Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Borretschöl zur äußerlichen und innerlichen Verabreichung bei utopischem EkzemEine Studie mit einer neuen Zubereitung zur topischen Anwendung

Abstract: Borretsch oil is the oil with the highest content of gamma linolenic acid. Among others, a deficiency of this fatty acid is made responsible for the symptom of the atopic eczema today. This is not a faulty intake of nutrition, it rather is an enzyme defect in the metabolism of these fatty acids. The oral administration of oils containing gamma linolenic acid (e.g. Glandol®) leads to an improvement or to the disappearance of the symptoms in about 70 0/o of the patients. This oral supplementation offers the possibility of a safe long-terrn therapy without side effects. As a concomitant medication, the administration of gamma linolenic acid via the skin in the form of a topical preparation containing gamma linolenic acids is suited best. What is important in this case, is an ointment base free from allergens, because the skin of people suffering from neurodermatitis can show a very sensitive reaction. It was possible to prove this fact for the Glandolo cream which has been tested - the skin tolerance has been evaluated positively without exception. 'Me very good effectiveness can probably be attributed to the very high content of Borretsch oil and is in accord with results form other studies.

Keyword(s): Borretschöl

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