Health concerns of adults: Qualitative data of the bridge to health survey |
,Journal/Book: Am J Health Behav. 1999; 23: PO Box 4593, Star City, WV 26504-4593, USA. Png Publications. 163-171.
Abstract: Objective: To examine health concerns of Midwestern adults as part of regional health planning. Method: Randomly selected households received mailed surveys. Responses (n = 2,209) to open-ended questions about most important health concerns were analyzed. Results: Insurance costs/access and high cost of health care were most-cited health concerns. Differences were found in identification of community and state/nation concerns and in urban versus rural residence. Conclusion: Qualitative results Identified different health priorities than those revealed by quantitative measures of health status and behavior in the same survey. Analysis of residents' health concerns has potential to improve community health planning.
Note: Article Block DE, Univ Minnesota, Sch Nursing, 135 Campus Ctr, 10 Univ Dr, Duluth,MN 55812 USA
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