Der PAN-Effekt(Plazebo-Anti-Nozebo-Effekt)Ein gekoppelter Wirkmechanismus nebenwirkungsarmer medizinischer Therapeutika |
Abstract: We want to show a coupled effect mechanism generated by the two phenomenons of Placebo and Anti Nocebo Effect. This mechanism we called PAN-effect (Placebo Anti Nocebo Effect). lt causes an additional amplification of low-side effect therapies possibly superior to conventional medical methods in relation to chronical diseases and diffuse health disturbances.Thereby the power of imagination does a central role in this effect mechanism that orginates from the two elementary factors trust and anti distrust.The PAN-effect entering into medical thinking could make a contribution to a change of paradigm in the future.
Keyword(s): Plazebo-Effekt, Nozebo-Effekt, PAN-Effekt, Umweltkrankheiten, nebenwirkungsarme Therapien
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