Körper; Seele, Geist und das Phänomen des Lebens |
Abstract: It was about 30 years ago, that Dr. Lothar Göring, Dr. Harry Lamers and other scientists received documents for examination about the structure of the universe which were thousands of years old. According to these documents, the universe consists of cubic-shaped static units, in which prestellar mass and kinetic energy = tachyons are present. During the irradiation of tachyons into the prestellar mass, muon neutrinos develop. Tachyons and muon neutrinos have the form of a double pyramid. All other particles, our universe consists of, are constructed of them (e.g. quarks, electrons, atoms). According to Göring's opinion, all kinds of energy, as for example kinetic, potential, elastic, electric or magnetic energy, consist of electron neutrinos; this is also true for the energy, which makes life possible, the so-called "ionization energy".
Keyword(s): Würfelförmige statische Einheiten
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