Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Suicide, homicide and crime in Ireland: What are the relationships?

Author(s): Kelleher, M. J., Corcoran, P.

Journal/Book: Arch Suicide Res. 1997; 3: Spuiboulevard 50, PO Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, Netherlands. Kluwer Academic Publ. 53-64.

Abstract: The relationship between suicide and homicide has long been of interest. It has often been written that the two are inversely related though more recent reports, especially from North America, suggest that the two vary in parallel. In 1970, Kendell hypothesised that suicide and homicide should be inversely related. This study tested this prediction in an Irish context by examining the suicide and homicide rates of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland for the years 1950-1990. The results suggest that, in general, suicide and homicide are positively related and that the inverse relationship hypothesis is limited to periods when a society is in a war-like situation. There is a positive relationship between suicide and indictable crime in both countries, more so in the Republic of Ireland. In light of these findings a new hypothesis is proposed that, in general society, suicide, homicide and indictable crime are positively related and reflect the level of disorder in society.

Note: Article Kelleher MJ, Natl Suicide Res Fdn, 1 Perrott Ave, Coll Rd, Cork, IRELAND


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