Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Music therapy in in-patient pediatric care. TITLE, ORIGINAL: Musiktherapie in der stationären Kinderheilkunde.

Journal/Book: Medizin, Mensch, Gesellschaft. 1991; XVI: 86-92.

Abstract: A statistically reprsentative survey of in-patient pediatric institutions included questions about staffing of music therapists, current applications of music therapy, and the possible expansion of their use of music therapy. The survey found that 45% of university pediatric clinics, 91% of pediatric psychiatric institutions, and 34% of normal pediatric hospitals are particularly interested in musictherapy. Some 15% of university clinics, 74% of psychiatric institutions, and 16% of normal pediatric hospitals make regular use of music therapy. (author)

Keyword(s): psychology > children > in-patient music therapy > survey; . therapy > children > in-patient applications > survey

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