Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Ungewöhnliche VerIäufe bei verschiedenen Tumorentitäten*

Abstract: A tumor, which has once developed, continues to grow, if no therapy is carried out. This still is a popular opinion, which can be heard very often. Many years of observation prove something different: A tumor, even a cancer tumor, no matter of which kind, does not show a steady and uniform growth; it rather grows in episodes of different duration and in intervals, which differ in length. This was clearly made aware to me, when about ten years ago, in the case of a female patient with pleuropulmonary metastasis of a mammary cancer Tamoxifen had to be discontinued due to severe gastrointestinal side-effects. There was no further tumor growth, as I had feared in the beginning. Further x-ray examinations, in the beginning carried out anxiously and in short term, afterwards in larger intervals, showed no tumor growth - for a period of four years. This was by no means an isolated case, when critically assessing many courses. The resulting question is, what causes a tumor to grow, what causes it not to grow? Is it possible, that genetic, toxic, or nutritional factors are responsible, or does it depend on the life of these people, i.e. psychosocial factors. It is only since I have accepted the possibility of spontaneous remission in oncology, that I notice it more often. In this article I report about ten patients with tumor entities, where unusual courses of diseases (partly spontaneous remissions) were observed. In addition to oncologic therapies which are accepted today (surgery, radiation, therapy with cytostatic agents, hormone therapy, special immunotherapy), most patients had received an additional psychotherapeutic or psychosocial therapy. There should be a discussion about possible causes of these unusual courses of diseases.

Keyword(s): Onkologie

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