Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Die Bedeutung nichtlokaler Effekte für die klinische Forschung

Journal/Book: Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung. 1996; 241/3: 98-121.

Abstract: Considering recently published clinical trials of homoeopathy one finds more negative than positive results. Randomized clinical trials are detectors of causal factors in therapy. Therefore, 2 conclusions come to mind: either these recent studies habe not been planned and conducted welll enough and therefpre could not detect the subtle causal influences coming into play in homoeepathy. Or homoeopathic effects are not (solely) due to causal effects, but perhaps follow from other, acausal and correlative processes operative in homoeopathy. I am here arguing that these recent studies are among the best ever done and, therefore, that an acausal, nonlocal interpretation of homoeopathy is probably more adequate. It could be that nonlocality, which is basic feature of our owrld as described by quantum mechanics, also is actibe in macroscopic systems under certain circumstances. Perhaps homoeopathy is one practical example for such macroscopic nonlocality. If this is true, then it follows for clinical research that a more diversified strategy, which not only relies on randomized clinical trials, but also on other approaches, is needed. Also clinical trials should be designed with explicit "loopholes" which do not critically affect internal validity, but leave some space for acausal effects to still be active.

Keyword(s): klinische Studien zur Homöopathieforschung, Nichtlokalität, Akausalität, Theorie der Homöopathie

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