Self-mutilating behavior as a dysfunctional coping strategy - An Internet-based survey |
Journal/Book: Z Klin Psychol Psychiatr Psyc. 1999; 47: Postfach 2540, W-4790 Paderborn, Germany. Verlag Ferdinand Schoningh. 386-398.
Abstract: The aim of the study was to assess characteristics of self-mutilating behavior as well as factors of vulnerability and to screen for comorbid disorders (SCL-90-R, DIS-Q, FAPK 1,3). 101 individuals (90 women) mostly from the United Stares and Europe took part in the internet-based study. Mean age was 27; 74% had received psychotherapy. On average they started to mutilate themselves at age 14, mainly by cutting their wrists. 73% reported traumatic life events -65% sexual abuse during childhood. The testscales show extreme deficits of reality-orientation, affect-regulation, social competence and a dissociative coping style. Implications for treatment are deduced from these results and from the analysis of conditions which precede and maintain self-mutilating behavior.
Note: Article Teegen F, Univ Hamburg, Psychol Inst 3, Von Melle Pk 5, D-20146 Hamburg, GERMANY
Keyword(s): DISORDER
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