Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
March 2025

Bibliography — Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) — 1982

EMS in China still fragmented by cultural revolution.
Spanish-language TV show planned by hospital.
Traditional and modern medicine in Africa.
The social context of education and health.
Regulation and the paramedical professions: an interest group study.
How much of your turf do the non-M.D. doctors have?
The pernicious panacea: herbal medicine.
Chiropractic in American history: the ins and outs of museums.
W. A. Budden: the transition through proprietary education, 1924-1954.
Forgotten parameters of general practice: the chiropractic obstetrician.
Schism and suppression: the elimination of medical protest schools, 1846-1939.
B. J. Palmer and the 'German issue:' the crisis in postwar European chiropractic.
The troubled legacy of Harvey Lillard: the black experience in chiropractic.
The cutting edge of chiropractic recognition: prosecution and legislation in Massachusetts.
The social anthropology of chiropractic in Washington, D.C.: project DC/DC.
Not Available
Healthy elements in Bulgarian spring folk customs.
The contribution of John Wesley (1703-1791) to medical literature.
Death and suicide in Finnish mythology and folklore.
Some original patterns about the folklore treatment of diabetes mellitus in Turkey.
Palaeolithic medicine, with particular reference to children of Australian aborigines.
The popular blood letting man, a survival of a medieval tradition.
Prayers, amulets and charms: health and social control.
Who or what's a witch: Iroquois persons of power.
Tuuhikya: the Hopi healer.
Health care beliefs and practices among Mexican Americans: a review of the literature.
Cherokee theory and practice of medicine.
Pioneer medicines: doctors, nostrums, and folk cures.
Native American women in medicine and the military.
On "so"] (Jpn).
Pioneer medicines: doctors, nostrums, and folk cures.
The status of studies in folk medicine in the Philippines.
The history of acupuncture in the west: exoticism, esoterism and opposition to Cartesian rationalism, complementarity to the Occidental medical system.
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Folk-medicine in Venezuela.
Regulation and the paramedical professions: an interest group study.
Traditional medicine and medical enlightenment: the regulation of secret remedies in the ancien regime.
Toward a systematic typology of black folk healers.
Not Available.
Choosing your baby's sex - now and in the sixteenth century.
Not Available
Medicine, music and "Money" Munyon.
Family planning aid in Sri Lanka.
Folklore information from Assam for family planning and birth control.
Carrying out a survey on attitudes to diarrhoea.
Anthropometric changes during pregnancy of urban Indian women related to birthweight.
Muscle strength and pre-osteomalacia in vegetarian Asian women.
Neuropharmacological analysis of electroacupuncture analgesia
Naloxone reversible reduction in brain monoamine synthesis following sciatic nerve stimulation.
Makwa (non-sterile skin cauterisation) as cause of tetanus.
Branding still a "treatment" in rural India.
Endogenous opiates and their actions.
Acupuncture and dopamine
Opiate receptors and endogenous opiates: panorama of opiate research.
Cupping as a part of living finnish traditional healing. A remedy against pain.
The relationship between the ontogenetic development of opiate receptors and acupuncture analgesia in rabbits.
Acupuncture and physician liability
Ethnopharmacology versus chemosystematics in the search for biologically active principles in plants.
Cauda equina syndrome caused by chiropraxis on a patient previously free of lumbar spine symptoms.
Excretion of the lignans enterolactone and enterodiol and of equol in omnivorous and vegetarian postmenopausal women and in women with breast cancer.
The WHO viewpoint on acupuncture
The influence of acupuncture on blood serum levels of tryptophan in healthy volunteers subjected to ketamine anesthesia.
D-phenylalanine and other enkephalinase inhibitors as pharmacological agents: implications for some important therapeutic application.
A pharmacological study of the anti-inflammatory activity of Chinese herbs. A review.
Different releasing effects of traditional manual acupuncture and electro-acupuncture on proopiocortin-related peptides.
Narcotic withdrawal syndrome. Therapeutic methods
Studies on the components of the folk medicine, Kaju Ular, In Timor Island
Clinical observation and laboratory experiments on the neurohumoral mechanisms of acupuncture analgesia.
The role of central neurotransmitters in acupuncture analgesia. A brief report on the work of the Research Group of Acupuncture Anaesthesia, Beijing Medical College.
Effects of an electrical field and its polarity on an abnormal part of the body or organ representation point associated with a diseased internal organ, and its influence on the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test (simple, non-invasive dysfunction localization method) & drug compatibility test--Part I.
The role of the human caudate nucleus in acupuncture analgesia.
Neuropeptides, neurotransmission and acupuncture
The Xhosa healers of Southern Africa.
Comment on M. V. B�hrmann's "The Xhosa healers of Southern Africa".
Possible approaches to turn off the IgE response.
Preliminary study on the physician-patient relation in acupuncture
Acupuncture in rheumatology. Case contribution
Blood glutathione-peroxidase levels in skin diseases: effect of selenium and vitamin E treatment.
The healing process in African psychotherapy.
Effect of diet on plasma and urinary hormones in South African black men with prostatic cancer.
The implication of central serotonin in electro-acupuncture tolerance in the rat.
Controlled evaluation of allergoid in the immunotherapy of ragweed hay fever.
Circulating opioids: possible physiological roles in central nervous function.
Purine and pyrimidine metabolism.
Ritual and psychotherapy
An experimental study of the segmental sensory innervation of point yanglingquan of rabbits by means of axonal retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase
The inhibitory effect of acupuncture on the tonic vibration reflex (TVR) in man.
Dracontiasis in Rajasthan. VI. Epidemiology of dracontiasis in Barmer district, Western Rajasthan, India.
Effects of intracerebral injection of 6-hydroxydopamine in nucleus raphe magnus on electro-puncture analgesia in rats (author's transl)
Improvement of the method of decocting Chinese traditional medicine (author's transl)
Changes of electrodermal properties in the "acupuncture points" on men and rats.
Acupuncture, a specialty or a method?
Limits, errors and risks in the use of acupuncture in ophthalmology
Inhibitor effect of acupuncture on the vibration-induced grasp reflex in man.
Acupuncture, an effective means of treatment of cervical pathological states and other ORL diseases
Analgesia by injection of morphine and antagonism of electro-acupuncture analgesia by injection of naloxone into septal area of rabbits
Effect of electro-acupuncture on neurons of midbrain periaqueductal gray sensitive to morphine and 5-HT in rabbits
Tolerance to 5-HT and its implication in electro-acupuncture tolerance and morphine tolerance
Shen Nong's Herbal, the earliest extant treatise on Chinese materia medica.
Treatment of chronic vertebrogenic pain syndromes using acupuncture
Studies with electro-acupuncture.
Activities of the reflexotherapy department
Sun Simiao: king of medicinal herbs in China
Chiropractic biomechanical evaluations: validity in myofascial low back pain.
A review of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) with low back pain patients.
Plasma estradiol and testosterone concentrations in patients with coronary artery disease and the effect of treatment with Chinese medicinal herbs
Traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese medicinal herbs and immunology
Exploration of the application of vital function-reinforcing medicinal herbs in heart diseases
Clinical significance of serum gastrin determination
Treatment of perceptual deafness of cervical origin
Resume of 1000 emergency cases of three kinds of digestive tract diseases treated with a single recipe rhubarb
The effect of a compound panax-ginseng decoction in the treatment of adult acute respiratory insufficiency after burns
A comprehensive multivariate analysis of the correlation among external morphology, chemical constituents and purgative activity of Rheum species
The effect of liquorice decoction on the phagocytosis of peritoneal macrophages of stressed mice
Treatment of shock with traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine
Acupuncture of Yanglao (S.I. 6) point in the treatment of lumbar pain.
A morphological study on the receptors of acupuncture points.
The paramedical approach and medical ethics (author's transl)
Sounding boards. After laetrile, what?
Organization of endogenous opiate and nonopiate pain control systems.
Food and drug interactions.
Phytate:zinc molar ratio, mineral, and fiber content of three hospital diets.
An outbreak of amebiasis spread by colonic irrigation at a chiropractic clinic.
Endorphins and enkephalins.
Physiological basis for acupuncture, electro-acupuncture and transcutaneous electrostimulation
Dr. Moreno Cañas: a symbolic bridge to the demedicalization of healing.
Medicine in the USA: historical vignettes. III. Medical sects and their influence.
Trace element intake by Asians during pregnancy.
Public opinion regarding alternative medicine.
Fiasco in medicine?
Neural therapy and accupuncture in gynaecology and obstetrics
Enkephalin and beta-endorphin as mediators of electro-acupuncture analgesia in rabbits: an antiserum microinjection study.
Dental analgesia produced by non-painful low-frequency stimulation is not influenced by stress or reversed by naloxone.
Organization of rehabilitative therapy of patients with nervous system diseases in specialized departments of urban polyclinics
Vegetarianism, dietary fiber, and mortality.
Effects of acupuncture in bronchial asthma.
Effects of traditional Chinese herbs, toad tincture and adenosine 3',5' cAMP on Ehrlich ascites tumor cells in mice.
Plasma opioid levels in post-traumatic chronic headache and trigeminal neuralgia: maintained response to acupuncture.
The effects of vegetable and animal protein diets on calcium, urate and oxalate excretion.
Recent findings in biochemistry and the significance of endorphins and enkephalins
Dietary behavior, way of life, and nasopharyngeal cancer
Acupuncture in acute myocardial infarction.
Acupuncture channels--myth or reality.
D-phenylalanine and other enkephalinase inhibitors as pharmacological agents: implications for some important therapeutic application.
Role of ispaghula husk in the management of irritable bowel syndrome (a randomized double-blind crossover study).
Neurophysiological mechanisms of pain perception
The incidence of Turner's syndrome in Ibadan, Nigeria.
Eighteenth century medicine: of magic and mysticism.
Homeopathy (Samuel Hahnemann)
An outstanding researcher of Russian folk medicine, V. F. Demich (1858-1930)
Modern methods of labor induction and their results
The Robb House: home of the Alachua County Medical Society and Auxiliary.
Bark, blisters and the bathe: some problems of pain relief in former times.
Medicine in the USA: historical vignettes. V. The 'old code' of medical ethics and some problems it had to face.
What Nightingale would have written about summer heat and nursing - a thought in connection with folk remedy
Magic in medicine
Alternate dietary lifestyles.
The nature of homoeopathy.
The traditional healer/diviner as psychotherapist.
Acupuncture treatment of chronic unilateral tinnitus--a double-blind cross-over trial.
Treatment of herpetic and postherpetic pain
Herbalists and medical botanists in mid-nineteenth-century Britain with special reference to Bristol.
Sakpata, a contribution of the African medicine man to smallpox eradication
The Latin document confirming the date and institution of Wilhem ten Rhyne's M. D.
Mechanisms for acupuncture analgesia. A review
Cosmic influences and acupuncture
Acupuncture hypalgesia: an evolutionary hypothesis.
Behavior therapy in South Africa: a review.
History of Chinese acupuncture in the Middle ages and in modern times
Controlled randomized double-blind study for the comparison of the treatment of patients with essential hypertension with homeopathic and with pharmacologically effective drugs
Andrew Skin Sr.: Eskimo Doctor.
Contribution of botany to medicine in the reign of Carlos III
Preventive geriatrics: an overview from traditional Chinese medicine.
Medicinal plants and folk remedies in Pliny, Historia naturalis.
A medicinal herbal of the early Middle Ages: the Alfabeticum Galeni
The human responsibility in the practice of the traditional East-African healer. A case study.
Treatment of a diabetic vegetarian with human insulin (recombinant DNA): a case report.
Influence of "shuganjieyu" herbs on choleretic function in anesthetized rats.
Therapeutic effect and mechanism of acupuncture at Neiguan (P. 6) in chronic rheumatic heart disease.
Lectures on essentials of traditional Chinese medicine. III. Channels and collaterals.
Moxibustion of point Tanzhong and massage of point Tianzong in 47 cases of acute mastitis.
Clinical observations on 50 cases of obstipation treated with acupuncture.
A proposal for the international standardization of the names of acupuncture points.
Cure of 2 cases of cortical blindness with acupuncture therapy.
Lead poisoning from lead tetroxide used as a folk remedy--Colorado.
An anachronistic treatment for asthma.
Evaluation of acupuncture treatment for sensorineural deafness and deafmutism based on 20 years' experience.
Ear-acupuncture and endocrine secretion
A statistical study of physician care patterns in high school football injuries.
Pragmatic survivalism: behavior patterns affecting low-level wellness among minority group members.
The use of orthodox and black American folk medicine.
Health beliefs and practices in a middle-income Anglo-American neighborhood.
Do-it-yourself medicine.
A folk medical practice mimicking child abuse.
Much ado about nothing.
The cultural connection: including cultural variations in quality nursing care.
Totally vegetarian diets and infant nutrition.
Can a physician heal a 'hex'?
Rastafarianism and the vegans syndrome.
Alternative medicine: cost and subjective benefit in rheumatoid arthritis.
Neijing chronobiologic medical theories.
Uvula excision. Anthropological observations
Respect for traditional medicine.
A medium supplemented by traditional chinese herb for rapid growth of tubercle bacilli--Bai Zhi (Angelica dahurica)-modified medium
Determination of the economic efficiency of using reflexotherapy in peptic ulcer in the hospital
What is homeopathy?
Clinical and laboratory studies of spleen deficiency.
Effect of acupuncture on pain threshold measurement of tooth pulp in the monkey.
Causes of protein energy malnutrition as viewed by the clients' mother.
Treatment of vascular diseases of the lower extremities using electropuncture
Reflexotherapy of sex disorders in men
Modern views on the mechanism of action and the significance of particular methods used in acupuncture
The effect of acupuncture on the expiration rate in asthmatics
The place and role of acupuncture during complex spa therapy of aging and aged people
Problems of measuring resistance in active points on the skin
Sonic acupuncture. Possible uses in clinical practice
Assessment of marginal nutrition and means of preventing communicable diseases in twins: an implication for intensive follow-up.
Concepts of manipulative treatment.
Serum vitamin B12 and blood cell values in vegetarians.
Women's role and nursing - a lesson in folk medicine
Nutrition. Are "health" foods healthier?
Breakthrough to nursing: caring through understanding. Part II: folk medicine in the Hispanic population.
Health and politics in a local community in Sri Lanka
Importance of acupuncture in modern medicine
At the fringes of nursing. Healers and parapsychological medicine
Use of honey in treating eye diseases
Profile of a nurse. Mr. Hitoe Kanai who studies nursing philosophy through folk medicine
Phytotherapy of children with bronchopulmonary diseases
Phytotherapy of peptic ulcer
Acupuncture: a Chinese puzzle.
Indian health care in old Mexico
The role of women and nursing - a lesson in folk medicine. 3
Maternity care in Zambia
Baroque medicine: how a cup of Aunt Ida's hot air rescued a sailor.
Medicine man's work in the bush: people survive with superstition and boundless trust
Health by the people - ambitious venture in primary care
The development of microwave power applications in China.
Some observations on Gujarati diet and pregnancy.
American childbirth educators in China: a transcultural exchange.
The past and present of customs related to childbirth. 7. Ceremonial bathing of the infant
Psychotherapy in acupuncture
Choice between traditional and modern medicine in Togo
Cultural influences on birth practices in Northern Australia amongst Aboriginals.
Understanding the Vietnamese in Britain. Part III: Health beliefs, birth and child care.
Present and future trends in the health care of British-Asian children.
Herbal healing: every witch way.
Unforgettable life in Malawi. 11. African medicine and local customs
Of miracles, oneiric medicine and quacks
Medicineman's work in the Bush. People survive by superstition and unlimited faith. Interview by Pia Kristensen.
Chiropractic legislation: two broken records.
Electroacupuncture analgesia in tooth preparation
Endorphins and the modulation of acute pain.
Endogenous pain pathways: applications to pain control in dental practice.
Fatal Staphylococcal septicemia following acupuncture: report of two cases. Occurrence of Staphylococcal septicemia following acupuncture emphasizes need for thorough medical evaluation before such procedures.
Acupuncture reflex therapy of glossodynia
Can oral acupuncture lessen pain?
Meridian magnetic analgesia under acupuncture stimulation
Experimental study of microwave action on acupuncture points in dental pulp stimulation
The practical uses of acupuncture in dentistry.
Folk remedies of Rhode Island's Portuguese-American immigrants.
Phytotherapy plus organotherapy: a new beginning in the causal treatment of periodontal diseases
Traditional medicine in Somalia
Effects of electrical acupuncture of Chuchi and Hoku on cat's pupil width
Traditional dentistry and pharmacopoeia. Apropos of 2 practices in Senegal
Homeopathic medicine in dentistry (II)
Effect of acupuncture on tension headache and urinary catecholamine excretion.
A humanistic medicine
Electroacupuncture and electropuncture analgesia: the results of their use in oral surgery
Ghosts, witches, sickness and death: the traditional interpretation of injury and disease in a rural area of Papua New Guinea.
Threshold changes of the jaw-opening reflex by the impulses of afferent nerve fibers for conveying electroacupuncture analgesia in rats.
The therapeutic potential of plants used in dental folk medicine.
Survey of traditional medicine in Somalia and its application in dentistry
Pain in dental patients and holistic medicine
Bamboo knife induced rupture of the pregnant uterus.
Possibilities of the analgesic application of acupuncture in dentistry
Chiropractic - an old cure
Homeopathic medicine in dentistry (I)
Consistency of saliva and the dental status among vegetarians
Effect of reflexotherapy on catecholamine excretion in migraine
Electroacupuncture in complex treatment of neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve
Efficacy of electroacupuncture in the treatment of hypertension
Acupuncture therapy in the outpatients-department of the University Clinic Heidelberg (author's transl)
Failure of narcotic antagonist to alter electroacupuncture modification of halothane anaesthesia in the dog.
Varying electrical acupuncture stimulation intensity: effects on dental pain-evoked potentials.
Alcoholism in Southeast Asia. Prevalence and treatment.
Effect of electroacupuncture and electroacupuncture combined with narcotic analgesics on the summation-threshold index in freely moving rats
Vasodilation induced by transcutaneous nerve stimulation in peripheral ischemia (Raynaud's phenomenon and diabetic polyneuropathy).
Three cases with thalamic pain treated by transcutaneous electric acupuncture points stimulation
Illness and service utilization behaviours of leprosy patients.
External antirheumatic and antineuralgic herbal remedies in the traditional medicine of north-eastern Italy.
The use of reflexotherapy in cochleovestibular disturbances
Portable electrostimulators in treating various pain syndromes
Homeopatic medicine in dentistry (III)
A preliminary study of transcutaneous nerve stimulation as a pain suppressor in dental treatment
Pain control by transcutaneous nerve stimulation (TNS)
Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of electrostimulation analgesia in relation to the precision of acupuncture site location
Endotracheal anesthesia with nitrous oxide combined with electroacupuncture in gynecologic surgery
Comparative effects of electroacupuncture and transcutaneous nerve stimulation on the human blink reflex.
Medical fitness examination of commercial pilots: new criteria for evaluation of vestibular tests.
Non-drug pain therapy
Tolerance to electroacupuncture analgesia was reversed by microinjection of 5-hydroxytryptophan into nuclei accumbens in the rabbit.
Immunopharmacology of Chinese medicine 1, ginseng induced immunosuppression in virus-infected mice.
Chuchuhuasha - a drug used in folk medicine in the Amazonian and Andean areas. A chemical study of Maytenus laevis.
A neglected Mayan galactagogue - ixbut (Euphorbia lancifolia).
Various uses of the castor oil plant (Ricinus communis L.). A review.
Simon de Vallambert on the treatment of diarrhea in infants (1565).
Acupuncture in pain therapy. Possibilities and limits of a disputed therapeutic method
The shaman.
Acupuncture, anaesthesia, and all that.
A fashion in metals.
Early history of wound treatment.
Effects of acupuncture in bronchial asthma: preliminary communication.
Treatment methods and types among the Aztecs
Medicinal plants in medicine
Neurochemical basis of acupuncture analgesia.
The treatment of narcotic withdrawal: a historical review.
Medicinal and other uses of the Compositae by Indians in the United States and Canada.
Measles mortality and ethnic groups.
Burns updated in China: I. Cutaneous thermal burns.
Medical topics in the writings of Edward Browne (1642-1708)
Mutagens in human faeces. Are they relevant to cancer of the large bowel?
Nutritional deficiencies among ethnic minorities in the United Kingdom.
The rationale of primitive delivery positions.
The bronchodilating effect of acupuncture in patients with acute asthma.
A sensitive micromethod for the routine estimation of methylmalonic acid in body fluids and tissues using thin layer chromatography.
Anti-reproductive and other medicinal effects of Tropaeolum tuberosum.
Modern medicine and shamanistic ritual: a case of positive synergistic response in the treatment of a snakebite.
Ethnopharmacologic studies. I. Rapid solution to a problem--oral use of Heliopsis longipes--by means of a multidisciplinary approach.
The frequency of complications after manipulation of the cervical spine (case report and epidemiology (author's transl)
Report of 134 operatively-treated fractures in tropical Nigeria (author's transl)
A model of clinical pain. Technique for evaluation of analgesic agents.
Schistosomiasis control in the people's Republic of China.
Therapy of migraine
Site and action of electroacupuncture-induced effects on the rat jaw-opening reflex.
Kenya: a case study in Third World medicine.
Studies on herbal remedies I: Analysis of herbal smoking preparations alleged to contain lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and other natural products.
A new model of integrating Occidental and Oriental approaches.
Ayurveda: 3000 years of Indian traditional medicine
Smoking withdrawal and acupuncture.
Acupuncture in children with allergic lesions of the respiratory tract
Nutritional status of vegetarian children.
Absorption of iron from Western-type lunch and dinner meals.
The relationship between individual dietary constituents and antipyrine metabolism in Indo-Pakistani immigrants to Britain.
Exposure to the operator and patient during short wave diathermy treatments.
Spinal infection caused by acupuncture mimicking a prolapsed intervertebral disc. A case report.
The practice of behaviour therapy in West Africa: the case of Ghana.
Modified antigen therapy aids allergy victims.
Endorphin mediated increase in pain threshold induced by long-lasting exercise in rats.
Acupuncture and the law: a rebuttal.
Neurosurgery in a different society: the People's Republic of China.
Acupuncture in the heroin withdrawal syndrome
Suppression of the opiate withdrawal syndrome with GABA analogs, low-dose psychotropic drugs and acupuncture
Neuroreflexotherapy of facial vasomotor pains with soft laser (He-Ne). Discussion of the results in the light of the dermatoneuromeric theory
Preliminary considerations on changes in pigmentation, structure and vascularization of the outer ear in relation to chronic organic or functional disease
Therapy of primary headache with somatic acupuncture. Proposal for an experimental protocol for a multicenter study
Native American treatment of burns.
Various aspects of reflexotherapy in peptic ulcer
Reflexotherapy of cystalgia
Acupuncture in the treatment of cystalgia
Reflex therapy in complex treatment of patients with functional intestinal obstruction
A surgeon returns to Vietnam.
Electric activity of the brain in women undergoing acupuncture for threatened abortion
The Meo in North Vietnam and the ethnic use of opium
Steps toward resolving cultural conflict in a pediatric hospital.
Do we need "alternative medicine"?
From where I sit--the framework of chiropractic procedure.
The role of specific manipulation towards alleviating abnormalities in body mechanics and restoration of spinal motion.
The role of plethysmography in the chiropractic management of costoclavicular syndromes: review of principles and case report.
The effects of two new compensating filters on patient exposure in chiropractic full spine radiography.
Error limitations in X-ray kinematics of the spine.
Psychotherapeutic aspects of acupuncture
Once again, rickets in the Netherlands
Diet and hormone levels in Seventh-Day Adventist teenage girls.
Observations on the opinions of black matriculants on the medical capabilities of different types of medical practitioners
Dietary restriction for the prevention of disproportion and obstructed labour among the Pedis of yester-year.
New method of ear acupuncture in the treatment of chronic and protracted diseases
In contact with traditional medicine.
Psychotic disorders after childbirth in Nigerian women.
Herbal medicines used by traditional birth attendants in Malaŵi.
Ka hua o'o ka pu'ao (the fruit of the womb). Presidential address.
Veterinary acupuncture--the state of an art.
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy in Japan: the issue of dependency pattern and the resolution of psychopathology.
Effect of meat pm BP.
Manual therapy results with patients with acute spinal pain
Critique of so-called outsider methods in medical therapy
Acupuncture in relieving pain
Cerebrovascular complications following manipulation of the neck
Combined use of acupuncture and drug therapy
Acupuncture as an additional method of diagnosis of acute appendicitis
Identification of phenolic acids in human urine by ion monitoring.
Acupuncture in combined treatment of disseminated herpes zoster varioliformis
Changes in peripheral hemodynamics in patients with vertebrogenic pain syndromes during reflexotherapy
Chiropractic use: a test of several hypotheses.
Changes in the bioelectric activity of the brain during electroacupuncture
Electrophysiological analysis of the stimulation of the central grey substance during electroacupuncture
The concentration of cholesterol in serum and in various serum lipoproteins in macrobiotic, vegetarian and non-vegetarian men and boys.
Electroacupuncture as the method of preanesthesia management in gynecological surgery
Effect of electroacupuncture on the integration of nociceptor and non-nociceptor afferent pathways in the second somatosensory cortex of the cerebral hemisphere
Reflex changes in the function of the cerebral cortex and central gray matter after electroacupuncture
Study on chiropractic practice. Committee on Alternative Health Care Ideologies.
Hot nail factitial dermatitis.
Plasma lipids in vegetarians in Israel
Social pharmacology, its macrosystemic aspects
Disease concepts and treatment practices relating to schistosomiasis haematobium in Upper Egypt.
Guidelines for providing medical care to Southeast Asian refugees.
Acupuncture in the treatment of innervation strabismus
Treatment of amenorrhea with acupuncture
Comparative effects of acupuncture in Japan and the United States on dental pain perception.
Doctors and society: a Northern Thailand study.
Ships of fools and vessels of the divine: mental hospitals and madness, a case study.
Exchange between Andean and Western medicine.
Reflexotherapy in the rehabilitation of spinal osteochondrosis patients
On the meaning of sports: cross cultural observations of super stress.
Explanatory models of black lung: understanding the health-related behavior of Appalachian coal miners.
Acupuncture therapy of prolonged pain
How Southeast-Asian refugees in California adapt to unfamiliar health care practices.
Mutilation of the uvula among Bedouins of the South Sinai.
Comparison of Rinkel injection therapy with standard immunotherapy.
A critical overview of U.S. acupuncture regulation.
Studies on anti-inflammatory agents. VI. Anti-inflammatory constituents of Cinnamomum sieboldii Meissn (author's transl)
Effects of acupuncture in bronchial asthma.
Natural substances in currently available Chinese herbal and patent medicines.
Herbal curing by Qollahuaya andeans.
Inventory of plants used in traditional medicine in Tanzania. I. Plants of the families Acanthaceae-Cucurbitaceae.
Plants of Haiti used as antifertility agents.
Repertory of drugs and medicinal plants of Yemen.
The use of acupuncture in the therapy of Bell's palsy (author's transl)
Treatment by plants of injuries caused by marine animals in New Caledonia. An approach of the indigenous treatment (author's transl)
Mind-brain reduction: new light from the philosophy of science.
The use of unorthodox therapies and marginal practitioners.
Prospects for the development of reflexotherapy in the USSR
Traditional healers and health care delivery in Tanzania.
Effect of acupuncture on the body's immunobiological reactivity of sailors
Changes in the content of opiate-like substances in auricular electroacupuncture anesthesia of rats
Combined therapy of chronic noncalculous cholecystitis at Truskavets health resort
Holistic medicine: advances and shortcomings.
Renal clearance of fluoride in a steady state condition in man: influence of urinary flow and pH changes by diet.
Espiritismo and medical care.
Response of raphe magnus neurons after acupuncture stimulation in rat.
Traditional and modern psychiatry: a survey of opinions and beliefs amongst people in plateau state, Nigeria.
Creation science and chiropractic curriculum alternatives.
Video integrated measurement system.
Roentgenographic measurement of atlas laterality and rotation: a retrospective pre- and post-manipulation study.
Conservative and chiropractic treatment of meralgia paresthetica: review and case report.
Treatment of temporomandibular joint syndrome for relief of cervical spine pain: case report.
Survey of chiropractic in Dade County, Florida.
Evaluation of an Appalachian preceptorship orientation program.
Apolipoprotein E levels in vegetarians.
A primary health care project in Sarawak.
Psychiatry in Somalia
The 'unbooked' mother at King Edward VIII Hospital, Durban.
Distribution of biopotentials at acupuncture points in various organic and functional diseases of the nervous system
Antitrust implications of chiropractic Peer Review Committees.
Determination of mercury in homeopathic preparations and medical substances and drugs
Nhova (the myths and the facts).
Clinical analysis of 31 cases of poisoning with Tripterygium wilfordii Hook. f., a Chinese traditional herb medicine
Renal failure due to 2,8-dihydroxyadenine urolithiasis.
Electrostimulation anesthesia in surgery of the retina and vitreous body
Observations of hope.
Chiropractic manipulative therapy in the treatment of headaches: a retrospective and prospective study.
Moire contourography and infrared thermography: changes resulting from chiropractic adjustments.
Computerized paraspinal skin surface temperature scanning: a technical report.
Cephalgia secondary to neuroma in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis: a case report.
Traditional phytotherapy in the Agri Valley, Lucania, southern Italy.
Change in the functional status of the hemostatic system during acupuncture reflexotherapy of late radiation-induced disorders of blood and lymph circulation
Uvulectomy: a surgical procedure within the traditional medicine of Tanzania
Natural products in therapy. Prospects, goals and means in modern research.
Repercussions of certain popular beliefs (witchcraft) on current medical practice
Vegetarian fasting of obese patients: a clinical and biochemical evaluation.
Variation in the choice of treatment in two Mexican communities.
The implications of role expectations for birth assistance among Bariba women.
The logic of well being. Therapeutic narratives in Cairo, Egypt.
Northern Thai health care alternatives. Patient control and the structure of medical pluralism.
Food as medicine and medicine as food. An adaptive framework for the interpretation of plant utilization among the Hausa of Northern Nigeria.
Hospital pharmacy practice in the People's Republic of China.
Folk medicines and acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis.
"Acupuncture therapy in the anesthesia clinic of the University Clinic of Heidelberg"
Analgesic effect of electroacupuncture during surgery of the bile ducts
Subtle cobalamin malabsorption in a vegan patient: evolution into classic pernicious anemia with anti-intrinsic factor antibody.
Chinese traditional medicine: its contribution to physical rehabilitation.
Indications and contraindications for manual therapy in a child orthopedic consultation
Hazards of acupuncture.
Vegetarian diet, lifestyle and blood pressure in two religious populations.
The World Health Organization and traditional medicine.
Why patients go to the traditional healers.
Prevalence of urinary stone disease in vegetarians.
Suppression of the jaw-opening reflex by conditioning a-delta fiber stimulation and electroacupuncture in the rat.
Medicine in China: the continuing revolution - Part II.
Psychiatry in China.
A case of acute interstitial nephritis induced by herb medicines.
Characteristic of analgesia induced by noncatecholic phenylethylamines in mice.
GABA: antagonistic effect on electroacupuncture analgesia and morphine analgesia in the rat.
Estrogen excretion patterns and plasma levels in vegetarian and omnivorous women.
Some pharmacognostical implications of herbal medicine and other forms of medicine involving plants.
Midwife training programs in highland Guatemala.
Integrating western orthodox and indigenous medicine. Professional interests and attitudes among University trained Nigerian physicians.
Typology of health care consumers in Nigeria.
Reflexotherapy in the complex treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers
Sickness and medicine--an African paradigm.
Priests before healers--an appraisal of the iSangoma or iSanusi in Nguni society.
Case studies of indigenous abortion practitioners in rural Bangladesh.
Treatment of neurological syndromes due to intervertebral osteochondrosis
Effectiveness of different methods of reflexotherapy in postneuritic contracture of the mimetic muscles
Andean folk medicine
The selective lipid-lowering effect of vegetarianism on low density lipoproteins in a cross-over experiment.
Effect of opioid peptides, morphine and electroacupuncture on the neuronal activity of the sensorimotor cortex and brain stem reticular formation
Our experience with reflexotherapy in shoulder pain
Psychological factors in acupuncture treatment
Acculturation and stress in a low-income Puerto Rican community.
Herbal remedies of the Maritime Indians: a preliminary screening. Part III.
Herbal folk medicines in Northern India.
Clinical evaluation of a traditional herbal practice in Nigeria: a preliminary report.
Geaster mammosum: a bactericidal fungus used in Himalayan folklore.
An survey: acupuncture should only be done by medical personnel
Young and easily hypnotizable patients respond best to acupuncture therapy
Between wish and will. Reflections on medicine in black Africa
Possible use of acupuncture in increased bronchomotor activity in children with bronchial asthma
Health, disease and health-care in rural Bangladesh.
Penicillin, battery acid and sacrifice. Cures and causes in Nyole medicine.
Hypnosis, autogenic training and acupuncture in the treatment of labile arterial hypertension
Research in acupuncture analgesia in the People's Republic of China today.
Complications of acupuncture
Acupuncture combined with balneotherapy in the treatment of patients with transient disorders of cerebrovascular circulation
The age-sex register in Barbadian family practice.
A preliminary study of the effects of some West Indian medicinal plants on blood sugar levels in the dog.
Hepatitis B due to acupuncture. Report of 7 cases
Acupuncture reflexotherapy in abortion
Effect of Anna Pavala Sindhooram on plasma and aortic lipids in experimental atherosclerosis.
Illness as retribution: a cultural form of self analysis among urban Hawaiian women.
Patients treated by physicians and folk healers: a comparative outcome study in Taiwan.
The scientific basis of acupuncture
Why do people go to chiropractors?
Static and dynamic roentgenography in the diagnosis of degenerative disc disease: a review and comparative assessment.
Video integrated measurement system.
Perspectives in international neurosurgery: neurosurgery in Tianjin, China.
Event-related potential correlates of analgesia; comparison of fentanyl, acupuncture, and nitrous oxide.
Diagnostic and demographic classification of psychiatric patients in Bendel State of Nigeria. A review of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH) psychiatric outpatients' records of 1980.
Diagnosis and therapy via the skin using scientifically unsubstantiated methods
Vitamin B12 deficiency in megaloblastic anemia in vegans
Role of Homeopathy in ophthalmological conditions.
Acupuncture as cause of death
Pharmacognostical studies on the Chinese drug Qin Pi (Cortex fraxini). I. Herbalogical study and identification of original plants
Suppression of adjuvant arthritis by oral administration of oriental herbs II.
Evaluation of acupuncture treatment for neurosensory deafness and deaf-mutism based on 20 years of experience
Acupuncture as a cause of pain
The effect of stimulating somatic afferents on cholera secretion in the rat small intestine.
South American Indians between traditional and modern health services in rural Ecuador.
Atherosclerosis: the role of lipids.
Epidemic hysteria in Gondar City, Western Ethiopia.
Customs and beliefs on neonatal care in a tribal community.
Chemistry of a Nigerian herbal preparation (cow's urine concoction) I.
Transventricular revascularization by laser.
Acupuncture: results of nine months' use in the National Health Service.
Utilization of indigenous healers in national health delivery systems.
Ethnomedicine and biomedicine linking.
Policy and evaluation perspectives on traditional health practitioners in national health care systems.
Policies towards indigenous healers in independent India.
New legal rules for an old art of healing: the case of Zairian Healers' Association.
Biomedical and ethnomedical practice in rural Zaire: contrasts and complements.
Rural health development in Ethiopia. Problems of utilization of traditional healers.
Ghanaian national policy toward indigenous healers. The case of the primary health training for indigenous healers (PRHETIH) program.
Traditional birth attendants among the Annang of Nigeria. Current practices and proposed programs.
Cupping as an indigenous treatment of pain syndromes in the Finnish culture and social context.
Effect of needle reflexotherapy on microcirculation, plasma and platelet hemostasis in ischemic heart disease patients
Tropical medicine: a submerging art?
Prevalence of onchocerciasis in Ile-Ire District, (Ifelodun), Kwara State, Nigeria.
Treatment of discogenic spinal nerve root compression syndromes
Medical practice and orthopedic puzzles in rural Taiwan.
Cysticercosis of the eyelid.
Roles of acupuncture in medicine.
The effect of Davallina Orientalis on bone healing--a preliminary report.
Acupuncture therapy for the treatment of tobacco smoking addiction.
The effects of treatment with antibiotics, laser and acupuncture upon chronic maxillary sinusitis in children.
Effects of acupuncture on serum cortisol level and dopamine beta-hydroxylase activity in normal Chinese.
Volvulus of the small intestine.
Jala Neti' a yoga technique for nasal comfort and hygiene in leprosy patients.
"My child is ill, what shall I do?".
Hazards of traditional uvulectomy in Nigeria.
Some traditional medical systems and practices of global importance.
Anti-inflammatory activity of Indigofera aspalathoides Vahl.
Ethnic and cultural variations in the care of the aged. Hispanic elderly and natural support systems: a special focus on Puerto Ricans.
Hypervitaminosis A unmasked by acute viral hepatitis.
Effect of microwaves on the acupuncture points in rabbits under acute emotional stress
Maximal working capacity of two professional groups in North Sumatra (Indonesia).
Long-lasting cardiovascular depression induced by acupuncture-like stimulation of the sciatic nerve in unanaesthetized spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Traditional traumatology in Upper Volta. Study of the techniques of a bone-setter in Yatenga district (author's transl)

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