Behandlung von Angstzuständen und psychovegetativen Störungen durch ein phytotherapeutisches Kava-Kava-Kombinationspräparat |
Abstract: In spite of an apparent saturation in our society, general practitioners observe a massive increase in anxiety tension states. Aprox. One out of four patients is suffering from anxiety or psychovegetativ disturbances. In the search of an evident and systematic therapeutical conception, herbal remedies validated by clinical trials are more as ever emphasized. Esp. balancing and tranquillizing plants as Kava-Kava and sedating as hops, valerian and passion-flower are advantageous not to lead into psychic dependence and danger of habit formation but to be highly suitable for long-term therapy as required in anxiety patients. Extracts from the named herbs are comprised in Soinnuvis S®. In the present field study 174 patients with anxiety tension states succesfully were treated with the preparation. The results are presented and discussed.
Keyword(s): Angstsymptome
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