Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Somatic interpretation in a transference cure: Freud's treatment of Bruno Walter

Journal/Book: International Review of Psycho Analysis. 1990; 17: 83-88.

Abstract: Demonstrates the nature and importance of interpretation in the technique of neglect and counterstimulation, as exemplified by Freud's treatment of Bruno Walter. The somatic interpretations conveyed by Freud were essential to the successful outcome of the treatment of neurosis. In general, somatic interpretations seem ideally suited to brief psychotherapeutic techniques. (French, German & Spanish abstracts)

Note: Freud's somatic interpretations in technique of neglect & counterstimulation in treatment of neurosis; conductor B. Walter; 1906; implications for brief psychotherapy

Keyword(s): Psychotherapeutic techniques; psychoanalysis ; freud sigmund; psychosomatic disorders; brief psychotherapy; neurosis ; artists ; music ; adulthood

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