The number of therapeutic sessions in logopedic care: A description and analysis |
, , ,Journal/Book: Folia Phoniatr Logopaed. 2000; 52: Allschwilerstrasse 10, CH-4009 Basel, Switzerland. Karger. 239-250.
Abstract: The aim of this study was (i) to describe the number of therapeutic sessions in logopedic care in the Netherlands and (ii) to analyse which factors determine the number of sessions. An analysis was performed on a data set of 517 patients who received logopedic treatment. Data concerning patient characteristics, medical diagnosis, logopedic diagnosis (in terms of impairments, disabilities and handicaps) and the number of sessions were available. The mean number of sessions was 17.2 (SD 10.7). In a multivariate analysis 19.4% of the total amount of variance in the number of sessions was explained; impairments were the only significant determinant. Language development impairments, aural impairments and impairments of auditory functions were associated with a relatively large number of sessions; impairments in reading and writing were associated with relatively few sessions. Recommendations for the design of future studies on the optimal number of sessions are derived from these findings.
Note: Article Hofhuis H, Netherlands Inst Primary Hlth Care, POB 1568, NL-3500 BN Utrecht, NETHERLANDS
Keyword(s): logopedics; amount; session; international classification of impairments; disabilities and handicaps; TREATMENT EFFICACY; LANGUAGE THERAPY; SPEECH; DISABILITIES; METAANALYSIS; IMPAIRMENTS; DISORDERS; HANDICAPS; CHILDREN
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