Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Das Darmmilieu bei SportstudierendenEine aktuelle Untersuchung mit bemerkenswerten Ergebnissen für die medizinische Praxis*

Author(s): Rosler, P., Lachtermann, E., Rodziewicz, M., Jung, E.

Abstract: One sided diet, stress, taking of drugs, food intolerance, food allergies, environmental load and many other factors can lead to an instability of the intestinal ecology. In the present study, the intestinal environment of students in sports has been examined (fecal flora, digestive residues, bile acid, chymotrypsin, secretory IgA). The study with 81 students showed among others a reduced concentration of the secretory immunoglobulin A in the stool of 55,8 % of the students (the stool examination has been carried out by the laboratory Vitalan). A parallel determination of selected blood parameters revealed a deficiency of magnesium (in 47,2 % of the men and 67,4 % of the women) as well as a zinc deficiency (in 25,0 % of the men and 58,1 % of the women) (the blood tests were carried out by the laboratory Bioscientia as well as the laboratory Dr. Bayer).

Keyword(s): Intestinale Ökologie

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