Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

A time series analysis of daily hassles and mood changes in the 3 days before the migraine attack

Author(s): Maassen, G. H., Spierings, E. L. H.

Journal/Book: Behav Med. 1996; 22: 1319 Eighteenth St NW, Washington, DC 20036-1802. Heldref Publications. 103-113.

Abstract: Daily hassles, mood changes, and sleep quality in the 3 days preceding migraine attacks were prospectively studied and compared with migraine-free control days. Nineteen female migraine patients, aged 20 to 49 years, kept a 10-week diary four times per day and produced complete data: on daily hassles (incidence and stressfulness), mood (alert, tense, irritable, annoyed, depressed, and tired), sleep quality, and migraine. Significant results indicated increased hassles, particularly in the 24 premigraine hours; psychological arousal (increased irritability, annoyance, and tenseness), predominantly from 60 to 24 hours before the attack; repeated fatigue in the 60 premigraine hours, with a peak immediately before the attack; and a sharp decrease in sleep quality in the night preceding the attack. The authors also found that those attacks that came on during phases of heightened activity-particularly in the afternoon-were preceded by more substantial and more significant elevations of hassles and psychological arousal than were attacks that occurred during unwinding phases, particularly at night.

Note: Article Sorbi MJ, Univ Utrecht, Dept Clin & Hlth Psychol, Heidelberglaan 1, NL-3584 Cs Utrecht, NETHERLANDS

Keyword(s): daily hassles; migraine; moods; sleep; HEADACHE

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