Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Mineralstoff- und Spurenelemente-Analytik und Therapie bei utopischen Erkrankungen

Author(s): Spiller, W.

Abstract: Hair-Mineral-Analysis lends itself as a diagnostic tool in determining problems of the mineral metabolism, especially in the treatment of atopic diseases. The study indicates that balancing essential element levels and the reduction of the toxic elements in hair tissue provides a particularly successful alternative in the treatment of dermatitis.Tested atopic patients showed surprisingly similar hair mineral patterns. The calcium/ magnesium/phosphorus imbalance and the high chromium levels seem particularly significant and typical for this type of patient. Considering medical studies such as those conducted by Hambridge [7], it is suggested that the cause and significance of the above mentioned chromium overload as seen in dermatitis patient is further studied, especially since independent research of a random-selecte test group of dermatitis patients by micro trace minerals (BRD) and trace minerals intern. inc. (USA) supports the findings presented here. While not excessive, environmental exposures were found in all patients. That the highest exposures were seen in the youngest patient group, should be of concern.Spiller's dietary therapy, consisting of a strict vegetarian diet, resulted in a normalization of essential and nonessential elements. Atopic Symptoms were noticeably reduced and frequently eliminated. This is particularly interesting since the present orthomolecular approach as utilized in the studies of Blaurock-Busch and others suggest the necessity or calcium supplementation in the treatment of allergyrelated ailments, including atopic diseases. Spiller's therapy is a promising approach in mineral therapy and the treatment of atopic diseases.

Keyword(s): Atopische Erkrankungen

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