Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Tales from the Therapy Room

Author(s): Hibben, Julie

Journal/Book: Inside Music Therapy: Client Experiences. 1999; Gilsum, NH. Barcelona. 267-276.

Abstract: Dorit interviewed three clients (of three different therapists) amd presents their words under topics that emerged as meaningful. ben, a recently paralyzed 20-year-old in a rehabilitaion center, talks about how song-writing in a small group encouraged group members to say things they would not ordinarily say. Karen, a middle-aged music therapist, describes the life impact of the imagery she experienced while listening to music in therapy. Lyn, a midlife secretary about to remarry, decribes imrpovisation in her private sessions.

Keyword(s): meaningful moments. qualitative research. improvisation. song-writing. Guided Imagery and Music. Narrative. Clients' perspective

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