Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Das Erprobungsverfahren der Innungskrankenkassen zur Homöopathie und Akupunktur - Evaluationskonzept und erste Erfahrungen

Author(s): Brednich, A., Heinrich, S., Eßer, P.

Journal/Book: Forschende Komplementärmedizin. 1996; 3:

Abstract: A German health insurance company, the Innungskrankenkasse (IKK), launched a test phase for acupuncture and homoeopathy in Sachsen-Anhalt. This is a particular opportunity provided by the German social law, in which a medical treatment not proven so far can be officially offered to patients, provided a scientific evaluation is granted. We introduce this test phase and the design of the evaluation, as well as initial experience with it.The aim of the evaluation is to document effects, costs, usefulness and patient satisfaction. The design of the study is a prospective documentation of all patients who will be treated within this test phase of 5 years. All IKK-insured patients who make use of homoeopathy or acupuncture within the 1st year of the test phase will be entered into the documentation and followed up for the next 4 years. Data come from the practitioners who document diagnosis, change in complaints, treatment, medication and other variables at each visit. Patients fill in a questionnaire at the beginning and at the end of the treatment, and every year, on health status (MOS-SF 36). selfreported history of diseases, satisfaction and other patient variables. The insurance company will provide data on loss of workdays, hospital days and additional health costs. Evaluation will mostly be descriptive. The main outcome variables (MOS SF 36 score, doctor's rating of change of complaint, workday loss) will be tested statistically for change, all other variables will be displayed graphically and used for exploratory analysis.

Keyword(s): Erprobungsverfahren

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