Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Bach-Blüten und Homöopathie

Journal/Book: Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung. 1995; 240/1: 28-34.

Abstract: Edward Bach, an English bacteriologist and homoeopathic physician (1886-1936), began his carreer with investigation of the bowel bacteria. He was the first to develop a method of microbiological therapy. With application of the homoeopathic potentizing technique, the Bach-Peterson-nosodes - in use until today - derived. Subsequently he administered them only according to the patients´ mind symptoms. Later on, however, he turned away from the bowel germs - not at least for aesthetic reasons - and looked for plants with similar healing power. He found them while walking through the English and Welsh landscape. Inspired by the morning dew on the flowering plants, he developed his own potentizing method of the blosssoms with spring-water and sunlight - another application of the three alchemistic principles Sulphur, Mercurius and Sal. Primarily used by medical amateurs and in esotheric circles, the Bach flower essences were neglected by the physicians. While employing these remedies, the homoeopathic rules are applicable - including Hering´s law. So in my opinion it is time for us homoeopathic physicians to study this wounderful healing method thoroughtly.

Keyword(s): Edward Bach, Bach-Blüten, Bach-Peterson-Nosoden, Heringsche Regel, mikrobiologische Therapie, Symbioselenkung, Alchimie, Spagyrik

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