Anaesthesist. 1976 May; 25(5): 239-45.
[On the application of electric stimulation currents in operations. Concept of a clinically applicable device (author's transl)]
With the use of high voltage electric currents in patients who initally have been anaesthetised, the anaesthesiologist faces new aspects. For this reason basic principles of physical medicine and medical engineering with respect to special problems are described. The majority of impulses current generators used so far do not even comply with the first principal requirement of any therapy namely knowledge of the dose of the agent applied. A system for electric currents crossing the body is outlined, which is characterized by constant current and isovoltage-free outlets in connection with a special ECG-amplifier and a control pattern. This apparatus for the first time guarantees maximal safety in clinical use. First animal experiments demonstrate the possibility of the risk if this method is applied in a inexperienced manner: in all animals ventricular fibrillation could be achieved when the electrodes were used in a position near the heart and there appeared to occur nonspecific reactions when current was directed through the brain (ear acupuncture)
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