Nährstoffaufnahmedaten und klinisch-chemische Kenngrößen während eines extremen Ausdauerlaufes unter dem Einfluß der Vollwertkost im Vergleich zu konventioneller Sportlerkost |
, , ,Journal/Book: Ärztezeitschrift für Naturheilverfahren. 1992; 33/9: 721-733.
Abstract: During an ultra long distance run of 1000 km, which had to be completed in 20 days of daily running 50 km, the nutritional data of 13 women and 42 men were investigated in order to compare the efficiency of an ovo-lacto-vegetarian wholesome diet (n = 25 participants) and a conventional regular sports diet (n = 30 participants). The run was organized by the department of sportsmedicine of the Gutenberg-University of Mainz.The intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids, bulk material, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, carotin, tocopherol, riboflavine, pyridoxine and ascorbate was highly significant higher in the ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet, which should be considered as advantageous in terms of general health.Plant food supplies protein and iron of the ovolacto-vegetarian wholesome diet, where as the sources of iron and protein of the conventional diet are mainly animals.There were no significant differences between the two diets related to the general intake of energy, protein, water, carbohydrates, fat, saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, pantothenic acid, biotin, folic acid, thiamine and iodide. The intake of sodium, chloride, purines and uric acid of the conventional diet was highly significantly higher and more disadvantageous. The only advantages of the conventional diet imply the better supply with niacin and cobalamin.
Keyword(s): Vollwertkost
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