Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
March 2025

Bibliography — Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) — 1976

Vitamin D status in different subgroups of British Asians.
The role of folk healers in community mental health services.
Psychological factors and clinical observations in acupuncture analgesia and pain abatement.
Acupuncture analgesia in experimental animals
Acupuncture in daily practice. Headache
Traditional acupuncture. Meridians. Circulation of energy. Chinese points. Comments
Acupuncture as I have seen it in China
Ruptures and thromboses of the vertebral artery following closed mechanical injuries
Cancer and ageing in Ibadan: a sociological analysis.
Manual therapy in spondylogenic headache (author's transl)
Cow's urine poisoning: a public health problem in Nigeria.
Effects of cow's urine concoction on plasma glucose concentration in fasted rats.
Acupuncture in the treatment of bronchial asthma
The Western psychiatrist and his non-western clientele. Transcultural experiences of relevance to psychotherapy with Canadian Indian patients.
Supernatural influence in psychopathology. Puerto Rican folk beliefs about mental illness.
Use of aloe extracts in the treatment of experimental corneal ulcers
Observations of a health and healing system in a Papago community.
Of wine and bottles, old and new: an anthropological perspective on the "new" family physician.
Epistemiologic analysis of homeopathic medicine
Manslaughter by heat stroke. Medical comment.
Isolation of 4 beta-hydroxywithanolide E, a new withanolide from Physalis peruviana L.
Use of autogenic training in combination with acupuncture for treatment in patients with autonomic vascular dystonia in ambulatory conditions
Some pharmacological effects of cow's urine concoction in experimental animals [proceedings].
Needle reflex therapy in some otorhinolaryngeal diseases
Psychotherapeutic function of the South American medicine man
Acupuncture in the People's Republic of China.
A study of acupuncture in adult sensorineural hearing loss.
The effects of electrical acupuncture on human somatosensory evoked potentials and spontaneous brain waves.
Data on the chemical makeup of the horns of the saiga
In both Venezuela and Peru, 'simplified medicine' is goal.
The pharmacist's responsibility to determine limitations on prescribing.
Clinical diagnosis and therapy of chronic stomach diseases
Japan II: Physicians prosper from volume, 3rd party fees.
Modulation of shock-elicited pain by acupuncture and suggestion.
Are long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary in the human diet? [proceedings
Pharmacy practice and pharmaceutical education in the People's Republic of China.
Pain: analysis of syndromes and evaluation of pain
Pain: analysis of syndromes and evaluation of pain described using the angina pectoris model
Studies at the Turin herbarium on the topic of phytotherapy as a substitution of insulin therapy in subjects with juvenile insulin-dependent diabetes
Effects of electrical acupuncture on human somatosensory evoked potentials.
Acupuncture analgesia in veterinary medicine
Acupuncture in ophthalmic surgery
Practical use of cardiac glycosides
Woman dancing dreaming: Psychosocial benefits of the aboriginal outstation movement.
Characteristics of cardiac glycoside treatment of circulatory insufficiency in young children with acute pneumonia
Analytical studies on the active constituents in crude drugs. II. Determination of glycyrrhizin in pharmaceutical preparations including glycyrrhizae radix by high-speed liquid chromatography (author's transl)
Maternal nutrition and traditional food behavior in Haiti.
Vitamin B12 and potential fertility in male lactovegetarians.
Treatment of Taenia saginata infection with mixture of areca nuts and pumpkin seeds.
Serum cholesterol levels of Seventh-day Adventists.
Lymphocyte culture and acupuncture (Proceedings)
In Papua New Guinea, health aides carry medical burden.
Acupuncture and pain.
Acupuncture treatment of post-myositis syndrome.
Tuberculosis and the Aboriginal Territorian.
Chinese Americans and health care.
Traditions, customs and superstitions and their effects on child health in Singapore.
Acupuncture or modern medicine
A comprehensive community approach to rural health problems in developing countries.
Vegetarianism; the new view.
The consumer movement: the implications for psychiatric care.
The traditional birth attendant and neonatal tetanus: the Malaysian experience.
Iroquois herbalism: the past 100 years.
Health practice at the technologic/folk interface: witchcraft as a culture-specific diagnosis.
Letter: Tetrahydrocannabinol and chemotherapy.
Acupuncture laws updated.
Acupuncture analgesia in the dental region
Acupuncture therapy. Comparative values in acute and chronic pain.
Nurses' study tour of China.
Traditional medicinal plants used in the treatment of malaria and fevers in Papua New Guinea.
Concepts of mental illness amongst the rural Xhosa people in South Africa.
Taboo and Malay tradition.
Psychiatry in Bali.
An electromagnetic theory of acupuncture.
The accumulation of bioelectrical energy.
Gingivectomy using acupuncture analgesia: a case report.
Acupuncture and endodontics--a review and preliminary study.
Letter: Acupuncture.
Pharmacological studies on Chinese herb medicines. III Analgesic effect of 27 Chinese herb medicine
Medicine in China
Psychophysiologic effects of acute cannabis smoking in long-term users.
Too much psychiatry?
Acupuncture: oriental painkilling technique.
Observations of alcoholics in the peyote ritual: a pilot study.
Acupuncture--ancient myth or modern modality (first of a series).
What is mesotherapy?
Orodental mesotherapy
Complementary ideas on acupuncture in odonto-stomatology
Diagnostic possibilities of electro-acupuncture in dentistry
Acupuncture analgesia in jaw region
First experience with electro-acupuncture analgesia in dental and jaw surgery area
L-Dopa discoverer Birkmayer "unmasks" acupunture
Transcutaneous neural stimulation (TNS) in chronic pain in patients with temporomandibular joint disorders. A clinical report
Therapeutic acupuncture in trigeminal neuralgia
Acupuncture analgesia for open heart surgery (author's transl)
Incidence of prolonged pain relief following acupuncture.
Field study on the measurement of conductivity values in electroacupuncture. Precision and the relation to other values
The so-called drug test in electroacupuncture
Subcutaneous electrical stimulation (acupuncture) in the clinical practice of physical medicine.
Acupuncture effect on neurosensory deafness.
Experimental studies on electric acupuncture therapy. (4) Studies of the spike wave
EEG, 5-HTP-metabolism and acupuncture.
Outpatient heroin detoxification with acupuncture and staplepuncture.
Acupuncture in rheumatology
Electrical stimulation in the relief of pain: a pilot study.
Precious gems--early medicine for the rich.
Tivadar Bakody, Hungarian Professor of nature medicine and homeopathy
Not Available
On the transmission of Indian pharmaceutical knowledge to physicians.
The herbal in the healing arts.
Medicinal plants in Tsarist Russia.
The origin of Chinese folk medicine.
Delivery in the XVIIIth century: traditional customs and medical control. (Fre).
The history and traditional treatment of smallpox in the Sudan.
Madstones in North Carolina.
Valentine Greatrakes, a seventeenth-century "touch-doctor".
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Folk medical recipes in nineteenth-century American farm journals.
Veterinary folk medicine in Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania.
Rational powwowing: an examination of choice among medical alternatives in rural York County, Pennsylvania.
Not Available.
Not Available
Not Available
Nutritive content of college meals. II. Lipids.
Spastic eversion of the upper eyelids.
Letter: Chiropractic.
Editorial: Regulating acupuncture in Nevada.
Acupuncture in Nevada, second report.
Psychiatry and folk healing: a dichotomy?
Editorial: Peripartum cardiac failure.
Complications of acupuncture (author's transl)
Acupuncture therapy in side effects of pneumoencephalography
Antitussive activity of some naturally occurring cannabinoids in anesthetized cats.
Cases of enuresis nocturna treated with single reflexotherapy. Clinical and therapeutic evaluation
The interrelationship of traditional medicine and modern medicine in the developing world.
The physician-patient relationship in reflexo-therapeutic medicine
Possibilities of the use of acupuncture in psychiatric diseases
Some hematochemical changes during acupuncture. Preliminary report
Reflexotherapy (acupuncture) in the treatment of ulcer caused by venous stasis of the lower extremities
Lumbosciatica and Nogier's auriculotherapy. Consideration on 50 cases
Chiropractors - healers or quacks? Part 2. How chiropractors can help or harm
Chronic hashish use and mental disorder.
Acupuncture analgesia and radiant-heat pain: a signal-detection analysis.
The results of therapeutic acupuncture in a pain clinic.
Treatment of headache pain with auto-acupressure.
Folklore and food habits.
Letter: Debate on THX
Action of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on ophthalmotonus
Podophyllum-a dangerous laxative.
Pathophysiology of pain (author's transl)
The chiropractor--able to cure or a charlatan?
Hypnotic procedures and surgery: a critical analysis with applications to "acupuncture analgesia".
Changes in burning pain threshold induced by acupuncture in man.
Letter: Chiropractor in medical school.
The challenge of the co-existence of orthodox and traditional medicine in nigeria.
The recipients and results of acupuncture.
Neurologic lesions following chiropractic measurements of the spine
Letter: Management of facial pain and headache using acupuncture.
A cervical spinal cord injury following chiropractic manipulation.
Important information to physicians about acupuncture
Letter: induction of labor by electro-acupuncture
Legal and health political aspects of phytotherapy
Magic health methods in Nepal
Chiropractic and x-ray diagnosis
Use of BIO-1 apparatus for acupuncture in facial neuritis
The role of Chinese medicine in New York City's Chinatown. 1.
The effects of acupuncture needling on the evoked responses of brain, spinal cord and muscle in man.
Temperature measurements and photoelectric plethysmography in the evaulation of acute and long-term effects of acupuncture upon vasomotor activity of hand skin: a methodological study.
D.C. skin conductance variation at acupuncture loci.
Acupuncture tonification: adjunct in psychiatric rehabilitation.
Three essential factors in effective acupunture therapy.
Chapter III Acupuncture and moxibustion loci in the pig and their applications.
The dilemmas of child health care in tropical Africa.
Physical therapy in the treatment of headache
The "cervical syndrome".
Current status of acupuncture anesthesia in China
Alternative medicine: acupuncture.
Signal detection theory and the psychophysics of pain: an introduction and review.
Localization of central structures involved in descending inhibitory effect of acupuncture on viscero-somatic reflex discharges.
Acupuncture and sensorineural hearing loss: a review.
Editorial: Psychiatry 1976: time for a holistic medicine.
Serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels in Australian adolescent vegetarians.
Some views on gastrointestinal illness in childhood--1976.
Medicines developed from hashish
Experimental investigations on the influence upon the chemical carcinogenesis. IIIrd communication: studies with 1,2-dimethylhydrazine.
Acupuncture and transcutaneous electric stimulation in the treatment of chronic sacrolumbalgia and ischialgia.
Treatment of low back pain with acupuncture.
A theoretical explanation for acupuncture or how i cured my back by massaging my foot.
Popular medical health education in the mid 18th century
The response to acupuncture therapy in patients with chronic disabling pain.
Acupuncture in chronic pain.
Transcutaneous electrical stimulation and acupuncture: comparison of treatment for low-back pain.
Observations on the analgesic effects of needle puncture (acupuncture).
Acupuncture and chronic pain mechanisms.
An American travesty.
Alternative medicine: radionics.
Alternative medicine: Kirlian photography.
Alternative medicine: therapeutic touch.
Effects of marijuana extract and tetrahydrocannabinol on electroencephalographic sleep patterns.
Problems of acupuncture utilization in current medicine
Gate mechanisms in relation to the analgesic action of acupuncture
Morphological substrate of antalgia and analgesia in the odontostomatological and facial area
Acupuncture and relaxation
Acupuncture and pain mechanisms (author's transl)
Folk-medicine, supernatural cures and medical science
Folk-medicine and supernatural cures. A study in the Alta region
Traditional medical beliefs and the choice of practitioners in a Philippine city.
Carcinogenicity of Camellia sinensis (tea) and some tannin-containing folk medicinal herbs administered subcutaneously in rats.
Naloxone blockade of acupuncture analgesia: endorphin implicated.
Studies on the mechanisms of abortion induction by Trichosanthin.
Medicine a century ago.
Toward a theory of human disease.
Letter: Angina and vegetarian diet.
Meeting the three major needs of the dying patient.
Surgery in an African hospital
The manuscript of Joseph Dind
Diet and prolactin release.
A preliminary investigation of the mechanism of anti-pain and counter-injury effects of the acupuncture anaesthesia.
Electro-acupunture and endogenous morphines.
Present-day obstetrics
Early uses of poison oak.
An inhalation aerosol of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol.
Comparative evaluation of local 02 consumption in lumbar sympathetic infiltration as compared with acupuncture
Diseases of the cardiovascular system Hypertension--II.
Traditional medical beliefs and practices in the city of Timbuctoo.
Stimulation-produced analgesia.
Minerva riflessoterapeutica
Epilepsy in folk medicine in Slovakia
The herbs and the heart.
Ergotism: the satan loosed in Salem?
Acupuncture for chronic shoulder pain. An experimental study with attention to the role of placebo and hypnotic susceptibility.
Acupuncture in the United States, 1836.
Chiropractors, healers or quacks?
Acupuncture in modern medicine
Ferenc Hausmann
American children and the "Children of Nature".
American pediatric writings of the 18th century.
Homeopathic influence in the Delaware community: a retrospective reassessment.
The treatment of asthma in children through acupuncture massage.
The scientific method and acupuncture research.
Neurology and the locomotor system: aspects of manual therapy
Medicine among the ancient Maya.
Tolerance to marijuana-induced tachycardia in man.
Drug therapy in colonial and revolutionary America.
Acupuncture analgesia in China (author's transl)
Diet therapy in the U.S. in the past 200 years. A Bicentennial study.
Acupuncture in Ante-Bellum Tennessee.
Notes on medical history: acupuncture.
Types of anticancer agents isolated from plants.
Distribution of anticancer activity in higher plants.
Plant products in cancer chemotherapy.
History of the National Cancer Institute and the plant screening program.
Magical medicine in Viking Scandinavia.
Astrology, demonology and therapeutic prejudices in legal and forensic medicine during the Renaissance
Development of neurosurgical treatment of chronic painful syndromes
Modification of cardiovascular function in dogs by acupuncture: a review.
The influence of folk medicine on medical education in Slovakia in the 18th century
Effect of acupuncture on the pain perception thresholds of human teeth.
Therapeutic technics in chronic headache without organic cause
Chinese acupuncture. Example of an epistemologic analysis of the encounter between oriental philosophic imagination and western scientific control
Epistemologic analysis of homeopathic medicine
The professionalization of medicine in a provincial Iranian town.
Chinese acupuncture. Example of epistemiologic analysis on the encounter between philosophic oriental immagination and scientific western control
Early Hawaiian uses of medicinal plants in pregnancy and childbirth.
A new viewpoint in medicine: the homeopathic theory
Comparative effects of acupuncture and transcutaneous stimulation on the perception of painful dental stimuli.
Role of the reticular formation in responses to noxious stimulation.
Alabama medicine in 1776.
Another look at the chiropractor.
Clinical and experimental studies on "general attack therapy" of ureteral stones.
Acupuncture anesthesia for open heart operation under extracorporeal circulation.
Drugs derived from cannabinoids. 2. Basic esters of nitrogen and carbocyclic analogs.
The sedative effect of the Kneipp hay sack and balneological preparations of hay (author's transl)
The scientific site of acupuncture
Failure of acupuncture anesthesia. A psychophysical study (author's transl)
Letter: Questions on acupuncture. M�nch. med. Wschr. 117 (1975) 1861
Sure cures for influenza.
Drug dependence in the animal model. Therapy of the drug withdrawal syndrome using ear electroacupuncture
Effects of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol and pentobarbital on a cortical response evoked during conditioning.
How woman and child health work is promoted in our county.
Nutritional osteodystrophy in captive green iguanas (Iguana iguana).
Traditional Chinese medicine balanced anesthesia for open heart surgery. A preliminary report of 50 cases.
Acute and chronic effects of morphine and acupuncture on thalamic and limbic activity.
Possible physiological bases for acupuncture analgesia.
Kiganda concepts of pregnancy.
Combined acupuncture analgesia and controlled respiration. A new modified method of anesthesia in open heart surgery (author's transl)
Recent observations on medicine and health work in New China.
Cranial acupuncture in the treatment of spasticity. Clinical results
Cranial acupuncture in the treatment of spasticity. Neurophysiological findings
Primary results of the reflexotherapy in the syndrome of irritable colon. Preliminary note5
Neurosurgery in Rhodesia.
Chiropractitioner--faith-healing or quackery?
Acupuncture and addiction: an overview.
Inhibition of the cardiovascular effects of acupuncture (moxibustion) by phentolamine in dogs during halothane anesthesia.
Acupuncture loci: a proposal for their classification according to their relationship to known neural structures.
Letter: The National Institutes of Health grants peer review study team.
Letter: Acupuncture research in the USSR.
Millenial therapeutic continuity. Justification of the ancient use of (white) hellebore by the discoveries of modern psychopharmacology
Impressions of psychiatry in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Taiwan.
Letter: Thiamine in vegetarian diets.
Inhibition of the cardiovascular effects of acupuncture (moxibustion) by propranolol in dogs during halothane anaesthesia.
Treatment in China.
A survey of mental health services in the Eastern Mediterranean countries.
General discussion of drug therapy in dystonia.
Treatment of obesity by acupuncture.
Letter: Acupuncture.
Bacterial vaccines in childhood asthma: from folklore to reality
An analysis of the subjective marijuana experience.
Reflexotherapy (acupuncture) in painful facial syndromes. Preliminary note
Experimental studies on electric acupuncture therapy. (3) Effect of polarity on electric needle stimulation
Drugs derived from cannabinoids. 4. Effect of alkyl substitution in sulfur and carbocyclic analogs.
Electro-acupuncture's influence on the closure mechanism of the female urethra in incontinence.
The bus-stop dispenser.
"Acupuncture anesthesia"--a clinical study.
Erythrocyte vitamin B12 activity in healthy Indian lactovegetarians.
Alternative medicine: osteopathy.
Use of acupuncture in lumbosacral radiculitis
Modification of experimental pain by acupuncture
Experiments of electro-acupuncture-analgesia during delivery (author's transl)
Resolving health plan member disputes.
Resolving health plan/member disputes.
Acupunctural analgesia in labor. Preliminary study
Cavendish lecture 1975. Herbs that heal.
Tumor inhibitors. 114. Aloe emodin: antileukemic principle isolated from Rhamnus frangula L.
Interpretation of disease in primitive cultures
Herb use and necrodegenerative hepatitis.
Poisoning associated with witchdoctor attendance.
Traditional and western medicine in Africa: collaboration or confrontation?
Observations on acupuncture.
On the mechanism of action of acupuncture analgesia (author's transl)
Clinical and experimental results with acupuncture-analgesia (author's transl)
Combined acupuncture-analgesia as a method in general anesthesia (author's transl)
Changes of bloodchemical parameters of healthy volunteers under influence of acupuncture (author's transl)
On the application of electric stimulation currents in operations. Concept of a clinically applicable device (author's transl)
Observations on the course of leucocytes in cardiac surgery under acupuncture-analgesia (author's transl)
Electrical stimulation anaesthesia in abdominal surgery in special consideration of selective proximal vagotomie (author's transl)
Letter: Acupuncture analgesia.
Perichondritis of the ear as a complication of acupuncture.
Effect of long-term algic stimuli on the intensity of hypalgesia induced by acupuncture
Some experiences with acupuncture in the treatment of chronic pain.
Acupuncture re-evaluated by Canadian team.
Acupuncture, Theory and practice
Folk medicine, experience therapy, a component of modern therapeutics?
Treatment of primary chronic polyarthritis in special cases
Letter: Manual therapy of neck and back trouble
Miracle doctors in the Philippines Islands
Courts severely restrict Lansing chiropractors: report from the MSMS Government Relations staff.
Acupuncture in bronchial obstruction--bodyplethysmographic measurements (author's transl)
Internalizing and externalizing medical belief systems: an Ethiopian example.
Some problems in the hospital management of criminal mental patients.
Treatment of acute herpes zoster with acupuncture and sympathetic blocks. A controlled study
Induction of labor by acupuncture electro-stimulation.
Acupuncture for several functional disorders. Part I.
ECT and Acu-EST in the treatment of depression.
A new technique for the insertion of acupuncture needles.
Acupuncture needles: a "new" foreign body in the ear.
Assessment of acupuncture as a method of analgesia during operation.
Pseudobattering in Vietnamese children.
A case of veno-occlusive disease of the liver in Britain associated with herbal tea consumption.
The complications of acupuncture.
Atherosclerosis in Tokyo
Acupuncture therapy.
Demythification of acupuncture anesthesia.
Effects of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol on social behaviour in mice: comparison between two vehicles.
Application of acupuncture to the treatment of herpes zoster
Experimental study on the anesthetic effect of acpuncture. 1. Preliminary experiment in man
Acupuncture and hypnotizability
Coyote rib as an urethral dilator.
Acupuncture without the puncture.
"Pseudo-battered child" syndrome.
Medical treatment in Menière's disease (author's transl)
Causes of blindness among students in blind school institutions in a developing country.
Lisu curing: a case history.
Effect of acupuncture on bronchial asthma.
Folk healers as associate therapists.
Clinical evaluation of acupuncture in 129 patients.
From N-doep to psychodrama
The waxwing Bombycilla garrulus as a frugivorous feeding specialist (author's transl)
Effect of an indigenous drug (Speman) on accessory reproductive functions of mice.
Breast cancer and use of rauwolfia and other antihypertensive agents in hypertensive patients: a nationwide case-control study in Finland.
The pathogenesis and management of cervical vertigo (author's transl)
Zinc in selected hospital diets. Comparison of analysis vs. calculation.
The chiropractic patient: psychosocial aspects.
Acupuncture therapy in patients with chronic disabling pain.
Phallus aurantiacus from Nigeria.
Use of acupuncture for stimulation of the contractile activity of the uterus
The influence of acupuncture stimulation on plasma levels of LH, FSH, progesterone and estradiol in normally ovulating women.
Acupuncture treatment of drug dependence in Pakistan.

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