Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Paraspezifische Vaccine2 - eine neue Art von Impfstoffen zur Regulation von Dysfunktionen in verschiedenen Körpersystemen

Abstract: The combination preparation Conpind is made from an attenuated and inactivated parapoxvirus (ORF virus, strain 1701) and an attenuated and inactivated avipox virus (fowlpox virus, strain HP1). The preparation, which is harmless for humans and animals, even in case of repeated or continuous parenteral application, was tested with respect to its regulatory effects as a paraspecific vaccine. In humans, the vaccine regulated pathologically elevated or suppressed immune parameters in the physiological area; normal values remained within the normal range despite considerable fluctuations. In general, humans treated with the vaccine (patients with widely varying immune status and clinical symptoms) almost always exhibited clinically noticeable enhancement of their health status and in many cases ceased to be depressive. In mice, the vaccine treatment leg to an increase both in leukocyte rolling and Adherence. In contrast the vaccine decreased rolling and Adherence of leukocytes in endotoxin-exposed mice. In horses, the vaccine prophylaxis prevented a rise cortisol resulting from transport stress.

Keyword(s): Conpind

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