Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Osteoporose durch chronisch alimentäre Säurebelastung

Abstract: Primary osteoporosis, whose etiology is to a large extent unknown until today, is -according to my findings obviously based an a chronically latent metabolic acidosis. This causes the disintegration of the solid bone substance (hydroxylapatite) as well as a suppression of the anabolic bone metabolism. Estrogen deficiency (postmenopausal) and immobilization are known to be partial factors of primary osteoporosis. A chronic acid load of the whole organism can be traced back to a nutrition with food and beverages which are acidic and which react acidic. These are mainly dairy products (which contain much lactic acid), Soft drinks (which contain much citric acid, phosphoric acid etc.), coffee (which contains chlorogenic acid), and proteins (cationic and sulfurated amino acids produce acidic hydrogen ions [H+-Ions]. Another important acidification takes place in the large intestine, when the intestinal flora ferments carbohydrates to carboxylic acids in the large intestine by a loss of resorption in the small intestine. Surplus acids have to be predominantly buffered in the organism and discharged through the kidney and lung, to maintain the vital pHvalues of biological liquids within the narrow physiologic limits. This happens via the phosphate buffer (HP04 = H2POa), via the glutamine/ammonium buffer system, via bicarbonate ions, and via free H+-Ions.An average acid load of mixed diet common in Central Europe and North America produces about 60 to 100 mM of H+-ions each day. The phosphate buffer eliminates about 28 % of these H+-ions. This amounts to about 0.9 g of phosphorus, which is discharged via the kidneys and gets lost for the body.This is opposed by an average daily taking up of phosphorus of 0.8 to 1.4 g. So an average organism burdened with acid already uses the biggest part of the phosphate taken up with food, to stabilize the acid-base balance. During phosphate deficiency, there is an inevitable release of the mineral reserves stored in the bones. Hydroxylapatite crystals, which form the mineral solid bone substance are resolved and release calcium and Phosphate with a ratio of 5 : 3. The anabolic bone metabolism is subject to a suppression, because altogether eight bases are necessary for the precipitation of apatite crystals, which can only be partly realized in a metabolism that tends to be acidic. If this process continues, which is today the case in most people who are malnourished and overacidified, the clinical picture of primary osteoporosis will develop gradually under a chronic, undiagnosed acidotic metabolic condition. Several scientific studies show, that the incidence of osteoporosis in ethnic populations, where a lot of meat and diary products is eaten, is much higher than in populations with a mainly or totally vegetarian diet, which is low in calcium.

Keyword(s): Osteoporose

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