Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Lucopus europaeus - ein wenig bekanntes, homöopathisches Mittel

Journal/Book: Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung. 1990; 235/6: 233-238.

Abstract: Lucopus europaeus is a little-known, valuable homoeopathic remedy which has unjustifiably, been somewhat neglected in the past. The plant from whose fresh flowering parts and leaves the mother tincture has been manufactured is, botanically, a member of the labiate family (Labiatae). Animal experiments have shown both Lycopus europaeus and Lycopus virginicus, indigenous to North America, couteract the effect of the thyreotropic hormone from the pituitray gland (hypophysis), thus inhibiting the formation and distribution of thyroxine from the thyroid gland. This antithyroidal effect has been confirmed therapeutically. According to the obervations and experiencepresented in literature, Lycopus europaeus is principally suitable for the treatment of hyperthyroidism of mild to medium severity accompanied by cardiac palpitation, cardiac (thoracic)pains and the anxiety they produce. Lycopus is applied in strenghs ranging from the mother tincture to medium potencies. In cases of abnormal hypersensitivity of the nervous system, prescription of the twelfth decimal potency (12x) is recommended as lower potencies might, under certain circumstances, produce signs of aggravation as a reaction. A picture of its homoeopathic symptoms (drug pathogenesy) has been recorded which, however, is exclusively based on many years of observation during therapy. A homoeopathic proving carried otut by Assmann in accordance with specifications by Hahnemann was, however, not successfull.

Keyword(s): Hyperthyreose, Herzklopfen, Herzangst

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