Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Die Behandlung degenerativer Gelenkerkrankungen. Wie wirksam sind organspezifische RNS-Aufbereitungen?

Author(s): Dorn, M., Schühlein, K., v, S. , W

Journal/Book: Therapiewoche. 1989; 39: 2310-2315.

Abstract: A double-blind trial with sixty patients, all sufferingirom arthrosis and related deseases, has been performed with Osteochondrin S. Thisproductcontains highly purif ed and specif c RNA (ribonucleic acids), derived from those cells whose biochemicalprocesses, especially protein-synthesis, were seen to be reduced in arthrotic patients. As it has been proved before in several trials, the fndings of this study showed once again, that Osteochondrin S was able to improve both, the patients' symptoms and clinical findings.

Keyword(s): degenerative Gelenkerkrankungen

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