What can art therapists learn from the research on projective drawing techniques for children? A review of the literature. Special Issue: Research in the creative arts therapies |
Journal/Book: Arts in Psychotherapy. 1993; 20: 37-49.
Abstract: Evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of projective drawing techniques (PDTs). 17 empirical articles were reviewed and grouped by the type of the test used in the study: human figure drawings (HFDs), House-Tree-Person (HTP), kinetic family and school drawings, and idiosyncratic PDTs. The HFD was found to be reliable as a measure of learning disabilities and as a predictor of the performance of learning-related behaviors. The HTP was found to be free of cultural bias. The kinetic family drawings had solid test-retest and concurrent reliability, whereas the kinetic school drawings had strong concurrent validity when correlated with achievement measures. Idiosyncratic PDTs were found to be the weakest of the tests reviewed.
Note: projective drawing techniques; children; literature review; implications for art therapy
Keyword(s): Projective techniques; drawing ; literature review; art therapy; children
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