Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

The relevance of new neurobiological findings for psychoanalytical concepts of obsessive-compulsive-disorder

Journal/Book: Z Psychosom Med Psychoanal. 1999; 45: Theaterstrasse 13, Postfach 77, W-37070 Gottingen, Germany. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 31-38.

Abstract: Under a psychoanalytic view, the etiological relevance of neurobiological models of obsessive-compulsive-disorder is discussed referring pharmacological and behavioral therapeutic options. From the beginnings of clinical psychoanalytic research, neurobiological correlates were considered for the understanding of obsessive-compulsive-disorder. However, within etiological psychoanalytic models those correlative biological markers have not the status of monocausal independend variables. New biological findings regarding obsessive-compulsive-disorder can also be integrated in psychoanalytic concepts without renunciation of the significance; of unconscious processes and an interaction oriented approach. Insight and symptom oriented therapies are characterized with regard to necessary further research and to their complementary benefits.

Note: Article Franz M, Univ Dusseldorf, Klin Inst Psychosomat Med & Psychotherapie, Moorenstr 5, D-40225 Dusseldorf, GERMANY

Keyword(s): obsessive-compulsive-disorder; neurobiological models; psychoanalytic models; therapeutic options

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