Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Behandlung von Schmerzzuständen an Gelenken mit Antihomotoxika

Abstract: Rheumatic types of diseases are by far the most frequently occurring diseases of mankind. At least four percent of the world's population are affected by these diseases. Despite the variety of the manifestations, the treatment of rheumatic diseases is concentrated on two goals: suppression of inflammation and relief of pain.Crucial for the development of pain are the biochemical changes of the proteoglycans and glycosamines, which form the network structure of the matrix. By a "scorification", the pH proportions are changed to an acidoticstate. The shifting of the projected physiological status of the matrix to a pathological gel status caused by acidosis' results in gelotic swellings.A controlled, randomized, multicentric equivalence study, which has been carried out during the last year, showed that the tablet preparation Zeel comp. has a similar efficacy as Diclofenac during the long-term therapy of gonarthrosis.With the help of the antihomotoxic therapy it was possible for the first time, to prove that the effect of antihomotoxic preparations is as good as the effect of allopathic preparations. The further integration of these preparations into supplemental naturopathic procedures like "Homöosiniatrie" often leads to an astronishing therapeutic success.On the one hand, we present the results of the clinical study and on the other hand we also show, that it is possible to integrate antihomotoxic preparations into a treatment with "Homöosiniatrie".

Keyword(s): Rheumatische Schmerzzustände

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