Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Schwindel und seine Beeinflußbarkeit durch ein homöopathisches Kombinationspräparat- Ergebnisse einer multizentrischen Anwendungsbeobachtung an 3386 Patienten -

Author(s): Borho, B., Metelmann, H.

Abstract: In an application monitoring study, the effectiveness and tolerance of a homoeopathic combination preparation were investigated and documented for 3386 patients suffering from vertigo originating from various causes. Breakdown of causes of the vertigo revealed a large share of patients with more than one cause (39.8 %). The following were the most frequent single causes of vertigo among the patients studied: cardiovascular origins (25.6%), orthopedically associated causes (14.1 %), junk foods and stimulants as provocation (4.7%) and metabolically associated genesis (3.8 %). All the available forms of administration of the preparation were involved in this study: tablets, drops and ampules. In 15.4% of the cases treated, a combination of these forms was applied. For 51.7 % of the patients, the homoeopathic preparation was administered in conjunction with adjuvant medication. On the basis of the entire test population of 3386 patients, therapeutic success with the assessment very good, good or satisfactory was achieved for 91.9 % of the cases. The tolerance of the preparation was judged as very good.

Keyword(s): Schwindel

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