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Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
March 2025

Bibliography — Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) — 1985

Government/interest group interaction in Ontario: a comparative study.
Greta and Azarcon: a survey of episodic lead poisoning from a folk remedy.
The unturned stone. Chiropractic as cost saver for employers.
The elderly. Non-M.D.s move in.
Holistic medicine. The ultimate meaning of quality.
A new medical marriage.
A chiropractic primer for health record practitioners.
The new health-care partnership: M.D.s and D.C.s.
Triple jeopardy.
Chiropractors of the future. British Chiropractic Association Code of Ethics.
Medicine wheels, sun circles, and the magic of world center shrines.
A bibliography of writings concerning the Big Horn Medicine Wheel, Big Horn National Forest.
"The secrets of generation display'd": Aristotle's Master-piece in eighteenth-century England.
Herbal treatments using plants found on the Northern Plains: pioneer remedies and folk medicines.
"Primitive physic": an interesting association copy.
Additional note on the herbalist associations.
Folk medicine and intra-cultural diversity among West Texas Americans.
An imponderable liberator: J. J. Garth Wilkinson.
'Hands off chiropractic': organized medicine's attempts to restrict chiropractic in Ontario, 1900-1925.
Chiropractic education in Canada: the early decades
The attitude of organized medicine toward chiropractic: a sociohistorical perspective.
Trial by fire: Canadian Royal commissions investigate chiropractic.
Brief guide for chiropractic oral history research.
Chiropractic's Abraham Flexner: the lonely journey of John J. Nugent, 1935-1963.
'Hands-on practice': an examination of the evolution of clinical chiropractic.
A clinical reformation in chiropractic: the research of Dr. Fred Illi.
Evolution of chiropractic theories of practice and spinal adjustment, 1900-1950.
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Folk into fake.
Not Available
Not Available
Hanzel v. Arter.
Electroconvulsive Therapy and Electric Acupuncture Convulsive Therapy in China.
Electric Acupuncture Convulsive Therapy.
The role of traditional midwives in the provision of primary health care in Rwanda
The interface of traditional medicine with conventional medicine and primary health care
Female circumcision in Somalia: some psychosocial aspects.
The role of the community in launching a primary health care system in Rwanda
Ipelegeng] Let ideas bubble up
Traditional midwifery: a case study.
Traditional midwives in Botswana.
The epidemiology of beliefs and practices.
Experience and attitudes of women towards traditional and modern midwifery: household survey.
The formulation of national policies for co-operation between modern and traditional midwives.
The green pharmacy. Herbal medicines in modern usage.
The role of traditional healers in the provision of health care and family planning services: Malay traditional and indigenous medicine.
The role of traditional healers in the provision of health care and family planning services: Sinseh.
The role of traditional healers in the provision of health care and family planning services: Ayurveda and Sidda.
Knowledge, attitude and practice of Malay folk methods in family planning.
An insight into new basic strategies for lowering mortality
Plants used for reproductive health in Oaxaca, Mexico.
Inhibitory effect of analogous electro-acupuncture on experimental arrhythmia.
Inhibitory effect of acupuncture on the vibration-induced finger flexion reflex in man.
Clinical and experimental study on the treatment of severe subacute hepatitis with traditional Chinese medicinal compounds
The shaman: witness of an old culture--is it revivable?
Health and traditional medicine cultures in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Clinical evaluation of cernilton in the treatment of the benign prostatic hypertrophy
Imagery and symbolism in the birth practices of traditional cultures.
Alterations of immunoreactive substance P and enkephalins in rat spinal cord after electroacupuncture.
The effects of stress and relaxation on oral digestion of a complex carbohydrate food.
Polluting and healing among the Northern Yaka of Zaire.
Comparison of effects of electroacupuncture stimulations of two different intensities and frequencies on monoamine neurotransmitters in rat brain regions
The relationship between central nerves and peripheral nerves based on the effect of acupuncture on the 5-HT and noradrenaline systems
Modulatory effect of electroacupuncture on cardiovascular functions.
High incidence of lead poisoning revealed by erythrocyte protoporphyrin (EPP) screening in Arabian children.
A survey of neonatal jaundice in association with household drugs and chemicals in Nigeria.
Substance P displays opposite effects on electroacupuncture analgesia in the periaqueductal gray matter and spinal cord of the rabbit
A preliminary study on the prevention and cure of sudden death caused by coronary heart disease by acupuncture
Effects of acupuncture analgesia on the monoamine transmitters levels in the striata and spinal cords in rats
The effect of acupuncture "Zusanli" on the substance P-evoked nociceptive responses of the dorsal horn neurons in the rat
Influence of intraperitoneal injection of 6-hydroxydopamine on the contents of 5-HT and 5-HIAA in blood and their relationship with acupuncture analgesia in rat
Acupuncture effects upon alpha-naphthyl-acetate esterase staining patterns of circulating lymphocytes and E-rosette forming cells.
Effect of Saiboku-to, a blended Chinese traditional medicine, on Type I hypersensitivity reactions, particularly on experimentally-caused asthma
Clinical evaluation of Cernilton on benign prostatic hyperplasia
Vegetarian diet in the treatment of mild hypertension: a randomized controlled trial.
Alternative medicine: is there a need for registration?
Death of child submitted to uvulectomy for diarrhoea.
Traditional bone setters and gas gangrene.
Postoperative pain: assessment and alleviation
Statement on interprofessional relations with doctors of chiropractic.
Acupuncture and tele-electronic infra-red thermography.
Effect of He-Ne laser on the midgut cells of Drosophila auraria larvae and its correlation with acupuncture.
Clinical application of acupuncture in ophthalmology.
Breast milk or not? A clinical conundrum.
Studies on the suanzaorentang in the treatment of anxiety.
The changing nature of pain control. Clinical aspects of endorphins and enkephalins.
Complementary medicine in the United Kingdom: patients, practitioners, and consultations.
The outpatient management of asthma.
Diet and risk factors for coronary heart disease in Asians in northwest London.
Megaloblastic anaemia in a vegetarian Hindu community.
Traditional birth attendants.
Pregnancy, childbirth, mother and child care among the indigenous people of Zimbabwe.
Vesicovaginal fistula in Nigerian children.
Control of pain
Simple and quick non-invasive evaluation of circulatory condition of cerebral arteries by clinical application of the "Bi-Digital O-Ring Test".
Influence of adrenergic antagonist and naloxone on the anti-allergic shock effect of electro-acupuncture in mice.
Comparative study of the analgesic effect of transcutaneous nerve stimulation (TNS); electroacupuncture (EA) and meperidine in the treatment of postoperative pain.
Differentiation between acupuncture and non-acupuncture points by association with analgesia inhibitory system.
Pharmacology of enkephalinase inhibitors: animal and human studies.
Abstracts and short papers for 1st International Symposium on Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics. October 9-13th, 1985, New York.
Rapid narcotic detoxification in chronic pain patients treated with auricular electroacupuncture and naloxone.
Hiccups: causes and cures.
Effect of acupuncture on central neurotransmitters
Fluorohistochemical changes of serotonin in the APUD cells after injection of 6-hydroxydopamine intraperitoneally
A new, simple, non-invasive imaging technique of internal organs and various cancer tissues using extended principles of the "Bi-Digital O-Ring Test" without using expensive imaging instruments or exposing the patient to any undesirable radiation--Part I.
Biorheology, Western medicine and acupuncture.
Implications of physiological and behavioral states of extremely low noise-levels for acupuncture.
Migraine and acupuncture.
Electrical parameters for safe and effective electro-acupuncture and transcutaneous electrical stimulation: threshold potentials for tingling, muscle contraction and pain; and how to prevent adverse effects of electro-therapy. Part 1.
Upsetting acupuncture reactions in clinical practice.
The 1st International Symposium on Acupuncture & Electro-therapeutics. October 9-13, 1985, New York City. Program and abstracts.
Some facets of alternative medicine--today and yesterday.
Chiropractic and acute low back pain.
Chiropractic and the clinical art.
Spinal manipulation in acute backache.
Effect of acureflexotherapy on the state of the fetus in late pregnancy toxicoses
Laser puncture in the combination therapy of pregnancy nephropathy combined with hypertension
Effectiveness of reflex stimulation of labor
Clinical analysis of 60 cases of ulcerative colitis treated with Chinese traditional medicinal herbs
Effect of electroacupuncture of the "zusanli" point on the exocrine secretion of the pancreas in rats
Effects of electroacupuncture on beta-endorphin contents in rats
50 cases of acne treated by puncturing acupoint dazhui in combination with cupping.
Status of the breasts after reflexotherapy of chronic recurrent salpingo-oophoritis
Scientific research to obtain objective data in the processing of Chinese medicinal herbs
Computer analysis of the cold photometric determination of the body surface in rabbits after oral administration of rhubarb
Effect of different extracts of Rheum palmatum on trypsin activity
Preventing the gagging reflex.
Immunomodulating and antitumor activity of polysaccharides of plant origin
Effect of sophora alkaloids on experimental arrhythmia
Effect of Panax ginseng on 3H-thymidine incorporation into cultured liver cells in vitro
Effect of rhubarb processing on its anti-inflammatory action
Studies on the chemical constituents of Pueraria lobata
Adjustment, the hands and healing.
Lumbosacral disc protrusion: a case report.
Analgesic properties of enkephalinase inhibitors: animal and human studies.
Herbological studies on Citrus grandis var. tomentosa
Isolation and identification of saponins from raw and processed tien-chi
Efficacy of spinal manipulation/mobilization therapy. A meta-analysis.
A study of rhubarb's constituents and the mechanism of their hemostatic effect
5-hydroxytryptamine is an important mediator for both high and low frequency electroacupuncture analgesia
Treatment of tinnitus aurium by acupuncture
Use of manual therapy and electric stimulation in the treatment of various forms of the radicular syndrome
Acupuncture anesthesia in plastic surgery
TLC densitometry of chlorogenic acid in granules of Artemisia capillaris in the treatment of jaundice
Herbological studies on ju-you (Citus spp.)
Research on the plant of Panax notoginseng
Determination of anthraquinone derivatives in rhubarb grown for export
An introduction to Philippine herbs
Effects of catgut embedding therapy in treating primary trigeminal neuralgia
Current status of research on the Chinese medicinal herb Corydalis yanhusuo
L-dopa extracted from seeds of Mucuna sempervirens Hemsl as a promoter of fracture healing
Initial cases of using electroacupuncture hypnoanalgesia in ophthalmic surgery for general anesthesia
Relation between the quality and processing technology of "huai-mi" (Sophora japonica) charcoal
Quality of Rheum rhizoma solution for oral administration
Pharmacological studies on the incompatibility of nineteen medicinal herbs--acute toxicity tests
Why do people seek treatment by alternative medicine?
Pain and endorphins
Neurochemical mechanisms of the regulation of pain sensitivity
Endorphins: "opiates for the masses".
Effect of reflexotherapy on the function of the hypophyseal-adrenal system
Alternative health care. Selected individual therapies.
Acupuncture analgesia.
Psychotic episodes following a training seminar in alternative medicine
Analgesic effect of high-frequency and acupuncture-like transcutaneous electric stimulation of nerve fibers in spinal osteochondrosis
Manual therapy of patients with lumbar osteochondrosis with neurologic syndromes
Effect of stimulation of beta-adrenergic and H2 receptors of polymorphonuclear granulocytes on the release of lysosomal enzymes in patients with hay fever before and after treatment with Pollinex
Risk factors for fatal childhood diarrhea: a case-control study from two remote Panamanian islands.
Dietary fibre intakes of individuals with different eating patterns.
Alternative medicine.
Tropical myeloneuropathies: the hidden endemias.
The non-medicinal therapeutic arsenal in essential arterial hypertension
The role of the pituitary in the development of electroacupuncture analgesia in rats
Comparison of four types of diet using clinical, laboratory and psychological studies.
Vegetarianism--blowing the myths.
The liver and environmental poisons
Effect of Trichosanthes kirilowii lectin on lipolysis and lipogenesis in isolated rat and hamster adipocytes.
Acupuncture treatment of sciatica and a preliminary study of the analgesic mechanism.
Applications of competitive radioassay in studies of acupuncture mechanism
Role of locus coeruleus in the effects of electroacupuncture on hippocampal pyramidal cells spontaneous firing in the rat
The afferent pathway of the hippocampus on participation in acupuncture analgesia. A study of retrograde transport method
Influence of nitrogenous fertilizer on the growth of Vinca minor
The protective effect of pollen extracts against allyl alcohol damage of the liver.
Study of acupuncture meridians using radioactive tracers
Effect of acupuncture on the activities of phosphodiesterases in rat brain.
A study on the receptive field of acupoints and the relationship between characteristics of needling sensation and groups of afferent fibres.
Isoquercitrin increases brain cGMP levels and potentiates electroacupuncture (EA) analgesia
Prevalence and functional correlates of low back pain in the elderly: the Iowa 65+ Rural Health Study.
Analysis of measured results of urinary pepsin and 17-OHCS in chronic gastritis with splenic and renal insufficiency based on Chinese traditional medicine
Experimental research of yin yang theory in traditional Chinese medicine (II): Effect of monkshood, bark of Chinese cassia tree and liu wei di huang fang on urinary aldosterone, etc. in renovascular hypertensive rats
Advances in clinical observations and experimental research on peptic ulcer treated with traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine
Treatment of corneal opacity with traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine
Regional substitutes of Chinese drugs in northwest China
Experimental research on the yin-yang theory in traditional Chinese medicine (III). The effect of monkshood, bark of the Chinese cassia tree and liu wei di huang fang on the enkephalin of brain tissue in renovascular hypertensive rats
Recent developments in the treatment of cysticercosis by traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine
Experimental research on the yin-yang theory in traditional Chinese medicine (IV): The effect of monkshood, bark of the Chinese cassia tree and liu wei di huang fang on the myocardium of renovascular hypertensive rats
Development aid in public health--principles of an ethnospecific health system analysis
The medicinal herb of Gui-zhou--Blumla balsmifena
Effects of Chinese rhubarb and processed rhubarb on experimental gastric ulcer in the rat
The chemical constituents of Citrus reticulata
Application of statistical methods in qualitative and quantitative analyses of orange-peel oil
Side effects and contraindications of manual therapy in the area of the cervical spine
Consequences for the family in chronic illness.
Chiropractic treatment of low backache. A prospective study
Traditional and modern medicine in Haiti
Video-cholangiographic study of the effect of the Chinese medicinal herb prescription--Li dan pai shi decoction--on biliary dynamics
Treatment of chronic virus hepatitis with Chinese medicinal herbs--man gan ning
Rhubarb in the treatment of viral hepatitis and its mechanism of action
Pharmacokinetic studies of alizarin in man.
Alternative medicine.
Death after failure by herbal doctor to give rabies post-exposure prophylaxis.
Observation of the conversion rate of breech presentation by laser acupuncture
Observations on the effects of acupuncture at Neiguan point on the left ventricle functions in 106 normal persons and 100 patients with heart disease.
Acupuncture treatment for aerotitis media.
Auriculo-acupuncture in 15 cases of discoid lupus erythematosus.
Treatment and prevention of fulminant red-eye by acupuncture and bloodletting.
Investigations of morphological structure of acupuncture points and meridians.
Mortality in Japanese with life-styles similar to Seventh-Day Adventists: strategy for risk reduction by life-style modification.
Responses of the nucleus centrum medianum of the thalamus to stimulation of deep somatic nerves in cats
Morphological and histological studies of the Chinese drug Bai-jiang-cao. III. Drugs derived from genera Sonchus, Lactuca and Ixeris, family Compositae
Effect of homeopathic remedies
Presence of a medical team and health practices in an urban community of low socioeconomic level
Phenomenon of the route of sensation propagation and the cerebral cortex
Factors influencing treatment utilization in African psychotherapy.
Effects of electroacupuncture and morphine on hippocampal potentials evoked by noxious stimulation of the splanchnic nerve in cats
Postoperative arteriovenous fistula
Rare cause of growth retardation.
Cholecystokinin antagonists selectively potentiate analgesia induced by endogenous opiates.
Placenta and milk as excretory routes of lipophilic pesticides in women.
Zinc and copper in Asian pregnancies--is there evidence for a nutritional deficiency?
Alternative medicine: the attitude of the Army Medical Services.
Some indigenous beliefs and practices connected with cutaneous disorders.
Implementation of health screening programs using ethnomedical resources.
Effect of different methods of reflexotherapy on bronchial nonspecific hyperreactivity in bronchial asthma in children
A new profession with future possibilities: veterinary practitioner
Intensive care nursing. 3. The Scandinavian approach.
What should one think of traditional medicine?. Interview by T. Berche and C. Lepetit.
Introduction to acupuncture for midwives.
Acupuncture anaesthesia for caesarean section.
Cambodian refugee health care beliefs and practices.
The homeopathic treatment of skin conditions.
Midwifery and acupuncture.
Practice, Let like cure like.
Health education--two cultures
The rationale for modern chiropractic treatment.
Abortion in Thailand and Sweden: health services and short-term consequences.
Phytotherapy of chronic pyoderma
An unchanging culture.
Acupuncture therapy in the treatment of chronic head, neck and neck-related pain.
The effect of acupuncture in 40 cases of endocrinic ophthalmopathy.
86 cases of insomnia treated by double point needling--daling through to waiguan.
Clinical observation on 111 cases of asthma treated by acupuncture and moxibustion.
Acupuncture therapy in 49 cases of postpartum urinary retention.
Short-term effect in 135 cases of enuresis treated by wrist-ankle needling.
Electro-acupuncture vs. amitriptyline in the treatment of depressive states.
Salvaging rats with decompression sickness by injection of ginseng and Ligustrazini co. without recompression.
Witchcraft: parallel practice
Nursing and the Afro-American client.
Providing health care to Chinese clients.
Beliefs about treatment of hypertension among Hispanic older persons.
Susto and the health needs of the Cuban refugee population.
Nursing of patients taking Chinese medicinal herbs
Cardiac arrhythmia.
Some personal views on enhancing the efficacy of acupuncture.
A talk on the depth of needling.
Clinical observation of the weight-reducing effect of ear acupuncture in 350 cases of obesity.
Alternative medicines: unnatural justice?
Popular use of medicinal plants in infancy
Alternative medicine. The laying on of hands.
Old wives tales: eye of newt.
Caribbean folk beliefs and Western psychiatry.
Neonatal tetanus.
Folk healing among Hispanic Americans.
Remembering: a brief tale of a long life in public health.
What is phytotherapy--possibilities and limitations
Clinical analysis and experimental observation on acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of patellar tendon terminal disease in athletes.
Clinical study on 500 cases of cerebro-vascular hemiplegia treated by acupuncture through baihui to qubin.
Clinical observation on treatment of disorders of the optic nerve by acupuncture.
Experimental observation of the effects of heat-reinforcing and cold-reducing manipulations.
Nine years' experience in acupuncture & moxibustion therapy.
Point massage and its use in nervous system diseases
Homeopathy: merely a placebo effect?
Phytotherapy and homeopathy as alternative medical practices
Acupressure: an overview of theory and application.
Intracranial haemorrhages in Pacific Islander stillbirths: is traditional massage the cause?
Clinical hirudology: revival of an ancient art.
Dietary relationships with fatal colorectal cancer among Seventh-Day Adventists.
A review of nonintrusive therapies used to deal with anxiety and pain in the dental office.
On the comparative ethnopharmacology of malpighiaceous and myristicaceous hallucinogens.
Acupuncture and hypnosis as alternative anesthesias in dentistry
Use of a helium-neon laser in facial pains
Acupressure in dental practice: magic at the tips of your fingers.
Therapy managing in Botswana.
Dental health beliefs and practices in a group of Thai villagers.
Acupuncture and placebos.
Acupuncture in the post-concussional syndrome.
Caries, periodontal status and some salivary factors in lactovegetarians.
Acupuncture compared with stomatognathic treatment for TMJ dysfunction. Part I: A randomized study.
Use of auricular acupuncture reflexotherapy in treating Sjögren's disease
Dental erosions in relation to lactovegetarian diet.
Clinical study of a homeopathic gingivo-dental paste in gingivitis
Play it again, Voltaire--aconite (Monkshood) poisoning.
The involutional age from the viewpoint of the gynecologist
Childbirth on Kiriwina, Trobriand Islands, Milne Bay Province.
The distribution of therapeutic knowledge in Ningerum: implications for primary health care and the use of aid posts.
Traditional medicine: institutional perceptions and cultural realities.
The traditional healer and psychiatry.
Natural healing methods for the dentist also?
Therapy of primary headache using acupuncture reflex therapy
Analgesic effect of acupuncture
Immunological aspects in homeopathic treatment of periodontal disease
A comparative study of the efficacy of garlic and eugenol as palliative agents against dental pain of pulpal origin.
General principles of homeopathy
Effects of electroacupuncture on the neuronal activity of the arcuate nucleus of the rat hypothalamus.
Effect of electroacupuncture on the conduction of afferent signals in the superior colliculus
Neonatal tetanus in Maputo, Mozambique. Part I. Hospital incidence and childbirth practices.
An epidemiological assessment of immunization programme participation in the Philippines.
Pain relief clinic at Sandviken's hospital--an analysis of 8 years' activity
The value of "alternative medicine"
Various immunological indicators in patients with atopic dermatitis during reflexotherapy
Reflexotherapy of chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis and lichen ruber planus
Relation between clinico-physiologic indices of sleep and the nature of stress and reflexotherapy application
Progress in pain therapy: acupuncture (including acupuncture anesthesia and percutaneous electrotherapy
Effect of electropuncture on the work capacity of naval specialists during long sea voyages
Non-medicamentous treatment of labor pain by electrostimulation
Changes in the immunological status related to operation and anesthesia in children
Comparison of the effects of electroacupuncture on blood pressure and pain sensation in man
Thermal sensitivity in healthy subjects is decreased by a central mechanism after TNS.
Using social epidemiology to understand who stays blind and who gets operated for cataract in a rural setting.
Comparative evaluation of drug-free methods of analgesia in labor
Methods of assessing electroacupuncture analgesia in anesthesiological practice
Electroacupuncture and antidepressant treatment of alcoholism in a private practice.
Possible involvement of opioid peptides of caudate nucleus in acupuncture analgesia.
The energetic inter-relations of the teeth and the body.
Bioelectrical reactions of neurons of the central gray substance of the brain in response to electroacupuncture
Characteristics of bioelectric reactions of neurons of specific and nonspecific nuclei of the thalamus to electroacupuncture
Acupuncture in children
Comparison of riboflavin, vitamin A, and zinc status of Chinese populations at high and low risk for esophageal cancer.
Characteristics of general anesthesia balanced by electroacupuncture analgesia in cesarean section
Mechanism of the effect of acupuncture in patients with vestibular disorders
Electroacupuncture combined with conduction anesthesia in operations on varicose veins of the lower limbs
Experimental and clinical study of a new method of puncture physiotherapy--acupuncture franklinization
Oriental medicine in the management of TMJ syndrome
Diagnosis and management of pain. Trigeminal neuralgia
Electropuncture reflexotherapy of dysbinocular amblyopia
Changes in biogenic amine levels in the blood and urine during anesthesia using electroacupuncture
Studies on bioactive substances in crude drugs used for arthritic diseases in traditional Chinese medicine. III. Isolation and identification of anti-inflammatory and analgesic principles from the whole herb of Pyrola rotundifolia L.
Effect of acupuncture on left ventricular size and function assessed by echocardiography in patients with stable dilated cardiomyopathy.
Use of acupuncture analgesia during childbirth.
The effects of electric acupuncture of Neiguan on the amelioration of coronary spasm induced by hypothalamic stimulation in rabbits.
The role of acetylcholine in the rat brain and its effect on 5-hydroxytryptamine metabolism during electroacupuncture analgesia.
Amygdaloid serotonin and endogenous opioid substances (OLS) are important for mediating electroacupuncture analgesia and morphine analgesia in the rabbit
Electroacupuncture accelerates the biogenesis of central enkephalins in the rat
Medicinal plants in therapy.
Analgesic effect of electroacupuncture and morphine antagonized by a microinjection of calcium ions into the habenula or periaqueductal gray of the rabbit
Changes of 3H-5-HT in the mesencephalon aqueduct and periaqueductal gray matter in the process of acupuncture analgesia
Clinical research on tooth extraction under acupuncture anesthesia.
Traditional craniotomies of the Kisii tribe of Kenya.
Non-drug treatment of hypertension.
The vicissitudes of herbalism in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Britain.
Kicking the nicotine habit. How to help patients stop smoking.
The chronic pain patient. Evaluation and management.
Medicine in the Moscow State
Viral hepatitis B transmitted by acupuncture: presentation of 5 cases
Medicinal plants: an approach to the study of naturally occurring drugs.
Alternative medicine.
Unconventional eating practices and their health implications.
Herbal medicine versus placebo in the adjuvant treatment of patients with a radical operation for squamous cell carcinoma of the lung
An oncologist's point of view on cancer and miracle medicines
Qinghaosu (artemisinin): an antimalarial drug from China.
Nutritionally beneficial cultural practices.
Gypsies and American medical care.
The grieving witch: a framework for applying principles of cultural psychiatry to clinical practice.
American Indian medicine.
Hospital histories. 11. The Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital.
Ingredients of mistletoe (Viscum album L.) as potential drugs
Cortical modulation of pain
Psychoactive substances of the South Seas: betel, kava and pituri.
Feeding the vegan infant and child.
A case report on nonresolving conservative care of low back pain and sciatic radicular syndrome.
Vitamin C and chiropractic.
Illustrations from the Wellcome Institute Library. Sequah: an English "American Medicine"-man in 1890.
Pregnancy testing. What will it be?
Non-drug therapy of headache
Cross-cultural nursing research.
A randomized control trial of a vegetarian diet in the treatment of mild hypertension.
The intraorbital tumor of Field Marshal Radetzky cured by homeopathic therapy
Migraine therapy in childhood
A strange case: the physician licensure campaign in Massachusetts in 1880.
Investigative grammar.
Withering and digitalis
An introduction to the study of acupuncture and moxibustion in China. Part III. Review of clinical studies on acupuncture and moxibustion.
Temporomandibular joint and myofascial pain dysfunction--some current concepts. Part 2: Treatment.
Doctrinal deviance in New Zealand medical practice: some historical comments.
Inflammatory diseases of the nose and nasal sinuses in children
Magic and psychology
A muscle and vascular oriented relaxation program for the treatment of chronic migraine patients. A randomized clinical comparative study
Acupuncture treatment of chronic tension headache--a controlled cross-over trial.
The last alchemist--the first biochemist: J.B. van Helmont (1577-1644).
Cerasee, a traditional treatment for diabetes. Studies in normal and streptozotocin diabetic mice.
Pharmacological-toxicological aspects of the homeopathic treatment of animals
They relied on Dr Gunn.
Acupuncture: from traditional doctrine to scientific analysis
Wound closure with giant ants. Remedies and therapeutic methods in American Indian medicine
Thandai and chilam: traditional Hindu beliefs about the proper uses of Cannabis.
Traditional and herbal medicine in the Cook Islands.
Chinese emperors and acupuncture.
Progress in the research of meridian phenomena in China during the last five years.
Changes of plasma insulin level in diabetics treated with acupuncture.
Problems of medicine in the works and practical activities of V. N. Tatishchev
Degranulation of human basophils and so-called homeopathic substances
Blood pressure and dietary polyunsaturated and saturated fats: a controlled trial.
Medicine in the Finnish epic "Kalevala"
A controlled trial of real and simulated acupuncture in the management of chronic asthma.
DNA-damaging activity in ethanol-soluble fractions of feces from New Zealand groups at varying risks of colorectal cancer.
Studies on the traditional herbal anthelmintic Chenopodium ambrosioides L.: ethnopharmacological evaluation and clinical field trials.
China's impact on American medicine in the seventies: a limited and preliminary inquiry.
Effectiveness of acupuncture and attitude-relaxation training in the treatment of primary sleep disorders
Xylems, bark and involucres sold in Gdansk pharmacies in the 17th century (data based on the fixed price of drugs in 1668
Biomedicine and naturopathic healing in West Germany. A historical and ethnomedical view of a stormy relationship.
The future of health and health care: contradictions and dilemmas.
The outstanding physician and scientist N. V. Kirilov (on the 125th anniversary of his birth)
Mutagens in human urine: effects of cigarette smoking and diet.
Historical considerations on acupuncture
Acupuncture for rheumatoid arthritis: an analysis of the literature.
Medicine through the lens of the museum.
Enuresis: its history and folklore
The historical and medical aspects of studying folk medicine
Double-blind trial comparing the effectiveness of the homeopathic preparation Galphimia potentiation D6, Galphimia dilution 10(-6) and placebo on pollinosis.
Recent advances in studies on Chinese medicinal herbs with physiological activity.
Acupuncture and transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation in the treatment of pain associated with chronic pancreatitis. A randomized study.
Met-enkephalin-Arg6-Phe7 like immunoreactive substances in periaqueductal gray of the rabbit have an analgesic effect and participate in electroacupuncture analgesia
Health and nutritional status of 'alternatively' fed infants and young children, facts and uncertainties. I. Definitions and general health status indicators
Tea--a drug? A brief historical examination
Australia's medicinal plants.
Friar José Rosauro Acuña Chacón (1766-1817), physician, protomartyr of Chilean emancipation
Spanish physicians and the conquest. Guilty or innocent?
Inhibition of enkephalins degradation in the nucleus accumbens leads to potentiation of acupuncture and morphine analgesia
Clinical ecology in environmental health.
Effect of acupuncture on the activity of experimental epileptogenic foci in the hippocampus of rabbits
Secondary hyperparathyroidism and bone density.
Child health in ethnic minorities. The difficulties of living in Britain.
Osteomalacia presenting as pathological fractures during pregnancy in Asian women of high socioeconomic class.
Screening Rastafarian children for nutritional rickets.
Pharmacological significance of plants and herbs used in Islamic medicine.
Nursing and ethnology
Orientation to community treatment model.
Proposals for health services in northern Nigeria.
Hyperphosphataemic rickets in an Asian infant.
Antinociceptive effects of peripheral nerve stimulation.
Perinatal needs of immigrant Hmong women: surveys of women and health care providers.
Reaction of the biologically active points of the skin to immunization with typhus vaccine
Treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus by acupuncture. A preliminary report of 25 cases.
Medicine in China. Validating the venerable and investigating the new.
Effect of vegetarianism on development of gall stones in women.
ABC of nutrition. Adults young and old.
Acupuncture of Xinming point in treatment of old central angiospastic retinopathy.
Comparison of the diagnostic possibilities of palpation of the abdominal cavity and ear acupuncture in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in dogs
A chemical burn simulating child abuse.
Use of acupuncture in the resuscitation of animals
Laryngectomy under acupuncture anesthesia. Report of 507 cases.
Treatment of painful heel with combined method of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. Clinical analysis of 900 cases.
Effect of quercetin and Albizzia saponins on rat mast cell.
Helping people to stop smoking: randomised comparison of groups being treated with acupuncture and nicotine gum with control group.
The effect of acupuncture on hematologic and biochemical values in dogs with endoparasitic infections
Disease patterns in individuals with different eating patterns.
The conclusions of clinical research on tooth extraction under acupuncture anesthesia
Technical improvement of subtotal gastrectomy under acupuncture anesthesia
The anti-histamine effect of acupuncture.
The effect of electroacupuncture on the vestibular compensation in the guinea pig
Intrasubstantia nigra injection of dopamine on electroacupuncture analgesia in rabbits
The relationship between the pressor effect of electro-acupuncture and central cholinergic activity
An analysis of visceral reflex activity induced by electroacupuncture points
92 cases of subtotal gastrectomy under acupuncture anesthesia
Comparison between the route of sensation propagation and topology of body representation of the somatosensory system
Localization of the line of a latent propagated sensation along the channel of the lung
"Not to be served, but to serve ..." Vellore--a magnificent example of holistic medicine and Christian charity in South India
Circulating immune complexes in the serum of patients with hay fever during specific immunotherapy
The effect of iontophoretic phentolamine on acupuncture inhibitory effect on nociceptive response in dorsal horn neurons
The individual variation in acupuncture analgesia: a positive correlation between the effects of electroacupuncture analgesia and morphine analgesia in the rat
Investigations on the relationship between methionine-enkephalin (Met-Enk) and acetylcholine (ACh) in brain of rats, with their influence on the effect of electroacupuncture analgesia
The effect of electroacupuncture on gastric secretion in dog.
The forelimb points project to the central nerve system
The effect of acupuncture on the abnormality of central cardiovascular function and analysis of pathways
Long-term and periodic observation on propagated sensation along channels (PSC)
Effect of changing the functional state of SII by GABA on the acupuncture effect of PF neurons
The effects of combined acupuncture anesthesia in gastrectomy
Treatment of 119 cases of hemiplegia with needling of the cervical sympathetic nerve trunk
Pneumonectomy under acupuncture anesthesia
The modulation of corticofugal impulse from SII on acupuncture analgesia
The influence of a lesion of the bilateral N. accumbens upon the effects of electroacupuncture on the NRM neurons
Influences of naloxone and DA microinjected in the head of the caudate nucleus on the effect of electroacupuncture in the rat
The relationship between the pain threshold and cholinesterase positive nerves in the skin at acupoints
The effect of the injection of 6-hydroxydopamine intraperitoneally on acupuncture analgesia
Observation on sensation propagated along channel (PSC) phenomena in 250 cases under strong suggestion
On the relative specificity of acupoints
An analysis of failure cases of acupuncture anesthesia for subtotal gastrectomy
A clinical investigation on acupuncture combined anesthesia during the abdominal hysterectomy
The effect of electroacupuncture on single bulbar reticular cells and behavior responses induced by the splanchnic nociceptive stimulation in conscious cats
The effect of electro-acupuncture (EA) at opposite side on afferent impulses of peripheral nerve
Effects of electroacupuncture on epicardial ECG of acute ischemic myocardial injury
Regulations on nociceptive responses of nucleus centralis lateralis of thalamus
Effect of stimulation of SII or electroacupuncture on nociceptive responses of CM neurons of thalamus after lesion of the head of caudatum
Influence of acupuncture analgesia on acid phosphatase and nonspecific esterase of the locus coeruleus
Distribution of met-enkephalin and its changes in cervical spinal cord and medulla oblongata of dog during operation under acupuncture anaesthesia
Electro-needling at "zusanli" in rabbits its effect on blood pressure and heart rate and the possible mechanism
The effects of acupuncture at "renzhong" point on hemorrhagic shock's myocardial catecholamine fluorescence. A histochemical study
Acupuncture examination of sensory system and consultation on the concept of "complete loss of sensation".
The effect of short-term immunotherapy with Pollinex on anti-IgE and antigen-induced histamine release from sensitive human basophils.
Biostatistical profiles of individuals seeking acupuncture treatment in the United States.
Calcium and magnesium ions in the septum and nucleus accumbens of the rabbit are antagonistic to acupuncture analgesia and morphine analgesia
Herbal tea induced hepatic veno-occlusive disease: quantification of toxic alkaloid exposure in adults.
Medicine and health care along the Silk Road in China.
The scope of chiropractic practice: limits reaffirmed.
Treatment of spasm of the facial nerve with acupuncture
Nigerian geophagical clay: a traditional antidiarrheal pharmaceutical.
Diet, lipoproteins, and the progression of coronary atherosclerosis. The Leiden Intervention Trial.
Two new diet-heart studies.
The chemistry of garlic and onions.
A survey of traditional medical practices used for the treatment of malignant tumors in an East African population.
Mobilizing indigenous resource for primary health care in Nigeria: a note on the place of traditional medicine.
Traditional healers, mothers and childhood diarrheal disease in Swaziland: the interface of anthropology and health education.
Obstetrical choice among urban women in Benin.
Acupuncture update, 1984.
Spinal cord and root injuries due to glass fragments and acupuncture needles.
Nummular purpura.
Diaphragmatic paralysis following chiropractic manipulation of the cervical spine.
Hong Kong: highrise hospitals and powdered rhino horn.
Is there a future for homeopathy?
Seventh-Day Adventist vegetarians have a quiescent proliferative activity in colonic mucosa.
Local nasal immunotherapy: efficacy of low-dose aqueous ragweed extract.
Use of acupuncture reflexotherapy in the combined treatment of peritonitis
Homeopathy and pharmacology. Pharmacologic discussion of homeopathic drugs
Sympathetic vasomotor changes induced by manual and electrical acupuncture of the Hoku point visualized by thermography.
The effects of acupuncture versus placebo in the treatment of headache.
Medicine in China today.
Quantitative thermography after manual therapy
Manual therapy of vertebrogenic cardialgia
Breast milk composition: fat content and fatty acid composition in vegetarians and non-vegetarians.
Does a vegetarian diet reduce the occurrence of diabetes?
Symptomatic differences between the sexes in rural Mexico.
Issues for cross-cultural psychiatric research in South Africa.
Mineral analyses of vegetarian, health, and conventional foods: magnesium, zinc, copper, and manganese content.
Chiropractic and medical models of health care--a contemporary perspective.
Standards of chiropractic practice.
Reliability study of detection of somatic dysfunctions in the cervical spine.
Effect of an acute protein load on the creatinine clearance in healthy vegetarians.
Pharmacological aspects of selected herbs employed in Hispanic folk medicine in the San Luis Valley of Colorado, USA: I. Ligusticum porteri (osha) and Matricaria chamomilla (manzanilla).
Medicinal plants of the Mapuche.
Ethnopsychiatric observations apropos of the ritualization of deviation
Are patients who use alternative medicine dissatisfied with orthodox medicine?
Electroacupuncture alters catecholamines in brain regions of rats.
New data on the value of acupuncture
In defense of acupuncture
Iridoids and other natural terpenoid substances--species-protecting agents and antineoplastic drugs
Clay eating.
A Maori perspective of health.
The shaman and the medicine-man.
Acupuncture in bronchial asthma
Garlic--natural remedy for atherosclerosis-related symptoms?
Vitamin D deficiency rickets and vitamin B12 deficiency in vegetarian children.
Cultural barriers to effective medical care among Indochinese patients.
Cultural barriers to effective medical care among Hispanic-American patients.
Use of electroacupuncture as an analgestic for laparotomies in two dairy cows.
Subacute bacterial endocarditis following ear acupuncture.
Food choices of vegetarians and nonvegetarians during pregnancy and lactation.
Effects of a lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet on the free amino acid composition of wax-stimulated whole human saliva.
Inorganic constituents of breast milk from vegetarian and nonvegetarian women: relationships with each other and with organic constituents.
Effect of electroacupuncture and morphine on evoked potentials in the oral and caudal trigeminal nuclei in the cat
Is cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-8) a candidate for endogenous anti-opioid substrates?
The noncerebrovascular complications of chiropractic manipulation.
Molecular galenical evaluation of the conventional handling of solids in homeopathy
Changes in lipoprotein metabolism during a supplemented fast and an ensuing vegetarian diet period.
Acupuncture used as an adjunct in the treatment of a horse with tetanus.
Electroacupuncture and electroconvulsive treatment.
A hard necrotic black right breast.
Studies on antihemorrhagic substances in herbs classified as hemostatics in Chinese medicine. IV. On antihemorrhagic principles in Hypericum erectum Thunb.
Studies on antihemorrhagic substances in herbs classified as hemostatics in Chinese medicine. V. On antihemorrhagic principle in Biota orientalis (L.) Endl.
Utilisation of traditional treatment among Ethiopian diabetics.
Results in lens couching, an important cause of blindness in developing countries
Recent developments in the care, treatment, and rehabilitation of the chronic mentally ill in Nigeria.
The Zar spirits, a category of magic in the system of mental health care in Ethiopia.
Factitious sneezing.
Acid/alkaline ash diets: time for assessment and change.
Inter- and intra-examiner reliability of the upper cervical X-ray marking system.
Nerve root ischemia and pain secondary to spinal stenosis syndrome: technical and clinical considerations.
Studies on an antitumor polysaccharide RBS derived from rice bran. I. Preparation, physico-chemical properties, and biological activities of RBS
Acupuncture: a military medical use?
Beliefs and therapeutic preferences of mothers in management of acute diarrhoeal disease in children.
Effect of electrical acupuncture on thyroid function during neuroleptic anesthesia in man
Comparing ambulatory care practices of primary care and traditional medicine residents.
Manual therapy in the management of neurologic syndromes in cervical osteochondrosis
Acupuncture--the end of an argument, for the time being
Psychological and cognitive characteristics of vegetarians.
What would holistic medicine want?
Psychosocial predictors of sudden death: a review and critique.
Reflexogenic relaxation gastroduodenography by the acupuncture method
On homeopathy: another 'modern-day perspective'.
Dietary and hormonal interrelationships among vegetarian Seventh-Day Adventists and nonvegetarian men.
Psychiatric diagnosis across cultural boundaries.
New treatment for ragweed hayfever: polymerized ragweed.
Dermatitis caused by the manchineel tree
Acupuncture in ophthalmology
Maggot in the salt, the snake factor and the treatment of atypical psychosis in West African women.
Is there a future for homeopathy?
Credibility of placebo transcutaneous nerve stimulation and acupuncture.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome treated with Chinese traditional medicine; analysis of 117 cases
Folk medicine in Ethiopia. 1. Dermatological and health policy aspects
Folk medicine in Ethiopia. 2. Tradition and the present
Acupuncture must be learned in the same way as surgery. Development and possibilities for use of a traditional and yet current therapeutic method
Zinc content of the diets of the sedentary Bengalees.
Haematologic response of anaemic preschool children to ascorbic acid supplementation.
Vegan regimen with reduced medication in the treatment of bronchial asthma.
Plasma lipoprotein levels in vegetarians. The effect of ingestion of fats from dairy products.
Screening of medicinal plants used by Huastec Mayans of northeastern Mexico.
A drug used in traditional medicine: Harpagophytum procumbens DC. III. Effects on hyperkinetic ventricular arrhythmias by reperfusion.
A drug used in traditional medicine: Harpagophytum procumbens DC. IV. Effects on some isolated muscle preparations.
Carotid arteriospasm.
Common-sense models of health and disease.
The instability of intestinal clostridial colonisation in living beings.
The frontier of modern Western medicine in Nepal.
Studies of Wakan-Yakus (traditional herbal drugs): especially on the effects of Gaiyoh (Artemisiae folium) on blood coagulation.
HPLC and TLC-densitometry determination of alkaloidal constituents in Sophora flavescens and Sophora lopecuroides
The cultural perspective of therapeutic relationship--a viewpoint from Africa.
Acupuncture therapy in acute abdomen.
Acupuncture points of the lumbar plexus.
Acupuncture points of the sacral plexus.
Effect of electro-acupuncture on chronic painful conditions in general medical practice--a 4 years' study.
Acupuncture points of the typical spinal nerves.
Acupuncture points of the brachial plexus.
Myotonic discharges in a case of licorice-induced hypokalemic myopathy
"Hidden" popular illnesses in primary care: residents' recognition and clinical implications.
Copper and zinc level in biological samples from healthy subjects of vegetarian food habit in reference to community environment.
Acupuncture in migraine
Pseudo-abusive human bite marks in a Chinese infant.
Acupuncture for fleabite allergic dermatitis.
Acupuncture for the induction of cervical dilatation in preparation for first-trimester abortion and its influence on HCG.
Chiropractic revisited.
The treatment of postoperative pain with the use of semipermanent auricular needles.
Isolation and hypoglycemic activity of ephedrans A, B, C, D and E, glycans of Ephedra distachya herbs.
Medicinal plants.
Mismanagement of acute hematogenous osteomyelitis by traditional medicine men (native doctors) in the eastern and northern regions of Nigeria.
The reinterpretation of Western pharmaceuticals among the Mende of Sierra Leone.
Trust, talk and touch in Balkan folk healing.
Some practical questions of traditional care in medicine
Elements in the construction of a universal theory of medicine
Diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia predominantly of central and predominantly of peripheral origin
Morphological and histological studies of the Chinese drug bai-jiang-cao: I. Drugs derived from Valerianaceae
Medicinal plants in developing countries
Doctors, physiotherapists, chiropractors and the issue of spinal manipulation.
The role of cytoskeleton in the mechanisms of electric field effects and information transfer in cellular systems.
Ultrastructural aspects of gonadotrophic cells of the rat after stimulation with acupuncture
Modulating influence of the 2d somatosensory cortex of the cerebral cortex on the effects of electroacupuncture on the trigeminal nuclei
Smoking and health.
Acupuncture in the treatment of female incontinence
Studies on active substances in the herbs used for oketsu ("stagnant blood") in Chinese medicine. II. On the anticoagulative principle in persicae semen.
Studies on active substances in the herbs used for oketsu ("stagnant blood") in Chinese medicine. III. On the anticoagulative principles in curcumae rhizoma.
Studies on active substances in the herbs used for oketsu ("stagnant blood") in Chinese medicine. IV. On the anticoagulative principle in rhei rhizoma.
Intramuscular acupuncture-like electrical stimulation inhibits stretch reflexes in contralateral finger extensor muscles.
Folk medicine in Ethiopia. 3. Practical activities of a "traditional healer"
Characteristics of electrocutaneous conductivity in healthy men and women
Laser acupuncture therapy for pain and vague complaints in neurosurgery
Study of the cutaneous electric potentials and the perception threshold to an electric stimulus in diabetic patients with and without clinical neuropathy.
Curing and sociocultural separatism in South Thailand.
Concepts of illness and the utilization of health-care services in a rural Malian village.
Circumcision: its nature and practice among some ethnic groups in southern Nigeria.
Dynamics of various electrophysiologic indices in patients with mild acute closed craniocerebral injuries during complex treatment using reflexotherapy
Clinical picture and treatment of odontogenic lesions of the trigeminal nerve system
Auricular perichondritis secondary to acupuncture.
Bronchial asthma as known by traditional healers.
The use of oral herbal medicine by women attending antenatal clinics in urban and rural Tanga District in Tanzania.
Subacute bacterial endocarditis following ear acupuncture.
Health care for some: a Nigerian study of who gets what, where and why?
Auricular complications of acupuncture.
The direct connections of the C2 dorsal root ganglia in the Macaca irus monkey: relevance to the chiropractic profession.
Chiropractic concepts of the short leg: a critical review.
Review of the literature supporting a scientific basis for the chiropractic subluxation complex.
Application of lead-acrylic compensating filters in chiropractic full spine radiography: a technical report.
Anti-implantation activity of the fruit of Lagenaria breviflora Robert.
Studies of medicinal plants of Sri Lanka. Part 14: Toxicity of some traditional medicinal herbs.
Acupuncture in obstetrics
Drink boiled water: a cultural analysis of a health education message.
Menstruation as medicine.
Women heal women: spirit possession and sexual segregation in a Muslim society.
Reflexotherapy of brain concussion
Access to health care in Nourivier, Namaqualand.
Acupuncture analgesia in the treatment of chronic pain
Use of reflexotherapy in the prevention and treatment of motion sickness
Use of reflexotherapy in patients with osteochondrosis of the spine associated with ischemic heart disease
Multi-criteria analysis and its use for evaluation of the effectiveness of acupuncture therapy
Blue macules of localized argyria caused by implanted acupuncture needles. Electron microscopy and roentgenographic microanalysis of deposited metal.
Selenium status in vegans and lactovegetarians.
Somaticoautonomic functions of rabbits exposed to an ultrahigh-frequency electromagnetic field at acupuncture points
Acupuncture and malignant pain problems.
Food consumption and height/weight status of Dutch preschool children on alternative diets.
Change in central hemodynamics and systolic phase structure as affected by reflexotherapy in patients with neurocirculatory dystonia
Viral hepatitis B transmitted by acupuncture
Suppression of cholesterogenesis by plant constituents: review of Wisconsin contributions to NC-167.
Socio-entomologic survey in human trypanosomiasis focus of Yamba (Peoples Republic of Congo)
Quid of betel
Acupuncture boom punctured.
Treatment of phantom pain syndrome by acupuncture-like cutaneous electric stimulation of the contralateral limb
Reference values of urinary electrolyte excretion in respect of a vegetarian diet. A chronobiological study.
Ethnopharmacological table on some reputedly psychoactive fumigatories among Middle and South American natives.
Folk medicine in the Southwest. Myths and medical facts.
Cardiovascular effects of matrine isolated from the Chinese herb Shan-dou-gen.
How to get well in Tzintzuntzan.
What caused India's massive community health workers scheme: a sociology of knowledge.
From China to Africa: the same impossible synthesis between traditional and western medicines.
The impact of the Chinese medical model on Japan or, how the younger brother comes of age.
Reflexotherapy in the complex treatment of mild closed cranio-cerebral trauma
Reflexotherapy in the complex treatment of Bechterew's disease
Isolation and identification of triterpene sapogenins from Glycyrhiza uralensis Fisch.
Quantitative TLC-densitometry of isoflavones in Pueraria lobata (Willd.) Ohwi
Isolation and identification of sanchinoside B1 and B2 from rootlets of Panax notoginseng (Burk.) F. H. Chen
Relationship of vegetarianism to child growth in South India.
Yuta (shaman) and community mental health on Okinawa.
Functional roentgenometric evaluation of the cervical spine in the sagittal plane.
Toward an experimental chiropractic: time-series designs.
The chiropractic doctor.
Inter- and- intra-examiner reliability of the upper cervical x-ray marking system.
What kind of alternative is alternative medicine?
Prevention of meteotropic reactions in patients with ischemic heart disease
Hepatitis B caused by acupuncture and the same acupuncturist
The antagonistic effects of naloxone on acupuncture inhibition of the vibration-induced grasp reflex in man.
Clinico-biochemical indicators of the effectiveness of acupuncture in children with cerebral palsy (spastic diplegia) during the first 2 years of life
Use of reflexotherapy in the combined treatment of children with gastroduodenitis
Spirometric monitoring of the effects of puncturing thoracic pain points in asthmatic disease
Acupuncture anesthesia and analgesia
Healing and morality: a Javanese example.
Serum aldosterone level in patients with hypertension during treatment by acupuncture
Role of reflexotherapy in the complex treatment of neuroendocrine obesity
Electron microscopic studies on the effect of Corydalis stricta Steph on experimental Echinococcus granulosus cyst in mice
TLC separation and densitometric determination of six isoquinoline alkaloids in Corydalis bungeana
Clinical and socio-cultural parameters in Nigerian psychiatric patients. A prospective study.
Personal experiences of medical problems among Ethiopian refugees in the Ethio-Sudanese borderland.
Studies on antitumor activities and antitumor principles of Chinese herbs. I. Antitumor activities of Chinese herbs
Phytotherapy in the Valnerina Marche (Central Italy).
Some new therapeutic uses of several medicinal plants in the province of Terni (Umbria, Central Italy).
Serum cholesterol levels in the Netherlands in comparison with those in the United States
Phytotherapy of bronchopulmonary diseases in children
Who goes to the homeopath? Why, with which complaints and what is done?
Use of reflexotherapy in treating allergic rhinosinusopathies
Coeliac disease presenting as vitamin D deficiency rickets in a vegetarian child.
Saponin composition of rhizomes of Panax japonicus collected in South Kyushu, Japan, and its significance in oriental traditional medicine.
Sisters and brothers, lovers and enemies: marriage resistance in southern Kwangtung.
Pharmacological study on Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer. VII. Protective effect of red ginseng on infection (1) on phagocytic activity of mouse reticuloendothelial system
Whom are we counselling?
The geographic origin of the plants most commonly used for medicine by Hawaiians.
Ethnobotanical practices of the populations of the middle Awash Valley (Ethiopia)
Fecal neutral sterols in omnivorous and vegetarian women.
Inhibitory effect on nociceptive discharges of parafascicular neurones of thalamus by electrical stimulation of nucleus centrum medianum at different frequencies
Inhibitory effect of electric needling on the defence reaction produced by hypothalamic stimulation in awake rabbits
Effect of stimulation of nucleus accumbens and naloxone microinjection on nociceptive unit discharges in the lateral habenular nucleus
Influence of microinjection of scopolamine into various brain areas on pressor effect of electroacupuncture in nitroprusside-induced hypotensive dogs
Alternative systems in Malaysian drug rehabilitation: organization and control in comparative perspective.
Traditional medicine and biopsychosocial fulfillment in African health.
Holistic medicine and technology: a modern dialectic.

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