Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Ganzheitliche Allergiebehandlung in einer Spezialklinik

Abstract: In our modern world, allergic diseases represent an increasing medical, social and also financial problem. The still prevailing monocausal and symptom-orientated approach of the purely conventional method has up to now not led to a satisfactory solution of this problem. The complexity of these syndromes calls for a comprehensive and holistic action not only in diagnosis, but also in therapy. Therefore, a period of stationary treatment has obvious advantage many cases. The different partial aspects of the disease can be examined here in detail under standardized and controlled conditions. In addition to the purely medical problems such as intestinal dysbiosis micronutrient deficiency and disturbance of the immunologic system, multiple allergies or hypersensitivities to food, inhalant allergens or other environmental noxae, toxic loads with pollutants like formaldehyde, wood preservatives, solvents or heavy metals and the like, the individual psychosocial situation of each patient has to be taken into consideration during the diagnosis and the therapy. The essential basis for the succes of the therapy is to taken into consideration - if possible partial aspects of the spec disease during the treatment. In this medical field, the prevailing, symptom-orientated monocausal approach has to be renounced in favour of a comprehensive and holistic concept.

Keyword(s): Ganzheitliches Behandlungskonzept

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