Neuraltherapie und Akupunktur bei Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen |
Abstract: In the case of cardiac and circulatory diseases, neural therapy and acupuncture have to be considered primarily as a complementary therapy. Under certain conditions, both fields of application can be a causal therapy. E. g. in the case of interference fields, like amalgam fillings in teeth, impacted wisdom teeth (functional circuit heart/small intestine), scars, with respect to the nasal pharynx or the abdomen or in the case of interference fields, as a result of costal or vertebral blocks.Dyscardias without morphological or ECG findings and with extensive concomitant symptoms are rewarding indications. Paroxysmal tachyarrhythmias respond very well to noise field treatments and/or specific acupuncture.Ventricular extrasystoles can not be treated by neural therapy or acupuncture.
Keyword(s): Akupunktur
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