Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Thermal Precipitation Analyzed

Journal/Book: SCIENCE June 4 1954 Vol. 119 No. 3101 page 816. 1954;

Abstract: Engineering Experiment Station Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta Received April 2 1954 I read with considerable interest the communication of B. W. Wright (1). It would be difficult for us to measure directly the amount of heat transferred to the cold plate since there is very little change in the temperature of our cooling water. Also owing to losses to the surroundings the amount of heat utilized is only a fraction of the power input. However we can arrive at a figure for the required power input from a conductivity calculation. If suitable values are inserted into the conductivity equation Q = kAt/x where Q is the amount of heat transferred k is the mean thermal conductivity of air A is the area of the heated surface and t/x is the temperature gradient the value obtained for the power input of a typical run was 6.1 w. The total electric power input was 78 w. This run was with MgO smoke at 600 ml/min a spacing of 0.010 in. and gave a deposit 3.9 cm in diameter. I have derived an equation that describes the operation of this type of precipitator by utilizing the equation for the thermal force given by Epstein (2) and confirmed by Saxton and Ranz (3). ... ___MH

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