Enzyme - Basismittel einer naturheilkundlichen Therapie |
,Journal/Book: Erfahrungsheilkunde. 1989; 38/9: 569-574.
Abstract: Purposes of a biological treatment are detoxification, elimination through the bowels, kidneys or skin and activation of immunological resistance. These old methods are proven till nowadays. The latest immunological findings will lead to a deeper insight how this detoxification or resistance work.Now activation of macrophages is the main interest: we know that toxic substances like immune complexes hinder the activaton of those cells, the formation of chronical diseases arises and at last immune system is paralysed. Enzyme treatment with Wobenzym, Wobe-Mugos und Mulsal shows efficasy in detoxification and in increased resistance of immune system. Even people suffering from cancer and rheumatism take benefit from enzyme treatment, especially there is an increase of life quality. The immunological connections will be discussed.
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