Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Muskelverspannungen und Bindegewebsverdichtungen bei Lymphödemen

Abstract: The discussion, to what extent the treatment of patients with lymphatic oedemas with Manual Lymphdrainage (Dr. Emil Vodder) could be substantially supplemented and supported by the Connective Tissue Massage (Elisabeth Dicke), is arisen because of the factual observation, that these patients usually show muscular tension and a condensed connective tissue.This applies particulary to the regions of the corresponding segmental roots as well as to those regions situated directly in the proximal direction of the lymphatic oedema, consequently outside the oedema, where the use of such techniques is permitted. The question, if the actual tension and condensation existed already before the appearence of the actual oedema or as a consequence began secondary, might be possible to thoroughly clear up by a close examination as well as ex juvantibus.

Keyword(s): Lymphödem

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