Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Die vier Säulen der umweltmedizinischen Therapie

Author(s): Zahn, V.

Abstract: For two years there has been existing the UBF (Umweltmedizinische Beratungsstelle der Frauenklinik), an environmental medicine center within the department of obstetrics and gynecology in Straubing (SE-Bavaria, Germany). With the so called "Straubinger UMWELT-Score" we estimate patient's burdenings with environmental influences. In case of an environmental caused disease we try to realize an individual therapy with the aim of restoring the desturbed balance between body, soul and spirit. Our environmental medical therapy concept is based on four columns. We not only try to cure body (by detoxification, increase of excretion and defence mechanisms) but also to harmonize soul (feeling) and spirit (intellect, knowledge):1. column: Harmonisation of soul.2. column: New impulses for spirit.3. column: Detoxification of body.4. column: Increase of defence mechanisms.The most important aim is "help to selfhelp". Most of the therapies applied stationary can be continued after dismissal by the patient herself under ambulant conditions. We also try to make contacts between our patients and self-help-supportgroups.

Keyword(s): Frauenheilkunde

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