Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Ann Allergy. 1982 Jan; 48(1): 44-9.

The bronchodilating effect of acupuncture in patients with acute asthma.

Takishima T, Mue S, Tamura G, Ishihara T, Watanabe K.

The effectiveness of acupuncture therapy for asthmatic patients was studied by continuous monitoring of the respiratory function. Using the forced 5 Hz oscillating technique, the investigators could estimate the change of total respiratory resistance (Rrs) of asthmatic patients throughout their reception of acupuncture therapy. They performed a single-blind study consisting of a placebo acupuncture, a placebo stimulation and real acupuncture therapy For further control of this study, they selected an easily locatable point for needle placement among the many traditional meridian points. In 10 out of 26 acupuncture therapies. Rrs significantly decreased while in only one of 17 placebo treatments did Rrs decrease.

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