Encyclopedia of social work |
Note: Richard L. Edwards, editor-in-chief. v. II -- Families overview -- Family caregiving -- Family life education -- Family planning -- Family preservation and home-based services -- Family therapy -- Family views in correctional programs -- Federal legislation and administrative rule making -- Federal social legislation from 1961 to 1994 -- Female criminal offenders -- Financial management -- Fundraising and philanthropy -- Gang violence -- Gay and lesbian adolescents -- Gay men overview -- Gay men: parenting -- General assistance -- Generalist and advanced generalist practice -- Genetics -- Gestalt -- Goal setting and intervention planning -- Group practice overview -- Haitian Americans -- Health care: Direct practice -- Health care: Financing -- Health care: Homeless people -- Health care: Jails and prisons -- Health care: Reform initiatives -- Health planning -- Health services systems policy -- Hispanics overview -- Hispanics: Cubans -- Hispanics: Mexican Americans --- Hispanics: Puerto Ricans -- Historiography -- HIV/AIDS overview -- HIV/AIDS Direct practice -- HIV/AIDS: Men -- HIV/AIDS: Pediatric -- HIV/AIDS: Women -- Homeless families -- Homelessness -- Homicide -- Hospice -- Hospital social work -- Housing -- Human development -- Human rights -- Human sexuality -- Hunger, nutrition, and food programs -- Income distribution -- Income security overview -- Information and referral services -- Information systems -- Interdisciplinary and interorganizational collaboration -- International and comparative social welfare -- International social welfare: Organizations and activities -- International social work education -- Intervention research -- Interviewing -- Jobs and earnings -- JOBS program -- Juvenile and family courts -- Juvenile corrections -- Legal issues: Confidentiality and priveleged communication -- Legal issues: Low-income and dependent people -- Lesbians: Parenting -- Licensing, regulation, and certification -- Long-term care -- Managed care -- Management overview -- Management: Diverse workplaces -- Marriage/Partners -- Mass media -- Maternal and child health -- Men overview -- Mental health overview -- Meta-Analysis -- Migrant workers -- Military social work -- Music and social work -- Mutual aid societies -- National Association of Social Workers -- Natural helping networks -- Nonprofit management issues -- Occupational social work -- Organizations: Context for social services delivery.
Keyword(s): Social service United States.
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