines.
A critical analysis of randomised clinical trials on neck pain and treatment efficacy. A review of the literature.
Pain-relief and movement improvement by acupuncture after ablation and axillary lymphadenectomy in patients with mammary cancer.
Different tuberculosis in men and women: beliefs from focus groups in Vietnam.
Soybean phytochemicals inhibit the growth of transplantable human prostate carcinoma and tumor angiogenesis in mice.
Stroke following chiropractic manipulation of the cervical spine.
Isoprenoid-mediated inhibition of mevalonate synthesis: potential application to cancer.
Epidemiology and management of diarrheal disease in HIV-infected patients.
A randomized equivalence trial comparing the efficacy and safety of Luffa comp.-Heel nasal spray with cromolyn sodium spray in the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis.
Abdominal massage therapy for chronic constipation: A systematic review of controlled clinical trials.
Suppressive effects of Perilla frutescens on spontaneous IgA nephropathy in ddY mice.
Phytase improves iron bioavailability for hemoglobin synthesis in young pigs.
Rising PSAs after primary therapy: active or passive intervention.
Inhibiting effect of desalted extract from Galega officinalis L. on platelet aggregation.
Gait analysis in the therapeutic environment.
Imaging of the painful shoulder.
Is there a positional fault at the inferior tibiofibular joint in patients with acute or chronic ankle sprains compared to normals?
Use of lumbar extension, slump test, physical and neurological examination in the evaluation of patients with suspected herniated nucleus pulposus. A prospective clinical study.
A qualitative assessment of shoulder girdle elevation during the upper limb tension test 1.
Perspectives and relevance of medico-legal work.
Is the pain and dysfunction of shoulder impingement lesion really second rib syndrome in disguise? Two case reports.
How do Jains get toxoplasma infection?
Pharmaceutical companies target plant products for drugs of the future.
Primary dysmenorrhea.
Medicinal and veterinary plants of El Caurel (Galicia, northwest Spain).
Action of Sosiho-Tang on systemic and local anaphylaxis by anal administration.
Meat or wheat for the next millennium? Proceedings of a symposium. Guildford, United Kingdom, 29 June-2 July 1998.
Animal v. plant foods in human diets and health: is the historical record unequivocal?
The nutritional adequacy of plant-based diets.
Health benefits of a vegetarian diet.
Effects of acupuncture and an agonist of opiate receptors on heroin dependent patients.
Effect of acupuncture at nei-kuan on left ventricular function in patients with coronary artery disease.
Orally administered Panax ginseng extract decreases platelet adhesiveness in 66% hepatectomized rats.
Exploring unconventional medical systems.
Hispanic mothers' knowledge and care of their children with respiratory illnesses: a pilot study.
Compounding botanicals: a legal perspective.
The patient with back pain and the family physician. Problem solving with simple methods
The treatment of hepatitis C: emerging evidence of the need for change.
Nutritional and botanical interventions to assist with the adaptation to stress.
Silybum marianum (milk thistle).
Preventive effects of Glycyrrhizae radix extract on estrogen-related endometrial carcinogenesis in mice.
Mechanistic aspects of green tea as a cancer preventive: effect of components on human stomach cancer cell lines.
Pharmacologic and alternative therapies for the horse with chronic laminitis.
Hospital consultants' views on homoeopathy.
Effect of Kampo formulations (traditional Chinese medicine) on circulatory parameters.
Instrumental measurements of different homeopathic dilutions of potassium iodide in water.
Acupuncture inhibits the decrease in brain catecholamine contents and the impairment of passive avoidance task in ovariectomized mice.
Pharmacological effects of Agapanthus africanus on the isolated rat uterus.
Acute toxicity and general pharmacological effect on central nervous system of the crude rhizome extract of Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb.
Screening of Turkish anti-ulcerogenic folk remedies for anti-Helicobacter pylori activity.
Apoptosis-associated generation of reactive oxygen intermediates and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines in human lymphocytes and granulocytes by extracts from the seeds of Acalypha wilkesiana.
In vitro evaluation of the amebicidal activity of Buddleia cordata (Loganiaceae, H.B.K.) on several strains of Acanthamoeba.
Antifungal activities of seven West African Combretaceae used in traditional medicine.
Occurrence of usnic acid in Usnea laevis Nylander (lichenized ascomycetes) from the Venezuelan Andes.
Hepatoprotective activity of leaves of Cassia occidentalis against paracetamol and ethyl alcohol intoxication in rats.
Women of the thirteenth moon. The menopause experience. Part I.
Women of the thirteenth moon: the menopause experience. Part II.
Getting from here to there.
Using homoeopathy to offer supportive cancer care, in a National Health Service outpatient setting.
Auditing complementary therapies in palliative care: the experience of the day-care massage service at Mount Edgcumbe Hospice.
A year of acupuncture in palliative care.
Auricular stud acupuncture in palliative care patients.
Complementary health practitioners' attitudes, practices and knowledge related to women's cancers.
The use of Flamikar in patients with chronic hepatitis of alcoholic etiology
The current views on the role and importance of phytotherapy in the structure of scientific medicine
The use of reflexotherapy in the initial forms of cerebrovascular insufficiency in persons who suffered as a consequence of the accident at the Chernobyl Atomic Electric Power Station
The effect of reflexotherapy on the hemostatic system of patients with glomerulonephritis
Natural remedies recommended for the management of oral health.
Disability and rehabilitation: a context for understanding the American Indian experience.
Manganese deficiency and toxicity: are high or low dietary amounts of manganese cause for concern?
The use of folk healing and healers by six Latinos living in New England: a preliminary study.
The clinico-laboratory effects of acupuncture in patients with glomerulonephritis
The association of diet and thrombotic risk factors in healthy male vegetarians and meat-eaters.
Issues of health care mistrust in East Harlem.
Bringing the old ways back. Interview by Clarebeth Loprinzi-Kassel.
Chronic spinal pain syndromes: a clinical pilot trial comparing acupuncture, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, and spinal manipulation.
Preliminary study of the reliability of assessment procedures for indications for chiropractic adjustments of the lumbar spine.
Prevalence of hyperplastic articular pillars in the cervical spine and relationship with cervical lordosis.
Stress: the chiropractic patients' self-perceptions.
Chiropractic treatment of coccygodynia via instrumental adjusting procedures using activator methods chiropractic technique.
Possible manifestation of temporomandibular joint dysfunction on chiropractic cervical X-ray studies.
Nonscientifically validated herbal treatments for vaginitis.
Dietary intake and iron status of Australian vegetarian women.
Convergence of philosophy and science: the third international congress on vegetarian nutrition.
Legumes and soybeans: overview of their nutritional profiles and health effects.
Cereals, legumes, and chronic disease risk reduction: evidence from epidemiologic studies.
Plausible mechanisms for the protectiveness of whole grains.
Cardiovascular and renal benefits of dry bean and soybean intake.
Health effects of vegetables and fruit: assessing mechanisms of action in human experimental studies.
Health-promoting properties of common herbs.
Nut consumption, vegetarian diets, ischemic heart disease risk, and all-cause mortality: evidence from epidemiologic studies.
Nuts and their bioactive constituents: effects on serum lipids and other factors that affect disease risk.
Mortality in vegetarians and nonvegetarians: detailed findings from a collaborative analysis of 5 prospective studies.
The Oxford Vegetarian Study: an overview.
Associations between diet and cancer, ischemic heart disease, and all-cause mortality in non-Hispanic white California Seventh-day Adventists.
Choices for achieving adequate dietary calcium with a vegetarian diet.
Vegetarianism and menstrual cycle disturbances: is there an association?
Essential fatty acid requirements of vegetarians in pregnancy, lactation, and infancy.
Physical fitness and vegetarian diets: is there a relation?
Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B-12) status in Seventh-day Adventist ministers in Australia.
Growth, development, and physical fitness of Flemish vegetarian children, adolescents, and young adults.
Dietary intake and biochemical, hematologic, and immune status of vegans compared with nonvegetarians.
Rheumatoid arthritis treated with vegetarian diets.
Publication trends of vegetarian nutrition articles in biomedical literature, 1966-1995.
Complex systems model of dietary choice with implications for improving diets and promoting vegetarianism.
Vegetarian food guide pyramid: a conceptual framework.
Convergence of plant-rich and plant-only diets.
Pharmacological basis for the use of the antivenene water soluble extract of Diodia scandens as a laxative, oxytocic agent and a possible aphrodisiac in traditional medicine practice in eastern nigeria.
Triptolide is more effective in preventing T cell proliferation and interferon-gamma production than is FK506.
Antiplasmodial activity of selected sudanese medicinal plants with emphasis on Acacia nilotica.
The antihyperglycaemic blend effect of traditional chinese medicine byakko-ka-ninjin-to on alloxan and diabetic KK-CA(y) mice.
Separation and some properties of Aloe vera L. leaf pulp lectins.
Antimicrobial potential of Spondias mombin, Croton zambesicus and Zygotritonia crocea.
Bioassay of phytoestrogen in herbal medicine used for postmenopausal disorder using transformed MCF-7 cells.
Hepatoprotective activity of a herbal protein CI-1, purified from Cajanus indicus against beta-galactosamine HCl toxicity in isolated rat hepatocytes.
Studies on the mode of action of the essential oil of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia P. Miller).
Alternative medicine after cancer.
Alternative medicine in radiology.
Hypoglycemia due to folk medicine.
What is complementary medicine?
An ABC of complementary medicine: a new dawn.
A proactive alternative to drugs.
Using acupuncture and acupressure to treat postoperative emesis.
The experimental and clinical pharmacology of St John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum L.).
Current methods of diagnosis and treatment of prostatitis
Shikonin, an ingredient of Lithospermum erythrorhizon induced apoptosis in HL60 human premyelocytic leukemia cell line.
Evaluation of the trypanocidal activity of lignans isolated from the leaves of Zanthoxylum naranjillo.
Cardiovascular effects of the essential oil of Croton nepetaefolius in rats: role of the autonomic nervous system.
Considering olfactory stimulation for adults with age-related dementia.
Hypericum perforatum L., St. John's wort, a medicinal plant in folk medicine
The relevance of herbal treatments for psychiatric practice.
The homeopathic conundrum revisited.
Do homeopathic nosodes protect against infection? An experimental test.
Use of aromatherapy as a complementary treatment for chronic pain.
Five element acupuncture: treating body, mind, and spirit.
Homeopathy versus antibiotics in metaphylaxis of infectious diseases: a clinical study in pig fattening and its significance to consumers.
Use of Five Element acupuncture in the treatment of 'possession': an ancient concept applied to the modern world.
Research on culture-bound syndromes: new directions.
Use of alternative remedies by psychiatric patients: illustrative vignettes and a discussion of the issues.
Pain at the end of life: assessment and management
Placebos in clinical trials in Alzheimer disease: an international discussion.
Traditional bone setter's gangrene.
Acupuncture treatment at Ang Mo Kio Community Hospital--a report on our initial experience.
Amok--from the writings of Sir Frank Swettenham.
Health tips. What to include on medical forms.
Uterine massage: a new profession?
Some observations on alternative medicine.
The herb garden. Remember to ask your patients about all preparations.
Central mechanisms of vomiting.
Oxidative damage and protection by antioxidants in the frontal cortex of Alzheimer's disease is related to the apolipoprotein E genotype.
EGb 761 protects liver mitochondria against injury induced by in vitro anoxia/reoxygenation.
Trends in alternative medicine use in the USA
Acupuncture for back pain
Traditional Chinese phytotherapy for irritable bowel syndrome
Chiropractic manipulation, physical therapy and standardized recommendations for low back pain
Dietary habits of Asian Indians in relation to length of residence in the United States.
Computer-controlled acupuncture. Quantification and separation of specific effects.
Managing pain from cervical spondylosis.
In memory of August Bier (1861-1949)
The effect of chelidonium- and turmeric root extract on upper abdominal pain due to functional disorders of the biliary system. Results from a placebo-controlled double-blind study
Updating a 12-year experience with arrest and reversal therapy for coronary heart disease (an overdue requiem for palliative cardiology).
St. John's wort for depression: a meta-analysis of well-defined clinical trials.
Taking the edge off: why patients choose St. John's Wort.
Echinacea for upper respiratory infection.
ABC of complementary medicine. Users and practitioners of complementary medicine.
Use of complementary therapies for arthritis among patients of rheumatologists.
Herbal products for liver diseases: a therapeutic challenge for the new millennium.
Acupuncture: does it work and, if so, how?
Acupuncture in disaster medicine.
Adding women to the ranks, 1860-1890: a new view with a homeopathic lens.
A medical report from the stone age?
Cancer chemotherapy, biodiversity, public and private property: the case of the anti-cancer drug taxol.
Transmission of hepatitis C virus in Taiwan: prevalence and risk factors based on a nationwide survey.
Diet and rheumatoid arthritis--a review.
Haemodynamic effects of chronic tetramethylpyrazine administration on portal hypertensive rats.
Medicinal herbs in the United States: research needs.
Phytomedicine research in Germany.
Does your assessment include alternative therapies?
Somatic electrical nerve stimulation regulates the motility of sphincter of Oddi in rabbits and cats: evidence for a somatovisceral reflex mediated by cholecystokinin.
ABC of complementary medicine. Complementary medicine in conventional practice.
Inflamed costovertebral joint as the source of shoulder pain.
Nerve trunk pain: physical diagnosis and treatment.
Is there a role for transversus abdominis in lumbo-pelvic stability?
Inter-examiner and intra-examiner reliability of the standing flexion test.
Assessment of combined movements of the lumbar spine in asymptomatic and low back pain subjects using a three-dimensional electromagnetic tracking system.
The rehabilitation of a competitive swimmer with an asymmetrical breaststroke movement pattern.
Debilidad: a biocultural assessment of an embodied Andean illness.
Sacrifice, plants, and western pharmaceuticals: money and health care in northern Ghana.
Health culture and the clinical encounter: Vietnamese refugees' responses to preventive drug treatment of inactive tuberculosis.
Toxicity of Commiphora myrrha to goats.
Comments on the validity of medieval Latin prescriptions
Homeopathy re-revisited: is homeopathy compatible with biomedical observations?
Systematic research is needed in alternative medicine.
Dietary supplements and natural products as psychotherapeutic agents.
Abscesses due to mycobacterium abscessus linked to injection of unapproved alternative medication.
"Soybean" in a Haystack? pinpointing an anti-cancer effect.
Factors affecting use of chiropractic services in seven midwestern states of the United State.
Percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation or acupuncture.
The use of acupuncture-like electrical stimulation for wound healing of lesions unresponsive to conventional treatment.
The treatment of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy with acupuncture: a clinical case study.
Case report: successful treatment of varicose veins with acupuncture.
A comparative study on the treatment of migraine headache with combined distant and local acupuncture points versus conventional drug therapy.
Primary Parkinson's disease: the use of Tuina and acupuncture in accord with an evolving hypothesis of its cause from the perspective of Chinese traditional medicine--Part 2.
Energetics and transformation: insights on the paradoxical opportunity presented by chronic illness and pain--Part III.
Colored light therapy: overview of its history, theory, recent developments and clinical applications combined with acupuncture.
A review of recent research studies on the efficacy of Esogetic Colorpuncture Therapy--A wholistic acu-light system.
Issues in acupuncture research: the failure of quantitative methodologies and the possibilities for viable, alternative solutions.
Toward improving the reliability of clinical acupuncture trials: arguments against the validity of "sham acupuncture" as controls.
Imported intestinal infectious and parasitic diseases
The effect of altan on the functional activity of the liver mitochondria and microsomes from rats with toxic hepatitis
Manual therapy cults.
The development of hip osteoarthritis: implications for conservative management.
Assessment and treatment of hip osteoarthritis.
Plinth padding confounds measures of posteroanterior spinal stiffness.
Manipulative physiotherapists can reliably palpate nominated lumbar spinal levels.
Comparison of ribcage and posteroanterior thoracic spine stiffness: an investigation of the normal response.
The case of a non-traumatic sprained ankle.
Pain memory.
Manual therapy in the rehabilitation of patients with ischemic heart disease in the early period following myocardial revascularization
The effect of laser radiation on the blood somatomedin activity in patients with spinal osteochondrosis
An alternative approach to menopausal symptoms.
Repression of acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase by a traditional herbal medicine (Kampo medicine), Ogi-Keishi-Gomotsu-To-Ka-Kojin.
ABC of complementary medicine. Acupuncture.
So you want to be a ... herbalist.
Alternative care for prematures: oils, music and Bach flowers for the "preemie"
The effect of acupuncture on patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a randomized, placebo-controlled cross-over study.
Use of alternative medicine by women with breast cancer.
Use of alternative medicine by women with breast cancer.
Use of alternative medicine by women with breast cancer.
Use of alternative medicine by women with breast cancer.
Use of alternative medicine by women with breast cancer.
Use of alternative medicine by women with breast cancer.
Use of alternative medicine by women with breast cancer.
Role of acupuncture in therapy: personal experience
Herbal drugs of foreign cultures and medical systems exemplified by Indian incense. Considerations regarding social and insurance medicine expert assessment
Overview of complementary therapies in physical medicine and rehabilitation.
Acupuncture in the management of pain of musculoskeletal and neurologic origin.
Auricular acupuncture and auricular medicine.
Scalp acupuncture.
Hand acupuncture.
Treatment of musculoskeletal pain with traditional Chinese herbal medicine.
Homeopathy in rehabilitation medicine.
Evolution of magnetic therapy from alternative to traditional medicine.
Acupuncture education and integration in the physical medicine and rehabilitation residency.
Association between use of unconventional therapies and conventional medical services.
And India protects its past online.
Preliminary study of the effects of a placebo chiropractic treatment with sham adjustments.
Biological activity of Melaleuca alternifola (Tea Tree) oil component, terpinen-4-ol, in human myelocytic cell line HL-60.
A psychological profile of fibromyalgia patients: a chiropractic case study.
Chiropractic care and ochronotic arthropathy.
The empty sella.
Research design in chiropractic.
Singing as a Therapeutic Agent, inThe Etude, 1891-1949.
Short-term preseasonal birch pollen allergoid immunotherapy influences symptoms, specific nasal provocation and cytokine levels in nasal secretions, but not peripheral T-cell responses, in patients with allergic rhinitis.
Allergen immunotherapy and mast cells.
Mental disorder and cross-cultural psychology: a constructivist perspective.
ABC of complementary medicine: herbal medicine.
Acupuncture. Pains and needles.
The evaluation by video capillaroscopy of the efficacy of a Ginkgo biloba extract with L-arginine and magnesium in the treatment of trophic lesions in patients with stage-IV chronic obliterating arteriopathy
The tooth-worm: historical aspects of a popular medical belief.
Reply of Slappendel to the commentary, "From the Editor." No word wrong or too much
Do cytokines have any value in the patients with chronic blood circulation insufficiency?
Clinical efficacy and tolerance of the hypericum special extract LI 160 in depressive disorders--a drug monitoring study
Medical foods? Label loophole.
Growth inhibition of human breast cancer cells by herbs and phytoestrogens.
Squalene-induced extrinsic lipoid pneumonia: serial radiologic findings in nine patients.
Osteogenesis in vitro in rat tibia-derived osteoblasts is promoted by the homeopathic preparation, FMS*Calciumfluor.
A prospective randomized study of electro-acupuncture versus alfentanil as anaesthesia during oocyte aspiration in in-vitro fertilization.
Effects of Hypericum perforatum extraction on alcohol intake in Marchigian Sardinian alcohol-preferring rats.
Attenuation of alcohol intake by extract of Hypericum perforatum (St. John's Wort) in two different strains of alcohol-preferring rats.
A clinical trial of 'AM', a Ugandan herbal remedy for malaria.
Traditional African medicines complicate the management of febrile seizures.
Mistletoe therapy from the pharmacologic perspective
Development of lymphocyte subsets in tumor patients after subcutaneous administration of mistletoe extracts
Effects of Kneippism, a standardized complex therapy, on pain, quality of life and use of medicines: cohort study with a one-year follow-up
Quality aspects of the use of complementary medicine--experiences from the work of a quality circle
A case of dental mutilation.
ABC of complementary medicine. Homoeopathy.
Legal issues in the delivery of alternative medicine.
Research on complementary and alternative therapies for cancer: issues and methodological considerations.
Hormone-modulating herbs: implications for women's health.
Botanical medicines with gynecological anticancer activity: a literature review.
Dietary supplement-drug interactions.
Use of complementary and alternative medicine among African-American and Hispanic women in New York City: a pilot study.
AMWA physicians' views of and experiences with complementary and alternative medicine.
Bioactive constituents from Pteris multifida.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition. Loma Linda, California, USA. March 24-26, 1997.
Effects of a phytotherapeutic agent, PC-SPES, on prostate cancer: a preliminary investigation on human cell lines and patients.
Low-frequency pulsed magnetotherapy combined with electrostimulation of biologically active points in the combined treatment of traumatic mandibular osteomyelitis
Surgery patients at risk for herb-anaesthesia interactions.
Selections from current literature: effects of hawthorn on the cardiovascular system.
Randomized, placebo-controlled trial of Chinese herb therapy for HIV-1-infected individuals.
Randomised clinical trial comparing the effects of acupuncture and a newly designed placebo needle in rotator cuff tendinitis.
Supraclavicular glomus tumor, 20 year history of undiagnosed shoulder pain: a case report.
A patient requests an old-style tonic.
A population-based study of school scoliosis screening.
Complementary and alternative medicine: the roots of healing.
Echinacea: treatment or prevention?
Child abuse--controversies and imposters.
Caution: traditional knowledge.
German garlic study under scrutiny.
ICSU seeks to classify 'traditional knowledge'. International Council of Scientific Unions.
Learning from adverse events of acupuncture.
Addition of acupuncture and self-care education in the treatment of patients with severe angina pectoris may be cost beneficial: an open, prospective study.
Zhong Yi acupuncture and low-back pain: traditional Chinese medical acupuncture differential diagnoses and treatments for chronic lumbar pain.
Effects of four herbal extracts on adjuvant-induced inflammation and hyperalgesia in rats.
Guidelines for selecting a medical herbalist for consultation and referral: consulting a medical herbalist.
Why do patients seek treatment in hospitals of complementary medicine?
Ignorance about homeopathy.
Herbal remedies.
Herbal remedies.
Credentialing alternative medicine: a new challenge for managed care organizations.
Will alternative-medicine referrals get you sued?
Your newest competitors: alternative-medicine networks.
Chiropractor does not have duty to refer to physician or obtain informed consent. Murphy v. Nordhagen.
The low-fat life. You don't have to meditate and eat like a rabbit.
Trends indicate 'wise' integrated systems should embrace complementary medicine.
Complementary and alternative medicine--a business opportunity?
Efficacy and safety of a fixed-combination homeopathic therapy for sinusitis.
Losing your mind? Memory lapses are usually normal, but some may signal deeper problems.
Functional MRI explores mysteries of acupuncture.
In vitro antiplasmodial activity of Central American medicinal plants.
Clinico-cytological features of local treatment for slow-granulating soft tissue wounds with 0,2% curiosine solution in phase II of healing process (data from registration studies)
Publish critical reviews only, please.
The potential dangers of complementary therapy use in a patient with cancer.
Community-based intervention to reduce demand for drugs in Northern Thai tribal villages.
ABC of complementary medicine. The manipulative therapies: osteopathy and chiropractic.
The efficacy of ginseng. A systematic review of randomised clinical trials.
Two stages of cancer prevention with green tea.
Becoming an RN chiropractor.
St. John's Wort: latest results.
Hypoglycemia treatment.
Alternative medicine: what the data say about common herbal therapies.
The Bournemouth Questionnaire: a short-form comprehensive outcome measure. I. Psychometric properties in back pain patients.
The short-term effect of spinal manipulation in the treatment of infantile colic: a randomized controlled clinical trial with a blinded observer.
A survey of the accessibility of chiropractic clinics to the disabled.
A proposed etiology of cervicogenic headache: the neurophysiologic basis and anatomic relationship between the dura mater and the rectus posterior capitis minor muscle.
Keeping junk chiropractic out of court.
The routine use of radiographic spinal displacement analysis: a dissent.
Validation of the force and frequency characteristics of the activator adjusting instrument: effectiveness as a mechanical impedance measurement tool.
Lateral tennis elbow: "Is there any science out there?".
An alternative view: listening to patients.
A new bisabolene epoxide from Tussilago farfara, and inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis in LPS-activated macrophages.
LongoVital in the treatment of Sjögren's syndrome.
Resting metabolic rate and thermogenic effect of food in vegetarian diets compared with Mediterranean diets.
High-dose Crataegus extract WS 1442 in the treatment of NYHA stage II heart failure
The debate on homeopathy.
Pharmacokinetic interaction of digoxin with an herbal extract from St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum).
Vertebral and carotid artery dissection following chiropractic cervical manipulation.
A comparison of osteopathic spinal manipulation with standard care for patients with low back pain.
The dietary antioxidant network and prostate carcinoma.
Parallel placebo-controlled clinical study of a mixture of herbs sold as a remedy for cellulite.
Toxicity of Chrozophora obliqua in rats.
Traditional ethical ideas on life and organ transplantation in Japan.
HIV integrase inhibitory activity of Agastache rugosa.
ABC of complementary medicine. Massage therapies.
Dreams and healing: reclaiming a lost tradition.
The story behind mistletoe: a European remedy from anthroposophical medicine.
Gauging a woman's health by her fertility signals: integrating western with traditional Chinese medical observations.
Phytotoxins from the leaves of Laggera decurrens.
Monoamine oxidase inhibitory naphthoquinone and/or naphthalene dimers from Lemuni Hitam (Diospyros sp.), a Malaysian herbal medicine.
Possible mechanism of selective inotropic activity of the n-butanolic fraction from Berberis aristata fruit.
Endomorphin-1 mediates 2 Hz but not 100 Hz electroacupuncture analgesia in the rat.
Hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and health care dilemmas in the Philadelphia Vietnamese community.
A case for acupuncture.
Effects of Valeriana officinalis extracts on [3H]flunitrazepam binding, synaptosomal [3H]GABA uptake, and hippocampal [3H]GABA release.
Dietary habits affect the susceptibility of low-density lipoprotein to oxidation.
The effect of diet on plasma homocysteine concentrations in healthy male subjects.
Herbal Rx: the promises and pitfalls.
Physicians for the 21st century. Challenges facing medical education in the United States.
Improved Access to Alternative Medicine.
Natural treatments for osteoarthritis.
Natural therapies for ocular disorders, part one: diseases of the retina.
Management of the BPH syndrome in Germany: who is treated and how?
Complementary and alternative medicine needs an evidence base before regulation.
Why are children with cancer being exposed to complementary medicine?
Survey of acupuncturists: practice characteristics and pediatric care.
Pediatric complementary and alternative medicine use: physician-patient communication is vital.
An evidence-based review of the 10 most commonly used herbs.
Herbal medicine: a practical guide to safety and quality assurance.
Acupuncture: its use in medicine.
Adverse reactions to watch for in patients using herbal remedies.
Complementary and alternative medicine in cardiovascular disease: what is the evidence it works?
Cranberry, feverfew, horse chestnut, and kava.
Echinacea in the treatment and prevention of upper respiratory tract infections.
Alternative medicine--rural style.
US agency to test safety of four herbs.
Speaker's corner. Becoming an integrated physician: first step is acupuncture training.
Effects of "products of chicken embryo" on growth and sexual development in rats.
Potential therapeutic applications of tea in dermatology.
Herbal remedies: natural caveats.
Life-threatening perineal gangrene from rectal perforation following colonic hydrotherapy: a case report.
Nurses in the Freiburg Medicinal Plant School: experience the power of plants with all your senses
Acupuncture gains steam as a medical complement.
Impromptu nursing.
Complementary medicine treatments for fibromyalgia syndrome.
Physical and other non-pharmacological interventions for fibromyalgia.
(3R)-Linalool synthase from Artemisia annua L.: cDNA isolation, characterization, and wound induction.
Impact of chronic pain on health care seeking, self care, and medication. Results from a population-based Swedish study.
World-wide disparities in epilepsy care: a Latin American outlook.
The treatment of paediatric burns using topical papaya.
Beliefs about health and illness essential for self-care practice: a comparison of migrant Yugoslavian and Swedish diabetic females.
The complementary side of complementary and alternative medicine.
The homeopathy problem in contemporary medicine
Homeopathy as an expression of the crisis in health
Alternative nutrition and glutathione levels
Goodbye, managed care; hello, skin care.
ABC of complementary medicine. Hypnosis and relaxation therapies.
Alternative therapies and empowerment of older women.
Complementary and conventional medicine: prejudices against and demands placed on natural care and conventional doctors
Phytonutrients' role in metabolism: effects on resistance to degenerative processes.
Role of medicinal plants, herbs, and spices in protecting human health.
Homeopathy and community nursing.
Putting fun into healing. First aid. Interview by Amanda Tattam.
Japanese doctors' attitudes to complementary medicine.
Selenium-induced inhibition of angiogenesis in mammary cancer at chemopreventive levels of intake.
Medical alternatives to alternative medicine.
Alternative and complementary medicine. Separating the wheat from the chaff.
Effect of the short-term exposure to negative air ions on individuals with vegetative disorders
New frontiers in using telemedicine for nutrition intervention.
Alternative and controversial treatments for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Ginseng pharmacology: multiple constituents and multiple actions.
Proof of the effectiveness of homeopathic drugs
Proof of the effectiveness of homeopathic drugs
Proof of the effectiveness of homeopathic drugs
Veterinary chiropractic.
Sicca syndrome: neuroimmuno-endocrine aspects and acupuncture
Effect of acupuncture in keratoconjunctivitis sicca
Antiproliferative efficacy of lipophilic soy isoflavone phytoestrogens delivered by low density lipoprotein particles into cultured U937 cells.
Epidemiology of complementary and alternative practices in rheumatology.
Talking with patients about alternative and complementary medicine.
Why I would not recommend complementary or alternative therapies: a physician's perspective.
Hope helps: placebos and alternative medicine in rheumatology.
Examination using homeopathy
Effects of ginseng components on c-DNA-expressed cytochrome P450 enzyme catalytic activity.
ABC of complementary medicine. Unconventional approaches to nutritional medicine.
Honeymoon malaria and "herbal" therapy: A case report.
Does the study "Complementary medicine in health insurance" provide a basis for scientifically valid conclusions?
Cannabis and marijuana as multidrug mixture in phytotherapy
The effects of cannabis and THC
Cannabis and cannabinoids: pharmacology and rationale for clinical use.
Results of a standardized survey on the medical use of cannabis products in the German-speaking area
The future of medical marijuana.
Differentiation of medicinal Codonopsis species from adulterants by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism.
Traumatic complications of acupuncture. Therapists need to know human anatomy.
The third therapeutic revolution: behavioral medicine.
Orthopaedic residency training: a survey of the graduates' perspective.
Families and children confronting health care practices in Algeria
An epidemiological study of consultations of children under 5 years of age in Brazzaville (Congo)
Massage has its place in traditional medicine, but more and better studies are required
Alternative medicine. Drumming--and then some.
Complementary medicine for disease and illness prevention? A research perspective.
Selected bibliography.
Attempted chemoprophylaxis of cryptosporidiosis in chickens, using diclazuril, toltrazuril, or garlic extract.
Management of acute otitis media in an era of increasing antibiotic resistance.
Effects of a composite Indian herbal preparation on combat effectiveness in low-intensity-conflict operations.
How big is a drop? A volumetric assay of essential oils.
Role of dopamine receptors and the changes of the tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA in acupuncture analgesia in rats.
Effects of Kampo formulations (Chinese herbal medicine traditionally used in Japan) on event-related electric potentials.
A review of current research in microwave resonance therapy: novel opportunities in medical treatment.
Effects of acupuncture on peripheral T lymphocyte subpopulation and amounts of cerebral catecholamines in mice.
Anticonvulsive and free radical scavenging actions of two herbs, Uncaria rhynchophylla (MIQ) Jack and Gastrodia elata Bl., in kainic acid-treated rats.
Alternative therapy use by psychiatric outpatients.
Complementary medicine or antagonistic medicine?
Nettle sting of Urtica dioica for joint pain--an exploratory study of this complementary therapy.
A randomized comparison of homoeopathic and standard care for the treatment of glue ear in children.
Attitudes to evidence on complementary medicine: the perspective of British healthcare purchasers.
Systematic review of randomized clinical trials of complementary/alternative therapies in the treatment of tension-type and cervicogenic headache.
Efficacy of a potentized homoeopathic drug (Arsenicum Album-30) in reducing genotoxic effects produced by arsenic trioxide in mice: II. Comparative efficacy of an antibiotic, actinomycin D alone and in combination with either of two microdoses.
Postmodern attitudes about health: a population-based exploratory study.
The health beliefs, experiences and personality of Japanese patients seeking orthodox vs complementary medicine.
Chinese traditional medicine and abnormal sex ratio at birth in China.
Oversight is lax.
Long-term psychological and neurological complications of lindane poisoning.
Female vegetarians: short on iron?
How effective are complementary therapies for HIV and AIDs?--A systematic review.
Progress of the basics.
Effects of potentization in aqueous solutions.
Physical, chemical and biological assay of Tylophora indica mother tincture--a comparative study.
The toxicology of Octopus maculosa: the blue-ringed octopus.
The doctrine of signatures: a historical, philosophical and scientific view (I).
Biotypology II: modern concepts.
20 years ago: British Homoeopathic Journal, October 1979.
The end of the Benveniste affair?
Improving the Success of Homeopathy 2, London, 15-16 April 1999. Taking homeopathic research into the next millennium.
Pressure to conform, the editorial by Dr Leckridge in April.
ABC of complementary medicine. Complementary medicine and the patient.
Effects of an omnivorous diet compared with a lactoovovegetarian diet on resistance-training-induced changes in body composition and skeletal muscle in older men.
The Yukon takes native health a step further at Whitehorse hospital.
Short-term immunotherapy--a survey of current studies
PAT--the Preventive Allergy Treatment Study design and preliminary results.
Homeopathic prophylaxis of headaches and migraine? A systematic review.
Symposium on natural products toxicology.
Three new herbal hepatotoxic syndromes.
Essential oil poisoning.
Medicinal herbs: NTP extracts the facts.
Acute hepatitis after ingestion of herbs.
The value of acupuncture detoxification programs in a substance abuse treatment system.
Body weight and mortality among adults who never smoked.
Phytotherapy and hepatitis
Nutrition and cancer: the herbal revolution.
Somatic nerve stimulation and cholera-induced net fluid secretion in the small intestine of the rat: evidence for an opioid effect.
Alternative treatments and rheumatic diseases.
Hypericum extract versus imipramine or placebo in patients with moderate depression: randomised multicentre study of treatment for eight weeks.
ABC of complementary medicine: complementary medicine and the doctor.
Effects of acupuncture at pai-hui on the deficit of memory storage in rats.
Effects of acupuncture on exercise-induced muscle soreness and serum creatine kinase activity.
A Chinese traditional medicine, sho-saiko-to (xiao-chaihu-tang), reduces the bioavailability of tolbutamide after oral administration in rats.
Effects of various levels of dietary Lepidium sativum L. seeds in rats.
Severe uvular angioedema caused by intranasal administration of Ecbalium elaterium.
Services of manipulative therapists, pain.
Fear of movement/(re)injury, avoidance and pain disability in chronic low back pain patients.
Recent concepts in the neurophysiology of pain.
Psychological aspects of pain.
Assessment of pain perception in clinical practice.
Complex regional pain syndrome: becoming more or less complex?
A medico-legal report to a solicitor.
Treating lateral epicondylitis.
The effect of pre-emptive acupuncture treatment on analgesic requirements after day-case knee arthroscopy.
Alternative medicine use in patients with localized prostate carcinoma treated with curative intent.
Vascular effects of aqueous crude extracts of Artemisia verlotorum Lamotte (Compositae): in vivo and in vitro pharmacological studies in rats.
Screening of Korean plants against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease.
The pharmacological effects of an aqueous extract from Acacia nilotica seeds.
Nurse practitioners' role in complementary and alternative medicine: active or passive?
Acupuncture for recurrent headaches: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials.
Immunological quantitation of rabbit plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in biological samples: evidence that rabbit platelets do not contain PAI-1.
Anti-inflammatory activity of Crinum asiaticum plant and its effect on bradykinin-induced contractions on isolated uterus.
Identification of risk groups for intake of food chemicals.
Incidence of Listeria monocytogenes in different types of meat products on the Belgian retail market.
A comparative evaluation of the efficacy of the monotherapy of peptic ulcer using EHF-puncture and basic drug therapy
The effect of acupuncture on the gastric acid-forming function in patients with duodenal peptic ulcer
The effect of pharmacopuncture on the blood biochemical indices of patients with tunnel syndromes of the hands
The use of the methods of traditional and nontraditional medicine in the combined treatment of headaches
Accelerated recovery from cyclophosphamide-induced leukopenia in mice administered a Japanese ethical herbal drug, Hochu-ekki-to.
Thoracic epidural hematoma after spinal manipulation therapy.
Physician contact with older community patients: is there an association with physical fitness?
Dwale: an anaesthetic from old England.
Alternative (complementary) medicine: a cuckoo in the nest of empiricist reed warblers.
Manual therapy in lumbo-vertebral syndromes
Traditional African medicine: theory and pharmacology explored.
Herbal remedies: the natural approach to combating stress.
Ease through menopause with homeopathic and herbal medicine.
The heart and blood in the Mexican cosmos vision
The methods of traditional medicine in the treatment of tuberculosis
Neonatal mortality in a rural area of The Gambia.
Medical uses of cannabinoids: the way forward.
An exploratory study of physicians experiences with patients who use marijuana for medical reasons.
Treatment choices for plantar fasciitis.
Evidence-based phytotherapy
Considering soy: its estrogenic effects may protect women.
Alternative treatments for rheumatoid arthritis.
Integrative approach to the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia: a case series.
Tobacco counseling practices of dentists compared to other health care providers in a midwestern region.
The effects of parachlorophenylalanine and naloxone on acupuncture and electroacupuncture modulation of capsaicin-induced neurogenic edema in the rat hind paw. A controlled blind study.
Actual risks, or merely the intentional use of "probability" statements to discredit acupuncture.
Management of fibromyalgia.
Against homoeopathy.
Time for change. Mental illness in public health.
Aromatherapy in the care of older people.
Aroma therapy: there are hardly any limitations in this gentle method
Adverse reactions to herbal treatments.
Ferula asa-foetida and Curcuma longa in traditional medical treatment and diet in Nepal.
Traditional healers and the treatment of sexually transmitted illnesses in rural Zambia.
Biological activities of crude plant extracts from Vitex trifolia L. (Verbenaceae).
Evaluation of the protective effects of Schisandra chinensis on Phase I drug metabolism using a CCl4 intoxication model.
Antioxidant and free radical scavenging activities in extracts from medicinal trees used in the 'Caatinga' region in northeastern Brazil.
Antibacterial activity of Aristolochia paucinervis Pomel.
Cissampelos sympodialis Eichl. leaf extract increases the production of IL-10 by concanavalin-A-treated BALB/c spleen cells.
Antidiabetic and hypolipidemic effects of Momordica cymbalaria Hook. fruit powder in alloxan-diabetic rats.
Improvement of cerebral ATP and choline deficiencies by Shao-Yin-Ren Shi-Quang-Da-Bu-Tang in senescence-accelerated mouse prone 8.
It is possible to use herbarium specimens to screen for antibacterial components in some plants.
Occupational allergic contact dermatitis from eugenol, oil of cinnamon and oil of cloves in a physiotherapist.
Interaction of the structurally related aconitum alkaloids, aconitine and 6-benzyolheteratisine, in the rat hippocampus.
Studies on the anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity of Curatella americana L.
Evaluation of anti-HSV-2 activities of Barleria lupulina and Clinacanthus nutans.
Preliminary studies of analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of Opuntia dillenii aqueous extract.
Screening of some Nigerian medicinal plants for antibacterial activity.
Phyllanthus orbicularis aqueous extract: cytotoxic, genotoxic, and antimutagenic effects in the CHO cell line.
Elixirs for your memory.
The next big benefit boom.
Marketplace. Employers' alternative medicine dilemma: pleasing believers while limiting costs.
Moving CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) out of quarantine.
AHA venture taps alternative medicine.
Your achin' back. New thoughts on easing the pain and hastening healing.
Meaning in the use of unconventional arthritis therapies.
Meaning in the use of unconventional arthritis therapies.
From traditional herbalism to modern phytomedicine.
Efficacy and safety of a fixed combination phytomedicine in the treatment of the common cold (acute viral respiratory tract infection): results of a randomised, double blind, placebo controlled, multicentre study.
Hepatitis C virus infection in the United States.
Hepatitis C: public health strategies.
Defending a diet pill.
Heavy meddling.
Alternative medicine among college students.
St. John's Wort extract: efficacy for menopausal symptoms of psychological origin.
Herbal remedies: issues in licensing and economic evaluation.
Is there an alternative medicine clinic in your future?
Diet and coronary artery disease.
Comments on the article The acceptance and use of medicinal plants in family medicine
Take tea daily?
Operational and resource management of an RCT: some of the pitfalls and lessons learned.
Complementary and alternative modes of therapy for the treatment of the obese patient.
Is homeopathy a complementary part of medicine?
Is chicken soup an essential drug?
Dose effects of flaxseed and its lignan on N-methyl-N-nitrosourea-induced mammary tumorigenesis in rats.
Aloe vera leaf gel: a review update.
Screening of Zulu medicinal plants for angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors.
Evaluation of in vitro schizontocidal activity of plant parts of Calotropis procera--an ethnobotanical approach.
Screening of antibacterial activity of Amaicha del Valle (Tucumán, Argentina) propolis.
Tanshinone IIA isolated from Salvia miltiorrhiza BUNGE induced apoptosis in HL60 human premyelocytic leukemia cell line.
Studies on pharmaceutical ethnobotany in the regions of L'Alt Empordà and Les Guilleries (Catalonia, Iberian Peninsula).
Traditional antihelmintic, antiparasitic and repellent uses of plants in Central Italy.
Antimalarial activity of 20 crude extracts from nine African medicinal plants used in Kinshasa, Congo.
Studies on antidiarrhoeal activity of Punica granatum seed extract in rats.
The methanol extract of Spiraea prunifolia var. simpliciflora root inhibits the generation of nitric oxide and superoxide in RAW 264.7 cells.
Antinociceptive effects of the tubercles of Anredera leptostachys.
Anti-inflammatory and immunological effects of Centaurea cyanus flower-heads.
Preliminary screening of some traditional zulu medicinal plants for anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial activities.
Antiviral flavonoid from Pterocaulon sphacelatum, an Australian Aboriginal medicine.
Antiviral activity of some Nigerian medicinal plant extracts.
Anti-diarrhoeal evaluation of Clerodendrum phlomidis Linn. leaf extract in rats.
Antidiarrhoeal effects of Ocimum gratissimum leaf extract in experimental animals.
Boldine action against the stannous chloride effect.
Comparison of hypericum extracts with imipramine and fluoxetine in animal models of depression and alcoholism.
Hypericum for depression. An update of the clinical evidence.
Cross-cultural healing in east African ethnography.
Swimming from island to island: healing practice in Tonga.
The neurological complications caused by manual therapy in spinal osteochondrosis
Laser therapy in diabetes mellitus
The types and frequencies of improved nonmusculoskeletal symptoms reported after chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy.
Interexaminer reliability of activator methods' relative leg-length evaluation in the prone extended position.
The influence of a chiropractic manipulation on lumbar kinematics and electromyography during simple and complex tasks: a case study.
A randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial on the efficacy of chiropractic therapy on premenstrual syndrome.
Hair calcium and magnesium levels in patients with fibromyalgia: a case center study.
Missed cervical spine fracture: chiropractic implications.
Bilateral simultaneous optic nerve dysfunction after periorbital trauma: recovery of vision in association with with chiropractic spinal manipulation therapy.
A conservative management protocol for calcific tendinitis of the shoulder.
Motion palpation: it's time to accept the evidence.
Natural or complementary medicine?
Toxicity of Hypericum perforatum.
Complementary medicine in health insurance
Acupuncture in stroke patients
Antiemesis with P6 laser acupuncture in children
New curriculum for earning the certification for phytotherapy SGMP (Swiss Medical Society for Phytotherapy)
Cannabis and cannabinoids in medicine
Cannabis in movement disorders.
Vegetarian diet: panacea for modern lifestyle diseases?
Controversies concerning acute otitis media
Antimitotic peptide characterized from soybean: role in protection from cancer?
Echinacea for upper respiratory infections.
Information on additional Echinacea trials.
A meta-analysis of acupuncture techniques for smoking cessation.
Research of complementary/alternative medicine therapies in oncology: promising but challenging.
Additional information and comments on guidelines for selecting an herbalist.
The availability of local and affordable treatments for AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Acupuncture treatment of patellofemoral pain syndrome.
Complementary and alternative medicine and psychologic factors: toward an individual differences model of complementary and alternative medicine use and outcomes.
Neural therapy in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.
Evaluating herbal medicine for the management of Herpes zoster in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients in Kampala, Uganda.
Should cocaine-abusing, buprenorphine-maintained patients receive auricular acupuncture? Findings from an acute effects study.
Is the scientific publishing of complementary and alternative medicine objective?
Use of St. John's Wort by adolescents with a psychiatric disorder.
Effects of some Malian medicinal plants on the respiratory tract of guinea-pigs.
A delivery system for olfactory stimuli.
A national survey of herbal preparations used by nurse-midwives for labor stimulation. Review of the literature and recommendations for practice.
Pumpan treatment of ischemic heart disease with heart failure in elderly
Second thoughts about safety of St John's wort.
JAMU: an Indonesian herbal tradition with a long past, a little known present and an uncertain future.
Across the pond.
Burning the midnight oil.
Treatment with acyclovir combined with a new Romanian product from plants
The effect of EHF puncture on the immune status of patients with gastric peptic ulcer
The treatment of the metabolic syndrome in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus by acupuncture reflexotherapy
Diet as primordial prevention in Seventh-Day Adventists.
Herbal medications for common ailments in the elderly.
Bioavailability of dried asakusanori (porphyra tenera) as a source of Cobalamin (Vitamin B12).
Advances in therapy
Advances in homeopathy
Are there proven therapies in homeopathy?
Who seeks care and where, after a new episode of neck or low back pain? A study in Norrtälje shows that about half of the patients turn to alternative medicine
Care during menopause: comparison of a women's health practice and traditional care.
Acupuncture founded on magical and mystical musings about how the world works.
Veterinary phytotherapy: an overview.
Dietary practices and beliefs of patients with chronic liver disease.
Use of herbal medicine in liver disease.
Bandages and compresses--formerly and today
Independent replication of pre-clinical research in homeopathy: a systematic review.
Inhibitory effect of Ephedrae herba, an oriental traditional medicine, on the growth of influenza A/PR/8 virus in MDCK cells.
Commentary: has hypericum found its place in antidepressant treatment?
Goethe almost died of urosepsis.
Antibacterial and antiandrogen flavonoids from Sophora flavescens.
What is "morning sickness" and what can I do to feel better? What massage techniques are helpful during labor?
Costs of a healthy diet: analysis from the UK Women's Cohort Study.
Sensory stimulation (acupuncture) increases the release of calcitonin gene-related peptide in the saliva of xerostomia sufferers.
An evaluation of aromatherapy massage in palliative care.
Acupuncture in the control of vasomotor symptoms caused by tamoxifen.
Herbal products and supplemental nutrients used in the management of diabetes.
Effect of Korean red ginseng on psychological functions in patients with severe climacteric syndromes.
Commentary: a warning to complementary medicine practitioners: get empirical or else.
Complementary/alternative therapies. So many choices.
Using complementary and alternative therapies wisely.
What will happen to alternative medicine?
The arranged marriage of allopathic and alternative medicine.
Is garlic an effective treatment for Helicobacter pylori infection?
Special aspects of therapy of non-atherosclerotic vascular diseases
Awareness of, use and perception of efficacy of alternative therapies by patients with inflammatory arthropathies.
Isolation of farnesyltransferase inhibitors from herbal medicines.
Acupuncture in headache.
Update from Asia. Asian studies on cancer chemoprevention.
Is there a geography of alternative medical treatment in The Netherlands?
Homeopathic treatment of mild traumatic brain injury: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial.
The sanogenic effects of reflex acupuncture therapy in regard to the pathogenesis of hypertension
Possible health and safety problems in the use of novel plant essential oils and extracts in aromatherapy.
How useful are unconventional cancer treatments?
Testing complementary and alternative therapies within a research protocol.
Elemental analysis of herbal preparations for traditional medicines by neutron activation analysis with the k0 standardization method.
Investigation of plants used in Jamaican folk medicine for anti-bacterial activity.
Therapeutic use of cannabis by crack addicts in Brazil.
Literature research on screening of the nucleus acupoints for treatment of intellectual disturbances.
380 cases of bronchiectasis with hemoptysis treated by point-injection.
Treatment of epiphora due to insufficiency of lacrimal passage by acupuncture at Jingming.
Observation of the efficacy of acupuncture and moxibustion in 62 cases of chronic colitis.
Twenty-three cases of atrophic rhinitis treated by deep puncture at three points in the nasal region.
Dr. Du Xiaoshan's personal experience in acupuncture treatment.
Clinical application of ciliao in acupuncture treatment.
A clinical observation on therapeutic effects of acupuncture for allergic rhinitis.
Reciprocal actions of acupoints on gastrointestinal peristalsis during electroacupuncture in mice.
Specific interactions of monotetrahydrofuranic annonaceous acetogenins as inhibitors of mitochondrial complex I.
Polymagnetolaser correction of vegetative and bioelectric imbalance in patients with duodenal ulcer
Flavonoids and terpenoids from Luma gayana (Barn.) Burret.
Alternative medicine in Israel: a case of non-regulation.
Dental voluntary work--a year in Uganda.
Lichen planus--report of successful treatment with aloe vera.
Complementary and alternative medicine in wound healing.
Fulfilling a dream. Interview by Anne Manchester.
Vegan proteins may reduce risk of cancer, obesity, and cardiovascular disease by promoting increased glucagon activity.
Traditional healing practice using medicinal herbs.
Histopathological assessment of the prophylactic effect of gingko-biloba extract on intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury.
Adverse reactions to herbal treatment.
Acupuncture for patients in hospital-based home care suffering from xerostomia.
Founding of the research group "Monastery Medicine". Mediator between historical healing and modern medicine
Rural-urban differences in food and nutrient intake of Pakistani children.
Pharmacist knowledge of common herbal preparations.
An investigation of stress and pain perception during manual therapy in asymptomatic subjects.
Alternative medicine and natural healing
Acupuncture for vulvodynia.
Inhibitory effect of ferulic acid and isoferulic acid on the production of macrophage inflammatory protein-2 in response to respiratory syncytial virus infection in RAW264.7 cells.
Bovine adrenal 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (E.C. 1.1.1. 145)/5-ene-4-ene isomerase (E.C. characterization and its inhibition by isoflavones.
The in vivo effect of a Brassica oleracea var. capitata extract on Ehrlich ascites tumors of MUS musculus BALB/C mice.
Most frequently used alternative and complementary therapies and activities by participants in the AMCOA study.
Reflections on complementary medicine research in the UK.
A systematic review of craniosacral therapy: biological plausibility, assessment reliability and clinical effectiveness.
The costs of treating rheumatoid arthritis patients with complementary medicine: exploring the issue.
New approaches to treating pollenosis--a pilot study.
Effect of Traumeel S, a homeopathic formulation, on blood-induced inflammation in rats.
Evaluation and attributional analysis of an aromatherapy service for older adults with physical health problems and carers using the service.
Guidelines for authors of books and papers on complementary medicine.
Funding research into complementary medicine: the situation in Britain.
Integrating traditional medicine in Japan: the case of Kampo medicines.
Anticoagulant activity of coumarins from Ferula communis L.
Antitumour principles from Peganum harmala seeds.
Dietary supplements used in the treatment of depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders.
The silent health care revolution: the rising demand for complementary medicine.
Special dialogue: Herbal remedies for depression.
Safety of Ghasa.
A depressed man requesting St John's wort.
Allied studies on the effect of Rosmarinus officinalis L. on experimental hepatotoxicity and mutagenesis.
Feverfew as a prophylactic treatment of migraine
Evidence-based medicine and the diverse cultures of healing
The characteristics of the use and the levels of diffusion of nonconventional medicine
Phytotherapy between traditional medicine and alternative practices: how much safety and how much efficacy?
Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine
Homeopathy in the perspective of scientific research
The evolution of the biomedical paradigm and nonconventional medicines
Current trends in the integration and reimbursement of complementary and alternative medicine by managed care organizations (MCOs) and insurance providers: 1998 update and cohort analysis.
Legal considerations in referral to alternative medicine.
Thoracic intervertebral disk displacement: a rare differential diagnosis of segmental irritation--guidelines for use of chiropractic therapy
Exploring complementary therapies in conventional practice.
Failure of acupuncture in the treatment of obesity: a pilot study.
Understanding acute disharmonies of the channel sinews.
Energetics and transformation: insights on the paradoxical opportunity presented by chronic illness and pain--Part IV.
The systems, holograms and theory of micro-acupuncture.
A review of 'traditional' aboriginal health beliefs.
Consuming passion.
Ingestion of green tea rapidly decreases prostaglandin E2 levels in rectal mucosa in humans.
The essence of science
Guided Imagery and Other Forms of Alternative Medicine Ñ Trend or Aberration? Where Does it Fit in Your Practice?
Management of demand in the NHS, including the effects of queues and pensioners.
Antifertility activity of Ricinus communis seed in female guinea pigs.
Pearls and pitfalls in the use and abuse of diuretics for chronic congestive heart failure.
Raspberry leaf and its effect on labour: safety and efficacy.
Lay perspectives of complementary medicine.
Research issues in complementary therapies.
Complementary medicine is holism in practice: the view of the ICM.
From medical herbalism to phytomedicine: back to the future?
What are the reasons for nurses using complementary therapy in practice?
Opinions on and use of alternative medicine among physicians, nurses and clerks in northern Norway.
Effect of Momordica charantia (Karolla) extracts on fasting and postprandial serum glucose levels in NIDDM patients.
Effects of a standardized ginseng extract on quality of life and physiological parameters in symptomatic postmenopausal women: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Swedish Alternative Medicine Group.
Alternative medicine.
Anticonvulsion effect of acupuncture might be related to the decrease of neuronal and inducible nitric oxide synthases.
Different analgesic effects of manual and electrical acupuncture stimulation of real and sham auricular points: a blind controlled study with rats.
The influence of acupuncture on the impedance measured by four electrodes on meridians.
Clinical management of needle-phobia patients requiring acupuncture therapy.
A trial of Phyllanthus amarus in acute viral hepatitis.
Mechanisms of diet and colon carcinogenesis.
The use of aromatherapy in wound care.
Evaluation of a diet and nutritional status of breast feeding women on the basis of a questionnaire study
Alternative medicine sails under a false flag. Alternative practitioners profit from the good reputation of naturopathy
The effects of ENDUROX on the physiological responses to stair-stepping exercise.
Antiepileptic effect of Plectranthus amboinicus (lour.) Spreng. (French marjoram)
Anti-inflammatory activity of the bark of Khaya senegalensis (A Juss). Preliminary research of structure/activity relationship
Chemical constituents of mainly active component fractionated from the aqueous tea non-dialysates, an antitumor promoter.
Involvement of non-allopathy medical students in LEC's.
Does ginseng boost the quality of life?
Complementary and alternative medicine: herbal therapies for diabetes.
Health status in Norway around the year 1000
Menopause, naturally. Exploring alternatives to traditional hormone replacement therapy.
Harmonizing herbs. Managing menopause with help from Mother Earth.
Informal care and the empowerment of minority communities: comparisons between the USA and the UK.
Aromatherapy in perianesthesia nursing.
Autoimmune diseases.
Re: Vegetarianism and dental fluorosis among children in a high fluoride area of northern Tanzania (1999;9: 3-11)
The 9th Annual Congress of The Japan Bi-Digital O-Ring Test Medical Society. Tokyo, Japan, July 24-25, 1999. Abstracts.
The 15th Annual International Symposium on Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics. New York City, New York, USA. October 21-24, 1999. Abstracts.
Plant may be cure for HBV.
Review, critique, and guidelines for the use of herbs and homeopathy.
Is the emergency readmission rate a valid outcome indicator?
Can medicine and chiropractic practice side-by-side? Implications for healthcare delivery.
Advising the vegetarian family on a balanced diet.
Is homeopathy superior to placebo? Controversy apropos of a meta-analysis of controlled studies
Complementary therapeutic practices in patients with chronic sinusitis.
Mycotoxins of fungal strains from stored herbal plants and mycotoxin contents of Nigerian crude herbal drugs.
Anti-inflammatory activity of Urera baccifera (Urticaceae) in Sprague-Dawley rats.
Aloe vera: a systematic review of its clinical effectiveness.
Alternative medicine in modern France.
Dietetics, health reform and social order: vegetarianism as a moral physiology. The example of Maximilian Bircher-Benner (1867-1939).
Shaping the medical market: on the construction of quackery and folk medicine in Dutch historiography.
Women's medicine, women's culture: abortion and fortune-telling in early twentieth-century Germany and The Netherlands.
Cunning-folk in the medical market-place during the nineteenth century.
Government plans to regulate voluntary and private healthcare.
Antenatal care patterns and factors associated with perinatal outcome in two rural districts in Zimbabwe.
St. John's Wort: is it effective and harmless?
Are herbal remedies a natural solution?
Complementary medicine, III: Homeopathy--well represented on the internet
The weak site of the stronger sex. Phytotherapy often helps the prostate patient
Acupuncture at tragus apex for treatment of traumatic ocular muscle paralysis--a report of 16 cases.
The effect of electroacupuncture on auditory P300 potential in mongolism cases.
Effects of acupuncture on the immunological functions in hepatitis B virus carriers.
Acupuncture treatment of angina pectoris.
Clinical application of moxibustion over point dazhui.
Treatment of 50 cases of senile dementia by acupuncture combined with inhalation of herbal drugs and oxygen.
Clinical observation on electrothermal acupuncture in treatment of 16 cases of vulvar dystrophy.
46 cases of insomnia treated by semiconductor laser irradiation on auricular points.
Effects of acupuncture on the pituitary-thyroid axis in rabbits with fracture.
Advances in TCM treatment of senile dementia.
Acupuncture treatment of dysmenorrhea.
The third lumbar transverse process syndrome treated by electroacupuncture at huatuojiaji points.
Treatment of postapoplectic thalamic spontaneous pain by electroacupuncture at huatuojiaji points.
A comparative observation on comprehensive scalp--acupuncture treatmentof ischemic apoplectic hemiplegia.
100 cases of intractable migraine treated by acupuncture and cupping.
Arthralgia treated by acupuncture within "Chifu" area.
Prof. Xiao Shaoqing's experience in application of point-through-point acupuncture technique.
Treatment of epigastralgia by external application of huweigao at shenque point.
16 cases of scalenus syndrome treated by massage and acupoint-injection.
A survey on acupuncture treatment of peripheral nerve injury.
Some precautions about herbs.
To treat or not to treat: the ethical dilemma of alternative medicine therapies.
Radionuclide oesophageal transit scintigraphy--a useful method for verification of oesophageal dysmotility by cervical vertebropathy.
Vegan diet in physiological health promotion.
Angina pectoris: saving a lot of money with acupuncture
Relapse of sarcoidosis after alternative medical treatment
Trends in complementary medicine towards the third millennium
Ethical obligations of physicians concerning alternative medicine
Symptomatic systolic ventricular failure.
Ayurveda (ancient Indian system of medicine) and modern molecular medicine.
Medicare program; revisions to payment policies under the physician fee schedule for calendar year 2000. Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), HHS. Final rule with comment period.
Anti-inflammatory activity of aqueous extracts of five Costa Rican medicinal plants in Sprague-Dawley rats.
Update on seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
Chiropractic care in pregnancy.
Vegan pregnancy.
Reconstructing paradise: Canada's health care system, alternative medicine and the Charter of Rights.
Alternative medicine: Ninth Circuit reverses holding on distribution of medical marijuana.
Science and nescience: the issue of alternative medicine.
Dragon's blood. A glance into the history of pharmacognosy
Prophylactic treatment of migraine
Ectodermal method of Ryodorak--an attempt at clinical measurement for evaluation of physiotherapy effects in patients with low back pain
A case for complementary modalities.
Contemporary therapy: aromatherapy in the management of acute pain?
Check patients' herb use before OKing surgery.
Misconceptions and misleading information prevail--less regulation does not mean less danger to consumers: dangerous herbal weight loss products.
Evaluating complementary and alternative therapies for cancer patients.
Antimicrobial screening of Bridelia, micrantha, Alchormea cordifolia and Boerhavia diffusa.
The antihyperglycamic effect of Telfaria occidentalis in mice.
Protective effect of Prostane in experimental prostatic hyperplasia in rats.
Acupuncture: pain management coupled to immune stimulation.
Relatives' lived experiences of complementary therapies in a critical care department--a phenomenological study.
Herbal resources on the Internet.
Cannabis study planned.
San Francisco: HMO coverage of acupuncture.
Doctors should coordinate use of alternative therapies.
East clashes with West in approach to HIV treatment.
Medical marijuana: AIDS-related information in the new Federal report.
Chiropractor charged with claiming HIV cure.
Policy reversal has gone to pot.
Improving HAART naturally.
IOM finds scientific merit to medical marijuana. Institute of Medicine.
Micronutrients Part II: minerals and phytochemicals.
Cat's claw scratching away at the immune system?
Emerging drugs--molecular mechanisms of action of Asian medicines.
Regulation of gene expression by herbal medicines--a new paradigm of gene therapy for multifocal abnormalities of genes.
Treatment of depression--newer pharmacotherapies.
Effect of electroacupuncture and 7-NI on penicillin-induced epilepsy and their relation with intrahippocampal NO changes
Effect of anti-opioid peptide sera on the enhancement of electroacupuncture analgesia induced by neurotensin in PAG of rats
A study of the relationship between dynamic blood rheologic changes and the fluid resuscitation in burn patients
Cleaning up our act: germ consciousness in America. [Review of: Tomes, N. The gospel of germs: men, women, and the microbe in American life. Harvard University Press, 1998
Book review response.
Vernacularization as an intellectual and social bridge. The Catalan translations of Teodorico's Chirurgia and of Arnau de Vilanova's Regimen Sanitatis.
Alchemy and the use of vernacular languages in the late middle ages.
Animal therapy over the ages: 1. acutherapy.
Investigation on Qiong yao shen shu (Qiongyao's Magical Book).
Robert Boyle's approach to the ministrations of Valentine Greatrakes.
Thomas Drysdale Buchanan (1876-1940).
Ben cao tu jing (Illustrated Canon of Herbology) and the origin of modern identification of Chinese materia medica.
John Gerarde and his contemporaries.
The ancient doctrine of signatures or similitudes.
Gender and aesthetic norms in popular hygienic culture in Germany from 1900 to 1914.
From rudbeckia to echinacea: the emergence of the purple cone flower in modern therapeutics.
Medical thought of Dosan Manase's early years. (1) The meaning of the work "Toryu".
Introduction and development of pathology.
A brief history of the Gillet family: three generations of chiropractors in Belgium.
Three oldest chiropractic diplomas.
Laid to uneasy rest: D.D. Palmer, 1913.
Ruth Rose Ashworth-Cleveland: a pioneer's journey as seen through personal letters.
Commonwealth laws of Massachusetts v. early chiropractic pioneers, 1911-1915.
From Africa to Africa.
Talk of the town in 1921: chiropractic and "talking sickness".
C. Sterling Cooley, D.C., F.I.C.C.: politician, innate fundamentalist and Palmer historian.
Dr Samuel Auguste Tissot.
Laboratory science and common sense.
Animal therapy over the ages: 2. chiropractic and 3. homeopathy.
Discassion on the date of appearance of the title Shen nong ben caojing (Shennong's Herbal Classic)
Discussions on acute pharyngo - laryngeal diseases treated with acupuncture by physicians of successive ages
An outline on the early pharmacetical development before Galen
R.R., B.J. and the "Long Blue Shadows".
Early educational tracts helped to build chiropractic.
Dr. Adelbert C. Douglass: a great healer, a small town physician, one of the early chiropractors. An oral history.
Joseph W. Howe, D.C., D.A.C.B.R. and the development of modern chiropractic radiology.
California's Radiation Protection Act: first in the nation, 1969.
Australian information on Victor Coxon.
The Bakkum Chiropractic Clinic and Hospital.
Thomas Henry Storey, D.O., D.C. 1843 to 1923.
Life University Bell Tower commemorates jailed pioneers.
Epidemics and the evolution of medicine in Iran during the XIX century
Research on the plague epidemic in Guangzhou (Canton) in 1894
European traditional healers persecuted as witches and Kenyan traditional doctors.
Documents related to a medical prescription book in the Date Museum (Date City, Hokkaido)
The history of Korean traditional medicine
Patients and homeopathy: an overview of sociological literature
The homeopathic patient: comparative results of homeopathic and conventional GP patient interviews
Expulsion from Leipzig? Hahnemann's medical praxis in Leipzig: reasons for transferring to Kothen in 1821 - frequency of patients and polemics
"Thus it passes from the patient's purse into that of the doctor without causing displeasure" - Samuel Hahnemann and medical fees
The experience of being ill and the physician-patient relationship in Samuel Hahnemann's correspondence with his patients
Hahnemann's youngest patients - an analytic study of the first homeopathic treatments for children
The "Lebenswarthische homopathische Kinderspital" in Vienna (1879-1914): notes on the history of the first homeopathic children's hospital
Memory of a laboratory. Promotional booklets for homeopathic drugs Abbe Chaupitre (1933-1939)
Notes on several almanachs Abbe Chaupitre
Not Available
Not Available
Bleeders and surgeons: medical practitioners in nineteenth century Minas Gerais
The conformity of acupuncture points and of trigger points
Remembrance of professor Zbigniew Garnuszewski
About professor Zbigniew Garnuszewski
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Medicine's response to ethnic differences.
Central pain mechanisms: A new horizon in manual therapy.
The clinical application of central pain mechanisms in manual therapy.
The effects of classic antipsychotic haloperidol plus the extract of ginkgo biloba on superoxide dismutase in patients with chronic refractory schizophrenia.
Effect of acupuncture on enzymology of motor neuron of anterior horn of experimental spinal cord injury in rats
Molecular standard of chemical essence in Chinese traditional medicine
Clinical study on effect of xianlong capsule on senile vascular dementia
Clinical observation on effect of yiqi huoxue decoction in comprehensive treatment on advanced stage of esophageal cancer
Study on early application of Chinese medicinal herbs after total gastrectomy
Clinical and experimental study on treatment of Helicobacter pylori infected gastritis by xialian yiyou capsule
Experimental study on the effect of yiyuan shengxue capsule on gamma-interferon and tumor necrosis factor-alpha in patients with chronic aplastic anemia
Efficacy of Chinese recipes of replenishing kidney and activating blood circulation in female rats with osteoporosis induced by ovariectomy
Progress on the treatment of tumor with biological therapy medicated by Chinese herbal medicine
Clinical and experimental study of jianruling in treating hyperplasia of mammary gland
Observation on effect of integrated Chinese and Western medicine in treating patients with peripheral atherosclerosis obliterans
Preliminary study on Chinese herb induced apoptosis of thyrocytes in Graves' disease
Influence of pre-operational medicated dachengqi granule on inflammatory mediator in tumor patients
Discussion and preliminary application on standard for comprehensive efficacy assessment of traditional Chinese medicine in treating malignant tumor
Clinical observation on effect of step respiration exercise combined Chinese drug therapy in treating pulmonary heart disease and exploration on its therapeutic mechanism
Effect of tiangui recipe on serum leptin and pituitary gonadotropin in androgen-sterilized rats
Therapeutic study of gastric precancerous condition
Endothelin and study of Chinese traditional medicine
Current situation and prospect of researches on tumor cell differentiation induced by Chinese herbal medicine
Clinical study on treatment of rectal carcinoma with Chinese herbal medicine and high dose fluorouracil emulsion via rectal infusion
Clinical observation on radio- or chemotherapy plus Traditional Chinese medicine in treating brain metastatic tumor
Clinical and experimental study on treatment of retention enema for chronic non-specific ulcerative colitis with quick-acting kuijie powder
Clinical and experimental study on treatment of ankylosing spondylitis
Light puncture combined with longhu xingnao granules in treating acute traumatic intracranial hematoma
Effect of nourishing kidney to inducing resuscitation method on psychic evaluation table in patients of vascular dementia
Enhancing effect of Chinese herbal medicine mixture on peripheral blood lymphocyte proliferation and interleukin-2 production in patients of burn
Clinical comparative observation on duodongning and Ritalin in treating child hyperkinetic syndrome
Integrated traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine in the prevention and treatment of malignant tumor in 21st century
Significance of aldose-reductase inhibition with traditional Chinese and Western drugs in the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy
Clinical observation on treatment of 304 patients suffered from acute myocardial infarction with integrated Traditional and Western Medicine
Effect of Angelica sinensis injection on CD11c and CD14 expression in alveolar macrophage membrane of chronic bronchitis patients
Auriculo-acupoint diagnosis and its development
Clinical study on effect of scalp-acupuncture in treating acute cerebral hemorrhage
Research on prematurity in childhood
Clinical and experimental study on zhixie buye mixture in treating infantile diarrhea complicated with dehydration
Clinical study of treating infantile acute nephritis with antipyretic and detoxication, cooling blood and diuretic principle
Clinical study on hyperthyroidism of yang hyperactivity type due to yin deficiency treated by jiakang ning capsule
Clinical observation on treatment of bile regurgitational gastritis with danwei capsule
Clinical and experimental study on the treatment of endometriosis with dan'e mixture
Experimental study on effect of yishen shengxue tablet in treating aplastic anemia
Progress of clinical basic study of acupuncture in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases
The therapeutic effect of ligustrazin and salvia miltiorrhiza on the gene expression of alpha1 (I) and alpha1 (III) procollagen in rat pulmonary fibrosis
Clinical study on the treatment of liver fibrosis due to hepatitis B by IFN-alpha(1) and traditional medicine preparation.
Study of the mechanisms of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment for ulcerative colitis rats in view of the gene expression of cytokines.
Herbal medications.
The aesthetics of caring: where folk healers and nurse theorists converge.
Caring needs of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
No removal of HIV-positive man for marijuana conviction.
Aromatherapy for health professionals.
Advancing my health care practice in aromatherapy.
Developing cultural sensitivity. When your client is Filipino American.
Effect and mechanism of action of Tinospora bakis roots on biliary secretion using in vivo models
Mimosa pudica may possess antidepressant actions in the rat.
Prevention of psychological stress-induced immune suppression by aged garlic extract.
Antitubercular activity of pentacyclic triterpenoids from plants of Argentina and Chile.
Piperine mediated alterations in lipid peroxidation and cellular thiol status of rat intestinal mucosa and epithelial cells.
Complement-mediated antiinflammatory effect of bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloid fangchinoline.
Antiulcer activity of Salvadora persica L.: structural modifications.
Spasmolytic activity of some plants used by the Otomi Indians of Quéretaro (México) for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders.
Opioid mu receptors in caudate nucleus contribute to electroacupuncture and Sm I generating inhibition on nociceptive responses of Pf neurons
Complementary and alternative medicine.
Veterinary homeopathy: an overview.
Update on the Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Task Force. Kentucky Nurses Association for the Legislative Task Force on Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Vegetarian diet planning for adolescents with diabetes.
Aromatherapy risk to pregnant women.
Effects of danshen and shengmaiye on glomerulosclerosis by adriamycin in rats
Protective effect of Radix Salvia Miltiorrhizae on radiation damage of the cochlea
Research and development of wuzhuyu decoction
Effects of Chinese patent medicine tongfugushen on adenine-induced chronic renal failure in rats
Studies on chemical constituents and pharmacological effects of the stem of Cynomorium songaricum Rupr.
Skeletal effect of xianzhen gubao on preventing prednisone-induced osteoporosis in male rats
Cerebral protective effects of some compounds isolated from traditional Chinese herbs
Advances in the study on the treatment of osteoporosis with Epimedium brevicornum and its compound prescription
Effects of Rg1 on calcium channel of guinea pig ventricular myocytes
The brief history of Korean traditional medicine (1899-1999)
Development of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine and change of medical policy in China
Possibility in unification of oriental and western medicine education by combination of educational curricula
Effect of bushenjiannao 1 decoction on learning and memory functions and anti-fatigue ability in mice
Preventing and treating effect of total oil of Microula sikkimensis (Hemsl.) on experimental hyperlipemia in rats
Assay of aluminum content in alum and alum-processed medicinal herbs and its distribution in blood and brain in mice
Alternative medicine, DMPA costs top concerns.
Health for All by the Year 2000: what about the nomads?
In Uganda, elders work with the UN to safeguard women's health.
Taking health to the high Sierra. Millennium trailblazers 4: Jambi Huasi.
Working with traditional health practitioners.
Valuing healers.
Involving healers.
Promoting collaboration.
Using herbs.
Marketing herbal medicines.
Learning from India's traditional birth attendants, the dais.
Health and medical practices in the pre-Columbian Americas.
A study on the effect and mechanism of acupuncture suppression of neuronal apoptosis following cerebral ischemia
Analysis of the relationship between the facial skin temperature and blood flow
The effect of granule-rhinitis on allergic nasal mucosa
The morphometric analysis of lung on protective effect of Chinese herbs 814 on elastase-induced emphysema in hamsters
The therapeutic effect of Chinese medicinal herbs on HIV patients
Pharmacological study on asthma-relieving decoction (dingchuan tang) treating asthma
A preliminary study of two Chinese herbs protective tablets on some Chinese traditional medicines
Experimental study on antitumor activity of the root of Eurphorbia helioscopia in vivo
Studies of Echinopsis multiplex on antineoplastic effects
Supercritical-CO2 fluid extraction of fatty oils from Perilla frutescens seeds and pharmacological study
Experimental study on the effect of nourishing yin and tranquilizing of yangyin anshen koufuye
Experimental study on pharmacological action of fukean tablet on gastrointestinal tract
Definition of Nidana Pancaka (first chapter of Madhavanidana).
Yugi's pramegam and diebetes mellitus: an analogue.
Aromatic drugs in Unani medicine with special reference to Kitabul-Mia-Lil-Masihi.
Ethnobiology in Mizoram state: folklore medico-zoology.
Migraine costs and success of non-medicamentous therapy procedures. Relation of diagnostic measures
Information of patients in complementary medicine: acupuncture
Audit of the nutritional content of patient meals in Ayrshire and Arran.
Anesthesia case of the month. Dystocia, cesarean section and acupuncture resuscitation of newborn kittens.
Auricular acupuncture in the treatment of cocaine abuse. A study of efficacy and dosing.
Acupuncture in psychiatry.
Alcohol as an additional risk factor in laryngopharyngeal cancer in Mumbai--a case-control study.
Native American medicine in the treatment of chronic illness: developing an integrated program and evaluating its effectiveness.
Use of complementary healthcare practices among chiropractors in the United States: a survey.
Use of alternative therapies among breast cancer outpatients compared with the general population.
Barbara Dossey, RN, MS on holistic nursing, Florence Nightingale, and healing rituals. Interview by Bonnie Horrigan.
Chiropractic management of acute low-back pain.
Chiropractic for low back pain. Experts in both UK and US believe that chiropractic works.
Nine suggestions for '99.
Mechanism of immunosuppression of the antirheumatic herb TWHf in human T cells.
Massage therapy for low back pain: a systematic review.
Billion-dollar market blossoms as botanicals take root.
Past and present herbs used to treat cancer: medicine, magic, or poison?
Evaluating alternative treatments for HIV infection.
Preoperative considerations with herbal medicines.
Echinacea questionable for colds.
Adult lead poisoning from an Asian remedy for menstrual cramps--Connecticut, 1997.
Study of the history of medicine in Georgia.
Is feverfew a pharmacologic agent?
Alternative therapy for low back pain.
Complementary and alternative medicine.
Experimental Rhazya stricta toxicosis in rats.
Prevalence of complementary/alternative medicine for children: a systematic review.
Parental attitude towards alternative medicine in the paediatric intensive care unit.
The effect of traditional Chinese acupuncture on severe tinnitus. A double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study with an open therapeutic surveillance
Effects of electroacupuncture on gastric migrating myoelectrical complex in dogs.
New guides to herbal remedies.
Clinical management of carpal tunnel syndrome: a 12-year review of outcomes.
Physical therapy, chiropractic manipulation, or an educational booklet for back pain.
Physical therapy, chiropractic manipulation, or an educational booklet for back pain.
Physical therapy, chiropractic manipulation, or an educational booklet for back pain.
Physical therapy, chiropractic manipulation, or an educational booklet for back pain.
Physical therapy, chiropractic manipulation, or an educational booklet for back pain.
Physical therapy, chiropractic manipulation, or an educational booklet for back pain.
Chiropractic manipulation for childhood asthma.
Chiropractic manipulation for childhood asthma.
Restrained eating among vegetarians: does a vegetarian eating style mask concerns about weight?
The new age of herbals: a pharmacognosy renaissance.
Complementary therapies: overview and state of the art.

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