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Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
March 2025

Bibliography — Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) — 1996

Integrating chiropractic in managed care.
Best healthcare project. Spectrum Center for Integrated Care, Lake View, Illinois.
Teleradiology: opportunities, problems, implementation.
Complementary medicine. More than pin money.
Complementary medicine. Complements slip.
Alternative medicine not so unconventional.
Alternative medicine: where east meets west.
Integrating complementary and traditional medicine. Healing Arts Center connects body, mind, spirit.
Exploring the possibilities. Health plans offer connections to better information through the World Wide Web.
Malpractice and vicarious liability for providers of complementary & alternative medicine.
Lessons from AWP (any willing provider).
Complementary medicine.
Whatever works.
The mainstreaming of alternative medicine.
Alternative medicine--an overview.
The need to teach alternative medicine.
Analysis of the physiotherapy industry: challenges for marketing.
Health transition research in Nigeria in the era of the Structural Adjustment Programme.
Naturally interested. A Seattle trustee uses political advocacy to bring natural medicine to public health.
What do we know about complementary medicine? What should we know?
In Response To: Professor Cassileth's manuscript on "Alternative and Complementary Cancer Treatments," Featured in The Oncologist 1996;1:173-179.
Manual therapy, chiropractic, osteopathy. From alternative therapy to medicine
An experiential approach to alternative medicine.
Latino age: holistic techniques with a Latin flavor
Alternative treatments for HIV: nationwide survey seeks users.
World medicine and Western medicine: the missing dialog--interview, Kaiya Montaocean, co-director, Center for Natural and Traditional Medicines. Interview by John S. James.
Acupuncture and traditional Oriental medicine in the treatment of HIV and AIDS.
AIDS and alternative medicine: a journalist's perspective.
On the other hand...researchers look at who's using which alternative treatments.
More awareness needed in treatment of fatigue.
Fighting fatigue requires battle on many fronts.
International treatment access and research, how you can help--interview with Dr. Peter Piot of UNAIDS. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS. Interview by John S. James.
Peripheral mobilisations with movement.
Pathogenesis of upper cervical instability.
The muscular arch of the axilla revisited: its possible role in the thoracic outlet and shoulder instability syndromes.
Measurement of shoulder joint kinaesthesia.
Digital videofluoroscopy.
Vertebral artery testing - the Australian Physiotherapy Association Protocol after 6 years.
Positive Upper Limb Tension Test in a Case of Surgically Proven Neuropathy: Analysis and Validity.
The management of low back pain in pregnancy.
Tendons in health and disease.
An investigation of neural tissue involvement in ankle inversion sprains.
To compare the effects of different rates of application of a cervical mobilisation technique on sympathetic outflow to the upper limb in normal subjects.
Instrumented measurement of spinal stiffness.
Expanding the scope of physiotherapy: clinical physiotherapy specialists in consultants' clinics.
The Role of Transversus Abdominus in Post Partum Correction of Gross Divarication Recti.
Rotational instability of the mid-thoracic spine: assessment and management.
Biomedical considerations and clinical patterns related to disorders of the glenoid labrum in the predominantly stable glenohumeral joint.
Diagnostic tests for temporomandibular disorders: an assessment of the methodologic quality of research reviews.
Pressure algometry in manual therapy.
The effect of training with feedback on physiotherapy students' ability to judge lumbar stiffness.
Can manual therapy benefit from the Cochrane Collaboration?
Choosing plants to be grown in a Controlled Environment Life Support System (CELSS) based upon attractive vegetarian diets.
Earth benefits of interdisciplinary CELSS-related research by the NSCORT in Bioregenerative Life Support.
Suggestions for crops grown in controlled ecological life-support systems, based on attractive vegetarian diets.
Food production and nutrition in Biosphere 2: results from the first mission September 1991 to September 1993.
The nutritional adequacy of a limited vegan diet for a Controlled Ecological Life-Support System.
Perspectives of different type biological life support systems (BLSS) usage in space missions.
Milestones of pharmaceutical botany: pre-history to 1900.
Pharmaceutical botany in the U.S.--1900-1962.
Milestones in pharmaceutical botany since 1960.
Textual research on Dan Fang Jing Yuan (Mirror origin from alchemical chambre), an alchemical herbology
Study on the original title and number of volumes of Variorum of Herbological Canons
Superstition and medical knowledge in an Italian herbal.
Not Available
Making medicine scientific: empiricism, rationality, and quackery in mid-Victorian Britain.
The importance of anise (Fructus anisi vulgaris) from the point of view of Turkish medical history and its place in the traditional treatments in Turkey.
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Pakistan's microcephalic chuas of Shah Daulah: cursed, clamped or cherished.
Sammy Tubbs and Dr. Hubbs: anatomical dissection, minstrelsy, and the technology of self-making in postbellum America.
The making of a European chiropractor: Fred Illi and the Universal College, 1925-1927.
Chiropractic in Australia: the first forty years (1905-1945).
Morris Fishbein, M.D.: the "medical Mussolini" and chiropractic.
The short life & enduring influence of the American Chiropractic Association, 1922-1930.
The sixteen major events in chiropractic history.
Chiropractic's tension with the germ theory of disease.
A place for chiropractic historians: the workshop to develop a chiropractic research agenda.
The search for Alma Arnold: chiropractic's forgotten woman pioneer, 1903-1938.
The role of the encyclopedic Howard System in the professionalization of chiropractic National College, 1906-1981.
An Australian perspective on chiropractic spinography.
Advertising in chiropractic, 1939-1944: an introspective look at the early years of the Chirogram.
The chiropractic heritage of Paul Caster: magnetic healer.
Remembering Dr. Lyle Wheeler Sherman.
Hole in one: a history of its founding.
Epigramania revisited.
Comparative studies on saccharated preparations in traditional medicine
Chemical evaluation and consideration on the traditional drug "ULUUS" (1)
The origin and development of the herbal gardens of the Owari clan
Not Available
Publishing the works of Nicholas Culpeper, astrological herbalist and translator of Latin medical works in seventeenth-century London.
Not Available
On Renaissance botany - Paduan inspirations of Polish herbalists
Private habits and public interest. Breast-feeding in popular medical literature, Barcelona 1880-1890
The Protomedicato Tribunal and popular healing
Folk Medicine has many universal remedies - the most important is "Aquavit"
Superstitions around teeth
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Ethical problems in evaluating complementary medicine.
Healing dilemmas.
Ethical standards for medical anthropologists consulting on ethnomedicine.
Traditional medicine in the treatment of enteroparasitosis
Voluntary screening and counselling: public health or community health?
The role of traditional healers in HIV / AIDS counselling in Kampala, Uganda. Key issues and debates: traditional healers.
The traditional treatment of AIDS in Uganda: benefits and problems. Key issues and debates: traditional healers.
A targetted intervention research on traditional healer perspectives of sexually transmitted illnesses in urban Zambia. Current research.
Studies on the Peroxidation of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid from Lipoprotein Induced by Iron and The evaluation of The Anti-oxidative Activity of Some Natural Products.
Traditional healers learn they have a role to play in Tanzania's AIDS-control programme.
Forging links between the formal and traditional in Zambia. Special report: traditional healers.
Zimbabwe uses all medical resources to find solutions.
Cultural construction of health and institutional measures of change in rural Bangladesh: cases of BRAC's village organization and ICDDR,B's MCH-FP programmes.
New perspectives in the discussion about AIDS -- the importance of the eating metaphor in Malawi. Work in progress
Initiatives: Nigeria. Traditional healers and PPFN in wedlock.
China urges caution in herbal cures for AIDS.
Health education for safe motherhood.
Radiographic clinical and functional diagnosis and treatment of low back pain associated with pelvic malposition
Acupuncture in headache therapy
Homeopathy in headaches. A review
Outcomes and costs of care for acute low back pain.
Outcomes and costs of care for acute low back pain.
Trusting in traditional cures.
Complementary medicine and the scientific method.
Complementary medicine and the scientific method.
Chiropractic manipulation and atherosclerotic emboli to the eye.
Mercury use in espiritismo: a survey of botanicas.
Meat and Livestock Commission's advertising campaign. Commission defends campaign.
Health-care-seeking behaviors related to bowel complaints. Hispanics versus non-Hispanic whites.
AAEP acupuncture lecture gets point across.
Secoiridoids and antifungal aromatic acids from Gentiana algida.
Biologically active flavonoids and terpenoids from Egletes viscosa.
Alternative medicine. Seattle goes au naturel.
Human psychopharmacology of hoasca, a plant hallucinogen used in ritual context in Brazil.
Prevalence and cost of alternative medicine in Australia.
Central retinal artery occlusion after manipulation of the neck by a chiropractor.
General practitioners' management of acute back pain: a survey of reported practice compared with clinical guidelines.
Uptake of alternative medicine.
Uptake of alternative medicine.
Uptake of alternative medicine.
Uptake of alternative medicine.
Severe combined degeneration of the spinal cord after nitrous oxide anaesthesia in a vegetarian.
Garlic burns mimicking herpes zoster.
Changes in glycosylation of IgG during fasting in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Students' attitudes toward alternative health care.
Chiropractic complications.
Chiropractic complications.
Chiropractic complications.
Chiropractic complications.
Chiropractic complications.
Chiropractic complications.
Alternative medicine--a doctor's perspective.
Alternative medicine--a doctor's perspective.
Alternative medicine--a doctor's perspective.
Association of immunological changes with clinical efficacy in atopic eczema patients treated with traditional Chinese herbal therapy (Zemaphyte).
Cell-cycle specific cytotoxicity mediated by rearranged ent-kaurene diterpenoids isolated from Parinari curatellifolia.
Case report. Small bowel obstruction due to phytobezoar formation within Meckel diverticulum: CT findings.
Ascaris lumbricoides aggregation in relation to child growth status, delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity, and plant anthelmintic use in Madagascar.
Electrical stimulation at traditional acupuncture sites in periphery produces brain opioid-receptor-mediated antinociception in rats.
Medicinal plants of Seychelles.
Chiropractic and medical costs of low back care.
Homeopathic treatment of childhood diarrhea.
Homeopathic treatment of childhood diarrhea.
Homeopathic treatment of childhood diarrhea.
Homeopathic medicine.
Lead poisoning diagnosed by abdominal X-rays.
Complementary medicine.
Pennyroyal toxicity: measurement of toxic metabolite levels in two cases and review of the literature.
Understanding homeopathy.
Alternative and complementary cancer therapies.
Agranulocytosis and near fatal sepsis due to 'Mexican aspirin' (dipyrone).
The use of acupuncture in dentistry.
A 73-year-old woman with anemia and thrombocytopenia.
Short-term diets rich in arachidonic acid influence plasma phospholipid polyunsaturated fatty acid levels and prostacyclin and thromboxane production in humans.
Taxoids: new weapons against cancer.
Abortion from a crosscultural perspective: an introduction.
The pregnancy that doesn't stay: the practice and perception of abortion by Ekiti Yoruba women.
Abortion traditions in rural Jamaica.
Demarcation and transformation within homoeopathic knowledge. A strategy of professionalization.
The use of immediate frozen autogenous mandible, for benign tumour mandibular reconstruction.
Effect of M-711 on experimental asthma in rats.
India cracks down on traditional drugs advertisements.
Regulating complementary medicine.
Therapeutic effectiveness of Crataegus
Allergy to the heat-labile proteins alpha-lactalbumin and beta-lactoglobulin in mare's milk.
The effect of rhubarb extract on experimental renal fibrosis.
The national agency of drug control approves of a "humbug" drug. Approval of natural drugs
Can examination of spontaneous urine samples adequately replace 24-hour-urine samples for determining excretory rate of various lithogenic and inhibitory substances in metabolic evaluation of kidney calculi patients?
In vitro antimalarial activity of vegetal extracts used in West African traditional medicine.
Substrate behavior of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 is not associated with a lack of insertion of the reactive site loop.
Accepting spinal manipulation as an effective treatment.
Ancient Chinese prescriptions for hay fever. Herbs and acupuncture instead of desensitizing Western medicine?
"Guboow': medico-religious practice simulating nonaccidental injury in Somalia.
Respected research institutes in the USA receive support for alternative medicine. Self-hypnosis and laying-on-of-hands in heart surgery
Tapeworm disease in vegetarians.
Chemical and preliminary analgesic evaluation of geraniin and furosin isolated from Phyllanthus sellowianus.
Innovations in acumoxa: acupuncture analgesia, scalp and ear acupuncture in the People's Republic of China.
Acute respiratory infections--mothers' perceptions of etiology and treatment in south-western Nigeria.
Effect of physical therapy and chiropractic
Physical therapy without physicians' referral
Complications of acupuncture
Alternative medicine--a true alternative or only another market?
Mefloquine insusceptibility of malaria in Thailand not promoted by nonregulated drug-use.
Cultural dimensions in home health nursing.
The use of acupuncture in dentistry.
Research priorities in complementary medicine.
Health seeking behaviour for child illness in rural Guatemala.
Effects of traditional herbal medicine on gastric mucin against ethanol-induced gastric injury in rats.
Defining and assessing alternative medicine practices.
Some aspects of dental health in young adult Indian vegetarians. A pilot study.
Treatments for postherpetic neuralgia--a systematic review of randomized controlled trials.
Reduction of blood flow impedance in the uterine arteries of infertile women with electro-acupuncture.
Rapidly progressive interstitial renal fibrosis due to a chronic intake of a herb (Aristolochia pistolochia) infusion.
The dietary intake of a group of vegetarian children aged 7-11 years compared with matched omnivores.
Why do patients turn to complementary medicine? An empirical study.
The health beliefs and behaviours of orthodox and complementary medicine clients.
Medical care in Russia in 1995: a state of transition.
Homeopathy's early Dutch conquests: the Rotterdam clientele of Clemens von Bönninghausen in the 1840s and 1850s.
A case of posterior tuberculous spondylitis of the lumbar vertebra with the skull inoculated by acupuncture
Localised lipoatrophy after acupuncture.
The potentials of the Reflexotest computer diagnostic system with patients suffering from kidney failure
Extreme hyperbilirubinemia associated with the use of anabolic steroids, health/nutritional supplements, and ethanol: response to ursodeoxycholic acid treatment.
Antiscience trends in the rise of the "alternative medicine" movement.
A transcultural view of neurological and mental pathology in a Tzeltal Maya community of the Altos Chiapas
Protection of C3H/HE J mice from development of Candida albicans infection by oral administration of Juzen-taiho-to and its component, Ginseng radix: possible roles of macrophages in the host defense mechanisms.
Iodine in the diet: perspectives for vegans.
Strangers in a strange land.
Cultural barriers to health care for refugees and immigrants. Providers' perceptions.
Providing culturally competent health care to Hmong patients.
Trading places.
Complementary medicine. Safe practices.
Traditional reaction to modern stress.
Which resources pay for treatment? A model for estimating the informal economy of health.
The mistletoe myth--claims, reality and provable perspectives
Clinical application of extracts of Echinacea purpurea or Echinacea pallida. Critical evaluation of controlled clinical studies
Quality assurance in acupuncture therapy
History of "special therapeutic directions": the example of homeopathy
Homeopathy from the viewpoint of the clinical pharmacologist
Treatment of advanced pancreatic cancer with mistletoe: results of a pilot trial.
Hepatotoxicity associated with herbal tablets.
Complementary medicine is booming worldwide.
Alternative cancer medicine: a ten-year update.
Practice-building seminars in chiropractic: a Petit Bourgeois response to biomedical domination.
Mandinka mothers and nurslings: power and reproduction.
Medial medullary infarction following neck manipulation
Psychoactive constituents of the genus Sceletium N.E.Br. and other Mesembryanthemaceae: a review.
Some ethnopharmacological notes on African hallucinogens.
The ethnopharmacopoeia of Rotuma.
Drug leads from the Kallawaya herbalists of Bolivia. 1. Background, rationale, protocol and anti-HIV activity.
Antiamoebic activity of Piper longum fruits against Entamoeba histolytica in vitro and in vivo.
Isolation of vasodilatory active flavonoids from the traditional remedy Satureja obovata.
Phytotherapy in treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: a critical review.
Users of traditional methods of contraception in Bangladesh: 1981-91.
Complementary medicine. Moving experiences.
Chiropractic therapy for relief of back pain.
A case-control study on the risk factors of hepatitis C virus infection among Koreans.
Hypnotherapy and acute pain control.
Peanut and nut allergy. Baby massage oils could be a hazard.
Effect of the antistressor effect of acupuncture on the functional state of aqualung divers
Hepatotoxicity of the herbal medicine germander: metabolic activation of its furano diterpenoids by cytochrome P450 3A Depletes cytoskeleton-associated protein thiols and forms plasma membrane blebs in rat hepatocytes.
In vitro anti human immunodeficiency virus activity of mangrove plants.
Some pharmacological properties of Synclisia scabrida II.
Acupuncture and migraine.
Biology of tapeworm disease.
Managing HIV. Part 7: Professional issues. 7.4 HIV and complementary medicine.
Improving bladder function by pumpkin seeds?
Synopsis of the standard 'Low backache' from the Nederlands Huisartsen Genootschap
Complementary medicine. Opening up new relief routes.
Contact points.
Conservative therapy of shoulder pain
Smoking cessation products and programs.
What every dermatologist should know about homeopathy.
Outbreak of food poisoning due to Salmonella paratyphi A var durazzo (2,12:a:-) in Yavatmal (Maharashtra) in May 1995.
Effects of repeated sensory stimulation (electro-acupuncture) and physical exercise (running) on open-field behaviour and concentrations of neuropeptides in the hippocampus in WKY and SHR rats.
Complementary therapies. Sleepless and unsettled.
Clinical observation of constipation due to deficiency of vital energy treated by massage and finger pressure methods
Assessing needs of people with cancer.
Self-care for nurses. Tension pain--what to do?
Complementary therapy. A taste of health.
Using complementary therapies: acupuncture.
Informed consent issues in international research concerns.
Effect of P-6 acupressure on prevention of nausea and vomiting after epidural morphine for post-cesarean section pain relief.
Consistency of rotator-cuff calcifications. Observations on plain radiography, sonography, computed tomography, and at needle treatment.
Migration of an acupuncture needle into the medulla oblongata.
Side-effects of chiropractic spinal manipulation: types frequency, discomfort and course.
Homeopathy? Absurd.
Complementary medicine use in a dementia clinic population.
Emergency medicine expeditions to the developing world: the Loma Linda University experience in Papua New Guinea.
Effect of natural antioxidant tanshinone II-A on DNA damage by lipid peroxidation in liver cells.
Isoscutellarein 7-glucosyl(1-->2)xyloside from sixteen species of Sideritis.
The validity of the extension-rotation test as a clinical screening procedure before neck manipulation: a secondary analysis.
Lasting changes in passive range motion after spinal manipulation: a randomized, blind, controlled trial.
Ear infection: a retrospective study examining improvement from chiropractic care and analyzing for influencing factors.
The progressive making of a foremost chiropractic researcher: Fred Illi from Geneva.
Upper cervical instability: fact or fiction?
Scheuermann's juvenile kyphosis.
A holistic approach to severe headache symptoms in a patient unresponsive to regional manual therapy.
A systems model of health care: a proposal.
On sounds and reflexes.
"Research" and "science" in the first half of the chiropractic century.
A risk assessment of spinal manipulation vs. NSAIDs for the treatment of neck pain.
Blood pressure, serum lipids, and fatty acids in populations on a lake-fish diet or on a vegetarian diet in Tanzania.
Local terminology for febrile illnesses in Bagamoyo District, Tanzania and its impact on the design of a community-based malaria control programme.
Diuretic effect of Cecropia obtusifolia (Moraceae) on albino rats
An analysis of the food plants and drug plants of native North America.
Ritual and medicinal plants of the Ese'ejas of the Amazonian rainforest (Madre de Dios, Perú).
The impact of health policy on chiropractic.
Tethered cord syndrome.
Chiropractic correction of atlantoaxial rotatory fixation.
Chiropractic and the information superhighway: a brief guide to the Internet.
Misuse of the literature by medical authors in discussing spinal manipulative therapy injury.
Where do we go from here?
Attitudes on immunization: a survey of American chiropractors.
The oral prevalence of aerobic and facultatively anaerobic gram-negative rods and yeasts in semi-recluse human vegetarians.
The antimicrobial properties of chile peppers (Capsicum species) and their uses in Mayan medicine.
Effects of an ethanolic extract of Desmodium adscendens on central nervous system in rodents.
Carrier herbal medicine: traditional and contemporary plant use.
Antimicrobial activity of Paliurus spina-christi Mill. (Christ's thorn).
Gender aspects and women's participation in the control and management of malaria in central Sudan.
Activation of anterior lobe corticotrophs by electroacupuncture or noxious stimulation in the anaesthetized rat, as shown by colocalization of Fos protein with ACTH and beta-endorphin and increased hormone release.
Susceptibility of Helicobacter pylori and Candida spp. to the east African plant Terminalia spinosa.
Modulation of microsomal cytochrome P450 by Scutellariae Radix and Gentianae scabrae Radix in rat liver.
Coumarin 7-hydroxylation in long-term adherents of a strict uncooked vegan diet.
A new method of recording somatosensory evoked potentials by randomized electrical tooth stimulation with 6 levels of intensity.
Effect of M-711 on experimental skin reactions induced by chemical mediators in rats.
Acute severe low back pain. A population-based study of prevalence and care-seeking.
"Smart drugs"?
Increases in gastric acidity in response to electroacupuncture stimulation of the hindlimb of anesthetized rats.
Automated feature extraction for the classification of human in vivo 13C NMR spectra using statistical pattern recognition and wavelets.
"Women come here on their own when they need to": prenatal care, authoritative knowledge, and maternal health in Oaxaca.
Ways of knowing about birth in three cultures.
Maternal health, war, and religious tradition: authoritative knowledge in Pujehun District, Sierra Leone.
Nutritional aspects of amenorrhea in the female athlete triad.
Naturin: a potent bio-immunomodifier in experimental studies and clinical trials.
Leprosy among the Limba: illness and healing in the context of world view.
Dry sex in Zimbabwe and implications for condom use.
The role of clinical vignettes in rapid ethnographic research: a folk taxonomy of diarrhoea in Thailand.
Effects of the weather conditions on mood and behaviour: the role of acupuncture points.
Blunt injury to the internal carotid artery at the base of the skull: six cases of venous graft restoration.
Nervous diseases and their treatment in ancient Russia
Obstetric fistulas in Africa and the developing world: new efforts to solve an age-old problem.
Increasing the abilities of family doctors.
Carotid dissection.
Propolis and poplar bud extract. Some thoughts on alternative medicine
Bonesetters and curers in a Mexican community: conceptual models, status, and gender.
Purity, pollution and the invisible snake in southern Africa.
Spontaneous movement after injection of propofol.
Can acupuncture have specific effects on health? A systematic review of acupuncture antiemesis trials.
A concept in analgesic mechanisms of acupuncture.
Frequency dependence of substance P release by electroacupuncture in rat spinal cord
Observation of curative effect of acupuncture therapy plus scalp acupuncture for restoring consciousness and inducing resuscitation in 80 cases of acute apoplexy.
Clinical experience of Dr. Shao Jingming in treatment of diseases by puncturing back-shu points.
206 cases of spinogenic dizziness treated by contralateral acupuncture.
3-directional penetration needling for the treatment of paralysis.
Advanced in studies on acupuncture abstinence.
Indications and contraindications in emergency acupuncture treatment.
Clinical analysis of bacterial vaginosis in 76 cases
Neurobiological mechanisms of the meridian and the propagation of needle feeling along the meridian pathway.
Iatrogenic outbreak of M. chelonae skin abscesses.
Alchemy, homeopathy and the treatment of borderline cases.
Study on combined acupunctural and general anesthesia in pneumonectomy
Inhibition of [3H] flunitrazepam binding to rat brain membranes in vitro by puerarin and daidzein.
Acupuncture treatment of patients with radiation-induced xerostomia.
Patients are diverse; truth is not.
Communicate across cultural lines.
Health practices among Russian and Ukrainian immigrants.
Use of complimentary medical therapies in HIV/AIDS in Switzerland
Epilepsy caused by cysticercosis. Apropos of a sociological and cultural investigation conducted at Savalou in Benin
The blés, a caribbean creole disease
Mental image of the human being and of the physician in future-oriented medicine
Lactovegetarian diet: effect on changes in body weight, lipid status, fibrinogen and lipoprotein (a) in cardiovascular patients during inpatient rehabilitation treatment
Sequelae of manipulation of the postmastectomy arm
Dammarane-type triterpenoid saponins from Bacopa monniera.
Vascular hyporesponsiveness in aorta from portal hypertensive rats: possible sites of involvement.
Managing acute low back pain.
Acupuncture in the 1990s. A review for the primary care physician.
Complementary or alternative medicine.
Complementary or alternative medicine.
Screening of medicinal plants for induction of somatic segregation activity in Aspergillus nidulans.
Screening of some Cuban medicinal plants for antimicrobial activity.
Mind-body medicine and holistic approaches. The scientific evidence.
Profile and characteristics of animals bites in India.
Complementary medicine.
A combined community strategy to reduce cholesterol and other risk factors.
Anti-inflammatory efficacy of Melothria madraspatana in active rheumatoid arthritis.
Periodontal status of a subject sample of Yemen.
Management of cancer pain in Denmark: a nationwide questionnaire survey.
The lack of prognostic value of computerized tomography imaging examinations in patients with chronic non-progressive back pain.
Triaga Brasilica: renewed interest in a seventeenth-century panacea.
First contacts between Indian and European medical systems: Goa in the sixteenth century.
Dutch medicine in Asia, 1600-1900.
Herbs: multicultural folk medicines.
The role of manual acupuncture and morphine administration on the modulation of capsaicin-induced edema in rat paw. A blind controlled study.
Very new waves in very old meridians: quantum medical physics of the living.
177 cardiovascular risk factors, classified in 10 categories, to be considered in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases: an update of the original 1982 article containing 96 risk factors.
Towards quality in complementary health care: is the German "Heilpraktiker" a model for complementary practitioners?
A radiographic comparison of neutral cervical posture with cervical flexion and extension ranges of motion.
The interexaminer reliability of measuring passive cervical range of motion, revisited.
A preliminary inquiry into manual muscle testing response in phobic and control subjects exposed to threatening stimuli.
Indigestion and heartburn: a descriptive study of prevalence in persons seeking care from chiropractors.
Cleveland chiropractic: the early years, 1917-1933.
Monocular scotomata and spinal manipulation: the step phenomenon.
Chiropractic liability within managed health care--implications for managed-care organizations.
A risk assessment of cervical manipulation vs. NSAIDs for the treatment of neck pain.
A new technique of tissue stiffness (compliance) assessment: its reliability, accuracy and comparison with an existing method.
Inhibition of phospholipase C gamma 1 activity by amentoflavone isolated from Selaginella tamariscina.
Antifungal activity from Alpinia galanga and the competition for incorporation of unsaturated fatty acids in cell growth.
Detection and tissue distribution of anti-ulcer pectic polysaccharides from Bupleurum falcatum by polyclonal antibody.
Bioactive polyacetylenes from Bidens pilosa.
Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oil of Piper angustifolium.
Sesquiterpenes from Lepechinia urbaniana.
The effect of cost sharing on the use of chiropractic services.
Chronic fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia. Disability and health-care use.
Further discussion on foundation for acupuncture.
Alternative medicine in the workplace.
The camptothecin [corrected] tree: harvesting a Chinese anticancer compound in the US.
New MeSH terms add accessibility to alternative medicine literature.
Informed consent and alternative medicine.
In support of clinical research in alternative medicine.
Another theory available for explaining acupuncture.
Explore, don't criticize, mechanism of homeopathy.
Update on Minneapolis, Seattle alternative medicine research centers.
Culturally grounded review of research assumptions.
Report from June 13-14 AMPAC meeting. Alternative Medicine Program Advisory Council.
Conditioned healing with electroacupuncture.
Cognitive therapy for multiple sclerosis: a preliminary study.
Acupuncture: can it take the pain away?
Cultural differences in beliefs and practices about pregnancy and childbearing.
Dietary inferences through buccal microwear analysis of middle and upper Pleistocene human fossils.
Nonpharmacologic pain management in terminal care.
Hypoglycemic and aldose reductase activity of Polichia campestris.
Evaluation of the relaxant activity of some United Arab Emirates plants on intestinal smooth muscle.
Herbal products begin to attract the attention of brand-name drug companies.
Acupuncture for the relief of cancer-related breathlessness.
Attitude of Norwegian physicians to homeopathy
Attitudes of Norwegian physicians to homeopathy. A questionnaire among 2 019 physicians on their cooperation with homeopathy specialists
Acute otitis media in children. Comparison between conventional and homeopathic therapy
Conditions mistaken for child abuse: Part II.
Cardioactive compounds from Eremophila species.
Screening of medicinal plants used by the Garífuna of eastern Nicaragua for bioactive compounds.
Antibacterial activity of Helichrysum pedunculatum used in circumcision rites.
Anaphylaxis induced by ingestion of a pollen compound.
Multidisciplinary approach to chronic back pain: prognostic elements of the outcome.
Hormone therapy and phytoestrogens.
Antiulcerogenicity of the flavonoid fraction from Erica andevalensis Cabezudo-Rivera.
Effect of a proprietary herbal medicine on the relief of chronic arthritic pain: a double-blind study.
Interests and values in the Recommended Dietary Allowances and nutritional guidelines for Americans.
Blood pressure and atherogenic lipoprotein profiles of fish-diet and vegetarian villagers in Tanzania: the Lugalawa study.
Stress fracture of the sternum in a golf player.
The use of a water extract from the bark of Choerospondias axillaris in the treatment of second degree burns.
The healing significance of the Negev's Bedouin Dervish.
Olfactory remediation: current evidence and possible applications.
Integrated local health systems in Central America.
Acupuncture and AIDS.
Facts and a postulate on the mode of action of potentiated remedies.
Acupuncture in thoracic surgery.
The world according to homeopathy.
Use of plant-derived therapies in a rural, biracial population in Mississippi.
A possible involvement of monoaminergic and opioidergic systems in the analgesia induced by electro-acupuncture in rabbits.
Systemic anti-inflammatory effect induced by antidromic stimulation of the dorsal roots in the rat.
Women's use of complementary medicine. Combining mainstream medicine with alternative practices.
Prenatal and delivery care and childhood immunization in Guatemala: do family and community matter?
Influence of diet and nutritional status on drug metabolism.
Supportive care programs in cancer at the National Cancer Center in Tokyo.
Increase of locomotor activity by acupuncture on Bai-Hui point in rats.
Acupuncture stimulation enhances splenic natural killer cell cytotoxicity in rats.
Allergic contact stomatitis from aristochol, a phytotherapeutic cholagogue.
Dental caries, fluoride levels and oral hygiene practices of school children in Matebeleland South, Zimbabwe.
Med Chi vs. the Thomsonians: a legislative vignette.
An in vivo 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopic study of the relationship between diet and adipose tissue composition.
What pharmacists should know about herbal remedies.
Acupuncture. A review.
Wherefore complementary medicine?
True but strange?
American Indian women's talking circle. A cervical cancer screening and prevention project.
Trilinolein preserves mitochondria ultrastructure in isolated rat heart subjected to global ischemia through antioxidant activity as measured by chemiluminescence.
The effect of niacinamide on osteoarthritis: a pilot study.
Dietary habits and mortality in 11,000 vegetarians and health conscious people: results of a 17 year follow up.
Prevalence of obesity is low in people who do not eat meat.
Acupuncture and addiction treatment.
Inhibition of acid secretion by electrical acupuncture is mediated via beta-endorphin and somatostatin.
Traditional medicine in Turkey. VI. Folk medicine in west Anatolia: Afyon, K�tahya, Denizli, Muğla, Aydin provinces.
Manual therapy in the treatment of neck pain.
Mothers' lay models of the causes and treatment of fever.
Tobacco control in a traditional Fijian village: indigenous methods of smoking cessation and relapse prevention.
The challenge of alternative medicine
Consultations with practitioners of alternative medicine
Satisfaction among patients of a homeopathic clinic
Support for scientific evaluation of homeopathy stirs controversy.
Chinese herbs can themselves be harmful: comment on the article by Gertner et al.
Chinese traditional medicine in contemporary wound care.
Culturally informed social work practice with American Indian clients: guidelines for non-Indian social workers.
-Somatosensory evoked potentials by acupunctural stimulus and cortical functional projection
Acupuncture in midwifery.
Complementary or alternative medicine
Trends in the education and practice of alternative medicine clinicians.
Spicebush. A Cherokee remedy for the measles.
Complementary medicine--doing more good than harm?
Manipulation and mobilization of the cervical spine. A systematic review of the literature.
Tetrandrine blocks voltage-dependent calcium entry and inhibits the bradykinin-induced elevation of intracellular calcium in NG108-15 cells.
Radiculomedullary complications of cervical spinal manipulation.
Alternative cures for workers' comp injuries.
Chiropractic manipulation and incidence of complications.
Alternative management for post-thoracotomy pain syndrome.
False aneurysm of the popliteal artery complicating acupuncture.
Dietary intakes of adolescent females consuming vegetarian, semi-vegetarian, and omnivorous diets.
Steroidal saponins from Smilax officinalis.
The ethics of complementary medicine.
Safety in chiropractic practice, Part I; The occurrence of cerebrovascular accidents after manipulation to the neck in Denmark from 1978-1988.
Doppler studies comparing the effects of cervical rotation and lateral flexion on vertebral artery blood flow.
Error budgets: a system to characterize error source in health care experimentation.
The biomechanical significance of herniated lumbar intervertebral disk: a clinical comparison analysis of 22 multiple and 39 single segments in patients with lumbar intervertebral disk herniation.
A normal sagittal spinal configuration: a desirable clinical outcome.
Does 'normal' vision improve with spinal manipulation?
A rationale for case-finding for thyroid disease in a chiropractic setting with illustrations from the LACC experience.
Chiropractic and rural health; the role of chiropractors in the delivery of interdisciplinary health care in rural settings.
The effect of food on the bioavailability of ibuprofen and flurbiprofen from sustained release formulations.
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) treatment outcome in long-term users.
In search of clinical excellence.
Studies on the cytotoxicity, antimicrobial and DNA-binding activities of plants used by the Ese'ejas.
Antimicrobial activities of southern Nepalese medicinal plants.
Barakol: a potential anxiolytic extracted from Cassia siamea.
Spinal manipulation as a valid treatment for low back pain.
Ethnobotany in Maryland: dittany.
Complementary medicine: more than skin deep.
Pharmacological activities of Chelidonium majus L. (Papaveraceae).
Beyond the orthodox: heresy in medicine and the social sciences from a cross-cultural perspective.
Medical heresy--the view of a heretic.
Dava, Daktar, and Dua: anthropology of practiced medicine in India.
Understanding of hygiene behaviour and diarrhoea in two villages in Botswana.
Regulating complementary medicine. Researchers into complementary therapy do not have to "sacrifice their therapeutic integrity".
Regulating complementary medicine. Statutory regulation is essential.
Regulating complementary medicine. Only 0.08% of funding for research in NHS goes to complementary medicine.
The effect of "chi-han (hot nature)" Chinese herbs on the secretion of IL-1 beta and TNF-alpha by mononuclear cells.
Low back pain.
Complementary therapies: an adjunct to traditional therapies.
Primary care management of chronic musculoskeletal pain.
Personhood and illness among the Kulina.
Of selves and souls, bodies and persons, individuals and societies: a commentary on Donald Pollock's "Personhood and illness among the Kulina".
The body that knows: from Cashinahua epistemology to a medical anthropology of lowland South America.
Reflections on Amazonian anthropologies of the body.
Conceptions of tuberculosis and therapeutic choices in Highland Chiapas, Mexico.
Arrested pregnancy syndrome in Haiti: findings from a national survey.
Spinal manipulation.
Spinal manipulation.
Anti-inflammatory and radical scavenge effects of Arctium lappa.
The protective effect of Alstonia scholaris R. Br. on hepatotoxin-induced acute liver damage.
Influence of acupuncture and pharmacotherapy on sensitivity of sensory systems to alcohol irritants in patients with alcoholism.
Effect of transcutaneous nerve stimulation on esophageal function in normal subjects--evidence for a somatovisceral reflex.
Drug use in patients with diabetes.
Comparison of phytotherapy (Permixon) with finasteride in the treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia: a randomized international study of 1,098 patients.
Is there health in wellness?
Uremic pruritus.
Household characteristics affecting where mothers deliver in rural Kenya.
Preliminary results of triple therapy for obesity.
Is auricular acupuncture beneficial in the inpatient treatment of substance-abusing patients? A pilot study.
Phytotherapy for the prostate.
Homeopathy revisited.
Soy isoflavonoids and cancer prevention. Underlying biochemical and pharmacological issues.
Elimination of meat, fish, and derived products from the Spanish-Mediterranean diet: effect on the plasma lipid profile.
Minor and trace elemental determination in the Indian herbal and other medicinal preparations.
Magnolol reduces infarct size and suppresses ventricular arrhythmia in rats subjected to coronary ligation.
Alternative therapies commonly used within a population of patients with psoriasis.
Medical ethnobotany survey in Martinique.
Antimicrobial evaluation of some plants used in Mexican traditional medicine for the treatment of infectious diseases.
An ethnobotanical study of the traditional medicine of the Mestizo people of Suni Miraño, Loreto, Peru.
Evaluation of the calcium-antagonist, antidiarrhoeic and central nervous system activities of Baccharis serraefolia.
A Malay crosscultural worldview and forensic review of amok.
The effects of health and treatment perceptions on the use of prescribed medication and home remedies among African American and white American hypertensives.
Treatment seeking for malaria: a review of recent research.
"I'm not dog, no!": cries of resistance against cholera control campaigns.
Predictors of side effects to spinal manipulative therapy.
Research attitudes among chiropractic college students.
Torque: an appraisal of misuse of terminology in chiropractic literature and technique.
Description of integrated competency examination: tools to assess the chiropractic curriculum effectiveness and students' competency levels.
Closed reduction of a rare type III dislocation of the first metatarsophalangeal joint.
Missed sacral fracture before chiropractic adjustment.
Psychoneuroendoimmunology: the biological basis of the placebo phenomenon?
Health care access and preventive care among Vietnamese immigrants: do traditional beliefs and practices pose barriers?
The 'Dhat syndrome': a culturally determined symptom of depression?
Prophylactic treatment of cytomegalovirus infection with traditional herbs.
A low-nitrogen low-phosphorus Vegan diet for patients with chronic renal failure.
Lay perceptions of risk of HIV infection and the social construction of safer sex: some experiences from Kenya.
Local unorthodox healers of cancer in the Appalachian south.
A review and critique of common herbal alternative therapies.
Trans fatty acid contents in spreads and cold cuts usually consumed by children.
Adolescent health in Russia: a view from Moscow and St. Petersburg.
European campaign backs complementary medicine.
Complementary medicine. Most private medical insurers will pay for certain forms of complementary medicine.
Complementary medicine. Norwegian Ministry of Health is discussing whether to authorise various treatments.
The 'psychic surgeon' and the schizophrenic patient: crisis in a 'medicodrama'.
The Jamaican body's role in emotional experience and sense perception: feelings, hearts, minds, and nerves.
Herbal medicine at a crossroads.
Effects of high-voltage galvanic stimulation of ST36 and ST37 acupuncture points on peripheral blood flow and skin temperature.
Effects of Hoelen on the efferent activity of the gastric vagus nerve in the rat.
The effectiveness of chiropractic for treatment of low back pain: an update and attempt at statistical pooling.
Quality assurance in chiropractic practice: a comparison of two study methods.
Searching chiropractic literature: a comparison of three computerized databases.
Chiropractic biophysics technique: a linear algebra approach to posture in chiropractic.
The risk of over-reporting spinal manipulative therapy-induced injuries: a description of some cases that failed to burden the statistics.
Management of the patient with a Chance fracture of the lumbar spine and concomitant subluxation.
Adjusting to chiropractic computing: tradition meets technology.
Lay beliefs about diarrhoeal diseases: their role in health education in a developing country.
Equations of motion for the "Flopping Doctor" model of spinal manipulative therapy.
Rehabilitation of neck/shoulder patients in primary health care clinics.
Implementation of neck/shoulder rehabilitation in primary health care clinics.
Passive care and active rehabilitation in a patient with failed back surgery syndrome.
New light on the history of motion palpation.
The reliability and accuracy of a standard method of tissue compliance assessment.
Commentary: purpose-straight chiropractic: not science, not health care.
Cervical epidural hematoma after chiropractic manipulation in a healthy young woman: case report.
Effect of a vegan diet on biomarkers of chemoprevention in females.
Decreased vascular reactivity of portal vein in rats with portal hypertension.
Herbal preparations under scientific scrutiny.
CMA symposium on alternative medicine draws standing-room-only crowd.
Belief in supernatural causes of mental illness among Malay patients: impact on treatment.
Nonpharmacological approaches to pain in osteoarthritis. Available options.
The voluntary community health movement in India: a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis.
Complementary medicine--is there a reasonable basis for dialogue?
Complementary medicine--the case for dialogue.
The practice of Chinese medicine in Taiwan.
Comparisons of pain relief mechanisms between needling to the muscle, static magnetic field, external qigong and needling to the acupuncture point.
Urinary excretion of 5-L-oxoproline (pyroglutamic acid) is increased in normal adults consuming vegetarian or low protein diets.
Taurine intake of Korean breast-fed infants during lactation.
Postoperative nausea and vomiting. 2: Management and treatment.
Acupuncture: where East meets West.
Physical therapy outcomes for patients receiving worker's compensation following treatment for herniated lumbar disc and mechanical low back pain syndrome.
Hepatitis B and C virus, Clonorchis sinensis for the risk of liver cancer: a case-control study in Pusan, Korea.
A water-soluble antitumor glycoprotein from Chlorella vulgaris.
Complementary therapies + high tech care. Interview by Susan Hudson.
Temperature oscillation spectrum at biologically active points and changes in them during activation of acupuncture meridians
Nothing new for a skeptic
Indian Summer.
How should the practice of veterinary medicine be defined?
Possibilities of the use of Korean acupuncture Su Jok in the clinical practice
Synopsis of the standard 'Low back pain' by the Dutch Society of Family Physicians
Analysis of the use of reflex therapy in functional disorders of the larynx
Socioeconomical efficiency of a Zeel comp.-therapy in comparison to hyaluronic acid in patients with gonarthrosis
Patterns of ordering diagnostic tests for patients with acute low back pain. The North Carolina Back Pain Project.
Palliative care in Kerala. Problems at presentation in 440 patients with advanced cancer in a south Indian state.
The organization and function of endogenous antinociceptive systems.
Chinese herbal medicine in the treatment of asthma and allergies.
Complementary and alternative medicine and asthma.
Effect of chronic dietary protein intake on the renal function in healthy subjects.
"In vivo" and "in vitro" antitumoral action of Larrea divaricata Cav.
Indigenous drugs and liver disease.
Historic ceremonial and medicinal use of tobacco among American Indians.
Ethics and human values in health policy.
The use of "natural products" in clinical medicine.
Traditional remedies of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta (1842-1844).
Integrative geriatrics. Combining traditional and alternative medicine.
Blood pressure and cholesterol in fish-eaters versus vegetarians.
The use of black and blue cohosh in labour.
Do alternative therapies (acupuncture, herbalism, homeopathy, etc) have a role in your practice?
Treatment categories for low back pain: a methodological approach.
Reducing naltrexone-resistant hyperphagia using laser acupuncture to increase endogenous opiates.
China is eager to export its traditional medicine, but some Chinese scientists urge more skepticism.
In vivo regulation of peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor and glucocorticoid synthesis by Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761 and isolated ginkgolides.
Complementary medicine: patients first?
Alternative medicine and the family physician.
Patterns of alternative medicine use by cancer patients.
The effects of Heteromorpha trifoliata on gastrointestinal smooth muscle of the guinea pig.
The pharmacological basis for the use of dried sheep placenta in traditional obstetric practice in Nigeria.
Effect of a herbomineral preparation D-400 in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.
Disputes use of the term "homeopathic".
Defining homeopathic growth factors.
Phytonutrition, phytotherapy, and phytopharmacology.
Bruce Pomeranz, PHD. Acupuncture and the raison d'être for alternative medicine. Interview by Bonnie Horrigan.
Alternative medicine: a worldview.
Antimitotic activity of aqueous extracts of Inonotus obliquus.
Alternative medicine use in fibromyalgia syndrome.
Treatment of infantile diarrhea with anisodamine by the injection method at Zu San Li acupuncture points
Cultured mammalian cells in homeopathy research. The similia principle in self recovery
Unconventional therapies in asthma: an overview.
Complementary medicine. Altered states.
The rise of western medicine in India.
Extracts from rhizomes of Cyperus articulatus (Cyperaceae) displace [3H]CGP39653 and [3H]glycine binding from cortical membranes and selectively inhibit NMDA receptor-mediated neurotransmission.
Investigation of the effect of Angelica sinensis root extract on the proliferation of melanocytes in culture.
Alternative medicine: more than chicken soup?
Health care in North must acknowledge Inuit values, traditional medicine.
Studies on bioactive saponins from Chinese medicinal plants.
Biological activity of saponins from two Dracaena species.
Chiropractic referrals reduce neuromusculoskeletal health care costs.
Garcia da Orta--eminent physician and botanist, victim of the inquisition.
Unconventional therapy in Pennsylvania practices.
Perspective and overview of Chinese traditional medicine and contemporary pharmacology.
Alternative therapeutic modalities. Alternative medicine.
Scorpion stings in Spain. Popular therapies, proverbs and pharmacopoeias
Effect of Momordica charantia L. in mice infected with Plasmodium berghei
Risk-free homeopathy?
Allergology and alternative medicine. The Specialists Commission of the Société Suisse d'Allergologie et d'Immunologie (SSAI)
ICD diagnoses in university polyclinic naturopathy consultation
Feasibility of correcting lipid metabolism in patients with cardiovascular diseases using a balanced vegetarian diet
Why alternative medicine?
The development of conservative treatment in uterine myoma
Psychotherapy and psychoanalysis with marginal populations: a note on observing and adapting to local culture.
Acupuncture and postoperative vomiting in day-stay paediatric patients.
A high resolution PIXE measurement for blood plasma ultrafiltrate. Application to loosely bound copper.
The holistic approach in acupuncture treatment: implications for clinical trials.
Popular therapeutics and medical preferences in rural north India.
Examination of the afferent fiber responsible for the suppression of jaw-opening reflex in heat, cold, and manual acupuncture stimulation in rats.
Lipid and antioxidant blood levels in vegetarians.
Laser therapy in the combined health-resort treatment of children with the sequelae of a perinatal brain lesion
Puncture physiotherapy in the rehabilitation of patients with complicated forms of spinal osteochondrosis
The effect of scalp acupuncture on the blood biochemical indices of healthy volunteers
The circadian variability of the frequency characteristics of the electromagnetic field of biologically active points as a marker in the administration of physiotherapy
Acupuncture for tinnitus: time to stop?
Acute effects of acupuncture on physiological and psychological responses to cycle ergometry.
Safety in chiropractic practice. Part II: Treatment to the upper neck and the rate of cerebrovascular incidents.
Chiropractic student attitudes toward radiology.
An investigation of the relationship between low back pain and lumbar posteroanterior stiffness.
Magnetic resonance imaging and clinical follow-up: study of 27 patients receiving chiropractic care for cervical and lumbar disc herniations.
Chiropractic/dental cotreatment of lumbosacral pain with temporomandibular joint involvement.
To hunt the subluxation: clinical research considerations.
A guided tour through the purchase of an office computer.
Acknowledgement of JMPT peer reviewers.
Quack cancer cures or scientific remedies.
Islamic and Jewish Medicine in the medieval Mediterranean world: the Genizah evidence.
Pigbel-like syndrome in a vegetarian in Oxford.
Technology and alternative cancer therapies: an analysis of heterodoxy and constructivism.
In vitro antitrypanosomal activity of African plants used in traditional medicine in Uganda to treat sleeping sickness.
Herbs--useful plants. Their role in history and today.
Schisandra chinensis-dependent myocardial protective action of sheng-mai-san in rats.
Effect of acupuncture at tai-tsih (K-3) on the pulse spectrum.
Antitussive effect of herbal medicine bakumondo-to: a case report.
Health services in Indonesia.
Health beliefs and alternative medicine: a qualitative study of breast cancer patients.
Relationship of hemoglobin to occupational exposure to motor vehicle exhaust.
Integration of chiropractic in the Armed Forces health care system.
That's an herb, Herb.
Scope of ethnopsychiatry in Pakistan.
The use of Foll's method of reflex diagnosis in orthodontics
Popliteal artery pseudoaneurysm caused by an osteochondroma--a traditional medicine massage sequelae.
Chemical study of Indonesian medicinal plants
Camptothecin. Discovery to clinic.
Use of folk healing practices by HIV-infected Hispanics living in the United States.
Homoeopathic versus placebo therapy of children with warts on the hands: a randomized, double-blind clinical trial.
The cooling effects of electroacupuncture on the skin temperature of the hand.
Managed care ... alternative medicine.
The challenge of angina.
Is homeopathic therapy more effective that placebos?
Decision to use complementary medicine: fact oriented or irrational?
Contribution of a combination of alpha and beta benzopyrones, flavonoids and natural terpenes in the treatment of lymphedema of the lower limbs at the 2d stage of the surgical classification
Functional treatment of diseases and injuries of the cervical spine
Using aromatherapy in the management of psoriasis.
Alternative medicine: healing or illusion?
How homeopathy works.
Supplementation with an algae source of docosahexaenoic acid increases (n-3) fatty acid status and alters selected risk factors for heart disease in vegetarian subjects.
Vibration-induced finger flexion reflex and inhibitory effect of acupuncture on this reflex in cervical spinal cord injury patients.
The use of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on acupuncture points in labour.
The operating room of the future.
An unusual cause for lumbar radiculopathy: a synovial facet joint cyst of the right L5 joint.
Homeopathy: principles, status of research, research design; comment
Homeopathy for the holistic nurse: classical vs. contemporary homeopathy.
Do alternative (acupuncture, herbalism, homeopathy etc) have a role in your practice?
Role of polymodal receptors in the acupuncture-mediated endogenous pain inhibitory systems.
About the article "Magnetic field induced by electric current across a man's arm" by Pel'ts CD, Chingin IuA, Sinel'nikova SE
New trends in the study of the primary fibromyalgic syndrome
Risk of adverse effects of drugs
No medicine without scientific evidence of effectiveness. Doubts regarding alternative medicine
Nicholas Culpeper, a 17th century physician of herbal medicine: "What grows in England will cure the English
Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS)--the so-called chemical multiple hypersensitivity
Endaural reflex diagnosis of cochleovestibular dysfunctions in patients with vascular brain diseases
A case of possessive state with onset influenced by 'door-to-door' sales.
Radioprotective effects of Rasayanas.
Use of Withania somnifera Dunal as an adjuvant during radiation therapy.
Herbs: useful plants.
Medicinal plants and the control of protozoal disease, with particular reference to malaria.
Influences on meat avoidance among British students.
Onnie Lee Logan/Matilda Mitchell Grand midwives. Interview by Clarebeth Loprinzi-Kassell.
Strategies for colic.
200 years of homeopathy
Inuit birth traditions.
Acupuncture as an adjuvant therapy in stroke rehabilitation?
Absolute diet therapy and antibiotic tolerance in bronchial asthma patients
Asklepius. The compassionate god
Six patients with pneumonitis related to blended Chinese traditional medicines
From PTSD to voices in context: from an "experience-far" to an "experience-near" understanding of responses to war and atrocity across cultures.
Birth representation with reference to the magical coriander prescription of Codex Vindobonensis 93, fol. 102r, of the Austrian National Library
Manipulations of cervical vertebrae and trauma of the vertebral artery. Report of two cases
Regazell-Energen: bioactivator in tumor treatment? Documentation No. 26 D
Survey for hepatitis in an isolated endemic area
Modern role of pharmacology in health sciences: assessing and accessing traditional medicines.
Postoperative analgesia by auriculotherapy during laparoscopic cholecystectomy
What are the current indications for phytogenic psychotropic drugs?. Interview by Elisabeth B. Moosmann.
Headache and the cervical spine. A critical review
Limited value of serum holo-transcobalamin II measurements in the differential diagnosis of macrocytosis.
Chiropractic treatment of chronic 'whiplash' injuries.
Laser puncture combined with drug therapy in the treatment of primary corneal stromal dystrophy
The effect of acupuncture in dysmenorrhea
Reflex modulation of catecholamine secretion and adrenal sympathetic nerve activity by acupuncture-like stimulation in anesthetized rat.
Electro-acupuncture (EA) induced attenuation of immunosuppression appearing after epidural or intrathecal injection of morphine in patients and rats.
Cost-benefit of combined use of acupuncture, Shiatsu and lifestyle adjustment for treatment of patients with severe angina pectoris.
Antagonistic action of orphanin FQ on acupuncture analgesia in rat brain.
Acupuncture treatment for balance disorders following whiplash injury.
Health development in Djibouti.
Complementary medicine and oncologists' attitudes: a survey in Italy.
Aspirin chemoprevention of colorectal and oesophageal cancers. An overview of the literature and homeopathic explanation.
A survey of radiographic impressions on a selected chiropractic patient population.
"Empyricism" in Kansas: Chiropractic's legal struggle, 1906-1915.
Isolated lumbar strengthening in the rehabilitation of chronic low back pain.
Rehabilitation and chiropractic practice.
Chiropractic: an illustrated history.
Somatic dysfunction and the phenomenon of visceral disease simulation: a probable explanation for the apparent effectiveness of somatic therapy in patients presumed to be suffering from true visceral disease.
An overview of rural health.
The role of chiropractors in the delivery of interdisciplinary health care in rural areas.
Innovations in education: a case study of a novel teaching/learning format.
Hypocalcemic tetany in 'alternative' soy milk nutrition in the first months of life
Alternative medicine in the hospital: idealistic aims, problems with insurance
The treatment of patients with chronic cerebral circulatory failure by using laser puncture and the microclimate of the biotron
The diagnosis and treatment of fibromyalgia
The treatment of neurotic depression by using extremely high-frequency electromagnetic radiation
Alternative medicines, with special attention to homeopathy, in childhood and adolescence
Seven-Year Experience with Office Microlaparoscopy and Hysteroscopy
"Two dozes of barks and opium": Lewis and Clark as physicians.
Snoezelen for confused older people: some concerns.
Effect of altitude on body composition during mountaineering expeditions: interrelationships with changes in dietary habits.
Clinical use of antiemetic drugs for prevention and therapy of postoperative nausea and vomiting
New homeopathic medication in rehabilitation of cerebral palsy and mental retardation.
Autoregulation in therapeutic effects
The EHF therapy of children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
Physiotherapy methods in the rehabilitation of patients with cerebral vascular diseases
Traditional Chinese medicine and treatment of neonatal jaundice.
Spinal nerves and acupuncture.
Research and development on functional foods in Malaysia.
Conservative management of mechanical neck disorders. A systematic overview and meta-analysis.
Low back pain: a twentieth century health care enigma.
Spinal manipulation for low back pain. An updated systematic review of randomized clinical trials.
Evaluation of efficacy of traditional Chinese medicines in the treatment of childhood bronchial asthma: clinical trial, immunological tests and animal study. Taiwan Asthma Study Group.
Interaction of a herbomineral preparation D-400, with oral hypoglycaemic drugs.
Antiinflammatory activity of some medicinal plant extracts form Venezuela.
Effect of unconscious interoceptive afferentation on the spatial organization of electrical activity in the human cerebral cortex.
50 years ago: the Nuremberg doctors' tribunal. Part 2: Medical resistance during the Third Reich.
Retrospective study of the treatment of 329 patients with prostatism syndrome and review of the literature
Aristophanes' Wealth: ancient alternative medicine and its modern survival.
Looking at homeopathy, by an allopath
The combined treatment of peptic ulcer with the differentiated use of nontraditional physiotherapeutic methods
Manual therapy of the abdomen and its effect on the homeostatic system of the human body
Revival of Shalya Chikitsa or acupuncture.
Use of alternative therapies among Mexican Americans in the Texas Rio Grande Valley.
The delivery of culturally sensitive health care to Native Americans.
Decision by the Principle Board of the Polish Allergy Society
Management of feline lower urinary tract disease by homeopathy.
Methods for estimating the severity of the status of resuscitated surgical patients
Efficacy of intra-arterial norcantharidin in suppressing tumour 14C-labelled glucose oxidative metabolism in rat Morris hepatoma.
Utilization of curanderos among foreign born Mexican-American women attending migrant health clinics.
Effect of acupuncture on cardiopulmonary function.
Effects of electret and Ligusticum wallichii (chuangxiong) on the functional recovery of muscle grafts
Protective effect of tetrandrine on neuronal injury in cultured cortical neurons of rats
Effect of acupuncture on immunomodulation in patients with malignant tumors
The influence of HX- I on rabbit thyroid allografts
Biodiversity prospecting and benefit-sharing: perspectives from the field.
Research, valorization and exploitation of biological resources for medicinal purposes in the Malagasy Republic (Madagascar).
Tanzania's policy on biodiversity prospecting and drug discovery programs.
Biological diversity, indigenous knowledge, drug discovery and intellectual property rights: creating reciprocity and maintaining relationships.
An ethnographic study of illness perceptions and practices of Yemeni-Arabs in Michigan.
Methodological investigations for a multisite trial of auricular acupuncture for cocaine addiction: a study of active and control auricular zones.
Microsurgery in China: a personal view.
Ear acupuncture has a hypotonic effect on the gastrointestinal tract
Maternal mortality in a Kenyan pastoralist population.
What about chiropractors?
Eighteenth century calendars as a source of Polish medical history
Lifestyle risk factors and coronary heart disease prevalence in Indian men.
Scientific fallacies in medicine (the historical aspect)
An alternative method for treating headache after spinal anesthesia in cesarean section
Folk hygiene (historical- medical evaluation)
The ethnopharmacology of hallucinogens: from "primitive rites" to their "presence" on TV. Proposals for the year 2000
Complementary medicine: from quackery to science?
Using ligustrazini and angelica sinensis treat the bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats
Indigenous healers in the North West Province: a survey of their clinical activities in health care in the rural areas.
Nicholaus Copernicus as the precursor of mechanistic medicine (in the 450th anniversary of Nicholaus Copernicus's death)
Salai Guggal - Boswellia serrata: from a herbal medicine to a non-redox inhibitor of leukotriene biosynthesis.
Past, present and prospects for African veterinary ethnomedicine
Everything is relative...about the Hanoi Institute of Traditional Medicine
Etiological epidemiology of colorectal tumors
Clinical study on painless labor under drugs combined with acupuncture analgesia
Expression of somatostatin mRNA and coexistence of SOM mRNA and 5-HT in nucleus raphe dorsalis following noxious stimulation and electroacupuncture analgesia
Experimental and ultrastructural study of synapses in the substantia gelatinosa after electrical acupuncture
Effects of electroacupuncture on the subcutaneous mast cells of zusanli acupoint in rat with unilateral sciatic nerve transection
Influence of different needling methods on fever caused by E. bacillus coli injection in rabbit
Effect of electro-acupuncture and transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation on experimental diabetes and its neuropathy
Dynamic study of tissues and structures in "de qi" acupoint
Displaying of infrared thermogram of temperature character on meridians
The influence of electroacupuncture on the mast cells in the acupoints of the stomach meridian
The modulation of cerebral cortex and subcortical nuclei on NRM and their role in acupuncture analgesia
Influence of cerebral traumatic dementia treated with acupuncture at houxi and shenmen
Alterations of plasma beta-EP and cortisol contents in thyroidectomy under acupuncture anesthesia and acupuncture anesthesia combined with tetrahydropalmatine
A report of standards about subtotal gastrectomy under acupuncture combined with peridural anesthesia in small dose of drug
Effect of acupuncture combined with peridural anesthesia on SCE and RNA/DNA of lymphocytes
A study of the thermosensitivity determination for the normal value of the twelve well-point (or jing-point)
Influence of neuronal excitation and inhibition of rostral ventrolateral medulla on the effect of electroacupuncture of "Neiguan" acupoint
Research of clinic and laboratory of face acupuncture effect and the exploration of their afferent pathways
Difference of the discharges from the postganglionic fibers of the celiac ganglion induced by electroacupuncture at zusanli and yanglingquan
The inhibition of yohimbine injected intrathecally on electroacupuncture-induced analgesia and release of beta-endorphin from rat brain
Effects of ear acupuncture on beta-adrenoreceptor in lung tissues of guinea-pigs with experimental asthma
Electroacupuncture at "huatuo jiaji point" inhibits the expression of Fos protein in rat spinal cord induced by traumatic pain
The effect of electro-acupuncture on the adrenal gland of endotoxic shocked rats
Normalization of acupuncture anesthesia used in operation of neoplasm in functional area or deep site of brain
A clinical observation for the posterior atlanto-axial arthrodesis under acupuncture anesthesia
A study of subtotal gastrectomy under the acupuncture combined with epidural anesthesia of small dosage
The normal operation procedure of subtotal gastrectomy under acupuncture combined with peridural anesthesia in small dose of drug
The antiobesity effect of acupuncture and it's influence on water and salt metabolism
A study on the reflex arc outside the central nervous system with sympathetic ganglia as the centre
Observation on the microstructure of sanyinjiao acupoint
Effects of bilateral lesions of ventrolateral orbital cortex on the rat tail flick reflex inhibition evoked by electroacupuncture
Effects of electrical acupuncture on the cerebral blood flow and the pial microcirculatory blood flow in dogs
Influence of electroacupuncture and capsaicin treatment on AChE activity and [3H]-QNB binding sites in the spinal dorsal horn
Segmental influence of dorsal root action potentials evoked by stimulating the acupoints after acupuncture along meridians
Effect of acupuncture on the restrained state of stomach after injecting TFP in zusanli point
Regulation on ACTH, beta-EP and immune function by moxibustion on different acupoints
Effect of acupuncture on regional cerebral blood flow and cerebral functional activity evaluated with single-photon emission computed tomography
Analgesic action of microinjection of neurokinin A into the lateral reticular nucleus and nucleus raphe magnus in rats
Acupuncture and cortical evoked potentials
TCD observation on cerebral blood flow dynamics inference of cerebral palsy with scalp therapy
The changes of vasoactive intestinal peptide somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide in blood and CSF of acute cerebral infarction patients and the effect of acupuncture on them
Effects of acupuncture on lipid, TXB2, 6-keto-PGF, alpha in simple obese patients complicated with hyperlipidemia
The relationship of C fiber to 5-hydroxytryptamine in spinal cord of rat in electroacupuncture analgesia
Effects of electrical stimulation of SII and electroacupuncture on beta-endorphin contents in the perfusate from the nucleus centrum medianum of the thalamus in cats
Responses of neurons in thalamic nucleus submedius to electrical stimulation of peroneal nerve and "zusanli" point in rats
The effect of electric acupuncture on SEP of local cerebral ischemic-reperfusion rats
The influence of electroacupuncture with different frequencies on the discharges of neurons in rostral ventromedial medulla on rats
Effect of acupuncture and Chinese medicine treatment on brain dopamine level of MPTP-lesioned C57BL mice
Electro-acupuncture effects on experimental spinal cord injury of the cat as evaluated by acid phosphatase detection
Electroacupuncture along meridians activating subcutaneous primary afferents in acupoints--CB-HRP tracing study
The detection and studies on the change of H+ concentration in the regular points of the rabbit suffering from arrhythmia induced by aconitine
Effect of HE-NE laser acupuncture on the spleen in rats
The preventing and treating effects of electro-acupuncture on cholelithiasis in golden hamster
Microstructure of rhizome herbs
Microstructure of root herbs
Anti-tumor effects of heiji (radix Astilbes chinensis
Studies on the metabolites of tetramethylpyrazine in human urine
Changes of visual findings, electric features and staining of auricles in malignant tumor patients.
Clinical observation on correcting malposition of fetus by electro-acupuncture.
Clinical observation on the immediate hypotensive effect of zanzhu point.
Acupuncture treatment for kidney deficiency with combined application of points mingmen and guanyuan.
37 cases of myogenic torticollis treated by scalp and body acupuncture.
Clinical observation on efficacy of electro-acupuncture therapy in hyperplasia of mammary glands and its effect on immunological function.
Acupuncture treatment for gastroptosis.
Acupuncture treatment of wind stroke.
Clinical observation on combined use of herbal medicine and acupuncture for treatment of 50 cases of biliary ascariasis complicated by infection.
103 cases of postpartum uroschesis treated by acupuncture at huiyang point.
Prof. Jiang Yijun's experience in application of the eight confluent points.
24 cases of facial paralysis treated by scalp acupuncture and body acupuncture.
156 cases of Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome treated by acupuncture.
Acupuncture treatment of dermopathies and pediatric diseases.
Prof. Li Xuegeng's experience in treatment of pediatric emergencies by flying-needling therapy.
A miraculous spinal pinching therapy.
Advances in treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine.
Acupuncture treatment of manic psychosis.
116 cases of gonococcal arthritis treated with acupuncture.
Professor Wei Fengpo's clinical experience in application of four "feng" acupoints.
Observation of curative effects of huatuojiaji in the treatment of 300 cases of apoplexy.
Treatment of cough in children by cupping on back.
Puncturing taichong for renal colic.
Clinical observation on head acupuncture treatment of 100 cases of hemiplegia with the through-to-through chou-tian technique.
Acupuncture treatment of complete traumatic paraplegia--analysis of 261 cases.
Observations on the effects of massage on experimental gastric ulcer in rats.
Acupuncture treatment of edema.
Angiotensin II release and anti-electroacupuncture analgesia in spinal cord
Increase of mu opioid receptor density in rat central nervous system following formalin nociception and its enhancement by electroacupuncture
National Institutes of Health Office of Alternative Medicine-Food and Drug Administration Workshop on Acupuncture.
A short history of acupuncture.
Acupuncture techniques and devices.
Safety issues in acupuncture.
Educational and licensing requirements for acupuncturists.
Testimony to the Office of Alternative Medicine workshop on acupuncture.
Educational and licensing requirements for medical practitioners.
Clinical trials in support of medical devices.
Scientific research into acupuncture for the relief of pain.
Auricular acupuncture in animals: effects of opiate withdrawal and involvement of endorphins.
Veterinary clinical applications of acupuncture.
Review of medical and clinical literature.
On the evaluation of the clinical effects of acupuncture: a problem reassessed and a framework for future research.
Acupuncture in the treatment of pain.
Overview of acupuncture in chronic pain clinical research.
Review of acute and chronic pain published studies.
Overview of substance abuse acupuncture treatment research.
Acupuncture as an antiemetic treatment.
Acupuncture in asthma and pulmonary disease: an analysis of efficacy and safety.
Acupuncture in the treatment of paralysis due to central nervous system damage.
History of the Food and Drug Administration's regulation of acupuncture devices.
Adverse effects of acupuncture.
U.S. patent documents on the Internet: an information resource for research in alternative and complementary medicine.
Beneficial effect of Aloe on wound healing in an excisional wound model.
Characterization of differing effects caused by homeopathically prepared and conventional dilutions using cytochrome P450 2E1 and other enzymes as detection systems.
Adverse effects of acupuncture: a study of the literature for the years 1981-1994.
New developments in Cuban holistic medicine: a personal view.
Familiarization with complementary medicine: report of a new course for primary care physicians.
At least 80% of the population of most developing countries relies on traditional medicine as its primary source of health care.
Global initiative for traditional health systems.
Traditional medical practitioner in Vietnam.
An aqueous extract of the leaves of Chromolaena odorata (formerly Eupatorium odoratum) (Eupolin) inhibits hydrated collagen lattice contraction by normal human dermal fibroblasts.
Effect of honey versus thyme on Rubella virus survival in vitro.
Conserving the medicinal plants of India: the need for a biocultural perspective.
Research on medicinal plants and traditional medicine in Africa.
Bumetha Rukararwe: integrating modern and traditional health care in southwest Uganda.
The formulation of a health research agenda by and for indigenous peoples: contesting the Western scientific paradigm.
The antioxidant and antiatherogenic effects of MAK-4 in WHHL rabbits.
The integrative hospital explored via acupuncture.
Methodological issues in complementary and alternative medicine research: a personal reflection on 10 years of debate in the United Kingdom.
Health training for women in Vietnam.
NIH Technology Assessment Workshop on Alternative Medicine: Acupuncture. Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, April 21-22, 1994.
Folk medicine and health beliefs: an Appalachian perspective.
Acupuncture--a needle of a different gauge.
The effect of aromatherapy in promoting relaxation and stress reduction in a general hospital.
Traditional and complementary therapies used together in the treatment, relief and control of Chron's disease and polyarthritis.
Complementary therapies: a patient's choice.
Aromatherapy in midwifery: benefits and risks.
The sick role of proponents and opponents of complementary medicine.
The development of the BSc (Hons) health sciences for complementary medicine.
An account of nurses' role using complementary therapies.
Atypical odontalgia is often dismissed as 'vivid imagination' during diagnosis.
Managing hay fever: which treatment?
Chinese herbs for eczema: risks and benefits.
A Native-American nurse's view.
Research to achieve a homeopathic lotion
Dentistry on the frontier of Texas: from the Spanish explorers to an organized profession.
The miswak chewing stick: a traditional oral hygiene aid.
HPLC analysis of mimic vinegar-processed yuanhuacine
Chemical constituents of Aralia fargesii Franch
A study on the cumulative effect of repeated electroacupuncture on chronic pain
Clinical and experimental studies on preventing and treating anaphylactic asthma with Zusanli point immunotherapy
Clinical and experimental study of shengxue syrup in treating chronic aplastic anemia
Progress in the researches on the treatment of opiumism
Clinical study on niaodujing in treating chronic renal failure
Experimental study on antagonizing action of herba Epimedii on side effects induced by glucocorticoids
Patterns of systematic development for the resources of traditional Chinese drugs and herbs in the Three Gorges Reservoir areas
Anti-inflammatory effects of alcoholic extract of roots of Rubus crataegifolius Bge.
Saponin contents and anticarcinogenic effects of ginseng depending on types and ages in mice.
Occupational and Lifestyle Determinants of Blood Lead Levels among Men in Madras, India.

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