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October 2024

Information services and the music therapy curriculum

Journal/Book: Music Therapy Perspectives. 1984; Silver Spring, Maryland, USA. National Association for Music Therapy 8455 Colesville Rd., Suite 930 20910 Silver Spring, Maryland USA. journal article.

Abstract: This paper discusses the role of information services content in the music therapy curriculum. The first part of the paper focuses on the scope of the music therapy knowledge base as it pertains to information services. The second part discusses two possible avenues of approach in respect to increasing information services content into the structure and organization of music therapy courses (employing several examples, utilizing citations indexing) and utilizing the services of the librarian as an integral part of an information services team. Case examples can be utilized as effective learning devices about information services, such as the use of citation indexing in assessing the work of noted contributors to the field or the impact of movements in the field. The librarian and the instructor could work together as a team in respect to drawing library and information services in music therapy closer to the music therapy student.

Keyword(s): information, information-retrieval-system, music-therapy, music-therapy-curriculum.

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