Medicus, quo vadis?Kritische Analyse und notwendige Kurskorrektur |
Abstract: The beginning of the 3rd millenium is an occasion to check the goals of the so called "modern medicine". Why is there a crisis, and what should be the new goals?The main areas of this crisis are discussed: Ethics and morals, the enormous costs caused by "modern medicine", and its reliability. Why aren't physicians healthier than the population?Are basic approaches and strategies wrong? The population is more medicine dependant (even disease prone) than ever before. Is the situation hopeless, or are only the basic approaches wrong? Is medicine a science, or more a type of a doctrine?Critically considered are the hierachical structure with "medicine popes", "ruling schools of medicine" and "ruling medical doctrines", and the heavy handed and persistent resistance against new, effective therapies, curing chronic diseases which were designated incurable up to now. Is it failure to render aid, to know about a healing therapy, not to apply it?Object of criticism, too, is the arrogance of physicians, who regard themselves as rulers having power over life and death, and who think the Creation to be imperfect, which they now champion to improve.To serve the health of the population - or to profit by the diseases of the population - which will be the goal of the so called "modern medicine" for the 3rd millenium?True medicine maintains the health of the population and controls and maintains their perfect reproduction in their offsprings. The future will belong to a synthesis of high civilization and health - for or against the "modern medicine".
Keyword(s): 3. Jahrtausend
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